Mushroom health benefits are numerous, but they are also responsible for some side effects. Mushrooms are rich source of proteins, fiber and antioxidant, but their excess consumption may also develop the risk of health problems.

A mushroom is actually a spore-bearing, umbrella shaped fruiting body (sporophore) of a ■■■■■■. Agaricus campestris is the scientific/ biological name of mushroom. Many species of mushroom expand or grow rapidly, overnight. Mushrooms can be edible, toxic, and medicinal. There are only small number of toxic species of mushrooms that are mind alerting. Few of them are deadly species while others cause severe and unpleasant symptoms. Some mushrooms are treated as medicines. Their extracts are the possible treatments for diseases.
Edible mushrooms are the edible, fleshy fruiting body of several species of macrofungi. They can grow either above ground or below ground. They are edible, which means they are non-toxic; they do not possess poisonous material and have aroma and a good taste. Mushrooms are easily available in markets or stores. According to the report of Food and Agriculture Organization 2019, world production of commercial mushrooms and recorded truffle collection was 11.9 million tonnes, led by China with 75% of the total. More than 20 species of mushrooms are cultivated in about 60 different countries.
Agaricus bisporus (white mushrooms) dominates the edible mushroom market in Europe and North America (constitute about 90%). White mushrooms, in youngest form, is most commonly known as “button mushroom”, “champignon mushroom”, “cultivated mushroom” and “common mushroom”; at this stage they are white colored. Its semi-mature form is called “Swiss brown mushroom”, “chestnut mushroom”, “baby-bella” or “Roman brown mushroom”; they have slight brown shade, while its fully mature form is called “Portobello”, which are bigger and darker. Mushrooms can be found fresh, frozen, dried, canned, and even in powdered form.
Agaricas bisporus, a commonly eaten mushroom, provides 22 kilocalories of food energy. They are 92% water, 3% protein, 3% carbohydrate, and 0.3% fats. They are free of cholesterol. Mushroom contain high level of B vitamins like niacin (B3), riboflavin (B2), pantothenic acid (B5), thiamine (B1), folate (B9) and moderate amount of phosphorus.
One cup (96 grams) of white mushroom gives:
Other minerals in mushrooms are:
Phosphorus: 12% of the Daily Value (DV) (86 mg)
Copper: 16% of the DV (0.32 mg)
Magnesium: 3% of the DV
Potassium: 7% of the DV (318 mg)
Zinc: 5% of the DV
Manganese: 2% of the DV
Selenium: 16% of the DV
Folate: 4% of the DV
Calcium: 3 mg
Mushrooms are exposed to ultraviolet rays (UV) or sunlight that produces Vitamin D2. Mushrooms also offer some vitamin B12. People who are more likely to depend on plant-based diet, vitamin B12 is beneficial for them because this vitamin is mostly obtained from animal sources. White mushrooms contain more protein content than most of the vegetables. Moreover, they also contain insoluble chitin and soluble beta glucans, which are extremely beneficial for our healthy body.
Mushrooms are widely consumed for their high profile health benefits. Adding mushrooms in your diet can change your health, in a good way. It offers several health benefits not only to toddlers but also to adults. Followings are the best health benefits of mushrooms:
Multiple antioxidant compounds, such as polysaccharides, selenium, polyphenols, glutathione, ergothioneine, and vitamin C are considered as cancer fighters in mushrooms. These antioxidants help combat the harmful effects of oxidative stress that lead to cellular damage, which is the reason of certain cancers.
Phenolic compounds in mushrooms act as both antioxidants and pro-oxidants. As antioxidant, they improve cell survival, while as pro-oxidant, they cause cell death to prevent tumor growth. They fight against the harmful free radicals in our body. Selenium facilitates the functioning of liver enzymes and helps to remove toxicity of cancer-causing compounds in our body.
Vitamin C and beta glucan stimulate immune system to activate macrophages and natural killer cells, which help to defend against cancer development. Moreover, vitamin C inhibits certain enzymes that prevent cancer from spreading. Vitamin D in mushrooms regulates the cell growth cycle and prevents the growth of cancer cells.
