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What Do Elephants Eat?


What do elephants eat? Elephants eat small plants, grasses, twigs, bushes, fruit, roots, and tree bark. The bark of the tree is a favourite food source for elephants. It contains calcium and roughage, which helps digestion. Tusks are used to carve the trunk and tear pieces of bark.

What Do Elephants Eat?

Elephants will dig in the ground for salt and minerals to supplement their diet. Their tusks are used to agitate the ground. The elephant then puts discarded pieces of soil in its mouth to get nutrients. These areas often cause holes several feet deep, and essential minerals are made accessible to other animals.

For example: Over time, African elephants have dug deep caves in the mountainous region along the Ugandan border in search of salt and mineral grasslands.

Asian elephants carved hills in India and Sumatra in search of salt and minerals. These landmarks provide valuable food and resources for a wide variety of native wildlife.

What is the African elephant?

African elephants are the world’s largest animals. They are slightly larger than their Asian cousins and can be identified by their large ears like the African continent.

Although organized into a single species, scientists have found that there are two species of African elephants, and both are in danger of extinction. The Savanna elephants are large animals roaming on the plains of sub-Saharan Africa, and the forest elephants are tiny animals that live in the forests of Central and West Africa. The International Union for Conservation of Nature lists savanna and forest elephants as critically endangered.

During the dry season, they use their fingers to dig dry rivers and make watering holes for many animals to drink from. Their manure is full of seeds, helping plants spread throughout the environment and making a beautiful place for dung beetles.

In the wild, their diet on trees and shrubs creates pathways for small animals, and in the savanna, they uproot trees and eat vegetation, which helps keep the area open for zebras and other lowland animals to thrive.


African elephants are key species, meaning they play a vital role in their ecosystem. Also known as “ecosystem engineers,” elephants shape their environment in several ways.

What do African elephants eat?

African elephants live mainly in forest trees. In Africa, it is difficult for them to locate long grasslands. The abundance of different trees and shrubs helps them to survive in the African climate. An old African elephant can eat an entire tree. In the case of babies, they eat shoots and leaves. They also eat roots, tree bark, and fruit.

African elephants are called “browsers” because of their eating habits. They browse from one tree to another to find leaves, roots, bark, and shoots.

Elephants are herbivores

Elephants are also known as herbivores. The word herbivore comes from the Latin word herbivore. In Latin, herba means “little plant or herb,” and vora means “food.” Therefore, vegetables or grass-fed animals are herbivores. Elephants feed entirely on natural plants and shrubs.

The elephants adapted to the green leaves, and nature grew on its kind chest and drank from her eyes so that it could be exposed to nearby water bodies. By choosing such vegetarian foods, the internal environment of their body and their external food components began to change. The elephant has flat teeth that grind leaves and bark out of the tree.

The teeth of elephants are replaced from time to time; therefore, it is called polyphyodont. Elephants are mammals, but they do not grow teeth like us. We grow the teeth of babies and replace them with permanent adult teeth.


Vegetables or grass-fed animals are herbivores. Elephants feed entirely on natural plants and shrubs, therefore known as herbivores.

Elephants eat too much

Elephants can eat as much as 150-160 kg of food a day. An elephant drinks an average of 40-45 litres of water in just one day. They can drink gallons of water.

The amount of food they eat depends on various factors. In the tropics, elephants drink more water than elephants in the central region.

In some areas, elephants struggle to search for water. In those cases, they drink large amounts of water to compensate for the loss of water in their body. Elephants walk 10-20 kilometres daily to get enough food and water for the whole family.

In the Etosha region of Namibia, it has been reported that elephants living there, walking 90-180 km a day, are just looking for something to eat. They are the real fighters of the animal planet. When hungry, they cling together as they travel long distances to find food. After finding it, they enjoy it together.

Why do elephants eat that much?

Elephants are not small animals that can eat a leaf and sleep all day. A giant elephant’s body needs an equal amount of food. Otherwise, they cannot survive. Elephants eat up to 150 kg of food and 40 litres of water a day for the following reasons:

They need more energy to sustain themselves.

They usually cover long distances a day. Walking 15-30 km with such a heavy body requires enough food to survive.

