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What are sound waves?


What are the sound waves? The sound waves are divided into three categories as Longitudinal waves, mechanical sound waves, and transverse sound waves. The sound is normally created through the vibration when an object moves through a medium. There are different properties of sound that produce sound. Sound travels through mediums to be produced.

What is Sound?

When the vibrations of an object travel through a medium until they reach the human eardrum, sound is produced. Sound is created in the form of a pressure wave in physics. When an object moves, the air particles around it vibrate as well, resulting in a chain reaction of acoustic waves vibrations expanding throughout the medium.

While a subject’s reception of sound is included in the physiological definition, the physics definition recognizes that sound exists regardless of an individual’s reception.

Types of Sound:

To mention a few, there are audible, inaudible, unpleasant, pleasant, silent, loud, noisy, and musical sounds. The sounds produced by a piano player are likely to be delicate, perceptible, and melodious. While the sound of road work is noticeable early on Saturday morning, it is neither pleasant nor soft.

A canine whistle, for example, is inaudible to the human ear. Because dog whistles create sound waves below the human hearing range of 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz, this is the case. Infrasonic waves (infrasound) have frequencies below 20 Hz, while ultrasonic waves have frequencies exceeding 20,000 Hz (ultrasound).


The human ear cannot hear infrasonic waves since their frequencies are below 20 Hz. Infrasound is used by scientists to detect earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, map subterranean rock and petroleum formations and analyze heart activity.

Despite our inability to hear infrasound, many creatures interact in nature via infrasound waves. Infrasound is used by whales, hippos, rhinos, giraffes, elephants, and alligators to interact across long distances - sometimes hundreds of kilometers.


Ultrasound is created by sound waves with a frequency greater than 20,00 Hz. Ultrasound is inaudible to the human ear because it occurs at frequencies outside of the human hearing range. Medical specialists that employ sonograms to inspect their patients’ internal organs frequently use ultrasound.

Navigation, imaging, sample mixing, communication, and testing are some of the less well-known ultrasound applications. Bats use ultrasonic waves to identify prey and avoid obstacles in the wild.

How Sound is produced?

When an object vibrates, a pressure wave is created, which produces sound. As a consequence of the pressure wave, the molecules in the surrounding media (air, water, or solid) oscillate.

The vibrations of the particles move neighboring particles, allowing the sound to travel deeper through the medium. When vibrating air particles vibrate small portions within the ear, the human ear detects sound waves.

Sound waves are similar to light waves in many respects. They both come from a single source and can be dispersed or spread in a variety of ways. Sound waves, unlike light, can only pass through a material like air, glass, or metal. This implies that there isn’t any sound in space.


Sound is created in the form of a pressure wave in physics. To mention a few, there are audible, inaudible, unpleasant, pleasant, silent, loud, noisy, and music sounds. Scientists use infrared to detect earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, as well as to map subsurface rock and petroleum deposits and analyze heart function. Because ultrasound occurs at frequencies outside of the human hearing range, it is inaudible to the human ear.

How does sound travel?


It’s crucial to grasp what a medium is and how it influences sound before we talk about how sound travels. Sound can pass through gases, liquids, and solids, as we all know. But what effect do these have on its movement? Solids move to sound the fastest because their molecules are closely packed together.

This allows sound waves to transfer vibrations from one molecule to the next quickly. Sound travels at a similar speed through the water as it does through air, but at a rate that is over four times quicker. High wind speeds can further lower the velocity of sound waves flowing through the air by dissipating the energy of the sound wave.

Medium and the speed of sound:

The speed of sound is determined by the medium through which sound waves travel. Sound travels at 343 m/s in dry air at 20°C. Sound waves travel at 1531 m/s in room temperature saltwater.

A shockwave is a disruption that expands faster than the local speed of sound, according to scientists. A local shockwave can be seen when supersonic planes fly overhead! Warmer temperatures causes sound waves to travel faster.

Propagation of sound waves:

When an object vibrates, it generates kinetic energy, which is conveyed across the medium via molecules. When a vibrating sound wave collides with air particles, its kinetic energy is transferred to neighboring molecules. When these energized molecules start moving, they activate additional molecules, and the cycle continues.

Consider a slinky descending stairwell. The Slinky’s motion begins by expanding as it falls down a stair. As the first ring extends forward, it causes a compression wave by pulling the rings behind it forward.

