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12 Natural remedies for cough


Coughs, including allergies, viruses, and acid reflux, are several potential causes but persistent coughing can be annoying. Coughs play a role in clearing irritants and infections from the body. The best treatment for a cough will depend on its underlying cause.

Treatment for cough depends upon its causes but there are many natural ways to get rid of persistent cough and cold.

Causes of cough

Most coughs are caused by viruses and, without medication, clear up.

Causes of short term cough

  • Flu
  • Common cold
  • Fever

Causes of long term cough

  • Tobacco
  • Dripping mucus from the back of the nose down the throat (post nasal drip)
  • GERD (Disease of Gastro-Esophageal Reflux)
  • Asthma
  • Some drugs (inhibitors of ACE, for example)

Types of cough

1. Dry cough

Dry coughs, such as colds and flu, typically arise from respiratory illnesses. When there is little to no mucus in the throat, these coughs form. In their throat, a person can feel a tickling sensation and be unable to stop coughing.

The cough goes away on its own in most situations.

2. Wet cough

This cough takes place when mucus or phlegm is coughed up by a human.
Wet coughs, such as the flu, the common cold, or a lung infection, are usually attributed to an infection.

3. Chronic cough

A chronic cough is a cough which lasts longer, usually 8 weeks or more, than a typical disease. Sometimes these coughs signify an underlying illness. For proper diagnosis and care, a person should see a physician.

Natural remedies to cure cough

There are many remedies used for treatment of cough, some of the effective ones are explained below:


There are a lot of natural remedies to use for curing cough but it is important to seek medical advice if a cough is serious or lasts for more than a few weeks.

1. Salt water gargles

For treating a sore throat and wet cough, this simple remedy is one of the most effective. Salt water reduces the back of the throat’s phlegm and mucus, which may minimise the need to cough.

How to prepare


Half teaspoon of salt
1 Cup of warm water


  1. Stir half teaspoon of salt in warm water.
  2. Mix the solution until the salt is dissolved.
  3. Let the mix cool before gargle.
  4. Take a sip of the mixture and let it set in back of throat for a few moments, do not swallow it.
  5. After a few moments spit it out.
  6. Repeat it for 4 to 5 times.


Salt water reduces the back of the throat’s phlegm and mucus, which may minimise the need to cough.

How often you should use this remedy

Use this remedy in the morning or before going to bed each day until the cough is improved.

2. Honey and lemon

Some researches have proven that honey and lemon can quickly relive soar throat.

How to prepare



  1. Squeeze half lemon to a glass of warm water.
  2. Mix well, add two teaspoons of honey to it. Drink right that moment.


Vitamin C in the lemon helps in fat oxidation, and the honey exhibits lipid-lowering activities.
It is a very famous ancient remedy to cure soar throat.
The atomic structure of lemon juice is so similar to our digestive fluids that it tricks the liver into producing bile and helps in quick digestion .
And we can’t forget about honey. The rich, raw stuff contains prebiotics, which acts as fuel for healthy bacteria in the lower digestive system.
It even helps in weight loss.

How often you should use this remedy:

There are no side-effects of this remedy as its purely natural.
You can drink it 3-4 times a day or right after your every meal of the day.
Its an effective remedy which has immediate results and you will surely notice a bit change in your cough after some days.

3. Ginger

As it has anti-inflammatory properties, ginger can ease a dry or asthmatic cough. Nausea and discomfort can be relieved as well.

How to prepare


  • 1 tsp of grated ginger
  • Warm water


  1. Add a teaspoon of grated ginger to a cup of hot water.
  2. Steep for 7 minutes and strain.
  3. Add a little honey for a better taste(Optional).
  4. Drink it before it turns cold.


Ginger is your new best friend for supporting everything regarding fighting against inflammatory bacteria.
The antibacterial properties that ginger possesses show that food truly is medicine.
Ginger also helps in digestion by supporting the stomach lining as well.

How often you should use this remedy:

Drink it once or twice daily.
Drink if before your meal.

4. Steam

With steam, a wet cough can improve, which is one that produces mucus or phlegm.

How to prepare

There are two ways to use steam remedy.

Way 1: Steam bath


  1. Take a hot shower or bath.
  2. Allow the bathroom area to fill with steam.
  3. Stay in the steam for a few minutes.

How often you should use this remedy

Take a steam bath daily or on alternate days until the cough and cold improves.


Always drink a glass of water after steam bath to prevent from dehydration.

Way 2: Steam bowl


How water
Some herbs such as rosemary
Essential oils


  1. Fill the bowl with hot water.
  2. Mix the herbs and essential oils which may relieve decongestion.
  3. Lean over the bowl.
  4. Put a towel over the head.
  5. Inhale vapors for at least 5 minutes.

6. Marshmallow root

Marshmallow root is a herb used as a remedy for coughs and sore throats with a long history of use. Due to its high mucilage content, the herb can relieve discomfort resulting from coughing. A dense, gluey material that covers the throat is mucilage.

How to prepare


Marshmallow root either dry bagged tea.
Hot water


  1. Dip the marshmallow root in hot water.
  2. Let the root stay in hot water for a while.
  3. The longer the root of the marshmallow steeps in the water, the more mucilage the drink will have.
  4. Let the mixture cool for a while.
  5. Drink it immediately.


A dense, gluey material that covers the throat is mucilage. Marshmallow contains high mucilage content which can relieve discomfort resulting from coughing.

How often you should use this remedy

Drink it once after every 2 days because it may upset the stomach.

7. Prebiotics

Probiotics do not directly relieve a cough, but by balancing the bacteria in the gut, they can improve the immune system.
A superior immune system may help to fend off cough-causing infections or allergens.


According to study, one type of probiotic, a bacterium called Lactobacillus, offers a modest advantage in preventing common colds.

Foods rich in prebiotics

  • Miso soup
  • Natural yogurt
  • Kimchi
  • Sauerkraut

8. Turmeric

Herb turmeric has a curative effect on coughs, particularly dry coughs.

How to prepare

Way 1


1 teaspoon of turmeric
Half cup of water
Boiling pot
Black pepper
1 tbsp of honey


  1. Heat half a cup of water in a boiling pot.
  2. Add one teaspoon turmeric powder.
  3. Add one teaspoon of black pepper.
  4. Boil this for two to three minutes.
  5. Add one table spoon of honey for a better taste.

How often you should use this remedy

Drink this mixture daily until the condition improves.