In arid regions, natural water is scarce. Elephants living there drink plenty of water to keep themselves hydrated and have enough water in their bodies for the next trip.

What do Asian elephants eat?

The habitat of Asian elephants is grasslands. They eat all kinds of grasses found in Asia. Sometimes they like to eat short plants and trees. In the arid regions of Asia, elephants also feed on thorny shrubs. Like African elephants, the Asian elephant eats leaves, shoots, fruits, bark, grass, and roots. Asian elephants are called “grazers” as they feed on grassy areas and plants near the ground.

What do elephants eat in the savanna?

In the savanna, elephants eat weeds such as Rubber Vine, Mesquite, Prickly Pear, etc. They also eat various parts of the trees found in the Savanna region. Trees such as Acacia and Bushwillow are also popular with elephants.

What do elephants eat in the wild?

Under natural conditions, elephants feed mainly on grass, tree leaves, flowers, wild fruits, shoots, shrubs, bamboo, and bananas. Their primary food is grass, as well as other leaves.

But when the weather gets dry and the grass dies, they will eat almost any kind of green they can find. They will cut down trees to eat their leaves. They will turn even to concrete and woody parts of plants.

Elephants use their tusks to dig roots. Many of these foods pass through their system without being completely digested. They also use their elephants to dig for water, making them available to them and other species.

Female elephants eat even more when pregnant and are pregnant for a long time, longer than other land animals. The gestation period of Indian elephants lasts a little over 21 months (~ 646 days), while African elephant pregnancies usually last much longer - about 22 months (Nowak 1999), about two years.

Weighing 5,500 to 13,000 pounds (~ 2,500-5,900 kg), the Indian elephant loves sugarcane and other crops so much that it has become an agricultural pest, invading and destroying gardens and rice fields. As humans continue to plant more and more of the land that once was a habitat for elephants, conflicts between farmers and elephants would inevitably escalate.

Eating so much food has an impact on an elephant’s teeth. When elephants eat, they grind their big teeth back. In time, this action will drag on the enamel of its teeth. But unlike most other animals, in them, it is not a problem. Throughout their lives, elephants develop new teeth, which move forward from the back of their mouths, replacing them with old, worn-out, pushed out at the front, often in pieces.

In short:

In the wild, elephants eat different plants, from savannah grasses, shrubs, and herbs, to woody trees, bark, and fruits.

What do elephants eat in captivity?

The Keepers of the elephants can provide them with cabbage, lettuce, sugarcane, apples, and bananas, as well as other fruits and vegetables. But hay is the mainstay of captive elephant food. And elephants eat far less every day than the average number mentioned above.

On one winter visit to the Atlanta Zoo, the author saw Indian elephants eating Christmas trees. They just put their feet in the trunk, broke the branches, and ate them whole.

Elephants use their trunks to bring food to their mouths, ripping grass off the ground or pulling leaves from trees. They also use trunks for drinking. They do this by sucking water from their upper part with their trunks and then dripping it into their mouths.

How do Elephants Eat With Their Trunks?

As the world’s largest mammal, elephants eat most of the food. On average, giants consume more than 200 pounds of plant daily or the equivalent of about two bushels of maize per minute. And now, scientists have discovered how animals can feed so quickly. Elephants form joints with their trunks to press down and collect food. Researchers say that the discovery could help engineers build better robots.

Elephants are big, so they need a lot of nourishment. To fill their stomachs, they eat fruits, twigs, tree bark, and roots for up to 18 hours a day. To make a lot of money, elephants have to use their trunks efficiently and effectively to get as many pieces of food as possible at one time.

Robots use the slide-and-sweep method to pick up stacks of objects such as piles of sand, rocks, or food items such as flour. They usually lift the mounds of objects with clamshell attachments that slide under the load like a dustpan. However, elephants take a different approach. They use their trunks to press the masses of loose particles together into a solid object.

How do elephants drink?

It is a myth that elephants drink water from their trunks. The trunk is essential for the elephant’s eating and drinking system, but they cannot drink water on their trunks alone. Elephants absorb water from part of their trunk and use their trunk to spray water on their mouths for drinking.

The trunk is a combination of the nose and upper lip used for touch, grip, grab, and smell. The fully grown trunk can reach up to two meters in height and lift weights to 350 kilograms.

