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Puppuccino is Starbucks hidden menu item for dogs is nothing more than an espresso cup filled with whipped cream. Whipped cream is typically safe for dogs to consume, so cautious dog owners don’t have to worry about accidently getting their dog sick.

What is Puppuccino?

Whipped cream in an espresso or small cup makes a Puppuccino. A Puppuccino is a Starbucks secret menu item for dogs that combines the terms “pup” and “cappuccino.”

You won’t see Puppuccinos listed as an item on the app since they aren’t on the Starbucks official menu.

Unlike other Starbucks hidden menu items, baristas will recognize a Puppuccino, allowing you to request it by name. Alternatively, you may just request a side of whipped cream.

Unless your dog has digestive difficulties, a little whipped cream as a treat is normally harmless for most dogs. However, it’s a good idea to double-check with your veterinarian.

However, because Starbucks registered for the trademark “Puppuccino” in May 2021, it appears like Puppuccinos may be making their way into the official Starbucks menu soon.

For numerous years, dogs have enjoyed joining their owners to Starbucks and returning with their own drink: the Puppuccino. Starbucks may be intending to make the Puppuccino more official soon; in May 2021, the firm submitted a trademark application for the name Puppuccino in connection with “pet bandanas.”

A Puppuccino, despite its sophisticated name, is possibly the most basic item on Starbucks’ hidden menu: it’s just sweetened whipped cream in a cup.

The barista decides how much whipped cream to use, however Puppuccinos are usually served in tiny or espresso-sized glasses.

Puppuccinos are free, but it’s not good manners to go into a café and request one without ordering anything else. If you don’t plan on acquiring something for yourself, at the very least leave a tip.

Ingredients of Starbucks Puppuccino

“Our whipped cream comprises cream, milk, mono and Diglycerides, and carrageenan,” says Starbucks. Simply explained, the Puppuccino Ingredients are:

  • Cream

  • Milk

  • Mono and Diglycerides are lipids that act as stabilizers, keeping the texture constant and preventing separation

  • Carrageenan is the ingredient that ensures the liquid stays blended

This is one menu item you can’t purchase using the Starbucks app, just tell the barista you’re bringing your dog along and they’d love a Puppuccino or a pup cup, or just a small cup of whipped cream. They’ll understand exactly what you’re saying.

Puppuccino Recipe

When you can prepare a Starbucks Puppuccino at home, there’s no need to pull your dog through the drive-thru. Here is a recipe for an original pup cup as well as a creamy pumpkin Puppuccino recipe.

Starbucks-style beverages, such as this delectable vanilla Frappuccino, don’t have to be limited to humans. By making this Puppuccino recipe at home, you can bring the coffee shop to your pet buddy.

Starbucks’ Puppuccinos are a popular hidden menu item. It’s nothing more than a little espresso cup filled with whipped cream created just for your dog. There’s no espresso, coffee, or tea in this delight, so don’t worry.

Puppuccino at Home

Here is the full detail to make a Puppuccino at home for your dog:

Ingredients Needed

These are the components for a traditional Starbucks Puppuccino as well as the ingredients for this pumpkin variation:

Whipped Cream: Make your own by beating heavy cream until soft peaks form, or use it directly from the container.

Pumpkin puree: Not the pumpkin pie mix, but canned pumpkin puree.

Greek yogurt: Plain Greek yoghurt, a little spoonful

Cinnamon: For a little more taste and aroma, a little sprinkle of ground cinnamon.

Making Starbucks Puppuccino

1. Original

  • Fill a small cup or bowl halfway with whipped cream to make an original Puppuccino.

  • Serve immediately with a small dog treat on top.

2. Pumpkin

  • Combine the pumpkin puree, Greek yoghurt, and cinnamon in a mixing bowl.

  • Fill a tiny cup halfway with the pumpkin mixture and top with whipped cream and a dog treat.

Recipe Tips and Variations

  • Some dogs can’t consume dairy or have sensitive stomachs, so don’t offer them this delicious treat if that’s the case.

  • To add a bit of flavor, sprinkle cinnamon on top of the whipped cream.

  • Substitute a little spoonful of peanut butter for the pumpkin.