Each ring of the Slinky’s coil is shifted from its initial location by this push and pull chain reaction, gradually conveying the original energy from the first coil to the last. The compressions and rarefactions of sound waves are analogous to the Slinky’s coils being pushed and pulled.

Compression and Rarefaction:

Compression and rarefaction patterns make up sound waves. When molecules are closely packed together, compression occurs. Rarefaction, on the other hand, occurs when molecules are separated from one another.

The energy of sound causes molecules to shift as it travels through a medium, resulting in an alternating compression and rarefaction pattern. It’s crucial to remember that molecules do not move in lockstep with sound waves. The molecules become electrified and migrate away from their original places as the wave passes.

The mobility of a molecule decreases as it transfers its energy to neighboring molecules until it is influenced by another passing wave. Compression and rarefaction are caused by the wave’s energy transfer. There is high pressure during compression and low pressure during rarefaction.

Different sounds cause different patterns of high- and low-pressure fluctuations, making it possible to distinguish them. A sound wave’s wavelength is composed of one compression and one rarefaction.


For a sound to travel, many things are necessary such as mediums, the speed of sound, the propagation of sound waves and compression, and Rarefaction.

What are sound waves?

The sound waves are divided into three categories such as longitudinal sound waves, mechanical sound waves, and pressure waves.

Longitudinal Sound Waves:

A longitudinal wave occurs when the motion of the medium’s components is opposite to the energy transport direction. Because the particles that convey sound vibrate parallel to the direction of travel, sound waves in air and fluids are longitudinal waves.

The coils of a slinky move in a parallel direction when you push it back and forth (back and forth). Similarly, when a tuning fork is struck, the sound waves travels in the same direction as the air particles.

Mechanical sound waves:

A mechanical wave is a wave that propagates by transferring energy through a medium and is based on the vibration of matter. Initial energy input is required for these waves, which must then travel through the medium until the initial energy is efficiently transmitted.

Water waves, sound waves, seismic waves, and internal water waves are all examples of mechanical waves that occur in nature as a result of density changes in a body of water. Mechanical waves are divided into three categories: transverse waves, longitudinal waves, and surface waves.

In a chain reaction, sound waves flow through the air by displacing air particles. When one particle moves away from its equilibrium position, it pushes or pulls on nearby molecules, forcing them to move away from their equilibrium as well. The disturbance is spread throughout the medium as particles continue to displace one another with mechanical vibrations.

Sound waves are classified as mechanical waves because of the particle-to-particle mechanical vibrations of sound conductivity. Sound energy, or energy linked with the vibrations made by a vibrating source, must flow through a medium, making it a mechanical wave.

Transverse waves:

Transverse waves have oscillations that run perpendicular to the wave’s direction. Sound waves are not transverse waves since their oscillations are parallel to the axis of energy transmission; yet, in extremely specific situations, sound waves can become transverse waves.

Transverse waves, also known as shear waves, travel at a slower rate than longitudinal waves and can only be produced in solids. The most common example of transverse waves in nature is ocean waves.

Pressure Sound Waves:

A consistent pattern of high- and low-pressure zones characterizes a pressure wave, also known as a compression wave. Because sound waves are made up of compressions and rarefactions, their pressure patterns alternate between low and high.

As a result, sound waves are classified as pressure waves. The human ear, for example, detects rarefactions as low-pressure periods and compressions as high-pressure periods as it receives sound waves from the environment.


The sound waves are divided into many categories such as longitudinal, transverse, pressure sound waves and standing waves, etc.

Sound Wave Graph:

The displacement or density of sound waves can be graphed to characterize them. Displacement-time graphs show how far the particles have moved from their original positions and in which direction. Particles that appear on the 0 lines in a particle displacement graph did not change their position at all.

The compressions and rarefactions experienced by these seemingly immobile particles are greater than those experienced by other particles. A pressure against a time graph will provide the same information as a density versus a time graph because pressure and density are connected.

These graphs show where the particles have been squashed and where they have been greatly extended. Particles following the zero line in a density graph, unlike displacement graphs, are never crushed or pulled apart. Rather, these are the particles that move the most back and forth.

Sound pressure:

As a sound wave travels, sound pressure defines the local pressure variation from the ambient air pressure. It’s critical to understand the difference between sound pressure and air pressure. Air pressure has no effect on the speed of sound in general. Sound waves change the pressure of adjacent air particles as they travel through the air from the sound source.

