Common last names in the United States is Smith and it remains the most common surname. The most common last name Smith which occurs slightly more than 828 times per people of 100,000 in the United States or about 2.442 million times. Then for the first time two Hispanic names called Garcia and Rodriguez have also joined Johnson , smith and Miller in the top ten most common surnames in the nation.
List Of 35 Most Common Last Names
Rank | Name | Occurrences |
1. | Smith | 2,376,206 |
2. | Johnson | 1,857,160 |
3. | Williams | 1,534,042 |
4. | Brown | 1,380,145 |
5. | Jones | 1,362,755 |
6. | Miller | 1,127,803 |
7. | Davis | 1,072,335 |
8. | Garcia | 858,289 |
9. | Rodriguez | 804,240 |
10. | Wilson | 783,051 |
11. | Martinez | 775,072 |
12. | Anderson | 762,394 |
13. | Taylor | 720,370 |
14. | Thomas | 710,696 |
15. | Hernandez | 706,372 |
16. | Moore | 698,671 |
17. | Martin | 672,711 |
18. | Jackson | 666,125 |
19. | Thompson | 644,368 |
20. | White | 639,515 |
21. | Lopez | 621,536 |
22. | Lee | 605,860 |
23. | Gonzalez | 597,718 |
24. | Harris | 593,542 |
25. | Clark | 548,369 |
26. | Lewis | 509,930 |
27. | Robinson | 503,028 |
28. | Walker | 501,307 |
29. | Perez | 488,521 |
30. | Hall | 473,568 |
31. | Hill | 434,827 |
32. | Flores | 433,969 |
33. | Green | 430,182 |
34. | Adams | 427,865 |
35. | Nelson | 424,958 |
The most common last name is smith but
the surname Lee is also made in the top 25 for the very first time. It also ranked 22 in number country. It indicates a rise in the Asian American population. Out of many and over six million surnames which are reported in the Census Bureau study that 65% or 4 million of all the people captured last names were held by just only one person and about 80% or more then 5 million were held but no more than 4 people demonstrating in the diverse culture of United States.
Why Do We Have Last Names?
Most of the people did not have last names and they were decided and referred to simply go by their given names. Last names was originated when people needed to be known and referred. Also the last name was started when they want to be more specifically than simply by their first names.
People sometimes were specified by listing by their town so that one lived in after their name such as “William of Elmwood”. Also locations developed sometimes into the last names this way. Therefore as more populations grew there might have to be five or ten different Williams in a single town. But only the one who was “Andrew son” so he would be called “William Andrew son”. Then the last name Andrew was born. These names are known as patronymic and paternal which means named for the father.
Now that we have seen a lot of occupational names like Smith, Miler and Taylor. Many of these last names have also had roots in Old English because of the place and time where there family names developed. Last names were first ever used in China in 2852 BC on account of the census and this concept had eventually spread to the rest of the world. Last names are fairly and truthfully recent inventions in some major parts of the world. Where sometimes only nobles were once given by there family names or other times there were simply different ways to refer to people.
Most Common Last Names in the World 
Now that you already know what are the most common last names in the world is. Let us take a closer and deep look at some of the other common last names around the world.
According to the census data and geology which is compiled by occupational names and Net Credit. It appears to be mostly an European tradition where as last ancestry names are a common trend throughout Africa, Europe, Asia and Latin America. Therefore widespread are the personal characteristic names though which the only continent where they appear out of number of ancestral names is Africa.
We have broken in to these paragraph based on continent: Africa, Asia, North America, South America, korea, Germany ,Brazil , India and many other countries and cities. Here we have listed the countries where there last name and details about them are as follows :
1. Most Common Last Name in China
The most common last name in china is the Wang . It is a patronymic and ancestral name that means “king” and it is shared by more than 92 million people in China. China is also tHe most populated country in the world making it the most popular last name in the world. The reason of it is in today’s world people may have a lot to do and with the fact that many of the royal families changed their name to Wang . When all the people and their kingdoms fell under the first Qin dynasty emperor. This was the time when both to preserve their status and protect themselves from ■■■■■■■■■■■■■.
Then there is not very much information to suggest how the Vietnamese people named themselves to prior the Chinese occupation under the Han Dynasty but Nguyen began as one of many last names given to Vietnamese families by China in an effort to keep tax information in all order. Many of them were Vietnamese versions of Chinese words. Nguyen comes from the Chinese which was the name of the famous an ancient Chinese state and also a type of instrument or lute.
Now in today’s world a very large percentage of Vietnamese people have this last name somewhere between 30 to 40 percent. They also have consequence of the fact that the last names were assumed to show the loyalty to whoever was in power at the time and it just happens to be in the case that the last ruling family in Vietnam were the Nguyen Dynasty.