Reishi mushrooms help to reduce depression and fatigue and improve the quality of life. The condition of a person suffering from fatigue can be improved after six to eight weeks of taking reishi mushroom powder. People may also experience less anxiety and depression. Reishi mushrooms are rich in iron, which helps in the formation of red blood cells (RBCs) and thus they help to treat anemia, which is caused due to deficiency of iron and is characterized by headache, fatigue, body pain etc.
Fiber, vitamin C and potassium in mushrooms help to prevent cardiovascular diseases. High blood level is the cause of heart attacks and strokes. Mushrooms have high potassium content and low sodium content, which helps to lower blood pressure. High levels of cholesterol and triglycerides are the major cause of heart disease, and ergothioneine and beta glucan in white mushrooms may help to reduce the risk. Beta glucan lowers blood cholesterol levels through its ability to form a gel-like substance when digested. It then traps cholesterol and triglycerides, preventing their absorption. Ganoderma lucidum or reishi mushroom, in the western countries, is used as a complementary medicine for cardiovascular health.
Osteoporosis is a bone disease that causes when bones become weak or porous. Mushroom is a source of vitamin D and calcium. This helps to strengthen our bones and aids in bone formation. Consumption of mushrooms will fulfill the necessity of calcium that is required for bones. According to researchers, mushrooms can provide as much Vitamin D as supplements. Adequate amount of mushroom helps the body maintain bone density reducing the risk of osteoporosis and other bones problems like lack of mobility, osteomalacia, fractures, osteoarthritis and joint pain by making them strong.
Mushrooms lack cholesterol and fats and have low content of carbohydrates. They contain fibers and other enzymes that help to lower the cholesterol levels. Mushrooms contain lean proteins that burn cholesterol. Their consumption helps to regulate cholesterol levels and protects your heart. By substituting mushrooms in recipes that contain meat, total cholesterol intake can be reduced. Even if half of the meat is replaced by mushroom, it would be great in reducing cholesterol level.
Ergothioneine is a powerful antioxidant present in mushrooms, which helps to prevent inflammation. Reishi mushrooms decreases inflammation and fight against the allergic reactions. This type of mushrooms have been used for their anti-inflammatory properties for thousands of years in Asia. Other anti- inflammatory components of mushrooms are mycosteroids, polysaccharides, phenolic and indolic compounds, vitamins, fatty acids, carotenoids, and biometals. Metabolites from mushroom significantly contain anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
They are rich in dietary fibers and protein, but contain very low amount of carbs and negligible amount of fats or cholesterol. Beta glucans and chitin (types of dietary fibers) reduce appetite. These dietary fibers make you feel fuller and help reduce the intake of calories. Mushrooms also contain high content of B vitamins, which help the body utilize energy from the food we consume and produce red blood cells, which carry oxygen throughout the body. Thus providing our body by good energy.
Glutathione and ergothioneine, antioxidants present in mushrooms, help to prevent Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Consuming adequate amount of mushroom reduces the risk of neurological illness. Another mental mushroom related benefit is that it boosts memory.
Other health benefits of mushrooms are:
Mushrooms may help keep you young. Stress that causes wrinkles; visible signs of aging, can be overcome by eating mushrooms.
B vitamins in mushrooms are also good for nervous system, digestive system and for skin.
It is good for ■■■■ health. Lentinula edodes also called as shiitake mushrooms reduce the possibility of plaque and promotes good ■■■■ condition.
Reishi mushroom is referred to as “sleep-promoting factor”. Japanese and Chinese herbalist recommend reishi mushrooms as a treatment for insomnia.
Mushrooms are also used as a medicine for infertility in both men and women. They improve the fertility rate by increasing levels of testosterone in men and progesterone in women.
Low level of vitamin D is related to myopia. Mushrooms are the good source of vitamin D. Therefore, they also support retinal health and improve eyesight.
The polysaccharides in mushrooms help to low the blood sugar levels and improve insulin resistance.
The copper in mushrooms helps to get iron properly absorbed from food. It prevents from anemia, promotes healthy bones and strengthen muscles.
Mushrooms contain natural antibiotics that prevent the growth of fungal and microbial infections. The presence of vitamin C and B complex in mushrooms help to boost up our immune system.
Mushrooms contain anti-fungal compound that is used to fight with other fungi in our body.
