Sounds like someone walking in my attic

“Sounds like someone walking in my attic” is the result of sounds produced by squirrels, birds, bats, raccoons, etc., in the attic. Squirrels make sounds in the day and at night; these sounds result from rats and raccoons. Aloft is an area beneath a home or other structure; it is also known as a sky parlor or a garret.

:arrow_right: Attic:

An attic, also known as a sky parlor or a garret, is a space beneath a home or other structure’s pitched roof. Attics are renowned for having oddly shaped areas with exposed rafters and difficult-to-reach corners since they fill the gap between the ceiling of a building’s top level and the sloped roof.

While some attics have been transformed into bedrooms, home offices, or attic flats with windows and staircases, most remain inaccessible. Attics are commonly used for storage and help regulate houses’ temperatures by supplying a vast mass of slowly flowing air.

Hot air rising from a building’s lower levels is frequently trapped in attics, adding to their image as hostile places. In recent years, however, lofts have been insulated to reduce heating expenses, as uninsulated attics account for 15% of total energy loss in ordinary dwellings.

Aloft is the highest area of a structure, although it differs from an attic in that an attic generally takes up the whole level of the building, but a loft only takes up a few rooms and leaves one or more sides exposed to the lower floor.

:dizzy: How to find out someone living in my attic?

Squirrels are the creatures that are most likely to live in your attic. Squirrels are only active during the day; therefore, if you hear noises, it’s most likely a squirrel. Because raccoons and flying squirrels are nocturnal, it’s most likely a raccoon or a flying squirrel if you listen to noises in your attic at night.

You can check around for hints if you’re unsure what kind of animal you have in your attic. You could notice leaves or nuts in the attic if it’s a squirrel. Smooth and oval-shaped droppings are also possible. You may see “latrines,” or places where a raccoon urinates and defecates if it is residing in your attic. In the space below the attic, you could see an oily stain on the ceiling.

Sprinkle an all-purpose flour band 6 to 8 inches wide around the perimeter of your attic, and watch for footprints the next day. Raccoon tracks are 2 to 3 inches long, while squirrel tracks are 1 to 12 inches long.

It’s most likely a transitory condition if you hear noises you think are coming from a mother and her infants during the delivery season. When the babies are old enough to be relatively self-sufficient, they will most likely depart independently. It is preferable to keep them till then.

If you catch the mother, she won’t be able to feed her children. They can be abandoned and starve to death in an area where you can’t discover them. Waiting for the animals to go on their own might assist you in preventing having departed or dying young inside your walls.


“Sounds like someone walking in my attic” rats, raccoons, mice, squirrels, etc., produce these types of sounds in attics. The attic is a space beneath the house.

:arrow_right: Sounds like someone walking in my attic:

Different animals live in the attic and produce different types of sound. Some of these animals are given below:

:arrow_right: Squirrels:

You’ve probably got squirrels if you hear sounds during the day. Because squirrels are most active in the morning and evening, most people report hearing them. Squirrels are quick and light, so much of the noise sounds like scurrying or running, generally in the attic, along the roof’s edge, and occasionally in the walls or chimney.

Some persons have reported the sound of nuts rolling. There will be no vocalizations. Squirrels, like other animals, need to go outside to feed and drink, so you’ll hear them depart and re-enter your home frequently. Between September and March, when the young squirrels are old enough to start racing about and making a lot of noise, the noise becomes more noticeable.

:dizzy: How to get rid of squirrels?

It is unlawful and cruel to use poison to get rid of squirrels and their nests. When dealing with squirrels in the loft, utilize traps/cages or exclusion doors instead of calling a professional who can safely remove all squirrels and squirrel nests from your attic. Different methods to get rid of squirrels are given below:

  • According to some gardeners, sprinkle a mixture of cayenne pepper, red pepper flakes, paprika, or other spicy ingredients at the base of the plants. Dust, a couple of the fruits in the heated mixture, as well to fool squirrels into thinking your product isn’t such a wonderful treat.

  • As cute as they are, feeding squirrels is an open invitation for them to come into your yard.

  • Alternatively, some people have had luck placing squirrel goodies in an out-of-the-way location away from the garden. If you have the space, consider creating a “sacrifice garden,” a separate area where creatures can eat anything they want without harming your primary crops.

