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One eye bigger than the other


One eye bigger than the other is a medical condition known as Anisocoria. Anisocoria is a condition in which the size of the pupil of both eyes is different. It seems like one eye is bigger than the other. In some cases, a patient needs treatment, but if Anisocoria existed for many years without any side effect, there is no worry. When the size of both eyes is different, the eyes are called asymmetrical eyes. There are also many other medical conditions in which the size of both eyes is different. These conditions include Ptosis, Enophthalmos, Exophthalmos, Myopia, etc.

Asymmetrical eyes

Asymmetrical eyes are eyes that are different in size. Asymmetrical eyes might sometimes suggest an underlying medical problem. However, most of the time, this isn’t a cause for concern. Even if a person is aware of their face asymmetry, others are unlikely to notice.

In reality, most people have asymmetrical features, and research shows that some asymmetry in the face is both natural and desirable.

Causes of asymmetrical eyes


Uneven eyes and another facial asymmetry can be explained by genetics. A person with asymmetrical eyes may realize that other family members have similar characteristics. Genetically mismatched eyes aren’t a reason for worry.


The soft tissues of the face relax as people get older. The cartilage in the nose, for example, continues to grow while the bones do not. Asymmetry can result from these alterations.

Lifestyle factors

Uneven eyes can be caused by a variety of lifestyle factors. Smoking has been related to upper eyelid ptosis, often known as drooping eyelids, according to a study on pairs of twinsTrusted Source.

Excessive sun exposure can also cause skin changes around the eyes. Asymmetry can result from sun damage that affects one side of the face more than the other.

Bell’s palsy

Bell’s palsy is a kind of transient facial paralysis that occurs suddenly. The drooping of one side of the face affects the smile and one eye. Its etiology is unknown, although it might be caused by trauma, nerve injury, or a viral infection.

Bell’s palsy also has the following signs and symptoms:

  • Drooling

  • Headache

  • Ear or jaw pain

  • Trouble creating facial emotions

  • Variations in tear or saliva production

Graves’ disease

Graves’ disease is an autoimmune disorder that results in an overactive thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism). Proptosis, or bulging eyes, is a side effect of Graves’ illness. Asymmetry might develop when one eye is affected more than the other. It has the following symptoms:

  • Fatigue

  • Anxiety

  • Heart palpitations

  • Menstrual changes

  • Sensitivity to heat

  • Unintended weight loss

  • Changes in sexual desire

  • Enlargement of the thyroid gland (goiter))


Stroke is a life-threatening medical condition. When there is a reduction in blood supply to the brain, this can happen. As a result of a stroke, people may experience abrupt facial asymmetry. If the drooping is severe, it might impair one’s eyesight.

Other stroke symptoms include:

  • Speaking and comprehending difficulties

  • A terrible headache that appears out of nowhere

  • A lack of coordination or balance

  • Face, one arm, and one leg numbness or weakness

  • Distorted or double vision that seems out of nowhere

Treatment of asymmetrical eyes

In the vast majority of situations, unequal eyes do not need therapy. It is especially true if the asymmetry is caused by genetics or the aging process. People may need therapy for facial asymmetry if there is an underlying medical issue leading to it. If unequal eyes are creating visual difficulties, treatment may be required.

Uneven eyes may be treated for aesthetic purposes by some persons. The possible treatments for asymmetrical eyes are given below:


Botox is a non-surgical treatment for asymmetry in the face. Botox, a muscle relaxer derived from the bacterium Clostridium botulinum, is injected into the region around the eyebrows. Botox therapy raises the brows, making the eyes seem equal. Botox’s effects usually persist for 3–6 months.

Brow lift

A brow lift is a cosmetic treatment for raising brows. The goal is to make a face seem younger and to improve facial symmetry. A surgeon may utilize various procedures to elevate the brow, but the surgery is generally performed while the patient is under general anesthesia.

There are some risks in this process which are given below:

  • Bleeding

  • Further asymmetry

  • Hair loss

  • Infections

  • Allergy

  • Scarring

  • Skin numbness (temporary or permanent)

The effects of a brow lift are temporary. The skin might droop again as a result of aging and UV exposure.


A surgeon will remove extra fat, muscle, or skin from around the eyes during the operation to make them seem more symmetrical. A person may have transient bruising and edema after this procedure. There are also some risks in this process which are given below:

  • Bleeding

  • Infection

  • Allergic reaction

  • Scarring

  • Chronic conjunctivitis

  • Swelling (lasts for more than three months)

  • Blindness (in rare cases)

Orbital surgery

The operation of the eye socket (orbit) is called orbital surgery. Depending on the issue and the eye socket location that it affects, there are a few distinct forms of orbital surgery. There are the following steps of orbital surgery:

  • Fractures are repaired.

  • Tumors are removed.

  • Graves’ illness is treated by eliminating bones or fat.

  • Socket’s anatomy is recreated.

Home remedies for asymmetrical eyes

People with slight facial asymmetry may utilize home treatments to make their eyes look more symmetrical if they so choose. Home remedies for asymmetrical eyes are:


You might be able to make your eyes look more symmetrical using cosmetics. Contouring, highlighting, and other methods can draw attention to particular elements and produce a balanced appearance. The use of an eyebrow pencil or powder can assist in leveling out the look of your brows, making your eyes appear more even.