Way 2


  1. Roasting the turmeric root and grinding it into a smooth powder is another way to use turmeric.
  2. Combine it with honey and water and drink it twice a day.

9. Honey milk

Hot honey milk may alleviate a dry cough and reduce the discomfort you can feel from constant coughing in the chest.

How to prepare


1 cup of milk
Raw honey


  1. Boil the milk.
  2. Add 1 tablespoon of honey in the warm milk.
  3. Drink it before going to sleep.


It will help clear the mucus and soothe your throat.

How often you should use this remedy

Use this remedy daily before going to bed.

10. Carrot juice

Carrots have many vitamins and nutrients that can help relieve various symptoms of a cough.

How to prepare


Four to five fresh carrots
1 teaspoon of honey


  1. Make fresh juice from four to five carrots.
  2. Add some water to dilute it.
  3. Add a teaspoon of honey.

How often you should use this remedy

Drink this juice three to four times per day until the symptoms improve.

11. Grapes

Grapes have properties that act as an expectorant that releases mucus from the affected respiratory system areas. The faster you get rid of the mucus, the faster it will end your coughing.


Simply eat the grapes or make some fresh grape juice.
Grape juice with a spoonful of honey will be soothing as well as effective.

12. Almonds

In curing cough symptoms, almonds have nutritional properties that play a preventive function.

How to prepare


1 teaspoon of Butter
Five to six Almonds
Small bowl of water


  1. For 8 to 10 hours, soak five to six almonds in water.
  2. From the soaked almonds, make a smooth paste and add one teaspoon of butter.
  3. Eat it three or four times a day, until the symptoms are gone.

When to see a doctor

Without the side effects of pills and cough syrups, these home remedies will relieve you from the different symptoms of a cough.
If you have had more than two weeks of constant coughing, contact your doctor.

3 ways to stop coughing in 5 minutes

A cough is painful and irritating. Anything from a dry throat to sinus drainage to asthma may cause it. Selecting the correct cure for your form of cough is the secret to combating your cough quickly.

Step 1: Stay hydrated

Staying hydrated is your first line of coughing protection. If your cough is caused by a dry throat, maybe all you need is a little hydration.

Step 2: Change your environment

Keep upright because, for example, you can prop up your head with pillows while sleeping with a cough to prevent sinus drainage from pooling in your mouth, causing you to cough.
Keep away from polluted air, cigarette smoke included.

Step 3: Drink some effective cough syrup

If your cough persists, consider trying anti-cough medicines.

What causes a wet cough

Infections of microorganisms such as bacteria or viruses, such as those that cause a cold or flu, most frequently result from wet coughs.

1. Bronchitis

Inflammation of the bronchial tubes, the tubes that bring air into the lungs, is bronchitis. Usually, acute bronchitis is caused by a number of viruses. Chronic bronchitis, often caused by smoking, is an ongoing disease which results in wet cough as well.

2. Asthma

Yes asthma, Although individuals with asthma are more likely to have a dry cough but a small subset of individuals produce persistent excess mucus and experience a chronic wet cough.


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( COPD) is a category of diseases that affect your lungs as well as the tubes that carry oxygen into your lungs which may result in wet cough.

What causes a dry cough

The type of cough which doesn’t produce phlegm or mucus just dryness in throat is known as dry cough.
Some of the causes of dry cough include:

1. Asthma

Asthma is a disorder in which the airways swell and narrow.
A typical symptom of asthma is coughing, but it’s typically not the most noticeable one. There is, however, a kind of asthma called cough variant asthma (CVA) that contains as its key symptom a chronic dry cough.

2. Disease of Gastroesophageal Reflux

Chronic acid reflux is a form of gastroesophageal reflux disease ( GERD). It occurs as stomach acid flows back into your oesophagus daily, which links your stomach to your mouth. Stomach acid will make your oesophagus irritated and activate your cough reflex.

3. Infection by viruses

Your short-term effects usually last less than a week when you get infected with one of the many viruses that cause the common cold. However, it’s not rare for a cough to persist even after the other symptoms have improved.

Typically, these post-cold coughs are dry and can last up to two months.

How to stop dry cough fast

1. Ginger Ginger

Ginger can be used to help quiet a dry cough in different ways, as it is believed to stimulate the production of saliva and break down mucus.


Eat a fresh cut piece sprinkled with salt if you can brave the powerful taste.
In a cup of tea with added honey or basil leaves, you can also use ginger.
Another alternative is to use crushed ginger juice blended with 10 leaves of tulsi.
To taste, you can add honey or sugar. Using this on three occasions a day.

2. Honey

Honey can prevent a dry cough as it coats the membranes in your mouth.


Mix the honey and drink in a glass of warm water.
To ensure a restful night, you can also eat a spoonful of honey at bedtime.
As some products can contain added ingredients that can irritate a sore throat, it is safer to use organic honey.

3. Salt water

A salt and water solution, passed down from generation to generation, is trusted by many to thin out the irritated throat membranes.


Coughs play a role in clearing irritants and infections from the body, but persistent coughing can be annoying. The best treatment for a cough will depend on its underlying cause. There are many possible causes of coughs, including allergies, infections, and acid reflux.

Some natural remedies may help to relieve a cough. People who want to use natural remedies to treat their cough should research sources and brands. They should also be aware that some herbs and supplements can interfere with medications, which may result in unwanted side effects.

If a cough is severe or persists for more than a few weeks, it is essential to seek medical advice.


Twice a day, mix hot water with salt and gargle.
Try not to swallow, as more pain in the throat can result.

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What is Cough?

A cough is ■■■■■■■■■ of air through the broader passage and through mouth is known as cough. We will discuss Natural remedies for cough because cough is an voluntary or involuntary action that clears the passage from microbes, dust particles and other bacteria in respiratory passage. Its the release of air from lungs and cough is done in three ways; inhalation, exhalation, brutal release of air.

What are the causes of Cough?

Cough is a common act of releasing air. If a person coughs normally 2 - 3 times a day, then its not an issue. Cough is an involuntary act and it can be due to eating particles stuck in your throat.

Cough can also be due to drinking water when hits your throat forcefully. It can also be due to dust particles when goes into your mouth from air. So, normal cough is general and there is no need to worry about it.

But there are some serious acts which causes serious coughing;

  • Bacteria and Virus - Cough can be due to some common cold or flu which last from few days to weeks, and these common diseases are caused by bacteria and viruses in the respiratory tract which causes infects and leads coughing. But this disease in not much risky or dangerous.

