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What Do Skunks Eat?


What do skunks eat? Skunks eat meat and green, and their diets fluctuate with the seasons. Insects, larvae, grubs, rodents, lizards, arthropods, frogs, snakes, and eggs are among the foods they consume. Berries, roots, leaves, grasses, and nuts are other popular foods for them. Skunks often look for rubbish left by humans in populated places.

What are Skunks?

Skunks are small, hairy, and have vertical stripes on their backs. Some skunks have striped fur, while others have spotted or swirled fur. The black-and-white color scheme warns anybody who would harm this small creature, regardless of tradition. Well-developed scent glands provide them with a potential protective mechanism in the form of offensive odors.

You know when you smell a skunk! The skunk emits musk from two fussy glands on its back. Even infant skunks may emit a terrible odor before their eyes open. That is very awesome.

Before spraying, a skunk offers fair notice. The animal’s stomping and hissing to dissuade you from approaching. Even spotted skunks will perform a handstand to attract your attention. You should avoid the skunk if you observe stomping, hissing, or a handstand.

Amazing Facts about Skunks:

There’s much more to skunks than their distinctive look and pungent spray. There are four species of skunks in North America. Or that skunks are incredibly adaptive and resourceful?

1. Habitat:

Skunks don’t mind where they live. However, they like to be near water. You can find them in forests, meadows, brush, open plains, and developed areas. Spotted and Striped Skunks live in similar environments, although Spotted Skunks are more tolerant of human interference.

2. Size:

Most skunks are about the size of a house feline. They range in length from 8 to 19 inches (20 to 48 cm) and weigh between 7 and 14 pounds (198 grams to 6 kilograms). Their tail increases their length by 5 to 15 inches (13 to 38 cm).

As per Animal Diversity Web, the Eastern hog-nosed skunk is the biggest of all skunk species (ADW).

3. Skunk Geography:

The striped skunk is the most widespread and well-known skunk species in North America, stretching from southern Canada to northern Mexico,, including most of the continental United States.

The spotted skunk is located throughout much of the USA and Mexico, though it is less common than the striped skunk.

4. Skunk Behavior:

  1. Skunks are predatory, which means they are most engaged at night.

  2. They do not hibernate, although, during the winter part of the year, when many assemble in communal dens for warmth, they tend to stay inactive. Skunks are primarily solitary throughout the rest of the year, surviving and foraging on their own.

  3. Mating season is one of the few other periods when skunks are known to interact.

  4. Skunks are good diggers, thanks to their powerful forefeet and lengthy nails.

  5. They look for food, such as grubs and earthworms, by digging holes in lawns, gardens, and golf courses.

  6. They may even crawl beneath structures by penetrating foundation holes if no other option is available.

  7. When threatened, skunks emit a strong odor from their fussy glands. Skunks rarely attack unless trapped or defending their young, and spraying isn’t their primary line of defense.

  8. Skunks snarl, spit, fluff their fur, shake their tails, and stomp their feet on the ground. If the intruder refuses to go, the skunk will lift its tail and spray its distinctive stench.

5. Habits:

The scent of a skunk is one of its most distinctive characteristics. This gland’s odor might linger for days, but it isn’t toxic. Most animals avoid skunks, except if they can’t locate any prey. A spotted skunk will hang a handstand on its front paws and aim its tail without taking its gaze away from its assailant before spraying.

According to The Humane Society, most skunks are not violent and will not attack humans unless threatened. Skunks are nocturnal and hunt for food at night when most animals and people are awake.

6. Foraging:

Skunks are omnivores, although they have a particular fondness for insects, including bees, grasshoppers, beetles, and insect larvae. They also consume mice and voles, nesting birds, eggs, sweets and fruits, turtles, and certain green plants. They will consume carrion as well.

7. Offspring:

Kits are the young skunks. According to the San Diego Zoo, kits are born blind because their eyes are kept shut until approximately the age of three weeks. At the age of two months, they are weaned.

8. Dens:

Skunks utilize subterranean dens all year to relax, hide, give birth, and raise their young. They can be found in body cavities, ditches, gutters, fallen hollow trees, underwood and rock piles, structures, porches, and concrete slabs. Skunks can build their own tunnels.


Skunks like to be within two miles of water. They’re good diggers, thanks to their powerful forefeet and lengthy nails. The striped skunk is North America’s most widespread and well-known skunk species. Spotted skunks are more likely to be observed in and around woodlands. Skunks are omnivorous but have a particular fondness for insects.

What do Skunks Eat?

Skunks are opportunists in obtaining food, preferring to prey on animals considerably smaller than themselves. While their spray is excellent for self-defense, they aren’t as well-equipped for battle and killing, so they keep things simple and hunt wildlife that isn’t a threat. When such prey isn’t accessible, they eat a foraging-based diet.

1. Harmful Creatures:

Skunks may appear to be a nuisance to humans due to the strong, lasting stink of their spray. On the other hand, these species are helpful to people since they regularly hunt dangerous critters. Skunks eat pests, including snakes, scorpions, bugs, deadly black widow spiders, and rodents like mice. The majority of a skunk’s diet — around 70% — consists of parasites that are hazardous to humans, according to the Evergreen Animal Protective League.

2. Little prey:

Skunks eat insects for the most part, although they will sometimes eat tiny, defenseless animal prey. Skunks, as well as ground-nesting birds, may prey on field mice, voles, and here. Skunks have been known to devour the eggs and young of ground-nesting songbirds. Fish, reptiles, and amphibians, such as frogs, are examples of tiny, vulnerable prey.

3. Life of Plants:

Skunks enjoy an animal-based diet, but their traditional food sources aren’t as numerous in the fall and winter as in the summer. Skunks continue to consume whatever insects and tiny animals they can find throughout the winter months. Still, they have adapted to a plant-based diet.