There are video lessons available online to assist you with this. Makeup artists and cosmeticians are on duty at many cosmetic and department stores, and they can demonstrate to you how to utilize items to improve your characteristics.

Eyelid tape

Using eyelid tape to raise the skin and hide the sagging and asymmetry of a drooping eyelid can help hide the sagging and asymmetry. In beauty stores, these thin, translucent strips may be purchased. They’re also available on the internet.


One eye bigger than the other is a medical condition called Anisocoria. When both eyes are unequal in size, they are called asymmetrical eyes. Ptosis, Enophthalmos, Exophthalmos, and Myopia are the other conditions in which one eye looks bigger than the other.

Genetic, aging, Grave’s diseases, Bell’s palsy, etc., are some leading causes of asymmetrical eyes. Botox, brow lift, Blepharoplasty are the possible treatment for asymmetrical eyes. Makeup and eyelid tape are home remedies for asymmetrical eyes.

Diseases that are the causes of asymmetrical eyes


Anisocoria is a condition in which the pupil of one eye is smaller than that of the other. The dark circles in the middle of your eyes are your pupils. They are usually the same size.

Anisocoria can be caused by several things. This disorder might be present from birth or emerge later in life. It might happen regularly or perhaps once in a while. Your doctor may suspect an underlying medical issue or another cause of Anisocoria in some situations.


Other symptoms may emerge depending on the underlying cause of your Anisocoria. You may, for instance, have

  • Fever

  • Nausea

  • Headache

  • Stiff neck

  • Double vision

  • Blurred vision

  • Loss of vision

Causes of Anisocoria

Anisocoria is a frequent disorder in which the size of the pupils of the eyes differs by 0.4 mm or more. It has many causes. Some of which are given below:

Physical Anisocoria

Physiological anisocoria is a slight variation in pupil size that affects around 20% of ordinary persons. The discrepancy between pupils is generally smaller than 1 mm in this situation.

Mechanical Anisocoria

Adhesions between the iris and the lens can occur due to prior trauma, ocular surgery, or inflammation (uveitis, angle-closure glaucoma).

Adie Tonic Pupil

The tonic pupil is a benign condition that mainly affects young women. It may be linked to the loss of the deep tendon reflex (Adie’s syndrome). The tonic pupil is defined by delayed iris dilation, especially after close stimulation, segmental iris constriction, and sensitivity to a mild pilocarpine solution.

Oculomotor nerve palsy

The most frequent causes of oculomotor nerve palsy in adults include ischemia, intracranial aneurysms, demyelinating disorders (e.g., multiple sclerosis), head trauma, and brain tumors. The pupillary function is typically spared in ischemic oculomotor nerve lesions, but the pupil is implicated in compressive lesions.

Pharmacological agents

Anisocoria can be caused by pharmacological drugs with anticholinergic or sympathomimetic characteristics, especially if just one eye is injected. Pilocarpine, tropicamide, MDMA, dextromethorphan, and ergolines are examples of pharmacological substances that can alter the pupils. Alkaloids found in the Brugmansia and Datura genera, such as scopolamine, can also cause anisocoria.


Anisocoria is also caused by migraines. A migraine is a headache that generally affects one side of the head and causes intense throbbing pain or a pulsating feeling.

Horner’s syndrome

Horner’s syndrome is also a cause of Anisocoria. Horner syndrome is a set of signs and symptoms produced by a disturbance in a neural route from the brain to one side of the body’s face and eye. Horner syndrome is characterized by drooping eyelids, reduced perspiration, and dilated pupils on the afflicted side of the face.


Anisocoria can be caused by a variety of diseases, ranging from benign to life-threatening. It’s crucial to determine if Anisocoria is more visible in dim or bright light to determine whether the larger or smaller pupil is abnormal.

  • Anisocoria that worsens (more asymmetry between the pupils) in the dark implies that the abnormal pupil is a tiny pupil (which should enlarge in dark settings) and that Horner’s syndrome or mechanical anisocoria is present.

  • Because sympathetic nerve fibers in Horner’s syndrome are defective, the pupil of the affected eye does not dilate in darkness. Horner’s syndrome is present if the smaller pupil dilates in response to the installation of apraclonidine eye drops.

  • Anisocoria that is more noticeable in bright light implies that the aberrant pupil is the bigger one (which should constrict in solid light). It might indicate an Adie tonic pupil, pharmacologic dilation, oculomotor nerve palsy, or iris injury.

An Anisocoria is not caused by a relative afferent pupillary deficiency (RAPD), commonly known as a Marcus Gunn pupil. Horner’s syndrome (which can be caused by a carotid artery dissection) and oculomotor nerve palsy are two life-threatening causes of Anisocoria (due to a brain aneurysm, uncal herniation, or head trauma).

If the examiner is unclear whether the aberrant pupil is constricted or dilated, and there is one-sided drooping of the eyelid, the abnormally large pupil on the side of the ptosis might be assumed. Ptosis is caused by both Horner’s syndrome and oculomotor nerve lesions.

Anisocoria is typically a harmless condition with no additional symptoms (physiological anisocoria). Patients’ old face pictures can frequently aid in diagnosing and determining the kind of anisocoria.