  • Asthma - Asthma is also a common form of cough and patient suffers long time asthma. Its a time taking cough. Patients with asthma have symptoms like wheezing. If young child is having asthma, the it we get better when he grew older if he/she receives proper treatment. The asthma patient need to cure with inhaler as a treatment.

  • Smoking - Smoking also causes cough. The cough which is caused by smoking is different from other coughs as it sounds differ and it might be called as smoker’s cough.

People addicted to smoking are often having coughing issues. but they don’t care about their health and continue their habit and at last they face severe respiratory problems or cancer of lungs

What are Home Remedies for Cough?

There are many home remedies which are used to cure cough because cough is a common disease.

Few of the home remedies are;

  • Steam - Steam is one of the best way to improve wet cough which includes mucus. For steam you should take a large bowl of water and add vicks in it. Turn on the steamer and take a towel over your head and lean on the steamer to trap the steam. Continue this process for 5 minutes and stop for your face skin to cool down, then again do it until your cough gets better.

The other process to get steam is that you should bath with hot water and try to collect the steam in the bath and stay there for hours to cure cough and other coughing issues.

  • Honey tea - Honey is referred as an healthy fluid because honey helps in winter to get warm and also is considered as better for respiratory functions. So for curing cough, take 2 teaspoons of honey and mix them in your tea or you can mix these 2 tablespoons in warm water cup and drink it. It will clear your throat and will give warmness to cure cough and cold. Using honey tea in winter nights is a best option for cough and cold.

  • Warm Fluids - Cough and cold may be due to drinking cold fluids or using icy water. So to prevent this kind of cough and cold, you should drink fluids like warm water, hot teas, coffee, warm fruit juices and other liquids at room temperature because researches have shown that cough, cold, sneezing can be cured with warm fluids. Other problems like sore throat is also cured with these warm fluid because warm fluids keep your tract hydrated.

  • Ginger - Ginger is there to cure dry coughs. Ginger has qualities to improve respiratory tract membranes and has anti-inflammatory particles which cure your cough. Mash 20 - 30 gram ginger in a cup tea or add ginger slices in cup of hot water and wait for it to get mixed, also add honey or sugar in it for good taste.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does a bronchitis cough sound like?

Bronchitis cough is different from other cough in sound and bronchitis cough is wet cough which includes sputum in coughing. This cough comes with an sound of wheezing and tightning in chest. These type of coughs are often caused due to infections in respiratory tract.

How long does a viral cough last?

Coughs related to a chilly or the flu tend to last every week or 2, most clearing up within about 3 weeks. A post-viral cough may persist for several (up to about 8) weeks after a viral illness, while some coughs persist for extended and are usually a symbol of an underlying problem.


Coughs are the common disorders due to flu or common cold and they can be cured with simple methods and warm things are use in this case to keep your body warm and your organs. Coughs can be removes with natural home remedies for cough because cough is not deadly illness.

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Cough can be cured by several home remedies such as by honey tea, salt and water gargle and by taking steam. A cough, is a involuntary or voluntary act that clears the throat and breathing passage of foreign particles, irritants, microbes, mucus, and fluids. It is a fast expulsion of air from the lungs. Coughing can be done voluntarily or as part of a reflex. However coughing can be a sign of a severe illness, sometimes it will cure up on its own without the need for medical attention. If someone coughs more than usual, it can be a sign of a illness. Most coughs are caused due to the infectious diseases, such as the common cold, however there are also non-infectious causes.

Types of Cough
When something disturbs throat or airway, nervous system sends a signal to brain. Brain reacts by telling the muscles in abdomen and chest to expel and contract a burst of air.

A cough is an essential protective reflex that helps protect body from irritants like:

  • Smoke

  • Allergens, such as mold, pollen and dust

  • Mucus

Coughs can be explained by:

  • Characteristic: How does cough feel or sound? wet, dry or hacking?

  • Effects: Does cough lass less than 2 weeks, 6 weeks, or more than 8 weeks?

  • Duration: Does your cough last less than 2 weeks, 6 weeks, or more than 8 weeks?

  • Behavior or experience: When and why does the cough happen? Is it at night, after eating, or while exercising?

Dry Cough
A dry cough is a cough that doesn’t produce mucus. It may feel like you have a tickle in the back of throat stimulating cough reflex, giving hacking coughs.Dry coughs are sometimes hard to manage and may exist in long fits. Dry coughs occur because there’s irritation or inflammation in respiratory tract, but there’s no extra mucus to cough up.

Dry coughs are sometimes caused by upper respiratory infections such as flu or the cold.
In both adults and children, it’s general for dry coughs to exist for many weeks after a flu or the cold has passed. Other possible causes of dry cough include:

  • Tonsillitis

  • Sore throat

  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease

  • Asthma

  • Sinusitis

  • Laryngitis

  • Allergies

  • Croup

  • exposure to irritants such as air pollution, dust, or smoke

Wet Cough
A wet cough is a cough that generally develop mucus.A flu or the cold generally causes wet coughs. They can come on gradually or rapidly and may be accompanied by other symptoms, such as:

  • Fatigue
  • Postnasal drip
  • Runny nose

Wet coughs sound wet because our body is pushing mucus out of respiratory system which includes:

  • Airways
  • Nose
  • Throat
  • Lungs

If someone have a wet cough, they may feel like there’s something dripping or suck at the back of throat or in chest. Some of coughs will bring mucus into mouth.Wet coughs can be chronic last longer than 8 weeks or acute and last less than 4 weeks in children or 3 weeks in adults. Conditions that can cause a wet cough include:

  • Asthma

  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease including chronic bronchitis and emphysema

  • Pneumonia

  • acute bronchitis

  • A cold or the flu

Croup Cough
Croup is a viral infection that generally affects children ages 5.Croup causes the upper airway to become swollen and disrupted. Young children already have contracted airways. When swelling further contract the airway, it becomes hard to breathe.

Croup causes a “barking” cough that sounds like a seal. Swelling in voice box also causes a cracked voice and strident breathing noises.

Croup can be scary for both parents and children. Children may:

  • Breathe very fastly

  • Make high-pitched noises during inhalation

  • Struggle for breath

Paraoxysmal Cough
A paroxysmal cough is a cough with periodic attacks of uncontrollable, voilent coughing. A paroxysmal cough feels painful and exhausting. People try to get a breath and may vomit.
Pertussis is a bacterial infection that causes violent coughing fits. It is also known as whooping cough.