4. Garbage and Other Things:

Skunks aren’t fussy eaters and will consume whatever they can get their hands on, including trash left neglected by humans. Many mainstays of the skunk diet, such as rodents, insects, and decaying food, may be found in a trash bin, and skunks will dig through an open garbage can or dumpster in quest of a meal. They may also seek food in compost piles, bird feeders, and outdoor barbecues, which can lead to conflict.

5. Water:

Although Skunks do not drink much water, they need it to keep hydrated. They generally drink water after they eat to help them digest their food. If you’re providing food for skunks in your garden, you can also offer a small amount of water.

6. Variation in Diet:

Skunks’ most notable dietary differences are that they occasionally consume strange items that are not typically accessible in their native area. Skunks may rummage through garbage cans looking for human food, such as leftovers. Bread, dessert, biscuits, burgers, nachos, and various other foods containing various salts, sugars, and spices, are not good for their bodies.

7. Honey:

Honey is also a favorite of skunks. When they crawl inside their hives to collect honey, their thick skins shield them from the stings of honeybees. When they visit hives, skunks also love eating bees and bee larvae.

Type of SkunkBinomial NameDiet
American Hog-nosed SkunkConepatus leuconotusInsects, carrion, pear cactus, small reptiles, and berries
Hooded SkunkMephitis macrouraInsects, shrews, rodents, and plant matter.
Eastern Spotted SkunkSpilogale putoriusInsects, corn. Cottontails, native field mice, portions of fruits, bird eggs, and birds.
Palawan Stink BadgerMydaus marcheiArthropods and worms.

What Small Prey Skunks Eat?

Skunks are helpful in many ways, even though people consider them a nuisance due to their foul stench. Skunks feed on tiny animals that are detrimental to gardening and healthy living. According to estimates, approximately 70% of their diet depends upon hazardous insects.

Even though they show up and feel like an annoyance, they truly aid the control of destructive bugs in the home and backyard. The majority of a skunk’s diet consists of yard pests and other yard animals and insects, including Snakes, Grasshoppers, Crickets, Beetles, Beetle larvae, Spiders, Fish, Scorpions, Rabbits, Mice, Voles, Ground nesting birds, reptiles, amphibians, Water snakes, Bees, and Other small creatures.

After all, the large tuft of fur on their body allows them to shield themselves from bee stings. It’s also fascinating to see how skunks attack beehives. With their forefeet and long claws, the first scratch the beehives. The guard bees will emerge first, and they will typically be the first to be devoured. Skunks consume various food, including snakes, to teach their offspring how to defend themselves, primarily when skunks prey on more dangerous creatures such as snakes and scorpions.

What fruits do skunks eat?

Keeping a skunk as a pet isn’t as unusual as it may appear. These tiny, clever animals are just as capable of providing company as a cat or dog. Pet skunks have their musk or smell glands surgically removed at a young age to prevent odor. They should also be vaccinated against common dog and cat illnesses. Your pet should consume a balanced diet of carbs, proteins, and fruits to stay healthy.

1. Berries

Because so little is known about a domestic skunk’s nutritional needs, most veterinarians would advise feeding a food that is as natural as possible. Skunks in the wild consume a wide range of berries, and your pet skunk can also eat this sort of food. Blackberries and strawberries, for example. Blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries may all be found at your local grocery store or fruit stand. Never use processed fruit; only use fresh or frozen fruit. Adult skunks should consume two meals each day, consisting of a variety of fruits, veggies, almonds, and salmon or chicken.

2. Apple:

Apples may also grow wild, and while a skunk cannot climb trees, it can consume any fruit that falls to the ground. Pet applications are available in orchards and grocery stores. Cut them into bite-size pieces in the same way.

3. Grapes

Grapes are a fantastic fruit choice for your pet skunk since they are tiny and straightforward. All acceptable options are green, black, red, and seedless grapes. Skunks have a voracious appetite and may occasionally eat until they pass out, so it’s vital to keep an eye on their meal portions. Snacking on fruits like grapes will help you maintain a healthy weight.

4. Melons

Adding a piece of melon to your skunk’s diet is ideal. Melon, cantaloupe, Crenshaw, casaba, Persia, and honey are examples. Skunks also eat the melon rind.

Other Fruits:

Other fruits that may be included in your pet skunk’s diet are bananas, cherries, apricots, blueberries, and strawberries.


There are four different species of skunks in North America. Skunks are usually the size of domestic cats. * The striped skunk is the most widespread and well-known species in North America, ranging from southern Canada to northern Mexico. Skunks rarely spray unless they are trapped or defending their young.

What plants do skunks eat?

Skunks, as previously stated, are omnivores who eat meat and vegetables. However, it should be noted that a plant-based diet is used mainly by skunks as a last resort when meat or insects is in short supply.
Moreover, green plants and vegetables are devoured by skunks when they cannot locate their preferred diet, either due to a seasonal scarcity or the onset of winter months.

A skunk’s preferred meal consists primarily of tiny animals and the items listed above. However, skunks frequently have to consume plants as an alternative, especially in the late fall and winter. When herbs and shrubs are easily accessible, skunks will choose to eat Corn, Grapes, blackberries, Cherries, and the rest.

In addition to these food items, these plant and meat-eaters look for and eat other items throughout the winter as well. On the ground, there are seeds, nuts, and plant pieces.

Skunk Diet by Types:

In the past, Skunks belonged to the Mustelid genus. They have discovered as distinct from Mustelids after a genetic investigation led to their placement in the Mephitidae family.
It’s also worth mentioning that stink badgers are now recognized to be members of the skunk family. With this knowledge, the many sorts of skunks covered in this part will include a species of the skunk family’s several genera and a stink badger.

1. American Hog-nosed Skunk Diet:

The American hog-nosed skunk, which may reach a length of 82.5cm, is one of the biggest skunk species. The wide white stripe that extends from the head to the tail distinguishes this skunk.