How long do elephants live?

Elephants live between 50-60 years, depending on their condition, living conditions, available diet, etc. Like humans, elephants may die earlier, either because of natural causes or human activities, such as poaching.

Reflecting on the lifespan of a working elephant, we can find a recent study by scientists at the University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada. They examined records of Asian elephants used to work in the Myanmar timber industry and concluded that working elephants were up to 41.

The oldest elephant ever recorded was named Lin Wang, who died at the zoo in Taiwan at 86.

How much do elephants weigh?

Elephants are the largest animals; African elephants are the world’s largest mammals. This depends on the type of elephant. Asian elephants are generally smaller than their African counterparts, weighing between 1,250 and 5,000 kilograms. African elephants are the largest species of elephants, weighing an average of 5,443 kilograms. Africa’s giant elephant can weigh up to 7,000 kilograms.

Although African elephants are the world’s largest mammals, they are not the largest mammals in the natural world.

Frequently Asked Questions

Following are some frequently asked questions related to What do elephants eat?

1. Does an elephant swallow food?

As the world’s largest mammal, elephants eat a lot of food. And now, scientists have discovered how animals can eat faster. Elephants form joints with their trunks to press down and collect food.

2. How do elephants get food?

Elephants are not only grazers but also browsers, making it easier for them to find food. They eat plants of almost every size, from grass to trees. Elephants use their trunks to bring food to their mouths, ripping grass off the ground or pulling leaves from trees. They also use trunks for drinking.

3. Are elephants afraid of mice?

No matter how big, elephants are also fascinated by fast-moving objects, such as mice. According to elephant behaviour experts, they will be afraid of anything that moves on their feet, regardless of its size. Elephants are not alone in fear of rats and other rodents.

4. Do elephants have a good memory?

Elephants have an excellent memory. So, elephants have good memories, which is one of the things that makes them so unique. The elephant’s brain can weigh up to 20 pounds [5 kg], the largest of all land animals. It helps to keep that wonderful memory.

5. What do elephants do all day?

Two hours of sleep leave mealtime, get drinking water and play. Sleeping for two hours each night sounds like the wrong way to live, but it can be a regular rest for elephants. They also wander around looking for food and water, sometimes to play.

6. What fruits do elephants eat?

Each animal consumes about 50 pounds [15 kg] of the product daily. Common foods include carrots, apples, and bananas; very unusual watermelons, pineapples, pears, succulent vegetables, parsley, lettuce, cabbage, kale, tomatoes, potatoes, onions, and beets.

7. Do elephants eat through their nose?

Elephants, unlike humans, use their trunks to help them drink, but they absorb part of the water up there and then use their trunks to squeeze water out of their mouths. The elephant’s trunk combines its nose and upper lip and can touch, hold, and smell.

8. Can a mouse kill an elephant?

Mice don’t scare o elephants, but another small animal is doing it. Poachers and habitat loss have reduced the number of African elephants by 30% over the past decade. Meanwhile, elephants sometimes raid people’s farms, trample on crops and destroy livelihood, and sometimes even kill people.

9. Do elephants never forget?

Elephants’ memory is legendary, and for a good reason. Of all the world’s mammals, elephants have the largest brains. They can remember distant watering holes, other elephants, and people they meet even after many years.

10. Do elephants cry?

While this may be seen as an emotional “cry,” it occurs because elephants have lost the typical structure of mammals that removes excess moisture away from their eyes; without an actual lacrimal structure, elephants physically cannot shed emotional tears.


In this article, we have discussed in detail that what elephants eat. With the explanation of elephants’ feeding, we have also explained what the African elephant is and what they eat. Also, there is a brief explanation of What Asian elephants eat, what elephants eat in the savanna, what elephants eat in the wild, what elephants eat in captivity, how elephants eat with their trunk, and how much elephants weigh.

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Trunks & Leaves is the world’s premier science-based nonprofit dedicated to conserving Asian elephants and their habitats. The fundamental principle that governs our work is that facts and evidence must motivate and justify all conservation initiatives. We research elephants and people because we believe it is critical to know all sides of the story.