Sound level:

The pressure of sound waves compared to a reference point is referred to as sound level. The volume of sound is measured in decibels, with greater decibels corresponding to higher volume. The power ratio (decibels) of a signal to its carrier signal is measured in dBc by some sound instruments.

Other sound instruments use a-weighted decibels, or dBa, to measure the relative loudness of sounds as perceived by the human ear. When dBa is utilized, the decibel levels of low-frequency noises are decreased and compared to unweighted decibels.

Sound intensity:

The power per unit area conveyed by a sound wave is known as sound intensity. The larger the amplitude oscillations, the more intense the sound. The pressure produced by sound waves on adjacent objects increases as the sound intensity rises.

The ratio of a particular intensity (I) to the threshold of hearing intensity, which for the human ear is typically 1000 Hz, is measured in decibels.

Characteristics of sound waves:

Wavelength, amplitude, frequency, time, and velocity are the five major characteristics of sound waves. The wavelength of a sound wave describes how far it travels before repeating itself. The wavelength is a longitudinal wave that depicts the sound wave’s compressions and rarefactions.

The maximum displacement of particles disturbed by a sound wave as it passes through a medium is defined by its amplitude. A huge sound wave is indicated by a large amplitude. The number of sound waves produced per second is indicated by the frequency of a sound wave.

Sound waves are produced less frequently by low-frequency noises than by high-frequency ones. A sound wave’s time period is the amount of time it takes to complete a complete wave cycle. A wave’s worth of sound is produced by each vibration from the sound source.

Each whole wave cycle starts with a dip and finishes with the next trough. Finally, the velocity of a sound wave is measured in meters per second and indicates how rapidly the wave is going.

What are the properties of sound?

Frequency (Pitch)

Pitch is the property that allows us to distinguish between sounds that are “higher” and “lower.” It gives you a way to organize sounds using a frequency-based scale. Pitch can be thought of as a musical phrase for frequency, however, the two are not synonymous.

A high-pitched sound causes molecules to vibrate rapidly, whereas a low-pitched noise makes particles vibrate slowly. Pitch can only be determined when a sound has a clear and steady enough frequency to distinguish it from noise. Pitch is not an objective physical feature of sound because it is mostly based on a listener’s perception.

Amplitude (Dynamics)

The comparative intensity of a sound wave is regulated by its amplitude. The loudness of a note is referred to as its dynamic level in music. The amplitude of sound waves is measured in decibels (dB) in physics, however, this does not equate to dynamic levels.

Louder noises correspond to higher amplitudes, while quieter sounds correspond to lower amplitudes. Despite this, studies have shown that sounds at extremely low and very high frequencies are perceived as softer than those in the midrange frequencies, even when their amplitudes are the same.

Timbre (Tone Color)

The tone color, or “feel,” of a sound is referred to as timbre. Different waveforms are produced by different timbres of sound, which impact our interpretation of the sound. A piano’s sound is distinct from a guitar’s sound in terms of tone color. This is referred to as the timbre of a sound in physics. It’s what helps us to recognize noises rapidly.

Duration (Tempo/Rhythm)

In music, duration refers to how long a pitch or tone lasts. They can be long, short, or take a certain amount of time to complete. The timbre and rhythm of a sound are influenced by the duration of a note or tone.

Notes played by a keyboardist during a pop concert will usually have a greater duration than notes played by a classical pianist. The duration of a sound or tone begins when it registers and ends when it can no longer be detected in physics.

Using the Four Properties of Sound to Make Music

The four qualities of sound are used by musicians to create repeated patterns that make up a song. The duration of a musical sound is how long it lasts. When you quiet the strings on a guitar, the length of the music is cut in half.

The frequency of sound waves determines pitch, which is the relative highness or lowness heard in a sound. Vibrations that are faster produce a higher pitch than slower vibrations. The thinner strings produce faster vibrations and a higher pitch, whereas the thicker strings produce slower vibrations and a deeper pitch. A tone is a sound with a specified frequency and a definite pitch.

Tone frequencies, such as 320 cycles per second, are precise frequencies that reach the ear at equal time intervals. When multiple notes have different ranges, they sound different, and the pitch difference is known as an interval.

