“As above, so below” meaning-"The Kybalion**. This principle embodies the truth that there is always a correspondence between the [laws and phenomena] (https://howtodiscuss.com/t/natural-law/12024)** of various aspects of [being and life] (https://howtodiscuss.com/t/whole-life-vs-universal-life/184469).
! [As above, so below] (https://i.ibb.co/mRcqh7V/throwing-star-g9d5b6b93d-1280.webp “As above, so below”).
Concept of As Above, As Below:
As mentioned above, so below is a paraphrase. The concept of this paraphrase came from the Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus. Hermes Trismegistus is a Hellenistic figure that originated as a syncretic combination of the Greek God “Hermes” and the Egyptian God “Thoth.”
The Emerald Tablet is the text from the book “Hermetica” by Hermes Trismegistus. “As above, so below” is derived from the second verse of the Emerald Tablet: “That which is above is correlated to that which is below, and that which is below is correlated to that which is above, to complete the miracle of one thing.” This principle is also known as the “Great Second Hermetic Principle.” It also represents the truth that there is harmony and agreement between manifestation, life, and being on different planes. The hexagram is the symbol of “as above, so below.”
##: pushpin: “As above, so below,” meaning
: black_small_square: There are different meanings for this expression. The “as above” part of the paraphrase refers to [nature] (https://howtodiscuss.com/t/natural-law/12024) and the cosmos, and the “as below” part of the paraphrase refers to the process happening inside of us as human beings and creatures.
: black_small_square: According to [astrologers] (https://howtodiscuss.com/t/best-astrologer-in-bangalore/35697), the meaning of this paraphrase is that the process happening in the stars is affecting our everyday lives.
: black_small_square: This paraphrase expresses the concept of microcosm and macrocosm. The microcosm, particularly the [human] (https://howtodiscuss.com/t/human-capital/10130) body, is the smaller version of the macrocosm’s outside, the larger universe. You can understand the more extensive system by understanding the more minor system and vice versa. If you want to understand the outside world, you have to start with the human body. It is the best way of studying the outside larger universe. The palmistry and Tarot arts derived their arguments from this point.
The other meaning of the “as above, so below” paraphrase is that the universe consists of physical and spiritual components. Whatever happens in one component affects the second component. The concept of magic and the astral plane is derived from this point.
This paraphrase also suggests that doing good things in the physical world will reflect the spiritual world.
The paraphrase “as above, so below” also expresses that the dendritic pattern of veins and nerve cells of human beings is very similar to the pattern seen in trees and rivers.
The concept of the paraphrase “as above, so below” was laid out in the Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus.
Who is Hermes Trismegistus?
Hermes Trismegistus is a legendary Hellenistic figure. He originated as the syncretic combination (combination of two different beliefs) of Greek God “Hermes” and Egyptian God “Thoth”. He is the author of Hermetica. Hermetica is the vast series of medieval and ancient texts that gave the concept of various philosophical systems known as Hermeticism.
Hermes Trismegistus is associated with the Greek God of interpretive communication “Hermes” and Egyptian God of wisdom “Thoth.” Greeks identified the equivalence of Hermes and Thoth through the interpretation of grace (a discourse used to attempt to understand the religion and mythology of other cultures) in the Ptolemaic Kingdom (ancient Hellenistic state based in Egypt) of Egypt. These two Gods worship in the Temple of Thoth in Khemenu. The Temple was known as Hermopolis in the Hellenistic period.
Islamic tradition
Antoine Faivre (prominent French scholar of Western esotericism) said that the Hermes Trismegistus has a place in Islamic tradition, although the Name Hermes does not appear in Quran. Chroniclers and Hagiographers (hagiography writers) of the first centuries of the Islamic Hegira identify the Hermes Trismegistus with Idris A.S (Islamic Prophet). According to the Persian Astrologer Abu Ma’shar, Hermes was called “Thrice-Wise” Hermes Trismegistus because he has a threefold origin. The first Hermes was a civilizing hero, an initiator of the divine science and wisdom that animate the world. The second Hermes was the initiator of Pythagoras in Babylon (capital city of the ancient Babylonian empire). The third Hermes was alchemy (an ancient branch of natural philosophy).
