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How much is liposuction?


How much is liposuction? According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons’ 2020 figures, the average cost of liposuction is $3,637. This average price is just a portion of the entire cost; it does not cover anaesthesia, operating room amenities, or other associated costs.

Is Liposuction Safe?

Liposuction is a cosmetic surgical technique that eliminates excess body fat. It is also referred to as lipo, lipoplasty, or body shaping. It’s a common cosmetic surgery procedure.

Liposuction is used to enhance the form or contours of the body. They wish to get rid of extra fat in places like the thighs, hips, buttocks, abdomen, arms, neck, and back. They’ve usually tried diet and exercise and are still unable to get rid of these fat deposits.

Liposuction is not a weight-reduction procedure. It has substantial risks and potential problems, so consult your doctor before proceeding.

What to expect with liposuction

Liposuction necessitates the use of an anaesthetic for the process. This implies you will not experience any discomfort throughout the liposuction procedure. However, you will have some discomfort after the surgery. Recovery might sometimes be very painful.

You may have a shorter or longer hospital stay depending on which regions of your body need liposuction. Some operations may be performed in an outpatient setting. After liposuction, it is usual to experience discomfort, swelling, bruising, stiffness, and numbness.

You may reduce discomfort before the surgery by doing the following:

  • Concerns pain should be discussed with your doctor.

  • Discuss the sort of anaesthetic that will be used and any drugs that you may take prior to the treatment.

  • To reduce post-procedural pain

  • Take all prescription drugs, including pain relievers.

  • Wear the compression clothes that have been recommended for you.

  • Keep the drains in place following surgery according to your doctor’s instructions.

  • Drink while resting and attempting to relax.

  • Avoid using salt, which may cause swelling (edema).

In Short

Liposuction is a frequent operation in the field of cosmetic surgery. General anaesthesia is required for liposuction. Discomfort, edoema, bruising, stiffness, and numbness are common side effects of liposuction.

CoolSculpting vs. Liposuction

Liposuction and CoolSculpting are medical treatments that permanently eliminate fat cells. Although these two processes are similar, there are some significant distinctions between them.

CoolSculpting works best for removing tiny quantities of fat with mild to moderate outcomes. Liposuction is often used to remove larger quantities of fat tissue, but it is a more intrusive surgery with additional risks.

CoolSculpting and liposuction procedures

Here’s how the CoolSculpting and liposuction procedures stack up.

Liposuction procedure

Liposuction, on the other hand, is a surgical operation that requires cutting, stitching, and anaesthesia. The surgical team may use local anaesthetic, such as lidocaine, or general anaesthesia, to sedate you.

A plastic surgeon uses a knife to create minor incisions around the regions being treated. They next use a cannula, which is a long, narrow instrument, to release fat cells. Dislodged fat cells are sucked out of your body by a suction linked to the cannula.

CoolSculpting procedure

CoolSculpting, also known as cryolipolysis, is a noninvasive medical technique. It aids in the removal of excess fat cells from under your skin without the need for surgery. A plastic surgeon or other CoolSculpting-trained physician uses a special instrument to clamp down on and cool a roll of fat to a freezing temperature during a CoolSculpting session.

Your body normally removes the frozen, fat cells via your liver in the weeks after therapy. After a few weeks of therapy, you should start to see results. The full results should be visible in a few months. CoolSculpting is a non-invasive technique. That means no cutting, stitching, anaesthesia, or recuperation time is required.

How long does liposuction procedure take?

The majority of individuals just need one liposuction operation to notice benefits. The procedure takes 3 to 4 hours, depending on the extent of the treated region, according to a 2020 review. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, it is normally performed as an outpatient operation, which means you may go home the same day.

If you have a considerable quantity of fat removed, you may need to remain in the hospital overnight for observation.

Liposuction recuperation often takes just a few days. Always follow your surgeon’s recovery advice, which may involve wearing a specific bandage or restricting your activities.

You may need to wait 2 to 4 weeks before returning to intense activities. It may take many months for the swelling to subside for the full effects to become apparent.

Effectiveness of liposuction procedure

People who have undergone liposuction will feel edoema in the first few weeks following surgery. This means that results aren’t always visible right away, but you should be able to see the complete results within 1 to 3 months after your procedure.

A 2020 study discovered a significant degree of satisfaction among 32 patients who had liposuction between 2002 and 2014.

When asked during a follow-up an average of 8.9 years after their treatment, 85.7 percent of those in the study said they would recommend liposuction to a friend or family member. people were contacted to participate in this research; the remaining people did not respond.


Liposuction and CoolSculpting are two surgical methods for removing fat. There is less downtime with CoolSculping since it is less intrusive. Invasive liposuction has a lengthier recovery period and a higher risk of complications. A board-certified plastic surgeon can do both operations.

Who is liposuction right for?

Liposuction should be avoided by people who have cardiac difficulties or blood clotting disorders, as well as pregnant women, since it might lead to significant consequences.

