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Bald teen


Bald teen is a boy or girl who is facing hair loss in their teenage. Hair loss is common in teenagers. There are different reasons for hair loss. These include genetics, malnutrition, thyroid condition, lupus, etc. there are seven stages of hair loss. Hair is made up of keratin proteins. There are different treatments for treating the hair loss of teenagers like PRP, nutrients, hair loss, preventing shampoos, etc.


Keratin is a kind of protein found in hair. A single hair has a visible hair shaft, a root beneath the skin, and a follicle. The follicle is where the hair root emerges. The hair bulb is located at the bottom of the strand. Melanin, the pigment that gives hair its color, is generated here.

The average person loses 50 to 100 hair every day. These hair regrow in the same follicle on your head and are replaced. This level of hair loss is quite average and causes no concern. However, if you’re losing more than that, something isn’t right.

Hair Loss in Teens

During your teens and early twenties, hair loss is surprisingly prevalent. Many men detect the first indications of hair loss during their senior year of high school or their first year of college. Around 16 percent of men between the ages of 15 and 17 have some degree of hair loss.

Hair loss is more frequent as you become older in general. According to the American Hair Loss Association, around two-thirds of males have hair loss by 35. About 85% of males show significant hair loss by the age of 50.

Stages of hair loss

There are seven stages of hair loss. These are given below:

StagesHair loss
Stage 1There is no significant hair loss or receding hairline in the first stage.
Stage 2Around the temples, there is a little receding hairline. An adult or mature hairline is another name for this.
Stage 3The first clinically significant indications of baldness occur. At both temples, the hairline recedes dramatically, forming an M, U, or V shape. The recessed areas are either hairless or sparsely-haired.
Stage 4The hairline recession is more pronounced than in stage 2, and the vertex has scant or no hair. A ring of hair links the remaining hair on the sides of the scalp, separating the two areas of hair loss.
Stage 5In comparison to stage 4, the two regions of hair loss are more significant. They’re still separated, but there’s a smaller and sparser strip of hair between them now.
Stage 6The balding regions at the temples and the balding area at the vertex are joined together. The top of the head has a ring of hair that is either missing or scant.
Stage 7Only a strip of hair around the sides of the head remains at the most severe stage of hair loss. This hair is generally acceptable and not thick.


Bald teen is a teenager who is facing hair loss. Hair contains keratin proteins. A person loses 50 to 100 hair a day. It is pretty normal. There are seven stages of hair loss.

Causes of hair loss


Androgenetic alopecia, often known as male-pattern baldness or female-pattern baldness, is a genetic type of hair loss. It follows a consistent pattern. It usually manifests itself in men as an M, V, or U-shaped receding hairline and progressive balding at the crown. Women typically notice a progressive thinning of their hair along the area of their head.

Pattern hair loss generally begins in maturity, but it can also start in adolescence. This type of hair loss is not uncommon among teens, although its incidence is unknown.

Alopecia areata

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease that causes patches of hair loss. Autoimmune diseases arise when your body misidentifies healthy cells as foreign invaders. Your immune system assaults your hair follicles when you have alopecia areata. Hair loss can occur on the scalp, brows, eyelashes, or body.

At some time in their lives, roughly 2% of the population is affected with alopecia areata. It involves most people before they reach the age of 30, and it can begin as early as childhood.


Malnutrition is a lack of appropriate nutrition caused by not eating enough, overeating, or not receiving the necessary nutritional balance. Food insecurity, dietary imbalances, eating disorders, and digestive issues are all possible reasons. Deficiency of given below nutrients may cause hair loss.

Thyroid conditions

Hair loss or brittle hair can be caused by thyroid disorders that underproduce or over-produce thyroid hormones. Thyroid-related hair loss generally manifests as a consistent thinning across your head. People with severe or long-term thyroid illnesses are more likely to lose their hair. With the right therapy, lost hair may frequently return.


