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What do Guinea Pigs Eat


What do guinea pigs eat? Guinea pigs eat fruits and veggies. Guinea pigs are herbivores, so they don’t eat dairy, eggs, meat, or insects. Guinea pig’s diet include fresh hay and fresh leafy vegetables.

Feed your guinea pig in a consistent manner, twice a day, morning and evening. If you give the chance to Guinea pigs, they will overeat, so, to prevent obesity, remove pelleted food after one hour and discard fresh fruit or vegetables left over after 24 hours. Never add fresh foods, including hay, before cleaning old food.

Fresh, filtered, chlorine-free water should be available regularly, especially during warm weather, as guinea pigs are at risk of heat stroke. Their water intake should be at least five ounces daily. Clean a Guinea pig’s water bottle daily and clean with hot water and a bottle brush every week.

Important things in choosing guinea pigs’ food

While choosing food for guinea pigs, their owner needs to keep in mind two important things in choosing guinea pig’s food:

Vitamin C: Guinea pigs cannot formulate their own Vitamin C. Making them vulnerable to scurvy, Guinea pig pallets should include Vitamin C to keep them healthy.

Constant-Growing Teeth: The teeth of the guinea pig are constantly growing. It is important that you give your guinea pig something fibrous to chew. This is where hay is most important. Solid pellets alone will not do the same.

It is also important not to change your pig feed too quickly. If necessary, make sure you move slowly while changing your guinea pig’s diet from its original diet in her old home or from a pet store to a healthy diet.

You can also catch your guinea pig eating her own ■■■■, but don’t panic, Guinea pigs actually produce two species of ■■■■■. One is soft and nutritious, and guinea pigs re-ingest this to get more nutrients. Rabbits do the same thing.

Some types of poops are hard and are produced after the food has been digested twice. That’s ■■■■ that clean up when you clean your guinea pig’s cage.

When should you feed your Guinea Pig?

Following is mentioned some points which clearly describe when should you feed your guinea pig.

Like many herbivores, guinea pigs are actually grazers. They eat grass and vegetables all day long. That means it’s important to keep the fresh grass available.

It is best to dispose of your pig’s food and water daily, clean the dishes, and fill them with fresh food and water.

Feeding Guinea Pigs Store-Bought Food

Most owners will choose to feed their guinea pigs store-bought pellets and hay. Be sure to buy pellets formulated for guinea pigs.

For hay, a mix of timothy, orchard, and oats is best. Some alfalfa hay is acceptable but it contains too much calcium to be a major part of your pet’s diet. The guinea pig hay needs to be kept in a cool, dry place to keep it free of mold or mildew.

Supplement your guinea pig flour with a small number of top pills. Choose plain pellets instead of mix, as this prevents your guinea pig from picking out the tasty pieces and ignoring the healthy ones.

Feeding Guinea Pigs Fresh Foods

Fresh fruits and vegetables are good food and supplements for your guinea pig. Vegetables and fruits are a good treat to give to your pig. You can use this as an extra special offering to help tie up your guinea pig.

The fresh foods to feed your guinea pig include:

  • Bananas

  • Blueberries

  • Cantaloupe

  • Green peppers

  • Parsley

  • Green and red leaf lettuce

  • Strawberries

  • Tomatoes

  • Watermelon

Give your guinea pig more vegetables than fruit. She may like fruit, but they are like candy for guinea pig. Always make sure you clean any uneaten food at the end of the day to avoid mold or rot.


Toxic Foods for Guinea Pigs

All fruits and veggies are not safe for guinea pigs to eat, they are toxic foods for guinea pigs. You should make sure to avoid feeding your guinea pig:

  • Avocados

  • Chives

  • Coconuts

  • Garlic

  • Grapes

  • Onions

  • Raisins

These foods are actually harmful to many pets. These foods often appear in the toxic foods lists of dogs, parrots and cats.