  • The major food source for the American hog-nosed skunk is invertebrates. Small reptiles, aphids, pear cacti, and blackberries are among the skunk’s favorite foods.

  • The American-hog-nosed skunk’s hunting technique is aided by their keen sense of smell, massive claws, and muscular forelimbs, which they employ to find and dig out buried insects.

2. Hooded Skunks Diet:

The hooded skunk is mostly found in Mexico. Hooded skunks are distinguished by their beard stubble on the sides of the scruff area and head, which are hooded and therefore named Hooded skunks.

  • These kind of skunks are mostly an insectivore, meaning it eats insects.
    Small animals, such as mice and shrews, have also been eaten by these skunks.

  • Hooded skunks also consume plant stuff. The hooded skunk employs deception in its hunting technique.

  • Skunks pursue their prey carefully and take refuge in thick foliage.

3. Eastern Spotted Skunk Diet:

Eastern spotted skunks may be found across the u.s. This species’ individuals are distinguished by their massive bulk and tiny tapering heads. The eastern spotted skunk may grow between 11.5 and 34.5 cm in length (head to body).

  • Eastern spotted skunks eat everything. It’s worth mentioning that their eating habits change with the seasons.

  • The eastern spotted skunk eats maize and cottontails in the winter. During the winter, these skunks eat insects.

  • During the summer, they eat mostly insects, with tiny amounts of fruits, bird eggs, and birds thrown in for good measure.

4. Palawan Stink Badgers Diet:

The Palawan stink badger was initially placed in the Mustelidae genus. However, this was recently revised due to a genetic investigation that revealed stink badgers to be outdated within the skunk genus.

  • The Palawan stink badger’s fur is dark brown. The fur of other Palawan stink badgers is light brown.

  • A yellow trail can also be seen on the tops of these badgers’ heads.
    • Small arthropods and worms are the main food sources for the Palawan stink badger.

  • The Palawan badger loves to live in regions with soft soils since it makes it easier for them to dig for their prey.

Do Skunks eat garbage:

As we know, Skunks prefer eating meat and veggies. Therefore these creatures are highly adaptive when it comes to diet. As a result, they eat human waste and trash. Especially since abandoned rubbish attracts insects and rodents, which skunks can devour. Additionally, remaining raw food and decaying food from the garbage can might provide a substantial feast for skunks hunting for food.

Skunks scavenge rubbish and trash in search of their preferred meal, which may swiftly devastate lawn, driveway and gateway, and whatnot.
The time at which food isn’t accessible for skunks in the rubbish, real issues arise. That’s why skunks can’t locate what they’re looking for in the rubbish; they turn to the trash including birds feeders, BBQ grills, compost piles, and whatnot. It frequently exacerbates the issues that skunks can cause in people.

Why and how skunks change their eating schedule:

Skunks, as omnivores, prefer to eat animals rather than vegetation. However, these might vary based on the season and food availability. Summer and spring are the best periods for skunks to eat new food sources since they are numerous.

Skunks will eat grasshoppers, bees, beetles, beetle larvae, and crickets, among other things, throughout the spring and summer months. Skunks generally consume less vegetation and more prey during this season. Skunks will consume less fresh food and even food that falls to the ground and is easily available as winter approaches and the food supply decreases.

Fruits and crops left to decay or have not been picked fall into this category. Skunks are also more likely to rummage through rubbish and litter in the cold.

Skunks may periodically murder chickens to consume their eggs during this cold season as a final option. Skunks will consume almost anything edible they come upon during this time of year, provided it gives enough nutrition. Skunks follow this feeding schedule in the colder days of the year since they don’t entirely hibernate and need food to keep them active and warm, as well as supply enough fat reserves.


1. Why do Skunks eat bees?

Skunks do consume bees. They are quite cunning in tempting the bees to leave their hives. Scratching the entrance to the beehive is their method. When the skunks investigate the scratch, the bees leave the hive and become easy prey for the skunks, who can easily catch, kill, and eat them.

2. What are skunks’ favorite foods?

Skunks are known to eat anything they desire, even though they are especially attracted to greasy, meat-based lures like fish and chicken. Skunks have an incredible feeling of smell, so anything that smells especially wonderful can draw in them. Peanut butter has even been demonstrated to draw in skunks.

3. Do skunks eat honey?

Yes, skunks eat honey. Skunks are the most common predator of honeybees, preferring to eat them rather than the bees’ honey stores, even though they are not often considered honey connoisseurs. If given a chance, they will gorge themselves on honey almost as an afterthought after taking out of a hive.

4. Which animals do skunks like to eat?

Skunks are omnivores who eat expire plants and animals, and their diets fluctuate with the seasons. Among the foods they consume are insects, rodents, grubs, salamanders, lizards, snakes, birds, frogs, larvae, and eggs. Berries, roots, leaves, grasses, and nuts are other popular foods for them.

5. How much does a baby Shunk eat?

Baby skunks require four meals every day. They require approximately three tablespoons of food every meal as tiny kits. Their food consumption steadily rises as they become older.

6. Do skunks eat meat?

Yes, skunks like to eat meat. Skunks are omnivores, meaning they consume both meat and vegetables, although they prefer meat. In reality, they consume everything that seems tasty, preferring to prey on small animals and insects. They eat more arthropods in the summer and more fruits in the fall and winter, depending on food availability and seasonal variations.

7. Where do skunks stay during the daytime?

Skunks are nocturnal creatures who are most energetic from early evening until late at night. They generally sleep in dens during the day; however, they may sleep in plants during the summer. Dens are generally discovered beneath porches or in crawl spaces. However, they may also be found in stream or pond banks, timber piles, or beneath porches.

8. What is the reason behind skunks chasing people?

The skunks are more than likely attempting to save their supplies. Skunks have unique glands on their back ends that produce musk, although this does not always happen. At any given time, a skunk has a limited amount of spray.

