How to cure Upset stomach

Stomachaches are so normal that everyone experiences them at one point or another. There are hundreds of explanations why a tummy ache could happen to you. The majority of triggers are not extreme and the signs pass quickly. Generally, for a solution, there’s no need to go further than your kitchen.
Stomach pain

Causes of Indigestion or upset stomach

There are hundreds of reasons why a tummy ache or upset stomach could happen to you. Some of the reasons are explained below:

1. Disease in digestive tract

Indigestion may cause a disease or an ulcer in the digestive tract.

2. Improper way of eating

It is the product of consuming food improperly for most individuals. Consuming too much, eating high-fat foods, or eating in stressful circumstances. Indigestion is not caused by stomach acid excess. The signs of belching and bloating, which are also associated with indigestion, can be exacerbated by swallowing a lot of air while feeding.

3. Medications

The stomach lining may also be irritated by certain drugs and cause indigestion.

4. Smoking or drinking

It can induce indigestion or make it worse to smoke or drink too much alcohol or caffeinated beverages. These causes, such as hiatal hernia and gastro esophageal reflux disorder (GERD), can also exacerbate underlying conditions that cause indigestion.

5. Emotional stress

Being tired or stressed, emotional stress or other psychological conditions may result in abdominal pain.


Symptoms of indigestion
Some common indigestion symptoms are:

  • Burning in the upper belly or the stomach
  • Heartburning
  • Pressure in the abdomen
  • (full feeling) Bloating
  • Gas and Belching
  • Nausea, Nausea
  • Vomiting Over
  • Acidic flavour
  • (Sometimes) diarrhea.

10 Natural home remedies

People often prefer home remedies instead of eating bunch of pills and destroying their digestive tract even more. Some of the effective remedies are listed below which can surely help with your upset stomach and provide quick relief.
Nature heals

1. Apple cider vinegar

The acids in apple cider vinegar can help reduce the digestion of starch, allowing the starch to enter the intestines and keep the bacteria healthy in the gut. As a preventative measure, certain individuals take a spoonful each day.
Apple cider vinegar

How to use

There are two ways to use this remedy

Way 1

Consume one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar raw if you can.

Way 2
  1. Since apple cider vinegar is too strong it is hard for some people to consume it directly.
  2. In that case you can add a spoonful of apple cider vinegar in one cup of water.
  3. Add a teaspoon of honey for a better taste.
  4. Sip the solution slowly.

How often you should use this remedy

  • Use this remedy once daily.
  • Since it is a natural remedy people often take a spoon of apple cider vinegar daily as a precautionary measure.

2. Peppermint

Since the menthol in its leaves is a natural analgesic, or pain reliever, Peppermint is often
cited as a supportive fix for nausea and upset stomach.
Peppermint tea

How to use

There are four ways to use this remedy

Way 1 Brew a cup of spearmint tea or peppermint tea
Way 2 Sniffing the peppermint extract
Way 3 Sucking on a candy mint
Way 4 Chewing the leaves themselves

How often you should use this remedy

Use this remedy once or twice daily.

3. BRAT Diet

To ease an irritated stomach, every parent of a toddler knows about the bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast (BRAT) diet. It can help with diarrhoea or nausea.

Low-fiber, high-binding foods are found in BRAT. None of these foods contain salt or spices, which may exacerbate the symptoms further. When you feel sick but still have to eat something, this bland diet is a go-to.

How to use

  • Eat the bananas as raw.
  • Do not over cook the rice instead boiling them would help effectively.
  • Take a sip of applesauce and the toast can be overcooked.
    How often you should use this remedy

How often you should use this remedy

Use this remedy as your meal throughout the day daily until the condition improves.

4. Ginger

As it has anti-inflammatory properties, ginger can ease stomach ache quickly. People have turned to ginger since ancient times as a cure-all for anything from pain to nausea.
Ginger tea

How to use

In several ways, ginger is available as a natural anti-inflammatory, all of which can benefit.
There are two ways to use this remedy

Way 1

Consume a raw grated ginger.