Musicians regularly employ the octave interval, which permits two tons of different pitches to share a similar sound. The magnitude of the vibration that produces the sound determines the loudness or softness of the sound. The ■■■■■■ the guitar string is plucked, the louder the sound.

The overall sensation of an instrument’s produced sound is described by tone color, also known as timbre. Bright or brilliant are two words that come to mind when describing the tone color of a trumpet. When we think of a cello, we might say that it has a deep tone hue.

Each instrument has its tone color, and by layering instruments together, new tones can be formed. Furthermore, newer music forms such as EDM have brought new tones that were previously unattainable due to the advent of digital music production.


There are several properties of sound such as amplitude, frequency timbre, rhythm or duration, etc. they all play an important role in the production of sound.

What Makes Sound Music or Noise?

Acousticians, or sound acoustics scientists, have investigated how various sound kinds, notably noise and music, affect humans. Noise is a term used to describe a set of random, unwanted sound waves. Music, on the other hand, is a structured pattern of sound waves.

According to studies, the human body reacts to noise and music differently, which could explain why road work on a Saturday morning makes us feel more stressed than a pianist’s performance.


Acoustics is an interdisciplinary study that examines mechanical waves in many settings, such as solids, liquids, and gases, such as vibration, sound, infrasound, and ultrasound.

Acousticians span from acoustical engineers, who look into new uses for sound in technology, to audio engineers, who specialize in recording and manipulating sound, to acousticians, who study the science of sound.

Resonance Air Column

If you’re looking for an all-in-one wave demonstrator or economical equipment that allows students to experience resonance and harmonics firsthand, the Resonance Air Column is the way to go. A hollow tube with a piston inside makes up the Resonance Air Column.

Each time the piston passes through a node in the Resonance Air Column, a loud tone is emitted. Students can detect, measure, and label the location of nodes and antinodes along the Resonance Air Column using meter sticks and strap-on rings, all while watching real-time data on Capstone’s FFT display.

Units of Sound

There are four main measurement units that we might use to measure sound. The decibel is the initial measurement unit (dB). A decibel is a logarithmic comparison of sound pressure to a reference pressure.

The hertz is the next most commonly used unit (Hz). A hertz is a unit of sound frequency measurement. Sound is characterized and evaluated in Hertz and decibels, but phon and sone are both used.

A phone is the unit of loudness for pure tones, and a sone is the observed intensity of a sound. Furthermore, the phone denotes subjective loudness, whereas the sone denotes observed loudness.

What are Ultrasound waves?

Ultrasound refers to sound waves having frequencies higher than the human hearing limit. Ultrasound has the same physical qualities as “regular” (audible) sound, except that humans cannot hear it.

In healthy young people, this limit varies from person to person and is around 20 kilohertz (20,000 hertz). Ultrasound machines use frequencies ranging from 20 kHz to several gigahertzes.

Ultrasound is utilized in a variety of applications. Objects are detected and distances are measured using ultrasonic instruments. In medicine, ultrasound imaging, also known as sonography, is frequently employed.

Ultrasound is used to discover defects in products and structures during nondestructive testing. Ultrasound is utilized in the industry for cleaning, mixing, and speeding up chemical processes. Ultrasound is used by animals such as bats and porpoises to locate prey and barriers.


Acoustics, or the science of sound, dates back to Pythagoras, who wrote on the mathematical features of stringed instruments in the 6th century BC. Lazaro Spallanzani discovered echolocation in bats in 1794, demonstrating that bats hunted and navigated using inaudible sound rather than vision.

Francis Galton devised the Galton whistle, an adjustable whistle that produces ultrasonic, in 1893, and used it to test the hearing ranges of humans and other animals, revealing that many species could hear noises that humans could not. Paul Lange in’s attempt to detect submarines in 1917 was the first technological application of ultrasound.

Detection and Ranging:

Non-contact sensor

There is no need to touch the target with an ultrasonic level or sensing system. This is a benefit over inline sensors that may pollute the liquids inside a vessel or tube or become blocked by the product in various procedures in the medical, pharmaceutical, military, and general industries.

The systems employed are both continuous wave and pulsed. Pulsed-ultrasonic technology works on the idea that the transmit signal is made up of short bursts of ultrasonic energy.

The electronics seek for a return signal within a narrow window of time after each burst, which corresponds to the time it takes the energy to flow through the vessel. Only signals received during this time frame are eligible for additional signal processing.

