The black mold mushroom appears when two single-cell spores combine. The mold spores could be present anywhere including clothes and other household items. Although the condition indoors is not good enough for mold mushroom growth, they can still grow in the bathroom. This is majorly due to the high humidity and moisture levels in the bathroom.
The black mold mushrooms may not be the black toxic mold, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the mushrooms aren’t toxic.
What is a mold?
Mold is a type of ■■■■■■. It is present almost everywhere, including the air. In general, normal amounts of mold in the environment do not pose a substantial health risk to healthy people with regular immune system function. There is no single type of mold called “black mold” — many molds are black. When people use the term, they may be referring to a type called Stachybotrys chartarum (S. chartarum), also known as Stachybotrys atra.
There is no scientific evidence to suggest that exposure to S. chartarum is more dangerous than exposure to any other type of mold.
However, some people may be more sensitive to mold spores than others, and they may develop respiratory symptoms after inhaling even a small number of spores. In large quantities, mold spores can cause ill health in almost anyone. Therefore, people should remove any mold growth in the home and take steps to prevent it from growing back.
In this article, we look at some facts and myths surrounding black mold exposure. We also describe ways to remove and prevent mold growth in the home.
How Does Mold Turn Into Mushrooms?
If you have ever had a pipe burst or leak in your home, then you no doubt have heard of mold. But what, exactly, is mold and how does mold turn into mushrooms? Before we can discuss this, we must first understand what mold is; further, we need to know what conditions must exist for it to spread.
In simple terms, mold is a generic term for all types of fungi or ■■■■■■. It can be found both indoors and outdoors and requires moisture to spread and grow. This growth is harmful to humans and can cause a number of health issues. In addition, mold damages whatever material it grows on; this can be disastrous for not just flooring and cabinetry, but the structural integrity of the home as well.
Mold gets characterized as a “fuzzy,” foul-smelling growth. It comes in many colors, ranging from black and brown to vibrant shades of green, pink, and yellow. Mold spores can be found virtually everywhere and not every type of mold is hazardous. In fact, some mold has useful applications. We use it to make bread, certain cheeses, and even medicine (Penicillin) – just to name a few.
Causes of Black Mold Mushroom
Originally, the black mold mushroom does not look like mushrooms but turns into one over time. Moisture is the major culprit behind the black mold growth which eventually takes a step further and turns into mushrooms. The ■■■■■■ may appear after there is a troublesome leakage or pipe burst somewhere around the mold-affected surface. When the leakage is not treated well on time, the appearance of this deadly ■■■■■■ becomes somewhat compulsory especially when the building material is not strong enough to cater to the moisture.
In addition to this, sometimes it’s simply our careless behavior that should be blamed. Most often, the moisture develops right in front of our eyes and we just sit there waiting for it to disturb the quality of life. The right behavior would be to wipe off the water even if there are a few drops because not doing so is like willingly inviting the ■■■■■■ over. Moreover, do not put wet clothes in the bathroom for too long to avoid black mold mushrooms.
If all else is working fine then watch out for the glitches in the ventilation system of your building. Poor ventilation does not allow the moisture to exit the right way and what happens after is not unacceptable on multiple levels. It also promotes humidity which is another why you see a black mushroom growing in the bathroom.
Black Mold Mushroom Health Concerns
We hope all of you are smart enough to differentiate edible mushrooms and the toxic ■■■■■■ we are talking about. Although we call it mushroom, you cannot use it in the fancy food you cook every weekend. Exposure to black mold mushrooms bathroom is lethal and you cannot get away with the harmful effects it has in store for human beings.
Respiratory problems and black mold mushrooms are closely connected. If you already suffer from the issue or have a weak immune system then you are at a greater risk of coming under the attack. Before the illness gets too serious, you will experience coughing, sneezing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. Asthma patients need to be more wary of the presence of black mushrooms growing in the bathroom. Furthermore, you might as well experience tightness in the chest as a result of mold mushroom growth.
In some cases, people also develop skin allergies due to the existence of black mold mushrooms. This is why it is advisable to wear gloves, masks, and goggles while doing the mold removal procedure. Other symptoms may include irritation in eyes and nose, flu-like sensations, and if it goes out of hands it may lead to bronchitis.
See a physician the moment your health falls victim to black mold mushroom. Not only does the mold mushroom needs to be treated but also your health which is a valuable asset.