If a patient gets acute onset anisocoria, it should be treated as an emergency. These instances might be the result of oculomotor nerve palsy caused by brain tumor lesions. Anisocoria can signal a neurosurgical emergency if accompanied by disorientation, reduced mental status, severe headache, or other neurological symptoms.

Because of a hemorrhage, tumor, or other cerebral mass might grow to the point where the third cranial nerve (CN III) is squeezed, the pupil dilates uninhibitedly on the same side as the lesion.


The treatment approach advised by your doctor will be determined by the underlying cause of your anisocoria. If an infection is the root of the problem, your doctor may prescribe an antibiotic or antiviral eye drops.

Your doctor may prescribe surgery to remove an abnormal growth such as a brain tumor if you have one. Radiation treatment and chemotherapy are two more choices for reducing the development of brain tumors. Some cases of unequal pupil size are transitory or generally standard, and therefore do not need treatment.


You may not be able to foresee or avoid anisocoria in some situations. You may, however, make efforts to lessen your chances of producing unequal pupils. Follow these steps to prevent Anisocoria:

  • Any changes in your vision should be reported to your doctor right once.

  • When participating in contact sports, cycling, or horseback riding, wear a helmet.

  • When working with large machinery, put on protective gear.

  • While driving, make sure you’re wearing your seatbelt.


Anisocoria is a condition in which one eye feels bigger than the other. This disorder can be developed before birth or later in life. Double vision, blurred vision, and loss of vision are the primary symptoms.

Physical anisocoria, mechanical anisocoria, Adie tonic pupil, Oculomotor nerve palsy, pharmacological agents, migraine, and Horner’s syndrome are the causes of anisocoria. Surgery, radiation treatment, and chemotherapy are the treatment for anisocoria.


It is a condition in which one eye is bigger than the other. It is also known as nearsightedness and short-sightedness. Near-sightedness (myopia) is a visual problem in which items close to you are seen while objects further away are hazy. When light rays bend (refract) improperly due to the structure of your eye, pictures focus in front of your retina rather than on your retina.

Myopia can develop slowly or quickly, and it usually worsens during infancy and adolescence. Near-sightedness is a condition that runs in families.


A myopic person can see well up to a certain distance, but everything beyond that seems blurry. Even conventional reading distances can be impacted by myopia if the degree of myopia is severe enough.

The great majority of myopic eyes seem structurally identical to nonmyopic eyes when examined routinely. School-aged children are more likely to be affected, with symptoms increasing between 8 and 15.


A mix of genetic and environmental factors is thought to be the root reason. Working with close objects, spending more time indoors, urbanization, and having a family history of the disease are all risk factors. It’s also linked to a better social status and educational attainment.


Myopia is a condition that can be passed on from one’s parents. Eighteen potential loci on 15 distinct chromosomes have been linked to myopia in genetic linkage studies, although none of these loci are part of the candidate genes that cause myopia. Instead of a single gene driving myopia development, a complex interplay of several altered proteins functioning in concert might be the culprit.

Instead of a structural protein defect causing myopia, myopia may be caused by problems with the structural proteins’ regulation. Global cooperation of myopia research discovered 16 novel refractive error loci in people of European heritage, eight of which were shared with Asians.

Candidate genes involved in neurotransmission, ion transport, retinoic acid metabolism, extracellular matrix remodeling, and eye formation are among the novel locations.

According to human population research, genetic variables account for 60–90 percent of the diversity in refraction. However, the already known variations account for just a tiny percentage of myopia instances, implying that the bulk of myopia cases are caused by a significant number of low-frequency or small-effect variants that have yet to be identified.

Environmental factors

Insufficient light exposure, inadequate physical activity, close employment, and an additional year of schooling are all environmental variables that raise the incidence of nearsightedness.

One theory is that a lack of appropriate visual stimulation promotes abnormal ocular growth. “Normal,” according to this theory, refers to the external stimuli that the eyeball developed to deal with. Myopia may occur in modern people who spend most of their time indoors, in poorly or fluorescently illuminated buildings.

People, particularly youngsters, who engage in more physical activity and outdoor play, have reduced rates of myopia, implying that the increased amplitude and variety of visual stimuli experienced during these activities slows myopia growth.

Preliminary data suggest that the protective impact of outdoor activities on the development of myopia is attributable, at least in part, to the influence of extended hours of sun exposure on retinal dopamine synthesis and release.


Myopia is usually diagnosed by an eye care expert, such as an optometrist or an ophthalmologist. During refraction, an autorefractor or retinoscope is used to provide an initial objective examination of each eye’s refractive condition, followed by subjectively refining the patient’s eyeglass prescription with a phoropter.

Treatment of Myopia

Specific methods are involved in the treatment of myopia. These are given below:

Glasses and contacts

Corrective lenses bend the light that enters the eye so that it precisely inserts a focused picture on the retina. Any lens system’s power is measured in diopters, which is the reciprocal of its focal length in meters.

Because a divergent lens is necessary to transfer the distant point of focus out to the distance, corrective lenses for myopia have hostile powers. More severe myopia needs lens powers that are higher than zero (more negative).

