One Eye Lower Than the Other

One eye is lower than the other: It is called ptosis, and it happens more often in older people. The levator muscle, which keeps the eyelid up, gets stretched or pulled away from the eyelid. It makes the eyelid droop. One eye seems lower than the other, making a face look asymmetrical.

One Eye Lower Than the Other

When your eyes appear asymmetrical, you have asymmetrical eyes. As a result, it may look as if one eye is lower than another to some people. Others may have an issue with their eyelids, making their eyes appear unsymmetrical.

However, many people wonder whether their eyes are normal, even though they are not an urgent cause for concern. Skin changes that occur as we age might cause an uneven appearance to our eyes. Asymmetrical eyes may occasionally result from an illness.

Asymmetrical Eyes

Surgery and other treatment techniques can balance the appearance of asymmetrical or unequal eyes. Because of this, treatment can either be subtle or overt. Depending on the reason, the eye asymmetry may become more noticeable when smiling or sleepy.

Asymmetry in the eyelids, the position of the eyeball, or the orbit most usually causes the illusion of an eye asymmetry (eye socket). If your eyes don’t look the same, you need a thorough Oculoplastic exam to determine why and what treatment options are available.

Causes of Asymmetrical Eyes

Asymmetry of the eyes is frequently inherited. You are likely to have facial features similar to your parents and other family members. If you look carefully, you might see that other people in your relatives also have an eye that seems higher than another.

Here are some other things that could cause eyes that aren’t the same distance apart and what they look like.

1. Genetics

Most people aren’t born with faces that are just right. Uneven eyes have a natural source, which is genetics. A person’s eyebrows or nose shape can also make their eyes look different from each other.

Not having the same number of eyes on each side is not a problem. They happen often and don’t usually hurt anyone’s health. Most eyes that aren’t even because of genes aren’t very noticeable. Even more so when compared to eye problems that are much more serious.

2. Growing Older

A study by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) found that as people age, they are more likely to have eyes that aren’t the same shape. It is called “face asymmetry.”

It could be because the shape of the face’s soft tissues changes over time. The skeleton’s uneven growth as new bone tissue replaces old bone naturally may also be a significant factor.

Your skin may lose elasticity as you age, making it look uneven. As you age, your eyelids also begin to droop. Over time, the muscles that hold the eyelids up can get weaker. It makes them droop and can make the eyes look different sizes.

3. Living Conditions

Some things about how people live can make their eyes look different. For instance, research on twins has shown a link between smoking and upper eyelid ptosis, also called droopy eyelids.

Additionally, too much sun exposure might affect the skin surrounding your eyes. Asymmetry can develop on the face due to sun exposure that may favour one part of the face over the other.

4. Bell’s Palsy

Bell’s palsy is a sudden, short-term paralysis of the face. In addition to distorting the smile, it also results in Drooping of one eye. It’s still unknown what causes it, but it could be trauma, nerve damage, or a virus.

Bell’s palsy also has these other signs and symptoms:

  • Changes in the number of tears or saliva

  • Trouble showing emotions on their faces

  • Slobbering

  • Headaches

  • A sore jaw or ear

5. Trauma

A facial punch or being in a car accident might injure the area around the eyes, resulting in Asymmetry. Damage to the face can lead to enophthalmos, which means the eyes are moved. It makes people look like they have hollow eyes.

6. Enophthalmos

An enophthalmos is when the area behind the eye changes due to an injury or a medical condition, resulting in the eye sinking. It can happen quickly or slowly over several years.

Some people have no symptoms except that one eye looks like it is sinking or drooping. Depending on what’s causing it, you may also feel like something is pulling on your eyelids, have sinus problems, or have pain in your face.

Some of the things that can lead to enophthalmos are:

  • Maxillary chronic sinusitis

  • Solitary sinusitis

  • Paget disease

  • Tumors in the maxillary sinus

  • Defects in bones

7. Proptosis

Proptosis, also called exophthalmos, is when one or both eyes stick out or bulge. Graves disease is more common in adults than in children. The eyeball moves forward because the tissues around and behind the eye get bigger.

Rarely, infections, tumours, or bleeding can cause the eye to bulge. Along with changes in the way your eyes look, you may also:

  • Eye distress

  • Pulsing in the eye that stood out

  • Sickness

  • Vision issues

Summary: Asymmetry in the eyelids, the position of the eyeball, or the orbit usually causes the illusion of an eye asymmetry (eye socket). If your eyes don’t look the same, you need a thorough Oculoplastic exam to determine why and what treatment options are available. Bell’s palsy is a short-term paralysis of the face that results in Drooping of one eye.

