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Common House Spider


Common house spider is the spider species of Parasteatoda. Common house spider also known as American house spider. Common house spiders are synanthropic, meaning they live in or near people’s homes. Their prey strategy is similar to that of other cobweb spiders, the spider follows disturbances along the web to entangle and then paralyze its prey, typically household insects and other invertebrates (often considered pests).

Common House Spider Appearance

The color of common house spiders ranges from tan to nearly black, and they frequently have patterns of varying shades on their bodies.

Females are typically 5 to 6 millimeters (0.20 to 0.24 in) long, whereas males are typically 3.8 to 4.7 millimeters (0.15 to 0.19 in). With legs extended out, they can be an inch (2.5 cm) or more across requires citation. The body form of P. tepidariorum is similar to that of widow spiders.

Males’ abdomens are less bulbous than females’. The size and colors of common house spiders allow them to blend into the surroundings and go unnoticed.

According to entomologists, there are ten common house spiders and how to identify them. Here are a few of the most frequent house spiders you’ll come across as well as how to recognize them and whether or not they’re dangerous (hint: most aren’t).

American House Spider

Characteristics of American house spider are as follows:

What they look like:

These spiders have a spherical abdomen and are roughly the size of a nickel. According to Marc Potzler, a board-certified entomologist and technical services manager of Ehrlich Pest Control, they’re usually grey with white markings. “Their web is frequently knotted or messy,” he continues.

Where to look for them:

They prefer to hang out in dark, hidden places. “They hide in nooks, below cupboards, in basements, and occasionally in garages surrounding windows where flies may be active,” adds Potter.

Are they capable of harming you?


Wolf spider is a type of spider that lives in the wolf family

Characteristics of Wolf spider are as follows:

What they look like:

In the United States, there are about 200 species of wolf spiders. They come in a variety of sizes. According to Potzler, the largest species can grow up to an inch and a half in length. They’re hairy and grey, black, or brown. They’re often mistaken for tarantulas.

According to Howard Russell, an ecologist at Michigan State University, “these are nomadic spiders that don’t weave webs to catch their prey—they hunt them down.”

Where to look for them:

According to Potzler, they frequently appear in basements, sheds, or garages where insects are present. Outside, they like to hide under or around debris, under boards and cinderblocks, or in gaps in the house that naturally exist.

Are they capable of harming you?

No. “They’d rather hide than bite,” Russell explains.

Victoria the Black

Characteristics of Victoria the Black spider are as follows:

What they seem like:

According to Potzler, black widows have a shiny black appearance and a red hourglass-shaped marking on the underside of the abdomen. He adds, “They may also have red lines going up its back.”

According to Russell, they can be found in mailboxes or garages, and they prefer corners, edges, and long grass.

Are they capable of harming you?

“This is one of the rare spider species that can be deadly to humans,” Potzler explains. “Around 2,200 bites are reported each year, yet no one has died from a widow spider bite in the United States since 1983.”

You’re probably going to have enormous pain if bitten by a black widow, muscle stiffness, nausea, and vomiting within a few hours, according to Potzler. Should a black widow ask you or a member of your household, come to the emergency department immediately?

Recluse Brown Spider

Characteristics of Recluse Brown spider are as follows:

What they seem like:

The reclusive brown spider is an unusual brown spider “violin-shaped marking” on the top of its head and down its back, according to Potzler. Brown recluse spiders also have six eyes rather than the eight found in many other spiders.

They are found in the following places:

The brown recluse prefers to hide in dark corners of houses, sheds, and basements or cellars. Many bites happen because the spider is hidden in folded towels and blankets, below a pile of garments on the floor, or shoes in a closet.

According to Potzler. “If you reside in a region with a lot of brown recluses, shake out your clothes and shoes before working in your shed or garage, or use gloves.”

Are they capable of harming you?

Yes. “The recluse can seriously harm people,” adds Pereira. “Bite sites are a major issue.” A bite of a solitary brown person can lead to necrotic wounds. that are necrotic. (which means it kills the cells and tissues around it), so if you suspect you’ve been bitten by one, Russell advises seeing a doctor very away.

Daddy longlegs

Characteristics of Daddy longlegs spider are as follows:

What they look like:

You’re undoubtedly familiar with this one, but just in case you’re not, it has a single circular body section with skinny, long legs protruding from it.

The following locations are available:

They prefer to dwell outside and occasionally hide beneath the siding or on and under decks. “The majority of the time, you’ll see them on the grass or in trees,” Potzler says.

Are they capable of harming you?

No. According to Potzler, daddy longlegs is not poisonous enough to kill a horse, contrary to popular belief. “They don’t have venom glands,” says the narrator. They do not harm humans."