The Dahaiyagala Sanctuary is a vital wildlife corridor that allows elephants and other species to travel between Udawalawe National Park and the Dahaiyagala Sanctuary. Politicians are attempting a clear land grab by gazetting this protected region. Already, valuable forest land has been cleared. Asian elephants live in a variety of environments, from grasslands to rainforests.

When tourism is done sustainably, it benefits both people and nature. If done incorrectly, it may endanger the very animals we cherish. You can now sponsor an elephant.


They can be found on both continents and islands. They’ve coexisted with humans for thousands of years, but can they do so indefinitely? Elephants in Asia are a significant magnet for visitors visiting Asia annually. Some encounters allow visitors to see animals in the wild, while others take place with captive elephants in a more controlled environment.

Species of Elephants

African Savanna

From trunk to tail, an African elephant can reach 30 feet (9 meters), weigh more than 13,000 pounds (6 tons/5,442 kg), and stand as tall as 12 feet (4 meters) at the shoulder. The African elephant is considered endangered.

African Forest

The Forest elephant is smaller than the African Savanna elephant, weighing roughly 5,950 pounds (2.7 tons/2,743 kg) and standing up to 8.2 feet (2.5 meters) at the shoulder. The African Forest Elephant is a Threatened species.


An Asian elephant can reach a length of 18-21 feet (5.5-6.4 meters), weigh 4,000-10,000 pounds (2000-5000 kilograms), and stand 8-10 feet tall at the shoulder (2-3 meters).

Their Territories

Elephants (both species) can be found in the wild across much of Africa, south of the Sahara. Their historical range included the region south of the Himalayas, Southeast Asia, and China north of the Yangtze River. Elephants travel long distances in search of food and water.

Threats Facing Elephants

Elephants in the wild can live to be around 70 years old. Female African elephants born in zoos live an average of 16.9 years, but those born in the wild live an average of 56 years, according to a survey of 4,500 captive elephants worldwide.

Asian elephants live 18.9 years in captivity and 41.7 years in the wild, making them the more endangered of the two species. (Time Magazine, 2008). Elephants in captivity have long-term health issues.


There are no natural predators for elephants. In the wild, lions occasionally prey on young or weak elephants. Humans pose the greatest threat to elephants through poaching and habitat damage. According to current estimates, there are approximately 450,000-650,000 African elephants.

How Elephants Grow the Forest?


Elephants spend their entire lives in herds, which are enormous groupings of female elephants. Male elephants leave their herds at around 13 and spend lonely lives, occasionally joining loose-knit “bachelor herds” of other male elephants who depart at will to look for potential spouses.


A baby elephant weighs between 200 and 250 pounds (91-113 kilograms). A calf’s trunk has a low muscle tone and no coordination when born. A calf’s trunk control takes several months to fully develop. Elephant babies suckle with their mouths.

Asian elephants are known to stand as soon as they are born. The calf learns to consume grass and vegetation after a few months. It remains under the watchful eye of the authorities.

Body Parts of Elephant


Elephants’ eyes are small, and their peripheral vision is limited due to their head and neck position and size. Elephants are said to have poor eyesight, having a vision range of only 25 feet. In the shade of a forest, this improves marginally.


Elephants have four molars, one on each side of the mouth, one on the top and one on the bottom. When an elephant’s teeth are all used up, it dies.


An elephant’s tail can reach 4.2 feet (1.3 meters) in length and is topped by a succession of coarse, wire-like hair. They have incredible control over their tail movement and utilize it as a fly swatter to ward off insects.


The ears of Asian elephants are substantially smaller than those of African elephants. Elephants’ ears are huge and slender. Elephants’ ears are made up of a sophisticated network of blood veins that aid in temperature regulation.

Blood is circulated through their ears in hot climates to keep them cool. Elephants in Africa frequently utilize their ears to communicate visually. Flapping their ears might indicate either aggression or indifference.


Elephants have the most developed brains of all terrestrial mammals and are the largest of all land mammals. Elephants are exceptionally clever animals with long-lasting memory. During the dry seasons, when matriarchs must manage their herds for tens of miles, this memory comes in handy.


Elephants’ feet have soft cushioning that helps them support their weight, prevents them from slipping, and muffles any noise. Elephants can so walk almost silently.