Strong eyeglass prescriptions, on the other hand, cause distortions, including prismatic movement and chromatic aberration. Because the lens moves with the cornea, maintaining the optic axis in line with the visual axis and reducing the vertex distance to zero, strong near-sighted contact lens wearers do not suffer these aberrations.


Procedures that change the corneal curvature of particular eye structures or introduce different refractive methods inside the eye are referred to as refractive surgery.

Photorefractive keratectomy

An excimer laser is used to ablate corneal tissue from the corneal surface during photorefractive keratectomy (PRK). The degree of tissue ablation is proportional to the degree of myopia. While PRK is a generally safe treatment for myopia correction up to 6 dioptres, the recovery period is frequently unpleasant.

Percentage of myopia in different countries

PlaceMyopia’s percentage
United Kingdom50%
United States25%

Prevention from Myopia

Various treatments have been used to try to slow down the growth of Myopia.


When conducting close work, wearing reading glasses can help to enhance eyesight by decreasing or eliminating the need to adapt. Using eyeglasses full-time, part-time, or not at all does not appear to affect the course of Myopia.

In the United States, contact lenses to prevent the worsening of near-sightedness in children were authorized in 2019.


In youngsters under the age of 18, anti-muscarinic topical medicines may help to delay the progression of Myopia. Pirenzepine gel, cyclopentolate eye drops, and atropine eye drops are some of the therapies available. Light sensitivity and near blur were reported as adverse effects of these therapies, which were shown to help in delaying the progression of Myopia.

Other methods

Scleral reinforcement surgery aims to cover the posterior thinning pole with a supporting substance to endure intraocular pressure and prevent the posterior staphyloma from progressing further. Although the pathological process’ harm cannot be undone, the strain is lessened. Vision may be preserved or enhanced by halting the disease’s development.


Myopia is a medical condition in which one eye is bigger than the other. It can be developed slowly or quickly. It is also known as near-sightedness. It is a hereditary disease. Genetic and environmental factors are the leading causes of Myopia.

Photorefractive keratectomy and surgery are the primary treatment for Myopia. Different preventive measures are also adopted to prevent Myopia. Glasses and contact lenses are also used to decrease the percentage of Myopia.


The top eyelid droops or falls in ptosis, also known as blepharoptosis. When an individual’s muscles are weary, the drooping may worsen after being awake for a more extended period. The term “lazy eye” is sometimes used to describe this disorder. However, it usually refers to the condition of amblyopia.

If the drooping eyelid is severe enough and not addressed, it might lead to additional problems, including amblyopia or astigmatism. This is why it’s critical to treat this disease in children while they’re young before it has a chance to interfere with their visual development.


Its symptoms are given below:

  • One or both of your eyelids may be drooping.

  • Droopy eyelids might give the impression of exhaustion.

  • The eyelid may not be as efficient in protecting the eye, allowing it to dry out.

  • The person’s field of vision might be partially blocked by sagging upper eyelids.

  • When a person’s eyesight is obstructed, they may tilt their head back to talk.

  • The skin around your eyes may get weary and achy.

  • To see clearly, one’s brows may need to be continually raised.

Causes of Ptosis

There are different causes of ptosis, but one of the leading causes is Drugs.


Ptosis can be caused by large dosages of opioid drugs like morphine, oxycodone, ■■■■■■, or hydrocodone. Anticonvulsant drug pregabalin has also been linked to minor ptosis.


Surgical treatments for ptosis are:

  • Levator resection

  • Müller muscle resection

  • Frontalis sling operation

  • Whitnall sling


Ptosis is a medical condition in which one eye is bigger than the other. It is possible in ptosis that one or both of the eyelids are drooping. Drugs are the leading cause of ptosis. Levator resection, Müller muscle resection, Frontalis sling operation, and Whitnall sling are the surgical treatment for ptosis.


Exophthalmos is a bulging of the eye anteriorly out of the orbit. It is also also known as exophthalmos, exophthalmia, proptosis, or exorcism). Exophthalmos can be bilateral (as in Graves’ disease) or unilateral (as in glaucoma) (as is often seen in an orbital tumor). Trauma or swelling of the surrounding tissue can cause complete or partial dislocation of the orbit.

The displacement of the eye in Graves’ illness is caused by aberrant connective tissue deposition in the orbit and extraocular muscles, which may be seen on CT or MRI scans.

Exophthalmos can cause corneal dryness and damage if left untreated. Superior limbic keratoconjunctivitis, a kind of redness or irritation caused by greater friction during blinking, is another potential consequence. The procedure that causes the eye to be displaced might potentially compress the optic nerve or ophthalmic artery, resulting in blindness.


Enophthalmos is the posterior displacement of the eyeball inside the orbit due to changes in the volume of the orbit (bone) compared to its contents (eyeball and orbital fat), or loss of function of the orbital muscle. On the other hand, exophthalmos is the anterior displacement of the eye and should not be confused with it.


Exophthalmos and Enophthalmos are also medical conditions in which one eye looks bigger than the other. Exophthalmos is the anterior displacement of the eye, while Enophthalmos is the posterior displacement of the eyeball.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is the cause of one eye being bigger than the other?

When one eye looks bigger than the other, it is a frequent aesthetic flaw in certain people. If you were born with this flaw, it is typically not a medical problem. One eye may appear to be rounder, while the other appears to be narrower. If you become dehydrated, this can also happen. However, if this asymmetry persists over time, it might be a sign of sickness.