Way 2

Prepare ginger tea if its hard for you to consume it raw.

How to prepare ginger tea



  1. Add a teaspoon of grated ginger to one cup of hot water.
  2. Steep for 7 minutes and strain.
  3. Add a little honey for a better taste(Optional).
  4. Drink it before it turns cold.

How often you should use this remedy:

Drink it once or twice daily.
Drink if before your meal.

5. Chamomile tea

By serving as an anti-inflammatory, a pleasant cup of chamomile tea will help relieve the discomfort of an upset stomach. These anti-inflammatory properties help the stomach muscles relax, which can reduce the discomfort of cramping and spasms.
Chamomile tea

How to prepare chamomile tea


Get one handful of chamomile flowers
Boiling water about 8 ounces
2 leaves of apple mint (OPTIONAL)


  1. In warm water, rinse the chamomile flowers and pat them dry. Using freshly harvested flower,
  2. Chamomile tea is best made.
  3. Boil water in a tea kettle or large pot on the stove.
  4. Place the flower petals in an infuser and allow the tea to steep for 5 minutes in the kettle or pot.
  5. Before pouring it into a teacup, remove the flower petals and optional mint leaves.

How often you should use this remedy

Drink this tea once or twice daily until the condition improves.

6. Yogurt

Yogurt is another very promising ingredient that is used to treat a disturbed stomach and indigestion. Not just any yoghurt, but one that includes cultures of living bacteria such as Lactobacillus and Bifid bacterium.
Yoghurt with mint
These live cultures of bacteria help maintain the balance in your intestines of healthy bacteria, which in turn helps your body recover from indigestion and diarrhoea more efficiently and rapidly.

How to use

  1. Only consume two to three cups of yoghurt per day until you’re satisfied.
  2. To boost taste as well as quality, you can also add banana or apple slices to it.

7. Banana

Bananas are considered a perfect food for the treatment of gastrointestinal issues such as indigestion and loose stools. The fruit is easy to digest and allows the stomach to absorb excess acid.
Breakfast meal with banana
It is high in pectin, which helps to stabilise stools. The high content of potassium found in bananas also helps to replace electrolytes that may be lost when diarrhoea is found.

How to use

There are two ways to use this remedy

Way 1

Mash a ripe banana and mix it in a glass of buttermilk.

Way 2

In a cup, mash a ripe banana and mix in a teaspoon of tamarind pulp and a touch of salt.

How often you should use this remedy

  • Drink the banana juice two or three times daily for one to two days.
  • Eat the mashed mixture twice daily for one to two days.

8. Cinnamon

Cinnamon can treat different problems with the gastrointestinal tract and help relieve an upset stomach. It helps to activate the digestive system, because of its carminative effects, to transfer items quickly and in a natural way.

How to use

There are three ways to use this remedy

Way 1
  1. Stir a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon powder into a cup of hot water to make cinnamon tea. Let it sit for up to five minutes, then slowly drink it.
  2. Drink your tea for two days, up to four times a day.
Way 2
  1. Using a glass of warm water to add half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder and one tablespoon of pure honey.
  2. Just blend it well.
  3. Drink it three times a day for two days, roughly.
Way 3
  1. Sprinkle on a soft buttered toast with half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder.
  2. Enjoy this for a few days several times a day.

9. Fennel seeds

Fennel, due to its carminative, stomachic, antimicrobial and antispasmodic properties, serves as an excellent remedy to relax an irritated stomach, alleviate pain and alleviate bloating. Seeds of fennel also contain a volatile oil that stimulates digestive juice secretion.
Fennel seeds

How to use

There are two ways to use this remedy

Way 1
  1. In one cup of hot water, mix two teaspoons of fennel seeds, crushed gently with the back of a spoon.
  2. Cover, leave it for 10 minutes to steep and then strain it.
  3. Drink this tea for a couple of days, two or three times each day.
Way 2

Simply chew one to one and a half tea

10. Lemon Juice

This is the proper home remedy that you should try for your troubled stomach if you are suffering from indigestion. Lemon contains acid that can further promote hydrochloric acid building.
Lemon juice
In the stomach, hydrochloric acid is in charge of breaking down the food. To hydrate your body as well, you need to mix lemon with sugar.