  • Mulch will assist if squirrels have been digging in your pots or stealing your bulbs; be sure to use heavyweight mulch, such as stones, ornamental pebbles, or grass.

  • If squirrels are getting in the way of your crops, it’s time to put up a fence. Squirrels will be less likely to munch on your edible plants if you use netting to protect them.

  • Swaddle ripening fruit with plastic bird netting to keep it safe. Squirrels, chipmunks, mice, birds, and wood turtles, who like nibbling on low-hanging fruit, are held away by this treatment. Cut tiny netting strips and wraps them around the colored fruits. Clip netting pieces to tomato supports and store them in the garden.

  • Motion-activated sprinkler systems can detect everything from squirrels to deer, obviating the necessity for chemical intervention or installing physical barriers such as fences.

:arrow_right: Rats:

Scurrying and running light, typically over the ceiling or up and down the walls. It’s usually rats who make noise in the walls. They can happen quickly, and you may believe your mind is playing tricks on you. Because rats and mice are nocturnal, the noise occurs nearly exclusively at night.

When they leave the attic to search for food and water, they may make a lot of noise immediately after dark. Rats and mice, like other creatures, need to go outside to feed and drink, so you’ll hear them depart and re-enter your home frequently.

They also build nests in your attic so that you may hear scratching and digging in one spot, but this is rarely observed in my experience.

:dizzy: How to get rid of rats?

Because standard mouse traps are typically too small for rats, the best alternatives for getting rid of rats in the attic are live traps or hiring a professional exterminator. Because rats may be highly harmful to your house and health, it’s critical to get rid of them as soon as you discover the indications.

:arrow_right: Mice:

You’ll most likely hear mild scratching or nibbling if you have mice in your loft. The notion of creatures finding their way into your living spaces may send shivers down anyone’s spine. Even if they stay above, mice in your loft may keep you awake at night. You’ll want to locate the entrance they utilized to get access to your attic so you can seal them up.

You’ll have to be diligent since they may get into tiny spaces, such as vents and pipes. They also carve their paths through your home’s insulation so that you could hear pitter-patters inside the walls. It’s critical to address the issue head-on before it gets out of hand.

:dizzy: How to get rid of mice?

  • Getting a cat may be the simplest way to get rid of mice if no one in your family has a cat allergy. If getting a cat isn’t an option, purchase cat litter and distribute it around the mice’s favorite spots. This might be used as deterrence. Make sure kitty litter is out of reach of youngsters.

  • Peppermint oil and clove oil have a strong odor that mice tend to avoid. Soak cotton balls in these essential oils and place them in places where mice congregate, such as drawers, cabinets, and house entryways. Although the scent alone will not eliminate mice, it can be used in conjunction with other approaches.

  • Poison baits may appear to be a simple solution, but they may also be dangerous. Poison may make your dogs and children sick. Therefore it’s best to use nonpoisonous baits and treatments. Try a hot pepper solution with a high concentration of peppers.

  • Humane traps keep mice alive until they may be released. Place traps in your home where mice are most likely to congregate and check them every morning. Mice usually come out at night in search of food. Peanut butter, cheese, and buttered popcorn are examples of tasty food that attract mice.

:arrow_right: Bats:

Because bats fly to the upper rafters and are unlikely to be heard in your loft, you’re more likely to notice one when they make their way into your living space at night. If a bat becomes caught within a wall, you will hear noises since they will scratch if they fall or strike the border while attempting to get out.

If you walk out late at night, you might be able to observe bats flying to and from your roof, which will give you an idea of their entry points.

:dizzy: How to get rid of bats?

Bats are protected because they require protection and contribute significantly to the ecosystem. Bats are entirely safe and helpful animals that will damage your property, and many people consider having bats in their houses a pleasure.

Unless done under the permission of a license, removing bats from locations where they are resting or reproducing is indeed a criminal offense if you’re thinking about adopting preventative measures to keep pests out of your house, start by looking for evidence of bats because blocking their access points and restricting their natural movements is prohibited once bats have taken up residence.

:arrow_right: Bees and wasps:

If you have a big colony of wasps or bees in your attic, you may hear humming sounds. Their nests may be as large as a football, so if you go too close, you could listen to a dull buzzing sound. However, don’t go too near or threaten them because they might sting you several times, so be cautious if you have wasp allergies.

:dizzy: How to get rid of bees and wasps?