What is Hermetica
America is the philosophical text written by Hermes Trismegistus. This text varies widely in purpose and content, but it is subdivided into two main types.
Technical Hermetica
Technical Hermetica deals with astrology, medicine, pharmacology, magic, and alchemy. In the second or third century BCE, they wrote the oldest text of this category in Greek. Many texts of this category translate later into Arabic and Latin. These texts were coping throughout the Middle Ages. The most famous example is the Emerald Tablet. Some technical texts of Hermetica are given below:
Art Eudoxus
Liber Hermetis
Peri seismōn
Book of Asclepius Called Myriogenesis
Holy Book of Hermes to Asclepius
Fifteen Stars, Stones, Plants, and Images
Greek Magical Papyri
Qaḍīb al-dhahab
Carmen astrologicum
Kitāb Asrār an-nujūm
Kitāb ʿArḍ Miftāḥ al-Nujūm
Emerald Tablet
Risālat al-Sirr
Kitāb dhakhīrat al-Iskandar
Philosophical Hermetica
Philosophical Hermetica deals with religio-philosophical treatizes. Most were written in the second and third centuries CE, and some were written in the first century CE. The category focuses on the relationship between human beings, the cosmos, God. It also focuses on the moral exhortations calling for a way of life and apotheoses in the form of heavenly ascent. All the texts of this category were initially written in Greek, and some survive in Coptic, Armenian, and Latin translations.
What is Hermeticism?
Hermeticism or Hermetism is an ancient religion and philosophy. It is a philosophical system. This esoteric tradition is based on the purported teachings of Hermes Trismegistus. Hermeticism was co-related to the idea of divine wisdom, primeval, revealed only to the most ancient of sages, such as Hermes Trismegistus.
In 1964, Frances A. Yates (Dame Francis Amelia Yates, an English historian) proposed theses known as “the Hermetic tradition.” This thesis has been a crucial development in modern science.
Association With Other Religions:
Hermeticism is also related to other religions, such as,
Hermeticism is closely related to Judaism. Judaism is an Abrahamic, primarily ethnic religion. It comprises Jewish people’s collective religious, cultural, civilization, and legal traditions.
Hermeticism is also related to Islam. According to Arabic Poets, in the 9th and 10th centuries, the pagan community of the Upper Mesopotamian city of Harran said that the Hermes Trismegistus was one of their powerful prophets. Later, Hermes Trismegistus came to be seen as a “prophet of science.”
Hermeticism is correlated with Christianity. According to Marie-Joseph LaGarana, Hermeticism is heavily influenced by Christianity, and Richard August Reitzenstein, Christianity is heavily influenced by Hermeticism. According to Mary E. Lyman, Christianity and Hermeticism hold redemption, revelation, and focus on the Knowledge of God as the meaning of humanity’s existence.
Religious and philosophical Hermetic texts
Corpus Hermeticum
It’s a common name Hermetic text having 18 chapters. It consists of a dialogue between Hermes Trismegistus and a series of other men. There is a dialogue between Poimandres and Hermes. Poimandres teaches the secret of this universe to Hermes Trismegistus. In later chapters, Hermes Trismegistus teaches others, including his sons Tat and Asclepius. Marsilio Ficino first translated the Corpus Hermeticum into Latin.
The Asclepius
The Asclepius is Hermetic work similar to the Corpus Hermeticum. The Asclepius is also known as “The Perfect Sermon,” “The Perfect Discourse,” or “The Perfect Teaching.” The Asclepius was written in the second or third century AD. The Asclepius was one of the few Hermetic texts available to Medieval Latin Readers.
The Emerald Tablet
The Emerald Tablet is a short text of Hermetica attributed to Hermes Trismegistus.