Lupus is an autoimmune disease that develops when your immune system attacks your tissues and organs. Lupus can cause joint discomfort, tiredness, a butterfly-shaped rash, and hair loss, among other things. Lupus patients may experience a progressive thinning of their skin. Hair loss can either grow back or not.

Polycystic ■■■■■ syndrome

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a frequent female health problem that causes an overabundance of androgen or male sex hormones. Hormones like testosterone are produced naturally by women. However, irregular menstrual periods, acne, and hair loss might occur when they create too much.

Hair regeneration may be possible if hormonal abnormalities in your body are treated.

Hair treatments

Colouring your hair or having chemical hair treatments regularly can cause damage to your hair and lead to an increase in hair breakage. These treatments typically have little effect on the base of your hair, and your hair will most likely regrow after you stop using them.

Hair damage can also be caused by chlorine in swimming pools, bleaching your hair, and exposing your hair to too much heat.


Hair loss is a common adverse effect of certain medicines prescribed by doctors. Cancer chemotherapy treatments is perhaps the most well-known cause of hair loss. The drugs and treatments which cause hair loss are given below:

  • Antibiotics
  • Chemotherapy
  • Anticonvulsants
  • Gout medication
  • Acne medications
  • Anticlotting drugs
  • Immunosuppressant
  • Anti-fungal treatments
  • Blood pressure medication
  • Cholesterol-lowering drugs
  • Antidepressants and mood stabilizers


There are different causes of hair loss in a bald teen. Alopecia areata, genetics, malnutrition, hair treatments, lupus, polycystic ■■■■■ syndrome, and thyroid conditions are the leading cause of hair loss.

What causes hair loss in male teenagers?

Improper diet

One of the most common reasons for teenage hair loss is a poor diet since the hair roots grow weak due to a lack of nourishment.

Alopecia areata

Alopecia areata, which causes patchy and fast hair loss, can affect teenagers in some situations. Twenty per cent of those diagnosed are under the age of sixteen.

Medical conditions

Hair loss can be caused by various medical disorders, including diabetes, thyroid disease, lupus, etc. These medical problems, on the other hand, are uncommon among teens.

Ringworm of the scalp

Tinea capitis is a fungal infection of the scalp that, if not treated promptly, can result in uneven hair loss.

Traction Alopecia

When your hair is pushed in one direction over an extended period, it develops a condition called traction alopecia. One example is wearing your hair in tight ponytails all the time.


This is an uncommon psychiatric disorder in which a person feels compelled to pull their hair out. As a result, bald spots on the scalp begin to appear. Although there are examples of this ailment in boys, it is more prevalent in girls.


Certain medicines, such as anti-cancer therapies, vitamin A derivatives, antihyperlipidemic drugs, antiepileptic drugs, and others, might induce hair loss as a side effect because they include amphetamines, which cause hair loss in teenagers. These illnesses, on the other hand, are uncommon among teenage guys.

Androgenetic Alopecia

It’s also known as male pattern baldness, and it’s a disease that causes persistent hair loss on the scalp. This illness can also start in adolescence for certain people. However, it is a very uncommon cause, affecting just 16 per cent of boys aged 15 to 17.

Hair products

Hairstyling products, which include harsh chemicals, can cause hair loss.


Hair loss can be triggered by any physical or mental stress.


Dandruff might worsen a hair loss issue in some circumstances. Dandruff can sometimes be accompanied by infections, which can lead to an increase in hair shedding.


There are different causes of hair loss in bald male teenagers. These causes include improper diet, scalp ringworm, trichotillomania, medical conditions, drugs, hair products, and stress.

What causes hair loss in female teenagers?

Hormonal imbalance

Hormones cause massive physical changes throughout puberty, and some young females may even lose their hair.


■■■■ retinoids for acne, ■■■■ contraceptive withdrawal, and other medicines might cause hair loss.

Over styling

Hair loss is caused by hairstyles that put too much strain on hair strands. Hair colours contain chemicals like paraphenylenediamine (PPD) or ammonia, which are harmful to the hair. They have the potential to induce allergic dermatitis of the scalp, which can lead to hair loss.