The sole pads expand when the weight is reduced, and they contract when the pressure is released. This permits the elephant’s huge heft to be distributed evenly.


Elephants consume between 149 and 169 kg of vegetation per day (330-375 lb.). An elephant’s day is spent feeding for sixteen to eighteen hours, or about 80 per cent of the time.

Grass, tiny plants, bushes, fruit, twigs, tree bark, and roots are all consumed by elephants. Elephants prefer tree bark as a dietary source. It’s high in calcium and roughage, which help with digestion. Tusks are used to carve and tear into the trunk.


Elephants regularly eat grasses, tree foliage, bark, twigs, and other vegetation as herbivores. Elephants can also consume up to 50 gallons of water daily, nearly the same amount as a bathtub. Elephants are a keystone species that significantly impact the composition of their ecosystem, typically to the benefit of other species.

Elephants Families

The elephant (family Elephantoidal) is the world’s largest living land animal, having a long trunk (elongated upper lip and nose), columnar legs, and a massive head with temporal glands and wide, flat ears.

Elephants have thin and coarse body hair and are greyish to brown in colour. They are most commonly found in savannas, grasslands, and forests, although they can also be found in deserts, savannas, and grasslands. Elephants eat a lot of vegetables. They eat a wide range of plants in the wild, including savannah grasses, shrubs, and herbs, as well as woody trees, bark, and fruits.

Their diet is determined by what is available in their environment at any particular time. We feed our Asian elephants at the Saint Louis Zoo a well-balanced diet based on our expertise of wild elephants. We also consult various sources of dietary data. Elephants are the world’s largest land animals, so you’d expect them to consume a lot.

And you’d be correct; an elephant’s daily calorie intake is enough to keep a person alive for months. So, what do elephants eat to develop into such massive creatures? You’ve come to the correct site if you’re curious about what elephants eat to fill their enormous bellies.

Types Of Elephants

Elephants are a type of proboscidean that belongs to the Elephantoidal family. They are the world’s largest land creatures. The three living species currently recognized are the African bush elephant, African forest elephant, and Asian elephant.

The mastodons are among the extinct members of the Elephantoidal family of proboscideans.

African Largest Animals

There are various elephantoidal species in the Elephantoidal family. However, scientific evidence discovered in 2001 that African elephants are divided into two species: the African Savannah (Loxodont Africana) and the African Forest (Loxodont Africana) (Loxodont cyclitis), The African forest elephant is more slender, slightly smaller, with straighter, smaller tusks and more rounded ears.

According to its purpose, shelter can be divided into two categories. To provide elephants with daytime protection from the sun and rain during working hours in tourist establishments when elephants are generally kept outside eating on natural food at night.

Elephants must be kept in the same place 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in facilities where they must be kept in the same space 24 hours a day. Have you heard of the term “herd”? They’re massive and intelligent, as well as robust and social.

Elephants have a long history of impressing humans due to their size—a male African elephant may weigh up to 7.5 tones (6.8 metric tones)!

Their huge and flexible noses, large and fluttering ears, and loose, wrinkly skin astound us. There are a lot of elephant stories out there—you’ve heard of Hort.

Elephant numbers have declined dramatically during the previous century in Africa and Asia, where they were once plentiful. Poaching for the illegal ivory trade is the largest threat to African elephants, whereas habitat loss and the associated human-elephant conflict are the major threats to Asian elephant populations.

Largest Asian Animals

The elephant is the world’s largest terrestrial mammal. Elephants are the world’s largest land creatures and have one of the most distinctive appearances.


There is no other animal with a physique like theirs, with long noses or trunks; enormous, floppy ears; and wide, thick legs. The Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) and the African elephant (Loxodont Africana), although they inhabit separate continents, are recognized by most specialists.

Facts About Elephant

World Largest Animal

Elephants are the world’s largest land mammals, consuming an amazing 50 tones of food each year. Our professional guide to the world’s two largest land mammals, including key facts about the two species and their native habitat, is available here. Here’s how to navigate the world’s largest landmass. Elephants are the world’s largest terrestrial mammals, albeit the African elephant is much larger than the Asian elephant.