9. Do skunks eat at night?

Skunks not only eat at nighttime but also seek food at that time. Skunks are natural omnivores, eating both plants and meat. Grass, leaves, small animals such as mice, bugs, grains, fruit, buds, birds, carrion, crabs, and grubs are all typical ingredients in their diet.

10. Are skunks beneficial for anything?

Despite their reputation as a pest, skunks are useful to farmers, growers, and landlords since they eat a variety of agricultural and horticultural pests. Skunks are captured for the pet trade and banned in Washington, and their fragrance is utilized for musk.


Skunks are nocturnal omnivores, meaning they eat minimally processed foods, including plants and meat, at night, but primarily meat: 70 percent meat, 30 percent vegetables, and other non-meat items. Insects and tiny animals are more readily accessible in the spring and early summer, and small animals are more readily available in the fall and winter.


Optimized By Ch Amir On 12-10-22

What do skunks eat? Skunks eat small rodents, beetles, grasshoppers, rats, mice, and insects. They love to eat oily, meat-based baits like chicken and fish. They are known as omnivorous because they eat animal and plant material, and with the change of season, they change their diet.

For humans, the skunk is a problem, and they fear their power and long-lasting odor. Skunks prey on animals that are harmful to humans, so that’s why skunks are beneficial to humans. Many yard pets that skunks love to eat are roaches, snakes, scorpions, and spiders. Based on previous research, a skunk’s diet can make up as much as 65% of harmful insects. Skunks can ingest the following common pests:

  • Roaches

  • Black widow spiders

  • Snakes

Diet of the skunks is based on insects. However, they also love to eat small animals that are weak prey. These include rabbits, voles, mice, and sometimes, a skunk will eat ground-nesting birds, amphibians, fish, and small reptiles.

Skunks will frequently incline toward animals to eat over plants, yet relying upon the season, they may have to depend on scavenging to discover food. Winter and fall seasons limit the accessibility of food sources. During these cooler months, a skunk will depend on any little prey it can get. They will eat food that isn’t fresh and incline toward food varieties that tumble to the ground and are available. Because of these habits, skunks eat decaying crops and fruits that people would not harvest.

These mammals are not particular with regards to eating. They will often strike trash bins, including many of the favored food varieties they look for. Here skunks can track down a steady source of rodents and spoiling food, and they are known to scavenge through dumpsters and garbage bins to search out dinner. It is one of the reasons numerous people have a pessimistic point of view toward animals.

The dietary habits are consistent, and the only changes are in the cold weather months where food can turn out to be scant. Since a skunk doesn’t sleep, they are consistently out searching for a food source and will depend on whatever they can discover. They frequently eat the first thing they come across and proceed onward to discover additional sources of sustenance. Skunks won’t go after any bigger animal, so they are not feared by many.

Natural Diet for Captive Skunks

Wild skunks don’t make great pets, yet hand-raised tamed skunks can be engaging, docile, and adoring. Skunks are omnivores who will eat pretty much anything. In the wild, skunks are inclined to scavenge through trash, and the diet can be quite eclectic. But in captivity, you need to guarantee a varied healthy diet.


Skunks should be offered an assortment of proteins; meats and dairy should add up to around 60 to 70 percent of the eating routine. Chicken and boiled eggs can be offered raw, boiled, or scrambled - with or without the shell. Offer crude chicken or marrow bone once per week. Canned salmon or sardines are top choices. However, you need to stay away from can fish. Cheese is an incredible source of protein and vitamin D. You can offer crickets, mealworms, super worms, and frozen pinkie mice. Hulled and crude nuts, like almonds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, and walnuts, are high in proteins and fats.


Vegetables ought to be 29% to 39 percent of the diet. You can offer a huge amount of vegetables and greens. Offer most vegetable crude or frozen. Choose broccoli, cauliflower, yellow squash, zucchini, bell peppers, green beans, snap peas, carrots, eggplants, radishes, turnips, beets, cucumbers, and tomatoes. You can cook and offer potatoes, yams, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, and oak seed squash, but offer these things a few times a month and only after cooking them. Limit bean sprouts. You can offer healthy greens, including spinach, red cabbage, romaine lettuce, kale, and endive.


Fruits are beneficial to offer a captive skunk. Skunks like berries - raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, and strawberries - however, offer cranberries just occasionally. Other fruits you may offer include pears, apples, bananas, and melons.


Fatty acids and fat help keep a skunk’s healthy skin and coat. Nuts, seeds, poultry, soybean oil, additional virgin olive oil, and coconut oil will help give unsaturated fats and omegas. You need around 25% to 30 percent of your calorie intake from fats.

Vitamins and Minerals

A varied diet will give fundamental nutrients and minerals; get your vet’s input if you think supplements are required. For supplements, visit your nearby wholefoods store instead of offering supplement items intended for general captive pets. Calcium is fundamental for many body functions, as well as bone development. Skunk Vet Care says a captive skunk can endure low bone density, bone prods, joint pain, and fused bones when calcium supplements are offered without different sources of calcium, like crude chicken neck or cheese. Vitamin D is fundamental, often consumed naturally in eggs, fish, and sustained dairy. If your vet OKs it, offer a 100 IU dose of D3 at least four times a week. Taurine is an insignificant amino acid, but a taurine supplement might be fundamental if you offer a low-protein diet.

Nutrition-Related Health Problems

Most pet skunks live just around five years in captivity, but their natural life expectancy in the wild ought to be at least 10 to 15 years. Without a healthy diet, pet skunks often experience the ill effects of heftiness, diabetes, kidney illness, and malignancy. A healthy, varied diet will diminish the risks of these nutrients and diet-related ailments. Avoid processed foods and dog/cat kibble.

Skunk Diet

Small MammalsBerriesWaspsHuman Garbage
LizardsNutsHoney beesPet food
FrogsLeavesGrubsBird Feeders
SnakesGrassEarthwormsSkunk bait

What do skunks eat?

