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What is the meaning of TBH


What is the meaning of tbh? TBH is an acronym that stands for “To Be Honest”, another vogue that is making rounds now a day. This is the term that appreciates online users to indicate honestly. They tell what feeling they have for someone or what idea they have for the post of someone. There has been a post of 13 years old girl in Washington on her use of social media. She also explained on Instagram that tbh’ means that you have to say something good about your friends and family. On Instagram or some social media platform, if someone in your friends wants to get a TBH about himself/herself. Then, you have to say nice things about your friendship and relationship.


Maybe you have seen the trend of TBT that stands for Throw Back Thursday that has been going rounds on the sites of social media. It is actually the people who are posting their personal posts for photos, songs, or images from the last time. There is no doubt that Throw Back Thursday is great fun. If you want to do a TBH, and a person posts some photo or a video. You can respond to them by saying that, TBH, you are very pretty, although we don’t talk too much as I want to. As I never appreciate you about this, you can also say that you play the guitar very well, and your music writing is amazing.


As you all can visualize, that tbh have both emotions as you can appreciate the person with your kind words, and you can also let down someone with your sarcastic and negative comments. All this credit goes to the honesty that a person tried to be. This trend of TBH became very famous that some people have tried to make a TBH app and a blog TBH. This TBH app appreciates users to join the social network. The joining of social networks means that you can also find out what feeling your friends have for you. We can only hope that TBH should remain a safe community for social appreciation. We have also seen that some people are using this TBH term to benefit from someone’s weakness and their appearance in physical.

Other trending terms

  • TBBH stands for “To Be Brutally Honest.”
  • LBH stands for “Let’s Be Honest” and “Loser Back Home.”
  • JBH means that “Just Being Honest.”
  • SMEXI means that smart and smoky
  • IMO stands for “In My Opinion.”
  • GOMB mans that “Get Off My Back.”
  • KOS stands for “Kill On Sight. This term means that it has come from online war games. These games are World of Warcraft. It means it actually marks death just by showing your face. By cyberbully, it can also use a threat.
  • S & D means that Search and Destroy. This can also be a threat.
  • Ug stands for ugly.
  • CID stands for an acid that can also use as a drug.
  • WAW stands for What a Waste.
  • CNBU stands for cannot be unseen.
  • Gomer means Greek, Weirdo, and nerd.
  • Broken means hungover from alcohol.
  • Beep face means a general insult.
  • Butter face represents someone who has a very pretty body, but the face is ugly.
  • 420 means ■■■■■■■■■. This word also looks for 420 4life, blunt, and Buddha.
  • FYEO means for your eyes only.
  • CD9 means that Code 9; around parents.
  • POS stands for Parents Over Shoulder
  • Sugarpie means that an ■■■■■■ or suggestive photo.

So, what do I do with this perception?

As we all know that trends are a part of life for many centuries. Every generation has its own style. Each generation deserves the code that made them different from other generations. When we go into the digital space, that code of generation puts a child in physical and emotional danger; then parents can interfere in this.

Tips for parents

Monitor devices

There should be a use of monitor devices, and a family PC should have this. These services can check the different spots of instant messaging services. These devices can also monitor social networks. For young children and teens, the spot checks of mobile devices are very important. There should be no trust that my child cannot do anything wrong because ca push even honest children towards crossing their limits and took a risk. This will be done as a natural part of their growing age as they want to be independent.

Don’t suppose they know

There are chances that children know about the technical skills, but they don’t know how to use them. This is because children have less wisdom that is needed to interfere with digital potholes. At last, they will find themselves in a confusing situation. This situation is very sensitive. You should have to give them confidence, responsibility, and different applications to cope with any of the online situations.

Repeat the manifest

Instead of misguided saying that is sticks and stone. Please give an understanding to your children and remind them that words hurt a lot. So, always before saying something, you should be aware that it could hurt someone’s sentiments. The hurt is multiplied many times if the many other people join you in a group to hurt online. This online slam to someone causes damage that can not restore. This online bullying also causes irreplaceable damage in the life of someone’s courage, self-esteem, and outlook on life.