For a berry-flavored treat, mix blueberries, strawberries, or bananas with Greek yoghurt.

If your dog like whipped cream treats, he or she could enjoy these simple dog popsicles.


A Starbucks Puppuccino is a little espresso cup with whipped cream prepared just for our four-legged, adorable friends. In little amounts, milk products, including whipped cream, are absolutely fine for most dogs once in a while.

Puppuccino problems

Is it true that whipped cream is hazardous for dogs? Whipping cream is not harmful to most dogs. Dairy products are not easily digested by all dogs, just as they are not easily digested by people.

If your puppy is lactose sensitive, skipping the Puppuccino on your next Starbucks run is not a smart idea. If your dog doesn’t have any issues digesting dairy, the Starbucks Puppuccino hidden menu item is okay to offer as a reward.

Lactose Intolerance of Dogs

Chicken, beef, dairy, and eggs are the most often reported food allergies in dogs, according to Cummings Veterinary Medical Center at Tufts University. Lactose intolerance in dogs manifests itself in the following ways:

  • Diarrhea

  • Vomiting

  • Bloating

  • Stomach ache

  • A lot of gas

Lactose-intolerant dogs, like people, are unable to manufacture lactase, a natural enzyme that breaks down lactose to make it digestible. Just because a dog has digestive problems or is lactose intolerant doesn’t imply he can’t eat dairy.

This is due to the fact that not all dairy products contain lactose. Cheddar cheese, for example, contains almost no lactose and may be consumed by most puppies without causing any problems.

Dairy and your dog’s Diet

Remember the 10% rule if you choose to share a sweet treat with your dog, such as whipped cream dessert topping. Dog treats should account for no more than 10% of your dog’s daily calorie intake.

Your dog’s major source of nutrition should be regular dog chow. Dairy products don’t all have the same nutritional value when it comes to your dog’s health.

Plain Greek yoghurt, on the other hand, has health advantages and is excellent for promoting beneficial gut bacteria in the digestive tract. Greek yoghurt is naturally lactose-free and a great source of probiotics for both dog owners and their pets.

If you choose to share something with your pet, such as Greek yoghurt, it is critical that you read the label carefully. Some yoghurts particularly flavored yoghurt contain a lot of sugar, so if your dog is diabetic, this may not be a smart choice for him.

You should also be aware of xylitol, sometimes known as birch sugar. This is a sugar alcohol derived from birch bark that is widely used as a sugar replacement in several “sugar-free” human diets.

This includes yoghurt, ice cream, pudding, and other dairy products. Dogs are particularly poisonous to xylitol. Another item to keep an eye on is saturated fat and the high fat content of heavy cream in general.

However, if you follow the 10% rule, you can avoid obesity and other dangerous illnesses like pancreatitis. A pup cup from their favorite barista at their local coffee shop isn’t available to every dog.

With a can of coconut milk, dog owners may make their own coconut whipped cream at home! Because coconut whipped cream is dairy-free, it is safe for a lactose-intolerant dog.

If your dog has dairy sensitivities, you may be assured that a handcrafted dollop of coconut whipped cream will not upset his stomach. And if everything else fails, there’s always peanut butter.

If you’re hesitant about giving sugary treats to your dog, it’s usually a good idea to wait until you seek veterinarian advice before doing so. Weight gain, heart disease, and bloating aren’t worth a sugar rush from a Starbucks cup treat.

A happy dog is a healthy dog. Keep in mind that caffeine is harmful to your dog. Don’t give your dog anything caffeinated, such as an espresso cup, a latte with vanilla syrup, a Frappuccino, or a cappuccino. Puppuccinos are the way to go.


A cup of whipped cream will be presented in an espresso or sample size cold beverage cup for your dog, a fan favorite. You may order a Puppuccino by name or simply request some whipped cream in a cup for your dog. It’s one of the most requested products from the Starbucks Secret Menu, and baristas are always delighted to help.