The ideal candidate, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, is:

  • An adult who is within 30% of their optimum weight, has excellent muscular tone, and firm, elastic skin, does not have a significant ailment that interferes with wound healing, and does not smoke cigarettes.

  • has a positive perspective and specific body contouring objectives.

Liposuction side effects

Because it is a surgical technique, liposuction is more dangerous than CoolSculpting. The following are some of the most common negative effects of surgery:

  • skin form abnormalities, such as lumps or divots skin discolouration

  • fluid buildup that may need to be evacuated

  • Numbness, whether temporary or permanent

  • Infection of the skin

  • interior piercing wounds

The following are rare but significant adverse effects:

  • fat embolism, a medical emergency in which a clump of fat is released into your bloodstream and lungs, or heart issues caused by changes in bodily fluid levels during the surgery concerns connected to anaesthetic, if it is used.

What are the long-term side effects of liposuction?

Liposuction may have a variety of long-term adverse effects. Liposuction is a procedure that permanently eliminates fat cells from specific parts of the body. As a result, if you gain weight, the fat will still be stored in various regions of the body. The new fat might appear deeper under the skin and be hazardous if it develops near the liver or heart.

Some patients suffer from irreversible nerve injury as well as alterations in skin feeling. Others may acquire depressions or indentations in suctioned regions, as well as bumpy or wavy skin that does not go away.


An elective cosmetic treatment, liposuction, has a number of serious dangers. Weight reduction is still the most important goal, and it isn’t for everyone. Talk to a board-certified plastic surgeon ahead of time about any issues or concerns that may arise.

What is Tumescent Liposuction?

Liposuction is a popular cosmetic procedure used to remove extra fat and modify body features. Most kinds are conducted under general anaesthesia since they are invasive procedures involving incisions.

On the other hand, tumescent liposuction is a kind of liposuction that may occasionally be conducted without the general anaesthesia that most surgical procedures of this sort need. Prior to fat removal, this method, also known as “local liposuction,” utilises an infusion of adrenaline, saline, and local anaesthetic. The volume of saline solution injected is about two to three times more than the volume of fat and fluids removed.

One issue with classical liposuction is the increased chance of substantial side effects from general anaesthesia, as well as additional hazards such as haemorrhage.

The premise behind tumescent liposuction is that it is a safer option that nevertheless produces results. Another significant benefit of this treatment is that it may prevent substantial changes in bodily fluids that might occur after removing a large amount of fat, which can result in low blood pressure.

However, since tumescent liposuction is still a significant operation, it is not without danger.

Tumescent liposuction benefits

If you want to remove a lesser quantity of fat, tumescent liposuction may be a better option than more intensive operations of this sort.

The tumescent procedure eliminates roughly 3 to 5 litres of fat on average, compared to 8 to 10 litres with standard liposuction. This also cuts down on healing time. Surgery that removes up to 3 litres of fat and fluids is commonly tolerated by the majority of patients. In certain states, there is a legal limit of 5 litres that may be removed without requiring the patient to be hospitalised overnight to monitor blood pressure and other vital signs.

This form of cosmetic surgery is referred to as “tumescent” because the saline infusion causes the skin to expand, thereby boosting the precision of fat cell removal. Furthermore, the solution’s adrenaline serves as a vasoconstrictor, lowering the risk of bleeding.

Tumescent liposuction cost

Liposuction may range in price from $1,000 to $20,000, with the typical treatment costing $3,617. Tumescent liposuction, like other cosmetic treatments of its sort, is not covered by medical insurance.

The total cost of tumescent liposuction may vary depending on a variety of variables, such as:

  • Your doctor’s costs are determined by where you reside.

  • The medical testing facility pays for the area(s) being treated with drugs or the clothing worn following surgery.

  • As long as significant volumes of fluid and fat are removed, local liposuction with just tumescent fluid typically does not require a hospital stay. Your surgeon will instead accomplish the operation as an outpatient. This might have a huge impact on your bottom line. If general anaesthesia is used, it will require hospitalisation.

  • It’s important to understand all of the expenses related to your operation ahead of time so you don’t get hit with any unexpected expenditures. Inquire with your doctor about financing and payment arrangements to help you balance your expenditures.

Tumescent liposuction vs. standard liposuction

Tumescent LiposuctionStandard Liposuction
Target areasSmaller amounts of fatLarger amounts of fat
Type of anesthesia usedLocalGeneral
Incisions1 to 3 mm in length1 to 1.5 cm in length
InfusionsLidocaine, saline, and adrenaline injected into fat cells prior to surgeryNone
Average surgery length3 to 4 hours2 to 3 hours
Possible side effectsMinimal pain, burning, and bleedingMore moderate risk of pain, bruising, and bleeding. Skin rippling and risks from general anesthesia are also possible.
Recovery timelineA few daysSeveral days or weeks
Post-surgery requirementsTemporary pain relievers possiblePain medications, sutures, and possible blood transfusion

To Summarize

Tumescent liposuction is only one form of liposuction. It employs local anaesthetic as well as smaller incisions and may bring less dangers. Your plastic surgeon will assist you in determining if you are a suitable candidate for tumescence surgery.