The meaning of TBH is different on different platforms. As the specific meaning of this is “To Be Honest.” But on Instagram, people take it as to give a nice and good compliment to anyone. TBH is the trend now a day. As there are many slung trends for which parents should be aware. As online technologies are growing very fast so, children are aware of every use of them, but they do not know how to use this properly as a responsible person. So, parents should talk about these things, such as cyberbullying and inappropriate texting. So parents should make these topics a part of the discussion.

Teach your children conflict management

You have to look after your children in such a way that you should receive the messages that your young child is receiving. You should use the software applications to find out what is going in your child’s life. If you see that your young child is receiving inciting and suggestive texts, you should openly talk to your children about the text. It would help if you were not angry with your child as it can initiate a cold war between you and your child. You should discuss different ways of minimizing the conflict with your children and finding out the solution.

Teach your children to take charge

Give the confidence to your children that if something wrong is happening to you, you should take a stand for it. Make your child independent so that they do not depend on others for anything. Teach them that if their friend is texting them inappropriate messages with the wrong or offensive language, you should stop them. Do not let anyone take advantage of your silence.

Enforce the results

You always think that your child is very innocent and he/ she could not do anything wrong. But there are some cases that your own child is the one who is going in the wrong direction as he/ she is sending offensive, inappropriate, and inciting messages to someone. You should talk to your child and make them understand that they should do responsible texting. You should also ban all mobile devices and social media platforms on your child. You should not unban all the devices unless you are sure that your child has become a responsible citizen who will not message anyone with inappropriate language. You should also help them to correct themselves.

Talk to your children about cyberbullying

If your child is involved in cyberbullying, you should ban them from using any mobile phone and social media platform. Even if your child is not involved in all this, you should also give them information about cyberbullying, as this can hurt someone’s sentiments emotionally. You should openly talk about this. You should also help your child in dealing with cyberbullies. Then block and report them so that they cannot do anything after that.

Warn them about strangers

You should have a friendly relation with your children so that they can understand your words easily and ask questions without hesitation. You should warn your child that they should not communicate with strangers. Also, tell them about the dangers of getting physical with someone you don’t know and just met online. Your children will understand the situation, and if you do not make them understand this, you will be responsible for the results.

Involve your child in discussion

If you discuss a topic of responsible texting with your child, you should not use words like us’ and them.’ You should ask your child to give output for this topic by following the rule of the family. Also, ask them to talk about the results of irresponsible texting. When you make this a family discussion, the child will also understand the disadvantages of inappropriate texting. The more you will make the discussion casual, the more logical and practical online safety will become for your child.

TBH word is not in our dictionary; TBH is the word that we used in the informal language, so that is why this word is not in our dictionary. It does not frequently appear in the published text.

Teenagers took a different meaning for TBH

To be honest, it has been taken differently by teenagers. A girl who was 13 years old who belong to Washington was recently profiled and focused on her social media use. She explains that it is about saying something great and nice to your friends and family. That girl got many likes on her pictures in which she was saying that “please like all my pictures if you want a tbh, and comment done if you have liked it,” she told the Washington Post. This means that each person will have to like her pictures if they want to have a tbh, and she will simply give them tbh.

While all of them know that tbh still means that “to be honest,” or sometimes it means that to be heard. It is no longer related to insulting, it is just honest, and it is associated with compliments. In the example of Washington’s post, after getting her likes, the teen will then write a small note such as tbh, you are very beautiful on the pictures of all the people who have liked her pictures and commented done! It was still confusing, so to stop teens’ discussion; we decided to break it down further. I asked many questions to Instagram-savvy high schoolers to explain to me the meaning of tbh.