Always avoid feeding your guinea pig a junk food or salty human food, even if there are no toxic ingredients. Since guinea pigs can’t eat garlic or onions, most of our cooked food is off-limit. It is usually best to stick to feeding your pig hay and high-quality pellets, with treats of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Hay for guinea pigs

Hay for guinea pigs is very important. Guinea pigs need this type of fiber for proper digestion; therefore, it should always be available. Chewing grass also helps to reduce your pig’s teeth, which grow continuously. Be sure to buy fresh, high-quality, clean, dry, fragrant, and mold-free grass. A high-quality meadow hay like Timothy hay is a good choice.

Pellets for guinea pigs

Commercial guinea pig food is formulated to provide nutritious food with the right amount of Vitamin C and other essential nutrients. Select pelleted foods tested by a veterinarian and approved and follow the feeding instructions on the feed as a guide.

Vegetables essential for guinea pigs

Guinea pigs can have one cup of vegetables each day. Fresh vegetables should be introduced to your pig at a time. Fresh grown vegetables are the best option. Vegetables that your pig can eat can include:

  • Romaine lettuce (never iceberg lettuce)

  • Carrots and carrot tops

  • Peas

  • Broccoli spears

  • Spinach

  • Artichokes

  • Kale

  • Tomatoes (not the stems or leaves)

  • Green and red bell peppers

  • Other dark green veggies

These vegetables provide vitamins and minerals that are useful for your overall guinea pig health. Wash all products thoroughly to remove traces of harmful pesticides and avoid serving cold vegetables.

Treats & chews for guinea pig

It is recommended that treats not exceed 10 percent of your guinea pig’s total diet. Some treats contain artificial sweeteners, sugar or salt, when choosing healthy options for your pet.

As your guinea pig’s teeth grow continuously, you should offer a variety of delicious chew, including sticks, toys, balls, blocks and treats designed especially for small animals. Not only is it fun for your pig to chew, but it also helps relieve boredom. Another option is licking a little animal salt, which is a rich source of healthy minerals and is a healthy way to satisfy your guinea pig’s craving for salt.

Cecotropes for guinea pigs

Nature has provided guinea pigs in an unusual way to supplement their unique needs for healthy eating. Cecotropes are small, soft pellets that contain nutrients absorbed by plants during the digestive process. They pass through the large intestine, come out of the ■■■■ and are consumed quickly. While this process may seem revolting, you should not discourage it because cecotropes are an essential part of your guinea pig’s diet.

Foods guinea pigs cannot eat

There are different types of foods that you should avoid giving your guinea pig, for a variety of reasons. Some foods can be toxic, some are too high in fat or sugar, some are choking harmful, some are not nutritious, some can cause gas and some can cause constipation. You can look up guinea pigs or reputable websites, but for good ideal, you should consult an anonymous veterinarian or veterinarian who specializes in small animals for nutritional guidelines.

A list of foods to avoid feeding your guinea pig includes:

  • Chocolate (or anything else containing caffeine)

  • Onions

  • Garlic

  • Mushrooms

  • Iceberg lettuce

  • Avocados

  • Nuts

  • Potatoes

  • Seeds

  • Corn kernels

  • Peanut butter

  • Rhubarb

  • Cabbage

  • Bok choy

  • Dairy products

  • Bread

  • Meat

You should also not give your guinea pig any plants, flowers or grass in your yard or garden as it may contain pesticides; Many houseplants are also poisonous, so always supervise your pet when it comes out of its habitat.

Scurvy in guinea pigs and the need for Vitamin C

Guinea pigs have an increased risk of developing a vitamin C deficiency called scurvy. To fight scurvy, your guinea pig needs 30-50 mg of Vitamin C daily. Vitamin C-enriched pellets and treats should provide the daily nutrients needed for your pig, but there are some additional options. While you can give Vitamin C in liquid or tablet form, these options are not widely used. Supplementing in the form of citrus fruits and vegetables allows you to give Vitamin C to natural sources, while giving him the opportunity to enjoy diversity and satisfaction from a nutritious diet.