An injury or spasm of the muscles around the eye might have caused it. For people with severe Myopia (or near-sightedness) in one eye relative to the other, thyroid illness, tumors, and drooping eyelids are the most prevalent causes of variations in eye size.

How can you fix ptosis without surgery?

Several prescription eye drops can be used as a temporary fix for ptosis. The treatment’s impact can continue for up to eight hours, and it can be repeated to maintain the appearance. Botox may be used to treat the muscle that causes the eyelids to shut in some situations. The effect of Botox lasts for 3 to 4 months. You have to repeat this process after 3 to 4 months if you want to maintain your look.

What is the cost of ptosis surgery?

Eyelid surgery for ptosis correction is nearly comparable to that for face rejuvenation, which means the expenses are roughly equal. The typical eyelid surgery cost ranges from $2,000 to $5,000, depending on the number of eyelids treated and the kind of procedure performed.

What are the major types of Myopia?

There are three major types of Myopia. These are given below:

Degenerative Myopia

Degenerative Myopia, also known as malignant, pathological, or progressive Myopia, is characterized by prominent fundus alterations such as posterior staphyloma and a high refractive error, and poor visual acuity following correction.

With time, this type of Myopia becomes more severe. One of the most common causes of vision impairment is degenerative Myopia.

Induced Myopia

Induced Myopia is also called acquired Myopia. Acquired Myopia is caused by various medicines, increased glucose levels, nuclear sclerosis, oxygen toxicity (e.g., from diving or oxygen and hyperbaric therapy), or other unusual circumstances.

Sulphonamide treatment can produce ciliary body edema, which causes the lens to shift anteriorly and push the eye out of focus.

Edema (swelling) of the crystalline lens can occur due to sorbitol accumulation in the lens as blood glucose levels rise. This edema frequently results in temporary Myopia. Scleral buckles, used to repair retinal detachments, can cause Myopia by lengthening the eye’s axial length.

Form deprivation myopia

Deprivation of form Myopia develops when the eyesight is harmed by limited illumination and vision range, or when the eye is altered with artificial lenses, or when clear form vision is lost. This type of Myopia appears to be reversible in lower animals within a short amount of time.

What are the degrees of Myopia?

The power of the ideal correction, which is measured in diopters, is used to define the degree of Myopia.

Degrees of myopiaDioptersDiseases on this degree
Low myopia3.00 diopters or lessNo disease
Moderate myopia3.00 to 6.00 dioptersPigment dispersion syndrome or pigmentary glaucoma is more common in people with intermediate myopia.
High myopia6.00 diopters or moreRetinal detachments and primary open-angle glaucoma are more common in those with high myopia. They’re also more likely to have floaters, which are shadowy forms that appear in their field of vision.

What is a Phakic intraocular lens?

The phakic intraocular lens is a treatment for myopia. This method includes implanting an extra lens inside the eye, rather than altering the corneal surface as in laser vision correction (LVC) (i.e., in addition to the already existing natural lens).

While it typically achieves adequate control of the refractive change, it can cause significant long-term consequences, including glaucoma, cataracts, and endothelial decompensation.

How can we fix droopy eyelids at home?

There are many home remedies to fix droopy eyelids at home. One of them is given below:


  • Oats
  • Yogurt
  • Cucumber
  • Aloe vera gel

To make a paste, combine four tablespoons of plain yogurt, four tablespoons aloe vera gel, two teaspoons oats, and five peeled cucumber slices. Apply the paste to your eyelids and let it on for 20 minutes before rinsing with cold water.

How can you treat ptosis in one eye?

In most cases of ptosis, surgery is required for adults. Extra skin may be removed, and the muscle that raises the lid may be tucked in by your doctor. Alternatively, the doctor might reconnect and strengthen that muscle. It’s also possible that you’ll be able to wear glasses with a built-in crutch.

What has acquired ptosis?

It is the most common type of ptosis. The levator muscle of the eyelid becomes overstretched in this disease, which is generally caused by age. The condition can also be caused by excessive eye rubbing or eyelid tugging owing to eye discomfort or long-term contact lens usage.

What does a person feel in ptosis?

The region around the eyes will be the most impacted and the patient may suffer discomfort, which can make the patient appear weary. When speaking, some persons with severe ptosis may need to tilt their necks back to see at all times, even when having a typical conversation.


One eye bigger than the other is a disease called Anisocoria. There are many other medical conditions in which one eye feels bigger than the other. These conditions include Ptosis, Enophthalmos, Exophthalmos, and Myopia.

Anisocoria is the leading cause of asymmetrical eyes. Surgeries and other home remedies are also available for anisocoria. The common symptoms of anisocoria are double vision, blurred vision, and loss of sight. Chemotherapy, surgery, and radiations are the famous treatment or anisocoria.

Another medical condition in which one eye looks bigger than the other is known as myopia. It is also called near-sightedness or short-sightedness. It is caused by genetic and environmental factors. Ptosis, Exophthalmos, and Enophthalmos are also the conditions in which one looks bigger than the other.

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If you have one eye that appears to be bigger than the other? It is quite normal that one eye appears bigger than the other because most people’s eyes aren’t precisely even. You should not be concerned if it is not caused to a medical problem or if it does not interfere with your eyesight.