Mushroom is a good medicine for thyroid disorder, especially shiitake mushrooms are particularly good for thyroid health.
Mushrooms are beneficial for skin due to its antioxidant property; they used in serums, topical creams and facial preparations. Mushrooms have skin-whitening capability.
Iron in mushrooms helps to prevent hair loss.
Mushrooms contain a wide array of properties that you can benefit from. There is a series of species of mushrooms, having different medicinal properties. Here is the list of 20 different kinds of mushrooms:
Turkey Tail Mushrooms: Well known for cancer treatment.
Maitake Mushrooms: Used for high blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes and cancer.
Reishi Mushrooms: Help with anxiety, heart disease, liver damage, inflammation, diabetes, cancer, fighting off candida infection and many other conditions.
Lion’s Mane Mushrooms: Fight against neurological illness like Alzheimer’s disease, dementia. It is useful in stopping the growth of tumor.
Agaricus Blazei Mushrooms: Prevent cellular damage, fight against physical and emotional stress and boost immune system.
Oyster Mushrooms: Boost brain health, stop cancer growth, reduce inflammation and lower cholesterol levels.
Meshima Mushrooms: Support women’s health, promotes healthy immune functioning and cellular health.
Cordyceps Mushrooms: Manage cholesterol, anti-cancer properties specially leukemia, antioxidants, muscle recovery and fight against heart diseases.
Chaga Mushrooms: Used as a topical treatment for swelling or wounds, maintaining blood sugar level and treat cancer.
Morel Mushrooms: Anti-tumor properties, help in removing harmful molecules in your body, prevent Type 1, and Type 2 Diabetes.
Zhu Ling Mushrooms: Promote liver health and stimulate immune system.
Shiitake Mushrooms: Treat viral infections like HPV (human papillomavirus) and hepatitis C. Also, help prevent dental cavities.
Portobello Mushrooms: Anti-inflammatory, maintain blood pressure and prevent cancer of colon, bladder, skin, esophagus, lung and stomach.
Snow Mushrooms: Also known as Tremella fuciformis. They provide anti-aging benefits and promotes healthy liver and immune system.
Poria Cocos Mushrooms: Used for occasional restlessness, promote healthy sleep, healthy hydration levels, stomach functioning, nervous system health and immune system functioning.
Tremella Mushrooms: Promotes good memory, healthy skin, metabolism, lung, kidney, liver and cellular health.
Chanterelle Mushrooms: Associated with anti-fungal, bacterial and microbial properties.
Crimini Mushrooms: Control blood pressure, prevent cancer especially ■■■■■■ and lung cancer, heart disease, anti-inflammatory and boost immune system.
Enoki Mushrooms: Help to reduce belly fat, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.
Shimeji Mushrooms: Used against asthma, retard or stop the growth of tumor and stimulate immune system.
SUMMARY: Edible mushrooms are so flavorful and full of aroma. There are a number of edible mushroom species. Their adequate consumption results in several health benefits. They are full of nutrients with low calorie.
Medicinal mushrooms have a great range of health benefits. By consuming an adequate amount of them in our diet can be useful for our health.
Powder or capsules of medicinal mushrooms can be created by drying mushroom and then crush into powder.
Medicinal mushrooms can be eaten by simply cooking them, like oyster mushroom, reishi, shiitake and Turkey Tail etc. Both the stems and caps of mushrooms are edible; you can eat them cooked as well as raw. Here are a few suggestions regarding how to add them to your diet:
Boil mushrooms in water for more than one hour and consume it as tea or soup.
You can slice them and add them in your favorite salad.
Add them to a stir-fry alongside other vegetables.
Roast mushrooms at 176°C with sprigs of rosemary and thyme for a crunchy snack.
For a healthy breakfast, you can cook them with scrambled eggs or add them as a filling to an omelet.
Mix them into cooked beef, chicken, or turkey.
Sautée them in olive oil with garlic, salt, rosemary, and pepper for a side of cooked mushrooms.
Slice mushrooms into your pasta sauce.
You can add mushrooms as an ingredient into your burgers and pizza.
Mushrooms can also be used as an appetizer.

It is actually a liquid extract that is generally preserved with alcohol. Liquid extract of medicinal mushrooms is usually either a hot water extraction or an alcohol-based extraction. Sometimes mushrooms undergo double extraction process; following is the procedure of double extraction method:
- First, dry mushrooms and chop them into small pieces or crush into powder.