If you happen to see something unusual about your guinea pig, take them to their vet. Symptoms of a possible illness include sneezing, crusty eyes, weight loss, hair loss and diarrhea. With proper care, you can expect your guinea pig to live up to eight years. Like any other animal, it is important that your guinea pig gets an annual test. Consult a veterinarian to make sure your guinea pig is getting the right nutrients they need.

What type of hay is best for Guinea Pigs?

Hay and grass should be a major part of your pig’s diet.

As a baby Alfalfa hay is best for your Guinea Pig because it contains a lot of calcium.

However, as your Guinea Pig grows you must switch to a hay with a lower calcium content. Large quantity of calcium can lead to problems such as stones in bladder.

Timothy hay is the best for your guinea pig as an adult. It has a low calcium content and is high in fiber, so it is much better.

The availability of an unlimited amount of grass and hay is important as it helps control the growth of her teeth, and keeps her stomach healthy.

Without a lot of grass and hay, your Guinea Pig can develop serious dental problems and digestive problems.

What do Guinea pigs need?

Drinking clean and fresh water continuously, checked twice daily. Make sure the water does not freeze in winter. Without water the guinea pigs are very ill.

Good quality hay is always available which should be the majority of their diet. Their digestive systems need grass and hay to function properly.

Fresh grass / vegetables as often as possible, good every day. They eat naturally, eating only grass / herbs / other plants (e.g., dandelion / groundsel) for a long-time both day and night. Their teeth are constantly growing, needing wearing down and maintain proper length, shape by eating grass, hay, and green leafy vegetables. Improper diet can cause serious tooth diseases.

A new portion of pig pellets are made from grass daily, according to the manufacturer’s instructions. This provides essential Vitamin C, which is destroyed over time and quickly by air exposure. New pellets should be given daily. Do not just lift the bowl; make sure the pellets used are best before the day. Guinean pigs have special dietary requirements and must have enough Vitamin C in their diet.

Fresh grass / leafy vegetables e.g., kale / broccoli (excellent sources of Vitamin C) daily. Do not give citrus fruits.

A large portion of pellets when growing / pregnant / nurse / underweight. The Vets offer advice on diet.

Safe vegetables and weeds daily. Some plants are toxic to guinea pigs.

To Avoid sudden changes in diet; never feed f lawn mower clippings. These digestive systems cause illness.

Vegetable roots such as carrots, or fruits e.g., apples, in small quantities as a treat, e.g. Do not feed other treats as this can damage your guinea pigs. They do not eat grains / roots of vegetables / fruits.

Feeding too many adjusted amounts to prevent them from gaining weight / being underweight. The quantities Guinea pigs needs depend on age, lifestyle, and general health. They are overweight and may suffer if they overeat.

The amount of food or drink that was considered. If these habits change, the droppings get less or soft droppings stick to their ends or lie in the cage. Guinea pigs produce two types of dropping i.e., hard dry pellets, as well as soft moist pellets that feed directly from the bottom and are needed for dietary.

Hard dry pellets, as well as soft moist pellets that feed directly from the bottom and are needed for dietary.