Asymmetrical Eyes Treatment

Most of the time, uneven eyes don’t need treatment. Treatment is based on personal preference unless a serious underlying medical condition necessitates it or the Asymmetry impairs your vision.

Surgical and medical cosmetic surgeries and at-home makeup techniques help you achieve more symmetrical eyes.

  • Botox

It is a non-surgical way to fix an uneven face. Clostridium botulinum makes Botox, which is injected into the space between the eyebrows to relax the muscles. Botox lifts the eyebrows, which makes the eyes look less different. Most of the time, Botox effects last between 3 and 6 months.

  • Brow Raise

An aesthetic technique called a brow lift raises the eyebrows. The goal is to make a face look younger and give the face more balance. There are different ways a surgeon can lift the brow, but most of the time, they do it while the person is asleep from general anaesthesia.

The following are some potential hazards of a brow lift:

  1. Bleeding

  2. More difference

  3. Loss of hair or a change in the hairline

  4. Infections

  5. A reaction to the anaesthetic that was too strong

  6. Scarring

  7. The skin goes numb for a short time or good.

A brow lift doesn’t give long-lasting results. Skin can sag again as a result of ageing and sun damage.

  • Orthoscopic Surgery

Orbital surgery is the surgery on the eye socket. The eye socket has four bone walls, the eyeball, the eye muscles, the optic nerve, as well as fat. Injuries and health problems in this area are treated with different kinds of surgery.

A surgeon may perform operations to:

  1. Repair cracks

  2. Remove tumours

  3. Graves’ disease is treatable by taking out bones or fat.

  4. Figure out how the socket works.

As with any surgery, there are risks with these procedures.

  • Blepharoplasty

Eyelids that aren’t straight can be fixed with a cosmetic surgery called blepharoplasty. It is a common procedure for making someone look better. The surgeon will eliminate extra fat, muscle, or skin around the eyes during the procedure to make them look more even.

After this surgery, bruising and swelling may happen for a short time. Among the other risks are:

  1. Bleeding

  2. Diseases

  3. Reaction to the anaesthetic that was too strong

  4. Disfiguring

Less often, the procedure can cause long-term eye inflammation (conjunctivitis) or inflammation that lasts over 3 months. Blindness can happen very rarely.

Note: Most of the time, uneven eyes don’t need treatment unless a serious underlying medical condition requires it. Botox and other techniques can help you fix an uneven face.

Makeup Methods for Asymmetrical Eyes

If your eyes don’t have the same shape, you can use makeup to make them appear more even. An eye that is smaller or lower on the face needs to be made larger or elevated with makeup.

Here are some ways to get a more balanced look:

  • To match the opposite eye, your non-sunken crease should have a darker shade than your sunken one. Blend the dark shadow using an eyeshadow brush with a tapered end.

  • As for the crease, use less eyeshadow to compensate for the more prominent natural one. It will help to level out the appearance of the eyes.

  • Apply the eyeshadow used to create the wrinkles on both eyes to the lower lid by dragging it upwards and outwards.

  • Choose an eyeshadow that is a darker moderate shade and blend it well on your eyelids. Avoid a lighter colour because it will call attention to the fact that each eyelid has a different amount of space.

  • Use a very paintbrush and a deeper shade of the same eyeshadow to further define this crease on the eye that has not yet sunk in. Meld some of this darker colour out into the corner of the eye in the shape of a triangle.

  • To make the hollow eye match the eyes, apply the same black shadow with a fluffy brush to the outside corner. However, don’t draw a crease around the hollow eye.

  • Put eyeliner on both of your upper lids. You can put on an eyeliner “wing” for a smoky look" and blend it.

Keep In Mind: If your eyes don’t have the same shape, you can use makeup to make them appear more even. An eye that is smaller or lower on the face needs to be made larger or elevated with makeup. Put eyeliner on both upper lids for a smoky look and blend it out.

Frequently Asked Questions: FAQs

Some questions are related to the keyword “One Eye Lower Than the Other”, as described below:

1. Why is one of your eyes smaller than the other?

Unfortunately, asymmetrical eyes or one eye appearing smaller than the other is a fairly common problem. Most people are born with spots on their eyes, but they can also be caused by age, an injury, surgery, or eye disease.