Herbivores Animals

Elephants are herbivores and eat practically anything vegetarian, including bark, leaves, shrubs, twigs, roots, fruits, and flowers.

Elephants require a lot of food, which is unsurprising given their size. They dig with their trunks and tusks. In the Ethiopian Region, African elephants (Loxodont Africana) have a patchy distribution over central and southern Africa. As far northwest as Guinea-Bissau and northeast as Ethiopia, remnant populations persist.

Distinct Wildlife Populations

Disjunct populations can be found in Gabon, Tanzania, Botswana, and Zambia, as well as contiguous populations in Gabon, Tanzania, Botswana, and Zambia.

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What Do Elephants Eat When They’re Not Playing? Elephants are herbivores, which means they only consume vegetation, but what precisely do elephants eat? Other large herbivores specialize in one of two ways.

Elephants Are Beautiful Animals

Elephants are beautiful animals. Many elements of their massive anatomy as the largest of any terrestrial mammals on Earth are a source of wonder in and of themselves. At the same time, their high level of social development makes them a compelling subject for observation.

Furthermore, we are gradually finding that they play an important function in the natural environment and in maintaining the delicate ecosystem balance.

What do Elephants eat? Elephants mostly eat fruits, raw vegetables, grass or bark or wood. They usually can eat 300-400 pounds per day which can vary depending upon their hunger.


As the most important land animals alive, you’d in all likelihood anticipate elephants to eat plenty, and also, you’d be right; the wide variety of energy one elephant can devour in an afternoon may want to preserve someone for months

These hungry animals no longer sleep, roaming super distances while foraging for the large quantities of food they require to preserve their huge bodies. Elephants consume grasses, small plants, bushes, fruit, twigs, tree bark, and roots.


Because elephants devour a lot, they’re an increasing number getting into contact with people. An elephant can destroy a whole season of plants in a single nighttime. Some conservation programs work with farmers to assist them in defending their crops and provide repayment when an elephant does raid them.


The quantity of food they eat depends on different factors, like the environment in their habitat, food availability, and different biological desires. In warm regions, an elephant drinks extra water than an elephant dwelling in a reasonably average temperate place. In a few places, elephants have to struggle in search of water. In those cases, they drink a huge quantity of water to make amends for the lack of water in their body.


They walk 10-20 km an afternoon daily to find enough quantities of meals and water for the own whole family. Inside the Etosha region of Namibia, it is recorded that elephants dwelling there pass as far as 90-180 km today on the lookout for only a few meals! They’re the actual fighters of the animal planet.

When they get hungry, they stick collectively while moving long distances to locate meals. After locating it, they enjoy it collectively. It’s a lesson for us.


Elephants are herbivorous animals. They devour leaves, twigs, bark, roots, fruit, flora, the whole thing. If whatever is green nearby, they generally tend to latch onto it. There may be no looking right or left. To maintain such a giant, discern, they must eat that plenty.

A twig of a tree is just a single spoon of dessert on their plate! Elephants living in one-of-a-kind areas of the planet consume different things. But the essential food plan stays the same. They are die-difficult vegetarians!


To supplement the food regimen, elephants will dig up the earth to gain salt and minerals. The tusks are used to churn the floor. Often these regions bring about holes several toes deep, and crucial minerals are made handy to other animals.


Tree bark is a favourite food source for elephants. It contains calcium and roughage, which aids digestion. Tusks are used to carve into the trunk and tear off strips of bark.


Baobabs are located in mainland Africa, can live for many years, and are considered icons. Baobabs offer specific health benefits to elephants, storing water at some stage in the dry season and providing delicious fruit and bark that elephants love.


Elephants have the largest body and are known as the largest mammal on
Earth is known today. They eat a variety of stuff, but grass or woods are usually around their habitat, so they mostly eat that stuff.


African elephants especially rely on forest trees. In Africa, it’s far tough for them to locate lengthy grasslands. The abundance of different types of timber and trees helps them to preserve themselves in the weather of Africa.

An adult African elephant can devour a whole tree. In the case of youngsters, they feed on twigs and leaves. In addition, they consume roots, tree bark, and fruits.

African elephants are called “browsers” for their meals habit. They browse from one tree to another for leaves, roots, barks, and twigs.