Spider ■■■■

Characteristics of Spider ■■■■ are as follows:

What they look like:

■■■■ spiders are tannish-brown in color, and the top of the spider may appear mottled, with darker and lighter areas, according to Potzler. They seem to be somewhat hairy, with spiky hairs protruding from their legs.

Where you’ll find them:

They’re mainly found outside, but they do come inside on occasion. It can hide in clothing, bedding, and shoes, according to Potzler.

Are they capable of harming you?

Yes. “A ■■■■ spider bite can cause localized red swelling and pain, but no necrotic lesion,” Potzler explains. With over-the-counter pain relievers and ice, symptoms usually improve within 24 hours.

Spider Jumping

Characteristics of Spider Jumping are as follows:

What they look like:

There are about 300 species of them, each with its distinct appearance. “Their hues range from pure black with distinguishing patterning to zebra-striped, and some have iridescent markings,” Potzler explains.

They are most easily identified by their enormous, front middle set of eyes. However, most people are unlikely to approach them close enough to look at them.

Where to look for them:

They can be found in pretty much any place in your home. They don’t weave webs, but they are “energetic daylight hunters,” according to Potzler, so that you may notice them at any time.

“You might observe them climbing walls or ceilings indoors, hanging out in attics, or scaling buildings and trees outside,” Potzler explains.

Are they capable of harming you?

Not at all. While these spiders “may bite in defense,” Russell claims that this shouldn’t be a problem for you.

Sac spider with a Yellow Sac

Characteristics of Sac spider with a Yellow Sac are as follows:

What they look like:

The spider will construct a silk tent-like structure. “During the day, they hide in the sac and then hunt at night,” Potzler explains. They have a dark V shape on their body and are usually a pale beige or yellowish color.

They are found in the following places:

According to Potzler, their webs are frequently located towards the top of the wall, where it meets the ceiling or a corner. He’s discovered them most frequently in living rooms, bedrooms, and kitchens.

Are they capable of harming you?

Although spider bites are uncommon, “there have been isolated instances of hospitalizations for patients with impaired immune systems or pre-existing health conditions,” according to Potter.

Orb-Weaver Spiders

Characteristics of Orb-Weaver Spiders are as follows:

How they look:

They are the spiders who spin considerable webs in the morning wrapped in the tube. “Orb weavers spin their web every day, rip it down, and rebuild it the next day,” Potzler explains.

Their abdomens might be spiny or smooth, and they’re usually brown or grey. However, there are many different kinds, and some can be difficult to tell apart from other spiders.

They like to create their webs where they’re most likely to catch flying insects, according to Potzler. They may weave webs on your deck or outside your house, especially if you have outdoor lighting (which attracts the flying insects they like to eat).

Are they capable of harming you?

Not at all. While they can bite, most people aren’t bothered by it, according to Potzler.

A Swarm of Ten Grass Spiders

Characteristics of A Swarm of Ten Grass Spiders are as follows:

What they look like:

According to Potter, it’s a “quite ordinary-looking” brown spider. Although it looks similar to the brown recluse, grass spiders have lengthy spinnerets (finger-like appendages at the end of the abdomen), which the brown recluse lacks, according to him.

Where to look for them:

They prefer to hang out near the foundations of houses, but males have been known to venture inside in search of a partner, according to Potzler.

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How to rid yourself of Common House Spiders

To get rid of common house spiders use the below guide:

1. Contact the experts at Taking Care Termite for pest control services.

This is the simplest method for dealing with a spider infestation. Take Care Termite’s skilled specialists will locate the cause of the common house spider infestation and employ sophisticated ways to eliminate spiders and keep them from returning to your home.

2. Look for common house spider infestations in different parts of your home.

Common house spiders don’t enjoy being disturbed, so they’ll hide in locations where you won’t notice them.

Common House Spider in several regions can be discovered, including:

  • Piles of old magazines and newspapers.

  • Corners of rooms.

  • Piles of laundry left on the floor.

  • Open storage boxes in closets and basements.

  • Closets full of stuff you rarely use.

  • Under leaking kitchen and bathroom sinks.


If you detect spiders in these areas, properly clean them. If there are any spiders, cobwebs, or egg sacs, remove them.

3. Maintain a regular cleaning schedule to make your home less appealing to common house spiders.

When you clean your home regularly, you remove cobwebs and message spiders that they are not wanted. You can utilize the following cleaning methods:

Cleaning Schedule for the Week:

• Vacuum the whole room up and down and clear the clutter off the floor.

• Rearrange the things on the counters and clean behind them.

Cleaning Schedule for the Month:

Ceilings and dusty light fixtures.

• Make sure the area beneath your bed is clean.

• Rearrange more miniature furniture and vacuum and dust behind it.