Many additional works are essential in Neo-Hermeticism, but they are not as historically significant as the works listed above. These texts are given below:
Mary Anne Atwood (English writer on hermeticism and spiritual alchemy) wrote a Suggestive Inquiry into Hermetic Philosophy and Alchemy in 1850. This book was published after the death of Mary Anne Atwood by her friend Isabelle de Steiger who was a member of Golden Dawn. This book was used to study Hermeticism and resulted in different works being published by the members of the Golden Dawn.
Arthur Edward Waite (American-born British poet and scholar), a member of the Golden Dawn, wrote The Hermetic Museum and The Hermetic Museum Restored and Enlarged.
Series of books on Hermeticism titled Collectanea Hermetica were edited by a founding member of William Wynn Westcott. Theosophical Publishing Society published this series.
The Kybalion is a book anonymously published by three people in 1908. These three people called themselves the “Three Initiates” and claimed to expound upon essential Hermetic principles.
What is Emerald Tablet?
The Emerald Tablet is known as compact and cryptic Hermetic text. The Emerald Tablet was an attribute to the legendary Hellenistic figure Hermes Trismegistus. Smaragdine Tablet and the Tabula Smaragdina are the other names of the Emerald Tablet. It was highly regarded by European and Islamic alchemists. They called it the foundation of their art. No one knows the source of this text. It first appeared in the Arabic language between the 6th and 8th centuries. The Emerald Tablet was not translated into Latin until the 12th century. Therefore, some historians believe that the Emerald Tablet was first written in Arabic.
Importance of Emerald Table
The Emerald Table focuses on the prima materia (necessary starting material for all other matter), and due to this reason, The Emerald Tablet is known as the cornerstone of alchemy. And that is the reason for the importance of the Emerald Tablet for alchemists. The Emerald Tablet is very popular because of its popular paraphrase **" as above, so below"**among occultists and esotericists of the 19th and 20th. This paraphrase became an often-cited motto.
The Emerald Tablet became a mainstay of medieval and Renaissance alchemy in several Western recensions. Commentaries or translations of the Emerald Table were published by Trithmius (a German Benedictine abbot and a polymath), Roger Bacon (a medieval English philosopher and Franciscan friar), Michael Maier (a German physician and counselor to Rudolph ll Habsburg), Albert Magnus German.
In the 14th century, A substantial exegesis of The Secret of Hermes was written by Ortolanus (also known as Hortulanus, medieval alchemist). The Secret of Hermes was influential on the subsequent development of alchemy. Many manuscripts of this copy of Emerald Tablet and the translation of Ortolanuss survive until the 15th century. Ortolanus, before him, saw the tablet as a cryptic recipe like Albertus Magnus. The [European] held a dominant view (https://howtodiscuss.com/t/european-capital-markets-institute-ecmi/12440) until the 15th century.
The Texts of Johannes Trithemius
The texts of Johannes Trithemius, in the early 16th century, marked a shift away from a laboratory interpretation of the Emerald Tablet. This interpretation of the Hermetic Text was taken from many alchemists such as John Dee (Anglo-Welsh mathematician, astrologer, astronomer, occultist, teacher, and alchemist), Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa (a German polymath, physician, legal scholar, and occult writer), and Gerhard Dorn ( a Belgian philosopher, translator, alchemist, physician, and bibliophile).
“As above, so below,” meaning in Hermeticism
“As above, so below” is the popular modern paraphrase taken from the translation of the second verse of Emerald Tablet. “as above, so below” means “What is above macrocosm is related to what is below microcosm.” The second verse of the Emerald Tablet is given below,
Arabic verse:
إن الأعلى من الأسفل والأسفل من الأعلى
Latin translation:
Quod est superius est sicut quod inferius, et quod inferius est sicut quod est superius.
English translation:
That which is above is correlated to that which is below, and that which is below is correlated to that which is above, to complete the miracle of one thing.