The poisonous effects of black mold mushrooms do not stop until you decide to take charge of their removal. Take it as seriously as your life because it will eventually improve the indoor air quality and of course the quality of your life.
Black Mold Mushrooms, Are They Dangerous?
Black mold is used by the general public refers to a specific genus of ■■■■■■ called Stachybotrys. Stachybotrys will grow on wet cellulose-based building material such as sheetrock under the proper conditions. The off-gassing of mycotoxins is what causes health problems when inhaled or ingested. Regardless if mushrooms are present or not, Stachybotrys can be dangerous. That being said, black mold (Stachybotrys) will not typically produce mushrooms.
If you visually see black mold growing mushrooms in the house, it may not be Stachybotrys.
The types of mold often associated with black mold growing mushrooms are:
• Penicillium • Aspergillus • Cladosporium
Penicillium: | Penicillium is a genus of ascomycetous fungi that is part of the mycobiome of many species and is of major importance in the natural environment, in food spoilage, and in food and drug production. |
Aspergillus | is a genus consisting of a few hundred mould species found in various climates worldwide. Aspergillus was first catalogued in 1729 by the Italian priest and biologist Pier Antonio Micheli. The types of health problems caused by Aspergillus include allergic reactions, lung infections, and infections in other organs. |
Cladosporium: | is a genus of fungi including some of the most common indoor and outdoor molds. Species produce olive-green to brown or black colonies, and have dark-pigmented conidia that are formed in simple or branching chains. Many species of Cladosporium are commonly found on living and ■■■■ plant material. |
Can Black Mold mushroom Kill You?
The short answer for most healthy people is no, black mold won’t kill you and is unlikely to make you sick.
However, black mold can make the following groups sick:
- very young people
- very old people
- people with compromised immune systems
- people with existing health conditions
But even these groups are unlikely to die from black mold exposure.
Black Mold Mushrooms in The Bathroom
One of the most constant areas of the home where black mold mushrooms grow is in bathrooms. This is because bathrooms are often dark, moist places where mold will grow quicker than other areas of the building.
If a bathroom is rarely used and not cleaned, it is not entirely uncommon to find mold mushrooms appearing.
If you see the black mold with mushrooms growing on the walls in the bathroom, it could also indicate a hidden leak is present.
Fungi mushrooms growing on bathroom tiles or grout can generally be cleaned very easy on the surface but may suggest you will find large colonies of mold mushrooms behind the tiles.
Cleaning Black Mold Mushrooms
Since black mold mushrooms could indicate a leak has been present in a home for a while, there is a possibility that mold producing toxins may be present. For that reason, it is recommended that if mold mushrooms are growing indoors, a licensed mold professional be contacted to remove them.
The possibility exists you may be able to file a homeowner’s insurance claim to have the black mold mushrooms removed. If insurance will not cover it, and you decide that mold remediation is too costly, you should never attempt to remove mold mushrooms on indoor building materials without proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
Depending upon what type of material the mold mushrooms are growing on, it may need to be removed and not just cleaned.
Living mold may be present inside the walls if there is still a leak present, and even it the mold is not living, ■■■■ mold can affect you just as much as living mold.
What are the symptoms of mold exposure?
Mold can affect people in different ways, and it often causes no symptoms at all. The following symptoms are common if you’re sensitive to mold. The symptoms may be more severe if you have a true mold allergy:
Particular molds may also cause an asthma attack in people with asthma, and increase breathing difficulty in those with a chronic respiratory disease.
What are the risk factors?
Some things can increase your risk for a reaction to black mold.
- age (very young or very old)
- mold allergy
- other illnesses that affect the lungs and respiratory system
- other health conditions that compromise your immune system
If you have a reaction to black mold in your home, you can take steps to remove the mold from your home.
You’ll be able to identify black mold by its characteristic black and splotchy appearance. Mold also tends to have a musty odor.
How are mold allergies and exposure diagnosed?
There are no proven tests that show when or where you may have been exposed to mold. However, your doctor may check for mold allergies by reviewing your symptoms and performing one of the following tests:
Blood test. Your doctor takes a blood sample and then sends it to a laboratory to measure the number of certain antibodies, which can indicate your immune system’s sensitivity to different mold species.