Improper diet

The strength of your hair is also affected by a lack of a nutritious diet . Eating a well-balanced diet that includes all essential nutrients is critical for overall health and wellness and avoiding hair loss.

Natural conditions

Hair loss in adolescent females can also be caused by pollution, excessive sun exposure, insufficient hydration during severe seasons, and other factors.


There are various causes of hair loss in bald female teenagers. These causes are improper diet, over hair styling, heat appliances, medicines, and natural conditions.

Signs of hair loss

It’s unusual for an adolescent to go bald. During your adolescence, though, you may begin to see some of the early signs of baldness. Some of them are given below:

Changes in the hairline

Around your temples or along the hairline between your head and face, you may notice some hair thinning or hair loss. As hair thins around your temples, your hairline may take on an M or V shape.

Thinning of hair

You can notice that the hair on top of your head is thinner than it was previously. Your entire scalp or the region around the crown of your head may be affected.

Hair loss after brushing and showering

You may notice more hairs on your brushes, comb, or near the shower drain than usual.


Hair loss and itchy, flaky scalp have nothing to do with each other. Hair loss can be caused by diseases such as dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis.

If a teenager has ringworm, the signs are:

  • He is bothered by itchy or sensitive scalps.
  • On the hairless patch, he has a red, scaly patch.
  • On or around the bald patch, he has short, dull, and bent hair.

If a teenager is suffering from Alopecia areata, the signs are:

  • He’ll have a bald spot or patches on his head.
  • He will be free of scaling, redness, scarring, itching, and soreness.
  • He may have bald spots or hair loss on the scalp, eyebrows, eyelashes, or body, or bald patches or hair loss all over the scalp or body.

If a teenager is suffering from trichotillomania, the signs are:

  • He experiences hair loss in his brows and eyelashes.
  • He has bald spots on the front and sides of his head.
  • In and around the bald spots, he has hair of various lengths.
  • He has bald patches that are uneven in form and aren’t entirely bald.


Changes in the hairline, thinning of hair, and hair loss after brushing and shampooing are the significant signs of hair loss in a bald teen.


The possible treatments of hair loss are given below:


Medications are now the most effective therapy for hair loss. These operate by either inhibiting DHT synthesis (the hormone that causes male pattern baldness) or directly promoting hair growth. Some hair loss medicines are not appropriate for teenagers. Before using any drugs, including over-the-counter treatments, to treat hair loss, it’s vital to consult with a doctor.


Finasteride is a medicine that is prescribed to treat male pattern baldness. It acts by blocking the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase, which turns testosterone into DHT. Finasteride decreases DHT levels in the body and prevents much of the DHT-related hair follicle damage that causes hair loss by stopping your body from turning testosterone into DHT.

According to studies, a standard finasteride dose can lower blood DHT levels by more than 70%. Finasteride is available as a 1mg pill for hair loss. It has been shown in several trials to reduce and halt hair loss caused by male pattern baldness. According to some studies, it can even encourage new hair development in scalp regions where there is hair loss.

Researchers discovered that daily usage of finasteride by males with male pattern baldness led to reduced hair loss, more incredible hair growth, and an improvement in hair look over two years in a set of two clinical trials.

Over ten years, second research revealed that daily finasteride usage prevented hair loss in 99.1 per cent of men and increased hair growth in 91.5 per cent of men. In short, finasteride works effectively in the short term and works well in the long run to prevent hair loss.

Finasteride, like other medicines, can have unwanted side effects. However, studies suggest that only a tiny fraction of persons who take this drug experience severe side effects. Finasteride is available online for males aged 18 and up after a consultation with a physician who will evaluate whether a prescription is necessary.


Minoxidil is a hair loss treatment that is used topically. It is administered directly to regions of your scalp affected by male pattern baldness as a liquid or foam. Minoxidil, unlike finasteride, does not affect DHT levels. Instead, it encourages your hair follicles to enter and stay in the hair development cycle’s anagen (growth) phase by increasing blood flow to your scalp.