“As above, so below,” meaning that the process in the macrocosm is correlated to the process in the microcosm. It is a paraphrase. It came from the “Emerald Tablet” text of the book “Hermetica.” Hermes Trismegistus is the writer of Hermetica. Hermes Trismegistus is associated with Greek God “Hermes” and Egyptian God “Thoth.” He wrote the book “Hermetica.” Hermetica is divided into two categories, Technical Hermetica and Philosophical Hermetica. Hermetica provided the base for an ancient and philosophical religion, “Hermeticism.” Hermeticism is correlated to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Corpus Hermeticum, The Asclepius, and the Emerald Tablet are the texts of Hermeticism. The Emerald Tablet is a compact and cryptic Hermetic text.
“As above, so below”, meaning in popular culture
The paraphrase “as above, so below” has also been adopted as a title for various works of art.
“As Above, So Below” movie
As Above, So Below is an American horror film released on the 29th of August, 2014. It is written and directed by John Erick Dowdle (American film director and screenwriter) and co-written by his brother. John Erick Dowdle is best known for horror films. The film is loosely based on the seven layers of ■■■■. It is presented as a found footage of the experience of a documentary crew exploring the Catacombs of Paris (underground ossuaries in Paris). This film was the first deal between Legendary Pictures and Universal Pictures because it was produced by Legendary Pictures and distributed by Universal Pictures. It received negative feedback from critics. The film “As Above, So Below” grossed over $41 million against its $5 million budget.
The film was shot in the actual Catacombs of Paris with the permission of French authorities. The film’s production was harrowing for the actors and other members because there was no electricity or cell phone service in the centuries-old tunnels. The film’s first trailer was released on the 24th of April, 2014. PewDiePie (YouTuber) and his wife Marzia Bisognin (Italian Internet personality, businesswoman, fashion designer, and one-time author) promoted the film. The movie was released on DVD and Blu-ray on the 2nd of December, 2014. The film held an average rating of 4.42/10.
“As Above, So Below” cast
Perdita Weeks is a British actress who played the character of “Scarlett Marlowe” in the film.
Ben Feldman is an American actor and played the role of “George” in the film.
Edwin Hodge is an American actor who played the character of “Benji” in the film.
Francios Civil is a French actor who played the character of “Papillon” in the film.
Ali Marhyar played the role of “Zed,” a friend of Papillon.
Pablo Nicomedes played the character of “La Taupe,” Papillon’s friend.
Marion Lambert played the character of “Souxie**,” girlfriend of Papillon.
Hamidreza Javdan played the role of “Reza.”
Roger Van Hool played the character of “**Scarlett’s father.”
Samuel Aouizerate played the character of “Denny,” younger brother of George.
Kaya Blockage played the role of “The Curator.”
“As Above, So Below” (Forced Entry album)
“As Above, So Below” is the studio album by American thrash metal (an extreme subgenre of heavy metal music) band Force Entry. Forced Entry is an American thrash metal band that formed in 1983. It was their second and final album. It was released on the 14th of June, 1991, on Relatively Records. It was re-issued in 2009 on Lost and Found Records. It was considered a classic album of the early 1990s thrash metal scene. Three stars out of five were awarded to an album by AllMusic’s Jason Anderson.
Tracks of the album
All the tracks of the album are written by Forced Entry.
Title of track | length of track |
“Bone Crackin’ Fever” | 5:52 |
“Thunderhead” | 4:11 |
“Macrocosm, Microcosm” | 4:33 |
“Never a Know, But the No” | 4:34 |
“We’re ■■■■■■ | 3:12 |
“Apathy” | 5:37 |
“The Unextinguishable” | 3:33 |
“As of Yesterday” | 5:18 |
“When One Becomes Two” | 5:27 |
“How We Spent Our Summer Vacation” | 2:52 |
Total length | 45:09 |
“As above, so below” (Angel Witch Album)
“As Above, So Below” is the fourth studio album of Angel Witch, released in 2012. “As Above, So Below” is the first album of Angel Witch in 26 years. Angel Witch is a British heavy metal (genre of rock music) band. It was formed in London, England, in 1976. Kevin Heybourne, Will Palmer, Jimmy Martin, and Fredrik Jansson are the current members of the Angel Witch. Kevin Heybourne writes all the album’s songs, and the album is produced by James Gomez Arellano (Ghost producer).