Explanation by Sammy

Sammy, who was a high school freshman, said that her friends would commonly write that you are nice, or you are funny if they will give a tbh about me. Sometimes, if they want to connect with me, they will say that we should spend time and talk more. If we talk in the sense of Instagram, tbh is almost the currency of Instagram. As you can take a like from someone and in return, you can give the tbh. Sammy says if you post a picture and put a caption that likes and comment for a tbh. After they got a like and comment from someone, they will go to the user’s profile. They will put a short message for the person in his last post, she explains.

There are many reasons which teens do this, as they are bored, they want to connect with someone/ crush, to have a confidence boost, or maybe to have some likes and followers. A tbh is a process of talking with someone with whom you do not talk normally. Sammy explains all this to TI. Those people may be friends of friends or the people whom teens do not meet in their personal life, but they have some type of 1 or 2 degrees of friendship between them.

Explanation by Kevin

Kevin, who was also a freshman in high school. He explains to TI that tbh is a process for people to find out for certain people to know how they feel about them. Or if they want to get close to that person. Even the specific meaning of tbh is To be honest. That does not always mean that these posts talk about the truth. Catherine thinks that he does not think people do an honest tbh, as people do not talk about the truth because they would not want to be arrogant and rude.

Sammy, who was 15 years old, claimed that maybe people are not honest completely. Catherine also said that sometimes people would go with the obvious things and say the same thing about different persons. Dan, who was another 15 years old, says that he did not tell a lie. But if someone likes my post, and I do not have any nice thing for him/her. I do not give tbh to them. So it means that tbh is not a serious remark; it is just the person’s ideas about you. If you are on Instagram, this is a way to give and get compliments.

What is the meaning of “To be honest.”

You can use this phrase of “to be honest” to show your feelings, opinions. You can use this at the starting of the sentence and after completing the sentence. You use this phrase if you don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings or if you don’t want to disappoint that person to which you are talking. For example, 1. To be honest, the house is not of a good style 2. I would rather get it out, to be honest. To be honest, it is about telling the truth to someone, or able to be trusted and not likely to cheat someone.


There are examples in which, to be honest, is used as a simple phrase

  • We have to be honest about our daily task that needs to be done.
  • It is good to be honest with the people you do not feel good about.
  • Without paying over the odds, it allows being honest about medical conditions.
  • Tell her that she should be honest about her date of birth.
  • I got nervous when I talk about this, to be honest.
  • We used to laugh at this, to be honest.
  • We should have to be honest about reviewing.
  • The government needs to be honest about what they are doing.
  • We need to be honest about certain things.
  • To be honest, I think he is very happy from his breakup.
  • To be honest, the paper was very difficult.
  • To be honest, I am trying not to think about this.

The trend of TBH has been going rounds for the past many years. If you know about the specific meaning of this word, maybe you do not know about the new terms that have been related to this word. This term has a couple of new meanings. You should know about all the meanings if you don’t want to embarrass on social media. TBH is the most popular term of initialism that means “To Be Honest.” This explanation of the word looks like this is a very simple phrase, but you should know that the meaning and the use of this word can change that depends on the website, what you are using.

Using TBH is the oldest and most traditional phrase. There are no certain things in this term and no certain rules to use this phrase. TBH is what it means on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, text messages, email, and different platforms. Wherever you want to use “To Be Honest,” you can use only TBH. You can find this phrase at the start and endpoints of a sentence. People can also put the dots in between the TBH words so, don’t worry about this.

The primary use of tbh is to claim that the statement, which this phrase uses, is coming from a person’s honesty. The use of this phrase ranges from humble self-reflection to snarky attacks. This word can also be used as a joke if the sentence is not being honest actually, so this phrase/ acronym can add the comic effect. This word has been recognized internet-wide, so you can use this on the internet at any place for messaging anyone on social media. Whenever you think that the need for the word TBH arises, you can feel free to use this word.