Something about Asymmetrical eyes:

Asymmetrical eyes, or eyes that aren’t the exact size, shape, or level, are fairly common. Asymmetrical eyes might sometimes signal an underlying medical issue. However, almost all of the time, this is not a reason for concern. Even if a person knows of their own face asymmetry, everyone else is likely to spot.

In truth, most people have asymmetrical features, and studies show that some asymmetry in the face is both natural and desirable.

Causes and risk factor of one big / uneven eyes:

Continue reading to find out more about asymmetrical or bigger eyes, including possible causes and home cures.

A multitude of reasons can lead to asymmetrical eyes, including:

Inherited factor:

Uneven eyes and other types of facial asymmetry can be explained by genetics. People with mismatched eyes may realize that other family members have comparable characteristics. The presence of mismatched eyes due to heredity is not a cause for concern.

Old / Advance age:

Studies on aging according to Trusted Source, there is a strong correlation between advancing age and eye asymmetry.

The soft tissues which present in surrounding the eyes relax as people get older. The cartilage for example, continues to develop while the bones do not. Asymmetry can result from these alterations.

Factors related to your way of life:

A number of lifestyle variables might contribute to uneven eyesight… Smoking has been associated to upper eyelid ptosis, often known as droopy eyelids, according to studies on sets of twins Trusted Source.

Excessive sunlight also can cause skin changes all around eyes. Asymmetry can result from sun damage that affects one side of the eye more than others.

Bell’s palsy paralysis:

Bell’s palsy is a type of paralysis that occurs suddenly and lasts for a short period of time. The drooping of one side of the face affects the smile and eye. Its source is unknown; however, it could be caused by trauma, nerve injury, or a viral infection consequence.

Bell’s palsy also has the following signs and symptoms which are as under:

  • alterations in the production of tears or saliva

  • making facial gestures ■■■■■■

  • drooling headaches

  • ache in the jaw or ear

  • Trauma:

A punch to the face or being involved in a car accident might result in injury to the eye area, resulting in asymmetry.

Exophthalmos, or eye displacement, can result from facial injuries. People look to have sunken eyes as a result of this.

Infections of the sinuses:

Changes in the eye might occur suddenly or gradually in various settings. Enophthalmos can be caused by a variety of sinus problems.

These are some of them:

  • maxillary sinus tumors

  • silent sinus syndrome

  • chronic maxillary sinusitis

  • nasal fatigue

  • A sore throat is accompanied by pain and swelling, as well as a diminished sense of taste and smell.

  • Grave’s disease:

Graves’ disease is a chronic illness that affect eyes. Graves’ disease is an autoimmune disorder characterized by an overactive thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism).

Proptosis, or bulging eyes, is a symptom of Graves’ disease. Asymmetry can occur when something affects one eye more than the other.

Other Graves’ disease indications and symptoms include:

  • anxiety

  • alterations in sexual desire or performance

  • thyroid gland enlargement thyroid gland enlargement thyroid gland enlargement thyroid gland enlargement thyroid (goiter)

  • fatigue

  • palpitations in the heart

  • changes in ■■■■■■■■■■■■

  • heat sweating sensitivity

  • weight loss that was not meant.


Stroke is a life-threatening medical condition. When there is a reduction in blood supply to the brain, this can happen.

As a result of a stroke, people may experience unexpected facial asymmetry. If the drooping is severe, it can impair one’s eyesight.

Other stroke symptoms include:

  • speaking and understanding difficulties

  • a severe headache that seems to erupt out of nowhere

  • a lack of coordination or balance

  • quick development of impaired or double vision numbness or paralysis of the face, one arm, and one leg.


A number of reasons can lead to asymmetrical eyes, such as:

  • Genetics

  • Aging

  • Factors related to your way of life:

  • Trauma

  • Bell’s palsy paralysis:

  • Infection of the sinus

  • Grave’s disease:

  • Stroke

Treatment for uneven or one bigger eye:

In the vast majority of situations, unequal eyes do not necessitate therapy. This is especially true if the asymmetry is caused by heredity or the passage of time.

People may need therapy for eye asymmetry if there is an underlying medical disease contributing to it. If unequal eyes are creating vision issues, treatment may be required. Uneven eyes may be treated for cosmetic purposes by some persons.

Treatment options include:

  • Taking care of underlying medical issues

  • In certain circumstances, correcting the underlying medical problem that causes asymmetry in the eyes might make them appear less visible.

  • Treating Graves’ disease with radioactive iodine or thyroid medicines, for example, may prevent the eyes from projecting.

  • If you have a medical issue that is causing your eye asymmetry, talk to your doctor about how to manage your symptoms.

Some other treatments options are available for uneven or one big eye are discussed below:

botulinum toxin injection (Botox):

Botox is a nonsurgical treatment for asymmetry in the eye. Botox, a muscle relaxant derived from the bacterium Clostridium botulinum, is injected into the area around the eyebrows.

Botox therapy raises the brows, making the eyes look more equal. Botox’s effects usually endure for 3–6 months. Source you can trust.