How to use

  1. To get the juice, prepare an whole lemon and squeeze it.
  2. Mix the water with the lemon juice. If you want the lemon flavour to be clear, just put in enough water to dilute it a little bit.
  3. Sip slowly, and after some time, you can begin to feel its effects.

How often you should use this remedy

Drink the juice twice daily until the condition improves.

What are the nutritional benefits of BRAT diet

The BRAT food diet, also referred to as the ‘Bland food’ diet, is for both children and adults. It consists of low-fiber foods that are usually water-soluble. It is a mixture of certain foods that make the stool firmer and have binding properties. The BRAT diet also eases nausea and vomiting feelings.

BRAT stands for :

• Bananas
• Rice
• Applesauce
• Toast
In the stomach, fibrous foods can cause a lot of discomfort and can be difficult to digest. Gas, bloating, diarrhea and constipation are also caused by it. The fibre content of BRAT food is poor and offers relief from these problems. Other benefits include:

1. Low fat

Gastrointestinal tension is revived by this diet since it contains low fat. While it is performed on a temporary basis, it provides the gut with rest and gives it some time to recover.

2. Quick digestion

These foods on the stomach are very kind and take into account their fragility. The foods are low fibre and are easily digestable.
This diet is used for stomach infections and flu several times.

3. Blended diet

This diet is blended and does not cause stomach discomfort of any sort. On the stomach, it becomes so natural that you will feel new and no pain sensation will be felt.

4. Cheap

Another advantage of this way of eating is that it’s cheap. With this diet, there is no need to go out and buy fancy foods to take care of your stomach, as most of us can comfortably afford bananas, applesauce, rice and toast.

Medications for stomach pain

It is important to consult a physician before taking any sort of drugs or medicines. Since everyone has different strategy of body functions.
Pills for stomach pain
Some common medicines that are use for stomach pain and related aches are listed below:

  • Medicine that has the ingredient simethicone (Mylanta, Gas-X) can help get rid of it for gas pain.
  • Try an antacid or acid reducer (Pepcid AC, Zantac 75) for heartburn from gastroesophageal reflux disease ( GERD).
  • A mild stool softener or laxative can help get stuff moving again for constipation.
  • You can feel better with medicines that have loperamide (Imodium) or bismuth subsalicylate (Kaopectate or Pepto-Bismol) for cramping from diarrhoea.


It is important to consult a physician before taking any sort of drugs or medicines if your condition is severe.

How to get rid of stomach ache quickly

While being easier on the stomach and more likely to fix the source of the upset, natural remedies are more cost-efficient. So check out these home remedies to help your stomach feel better, if you’re constipated, nauseous, or just have an irritated stomach.

1. Yogurt

Probiotics in yoghurt make it an ideal alternative for an irritated stomach to soothe. If you’re sick with stomach flu, yoghurt can help ease digestive problems, as well as give a boost to your immune system. For better results, however, make sure that you do not select sugary yoghurt with added flavours. The best option for resolving an upset stomach is non-fat, plain yoghurt.

2. Heat pad

To help alleviate monthly cramps, ladies know all about the magic of heat pad. As it turns out, heat when it comes to calming a disturbed stomach can also be incredibly beneficial. Place a bottle or heating pad of hot water over your stomach. This can help improve blood flow, which can often completely ease the upset in your stomach.

3. Rice tea

Any rice tea can help calm your stomach if you have a disturbed stomach or are having diarrhea.


  1. All you have to do is boil half a cup of rice for about 15 minutes in six cups of water.
  2. Simply strain the rice out of the bath, then.
  3. If you’re not keen on the taste of simple rice water, you can add honey or sugar.
  4. Make sure you drink your rice tea while it’s still warm to relax your stomach for the best effect.

4. Warm lemon water

The best sour stomach remedies are made from lemons. In your stomach, the acids in lemons help break down food that causes indigestion pain.