Minoxidil has been demonstrated in several trials to aid hair growth. More than 900 men with hair loss participated in 12-month research, and 84.3 per cent said minoxidil was highly effective, effective, or somewhat efficient at stimulating hair regrowth.

Minoxidil is also helpful at promoting hair growth in males with male pattern baldness, according to a 2015 scientific review. Minoxidil is a non-prescription hair loss treatment that is an excellent choice if you don’t want to use prescription medicine.

Haircare products

Hair loss prevention shampoo, for example, may assist in encouraging hair growth while also protecting it from DHT. Biotin, a hair loss vitamin, may help promote hair growth and treat certain types of hair loss.


Biotin is a B-vitamin that aids in the development of hair. Supplementing biotin may assist if a nutritional deficit causes your hair loss. However, it won’t decrease or stop hair loss caused by male pattern baldness.

Hair loss preventing shampoo

Using a hair loss prevention shampoo is an easy and affordable method to provide your hair with an extra layer of defence against DHT-related damage. Unlike medicine, a hair loss prevention shampoo may be used at any age, making it an excellent alternative if you’re under the age of 18 and want to protect your hair.

Hair loss preventing shampoo contains the following active ingredients:


Ketoconazole is an anti-fungal drug often used in hair loss shampoos. Ketoconazole has been shown in certain studies to help reduce or halt hair loss by inhibiting the effects of DHT.

Saw palmetto

In numerous studies, saw palmetto, a herbal component, has been related to enhanced hair growth. It’s one of several components in our Thick Fix Shampoo that helps to reduce buildup while also increasing volume and hydration.


PRP is an abbreviation of platelet-rich plasma. It is a natural hair regrowth and repair therapy that is non-invasive and soothing. It is regarded as one of the safest and most efficient treatments for various hair loss conditions. A blood sample is taken and spun down in a centrifuge.

The platelets are separated from the plasma and enriched with protein-rich growth factors via centrifugation. This rich mixture is injected into the scalp (using tiny needles) with insufficient hair growth to activate the dormant stem cells. For teens, this allows for natural hair regrowth and repair. This therapy is only available to those who are at least 18 years old.

■■■■ contraceptives

When a hair loss problem is linked to a hormonal imbalance, birth control tablets may be recommended to cure the problem while also treating any existing acne.

Low-level laser therapy

Low-level laser treatment for men and women with genetic hair loss has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration. It may increase hair density, but there is no proof that it has a long-term effect because there is no scientific data to back it up.

Iron products

The doctor may prescribe iron supplements if the hair loss is caused by a lack of iron in the body.

Anti-fungal therapy

When fungal infections cause hair loss, the doctor may prescribe anti-fungal shampoo or anti-fungal medicines.


There are different treatments for treating hair loss in a bald teen. Medicines are the best way of treating hair loss. Finasteride is a medicine that is used to treat hair loss in male teenagers. Minoxidil is also a treatment for hair loss. PRP, hair loss prevention shampoo, anti-fungal therapy, ■■■■ contraceptives, low-level laser therapy, and biotin are effective treatments for hair loss.

Natural ways to prevent hair loss in teenagers

Healthy hair may be achieved with a balanced diet and proper hair care. Excessive hair loss can be prevented by taking the following steps:

  • A well-balanced diet may help in the health of the hair roots. Vitamins, minerals, iron, and protein-rich foods may assist in strengthening hair.
  • When combing, brushing, or washing your hair, be careful. Use a shampoo and conditioner that are mild on the hair. Hair can be damaged by harsh haircare products, which cause split ends and breakage.
  • Hair may be strengthened by a gentle massage with nutritious oils like coconut oil.
  • Dry your hair naturally rather than using a high-heat dryer. It may aid in the prevention of hair damage and hair loss.
  • Braids, ponytails, and pigtails should not be pulled too tight. These might put pressure on the hair roots, causing hair to fall out.
  • Stress management may also help to avoid hair loss.
  • Maintain your hygiene and stay hydrated.
  • Keep stress at bay by following a regular exercise regimen and getting a solid 8 hours of sleep each night.
  • Check your medications and get your health examined for any drugs that might be causing hair loss. Consult your doctor about a different option.
  • Hairdryers, straighteners, and hair dyes should all be avoided since the heat might damage your hair.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Is it possible to stop hair loss in teenagers?

