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What is Corona ( COVID-19)?


What is Corona (COVID-19)? Which type of disease is Corona? In this article, we will briefly discuss the disease COVID-19. It is a type of virus or disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus.

The abbreviation of the COVID-19 means

“Co” stands for corona

“VI” for virus

“D” for disease
Before, this disease was known as “2019 novel coronavirus” OR “2019-nCoV”.

Corona Virus:

Corona is a family of the viruses that cause the illness varying from the common cold to more severe respiratory diseases that include

  • Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)
  • Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), and recover without getting any special treatment.

Novel coronavirus:

It is a new strain and layer of the coronaviruses that have not been previously recognized or find in humans.


It is a member of the broad family of viruses known as coronaviruses. There are different types and some root diseases. A recently identified coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2 causes a worldwide pandemic of respiratory illness, called COVID-19.


Corona is called zoonotic. It means that viruses are transmitted between humans and animals. Coronaviruses affect the animals with a variety of illnesses but in the human being, it causes one-third of common colds and sometimes infections of respiratory in ■■■■■■■■■ infants.


It has been determined through detailed investigation that

  • SARS-CoV was transmitted to humans from the civet cats in China in 2002.
  • MERS-CoV was transferred from dromedary camels to humans in Saudi Arabia in 2012. Several known coronaviruses are seen in animals that have not yet infected humans.

Meaning of Corona:

They get their name from the way that they examine or observed under a microscope. They are identified in the electron microscope. These viruses consist of the core of the genetic material. It is bordering by an envelope with protein spikes. It gives it the look of the crown. In Latin, the Corona word means “crown”.

Announcement by WHO:

WHO (World health organization) announces a COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic. On 12 March 2020, WHO (World Health Organization) or Europe’s Standing Committee of the Regional Committee met Dr. Hans Henri P. Kluge, WHO Regional Director for Europe, and briefly discuss the COVID-19 and its rapid spread.

Dr. Kluge stated that corona spread more rapidly in the future. He alarmed the other countries to take the steps to protect themselves from this disease and to control this disease. Rapid actions are important and he tells that each day can make a difference.

How it spread:

The new strain of coronavirus is likely to originate in bats and pangolins due to many health experts. It transmits diseases in both animals and humans. Many experts believe that the first transmission to human beings was in WUHAN, CHINA. From then, it spread from person to person contact. Currently, it is unclear where it spread and come from.


The type of virus SARS spread rapidly in 2002-2003. It is emerged in China and spread to four other countries. It can spread through the small droplets of saliva, the same case like in cold and influenza called the airborne virus. It can also spread through surfaces that have been touched by the affected person. Mostly healthy adults aged 25-70 years are identified with SARS. Few cases seen in children have been reported under 15 years.


This virus causes respiratory disease and it is called corona disease 19 (COVID-19). A member of a large family of the coronaviruses. They can affect people and some animals. It is one of seven types of coronavirus, that include ones that cause a severe effect like

Middle East respiratory syndrome

Sudden Acute respiratory syndrome.

Way of spread

It spread through close contact with the infected people through the mouth and nose secretions. They include respiratory secretions, saliva, or secretion. The current evidence shows that it spread through direct contact and indirect ways that mean contaminated objects or surfaces between people. It spread through small particles of the liquid via the infected person’s mouth or nose when they cough, sneeze, speak, sing, or even with a heavy breath. These liquid particles are of different sizes. They range from larger ‘respiratory droplets’ to smaller aerosols.

How long will the coronavirus last?

One question arises how must time, this virus will take to go away from the world? it is too soon to tell how long it will take the time or how long the pandemic will continue. It depends upon the

  1. Researcher’s work

  2. The search for the treatment and a vaccine

  3. Public efforts in order to slow its transmission

The process of making vaccines usually takes years. Researchers are speeding their work and some vaccines are in the last stage of trials but some predict that we are not sure about its working that the vaccine’s effects are safe or not. is it works or not?

How is COVID-19 diagnosed?

There are different symptoms of this harmful virus. It affects people in a different way. The people affected with COVID-19 have a wide range of symptoms reported. Some people recover without hospitalization. It ranges from mild symptoms to severe illness. One mostly question asked “How long it take for symptoms of the coronavirus disease to come into view?” on average, if someone is affected by this harmful disease show the symptoms in 5 to 6 days or it also can take 14 days after exposure to this dreadful virus.


Fever, dry cough, and tiredness are the common symptoms of the COVID-19.
aches and pains, running nose, sore throat, diarrhea, conjunctivitis, nausea and vomiting, headache, loss of taste or smell, a rash on the skin, or discoloration of fingers or toes are the less common symptoms in this virus.
Shortness of the breath, chest pain with pressure, difficulty in breathing, and loss of speech and movement are the serious and severe symptoms of this disease and you will need immediate medical attention in this condition.

People who have mild symptoms should stay at home. It is better for them.

When to get the emergency medical attention:

If someone shows the below symptoms, they will seek the emergency medical attention areas listed below:

  1. If your face or lips become bluish.

  2. Difficulty in breathing.

  3. Inability to wake or stay awake.

Call 911 for help and details of the coronavirus. The best way to protect yourself from this disease to be well informed about the COVID-19 virus. Deeply know how it spread and follow the instructions strictly which are given by the government.

Difference between the Influenza (FLU) and COVID-19:

Both link with respiratory illness but they are caused by different viruses. Flu is caused by the infection with influenza viruses and the COVID-19 with the new coronaviruses named SARS-COVD-2.

The COVID-19 spreads easily than flue. It causes serious illness in some people and has no vaccine till now but there is a vaccine to protect against Flu.