- Soak it into alcohol for 2 to 6 weeks. This draws out antioxidants and a range of compounds such as ergosterols, terpenes, inositols, sterols, triterpenoids, and myco-flavonoids.
- Then hot water extraction takes place, in which same mushroom is simmered in hot water for 1 to 3 hours. This educe any water-soluble compounds like various polysaccharides (e.g. glycoproteins, beta-glucans, and other high-molecular weight compounds).
- Tincture or extract is ready; you can use it by consuming few drops twice a day under the tongue.
- This extract can be freeze-dried and turn into powder for capsules.
Eating excess amount of mushrooms can cause side effects on our health. These side effects can include both physical and mental health. These can cause severe illness, which may lead to death. Some of the wild mushrooms are safe to eat such as oyster and Hen-of-the-wood, while many are dangerous, a few can even kill you. Amanita virosa, a wild mushroom, is so dangerous that it is called “the death angel”. Some of the side effects of mushrooms are mentioned below:
Gastrointestinal disorders are one of the major side effects of excess consumption of mushrooms. Diarrhea, stomach cramps, vomiting, and nausea are some of them.
For some people, mushrooms result in skin irritation and skin rashes. Spores produced by some mushrooms might cause extreme allergic reactions. Surplus amount of mushrooms also cause nose bleeding, dry throat, dry nose, respiratory infection, asthma or lung disease.
Individuals may experience fatigue, dullness and tiredness. You may also feel discomfort. This side effect is the common one among the people.
Consumption of too much mushrooms can cause headaches for more than a day.
Mental illness is one of the most serious side effect of mushrooms. They cause panic attacks and immense fear etc.
Mild to extreme level of anxiety can be a side effect of over-consumption of mushrooms.
Some mushroom species contain toxins, which result in hallucination. Psilocybe subaeruginosa is one of such types of mushrooms. Hallucination are the sensations that seem real but are not; they are only created by your mind.
Food poisoning is a side effect that is contaminated with campylobacter jejuni, a bacterium that can be present on commercially grown mushrooms. Improper cleaning, cooking and pasteurization methods are some of the causes of bacterial contamination.
Their toxins can fatally harm the kidneys and liver. Their symptoms occur 6 to 24 hours after eating excess amount. Death may occur within two days.
Some other short-term physical and mental effects of mushrooms are:
- Dilated pupils
- Muscle weakness
- Increased blood pressure
- Lack of coordination
- Acute mood changes
- Yawning
- Seizures
- Increased heart rate
- Panic reactions
- Nervousness
- Paranoia
- Distorted Perception of Time.
ABSTRACT: Mushrooms can be eaten in many ways such as in salads, soup, with meat and vegetables. However, too much consumption of mushrooms lead to various health problems.
Which mushroom is best for inflammation?
“Chaga mushrooms” are non-toxic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory powerhouse, making them excellent contenders for fighting against inflammation.
What are the healthiest mushrooms to eat?
Any kind of mushroom is a good choice. Oyster and shiitake mushrooms have the most fiber, while raw maitake mushrooms and portobellos exposed to UV light are among the highest in vitamin D and reishi mushrooms have anti-cancer, anti-inflammation and many other properties.
What is the healthiest way to eat mushrooms?
According to the researchers, the best way to eat mushrooms is to grill or microwave them, while boiled or fried mushrooms show less antioxidant activity.
What is the impact of mushrooms on sleeping?
Mushrooms help to boost your sleep due to the high level of vitamin D, potassium and selenium.
Is Mushroom a vegetable or meat?
Mushrooms are not a true vegetable; they are also not considered as meat, since meat is the part of living animal, which mushrooms are not, anyway mushrooms are the good substitute of meat. They are classified as fungi because they lack roots, leaves and they do not need light to grow.
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Mushrooms are the reason of many health benefits. They are rich in fibers and proteins; they are good antioxidants, hence mushrooms have good impact on health. On the other side, their surplus consumption can lead to many health disorders. Their side effects include various allergies, stomach problems, heart and liver disorders, hallucination and many more.
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Approved by Ayesha Noor.