Guinea Pig Food List

Corn on the Cob / Baby CornvegetableCouple of times a week
BasilherbCouple of times a week
Beet GreensvegetableOccasionally
BeetrootvegetableCouple of times a week
Bok Choy (Pak Choi)vegetableA few times a week
Brussels SproutsvegetableOccasionally
Butternut SquashvegetableOccasionally
Cabbage (red/white/Savoy)vegetableOccasionally
CarrotsvegetableA few times a week
Cauliflower leavesvegetableA few times a week
CeleriacvegetableCouple of times a week
Celery Stalks (and leaves)vegetableCouple of times a week
Collard GreensvegetableCouple of times a week
Coriander / CilantroherbA few times a week
Courgette / ZucchinivegetableCouple of times a week
Cress (garden cress)herbA few times a week
CucumbervegetableA few times a week
Dandelion Leaves (greens) & FlowersforageCouple of times a week
DillherbCouple of times a week
Grapes (white/red)fruitOccasionally
Green beans (french beansvegetabeA few times a week
KalevegetableA few times a week
Kiwi FruitfruitOccasionally
KohlrabivegetableA few times a week
Lambs LettucevegetableA few times a week
Lettuce (Romaine/Cos/Butterhead/Red/Green LeafvegetableA few times a week
Melon (all varieties)fruitOccasionally
MintherbA few times a week
ParsleyherbA few times a week
PeasvegetableA few times a week
Peppers (Sweet Bell – all colours)vegetableA few times a week
RadichiovegetableA few times a week
Rocket Salad / ArugulavegetableA few times a week
Swede / RutabagasvegetableOccasionally
Sweet PotatovegetableOccasionally
Swiss ChardvegetableA few times a week
ThymeherbA few times a week
TomatovegetableCouple of times a week
TurnipvegetableA few times a week
Turnip GreensvegetableCouple of times a week
WatercressvegetableA few times a week

Can guinea pigs eat bread

Guinea pigs are becoming increasingly popular as pets, especially for those who live in cities or have little public space. Despite this popularity, there are still many caregivers who miss out on some basic information about their basic needs. When these needs are met, physical and mental health problems can follow. That’s why we have to learn as much as we can about these animals before we adopt them into our families.

In the natural habitat of guinea pigs, they will introduce plants of various kinds. While we provide them with grass and other food, their food should be as similar to what they have in the wild as much as possible. Adequate nutrition should consist of approximately 70% fresh hay, 20% vegetable and fruit (Only a small portion of most fruits) and 10% feed pellets.

This brings us to our question of whether guinea pigs can eat bread. As you can notice, bread is not a necessary part of their diet. However, it is also not a prohibited food for guinea pigs. If you give leftover crusts to your pig or eat a piece of whole wheat bread, it will not hurt them. Bread is only bad if it is eaten in large quantities or if it replaces the essential nutrients in their diet.

The type of bread is important to notice. Wheat bread and white flour will be fine. However, if the bread contains anything bad about guinea pigs such as onions, mushrooms or cheese. Similarly, sugary varieties such as banana bread are restricted. Chocolate and other sweets will not provide nutritious food and can lead to diabetes. There should also nothing on bread, such as peanut butter or jam, as it is difficult to digest.

In conclusion, bread should not be given to guinea pigs because it will not provide much benefit. However, it is best if it is eaten regularly, in small portions. As vitamin C is required, but fruit needs to be given in moderate amounts, parsley, spinach, broccoli, yellow peppers, kale and other vegetables should be given. However, commercial foods should also contain enough vitamin C to prevent diseases such as scurvy.

Can guinea pigs eat cereals?

Yes, Guinea pigs can eat cereals, but it is better to give them separately from bread (e.g., not bread with baked cereals on it). Also, guinea pig use of cereals needs small quantities. Nuts, seeds and barley can be used as a treat.

How often you provide certain foods for your guinea pig is also important. A few times a month can be provided with an edible vegetable with celery, eggplant, zucchini, tomatoes and carrots. About once a week, chard, artichoke, broccoli, spinach, cucumber, lettuce or fruit can be served. Foods such as peppers, cauliflower, endive, cabbage or arugula can be eaten daily.

Fish, eggs, meat, dairy products, sweets, onions, canned foods, potatoes and juices are all forbidden foods for guinea pigs. They will not eat it in the first place, but their use is not good for their biology.

Can guinea pigs eat cucumber

Guinea pigs can eat cucumbers, but is it safe to give them the skin and seeds of these salad vegetables.