Tracks of the album
Title of track | length of track |
■■■■ Sea Scrolls | 5:59 |
Into the Dark | 5:11 |
Geburah | 5:24 |
The Horla | 7:29 |
Witching Hour | 5:59 |
Upon This Cord | 6:33 |
Guillotine | 6:53 |
Brainwashed | 7:10 |
Devil’s Tower | 5:25 |
“As Above, So Below” (Azure Ray EP)
The seventh studio album of American duo Azure Ray (an American pop duo consisting of musician Maria Taylor and Orenda Fink) is “As above, so below.” This album was released on the 4th of September, 2012, on Saddle Creek Records. It was co-produced by Andy LeMaster and Todd Fink. Azure Ray wrote all the songs on the album.
Tracks of the album
Scattered Like Leaves
Red Balloon
To This Life
The Heart Has Its Reasons
We Could Wake
“As Above, So Below” (Stonefield album)
“As Above, So Below” is the 2nd studio album by Stonefield. Stonefield is an Australian psychedelic rock band. Amy Findlay, Hannah Findlay, Holly Findlay, and Sarah Findlay are the members of Stonefield. Dave Walker is the master, and John Lee is the producer of the band.
Name of track | Length of track |
Sister | 3:58 |
Dream | 3:41 |
Changes | 4:03 |
Love | 3:33 |
Stranger | 2:44 |
Eyes | 4:52 |
Higher | 3:12 |
Midnight | 5:37 |
Lonely | 3:34 |
Eagle | 5:34 |
Total length | 40:48 |
Other albums on “as above so below.”
“As Above, So Below” is the studio album of Barry Adamson (an English pop and rock musician, composer, writer, photographer, and filmmaker). It was released in 1998.
“As Above, So Below” is a studio album by Anthony David (an American singer and songwriter). It was released in 2011.
“As Above, So Below” is a studio album by Vinnie Paz (a Sicilian American rapper). It was released in 2020.
“As Above, So Below” is a song by DJs Phoenix Lord & Saggian featuring Canadian singer Emjay, released in 2020.
“As Above, So Below” is a song by English band Klaxon from its album Myths of the Near Future.
“As Above, So Below” is a song by Tom Tom Club from its album Tom Tom Club.
“As Above, So Below” is a song by the Behemoth band from its album Zos Kia Cultus.
“As Above, So Below” is a song by the Yngwie Malmsteen guitarist from his album Rising Force.
“As Above, So Below” is a song by the heavy metal band In This Moment from its album Mother.
As Above, So Below” is an American horror film released on the 29th of August, 2014. The film is based on the seven layers of ■■■■. It was shot in the Catacombs of London, America. The film grossed over $41 million, while its budget was $5 million.
“As Above, So Below” is also an album by the Forced Entry band. It was released on the 14th of June, 1991. The total length of the album is 45:09 minutes.
“As Above, So Below” is also an album by Angel Witch Band, released in 2012. Kevin Heybourne writes the album’s songs, and the album is produced by James Gomez Arellano (Ghost producer).
The seventh album of Azure Ray Ep also has the name “As Above, So Below.”
Stonefield’s second studio album is also named “As Above, So Below.” The Length of the album is 40:48 minutes.
Different songs were also given the name of “As Above, So Below.
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
1: What is the spiritual meaning of the paraphrase “as above, so below”?
According to the Kybalion (a book written by William W. Atkinson), the spiritual meaning of the paraphrase “as above, so below” is, this paraphrase shows the truth that there is a relationship between the laws and phenomena of the various planes of Being and Life. The knowledge of laws and phenomena of human beings and nature enables Man to reason intelligently from the known to the unknown. It also tells us that there is an agreement between the several planes of Manifestation, Life, and Being.
2: What is the meaning of “as within so without, as above so below”?