Skin ■■■■■ test. Your doctor takes small amounts of mold and applies it to your skin using a tiny needle. Your skin will break out in bumps, a rash, or hives if you’re allergic to that type of mold.
How are mold-induced symptoms treated?
Treatment for mold allergies and exposure symptoms may include:
Nasal sprays or rinses. Over-the-counter (OTC) nasal corticosteroids, such as fluticasone (Flonase), reduce airway inflammation caused by mold allergies. A solution of warm, distilled water and saline can also help rinse your nasal passages of mold spores and remove congestion.
OTC medications. Antihistamines, such as cetirizine (Zyrtec) or loratadine (Claritin), reduce your immune system response, minimizing airway inflammation. Shop for Zyrtec and Claritin online. Decongestants, such as pseudoephedrine (Sudafed), help keep down swelling due to allergic reactions.
- Montelukast (Singulair). This ■■■■ medication reduces mucus in your airways, which decreases symptoms of both mold allergies and asthma.
- Allergy shots. Your doctor may recommend getting regular shots with small amounts of allergens to build up your body’s immunity to them over time.
- Keeping clear of mold is the best way to prevent it from triggering your asthma or allergies. When you can’t avoid it, treatment can help manage your symptoms.
How can I check for mold?
It’s best to hire a professional to help you identify and remove mold, especially if you’re allergic or vulnerable to it.
You should also consider hiring help if the mold covers more than 10 square feet, or if it’s hidden behind wallpaper, ceiling tiles, or other areas.
Here are some steps for identifying and removing mold.
Identifying mold in your home
- Look for spots or clustered growths, especially in warm, moist rooms. You may be able to identify mold by a musty smell. Experiencing asthma attacks or allergy symptoms in your home may also indicate there’s mold.
- Look for causes of mold growth, such as a leak, water damage, lack of ventilation, or old food, papers, or wood.
- Resolve any issues causing mold growth. Throw away anything affected by mold or contributing to mold growth.
Removing mold from your home
- Cover yourself with a mask, gloves, goggles, and rubber boots. If you’re cleaning a lot of mold, you can also wear disposable clothing or a mold-resistant suit.
- Open all doors and windows to increase ventilation.
- Remove any objects from the area that haven’t been touched by mold growth. Throw away any other items that can’t be cleaned.
- Cut away and replace mold-damaged drywall, ceiling tiles, and carpet.
- Cover and scrub nonporous surfaces affected by mold with bleach, a fungicide, or detergent and water, then dry them. Don’t mix cleaning products together.
- Make sure the water problem is fixed and the area is dry before you renovate the room.
How do I manage mold?
You can’t prevent all mold, but you can reduce the amount in your home. Here are some do’s and don’ts for keeping mold from growing indoors.
- Clean your home regularly, particularly areas like bathrooms that may be prone to mold.
- Leave doors and windows open and run fans for ventilation when you bathe, shower, cook, wash dishes, or do other activities that can increase moisture.
- Use a dehumidifier to keep indoor relative humidity (RH) below 50 percent.
- Use an indoor air purifier with high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filtration, or install an appropriate high-efficiency filter in your furnace or ventilation system. This won’t remove the source of the mold, but it may help reduce allergy symptoms.
- Fix leaks in your roof or walls to reduce moisture.
- Make sure your rain gutters are clean and not blocking water drainage.
- If your home is flooded, clean and dry it within 48 hours to prevent mold growth.
- Don’t leave old books, newspapers, or wood sitting unused for long periods.
- Don’t put carpet in rooms like bathrooms, kitchens, and basements.
- Don’t ignore leaks from pipes or groundwater. Fix them as soon as possible.
- Don’t paint over mold. Clean the area first.
The tricky thing about mold exposure is that it’s different for each person. The amount of time mold exposure symptoms persist depends on:
- What type of mold they are exposed to,
- How long the exposure has been,
- How well their bodies eliminate toxins
Those who process toxins well can see their symptoms disappear as quickly as a few days.
Others who eliminate toxins slowly can experience symptoms for much longer. They could be ill for months or even years after the source of mold is eliminated.
Does Mold Sickness Go Away?
Mold sickness often, though not always, goes away after you’ve gotten the necessary treatment and are no longer exposed to mold. It’s important to understand that both these things need to happen if you want your symptoms to go away – you need to get the proper treatment and you need to eliminate all mold in your home. Treatment is not likely to be effective and your condition may even continue to worsen if you continue to be exposed to mold.
