Manhattan Zip Code

Manhattan zip code are different for different areas. Midtown Manhattan zip codes are 10001, 10016-10019, 10022, 10036 and several others smaller zip codes. A ZIP Code is a United States Postal Service (USPS) postal code. The term ZIP stands for Zone Improvement Plan. It was chosen to represent that when senders apply the code in the postal address, the mail goes more effectively and rapidly. When sending a letter or a painting via the USA postal system, the Zip code must be mentioned.


The most populated and geographically smallest of the five districts of New York City is Manhattan, generally known by the city’s name.



A zip code is a postal code of the U.S. Postal Service (USPS). The basic format was introduced in 1963 with five digits. An extended ZIP+4 code was established in 1983, which comprised a 5-digit code, followed by a hyphen and a 4-digit location.

The name ZIP is a symbol of the Zone Improvement Plan; it was used to convey when senders use the code in the postal address that e-mail moves more efficiently and rapidly. Originally registered as a service mark by the USPS, the phrase ZIP Code ended in 1997.

ZIP stands for “Zone Improvement Plan” in the ZIP Code. A ZIP code identifies the postal destination or the delivery region in which mail is forwarded for final delivery sorting. ZIP codes specify the delivery routes for USPS-serviced mail companies and localities.


The Zip Code identifies the postal destination or the delivery region in which mail is forwarded for final delivery sorting. ZIP codes specify the delivery routes for USPS-serviced mail companies and localities. The name ZIP stands for “Zone Improvement Plan” in the ZIP Code.

New York Manhattan ZIP Codes

The New York Zip code is designed to help people locate a city’s zip code. A new York Zip code has been developed for consumers.

State Name Address Zip code Number
New York (NY) New York, New York (NY) 10019
New York (NY) 54 W 56 STREET 2ND FLOOR, Manhattan, New York (NY) 10019
New York (NY) 515 W 52nd Street, New York, New York (NY) 10019
New York (NY) 1350 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York (NY) 10019
New York (NY) 650 Fifth Ave, New York, New York (NY) 10019
New York (NY) 119 West 57th Street, N.Y., N.Y. 10019, New York, New York (NY) 10019
New York (NY) 600 W 57th Street, New York, New York (NY) 10019
New York (NY) 322 West 57th Street, New York, New York (NY) 10019
New York (NY) 150 CPS, New York, New York (NY) 10019
New York (NY) 411 West 55th Street, New York, New York (NY) 10019

Midtown Manhattan ZIP Code

There are six ZIP codes in Midtown Manhattan. Midtown is west of Fifth Avenue between the 34th and 41st Streets, 10036 between the 41st and 48th Streets, and 10019 between the 48th and 59th Streets.

Midtown is east of Fifth Avenue, between 34th and 40th Streets, 39th and 49th Streets, and 49th and 59th Streets. 10001 includes the neighborhood southwest of Fifth Avenue and 34th Street, frequently referred to as Midtown.

Midtown proper has ZIP Codes 10003, 10009, 10010, and 10011, including other regions between 14th and 34th Streets, but these are often not regarded as Midtown proper. Individual structures or complexes are assigned one of thirty-three ZIP Codes.

In Midtown, the US Postal Service has six locations:

  • Appraisers’ Stores Station-580 Fifth Avenue.

  • Bryant Station, 23 West 43rd Street.

  • 450 Grand Central Station, Lexington Avenue.

  • 223 W 38th St (Midtown Station).

  • Murray Hill Station is located at 115 East 34th Street.

  • 610 Fifth Avenue, Rockefeller Center Station.

The city’s primary post office, the James A. Farley Station, is also located at 421 8th Avenue. Due to decreased postal traffic, the post office stopped providing 24-hour service in 2009.

Midtown Manhattan, New York, New York zip code (NY)

Since 1963, the United States Postal Service has employed a system of postal codes to send mail more efficiently and swiftly. A ZIP code is a Zone Improvement Plan first registered as a service mark and consists of five numerical decimal digits in its basic version.

ZIP code

In comparison, an expanded ZIP+4 code has five numbers, four additional digits, and a hyphen. Without ZIP codes, any area’s address is incomplete. It’s tough to remember all of the ZIP codes for different places, and in today’s technological environment, everyone relies on online resources. was established for people like you who are in a hurry and need to look up zip codes in different parts of the United States. Here, we present Zip codes for many parts of the United States to meet people’s needs and straightforwardly provide accurate information with their map position. Midtown Manhattan’s ZIP code is 10019.

Chelsea Manhattan ZIP Code

Chelsea is divided into two community districts: Manhattan Community District 4 and Manhattan Community District 5, with the principal ZIP codes of 10001 and 10011, respectively. The New York City Police Department’s 10th Precinct patrols the area.

New York City is the name of the city. Manhattan Community District: 4 ZIP Codes: 10001, 10010 between West 19th and West 23rd Streets, roughly.

Chelsea is divided into two main ZIP codes. The region north of 24th Street is classified as 10001, and the area south of 24th Street is classified as 10011.

The US Postal Service maintains four post offices:

  • James A. Farley Station, 421 8th Avenue; New York City’s main post office.

  • 234 10th Avenue, London Terrace Station.

  • 217 West 18th Street (Old Chelsea Station).

  • Port Authority Bus Terminal, 74 9th Avenue.

  • 341 9th Avenue also houses the Morgan General Mail Facility and the Centralized Parcel Post.

The USPS also has a vehicle maintenance facility on the block encompassed 11th Avenue, 24th Street, 12th Avenue, and 26th Street. The zip code for this location is 10199.

The Lower East Side is located in Manhattan’s Community District 3 and has the ZIP code 10002. The New York City Police Department’s 7th Precinct patrols the area.