Asian elephants live on grasslands. They eat each kind of grass available in Asia. Now and again, they prefer to devour short woody plants and bushes. In dry areas of Asia, elephants additionally devour thorny trees. Aside from that, Asian elephants consume leaves, twigs, fruit, bark, grass, and roots, similar to African elephants.

Asian elephants are called “grazers” as they graze on grasslands and feed in particular at the plant life close to the floor.


Elephants aren’t tiny animals that could consume a leaf and sleep all day long. The massive body of an elephant desires an analogous quantity of meals. In any other case, they cannot survive. However, the nature-mom has provided for everyone. Then why should they consume less?

Elephants eat an average of 150 kg of food and 40 litres of water according to day for the following reasons:

  • They want a whole lot of strength to preserve themselves.

  • They usually cowl long distances in keeping with day. Transferring 15-30 km with the sort of heavy frame wishes sufficient meals for their survivability.

  • In dry regions, herbal water is scarce. Elephants living in dry regions drink plenty of water to maintain themselves hydrated and to store sufficient water in their frame for their next ride.


The majority of the meals an elephant eats are going undigested. Without digestion, their frame is usually in a strength crisis. However, the digestion manner lasts as much as a day. There’s no way out. They must look ahead to a long day earlier than refilling their belly.


Elephants are given an exact weight-reduction plan today. They’re fed in keeping with their frame-mass index and biological functioning. Even they keep a keen watch on their activities to chart the perfect amount of food for each institution member.

In zoos, elephants consume unique results, hay, pellets, and vegetables. They also browse through shrubs and timber to be had within the zoo.

Hay and masses of it:

Each of our elephants chomps up to 100 pounds of hay every day! It’s their principal course, making up about 50% to 75% of each day’s weight loss program. Domestically-grown grass-based hay duplicates the vitamins located in savannah grasses.


A special supplement presents essential nutrients and minerals to stabilise the weight loss plan. Each elephant eats about 10 kilos of pellets in line with the day.

Fruits and greens:

Those ingredients don’t add a lot of dietary prices; however, they provide special treats during schooling and function as enrichment meals. Every day, each animal eats approximately 15 pounds of produce. Common ingredients consist of carrots, apples, and bananas; less-not unusual ones are melons, pineapples, pears, celery, parsley, lettuce, cabbage, kale, tomatoes, potatoes, onions, and beets. Now that’s variety!


Talking about its diet, an adult or grown-up elephant can eat up to 300-400 pounds daily. They eat a lot because their huge body demands greater energy to work. Although they walk a lot and are sleepless, they require much food to sustain their gigantic bodies.


The trunk is the primary eating utensil for most elephants. An elephant’s trunk is an exceptional factor; they can use it to unexpectedly tear down huge trees in one fell swoop. However, it’s also gentle and delicate enough to choose an individual berry without squashing it.

With their trunks, they attain up to pluck the freshest shoots from the canopies of leaves, pull out swathes of twigs and foliage, and spray copious amounts of water into their mouths in one move. A good deal as with humans. It’s very uncommon for an elephant to take anything without delay into their mouth; they almost always clutch it with their trunk first and switch it in that manner.

Some elephants, particularly of the Asian variety, use their toenailed toes to help them dig into the floor for roots and shoots and pull out these delicacies after they locate them. African elephants don’t have such agile feet, but they scrape and rummage at the ground with them.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions regarding what do elephants eat? These are as follows:

1. Do they have any special abilities?

They are like normal animals. The only ability they have is their huge body. They eat a lot of stuff to get their energy.

2. Do elephants sleep a lot?

No, the fun fact about elephants is that they do not sleep much. They spend their time hovering around in search of food.

3. Why do they eat so much?

Because they have massive bodies, they require more energy.

4. Do elephants eat meat?

No, they are mostly herbivores, or we can say they are always on a diet. They are strict vegetarians.

5. Are elephants going to go extinct?

They are endangered species. These problems need solutions as soon as possible so we can save them before they wipe out.


As the population is growing rapidly, it is causing a direct effect on the existence of elephants as they now do not have the proper habitat for them to live along with many other problems like illegal trading, hunting, etc. now, it is the basic duty for us to make sure their safety before they are extinct from this planet.

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