Here is a briefly explained what skunks eat. :


In animals, skunks eat the following:

Small mammals – Skunks often eat rats, mice, and other small mammals, especially in the wintertime.

Lizards and salamanders – Skunks get most of the protein from small lizards like skinks, salamanders, or anoles.

Frogs – Skunks will make a diet out of pretty much anything more modest than they are, including frogs and amphibians.

Snakes – Skunks will even chase and eat venomous snakes since skunks are insusceptible to snake venom.

Fish – Skunks lean toward hunting on land. However, they will eat fish occasionally. If you have a goldfish pond, search out for skunks.

Birds – Skunks don’t generally eat flying birds unless they get the drop on them, but they have a reputation with chickens.

Eggs – Skunks are popular egg thieves and will snatch any they can, particularly chicken eggs, if they get into the coop.


In plants, the skunks eat the following:

Berries and nuts – Skunks like eating many kinds of berries and nuts, like walnuts, pecans, and hickory nuts.

Fungi, Leaves, and grass – Skunks eat large amounts of greens, some roots, and fungi like wild mushrooms to balance their diet.


Human garbage – Skunks, like raccoons and other night-rummaging creatures, will get into your garbage cans and wreck while looking for food.

Pet food – Cat and dog food is a source of food for skunks because the urban skunks become more dependent on individuals for food.

Bird feeders – Skunks are also known to be typical bird feeder pests. Ensure you utilize a baffle on your bird feeder pole!

Skunk bait – If you are attempting to trap a skunk or skunk that has become a bug in your yard, individuals have had accomplishment with canned cat food, tuna fish, sardines, crisp bacon, or bread with peanut butter.


In insects, the plants eat the following:

Wasps and honey bees – Skunks are one of the essential hunters of honey bees. Mother skunks will help their young how to scratch the bee colony and eat the honey bees that come out to research the uproar.

Grubs, earthworms, and larvae – Skunks can often be seen digging holes chasing for worms, grub worms, and bug larvae.

Crickets, beetles and other little insects – When it comes to invertebrates like crickets, beetles and other little insects, skunks aren’t demanding. They will eat any bug or worm.

Frequently Asked Question

Here are some often-asked questions about “what do skunks eat?”.

Q1. What do skunks eat at night?

Skunks are nighttime, easygoing, and naturally non-aggressive; they incline toward little animals and bugs for dinner instead of your garden. They occasionally visit gardens, which might be because maize or other plants are near the ground.

Q2. Do Skunks eat cats?

Skunks don’t feed on cats either; in any case, they may eat little cats that are left unprotected. It implies that owners of little cats should be alerted of skunks. Even though skunks do not directly feed on pets such as dogs and cats, they can do considerable harm to them.

Q3. What is skunks’ favorite food?

Skunks’ favorite food is meat, but they will also eat vegetables and plants. Some other common food Sources are small animals, insects, eggs, birds, poultry, worms, berries, grubs, and grasshoppers are also common food sources. Skunks also like honey and foods with a strong odor.

Q4. What do skunks hate?

Skunks hate certain odors, although it seems ironic. Ammonia, Citrus, predator urine, and mothballs (dog, coyote, etc.) are some smells that skunks hate. If you use mothballs or cotton balls doused in ammonia, keep them out of the reach of youngsters.

Q5. Can skunks climb?

For digging, skunks have long claws and sharp teeth. They are short-sighted but have a keen sense of hearing and smell. The stripy skunk is not a good climber. Although it can climb fences, wire mesh, and boards, it rarely climbs trees. In climbing, long nails are an absolute handicap.

Q6. Where do skunks nest?

The typical skunk hole has many entrances. Skunks also nest in locked places like under bushes, hollow logs, woodpiles**,** open prairies, under porches, culverts, sheds, basements, garages, and abandoned or incomplete buildings.

Q7. What natural skunk repellent is there?

  • Boil a chopped onion
  • A chopped jalapeno
  • In 2 quarts of water, one tablespoon of cayenne pepper for about 20 minutes.
  • Into a spray bottle, Strain the liquid.
  • To make skunks steer clear of squirt plants.
  • Each dose should last up to five-six days

Q8. What is the best skunk repellent?

The top best five skunk repellents are the following:

  • Peppermint Essential Oil 4 oz.

  • Natural Armor Animal

  • Animal Repellent Granules.

  • Clever sprouts Dog Cat Repellent.

  • Ultrasonic Animal Repellent.

  • Motion Activated Pests Repeller.

Q9. How deep do skunks dig?

Skunks have short legs, which allow them to dig under a foundation no less than 2 feet deep to access crawl spaces. Try not to be astonished; even though you don’t smell a skunk, a skunk lives in your home.

Q10. Where do skunks keep their babies?

Skunks generally have a solitary litter of four to six children in May-June; skunks in old woodchuck tunnels, empty logs, wood or rock piles, or under buildings and stone walls. The young stay in the den for around two months.


What do skunks eat? Skunks love to eat meat-based things and eat small rodents, insects, crickets, beetles, grasshoppers, grubs, mice, and rats. They consume both vegetation and animals but prefer the latter. Humans are terrified of the skunk’s strength and lingering stink.

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Optimized By Ch Amir On 12-10-22

What Do Skunks Eat?

Skunks consume insects and small mammals. Skunks are opportunistic eaters, although they are especially drawn to greasy, meat-based baits such as fish and chicken. Because they have a good sense of smell, anything particularly pungent works best; peanut butter has even been proven to attract skunks.

What do skunks consume during the summer?

In the spring and summer, grasshoppers, bees, beetles, beetle larvae, and crickets make up most of a skunk’s diet. When food is sparse in the fall and winter, skunks scavenge for fruit, nuts, bird seed, and pet food.

What do young skunks consume in the wild?

You may now begin feeding it fatty fish, eggs, carrots, seafood, vegetable oil, yogurt, cottage cheese, vanilla wafer, chopped mushrooms, peas, maize, squash, almonds, cod liver oil, etc.