What factors influence liposuction cost?

Individual liposuction prices are determined by a variety of variables. There is no correlation between what one patient pays and what another patient may spend, even if both patients have the same medical conditions.

When it comes to your budget, you may anticipate a broad variety.

The following are some of the most important considerations to keep in mind:

Number of treatment areas

The more treatment areas you have, the more money you’ll end up paying. Adding even a tiny extra treatment area to a liposuction surgery might increase the overall cost.

In certain cases, the cost of therapy is higher than in others. For example, treating the chest and back will most certainly cost more than treating the arms because of their larger surface area than the arms.

For other patients, however, this is not the case. Certain parts of the human body are more prone to accumulating fat than others. This might require more time and resources than a generally low-cost treatment region.

Surgeon experience

More experienced surgeons should expect to charge more for their expertise. This isn’t to suggest that less-experienced doctors can’t provide excellent results, but you frequently get what you pay for when it comes to cosmetic surgery.

Poorly conducted Vaser liposuction may also result in complications, so seek physicians that have both expertise and a track record of success.

How much is being removed

When estimating the cost of a treatment area, one must take into account how much material will be removed from the area. There are a variety of ways to get rid of belly fat, from a simple operation to a full-blown operation that shrinks a person’s waistline by more than half.

More fat removal will cost more since it will take longer and need the services of a more experienced surgeon. This extra expense is preferable to choosing the lowest option and then having your surgery performed by someone you can trust.

The local area

Some locations charge more for liposuction than others. The cost of cosmetic surgery in major cities like Los Angeles and New York City is often among the most expensive in the world.

If you can’t afford the fees in your immediate neighbourhood, seek out a surgeon in a smaller location. If you don’t live in a big city, it will be much easier to identify a competent medical practitioner that can do the treatment for a reduced cost.

However, in addition to the procedure’s cost, you also need to include the cost of travel when making your budget. Expenses associated with travelling to a new location include lodging, transportation, and even airline tickets.

The savings you would get from seeing a different surgeon are likely to be outweighed by the cost of travel. With the extra money, it is better to work with a local surgeon to get the best results.

Frequently Asked Question

Following are some frequently asked questions related to how much is liposuction.

1. Does liposuction permanently remove fat?

For the purpose of sucking out resistant fat, liposuction operations always employ a cannula and an aspirator. Liposuction removes fat cells from the body permanently, so it’s vital to keep this in mind.

2. How long does a liposuction last?

Liposuction removes fat cells permanently. However, the fat cells that are still there have the chance to grow bigger in the future.

3. Is liposuction worth the money?

Even while some individuals question if liposuction is worth it, the vast majority of people who get the procedure are really pleased with the results.

4. How painful is a liposuction?

Everyone’s experience with pain is different. In many cases, the region that was treated feels like it has a large bruise on it. Because of the severity of the situation, one should not be able to focus on anything else.

5. Can liposuction remove 100 pounds?

Between six and eight pounds of fat may be safely eliminated with liposuction. Complications are more likely when fat removal is increased in volume.

6. Is CoolSculpting better than liposuction?

CoolSculpting is less intrusive, takes less time to recover from, and has fewer potential problems than liposuction. More fat can be removed with liposuction, but the treatment is more intrusive, with a longer recovery period and more risks.

7. Does liposuction work on belly fat?

No other surgery, including “one fast tip,” wraps, or waist trainers, can match liposuction for reducing belly fat and slimming your midsection. Take your results to the next level by combining a healthy diet with regular exercise.

8. Does lipo leave scars?

Scarring from liposuction is possible, but it is usually minor.Liposuction scars are kept to a minimum because of the small incisions used during the procedure. A patient’s innate predisposition to scarring, as well as the surgeon’s method, both influence the amount of scarring that may be expected.

9. What BMI do you need for liposuction?

There is no maximum weight at which liposuction will not be an option for you. If you have a BMI of more than 30 and are interested in liposuction, most cosmetic surgeons will refuse to undertake the procedure. This is because elective surgery, such as liposuction, is more harmful when performed on someone who is fat.

10. Does insurance cover liposuction?

The cost of this procedure is influenced by the quantity of grafts that are used. Insurance companies refuse to pay for the procedure since the cost goes up as the number of grafts grows. Tummy tucks are often performed in conjunction with liposuction.


If you are contemplating liposuction surgery, the cost is a significant consideration. Liposuction cost is less important than the quality of the procedure. Liposuction is all about making the patient happy, so selecting the best liposuction surgeon is more vital than finding the cheapest one. The cost of liposuction is an essential consideration, but it is not the only one.

Because liposuction is a surgical treatment, it may cost more than CoolSculpting in certain cases. As with CoolSculpting, liposuction costs vary depending on which areas of your body are targeted. In 2020, the average cost of liposuction was $3,637.

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