Lactose content of Common Dairy Foods

ProductServing sizeLactose in grams
Milk1 cup11
Skim milk1 cup11
Ice cream1/2 cup6
Yogurt1 cup5
Sour cream1/2 cup4
Cottage cheese1/2 cup3
American cheese1 ounce1

Signs that your dog may be lactose intolerant

Is your dog a fan of milk? They almost certainly do, but did you know that many dogs are allergic to dairy products?

A veterinarian said: I frequently encounter clients who are unsure if their dogs should or should consume dairy, as well as how to determine whether dairy creates issues in their animals.

Several ingredients in dairy products, including fat, proteins, sugar, and preservatives, might cause gastrointestinal distress in your dog.

They will go through the warning indications that your dog could be experiencing an allergic response to dairy in this post, as well as the distinction between lactose intolerance and a real dairy allergy.

Lactose, a sugar contained in milk, is broken down by an enzyme called Lactase, which is present in newborn pups when they drink their mother’s milk.

The activity of this enzyme drastically reduces when pups are weaned from their mother’s milk, causing them to accept only little quantities of milk at a time. After pups have been weaned, feeding them their mother’s milk can cause lactose intolerance.

Additionally, because cow’s and goat’s milk contain more lactose than canine milk, feeding cow’s or goat’s milk to pups and adult dogs might cause diarrhea. Lactose intolerance symptoms are sometimes mistaken with dairy allergy symptoms, however they are two distinct adverse responses.

A food or food ingredient present in dairy products can cause an allergy, which has an immunological component with systemic implications.

An intolerance, on the other hand, is not an immune reaction to a meal or food additive, but rather an abnormal physiological response that might arise after the initial consumption of the item.


Lactose intolerance is most commonly diagnosed by this symptom. If you notice an increase in your dog’s waste production, or if it’s watery or loose, your dog may be suffering from lactose intolerance diarrhea.

Stool should be formed and solid under normal circumstances. This might help you keep track of your dog’s stools and figure out what’s usual for him or her.

When your dog has lactose intolerance, you might expect diarrhea within 12 hours after giving him a dairy product.


Vomiting is a typical occurrence in dogs, but it becomes concerning when it occurs frequently or with vigor. After ingesting dairy products, changes in the stomach might cause vomiting in dairy-sensitive dogs.

If your dog begins to drool excessively and/or lick surfaces, it might be an indication that he or she is sick and about to vomit.

Lack of Appetite

If your dog isn’t eating, it might be a symptom that he or she is nauseated due to gastrointestinal problems. You’ll have to figure out whether your dog is simply fussy or if her lack of appetite is related to the ice cream pint she ate last night.

An abrupt change in appetite always raises the possibility that anything is wrong, whether it’s lactose intolerance, an infection, or an injury. To find out, speak with your veterinarian.


Your dog may seem and feel bloated due to an increase in gas content in the stomach, as well as the small and large intestines.

The intestines may extend significantly to accommodate variations in ingested food volume, as well as gases generated by bacteria and sugar fermentation in the stomach.

Bloating, on the other hand, is unpleasant when there is too much gas present.

Gas Problems

We’ve all heard or smelled our dog pass gas, and it’s usually hilarious. While gas problem is normally not a reason for alarm, it is an indication that food in the stomach is fermenting.

Excessive gas issues, especially after ingesting dairy, might indicate that your dog is lactose intolerant.

Pixabay Lactose is a kind of sugar. If there isn’t enough lactase to break it down, it might pass through your dog’s intestines undigested. As a result, water is attracted to the sugar in the colon, resulting in watery loose stool or diarrhea.

Dairy allergy signs in dogs

Lactose intolerance is caused by a Lactase deficiency, which occurs often in adult dogs. Because the lactose in dairy isn’t fully digested, feeding your dog a much of it might induce diarrhea, vomiting, and other indicators of GI discomfort.

A canine allergy to dairy products, on the other hand, is caused by an inability to tolerate the protein found in milk rather than the sugars. This may be far more dangerous, therefore it’s critical to discover it early.

Some of the symptoms are similar to lactose intolerance, while others are not. A dog with a food allergy will, on average, have a more severe reaction to eating the food than a dog with intolerance.