2. Most Common Last Name in US
In the United States, Canada, United States, Australia and New Zealand the name Smith is remain consistent. It is also originated in Scotland and England during the Middle English period as a name that known to a person who works with the metal but it is a meaning that can be traced even further more back to the Old English smitan which means “to smite or to hit.”
3. Most Common Last Name in India
Ancestral names are most commonly used in India . India and it’s popular Last name hails given from the Sanskrit word for “goddess.” Devi is the most common last name in India and it means the mother goddess in the Hindu tradition. The name Devi takes on the form of all the other goddesses. Though the name only considered the most popular last name in India and its Indonesian variant.
4. Most Common Last Name in Russia
Last names did not really become a thing and
not widespread in Russia until the fall of serfdom in the 19th century. But some are named after animals though and a couple are occupational in nature. Russian last names are mostly patronymic and their meaning of the name is refer to the father’s name. The original patriarch was who determined by their family name for all the generations to come in the future. Also Russians also use their own patronymic as a sort of precursor to the family name. By then for example Svetlana Ivanova Petrova would mean Svetlana who is a daughter of Ivan from the Petrov family. Note that the Russians gender the endings of their last names. So Ivanov/Ivanova are both versions of the same name.
5. Most Common Last Name in North and South Korea
Kim is the most common used last name in both North and South Korea as well as Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan . Now roughly 20 percent of South Koreans population and 25 percent of North Korea has this last name. The word it self means “gold” which is a beautiful meaning. But for the name its popularity as a last name has a lot more to do with its origins as a royal name… Most people in Korean society did not have last name for the longest time unless they were royalty or aristocracy. When it became common for the working class to adopt surnames or last name many would adopt noble names like Lee, kim or Park often by fudging their genealogy records.
6. Most Common Last Name in United Arab Emirates
The most common last name in United States of Emirates is the name Ali. It is most common in Bahrain , Somalia, Eritrea, United Arab Emirates, Pakistan, Kuwait and Libya. It is also very similar to Alaoui in Morocco which is a French take on the same name. Ali is the muslim name and It is a patronymic name that comes from Ali ibn Abi Talib the cousin and the son in law of the prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) The word itself means “high” or “lofty.”
7. Most Common Last Name in Spain
The name García is the most popular and common last name in Spain and is also among the most common last names in other Spanish speaking areas . It is indeed the most common last name in California and Texas. It comes from the Latin garsea which means bear.
8. Most Common Last Name in Germany
Melnik is the most common surname in Germany and Also in Switzerland. The name Melnik is ian occupational name for the wheat milling trade. In America Miller is one of the most common last names. The most popular last name in Ukraine Melnik means the same thing.
9. Most Common Last Name in Brazil
The name Silva is the most popular and common last name in Brazil and Portugal. But the name Silva takes the lead in Brazil. It belongs to the less un common category of names that derive from places or geographical features referring to a places called Silva . It comes from a Latin word which means “forest” or “woodland.”
10. Most Common Last Name in Asia
The name Muhammadi is the most popular last name in Asia . Though it comes in a variety of possible different spellings . But the actual spelling is Muhammadi this last name hails from the Islamic prophet Muhammad and it is the most popular in Egypt, Chad , Yemen, Comoros, Djibouti, Iraq, Iran , Afghanistan, Trinidad & Tobago and the Maldives.
11. Most Common Last Name in America
González is one of the most common last names in South America. it is ranking number one in Chile, Argentina, Paraguay and Venezuela. It is beautiful and strong name which essentially means “son of Gonzalo". It itself comes from a Latin version of a Germanic name that meant “war” or “battle.”
Rodríguez is the most common Last name in America . But America particularly in Central America contains other several countries where Rodríguez is the most common surname Costa ,Rica, Panama, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Colombia, the Bahamas, and Uruguay. It is also a patronymic name that means “son of Rodrigo” and the name Rodríguez is derived from a Germanic word that means “renown” and “power.”
12. Most Common Last Name in East Asia
In the south Sudan where the climate is very tropical and beutiful. Now many are named after the Dinka rain and sky god Deng which is very famous in Sudan. It was believed to be an ancestor to certain clans. Though not related but Deng is also a common surname throughout East Asia.
5 Tips To Choose Unique Last Name
Tip 1: It is important to consider the Characters Age.
Tip 2: Stick to the Location Where the the Story began.
Tip 3: You have to follow the Genres.
Tip 4: Think of Other Characters which is important.
Tip 5: Consider Your Characters Qualities.