Hair loss in teens can be prevented and even reversed in some instances. For example, if you have hair loss due to a hormonal imbalance, treating the hormonal imbalance may help you grow more hair.

Other reasons, such as hereditary hair loss, have no known solution and will most likely worsen over time unless treated. Getting a good diagnostic from a doctor is the best method to determine how to halt hair loss.

What is the disruption of the hair growth cycle?

The hair growth cycle can be temporarily disrupted by significant events. For example, delivering a baby, undergoing surgery, experiencing a traumatic incident, or suffering from a significant sickness or high fever can result in substantial volumes of hair loss.

Because the hair we see on our heads takes months to develop, a disturbance in the hair growth cycle may not be noticed for months after the incident that triggered it. This form of hair loss is self-correcting.

How can you find the reason for hair loss?

You can find the reason for hair loss by Scalp Biopsy. In Scalp Biopsy, to diagnose the cause of hair loss, a tiny piece of scalp, generally 4 mm in diameter, is taken. The tissue is extracted and transported to a laboratory, where it is examined by a pathologist who specializes in scalp conditions.

They will softly pluck a tiny amount of hair (approximately 100 strands) to see whether there is significant hair loss. In this way, they find out the cause of hair loss. Although the surgery is typically safe, problems such as bleeding might occur.

How can you treat hormonal hair loss?

You can treat hormonal hair loss with the help of hormonal hair therapy. Doctors may prescribe hormone treatment to treat hair loss caused by hormonal abnormalities such as those caused by menopause. Birth control pills and estrogen or progesterone hormone replacement therapy are two potential therapies.

Is COVID-19 a cause of hair loss?

Hair loss is common following a fever or sickness. Fever is a common symptom of COVID-19. Many people experience considerable hair loss a few months after having a high fever or recovering from an illness. Many people mistakenly believe this is hair loss. However, it’s simply hair shedding.

What is the main difference between hair loss and shedding?

The average person loses around 100 hair every day. If you’re losing more than this, you may be shedding rather than thinning. Collect all the hair you lose in 24 hours to see whether you’re losing an excessive amount of hair.

Why does someone lose so much hair in the shower?

When you shampoo your hair, you stimulate your scalp, which causes hair to come out. If you haven’t had a shower in a few days, you may see additional hair falling out. The typical person loses 50 to 100 hair each day. However, this varies greatly depending on hair length and thickness.

Shorter or thinner-haired people appear to shed less. When persons with long or thick hair wash their hair, they might lose between 150 and 200 hair every day.

What does it indicate when hair falls out in chunks?

You may have scarring alopecia, anagen effluvium, or male pattern baldness if your hair is falling out in clumps. Still, it’s more probable that you have telogen effluvium or alopecia areata. It is essential to start quickly because hair loss is frequently more efficiently treated in its early stages.

Is drinking warm water is good for hair?

Warm water is perfect for the health of your hair. Warm water activates the nerve endings in your hair’s roots. Your hair will become silky, long, and glossy as a consequence. Drinking adequate water also helps to keep your scalp healthy and prevents dandruff.

Can an unhealthy sleep pattern cause hair loss?

Insufficient sleep has been found to have significant detrimental effects on the body, contributing to hair loss and thinning hair both directly and indirectly. Lack of sleep can lead to increased stress levels, which have been linked to hair loss.


Bald teen is a teenager who starts losing his hair in his teenage. Hair contains keratin protein. A person loses 50 to 100 hair in a day, and it is pretty normal. There are different causes of hair loss in a bald teen, such as genetics, malnutrition, drugs, stress, infections, etc. Various medicines are also available in the market for hair loss. There are also different treatments for treating hair loss in a bald teen.

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