The Polaroid SX-70 camera, which used a lightweight transducer system to automatically focus the camera, was a prominent consumer application of ultrasonic ranging. This ultrasound technology was eventually licensed by Polaroid and used in several ultrasonic goods.

Motion sensors and flow measurement

An automatic door opener is a common ultrasound application in which an ultrasonic sensor detects a person approaching and opens the door. Intruders are also detected using ultrasonic sensors, which may cover a large area from a single spot.

Ultrasonic flowmeters, which measure the average velocity of moving liquid, can be used to measure the flow in pipes or open channels. The principle of ultrasound is used by an acoustic rheometer in rheology. Fluid flow can be monitored with an ultrasonic flow meter in fluid mechanics.

Nondestructive testing

Ultrasonic testing is a sort of nondestructive testing that is often used to detect faults in materials and determine item thickness. The most frequent frequencies are 2 to 10 MHz, but other frequencies are utilized for special purposes.

Inspection is an important aspect of modern production processes, whether it be manual or automated. Plastics and aerospace composites, as well as most metals, can be inspected. Ultrasound at a lower frequency (50–500 kHz) can be used to inspect less thick materials including wood, concrete, and cement.

Since the 1960s, ultrasound inspection of welded joints has been used as a nondestructive testing alternative to radiography. Ultrasonic inspection avoids the use of ionizing radiation, resulting in increased safety and lower costs.

Ultrasound can also give you information like the depth of faults in a welded joint. From manual methods to automated devices that automate most of the process, ultrasonic inspection has developed. An ultrasonic examination of a joint can detect faults, estimate their size, and pinpoint their location.

Ultrasonic range finding

Underwater range finding, also known as Sonar, is a frequent application of ultrasound. An ultrasonic pulse is produced in one direction only. If an item is in the way of this pulse, a portion or all of it will be reflected in the transmitter as an echo, which can be recognized through the receiver path.

It is feasible to measure the distance by measuring the time difference between the pulse being delivered and the echo being received.

The observed travel time of Sonar pulses in water is highly influenced by the water’s temperature and salinity. The ultrasonic range can also be used to measure distances in the air or across short distances. Hand-held ultrasonic measuring equipment, for example, can quickly determine the layout of rooms.

Although range finding underwater can be done at both sub-audible and audible frequencies over long distances (up to several kilometers), ultrasonic range finding is employed when ranges are less and finer precision is sought.

Ultrasonic measurements may be restricted by salinity, temperature, or vortex differentials in barrier layers. Water ranges from hundreds to thousands of meters, yet it can be done with centimeters to meters’ precision.

Ultrasound Identification (USID)

Ultrasound Identification (USID) is a Real-Time Locating System (RTLS) or Indoor Positioning System (IPS) technology that uses simple, inexpensive nodes (badges/tags) connected to or implanted in objects and devices to automatically track and identify their location in real-time using an ultrasound signal to interact their location to microphone detectors.

NoteLetter NameFrequencyFrequency RatioInterval


The waves that have a frequency higher than human limits are called ultrasound waves. This limit varies from person to person in healthy young people and is roughly 20 kilohertz (20,000 hertz). Frequencies used by ultrasound equipment range from 20 kHz to several gigahertzes.

Are sound Waves Electromagnetic waves?

The following are some of the contrasts between sound waves and electromagnetic waves:

  1. Sound waves are longitudinal, meaning that the vibrations occur in a line parallel to the wave’s propagation direction. Light waves (or other EM waves) are transverse, which means that the disturbance happens perpendicular to the propagation direction.

  2. Sound waves are elastic waves that propagate via actual vibrations of constituent particles in the medium through which they move. EM waves, on the other hand, are caused by oscillating electric and magnetic fields that are perpendicular to each other and to the motion direction. To keep the wave going, no real vibrations of material particles are required.

  3. As a result of the preceding argument, sound waves require a solid medium for transmission, whereas EM waves do not (they may even propagate through the vacuum, which is how light from the sun reaches the earth via vast space, which is effectively a vacuum).

  4. The velocity of sound waves is determined by various mechanical features of the medium, the most important of which is density: sound waves move faster through heavier mediums. An iron rod transmits sound more quickly than air.

Wave Sound grid:

In a nutshell, Sound Grid is a Waves Audio network protocol for transferring audio between devices over a 1 Gbit Ethernet network. Waves set out to achieve a few objectives while producing Sound grid.