The lungs release all the air they have during the whooping cough attack, causing people to inhale hardly with a “whoop” sound.Babies have a greater risk of narrowing whooping cough and face more severe complications from it. For them, whooping cough may be life threatening.

Whooping cough often causes paroxysmal coughs. Other possible causes of a severe coughing fit include:

  • COPD

  • Asthma

  • Choking

  • Tuberculosis

  • Pneumonia

There are four types of cough: wet, dry, paroxysmal and croup cough. Wet dry produces mucus. Dry cough does not produces mucus. Paroxysmal cough is a cough with periodic attacks and croup cough is a viral infection.

Causes of cough
A cough can be caused by various conditions, both permanent and temporarily.

A general cause of coughing in young children is asthma. Commonly, asthmatic coughing involves wheezing making it easy to recognize.
Asthma patients should receive treatment using an inhaler. It’s possible for children to grow out of asthma as they get older.

Smoking is a general cause of coughing. Smoking cause a chronic cough with a distinctive sound. It’s sometimes known as a smoker’s cough.

Bacteria and Virus
Respiratory track infection such flu or cold are the most general cause of a cough.Respiratory tract infections are generally caused by a viruses and bacteria. Infections caused by the flu may take a little longer to cure up and can often need antibiotics.

Few medications will cause coughing, however this is commonly a rare side effect. Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors generally used to cure heart conditions high blood pressure, can cause coughing.
Two of the more general ones are:
• Vasotec

• Zestril
The coughing stops when the medication is discontinued.

Clearing of Throat
Coughing is a common way of clearing your throat. When airways become closed with foreign particles or mucus such as dust or smoke a cough is a reflex reaction that attempts to clear the particles and make breathing easier.This type of coughing is generally infrequent, but coughing will enhance with exposure to irritants such as smoke.

Cough is caused by various condition. Some causes of cough are asthma, medicines, smoke and the clearing of throat.

Natural Remedies to treat cough
People use a range of natural remedies to treat a constant cough. Here, we look at 12 of these remedies in more detail.

1. Ginger
Ginger may comfort a asthmatic or dry cough, as it has anti-inflammatory properties. It may also comfort pain and nausea .

Studies recommend that some anti-inflammatory compounds in ginger can relax membranes in the airways, which could decrease coughing. The researchers studied the effects of ginger on animals and human cells, so more research is essential. In some cases, ginger tea can cause stomach upset.

Compound in ginger can relax membranes in the airways which could decrease coughing. Ginger may ease a dry or asthmatic cough.

2. Steam
A wet cough, is a cough which produces phlegm or mucus, may better with steam. Take a shower with warm water and allow the bathroom to fill with steam. Stay in the steam for a few minutes until symptoms remove. Drink a glass of water afterward to prevent dehydration.

Alternatively, Make a steam bowl. To do this, fill a big bowl with warm water. Add essential oils or herbs such as rosemary or eucalyptus which may also comfort decongestion. Place a towel over the head and lean over the bowl and . This traps the steam. Inhale the vapors for 6 minutes. If the steam feels warms on the skin, discontinue until the skin cools down.

Mucus or phlegm produce by the wet cough can be treated by the steam. Try to take a shower with warm water and allow the washroom to fill with steam. Take this steam for 6 minutes.

3. Salt and Water gargle
Remedy of salt and water gargle is very effective to treat wet cough and also help in getting rid of a sore throat. Salt water reduces mucus and phlegm in the back of the throat which can reduce the need to cough.

Dissolves a half a teaspoon of salt into a cup of warm water . Before using it to gargle allow the mixture to cool gradually. Let the mixture sit at the back of the throat for a some moments before spitting it out. Gargle with salt water many times every day until the cough improves.

How to get rid of a sore throat
It is necessary to discuss here how to get rid of a sore throat?. Here is the list of how we can get rid of a sore throat:

  • Viral infections do not need any medicated treatment unless it gets worse, leading to some other complications.

  • People can use simple analgesics ( for example; aspirin and paracetamol) just to prevent symptoms.

  • Gargles with saltwater or aspirin water are also a way to soothe the throat.

  • Over the counter, numbing sprays or lozenges can be used

  • But in the case of Strep throat (bacterial infection), it is normally treated with antibiotics. If the patient is not allergic to this class of antibiotics penicillin or Amoxicillin are the first-line treatment for strep throat with doses or strengths depending upon severity for three to seven days.

  • If the patient is allergic to penicillin then other antibiotics (such as or other Macrolides) are considered as an alternative treatment.

  • But it is always better not to use antibiotics on your own because they are associated with resistance and some serious side effects belonging to each class.

Home remedies to treat a sore throat with no complications

  • Saltwater gargles (half or quarter teaspoon of salt in 250 ml water) three to four times a day are effective in soothing the aching throat.

  • Honey mixed in water or tea is the best home remedy.

  • Licorice root tea not only soothes the throat but also effective to gut and liver.

Salt and water gargle remedy is effective to treat wet cough which produces mucus. Avoid giving this remedy to younger children because they are unable to gargle properly and swallowing salt water can be dangerous for health.

4. Marshmallow Root
Marshmallow root is an herb that is use as a treatment for coughs. The herb can comfort irritation resulting from coughing due to its high mucilage content… Mucilage is a gluey substance that coats the throat.

Marshmallow root is also available as a bagged tea or dried herb. Add warm water to either and then drink it instantly or allow it to cool first. The longer the marshmallow root precipitous in the water, the more mucilage will be in the drink.

Marshmallow can be used for the treatment of cough. This herb can ease the irritation resulting from the stomach. There are also some side effects of coughing.

5. Thyme
Thyme has both medicinal and culinary uses and is a general remedy for a cough and digestive issues.Studies shows that a cough syrup consisting of ivy leaves and thyme ease coughing more effectively and more fastly than a placebo syrup in people with acute bronchitis.

To cure coughs using thyme, look for a cough syrup that includes this herb. Make thyme tea by adding 2 tsp of dried thyme to a cup of warm water. Steep for 10 minutes before drinking and straining.

Thyme is a general remedy for cough. Cough syrup consisting of thyme relieve coughing more effectively. Use those cough syrup that contains this herb.