Older people and patients who have diabetes, lung, or heart diseases seem to be at higher risk for the COVID-19 virus.


Use of mask:

In order to prevent the coronavirus is to use your mask during a gathering or in a crowded place. Use the tissue during coughs and sneezes. Mask is very important to stop transmission and save lives. Masks should be used in a crowded area and when you can’t stand at a distance of 1 meter from the other and in rooms with poor or unknown ventilation. Always clean your hand before and after using a mask.

You must keep the distance from the other person even you are wearing a mask as much as possible. Wear the mask does not mean that you have close contact with anyone in this critical condition.

If someone comes to your home who is not your family member, use your mask if you cannot maintain a physical distance or the ventilation is poor.

Type of mask:

Medical masks should be used by people who are aged 60 or over, having chronic respiratory diseases, cardiovascular disease, cancer, obesity, immunocompromised patients, and diabetes mellitus.

The fabric masks should be used by the general public who are under the age of 60 or by healthy people who do not have underlying health conditions.

They fit tightly respirator masks like N95s should be used by health care protectors, who provide protection and care to COVID-19 patients in settings and areas where aerosol-generating procedures are undertaken.

Hand Hygiene:

Clean your hands properly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use hand sanitizers all the time.

Avoid the gathering:

Reduce your contact with the people. Avoid unnecessary gatherings and events which consist of a large number of people and crowds.

Keep the distance:

Alone wearing the mask is not enough to save the individual from this disease. Physical social distancing is so much important for all peoples.

Clean the objects carefully:

Clean the objects and different surfaces frequently and avoid touching your eyes, face, and nose.

Stay home:

if you don’t feel well or have mild symptoms like headache and runny nose, stay at home. It is better for you.

Call to a doctor:

If you feel trouble breathing, call a doctor. A doctor will direct you to the proper place, which may not be the office of the doctor. Call the local board of health for information about the testing and treatment and further information, if you have no regular doctor.

Limit your movements within the house and stay in a well-ventilated room. If the mask gets dirty with secretions, it must be changed first hand to protect yourself.

Instruction about food:

Limit the amount of salt and high sodium-condiments while cooking and preparing the food. Limit the quantity of salt to less than 5g. Must use iodized salt. Limit the intake of drinks that are high in sugar. Use the fresh juices. Avoid eating from outside.

One question asked by the people “Is the cold or snow prevent the corona disease?” The cold weather or snow cannot eliminate the virus of Corona. There is no reason to believe in this myth that cold weather kills these viruses.

Three terms:

The three terms are common in this disease social distancing, Quarantine, or Isolation.

Social distancing means that keep the distance and space between yourself and other people when you go outside.

Quarantine means separated someone from the other person and keeping them at home if the person might have been exposed to the virus.

Isolation means to keep healthy people away from the sick people

Information about Vaccination:

WHO ( Wealth health organization) is cautiously positive that the protective and safe vaccine for COVID-19 will be successfully come out. WHO is working continuously with scientists, businesses, and global health organizations through the ACT Accelerator in order to speed up the pandemic response. When a safe and effective vaccine is found, COVAX (led by WHO, GAVI, and CEPI) will smooth the fair access and distribution of these vaccines to care for people in all countries. People most at risk will be considered a priority.

Corona Virus is a new type of virus named as “2019 novel coronavirus” OR “2019-nCoV”. They are a large family of viruses in coronaviruses. Some affected peoples and cause illness in them and others circulate between mammals and birds. Zoonotic coronaviruses are seen in humans nowadays such as coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS). We should learn the basics of this harmful virus-like how they spread and how to prevent them and their symptoms.


The coronavirus spread so rapidly that it has changed the rhythm of the globe. It affects all the countries so badly. It is a kind of virus. The newly identified coronavirus SARS-COV-2 has caused a worldwide pandemic of respiratory illness like the disease that is called COVID-19. The people affected with the COVID-19 will experience mild to severe symptoms and recover without special treatment.

The CoVID-19 virus spread through the liquid droplets when an infected person coughs, breathe or sneeze. They are heavy droplets to stick in the air, and quickly fall on the floors or surfaces. The precaution which we are taken in order to protect the people from this virus is to use your mask, keep the physical and social distance, clean your hand, or clean the different objects carefully.

WHO announced and give a positive response that vaccination will come out soon with effective and safe results. It is important to limit your contacts and avoid different gatherings because this virus can spread from person to person.

Frequently Asked Questions:

There are some frequently asked questions about this dreadful disease are given below:

Q1: How dangerous is corona disease?

Although, the corona causes only mild symptoms for most people it can make some people very ill. It can affect badly to older people, and having pre-existing medical conditions such as high blood pressure, heart problems, or diabetes).

Q2: What is the recovery time for coronavirus diseases?

The people with mild symptoms recover in about two weeks while people with critical conditions recover within three to six weeks.

Q3: Can the coronaviruses spread through ■■■■■?

Some evidence finds that COVID-19 is present in ■■■■■. However, to date, only one research has enlightened the COVID-19 virus from a single stool specimen.

Q4: Is smoking dangerous during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Current evidence suggests that COVID-19 is dangerous for smokers. Smoking weakens lung functions so it is difficult for the body to fight off respiratory diseases due to this harmful virus.

Q5: What are good things to eat during the COVID-19 pandemic?

We should eat fresh and unprocessed foods every day to get the vitamins, minerals, proteins, fiber, and antioxidants. Drink more water. Eat more fresh vegetables, nuts, whole grains, millet, oats, food from animal sources like meat, fish, eggs, and milk, etc.

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