Waves North America Product Specialist Michael Adams states, “Our key aims were to share audio over network connection at an incredibly low delay, as well as real-time low latency monitoring with plugin processing included.”

“With this protocol, you can network audio between computers (across long distances) with constant low delay (less than 1ms) while also running plug-in processing.”

The Building Blocks of Sound Grid

It’s a lot easier than you might imagine getting your studio ready for Waves SoundGrid. You simply need a few more parts to finish the puzzle and be on your way to exchanging audio at breakneck speed.

A SoundGrid DSP Server (Impact Server, SGS1 Server, or Extreme Server), a SoundGrid Approved Switch, an I/O, and a host computer with the free Waves SoundGrid software driver are at the heart of every SoundGrid audio network. Let’s start with the SoundGrid DSP Servers.

This is a PC into which you attach your Gb Switch via power and Ethernet wires. Its main function is to process audio signals and provide them to you with the shortest possible latency.

“The only configuration you should ever do is maybe a software upgrade,” Adams says, “and even those are provided through your driver on your pc and you’re told when you need to upgrade, once more for free.”

The Strengths of SoundGrid

The advantages of using SoundGrid Network Audio Protocol in the studio are evident, as it allows you to cooperate easily amongst studio PCs in different rooms. With the simplest drag-and-drop patch bay I’ve seen in recent years, you can transfer audio around as if you were on the same machine.

With the addition of plug-in processing and monitoring at less than a millisecond, anyone can now have an HD experience without having to spend the money on an Avid system, and with the possibility to add this technology to an existing Avid system.

You have some nice options for patching, tracking, and mixing with easy-to-setup interfaces and a driver install terrific sounding mic pres and the adaptable SoundGrid driver software.

This is a robust platform with years of testing in the live environment built into it that has also found a home in the studio as a DSP solution to utilize with a native DAW or your Avid HD software.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1: What exactly is a sound wave?

Sound is a mechanical wave that is created by the back and forth vibration of the particles in the medium through which it travels. The particle motion is parallel (and anti-parallel) to the energy transmission direction. Sound waves in the air are known as longitudinal waves because of this.

2: What are sound waves called?

Because the particles of the medium through which the sound is transmitted vibrate parallel to the direction in which the sound wave moves, sound waves in air (and any fluid media) are longitudinal waves.

3: How do sound waves work?

Sound waves travel through solids, liquids, and air. This means that when an object vibrates, the matter around it vibrates as well. When a tree falls, it emits sound waves in all directions, both in the air and on the ground where it lands. Another illustration of how sound travels is the wings of bees.

4: What is energy in a wave?

The quantity of energy in a wave is proportional to its amplitude and frequency. The higher the seagull is lifted by the wave and the bigger the shift in potential energy, the stronger the amplitude. The amplitude and frequency of a wave determine its energy.

5: Which material does sound travel fastest?

Sound waves travel slowly through gases, the quickest through liquids, and the quickest through solids of the three phases of matter (gas, liquid, and solid).

6: Are waves created by vibration?

A wave is a disturbance that travels from one location to another through a medium. The vibration of the thing or material that transports the wave creates waves. Waves are all created by vibrations of some sort. Vibrations generate disruption in the medium, which serves as the wave’s source.

7: What is the weakest wave?

Violet is the lowest. From highest to lowest, this is the order. From weakest to strongest to weakest, in that sequence. Radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, X-ray, and gamma-ray are all examples of electromagnetic waves.

8: What is the height of a sound wave?

The height of a sound wave is measured in decibels, and its amplitude (or loudness) is measured in decibels (dB). The medium will expand as the amplitude of the sound wave increases (rarefaction).

9: What is the distance between waves called?

A wave’s crest is its highest point, and its dip is its lowest. The wave height is the vertical distance between the peak and the trough. The wavelength is the distance between two adjacent crests or troughs on the horizontal plane.

10: Are sound waves visible?

A vibration, or wave, that passes through the air is referred to as sound. Sound waves are invisible to our eyes unless we can make them move something visible.


The sound waves are divided into several categories such as longitudinal waves, mechanical waves, and transverse waves. Sound is produced when it travels through mediums, by compression and rarefaction. Sound has many properties such as frequency, amplitude, duration, and timbre, etc. the ultrasound waves are those waves whose frequency is higher than the human limits.

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