What do skunks eat at night?

Not only do skunks eat at night, but they also seek food at that time. Skunks are real omnivores, as they devour both vegetation and meat. Their food consists of grass, leaves, small animals such as mice, insects, fruit, crustaceans, buds, birds, cereals, carrion, and grubs.

Do skunks eat cats?

Skunks do not eat cats, either. However, they may attack unprotected kittens if they are little. Even while skunks do not actively feed on pets like cats and dogs, they can nonetheless do considerable harm to them. Skunks will behave aggressively in self-defense, particularly when cornered.

Are skunks undesirable to have around?

Skunks offer no danger to your property or yard. They feed on creatures that do so. Suppose you can control the skunk population and the animals are healthy. In that case, a skunk or two in your region can help your grass by keeping populations of property-damaging animals at bay.

Can skunk climb?

Although it can climb wire mesh, fences, and boards, it seldom climbs trees because its long nails present a significant obstacle. And the spotted skunk is a good climber, capable of easily scaling trees.

Where do skunks spend their days?

Typically, they spend their days resting in their burrows, although they may bed in vegetation during the warmer months. Dens are often located below ground; however, they can also be discovered on the banks of a stream or pond, beneath porches, or in crawlspaces.

How can you frighten a skunk away?

A bright light or motion-activated floodlight will deter skunks. Citrus fruits smell unpleasant to most animals, including skunks. Place orange or lemon peels in the yard to discourage skunks naturally. Urine from predators (dogs or coyotes) can be utilized to discourage skunks.

What season do skunks become active?

As nocturnal animals, skunks are most active at night. They do not hibernate. However, they are often dormant during the winter’s harshest months, when they assemble for warmth in communal dens. Throughout the year, skunks are often solitary, living and foraging by themselves.

Do skunks attack humans?

A skunk may charge the target of his hostility before stamping his feet and hissing in a loud outburst. If it does not convey his message, a scented spray will. A pet skunk that has been descended may perform a similar charge/stomp/squeal, but it is considered a sign of play.

Which home cure will eliminate skunks?

Make a homemade pepper spray (one yellow onion, one jalapeño pepper, and one tablespoon of cayenne pepper boiled in two quarts of water, then strained) and spray it around locations where you want the skunk to avoid.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: To what height will skunks climb?

In contrast to raccoons and opossums, skunks are poor climbers. I saw that they could climb my straw bale, although it is at its maximum height (about 18 inches). A 6-foot-tall fence encloses our backyard.

Q: How can you locate a hole in a skunk?

The feeding openings on the surface of a skunk are round. Close inspection reveals they begin broad and narrow as the skunk burrows further into the ground. They will be rather level. There are frequently many food holes nearby because skunks hunt methodically.

Q: Do cats go after skunks?

Skunks are extremely hazardous to pets while not appearing particularly deadly. Your cat or dog may smell the skunk, and things may even start amicably, but if one paw is out of place, the skunk will spin around and spray.

Q: How long does a skunk spray last?

The odor of skunk spray can persist for two to three weeks, so if you are unfortunate enough to receive it, you must act quickly. Skunk spray is odorous, oily, and difficult to remove.


Skunks consume insects and small mammals. Skunks are opportunistic eaters, although they are especially drawn to greasy, meat-based baits such as fish and chicken. Because skunks have a good sense of smell, anything with a strong aroma works best; peanut butter has even been proven to attract skunks.

What do skunks Eat? Skunks are useful garden companions since they mostly consume insects and small rodents. Skunks are natural pest-control agents, consuming beetles, crickets, grubs, mice, rats, and grasshoppers during the growth season. These critters like to live within two miles of a water supply; hence, they rarely leave their established habitats.

What Do Skunks Eat?

Skunks are omnivorous animals; consequently, they can adjust to any eating regimen. During summer and spring, most of their food comprises bugs and little prey.

  1. At the point when the food is scant, they go to eat plants. Be that as it may, during colder months in winter, skunks have issues getting to food, which is the point at which they ack odds and ends and garbage bins for food.

  2. They will generally eat a great deal during summer when there’s a ton of food, supporting them and their young ones during the colder months.

  3. Since they have forager propensities, their eating regimen is versatile, depending on seasons and accessibility.

  4. Because of their size, they can be creatures that are more modest than them.

  5. At the point when they can’t track down prey to kill, they need to make due on plants and, in more awful case situations, consumable food sources from your trash bin.

Let’s scrutinize the primary foods that Skunks eat.

Insects and Small Animals

Regardless of their horrendous scent, skunks are useful to people in more than one way. All things considered, 70% of the skunk’s eating regimen comprises destructive bugs.

  • They go after animals that influence human’s commonplace way of life.

  • like this, however much they are a disturbance to people, they help dispose of ruinous bugs in the house and yard.

  • Skunks feed on grasshoppers, snakes, crickets, insects, scorpions, bugs, mice, minuscule frogs, honey bees, and worms. They will likewise target ground-settling birds, fish, and some little reptiles.

  • Skunks go after certain creatures as a way to show youthful self-protection. They decided to target dangerous creatures like snakes and the dark widow insect.

  • Their invulnerability to wind toxins assists them with eating toxic ones like rattlers. These animals are likewise essential hunters of the bumble bee. Their thick layer of hiding shields them from getting honey bee stings.

  • like this, aside from getting a nutritious eating regimen, they utilize this to show the youthful ones how to prey and shield themselves.

Skunks eat Plants

Skunks incline toward eating creatures over plants. Notwithstanding, contingent upon the season, plant material might be the most accessible food.

  • During the colder months, particularly winter and fall, skunks have fewer food hotspots. Along these lines, they have no choice except to eat leafy foods decaying on the ground.

  • They search for food around the evening time. They are famous for skunks have fewer food plants materials that skunks feed on incorporate palatable leaves nutritious grasses, berries, mushrooms, corn, grapes, chilies.