Lifting the brows:

A brow lift is a cosmetic surgery for raising the brows. The goal is to make the eye appear more youthful and to improve eyes symmetry. A surgeon may utilize a variety of techniques to raise the brow, but the treatment is normally performed while the patient is under general anesthetic.

The following are some of the dangers associated with a brow lift:

Asymmetry is being exacerbated by the bleeding (though additional surgery can correct this) Infections an adverse reaction to the anesthetics carrying temporary or permanent skin numbness. The effects of a brow lift are temporary. The skin can droop again as a result of ageing and UV exposure.


Blepharoplasty is a cosmetic surgical procedure that corrects sagging eyelids. It is a common aesthetic surgery performed by Trusted Source.

A surgeon will remove excess fat, muscle, or skin from around the eyes during the surgery to make them appear more symmetrical.

A person may endure transient bruising and edema after this operation.

Other dangers include:

  • an adverse reaction to the anesthetics carrying bleeding infections

  • Chronic conjunctivitis (inflammation of a portion of the eye) or swelling lasting longer than 3 months are less typical side effects of the surgery.

  • Blindness may occur in rare situations.

Surgical procedures on the orbit:

Orbital surgery is when the eye socket gets operated on (orbit). Depending on the condition and the location of an eye socket affected, there seem to be a few distinct forms of orbital surgery.

A surgeon can perform the following procedures:

  • fractures are repaired

  • tumors should be removed

  • Graves’ illness can be treated by removing bones or fat.

  • recreate the socket’s anatomy

These operations, like all surgeries, come with hazards. To keep safe from these hazards people may apply home remedies.

Remedy at home:

People with modest facial or eye asymmetry may be able to apply home treatments to make their eyes look more symmetrical if they so desire.

Among the possibilities are:

Makeup applications:

Uneven eyes and brows can be reduced using a variety of contouring and highlighting procedures. This is something that makeup professionals and online instructions can help with.

Hairstyling techniques are even used by some persons to attract attention away from their eyes.

Tape the insides of your eyes:

Using eyelid tape to elevate the skin and hide the sagging and asymmetry of a drooping eyelid can help hide the sagging and asymmetry.

In beauty stores, you may purchase these narrow, transparent strips. They’re also available on the internet.

Frequently Asked Question (FAQs):

Q1. What’s the deal with my right eye being smaller than my left?

Older people are more likely to develop ptosis. When the levator muscle that keeps your eyelid up strains or detaches from the eyelid, it causes it to droop. It generates asymmetrical eyes, with one eye seeming lower than the other.

Q2. Is it possible for different-sized eyes to be caused by stress?

The eyes are a sensory ■■■■■ that works in tandem with the neurological system to provide information. Because stress, especially anxiety-related stress, and a lack of sleep can have a harmful effect on the neurological system and how the sensory organs work, stress, particularly anxiety-related stress, can influence the size of the pupils in the eyes.

Q3. Is anisocoria (uneven eye size) a dangerous condition?

Unequal eyes might occur from one pupil being larger than normal or one eye being smaller than usual. Anisocoria is usually mild and consistent, and it is not a cause for worry. However, if it happens quickly, it might be an indication of a significant medical problem, and you should consult an eye doctor right once.

Q4. Is it possible that a lack of sleep causes unequal eyelids?

Asymmetrical eyes are caused by a variety of factors. Genetics and a lack of sleep are two common factors that you may be aware of. However, it is equally critical to comprehend other, perhaps more serious reasons.


Have you noticed that one of your eyes looks to be larger than the other? Because most people’s eyes aren’t perfectly even, it’s quite common for one to seem larger than the other. If it is not caused by a medical condition or interferes with your vision, you need not be concerned.

A multitude of reasons can lead to asymmetrical eyes, including:

• Genetics • Aging • Factors affecting your lifestyle:

• Trauma • Bell’s palsy paralysis • Sinus infection

• Grave’s disease is a condition that affects people eyes • Stroke.

All procedures, like all surgeries, have risks. People can use home remedies to protect themselves from these dangers.

It’s quite common to have one eye bigger than the other, and they are rarely a reason for concern. Facial or eye asymmetry is quite prevalent, and facial or eye characteristics that are fully symmetrical are not the norm. While you may sense it, others are unlikely to notice your unequal eyes.

About anisometropia (different or unequal sized eye):

Despite the fact that anisometropia (different sized eye) can be present since birth, it is usually not identified until childhood. Anisometropia affects about 6% of all children between the ages of six and eighteen, according to estimates.

Types of anisometropia:

Anisometropia is divided into three categories: simple anisometropia, compound anisometropia, and mixture anisometropia.

Simple Anisometropia:

Anisometropia is a simple kind of anisometropia. Only one eye has a refraction defect, resulting in simple anisometropia. The eye can be hyperopic (farsighted) or myopic (nearsighted) (nearsighted). Eye glasses can be used to cure this type of anisometropia. Anisometropia is a condition in which one eye perceives a hazy image while the other sees a clear image.

Anisometropia Compound:

When both eyes are hyperopic (farsighted) or myopic (nearsighted), this is known as compound anisometropia (nearsighted).

However, because the refractive defects of the two eyes differ significantly, they will require drastically different prescriptions. Both eyes will view hazy images due to anisometropia, although one eye’s vision will be substantially blurrier.