Unique Last Name For Girls
| —| —| —|
|Amana (ah-MAH-nuh)|Integrity, faithful, trust|
|Barlowe (bahr-loh)|Lives on the hill|
|Hart|strong; brave|
|Hendrix (HEN-dricks)|Ruler of the home|
|Katz|Priest of justice|
|Laurier (law-ree-ay)|Bay tree|
|Madden|Little dog|
|Sai (sigh)|To order; to send|
|Villarreal (bee-AH-reh-AHL)|Royal settlement|
|Viotto (vee-AH-toh)|Life|
Unique Last Name for Boys
| —| —| —|
|Abraham|Father of nations|
|Ashford|Edge of a sword|
|Benjamin|Son of my right hand|
|Boone|Good; a blessing|
|Elrod|God is the king|
|Frederick|Peaceful ruler|
|Hale|Hero; from the hall|
|Langston|From the tall man’s tower|
|Levisay (leh-vih-say)|Dear victory|
|McElfresh (mc-EL-fresh)|Son of the brindled lad|
|Trevino (treh-VEE-noh)|Lives at a place where boundaries meet|
|Whitlock|White hair|
|Yarbrough (yar-bro)|Earthworks; fortifications|
100 Most Unique Last Name in the U.S.
- Luettgen
- Madris
- Maloles
- Marudas
- Mccallops
- Melgren
- Mickelberg
- Mishchuk
- Mosheyev
- Afify
- Allaband
- Amspoker
- Ardolf
- Atonal
- Banasiewicz
- Beischel
- Bidelspach
- Bombardo
- Bressett
- Bullara
- Calascione
- Carpiniello
- Chaparala
- Chorro
- Clyborne
- Concord
- ■■■■■■■
- Dallarosa
- Delatejera
- Denetsosie
- Dierksheide
- Dolivo
- Doxon
- Duckstein
- Ekundayo
- Eswaran
- Featheringham
- Feyrer
- Floding
- Freling
- Gancayco
- Gayhardt
- Gessele
- Ginart
- Goscicki
- Grigoras
- Guillebeaux
- Hanschu
- Hayda
- Henris
- Hinsen
- Hoig
- Hulls
- Ionadi
- Javernick
- Jonguitud
- Kasprak
- Kentala
- Kleinhaus
- Konietzko
- Reat
- Riggie
- Rugger
- Salotto
- Scheben
- Schoellman
- Serranogarcia
- Kronbach
- Kustka
- Lahde
- Latcha
- Leneghan
- Llama
- Naese
- Nierling
- Occhialini
- Ollenburger
- Owsinski
- Panchak
- Pegany
- Petrunich
- Ploense
- Protich
- Ragsdill
- Shuldberg
- Skalbeck
- Snearl
- Spedoske
- Stawarski
- Stolly
- Suco
- Tahhan
- Tartal
- Throndsen
- Torsney
- Tuffin
- Usoro
- Vanidestine
- Viglianco
- Vozenilek
Summary Common last names in the United States is Smith and it remains the most common surname. The most common last name Smith which occurs slightly more than 828 times per people of 100,000 in the United States or about 2.442 million times. Then for the first time two Hispanic names called Garcia and Rodriguez have also joined Johnson , smith and Miller in the top ten most common surnames in the nation
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS) 
There are some questions which are related to Common Last Names are as Follows:
What are the 10 most common last names?
What is the most rare last name?
- Luettgen
- Madris
- Maloles
- Marudas
- Mccallops
- Melgren
- Mickelberg
- Mishchuk
- Mosheyev
- Afify
What is the whitest last name?
- SMITH White percent 70.90%
- JOHNSON White percent 58.97%
- WILLIAMS White percent 45.75%
- BROWN White percent 57.95%
What is the common last name in the world?
The most common last name in china is the Wang . It is a patronymic and ancestral name that means “king” and it is shared by more than 92 million people in China. China is also tHe most populated country in the world making it the most popular last name in the world. The reason of it is in today’s world people may have a lot to do and with the fact that many of the royal families changed their name to Wang .
What is the rarest name?
- Rosalind.
- Indigo.
- Shepherd.
- Georgiana.
- Chester.
- Indra.
- Baxter.
- Pax.
Common last names in the United States is Smith and it remains the most common surname. The most common last name Smith which occurs slightly more than 828 times per people of 100,000 in the United States or about 2.442 million times. Then for the first time two Hispanic names called Garcia and Rodriguez have also joined Johnson , smith and Miller in the top ten most common surnames in the nation
The most common last name is smith but the surname Lee is also made in the top 25 for the very first time. It also ranked 22 in number country. It indicates a rise in the Asian American population. Most of the people did not have last names and they were decided and referred to simply go by their given names. Last names was originated when people needed to be known and referred. Also the last name was started when they want to be more specifically than simply by their first names.
Out of many and over six million surnames which are reported in the Census Bureau study that 65% or 4 million of all the people captured last names were held by just only one person and about 80% or more then 5 million were held but no more than 4 people demonstrating in the diverse culture of United States.