In fact, the skin or vegetable peel is often where the vitamins and minerals are concentrated and the skin is also the most fibrous part of the cucumber. These are excellent reasons to feed these vegetables on the skin because guinea pigs need a lot of fiber in their diet and cucumber skin is very good for them.

Of course, organics are always better but they are usually more expensive so if you can’t afford organic products just give the skin a good moisturizer first.

Some seeds are not good for guinea pigs but the seeds of a cucumber are safe for them to eat.

Guinea pigs can also feed baby cucumber.

Nutrition in cucumbers

When feeding cucumbers as part of their daily diet, be sure to find good varieties of other underwater vegetables mixed with them. Other less watery vegetables are pumpkin, mint, parsnip, dandelions, parsley, basil, kale, fennel and sweet bell pepper.

If the weather is very hot, cucumbers can be a great veggie to feed your guinea pigs as it will help keep them hydrated. But never feed too much, even in hot weather.

Frequently Asked Questions

Following are some frequently asked questions related to the topic of What do guinea pigs eat.

1. What can kill a guinea pig?

Mercury can kill your pig if it eats it or just touches it. Since guinea pigs can chew the strings, remove any mercury from your home, and keep the electronics away from guinea pigs. Light fluorescent lamps may contain a small amount of mercury. Reuse these instead of throwing them away.

2. What foods are bad for guinea pigs?

Make sure you do not feed your pigs with the following feed: cereals; grain; nuts; seeds; dried beans, corn and peas; butter; garden shrubs; lilies of any kind; sweet peas; nightshade; oak tree; avocado; grass onions; onions; potato peaks; mushrooms.

3. Can carrots kill guinea pigs?

No, carrots can’t kill guinea pigs at all. It makes it easy to produce, and tastes good but scary in life for health. Therefore, feeding your guinea pig a little carrot juice, will not kill your pet, but large amounts might possible.

4. Can guinea pigs eat cheerios?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat cheerios but in small amounts. Although cheerios are low in fat and low in sugar, it contains some protective substances that can be harmful to guinea pig’s digestive system if eaten in excess.

5. How long do guinea pigs live indoors?

Extensive closure is one of the most basic types of enrichment you can offer. Guinea pigs can live for five to seven years and can become bored and depressed without enough stimulation. Imagine spending your whole life in the walk-in-closet; or there are occasional breaks, life would be much dreary.

6. Can you let your guinea pig run around the house?

Wandering outside may give the modern guinea pig the opportunity to hunt native plants but leave him vulnerable to predators. You can let a guinea pig roam free inside your house for exercise.

7. Can guinea pigs eat scrambled eggs?

No, Guinea pigs cannot eat scrambled eggs, or in this way, processed eggs, it is important to remember that guinea pigs should not eat any of the processed food. Their digestive system is not designed to digest that type of food, so you need to avoid feeding scrambled eggs to guinea pigs.

8. Can guinea pigs eat broccoli?

Fresh vegetables like broccoli, cabbage or spinach are good things to eat and carrots make a satisfying treat. However, not all fruits and vegetables are safe for your guinea pigs. Do not feed potatoes, tomato leaves or rhubarb to your pigs.

9. Is it cruel to keep guinea pigs indoors?

Guinean pigs get along fine indoors without being enclosure at all, so if you have enough space in your home, you should give them whole room. When keeping small animals at home, it is very important to arrange their proper habitat.

10. Do guinea pigs stink?

Guinea pigs can actually smell, but there are many ways to reduce and improve their smell. Their smell is often caused by poor health, insufficient maintenance of cage, and improper care. In fact, more often than not, the cage rather than the guinea pig is responsible for the smell.


This article is about what do Guinea pigs eat. Well, guinea pigs need continuous access to the hay to help their digestion and limit the growth of their teeth. In Fruits and vegetables: Fresh vegetables can be served once a day and should be equivalent about one cup per pig per day. They are faddy eaters and need regular supplementation with grass, vegetables, and vitamin C or their complex digestive systems will stop working.

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