• Clear the area around your property of fuel stacks, compost piles, garden bags, and other clutter.

4. Reconsider your home’s lighting.

Common house spiders adore insects, and insects love spiders. Spiders can be found wherever insects are present. Consider your lighting in your home if you want to get rid of spiders. Use illumination that is less appealing to the bugs (insects) that spiders consume.

To get rid of the common house spiders, use the following lighting changes:

  • Cut back on the number of outside lights you use.

  • If you need bright outside lighting, move the light source (the bulb) away from doors and windows.

5. Use spider repellents and sticky traps indoors.

Sticky glue traps are widely used to manage rodents and roaches, but they also work on spiders. Place the traps in high-traffic areas of your home, such as basements, attics, garages, closets, and so on.

Use spider repellents to keep spiders away from your home. Spider repellents give off a perfume that spiders don’t like, making your home uninviting to them. Use these repellents in areas where you suspect a spider infestation in your home.

6. Rearrange the bins.

Bins attract houseflies, which spiders love to eat. Spiders will stay away from your doors and windows if you move your dumpsters away from your property and keep them closed at all times.

7. Keep all openings closed to prevent them from getting in.

Seal any entry points, whether they be cracks in the foundation, walls, piping, or windows, to keep spiders out of your home.

Take Care Termite’s spider exterminator services to eliminate spiders, eliminate infestations, and prevent re-entry, assuring a complete spider control program for your home.


Contact the experts at Taking Care Termite for pest control services. Maintain a regular cleaning schedule to make your home less appealing to common house spiders. If there are any spiders, cobwebs, or egg sacs in certain areas of your home, remove them.

Cut back on the number of outside lights and use less appealing lighting in your home. Use spider repellents and sticky traps indoors to keep spiders at bay.

Move your dumpsters away from your property and keep them closed at all times. Termite’s spider exterminator services eliminate spiders, eliminate infestations.

On a poor diet, the common house spider, Parasteatoda tepidariorum, retains silk gene expression.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Are common house spiders dangerous?

The venom in the teeth of common house spiders is used to paralyze prey. They do, however, have tiny fangs and a small amount of venom compared to ordinary humans. A bite from a common house spider is unlikely to cause a reaction in most people.

2. How friendly are house spiders?

Most spiders are harmless, and some can even be beneficial; anybody who has had their home invaded by flies or mosquitos will appreciate a spider’s capacity to clear out unwanted guests quickly. Others are a little less friendly, and their bite can pose a significant threat to human health.

3. Are house spiders dangerous?

Are they capable of harming you? Not at all. These spiders “may bite in defense,” according to Russell, but it shouldn’t bother you.

4. Which spider is the most common in your home?

The American House Spider is the number one spider in the United States (Parasteatoda tepidariorum).

They are harmless to humans and pets unless they cause an allergic reaction. The round abdomen, brown, tan, or grey bodies with darker brown patterns, and the rounded stomach distinguish an American house spider. On a nickel, the largest can stand.

5. Are spiders aware of your presence?

Spiders have more incredible memories than most people believe, even if they won’t recall you or your face. They have outstanding route planning abilities, and their memory comes in handy here. Because most spiders spin sophisticated webs, they’ll need to be able to recognize their surroundings.

6. Do you get bitten by spiders while sleeping?

Spiders are busier at night than during the day in many cases. It’s unusual to be bitten by a spider while sleeping. Spiders will bite only if they feel threatened.

7. What instantly kills spiders?

Combine 1 cup apple cider, 1 cup pepper, one teaspoon oil, and one teaspoon liquid soap in a mixing dish. Load the sprayer with it halfway and sprinkle with it spider-infested regions. Reapply the spray after a few days. To create a calming ambiance, add aromatic oils to the water.

8. What do spiders despise?

Citrus peel repels spiders, so rub it over skirting boards, window sills, and bookshelves. Use citronella candles both inside and outside your home, and use lemon-scented cleaners and furniture polish.

9. Which spider is the friendliest?

The Mexican Red-Knee and the Jumping Spider are two of the friendliest spider species. A little animal as a pet is a desire of many humans.

10. When a spider crackles on you, what does it mean?

“In this scenario, the spider represents bad influences in your life that are difficult to free oneself of, such as addictions, habits, or persons that have negative emotional, mental, or physical effects on your life,” according to Hack To Sleep.


Contact Taking Care Termite for pest control. Keep a regular cleaning plan to deter spiders. Remove spiders, cobwebs, and egg sacs from your property. Reduce the number of exterior lights and utilize less appealing indoor illumination. Indoors, use spider repellents and sticky traps. Keep your dumpsters closed and away from your property. These services get rid of spiders and pests.

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