  • Skunks can likewise eat nuts, seeds, plant roots, and dad plant matter.

The shifted solid eating regimen ought to include the following:

Skunk Proteins

As pets, proteins should make around 60-70% of your skunk’s eating regimen.

  • The food sources that can be a wellspring of protein incorporate meat, dairy items, crude chicken, marrow bone, canned salmons, sardines, and cheddar.

  • You can likewise incorporate crude or cooked eggs.

  • Skunks love creepy crawlies, and subsequently, if you can get crickets, worms, mice, or these can enhance their eating regimen.

  • Seeds like almonds, pumpkin, and sunflowers are additionally high in proteins and fats.

Skunk Vegetables

On your pet’s day-by-day diet, vegetables should make up 30-40% of the eating regimen. You can browse a wide assortment of vegetables, including broccoli, red cabbage, spinach, chime peppers, cauliflower, kale, carrots, eggplants, cucumbers, lettuce, zucchini, to tomatoes. These can be served either crude or frozen.

  1. Your skunk will cheerfully eat cooked food varieties like yams, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and butternut squash.

  2. These food sources ought to be cooked and served twice monthly.

  3. Notwithstanding them being sound, don’t take care of your pet skunk vegetables-weighty eating regimens; any other way, they’ll lose bone mass. Supplement these food sources with loads of proteins and nutrients.

Skunk Natural products

Skunks love berries; subsequently, it’s protected to offer your pet blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, and strawberries. You may likewise incorporate bananas, melons, apples, and pears for an equilibrium.


Skunk diet is entirely versatile, relying upon seasons and accessibility. Because of their size, they can be more modest creatures than them. At the point when they can’t track down prey to kill, they need to make due on plants and, in more regrettable case situations, consumable food sources from your trash bin.

Flow charts of What do skunks Eat?

In winterinsects, eggs, frogs, snakes, earthworms, and other small animals
In summergrasshoppers, bees, beetles, beetle larvae, and crickets
In Springnuts, bird seed, and pet food.
In Fallinsects, rodents, frogs, crayfish, bird eggs, and nestlings
In Wildinsects and small rodents.

Armed and Odorous

Regarding the size of large grapes, the centric organs of a striped skunk each hold very nearly an ounce of concentrated musk, enough for quite some time. Incredible muscles encompassing the sacks can siphon out the sleek fluid strongly enough to drench an objective over 10 feet away. Adaptable areolas flanking the but exactly control the splash.

  • A skunk might discharge a simple whiff of smell to repulse a minor irritation or, while escaping a hunter can’t see, discharge a haze of foul musk that can leave a follower speechless.

  • For its generally exceptional, a skunk turns into a U-shape with the goal that the two eyes and posterior defy the danger, then, at that point, points a flood of harmful fluid right at its foe’s face.

  • Choking, torment in the delicate layers of the nose and mouth, and even impermanent visual impairment can result from an immediate hit.

  • In the wake of being showered a few times, hunters discover that assaulting a skunk is an extremely poorly conceived notion, Stankowich says.

  • Splash casualties are probably going to approach (or stay away from) each other skunk they meet with the alert such frightful illustrations move.

Risk and Reward

There are different risks. As indicated by the U.S. Habitats for Infectious prevention and Anticipation, about a fourth of untamed life rabies cases every year are contaminations in skunks.

One episode can kill 80% of a local skunk populace in under a year.

However, the sickness spreads effectively among wild creatures and unvaccinated felines and canines, transmission to people in the U.S. is exceptionally uncommon and predominantly identified with nibbles from bats, not skunks.

  • Different sicknesses, including pneumonia and sickness, alongside parasitic invasions, winter starvation, and vehicles, can cause significant damage.

  • The creatures Gehrt followed incorporated a few “super skunks” that lived as long as six years of age, “yet they were extremely uncommon,” he says.

  • A wild skunk’s normal life expectancy is around three years.

  • Skunks can likewise experience the ill effects of a standing that is no bundle of roses. They’re here and there, abused as disturbance creatures.

  • “Individuals are, for the most part, drearily scared of skunks,” Stankowich says, "yet if you invest any energy noticing them in the wild, you’ll see exactly how tranquil and honorable they are.

  • They continue ahead after a long time after night, searching for food, making an effort not to trouble anybody."

  • Skunks can be significant nursery partners as they eat bugs and little rodents. Skunks are regular nuisance control legends, devouring insects, crickets, grubs, grasshoppers, rodents, and mice throughout the developing season.

  • Skunks can offer us another blessing, as well. “All creatures, including people, need ‘advancement’ in their surroundings,” says Gehrt—openings for learning and association. “Skunks give us that.”

  • It might appear odd to think about a skunk’s sharp singed garlic-in addition to spoiled egg scent as enhancing; however, Gehrt accepts it is.

  • “An intermittent whiff of skunk splash reconnects us to the mind boggling significance of smell in the existences of different creatures,” he says.

“It advises us that skunks are out there, in any event, when we don’t see them, and that we as a whole offer a similar world.”

The Unscented Garden

Watching skunks (like this striped skunk in California) can be a scent-free joy. “Skunks don’t splash except if they need to,” says specialist Ted Stankovich.

In any case, watch from an aware distance and regard the creatures’ admonition signs. The following are a couple of more tips to keep skunk relations cheerful in your yard:

Limit access

To hold skunks back from taking on your storehouses or unfinished plumbing spaces as instant lairs, screen openings in your establishment and under patios and keep carports and sheds shut around evening time.

Conceal the food

Skunks will cheerfully nibble on treats like pet food or open trash, so eliminate these compulsions to hold skunks back from adjusting to a traditional evening buffet.

Stay away from experiences

Keep pets inside during nightfall and sunrise, when skunks are generally dynamic. Keep pets current on rabies immunizations and train your kids to notice natural life from far off.