While pursuing treatment, you should also arrange to have the mold removed from your home as soon as possible. If your mold sickness is severe, your doctor may recommend not returning to your home until the mold has been removed. Talk to your doctor about whether or not it is safe to stay in your home until you can have the mold removed. You’ll definitely not want to be in the home during the mold removal process, as that stirs up mold spores and can make your symptoms worse.
For most people, most or all of their mold-related symptoms go away after receiving treatment and having the mold removed from their homes. Some people continue to have ongoing symptoms, though.
According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), some people experience chronic health problems after prior exposure to mold, including conditions like chronic fungal sinusitis, peripheral neuropathy (nerve damage in hands and/or feet), and chronic fatigue syndrome. It appears that some people harbor mold somewhere within their bodies. Researchers have found that people experiencing chronic mold sickness excrete mycotoxins (poisonous substances produced by mold) in their urine.
If you are experiencing chronic mold-related symptoms, you may need to see a specialist for treatment, like an infectious disease specialist. Ask your specialist, does mold sickness go away in cases like this? Your specialist should be able to give you a prognosis based on your condition and his or her treatment plan.
You should also have your home tested for mold to make sure all traces of mold have been removed. Remember, if you continue to be exposed to mold, you’ll continue to have symptoms of mold sickness.
Frequently Asked Questions 
1- How do I get rid of mushroom mold in my house?
Remove the mushroom and treat the area with a mixture of one part household bleach to three parts warm water. Work in a well-ventilated area. Next, attack the stains around the mushroom. The stains are most likely caused by moisture mixing with the water-soluble tannic acid present in the wood flooring.
2- Is black fuzzy mold dangerous?
Stachybotrys chartarum, often referred to as “black mold” because of its color, is the most dangerous kind of household mold – it produces toxic compounds called mycotoxins that can cause severe health problems, such as allergic symptoms, breathing problems, asthma attacks, chronic sinus infections, fatigue, etc.
3- Is mushroom mold dangerous?
For some, exposure to a relatively small amount of mold can result in health problems. Some individuals may experience allergic reactions from inhalation of mold spores, which can be an allergen.
4- Is black mold life threatening?
Black molds are fungi that are found throughout our environment. When individuals with weakened immune systems come in contact with these fungi, they can develop life-threatening infections.
5- What kills mushroom mold?
You can kill visible mushrooms and mold by spraying them with a bleach solution, but because bleach has a high surface tension, it won’t ■■■■■■■■■ porous surfaces, such as wood, and kill the spores inside. Instead of bleach, the EPA recommends removing mold by scrubbing with detergent and water.
6- What does a black mold mushroom look like?
Stachybotrys will generally be a dark slimy type of mold that looks like it is colored in with black crayons extremely dark. It can also appear in other colors such as grey, blue, and green. It will also have a distinct odor that can be similar to a towel that has been left outside for a long time.
7- Can I remove black mold myself?
If the black mold growth in your home is small enough for you to treat alone, a simple mixture of bleach and water can help. Add one cup of bleach to one gallon of water and apply it to the moldy spots. Apply the cleaner to the mold spot and scrub away the growth. Be sure to dry the area thoroughly when you’re done.
8- Does black mold wipe off?
If you see it growing on drywall, it’s usually growing on both sides of the paper coating, so wiping it off the surface doesn’t always get rid of the colony. Because it needs moisture to survive, black mold grows in damp places, such as basements, bathrooms, attics and garages.
9- What’s the difference between black mold and regular mold?
A black colored mold has a black pigment by nature. It is usually associated with being the toxic kind, but that’s not always the case. Black mold may not be toxic, but it can be an allergenic. None of these are toxic molds that produce mycotoxins, but Altermaria can cause severe allergy symptoms.
10- Can I test for black mold myself?
If you go the DIY route while testing for black mold, you will need to purchase a mold testing kit from a hardware or home repair store, take samples of the air and affected areas yourself, and then send these in to a testing facility, which will report back as to which type of mold is present.
The black mold mushroom appears when two single-cell spores combine. The mold spores could be present anywhere including clothes and other household items. Although the condition indoors is not good enough for mold mushroom growth, they can still grow in the bathroom. This is majorly due to the high humidity and moisture levels in the bathroom.
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