6. Peppermint
Peppermint leaves are known for their curing properties. Menthol in peppermint ease the throat and acts as a decongestant, aiding to break down mucus. We can get benefit by inhaling peppermint vapors from a steam or by drinking peppermint tea. Add 3 or 4 drops of peppermint oil for every 150 milliliters of warm water to make a steam bath. Take a towel over your head, and take deep breaths directly above the water.

Peppermint leaves can be used to treat cough. Menthol in peppermint ease the throat and act as a decongestant. Cough can be cured by drinking peppermint tea.

7. Dietary Changes for acid reflux
Acid reflux is a general cause of a cough. Avoiding foods that can promote acid reflux is one of the best ways to manage this condition and decrease the cough that accompanies it.
Every person may have different reflux promoters that they required to avoid. People who are not sure of what causes their reflux can start by removing the most general promoters from their diet and monitoring their symptoms.
The foods and beverages that most commonly trigger acid reflux include:

  • Caffeine

  • Alcohol

  • Citrus foods

  • Chocolates

  • Fatty and fried foods

  • Onion and garlic

  • Spicy foods

  • Tomato-based product

Is spicy food good for you?
It is essential to discuss here Is spicy food good for you? Who does not love spicy food. Most people are fond of spices but have you ever thought what does spicy food do to your stomach? Well here are some facts that you are going to witness that may shock you. Although there may be some serious health benefits to eating spicy food, it may also mess up your system, especially your stomach. So, you might want to think twice if you have been over-indulging in hot and spicy foods.

Acid reflux can cause cough. Avoid foods that contain acid reflux. Foods that contain acid reflux are the chocolates, onions, garlic and tomato-based product.

8.Honey tea
Honey may cure coughs. It can also ease coughs more betterly than over-the-counter medicines that contain dextromethorphan. The studies found that honey provided the most significant ease from coughing, followed by a cough supplement dextromethorphan.

To use honey to cure the cough mix 2 teaspoons of honey with hot water or an herbal tea. Drink this mixture twice a day. Do not give honey to children under 1 year.

Honey can be used to cure coughs. Honey cure coughs more effectively than a cough supplement dextromethorphan.

9. Fluids
Staying hydrated is important for those with a cold or cough. Research shows that drinking liquids at room temperature can eliminate a cough, sneezing, and runny rose…

But, people with additional symptoms of a flu or cold may benefit from warming up their beverages. The same study indicates that warm beverages eliminate even more symptoms, including a chills, fatigue, and sore throats.

Hot beverages that may be easing include:

  • Decaffeinated black tea
  • Herbal teas
  • Clear broths
  • Warm fruit juices
  • Warm water

By staying hydrated we can cure cold or cough. Drinking liquid at room temperatures can eliminate sneezing, cough and runny rose.

10. Bromelain
Pineapples gives enzymes bromelain . It is most abundant in the core of the fruit.Bromelain has anti-inflammatory properties which means that it can break down mucus and eliminate it from the body.

Many people drink pineapple juice daily to remove mucus in the throat and suppress coughing. But, there may not be enough bromelain in the juice to ease symptoms. Bromelain additives are available and may be more beneficial at easing a cough. But it is best to speak with a doctor before trying any new additives.

Bromelain enzymes comes from pineapple can be used to relieve cough. People use pineapple juice to remove the mucus in the throat.

11. Probiotics
Probiotics may upsurge the immune system by balancing the bacteria in the gut, they do not directly ease a cough.The immune system can help to fight off allergens or infections that may be causing the cough.

One kind of probiotic, called Lactobacillus , gives a modest benefit in curing the general cold, according to research. Additives containing Lactobacillus and other probiotics are available at drug stores and health stores.

Many foods are also naturally rich in probiotics, including:

  • Natural yogurt

  • Miso soup

  • Sauerkraut

  • Kimchi

Probiotics do not directly ease a cough. Lactobacillus gives a benefit in treating the common cold. Many foods naturally rich in probiotics.

12. Slippery elm
Native Americans used slippery elm bark to cure digestive issues and coughing. Slippery elm is identical to marshmallow root as it consist of a high level of mucilage, which helps to comfort a cough and sore throat.

Make slippery elm tea. In a cup of hot water add 1 tsp of the dried herb . Steep for at least 11 minutes before drinking. It is necessary to note that slippery elm can interfere with the absorption of medications.Slippery elm is available in capsule and powder form in health stores .

Slippery elm can be used to treat the cough. Slippery elm tea can be made by adding 1 tsp of the dried herb in a cup of hot water. It is available in capsule and powder form.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the signs and symptoms of cough?

  • Hoarseness

  • Sour taste in mouth

  • Heart burn

  • Shortness of breadth

  • Wheezing

What is the best medicine for cough?
The best medicine for the cough is honey. Honey can also ease coughs more effectively than over-counter medications dextromethorphan. Dextromethorphan is a cough additive. Do not give to the children under 1 year

Why are coughs worst at night?
Coughing become sometimes worse at night because at night the person is lying flat in bed. Mucus can pool in the back of the throat and result in coughing. Sleeping with head lifted can reduce postnasal drip and symptoms of GERD.

How do I know if my cough is serious?
If the dry cough is accompanied by the following symptoms you should see a doctor:

  • Prolonged fever

  • Fatigue

  • Appetite loss

  • Shortness of breadth

  • Choking

Which fruit is good for cough?
Honey and pineapple juice are good for treating the cough. Both of honey and pineapple will comfort throat and provide ease from comfort. Some people drink pineapple juice on daily basis to cure cough.

Cough can be cured by several home remedies such as by honey tea, salt and water gargle and by taking steam. A cough, is a involuntary or voluntary act that clears the throat and breathing passage of foreign particles, irritants, microbes, mucus, and fluids. A dry cough is a cough that doesn’t produce mucus. It may feel like you have a tickle in the back of throat stimulating cough reflex, giving hacking coughs. A wet cough is a cough that generally develop mucus. A flu or the cold generally causes wet coughs. Ginger may comfort a asthmatic or dry cough, as it has anti-inflammatory properties. It may also comfort pain and nausea. Remedy of salt and water gargle is very effective to treat wet cough. Marshmallow root is an herb that is use as a treatment for coughs. Acid reflux can cause cough. Avoid foods that contain acid reflux. Foods that contain acid reflux are the chocolates, onions, garlic and tomato-based product.