  1. Take a whole lemon, clean it, cut it, and squeeze in a glass or cup of fresh juice.
  2. To the bottle, add warm or room temperature water.
  3. To ease your disturbed stomach symptoms, slowly sip on the fluid.

5. Activated charcoal

In your stomach, activated charcoal helps to absorb toxins that are the source of your pain. If your stomach pain is due to something you have consumed, it works best.


  1. For more than three consecutive days, do not use activated charcoal.
  2. For a healthy dose of activated charcoal, consult your doctor or family doctor.

When to see a doctor

You can consult your doctor if the above-mentioned remedies do not provide you with relief.

  • If you have excessive vomiting that causes dehydration in that case you need to see a doctor. Your doctor will assess the source of your frequent throwing up and give you an alternative treatment plan or prescription. They are going to try to see if anything more serious is causing your pain.

  • You will need to see a doctor as soon as possible if the pain is so serious that you have difficulty eating or drinking.

  • You can consult your doctor if those foods still bother your stomach. Doctors will run tests to decide whether those foods are allergic to you.

  • You should seek urgent emergency medical treatment if your stomach pain is followed by a dangerously high fever, ■■■■■■ stools, severe weight loss, or a swollen stomach.

What foods should be avoided during upset stomach

A lot of pain triggers due to a disturbed stomach, turning an average day into a difficult one. It is often followed by pain in the stomach, nausea , fatigue, bloating, excess gas, and can lead to diarrhoea , vomiting, and indigestion.
In such cases pay a quick attention to your diet first and avoid foods which can further more pain.
Fast food is your enemy during upset stomach
Foods that one should avoid during upset stomach include:

1. Dairy products

There is a high fat content in dairy products, which is hard to digest. Lactose is the sugar present in dairy products that causes indigestion when not sufficiently absorbed.

2. Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits, such as bananas, grapes and tomatoes, are highly acidic foods that can cause problems with digestion. These acidic foods that can prevent stomach flu can irritate the lining of the stomach.

3. Fats

Fatty foods such as butter , cheese, red meat, etc. promote digestive tract contractions depending on the type of fatty food you consume and the propensity to disturb the stomach. Both constipation and diarrhea can lead to these foods.

4. Fried and oily foods

Owing to their propensity to either speed up or slow down the emptying of the stomach, fried and fatty foods are other food types to be avoided with stomach flu. It is hard to digest these fried foods, so they either pass quickly undigested or remain in unprocessed form in the tract.

5. Alcohol

Alcohol effects the metabolism of the liver and is toxic to the lining of the intestine. It will intensify the issue with your stomach, triggering indigestion.

Frequently asked questions

1. How long does a stomach upset last?

Stomach pain caused by food intolerance will last for 1-2 days. However, within 2-3 days, a person suffering from diarrhea or vomiting will be able to make a complete recovery.

2. What to eat during an upset stomach?

You might try some home remedies on what to do with an upset stomach, aside from staying away from what not to eat with an upset stomach, like:

3. Can sweet foods be eaten during upset stomach?

No, the body doesn’t like having to eat super sweet or salty foods that it wants to moderate. You should find something that’s easy to eat when you’re sick. When they are nauseous, certain individuals are affected by sugar levels.
For many digestive disorders, including heartburn and the more severe GERD (gastro esophageal reflux disease), chocolate, a sweet-tooth favourite, can be a culprit.

4. Can I eat processed/packaged food during upset stomach?

If you are constipated, since they lack fibre, which helps control bowel movements, you should avoid refined foods.
Preservatives and artificial colouring are most often used in processed foods.
There is also lactose in some processed foods, which can supply you with gas and exacerbate any pain you are already feeling.


Everyone experiences an upset stomach and indigestion, or dyspepsia, from time to time after eating or drinking. The condition is usually no cause for concern, and it is often possible to treat the symptoms using home remedies.

This article looks at some of the most popular home remedies for an upset stomach and indigestion. We have also explained when to see a doctor.

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