What should you do if you discover bees or wasps in your loft? If you don’t have any knowledge or protective gear, the last thing you want to do is try to dismantle a wasp’s nest.

In the event of wasps or bees, it’s better to leave it to the professionals, who will be able to remove them from difficult-to-reach areas without putting you or your family at risk.

:arrow_right: Birds:

A bird in your attic might be identified by its frantic flapping and tweeting sounds. Although birds aren’t as dangerous as mice and rats, they can damage your roof and tiles. Therefore it’s vital to assist in their release. Birds have a particular sound, and if they’re trapped in your loft, they’ll scream out over and over.

:dizzy: How to get rid of birds?

Trapping and removing birds from your loft is the best option. Fill a bowl with bird food, place it in a cage trap, and wait for them to fly inside. Close the cage and let them out once they are inside.

Cover any openings to ensure that they do not return to your attic, and always contact a pest specialist if you are unable to safely and efficiently deal with the situation yourself.

:arrow_right: Silverfish:

If your loft has silverfish, you won’t hear them, but you will see them darting around in the dark when you enter. Silverfish prefer wet locations, and because your attic is an unoccupied space, there’s a good chance it’s damp - perfect for them to live and eat starchy things like old books.

:dizzy: How to get rid of silverfish?

Check for leaks and get them rectified, seal any foundation cracks, and ensure your attic is tight and safe. Remove their food supply, which might include clothing, books, or cardboard.

Alternatively, instead of cardboard boxes, arrange these things in plastic containers, making this delectable delicacy quick work. Finally, vacuum your attic and use a dehumidifier to remove any moisture.

:arrow_right: Flies:

You may hear buzzing from your attic, similar to bees and wasps, which can send shivers down your spine. Flies only survive for 30 days, but they can deposit 400 to 600 eggs during that period, resulting in a massive infestation.

Flies prefer wet environments and are drawn to adjacent food, so your outside bins, for example, might serve as their neighborhood diner.

:dizzy: How to get rid of flies:

Get a dehumidifier to remove the moisture from the air. Keep all food covered, everything clean, and your outside bins securely closed.


Different animals live in attics and produce different sounds. Some animals are bats, mice, squirrels, birds, wasps, flies, bees, silverfish, etc.

:arrow_right: Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

People usually ask many questions about “sounds like someone walking in my attic.” Some of these questions are given below:

1: Why it sounds like someone is, is walking through my ceiling?

It’s easy to spot. If you hear vocal noises in the walls late at night, it might be a brood of newborn raccoons. Because raccoons are nocturnal, the majority of the noise will occur at night. Raccoons, like other animals, need to go outside to feed and drink, so you’ll regularly hear them exiting and re-entering your home.

2: How can you spot raccoons in your attic?

Thumping noises are one of the telltale indicators that you have a raccoon in your attic. No other bug in the city is large enough to make stomping noises. Squirrels will scurry around, but a raccoon literally will sound like a tiny person is in there.

3: How can you get rid of animals living in the attic?

Once the squirrels can survive for themselves, they’ll most likely find their way out on their own - all you have to do now is waiting. If it’s only a lone adult squirrel, bright lights and loud music can scare them away, or vinegar-soaked rags can be placed around the attic to drive them out because they don’t like the scent.

4: Do raccoons active in the daytime?

Raccoons, especially those living in attics, are typically active during the day. Thus it’s usual for homeowners who have a raccoon in their attic to see the animal as it climbs up the downspout and onto the roof or sniffs through the garbage can.

5: Is it safe to use rat poison in the attic?

In your attic, never use rat poison. Rats will perish if poison is strewn around. A rat may die inside your walls and decompose slowly, creating a stench that lingers for months. The fleas and ticks on the rat aren’t going to die just because the rat is departed.

6: How to get rid of raccoons?

There are the following methods to get rid of raccoons:

  • Make use of light and sound.
  • Vegetation should be removed.
  • Cucumbers should be planted.
  • To keep them away, use ammonia or vinegar.
  • To produce a repellent, combine garlic and cayenne pepper.
  • Use the urine of a predator.
  • Any entry points should be closed.
  • Water sources should be covered.

7: What is the favorite food of raccoons?

Raccoons consume birds and other animals in the wild, but if simpler foods are available, they prefer to hunt for them. Nuts, berries, insects, and eggs are among their favorite foods. If their denning location is near a body of water, they also capture fish, shellfish, reptiles, and amphibians.