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The Most Effective Natural Cough Remedies

Do you have a dry, greasy or persistent cough? Discover these 18 best natural remedies and the most formidable and effective cough remedies.

Types of cough

The fatty cough: This is the way your body uses to clear mucus. You should encourage him to get rid of the mucus as quickly as possible and, consequently, of the cough itself. If an incessant cough irritates your throat, try the following technique: As soon as you feel the cough coming on, cough several times and then go for good sputum. Fast coughing helps to push mucus up the airways, and a strong cough helps push it out.

Dry cough: In this case, the solution is to coat the throat with a protective layer and calm the tickle.

Discover now the best home remedies to better fight and relieve coughs.

1. Syrup made from lemon juice, cayenne pepper and honey

Mix lemon juice with a little honey, add a pinch of cayenne pepper and swallow. Honey coats the throat with a protective layer, calming irritated tissues while lemon juice heals inflammation while providing vitamin C with anti-infective properties. As for the pepper, it increases the blood supply to the affected area, thus accelerating healing. Or, mix 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of honey, and heat the preparation. Take a teaspoonful at a time, as often as needed to provide relief.

2. Syrup made from lemon juice, honey and horehound flowers

Here is the recipe for a particularly tasty old syrup: cut 3 lemons into slices that you will put in a saucepan with honey and some horehound leaves and flowers. Horehound, a bitter herb that has long been used in making cough candies, acts as an irritant, inducing the cough reflex and the evacuation of mucus. Simmer the preparation until the syrup thickens, strain and let cool. Horehound flowers are also effective in acute and chronic bronchitis.

3. Homemade syrup made from onions and honey

Or, peel and finely chop 6 medium onions. This vegetable contains irritating compounds that induce the cough reflex and bring up mucus. Put them in the top of a double boiler with ½ cup of honey. Cover and simmer for 2 hours. Pass the preparation and pour into a pot. Administer 1 tablespoon of this syrup every 2 or 3 hours.

4. Honey and clove syrup

You can also mix 5 or 6 cloves with 1 cup of honey. Let the preparation rest in the refrigerator overnight. The next morning, remove the nails. Take 1 teaspoon or tablespoon of this honey as needed. The clove soothes the pain while the honey calms the inflamed throat tissues.

5. Antitussive herbal tea based on fresh thyme

In addition to being an expectorant, thyme contains substances that calm the respiratory tract. Put 2 tablespoons of fresh thyme (or 1 tablespoon of dry thyme) in a cup of hot water. Let it steep, filter, add honey if desired and drink.

6. Liquorice tea

Dilute 45 drops of liquorice tincture in a cup of hot water and drink this preparation in small sips. Liquorice lightens phlegm and relieves bronchial spasms. Caution: Do not take liquorice for more than a few weeks, as it can cause high blood pressure.

7. Horehound herbal tea

Infuse 2 teaspoons of horehound leaves or flowers in a cup of boiling water, strain and drink.

8. Spicy herbal tea

The practitioners of Ayurveda, the traditional medicine of India, recommend taking a few cups of a spicy herbal tea every day. To prepare, put in a cup of boiling water 1/2 teaspoon of ginger, a pinch of cinnamon and a pinch of cloves, all three in powder form.

9. Green tea and lemon juice

If you want a natural remedy, you can go for green tea with a squeeze of lemon juice. This drink helps to stay hydrated, which is essential for good health. The fact that green tea contains powerful antioxidants, such as EGCG, is an added bonus. Lemon squeeze provides antioxidant limonene, vitamin C, as well as bioflavonoids, which help better absorb vitamin C. Not a fan of green tea? You can dissolve a vitamin C tablet in a glass of water.

10. Chicken broth soup

And don’t forget the chicken broth soup, that great comfort food. Just make sure it’s made from chicken. Part of the virtue of chicken broth soup comes from the bone marrow. It should be chicken broth, cooked with the bones.

11. Horehound candies

To cure a fatty cough, suck on a horehound candy, a bittersweet herb that acts as an expectorant, that is, it elicits the cough reflex in order to flush mucus. You will find horehound candies at the pharmacy.

12. Slippery elm pastilles

To treat a dry cough, take slippery elm lozenges. Prepared with the bark of the tree, these pastilles were once found in all home medicine cabinets. The bark contains a gelatinous substance that coats the throat with a protective layer and calms coughs.

Do not abuse these lozenges, which are often high in sugar. They are among the 14 foods that are even worse for your teeth than candy.

13. Water to better evacuate mucus by coughing

Water is one of the home remedies that experts recommend for both adults and children. “For productive coughs,” says Leeds, “water is the best expectorant. Good hydration facilitates the evacuation of mucus by coughing.

14. Nocturnal vapours

To prevent nighttime coughs, make sure the air in your bedroom is humid, especially in winter: install a humidifier.

15. Eucalyptus or peppermint-based spray

To clear your airways and relieve the feeling of tightness in your throat, you can put a few drops of eucalyptus or peppermint essence in a vaporizer; to decrease mucus secretion, irrigate your nasal passages with a neti pot.

16. Hot chocolate as a cough suppressant

Like green tea, hot chocolate contains theobromine, a cough suppressant, much like codeine does.

17. Rubbing ointment

Get a rubbing ointment that contains camphor or menthol and apply it to your throat and chest. Be careful, however: do not take this kind of product internally.

18. Mustard fly

You can also apply a mustard fly which will act as a decongestant. Mix in a bowl one part mustard powder and two parts flour. Add just enough water to form a paste. Spread the paste on a clean cloth that you will fold before applying it to your chest (never put the mixture directly in contact with the skin).

Check the condition of your skin regularly; if it is red or irritated, stop treatment. Some people use egg white instead of water to reduce the feeling of heat that mustard produces on the skin. Care should be taken, however, as mustard produces chemical heat and can cause a chemical burn. Make sure you have the right proportion of mustard and flour and cover with gauze. Check the condition of your skin regularly; if it is red or irritated, stop treatment. Some people use egg white instead of water to reduce the feeling of heat that mustard produces on the skin.

When to visit a doctor for cough?

The cough usually goes away on its own after 7-10 days. If yours lasts more than 2 weeks or if you cough up blood when you cough, you should see a doctor.