Securely eliminate the smell

If a meeting skunk lets fly, don’t frenzy and leave the tomato juice in the kitchen: That natural society cure doesn’t work. All things being equal, drench stinky skin or pet hide with a blend of four cups of hydrogen peroxide, a quarter-cup of baking pop, and a teaspoon of dish cleanser. Leave it on for approximately five minutes, then wipe.


Skunks are simple feeders. As omnivores, they can eat plant and creature materials. The wild ones have a negative relationship with people. They are known to rummage through the trash and garbage bins, searching for food, leaving a wreck and an undesirable smell in the yard.

Then again, some have been trained and are kept as pets. Their take care of routine requirements to incorporate an even eating regimen to keep them sound.

Skunk Outline

Skunks are warm-blooded creatures recognizable by their trademark highly contrasting striping. Notable for their unsavory skunk shower, they produce a foul smell as a method for self-protection.

  • These wild animals have gained notoriety for rummaging food in human neighborhoods where they are treated as nuisances.

  • Nonetheless, certain individuals keep them as trained pets in their homes.

  • If you are experiencing difficulty with skunks attacking your garbage bin each night, you may likely be thinking about what food varieties these animals eat.

  • Taking care of wild skunks will urge them to continue to return. These creatures are omnivores and are not over meticulous concerning food.

  • Along these lines, we should investigate their experience and what establishes their fundamental eating routine.

At the Beginning of skunk

Skunks got first distinguished during the 1630s. The striped skunk is the most certain species in North America.

The spotted skunk is likewise present in many pieces of the U.S. and Mexico; nonetheless, the populace is lower. In the Midwest, Southwest, and Mexico, you can get the hooded and hoard-nosed species.

Physical Attributes

Skunk species fluctuate in size. Spotted skunks are lighter and weigh around 1-3 pounds, though striped ones can weigh more than 15 pounds.

  1. Their bodies are somewhat short, with very ripped legs and long paws utilized for burrowing. Each foot has five toes.

  2. Because of cross-reproducing, these creatures come in various tones and examples. Nonetheless, the most conspicuous example is the exemplary highly contrasting. Other skunk designs range from brown, dim, spotted lavender, white, and cream.

  3. From birth, all skunks are striped, yet some may have white spots and broken stripes, which are an attribute of the spotted skunk.

Skunk habitat

Skunks are versatile animals and can undoubtedly flourish in various living spaces giving asylum and food.

In case you are searching for their environment, you are bound to think that they are in emptied-out logs, creature tunnels, tree hollows, and under patios.

At the point when they can’t get to shield choices, they burrow their tunnels.


Skunks can be valuable garden allies as they mostly eat insects and small rodents. These creatures like to reside inside 2 miles of a water source, consequently, seldom go a long way from their set-up homes.

Frequently Ask Questions

Here, I describe some questions related to this article.

1.What do skunks like to eat the most?

A skunk’s eating routine generally relies upon accessibility. In the spring and summer, a skunk’s eating routine generally comprises grasshoppers, honey bees, creepy crawlies, bug hatchlings, and crickets. Throughout the fall and winter, when food is scant, skunks will search for natural products, nuts, bird seeds, and pet food.

2. What attracts skunks to your yard?

Skunks are go-getters on the most fundamental level; they’re principally drawn to easy pickings like trash and pet food forgot about around evening time, just as advantageous denning destinations, for example, wood and rock heaps, raised sheds, openings under substantial pieces and patios and unfinished plumbing spaces

3. Do skunks eat cats?

Skunks don’t benefit from felines either, in any case, they may result in little cats that are left unprotected. even though skunks don’t straightforwardly benefit from pets like a madhouse, skunks can hurt pets, and they can hurt them truly. Skunks will act forcefully and justifiably, particularly in case they are cornered.

4. What is the best skunk bait?

If you have a live skunk trap, guarantee you utilize the best lure for skunks. Lures that trap a skunk include:

  • Canned fish (like sardines).

  • New creepy crawly hatchlings (for example, may bug).

  • Fresh bacon.

  • Feline food.

  • Bread with peanut butter.

Place whichever lure you pick in your skunk trap.

5. What are skunks good for?

Skunks are known for their capacity to splash a solid-smelling fluid to avoid hunters. Although skunks are now and then considered an aggravation, they are really helpful to ranchers, nursery workers, and landowners since they feed on countless agrarian and nursery bugs.

6.What attracts skunks to my yard?

Skunks can be drawn to a yard or a house by specific things in the yard or close to the house. As expressed previously, bird seed and sunflower seeds are two principal attractors of skunks. Pet food, trash, barbecues, and wood can draw in skunks, as can openings under houses, decks, or sheds.

7. How long do skunks stay in one place?

Skunks normally have a solitary litter of four to six infants in May-June; skunks sanctum in old woodchuck tunnels, empty logs, wood or rock heaps, or under structures and stone dividers.


If anyone wants to know about chunks and cannot understand What do skunks Eat? So, I suggest that you must read this article. Here, I described all the related skunks’ eats. Hopefully, this article surely helpful for you.

What Do Skunks Eat?

Skunks are omnivores and consume an assortment of plants and animals. They have an insatiable appetite and will consume whatever appetizing they can find. It includes waste and litter, particularly if they dwell close to people. Seasonal changes influence the skunk’s diet throughout the year.

When feasible, skunks will prioritize high-calorie, high-fat meals. In addition, they will continue to eat even after they are full, which can lead to obesity and health issues in caged skunks. Thus, a skunk’s diet may be reduced to fifteen typical items. Among the foods that skunks enjoy eating are:

  • Small animals

  • Small amphibians

  • Reptiles

  • Garbage/trash

  • Insects

  • Honey

  • Nuts

  • Fish

  • Small birds

  • Eggs

  • Seeds

  • Vegetables

  • Fruit

  • Worms

  • Carrion

If nothing else is available, skunks will also consume uneaten pet food, grasses, leaves, and mushrooms.

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