The East Side ZIP Code Manhattan

The Lower East Side is located in Manhattan’s Community District 3 and has the ZIP code 10002. The New York City Police Department’s 7th Precinct patrols the area. The ZIP Code 10002 encompasses the Lower East Side.

In the Lower East Side, the US Postal Service maintains two post offices:

  • Knickerbocker Station is located at 128 East Broadway in New York City.

  • 185 Clinton Street (Pittsburgh).

Manhattan East Side Zip Code
ZIP Codes 10002
Area code 212, 332, 646, and 917

Manhattan Kansas ZIP Code

Manhattan is a city in Kansas, United States. 66502, 66503, 66505, and 66506 are the ZIP codes for Kansas, Manhattan. .

ZIP CODE Type County Population Area code
66502 Standard Riley 43,850 785
66503 P.O. Box Riley 13,428 785
66505 Standard Riley 0 785
66506 Standard Riley 3,164 785

ZIP Code

Side of The Upper East ZIP Code For Manhattan

The East End is located in Municipal District 8 of Manhattan with its primary addresses ZIP Codes 10021, 10028, 10065, 10075 and 10128. The 19th Department of Police in New York City is patrolling the region. ZIP codes are 10021, 10028, 10065, 10128 and 10075. The city’s name is New York.

Five main ZIP Codes make up the Upper East Side:

  • 10069 (southern to 69th St), 10021 (from 69th and 76th Streets),

  • 10075 (with both 76th and 80th Streets),

  • 10028 (among both 80th and 86th Streets),

  • 10128 (between 80th and 86th Streets) are the zip codes for New York City (north of 86th Street).

  • In addition, Yorkville’s 500 East 77th Street has its own ZIP code, 10162.

If the neighborhood is defined by the AIA Guide as stretching up to Fifth Avenue and 106th Streets, then it has an additional ZIP code of 10029, which runs along Fifth Avenue between 96th and 105th Streets.

In the Upper East Side, the US Postal Service maintains four post offices:

  • 1483 York Avenue, Cherokee Station

  • 229 East 85th Street, Gracie Station

  • 221 East 70th Street, Lenox Hill Station

  • 1617 Third Avenue [100] Yorkville Station

Zip code for Brooklyn, Manhattan:

The city of BROOKLYN, NY, does not have any Census statistics. Instead, we’ve retrieved information for ZIP Code 11201.

  • Postal Codes: 47

  • 27 square miles of water (county)

  • 5 Area Codes

  • 70 square kilometers of land (county)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Peoples asked many questions about “Manhattan ZIP code” few of them were answered below:

1. What is the total number of zip codes in New York City?

The United States Census Bureau provides information. The following are the 1,752 zip codes in New York, ordered 1 through 1,584. (There are some ties).

2. Which city has the greatest number of zip codes?

In Ketchikan, Alaska, the highest ZIP Code number is 99950. The Internal Revenue Service in Holtsville, NY, has the lowest ZIP Code number, 00501.

3. What is the Manhattan New York area code?

Manhattan’s area code is 917. Purchase 646 area code phone numbers for your New York business. The New York area code 646 is used by enterprises in a wide range of industries and covers the Manhattan and Bronx areas of New York City.

4. What is the zip code for the United States Postal Service?

The United States Postal Service uses ZIP codes to identify postal addresses (USPS). The basic format was introduced in 1963 and consisted of five digits. In 1983, an enlarged ZIP + 4 with the 5-digit ZIP code, a hyphen and 4 numbers indicating a specific position was developed.

5. How do I find out what ZIP Code I have?

www.USPS.comTo find a zip code, enter your USA street address, city, and state into the blanks on Then, to obtain your postal code, click Find. There is also a place where you may get the zip code of a corporation.

6. What is the meaning of a ZIP code in Canada?

A six-character string that belongs to a postal address in Canada is called a Postal Code. The postal codes of Canada are alphanumeric, like those of the UK, Ireland and the Netherlands. A1A1 is written with a letter A, a numeral 1, and a space between the third and fourth letters.

7. How do I find out what my area code is?

Step 1: Log in to

Step 2: As indicated below, go to ‘Profile Settings’ and then to ‘My profile.’

Step 3: Select “PAN Card,” and the information will be displayed. Area office, Type of AO, Range, AO Number, and Jurisdiction.

8. How can I look for a zip code in Canada?

Obtaining a Postal Code:

  1. In the given box, begin typing a Canadian address. As you enter, suggested addresses appear.

  2. From the list of options, choose your address. You may also be asked to select a suitable unit number for some addresses. The address will be displayed in its proper format, including the postal code.

9. What does the ZIP code stand for?

Zone Improvement Plan

ZIP means the improvement plan for the zone. On the other hand, the USPS chose the acronym to emphasize that mail goes faster when senders include the postal code on their parcels and envelopes. In 1963, the current system of ZIP codes was adopted.

10. What are the last four digits of the ZIP code?

There are two portions to the 9-digit ZIP Code. The destination post office or delivery area is indicated by the first five digits. Within delivery areas, the last four digits reflect individual delivery routes. The USPS uses ZIP plus 4 codes to sort and distribute mail more efficiently.


Distinct parts of Manhattan have different zip codes. 10001, 10016-10019, 10022, 10036, and a few other smaller zip codes are located in Midtown Manhattan.

A ZIP Code is a postal code assigned by the United States Postal Service (USPS). Zone Improvement Plan is the abbreviation for ZIP.

The Zip Code identifies the final delivery zone or postal destination. ZIP codes define USPS postal delivery routes. The ZIP code stands for “Zone Improvement Plan.”

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