Chronic coughs are usually dry, therefore unproductive, and last more than a month. Various factors can cause it, including asthma, an allergy, nasopharyngitis, acid reflux, or certain medications. Severe coughs can tear muscles or break ribs and can disrupt sleep, leading to fatigue and other health problems. It is therefore important to relieve it, if only temporarily. Depending on the underlying cause, it is usually treated with inhaled anti-inflammatory drugs, topical decongestants, nasal saline solutions, or anti-reflux medications.

How can you better prevent coughs?

Of course, in order to prevent your cough from coming back, the best medicine is prevention. Maintaining a good immune system is essential. Adopt a healthy lifestyle, make sure you get enough sleep and eat a diet rich in colourful vegetables and fruits. You can also take vitamin D foods and supplements. Vitamin D is essential for immune function.

Whether dry, greasy or persistent, coughs are often mild but annoying on a daily basis. Here are some natural remedies to cure it faster.

A cough is a reflex that helps clear your aviation routes of irritants. Nerves in the aviation routes become animated by allergens, medical conditions, and different irritating substances, bringing about an intense removal of air from the lungs.
Types of cough:

  1. Productive cough or dry cough:
    Productive cough in smokers is a sign of lung damage. However, sometimes productive cough is a good sign because it removes mucus and other harmful material from airways of a person.
  2. Non-productive cough or Wet cough:
    A non-productive cough is dry and produces no mucus. It is caused due to cold weather. Some other causes of dry cough are exposure to irritants, dust, and smoke.
  3. Croup cough:
    It is common type of infection in children. It causes inflammation in the upper part of the air passageways in the throat. The children may not have a fever in this illness but this illness causes barking cough. The illness is more common in the winter season.
  4. Paroxysmal cough:
    Paroxysmal is a frequent and violent type of cough. It produces difficulty for a person to take a breath easily. It is the intense stage of an occasional cough.
    Causes of cough:
    There are different causes of cough. Some are given below,
  5. Pollen
  6. Dust
  7. Animal dander
  8. Mold(a type of ■■■■■■)
  9. Smoking(active and passive smoking)
  10. Pollutants
  11. Perfumes and air fresheners
    Medical conditions:
  12. Common cold
  13. Flu
  14. Pneumonia
  15. Asthma
  16. Acute and chronic bronchitis
  17. Emphysema
  18. Lung cancer
  19. Heart failure
    Natural remedies to cure cough:
  20. Eucalyptus oil
    It is an essential oil in the field of medicine. It is used to treat various diseases such as cold cough and asthma. People usually rub it on their chest to cure cough.
    Eucalyptus oil cannot just quiet a cough; it can likewise assist you with getting the mucus out of your chest. Breathing in fume made with the fundamental oil can relax mucus so when you do cough, it’s removed. Utilizing a rub containing eucalyptus oil will deliver a similar impact.
  21. Bromelain:
    Bromelain is an enzyme that is found in the stem and fruit of the pineapple. It removes the mucus from air passageways and the chest cavity. Eating one slice of pineapple and drinking the pineapple juice reduces the swelling and inflammation of air passageways caused by cough. It can also reduce the inflammation of the nasal sinus.
  22. Licorice root:
    It is the root of the licorice plant and it is one of the oldest herbal remedies of the world.
    Using powder of licorice root mixed up with freshwater provides relaxation to trachea and bronchi and open airways to cure cough. It acts as an expectorant, a medicine that loosens the mucus of air passage ways to treat cough.
  23. Peppermint:
    Peppermint leaves are notable for their mending properties. The menthol in peppermint mitigates the throat and goes about as a decongestant, assisting with separating mucus.
    You can use peppermint by drinking peppermint tea or by breathing in peppermint fumes from a steam shower. To make a steam shower, add 3 or 4 drops of peppermint oil for every 5 ounces of boiling water. Wrap a towel around your head and take full breaths straightforwardly over the water.
  24. Thyme:
    Thyme is used to cure respiratory problems. If we mix the essence of thyme with ivy and used this mixture then this will cure cough and also cure acute bronchitis. The leaves of thyme contain a compound called flavonoid. Flavonoid provides relaxation to muscles of the throat which is included in coughing and flavonoid also reduces the inflammation of the throat.
    We can make the tea of thyme leaves which is helpful to cure cough. To make tea, mix two teaspoons of powdered thyme leaves in boiling water. Cover the lid for ten minutes and strain.
  25. Apple cider vinegar:
    It contains acetic acid which is an antimicrobial. Acetic acid kills the pathogens that cause the infection which further causes cough. It also reduces the inflammation of airways. Apple cider vinegar has a powerful smell and if you rub it on your throat then it loosens the mucus and you breathe easier.
  26. Slippery elm:
    It contains mucilage. Mucilage is a substance that converts into a smooth gel when water is added to it. It covers and soothes the mouth, throat, and intestine. It has antioxidants that protect inflammatory bowel conditions and in this way, it cures the cough.
    Overuse of slippery elm cause allergy and skin irritation.
  27. Masala chai tea:
    Masala chai tea is very famous in Pakistan and India.
    Masala chai tea contains different ingredients such as cloves, cardamom, and cinnamon. Cloves act as expectorant and cinnamon reduce inflammation of airways. Masala chai tea also contains different antioxidants.
  28. Capsaicin:
    It is found in chili peppers. It is mostly found in cayenne chili pepper and cure chronic coughing. If we take the capsaicin powder directly then it will reduce the sensitivity of the throat and decrease the cough symptoms. It may be taken as a capsule or used to make tea.
    Capsaicin powder with apple cider vinegar provides relaxation from throat pain and reduces inflammation of air passageways.
    Capsaicin-based treatment is not suitable for children.
  29. Humidifier:
    Dry air can cause a dry cough. Humidifier moisturizes the air which provides relief from dry cough. If you run a humidifier in your bedroom at night then it.
  30. Onion:
    Onion contains compounds of the sulphur. Compounds of the sulphur fight the mucus and help in the excretion of mucus from airways. Onion is the most powerful natural antibiotic. It can fight with both bacterial and viral infections and reduce the symptoms of sore throat.
  31. Garlic:
    Roasted clove of crushed garlic with honey reduces the cough. You can fry crushed garlic in ghee and add it to your food. It provides relaxation from cough.
    Is constant coughing is normal?
    Cough is not a sign of illness. An episodic cough is normal and it helps in clearing the irritants and secretions from your lungs and prevents infection.
    However, if a cough lasts for weeks then maybe it is the result of some medical problem. Sometimes it is difficult to pinpoint the cause of chronic cough. The most common cause of chronic cough is tobacco. Fortunately, chronic cough can be treated when we know about the underlying problem.
    What are the methods to stop coughing?
    How to stop coughing
  32. Drink plenty of water.
  33. Drink hot water with honey.
  34. Take some cough drops and OTC.
  35. Use steam shower.
  36. Use a humidifier in your bedroom.