2. Does everyone have one eye bigger than the other?

Yes, one eye has a bigger hole or hole than the other, which is 100% normal for everyone. Half of each person’s face is different from the other, just like one of their arms is bigger and one of their legs is bigger. This Asymmetry of the face makes people attractive.

3. Why are my eyelids uneven after eye surgery?

Possible causes include thyroid disease after eye surgery. Some people have inherited this altered eyelid condition from birth. Uneven eyebrows: An asymmetric eyebrow can also make your eyelids uneven. Many people seek treatment for blemished eyelids.

4. What is the best way to fix uneven eyelids?

To fix a drooping eyelid without surgery, Chamomile is a great remedy for drooping eyelids because its anti-inflammatory properties help to hide the sac covering the eye. You can also make a firming cream at home using natural ingredients. Another great remedy for drooping eyelids is egg whites.

5. Why do I have a small eye socket?

Typically, it is a symptom of Graves’ disease. However, it can also be caused by issues involving the eye socket. Again, a simple examination by an eye doctor can determine why your eye appears to be smaller or if you have a smaller eye (which is rare there).

6. What does “bad” eyesight mean?

Myopia is an eye condition where people can see things close up, but their long-term vision isn’t as good. This problem with seeing is also called “nearsightedness,” the most common eye problem.

7. How many people have one eye bigger than the other?

More than 70% of the population has natural asymmetric features. For many people, the size of the eyes is slightly different, as some have a larger right eye than the left. Face to face may not be noticeable, but the difference can be seen in the pictures.

8. What causes eyes to get smaller?

In most cases, the change in eye size is due to a change in the opening of the eyelid or swelling and puffiness around the eye that makes it appear smaller than normal. Another possible cause is the loss of fatty tissue around the eye, which makes the eyes appear sunken.

9. What can cause my right eye to appear bigger suddenly?

Acquired bulging of the eye (proptosis) Your right eye appears more bulging. The most common cause of acquired exophthalmos (bulging eye) is thyroid disease, but there are other causes.

10. Can a child have both eyes crossed at the same time?

Strabismus is a form of strabismus that can occur in children and adults. However, it is more common in babies. It means that you cannot move both eyes at the same time. Each eye moves individually; the movements can be in, out, down, or up. Strabismus can be persistent or intermittent.

11. Is the left eye bigger than the right?

Most people’s faces are asymmetrical. Some are more visible than others. My son’s left eye is a little smaller than his right eye, just like your son’s (his eyebrows are also asymmetrical). He was more noticeable when he was born than he is now.

12. How do you know how big your eyes are?

The size of your eyes is closely related to the orbital bone, soft tissue, and eyelid. But even in the same person, the orbital bone, soft tissues, and eyelid are the same depending on your DNA. Everyone has one eye bigger than the other.

13. Is it common to have one eyebrow higher than the other?

One eyebrow is higher than the other. Eyebrow asymmetry is common. Botox, Dysport, or Xeomin are often used to make Asymmetry look better. These neuromodulators are temporary and last three to four months.

14. Is there a way to lower one eyebrow?

Several non-surgical procedures can help correct this disparity: botox, Dysport, or Xeomin to raise the lower eyebrow or lower the upper. Radiofrequency type Thermage and Exilis to lift the lower part of the forehead.

15. Why do I have a bulge in my eye?

This condition, called exophthalmos, is usually caused by a lump behind the eye or a thyroid that works too hard. When eyes get puffy, it can be hard to tell because it happens slowly and can only be seen in photos taken at different times.

16. What is the best way to fix uneven eyelids and vision?

Creating a natural low lid crease, removing a small amount of skin, and repositioning a little oil on the lid can help you achieve your goal. An eyelid correction can fix your problem. The problem may be related to ptosis if it is present from birth. Best seen by a qualified surgeon.


Asymmetry in the eyelids, the position of the eyeball, or the orbit most usually causes the illusion of an eye asymmetry (eye socket). Botox is a non-surgical way to fix an uneven face. Orbital surgery is the name for surgery on the eye socket. If your eyes don’t have the same shape, you can use makeup to make them appear more even. An eye that is smaller or lower on the face needs to be made larger or elevated with makeup. Most of the time, uneven eyes don’t need treatment unless a serious underlying medical condition requires it. Makeup needs to enlarge a smaller eye or elevate a lower one on the face. For a smoky look, put eyeliner on both of your upper lids and blend it out. Some people have a larger right eye than the left.

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