Symptoms of a dairy allergy in dogs include:

  • Diarrhea

  • Vomiting

  • Excessive ear scratching or licking of the paws

  • Skin that is flushed

  • Hives

  • Angioedema (swelling of the face)

  • Breathing problems

If your dog gets hives, facial swelling, or trouble breathing, take him to an emergency veterinarian right away.

Tackling the situation

Simply remove dairy products from your dog’s diet and observe for a number of weeks or months to see whether the symptoms indicated above improve.

This includes snacks containing cheese, as well as human food like as ice cream, table scraps, and other human food containing dairy.

If your dog’s symptoms do not improve following an elimination trial, see a veterinarian who can also consult with a board-certified veterinary nutritionist.

If you want to give your dog probiotics but don’t want to give him milk or yoghurt, consider FortiFlora, a probiotic mix created particularly for dogs.

This manner, your dog receives the advantages of good gut bacteria without the additional ingredients in milk that might make them sick.

To be Precise

Diarrhea, vomiting, lack of appetite, bloating, gas, weakness, weight loss, and home accidents are all symptoms of lactose intolerance in dogs. Stomach cramps are another possibility for your dog. These symptoms usually appear 30 minutes to two hours after consuming dairy products.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Here are some frequently asked questions about Puppuccino:

1. Is Puppuccino free of lactose?

Although many dogs are lactose intolerant, little amounts of milk and milk products typically have no effect on them. If your dog has diarrhea, vomiting, or gas after taking a dairy product, you should definitely avoid it altogether. The Starbucks Puppuccino falls under this category.

2. Is Puppuccino safe for dogs to eat?

A healthy dog can enjoy a Starbucks Puppuccino in moderation. “Remember, whipped cream is rich in fat, and diets with too much fatty food have been found to cause pancreatitis in dogs,” explains Rachel Hinder, RVT from Embrace Pet Insurance.

3. Is it okay for dogs to eat whipped cream?

Whipping cream is not harmful to most dogs. Dairy products are not easily digested by all dogs, just as they are not easily digested by people. If your puppy is lactose sensitive, skipping the Puppuccino on your next Starbucks run is not a smart idea.

4. Does whip cream cause diarrhea in dogs?

Yes, whip cream can cause diarrhea in certain dogs, especially those who are lactose sensitive. If you’re not sure whether your dog will be able to digest dairy, start with a small amount of whipped cream and see how they react.

5. Why are dogs so fond of whipped cream?

We recommend using it as an occasional reward for excellent behavior for dogs that love its sweet and fatty taste and airy texture. Whipped cream may be a useful technique for training and reinforcing commands because many dogs are food motivated.

6. What signs do you look for to see whether your dog is lactose intolerant?

Diarrhea, vomiting, lack of appetite, bloating, gas, weakness, weight loss, and home accidents are all symptoms of lactose intolerance in dogs. Stomach cramps are another possibility for your dog. These symptoms usually appear 30 minutes to two hours after consuming dairy products.

7. Is whipped cream good for you?

Although heavy whipping cream is high in calories, it is also abundant in beneficial fats, vitamins, and minerals. It’s usually used in modest amounts, like as in coffee or dishes that call for smoothness, so it won’t add a lot of calories to your diet.

8. What’s the best way to order a Puppuccino?

You may order a Puppuccino by name or simply request some whipped cream in a cup for your dog. It’s one of the most requested products from the Starbucks Secret Menu, and baristas are always delighted to help. Allow me to begin my unplanned picture shoot! Puppies of all sizes, sleeping or awake, are welcome.

9. How many Puppuccinos do you think you can get?

Most dogs are ok with Starbucks Puppuccinos. Instead of two or three Puppuccinos, offer your animal pal simply one. If this is your puppy’s first Puppuccino, start with just one little pup cup to watch how he reacts.

10. Is xylitol present in Cool Whip?

However, preservatives are routinely added to products like Cool Whip to make them last longer. Dogs are normally fine with these preservatives, but xylitol and chocolate are hazardous. Cool Whip generally avoids these items, although it’s always a good idea to double-check.


To conclude the topic about Puppuccino, it could be said that a Puppuccino, unlike a babyccino, is merely a cup of plain whipped cream served in a little Starbucks cup only big enough for your dog’s nose.

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