A cough is a reflex that helps clear your aviation routes of irritants. Nerves in the aviation routes become animated by allergens, medical conditions, and different irritating substances, bringing about an intense removal of air from the lungs.

Types of cough:

1.Productive cough or dry cough:

Productive cough in smokers is a sign of lung damage. However, sometimes productive cough is a good sign because it removes mucus and other harmful material from airways of a person.

2.Non-productive cough or Wet cough:

A non-productive cough is dry and produces no mucus. It is caused due to cold weather. Some other causes of dry cough are exposure to irritants, dust, and smoke.

3.Croup cough:

It is common type of infection in children. It causes inflammation in the upper part of the air passageways in the throat. The children may not have a fever in this illness but this illness causes barking cough. The illness is more common in the winter season.

4.Paroxysmal cough:

Paroxysmal is a frequent and violent type of cough. It produces difficulty for a person to take a breath easily. It is the intense stage of an occasional cough.
Causes of cough:
There are different causes of cough. Some are given below,
3.Animal dander
4.Mold(a type of ■■■■■■)
1.Smoking(active and passive smoking)
3.Perfumes and air fresheners
Medical conditions:
1.Common cold
5.Acute and chronic bronchitis
7.Lung cancer
8.Heart failure

Natural remedies to cure cough:

1.Eucalyptus oil

It is an essential oil in the field of medicine. It is used to treat various diseases such as cold cough and asthma. People usually rub it on their chest to cure cough.
Eucalyptus oil cannot just quiet a cough; it can likewise assist you with getting the mucus out of your chest. Breathing in fume made with the fundamental oil can relax mucus so when you do cough, it’s removed. Utilizing a rub containing eucalyptus oil will deliver a similar impact.


Bromelain is an enzyme that is found in the stem and fruit of the pineapple. It removes the mucus from air passageways and the chest cavity. Eating one slice of pineapple and drinking the pineapple juice reduces the swelling and inflammation of air passageways caused by cough. It can also reduce the inflammation of the nasal sinus.

3.Licorice root:

It is the root of the licorice plant and it is one of the oldest herbal remedies of the world.
Using powder of licorice root mixed up with freshwater provides relaxation to trachea and bronchi and open airways to cure cough. It acts as an expectorant, a medicine that loosens the mucus of air passage ways to treat cough.


Peppermint leaves are notable for their mending properties. The menthol in peppermint mitigates the throat and goes about as a decongestant, assisting with separating mucus.
You can use peppermint by drinking peppermint tea or by breathing in peppermint fumes from a steam shower. To make a steam shower, add 3 or 4 drops of peppermint oil for every 5 ounces of boiling water. Wrap a towel around your head and take full breaths straightforwardly over the water.


Thyme is used to cure respiratory problems. If we mix the essence of thyme with ivy and used this mixture then this will cure cough and also cure acute bronchitis. The leaves of thyme contain a compound called flavonoid. Flavonoid provides relaxation to muscles of the throat which is included in coughing and flavonoid also reduces the inflammation of the throat.
We can make the tea of thyme leaves which is helpful to cure cough. To make tea, mix two teaspoons of powdered thyme leaves in boiling water. Cover the lid for ten minutes and strain.

6.Apple cider vinegar:

It contains acetic acid which is an antimicrobial. Acetic acid kills the pathogens that cause the infection which further causes cough. It also reduces the inflammation of airways. Apple cider vinegar has a powerful smell and if you rub it on your throat then it loosens the mucus and you breathe easier.

7.Slippery elm:

It contains mucilage. Mucilage is a substance that converts into a smooth gel when water is added to it. It covers and soothes the mouth, throat, and intestine. It has antioxidants that protect inflammatory bowel conditions and in this way, it cures the cough.
Overuse of slippery elm cause allergy and skin irritation.

8.Masala chai tea:

Masala chai tea is very famous in Pakistan and India.
Masala chai tea contains different ingredients such as cloves, cardamom, and cinnamon. Cloves act as expectorant and cinnamon reduce inflammation of airways. Masala chai tea also contains different antioxidants.


It is found in chili peppers. It is mostly found in cayenne chili pepper and cure chronic coughing. If we take the capsaicin powder directly then it will reduce the sensitivity of the throat and decrease the cough symptoms. It may be taken as a capsule or used to make tea.
Capsaicin powder with apple cider vinegar provides relaxation from throat pain and reduces inflammation of air passageways.
Capsaicin-based treatment is not suitable for children.


Dry air can cause a dry cough. Humidifier moisturizes the air which provides relief from dry cough. If you run a humidifier in your bedroom at night then it.


Onion contains compounds of the sulphur. Compounds of the sulphur fight the mucus and help in the excretion of mucus from airways. Onion is the most powerful natural antibiotic. It can fight with both bacterial and viral infections and reduce the symptoms of sore throat.


Roasted clove of crushed garlic with honey reduces the cough. You can fry crushed garlic in ghee and add it to your food. It provides relaxation from cough.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

1. Is constant coughing is normal?

Cough is not a sign of illness. An episodic cough is normal and it helps in clearing the irritants and secretions from your lungs and prevents infection.
However, if a cough lasts for weeks then maybe it is the result of some medical problem. Sometimes it is difficult to pinpoint the cause of chronic cough. The most common cause of chronic cough is tobacco. Fortunately, chronic cough can be treated when we know about the underlying problem.

2. What are the methods to stop coughing?

  1. Drink plenty of water.
  2. Drink hot water with honey.
  3. Take some cough drops and OTC.
  4. Use steam shower.
  5. Use a humidifier in your bedroom.

3. What are the methods to soothe a dry cough?

The use of honey, soup, broth and tea can soothe a dry cough. Honey has anti-inflammatory properties while the soup, broth and tea provide relief from sore and scratchy throat.

4. How can you know that your cough is viral or bacterial?

If the color of mucus in cough is white, then your cough is viral and if the color of mucus is green or yellow then your cough is bacterial.

5. What is the fastest way to cure a cough?

Use of ginger is the fastest way to cure a cough because ginger has anti-inflammatory propertiers.

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