Mixed anisometropia:

Anisometropia (Mixed Anisometropia) is a When both eyes exhibit refractive defects, but one is myopic (nearsighted) and the other is hyperopic, this is known as mixed anisometropia (farsighted).


Simple anisometropia, compound anisometropia, and combination anisometropia are the three types of anisometropia.

Anisometropia effects on our vision / eye:

Anisometropia can have a range of effects on our vision. This can include things as in:


Amblyopia, often known as “lazy eye,” is a condition in which the brain favors the eye with better vision over the eye with poorer vision, diminishing visual stimulation. As a result, the brain begins to disregard visual input from the weaker eye. Strabismus, often known as “crossed eyes,” is a condition in which we are unable to keep our eyes aligned.

We can’t focus both eyes on the same location in space because of our lack of coordination. Diplopia is often known as “double eyesight.” Diplopia is a condition in which our eyes send two slightly off-kilter images to our brain, resulting in double vision and disorientation. Eye strain, headaches, nausea, sensitivity to light, fatigued eyes, and dizziness are all symptoms of diplopia.


Anisometropia, if left untreated, can result in a range of symptoms, including:

  • Depth perception issues

  • Dizziness

  • Headaches

  • Nausea

  • Discomfort in sight

Treatment and Management Alternatives:


Anisometropia must be treated as soon as possible after it is discovered. If therapy is delayed, the brain may choose to favor the eye that displays a sharper vision over the other, resulting in reliance on the stronger eye. If this happens, the eye that isn’t preferred will get increasingly weak.

Anisometropia can be treated with a variety of approaches, depending on the severity of the disorder. Corrective lenses, contact lenses, and laser eye surgery are all options for treatment. To be effective, corrective lenses or contact lenses must have varied prescriptions so that each eye’s visual needs can be fulfilled.

Corrective lenses are usually ineffective for people with large degrees of anisometropia. The magnifying effect of eyeglasses can drastically alter the size of the image perceived by each eye. As a result, those with a lot of anisometropia may find that eyeglasses have a negative impact on their binocular vision.


It may be possible to treat anisometropia without corrective lenses, contact lenses, or eye surgery, depending on the severity of the condition. Patching is an effective treatment for amblyopia induced by anisometropia, in which the dominant eye is covered to encourage the weaker eye to pick up the slack. Children with anisometropia amblyopia may benefited from the use of prisms rather than patching, according to some research.

Individuals with severe anisometropia, on the other hand, will almost certainly need contact lenses or laser eye surgery.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

These are the questions which are mostly asked:

Q1. How much does it cost to fix uneven eye or bigger eye?

As per a 2017 survey from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the estimated price of the operation is $3,026, not counting anesthesia, hospital charges, and other expenses related to this procedure.

Q2. Do uneven eye look attractive:

According to a 1996 study, people with modest facial asymmetries were judged more beautiful among kids and young people exhibiting expressive faces (as most teens and young people do).

Q3. Is it possible to make one eye larger than the other?

Blepharoplasty is a cosmetic procedure that is done to address sagging eyelids. The technique does not make your eyes symmetrical, but it can make them seem symmetrical even if they are asymmetrical due to extra fat or skin.

Q4. What exercises can help with asymmetry in the eyes?

Workout with resistance

Raise your brows, place a finger behind them, and hold them up for many seconds at a time while attempting to shut them. This provides resistance in the same way that weight lifting does. Eyelid muscles are also worked with quick, forced blinks and eye rolls.

Q5. Why does one eye appear to be larger than the other?

Even if you’re wondering, “why is one eye bigger than the other?” The majority of people’s eyes aren’t properly aligned. It’s perfectly natural. You should be unconcerned as long as you know it isn’t linked to a medical ailment or that it isn’t obstructing your eyesight.

Q6. Is it possible to correct unequal eyes?

Blepharoplasty is a cosmetic surgery that is used to address uneven eyelids. Excess skin, fat, and muscle are removed from your eyelids during the surgery. The procedure involves creating an incision along the crease of your top lid or just below your lower lash line, depending on whether your surgery is for the upper or lower eyelids.

Q7. How can you correct unequal eyes without undergoing surgery?

Eyelid tape helps by elevating sagging skin around the eyes. They can be used to elevate one or both eyes to make them look more symmetrical and younger. It’s significantly more cost-effective and safer than surgery right away. It also provides you with the same advantages.

Q8. What’s the deal with my eyes being two different sizes?

Faces with asymmetrical characteristics are rather prevalent. They are frequently caused by genetics, age, or lifestyle choices. The majority of people seem unconcerned by facial asymmetry in others, and research suggests that it may even be a desirable trait.


One eye being larger than the other is extremely common, and it’s rarely a cause for concern. Asymmetry in the face or eyes is extremely common, and totally symmetrical facial or ocular traits are not the norm. Others are unlikely to notice your uneven eyes, even if you can feel it.

Anisometropia (each eye having a different or uneven size) is a condition in which one eye has a different or unequal size.

Anisometropia (difference in eye size) can be present since birth, however it is typically not recognized until childhood. According to estimates, anisometropia affects roughly 6% of all children between the ages of six and eighteen.

Anisometropia can affect our eyesight in a variety of ways. This might include things like: Amblyopia: Amblyopia is a condition in which a person’s vision is blurred.

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