“As within so without, as above so below” is a quote from Hermes Trismegistus. The origin of this quote goes back to ancient times. This saying means that many ideas, feelings, and thoughts are created in our minds after watching or experiencing something. What is above, in our mind, is reflected in all the situations in our lives. If someone thinks positively, all life situations fill with positivity, and if someone thinks negatively, he has to face negative circumstances.
3: Who is the horror film “As Above, So Below” writer and director?
The film is written by John Erick Dowdle and co-written by his brother Drew Dowdle. John Erick Dowdle is the horror film “As Above, So Below” director. John Erick Dowdle is an American film director, born on the 21st of December, 1972, in Saint Paul, Minnesota, United States. He is best known for horror films. He often works with his brother Drew Dowdle as a co-screenwriter and producer on many projects.
4: Who does survive in the film “As Above, So Below” at the end?
Scarlet, Zed, and George survive at the film’s end. They can find an exit out of the Catacombs of Paris and back onto the streets of Paris. While Papillion, Souxie, and Benjy die in the process of attempting to escape the Catacombs of Paris.
5: How did Souxie die in the horror film “As Above, So Below”?
Siouxie was killed by Mole in the horror film “As Above, So Below.” she did not express any guilt. Benji also faced an unrelated and random death.
6: What are the catacombs of Paris?
The Catacombs of Paris are a network of stone mines. These Catacombs consist of different tunnels. Hundred of bones are buried inside these tunnels. These Catacombs were formed during the French Revolution. During French Revolution, ■■■■ people were directly buried in the Catacombs. Jean-Paul Marat (French political theorist, physician, and scientist) and Maximilien Robespierre (French lawyer and statesman) were the radical voices of the French Revolution and are famous characters from history who call the Catacombs their final resting place.
7: Is it allowed to go to the Catacombs of Paris?
Usually, it is illegal to visit these Catacombs, and visiting them is considered trespassing. If caught, they face a small fine. A small area of the catacombs is open for visitors and tourists to explore. The public entrance is located in the 14th arrondissement of Paris, at 1 avenue du Colonel Henri Rol-Tanguy. Guides are also available for visitors. Visitors can buy audio guides for 3 euros (almost $4). Some passages of tunnels are narrow and partially flooded, so it is illegal to visit most of the Catacombs area.
8: What were the difficulties faced by the cast of the “As Above, So Below” film in the Catacombs of Paris?
“As Above, So Below” was shot in the Catacombs of Paris with the permission of French authorities. Production of the film in actual Catacombs was harrowing for the cast and crew because there was no cell phone service and electricity in the centuries-old tunnels and Ben Feldman (main character of the film) had claustrophobia. He had to take breaks from the shooting.
9: Why is hexagram considered the symbol of the paraphrase “as above, so below”?
The hexagram is formed by uniting the two triangles. The hexagram is a common symbol of the unity of opposites; therefore, it is considered the symbol of the paraphrase “as above, so below.” In a hexagram, one triangle is descended from above, bringing the spirit to matter, and the other triangle is stretched upward from below, elevating into the spiritual world.
10: Which flower is the sign of death?
The Chrysanthemum flower is considered the sign of death in many countries like Europe; it is placed on graves and considered the symbol of death. While in America, this gorgeous flower is often used as an expression of support or an encouragement to “get well soon.”
“As above, so below,” meaning that the process in the macrocosm is correlated to the process in the microcosm. It originated from the “Emerald Tablet” text of the book “Hermetica.” The hexagram is the symbol of the paraphrase “as above, so below.” Hermetica is written by Hermes Trismegistus. Hermes Trismegistus is associated with Greek God “Hermes” and Egyptian God “Thoth.” Hermetica provided the base for an ancient and philosophical religion, “Hermeticism.” Hermeticism is related to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
The Emerald Tablet is a compact and cryptic Hermetic text. Different movies, albums, and songs have been released in “as above, so below.” “As Above, So Below” is an American horror film released on the 29th of August, 2014. Different albums also have the name “As Above, So Below.”