8: Do you need monthly pest control?

To successfully avoid common pests or move into a new house or apartment, we propose frequent pest control treatments on a quarterly or bi-monthly basis for flats and residences. Monthly treatments over 3 to 6 months are recommended for more severe infestations.

9: What is a home remedy helpful in getting rid of raccoons?

In a gallon of water, combine one tiny canister of cayenne and one bottle of hot sauce, then spray the solution all over your garden plants, bushes, and shrubs, reapplying after a rain. You may also use other repellents, such as Mint-X garbage bags, mainly intended to keep raccoons away.

10: What are the natural enemies of raccoons?

Natural predators are cougars, bobcats, wolves, coyotes, alligators, foxes, and great horned owls. Natural predators cause a small number of deaths compared to the number of deaths caused by humans.


Many animals live in the attic. Rats, squirrels, bats, wasps, flies, etc., live in attics. They produce different types of sounds. There are various methods to get rid of these animals.

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Hi, I live in a condominium. There is an attic in the apartment, I have lived in this apartment for 8 years, but never in the attic. All the time and my friend and I listen to PS and it seems like someone is actually walking on the attic or on the roof. A lot has happened recently. We usually hear noise when using the computer in our room. We don't care, it's weird, that's all. My dog ​​can hear you too. My dog ​​always looks up at the roof whenever we hear footsteps on the roof. My friend even said that someone appeared in the attic. This is very strange. what's this? Can roof wires make so much noise?


They are not termites. We inspected the termites regularly and found no termites. This is not air conditioning. Noise is also created when the air conditioner is not working.



She has to become a beautiful squirrel to take these big, hard steps. And I know that my neighbors are not responsible for the noise. Sometimes there is noise when I don't.

@ And

Oh! It's more awesome than tps!

Or rats, breeds, squirrels or poisons live there. You can call an extruder to check it out, but if you're not scared, go there during the day and look for clues: dirt, chewed rafters, chewed wire, hair, grease marks on rafters. Mice find a cool place to hide in their burrows, and this is usually the attic they leave during the day. Wear protective equipment when climbing: mechanical gloves, long sleeves, goggles, hat or cap and mask, this rat and its ■■■■■■ can transmit diseases that can be transmitted through breathing or through the skin.

This page can help you.


Strange noise in my attic?

Hi, I live in a condominium. There is an attic in the apartment, I have lived in this apartment for 8 years, but never in the attic. All the time and my friend and I listen to PS and it seems like someone is actually walking in the attic or on the roof. It just happened ...

Squirrel, race, rat, opossum, RDS flying out the window, etc. If everyone caught the sound and heard it as a step, it could be some kind of animal. Squirrels do not make much noise, but their babies, possums or rats make pleasant noises when they move. Some of them almost looked like people were walking up and down the roof. Call the extruder and ask him to check the roof. You may find dirt or scratches on the roof. Otherwise, it's weird how you would say that anyone, including your dog, can hear.

Look, Iowamatic, we have a squirrel in the attic, and when it passes through the roof, its sound echoes from the roof. Looks like people are there! I found him walking behind the wall in the corner and running towards the 2-story attic.

Sounds Like Someone Walking In My Attic

Sounds Like Someone Walking In My Attic

If there are trees nearby, it could be a squirrel walking on the roof.

In my use, there was a lot of Ps and the sound of someone coming down the stairs of our bat scared me, but now I know it's just being used.

And then there's the option of finding a ■■■■■■■■■ for the daring co-owner. )

We've been using it for a long time, it happens to us a lot. We were told that the difference in temperature and the humidity due to rain cause the boards to shrink and break when the conditions improve. It could be a small animal. You can put a video camera there for a day / hour and see if there are any animals around. If so, you can find out where it is coming from and block it.

check this out. It is possible that someone lives in your attic. First.

Last year, a woman was caught living on top of a man's closet in her apartment. When he went to work in the morning, he would come out secretly, take a bath, eat something and come home from work at night, then he would go into hiding.

He expressed suspicion of lack of food and installation of motion detection cameras. He did so for more than a year to be caught.

It looks like a sack that encloses with a drawstring.

It could be old and crooked ... or it could be tps.

Maybe a rat ...

Sounds Like Someone Walking In My Attic