This term TBH is closely related to the other trendy term called “In My Opinion” (IMO). Can also use IMO at the starting and ending point of the sentence. This phrase is similar to TBH in such a way that it also represents the honesty of your opinion. You can also see the resemblance of TBH with (TBF) that indicates “To Be Fair.” This phrase is also trendy on social media, Instagram and Twitter, etc. you can feel free to use this word in a text as everyone is aware of this. This phrase is used when someone gives an honest opinion if you are playing devil’s lawyer to a statement or an opinion.

people disagree with the tbh definition of Instagram

Some people also say that on Instagram, people have totally changed the meaning of “To Be Honest.” Some people do not give tbh to someone if they do not have anything nice for them. If a user is looking for a tbh, he should say that “tbh and rate.” This is done where the original poster rates out of 10. As they give an honest impression in the form of “To Be Honest.” Due to the scoring process, the tbh will be more honest than the specific comments. A brave user can also say that “ tbh, rate and date.” In this process, a person will also tell that if he/ she want to date each other.

How to understand the internet language better

TBH is a great example of the word phrases that can grow and develop over time. Many people just know that TBH means “To Be Honest.” The people are not aware of the other meanings of this phrase as those meanings are totally changed. People also don’t know about the unique uses of this phrase. The alternative meaning of TBH is “To Be Heard.” To Be Honest is more common than To Be Heard. Instagram is full of new trendy terms. For a user who is new to this platform, these terms will be confusing for him. But after some time, he will also get used to it.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the meaning of TBH on Instagram?

Tbh on Instagram has a different meaning from the simple meaning of “To Be Honest.” On Instagram, people used to get a tbh. This was started when a 13 years old girl put a picture of her and said that if someone wants a tbh, they should like and comment. The people like this, and after some time, there were many likes for her photos. Then she has to go to users’ profiles and give a tbh about them in their last post.

What do you say to make someone smile?

If someone is in tension and you want to make them smile. Then you have to talk about their favorite things. You can take them for dinner. You can do whatever makes them happy. You can appreciate them by saying kind words about them. You can say thank you for existing. I appreciate what you do for me. I cannot see you in tension,. Be happy, please. Words play an important role in this.

What should be the reply of TBH?

The people use phrases like “like for a tbh” or “Reply to my picture for a tbh.” The meaning of this phrase is that what you want is a compliment. Before social media, TBH only means “To Be Honest” when you talk about something you are not really frank about. But Instagram discovered the new meaning, and now this is the trend as people ask for tbh. The answers can also be like; tbh, you are a beautiful lady. The reply can be; we should spend time and talk more, tbh.

What TBH should I give to my friend?

As friends are someone with whom we are very frank. So you don’t have to give a typical tbh about them. You can also tease them with your sarcasm. You can say that; TBH, if you were not my friend, I might be jealous of your style. TBH, I am very grateful to have you in my life. TBH, you are a shoulder to cry on. TBH, I think that you are a bad influence, but life would be dull without you. TBH, if I am in a pickle, I know that I can always count on you.

What was the old specific meaning of TBH?

In the past, only used TBH for expressing the word like ‘To Be Honest”. This phrase was used when people have to talk about a topic they are not very frank about. You can also use this phrase at the starting and ending point of the sentence. Now the meaning of tbh has totally changed in the era of social media.

What does TBF means?

TBF stands for To Be Fair. This term is closely related to TBH as it also expresses feelings about fair judgment. It is also a very popular term on social media platforms as people use this word in text messages. For example, TBF is a lazy woman. TBF is the one who never does her tasks. TBF, he is a liar.

What do you say to make someone feel special?

To make someone feel special, you can use many words. For Example, you are very special to me. I feel great when I spend time with you. I accept you as you are. I understand your feelings. I feel goosebumps when I am with you. I always enjoy your company. If you have any problem, you can share it with me. When I share secrets with you, I feel safe. I am always there for you. You don’t have to take tension as I am there to help you.

What does IMO means?

IMO stands for “In my opinion.” This phrase is closely related to TBH as it also expresses the same feelings as TBH does. This phrase is also trendy as TBH. In IMO, you have to be honest when you are giving your opinion about anyone. For example, In My Opinion, the building is not according to our style. IMO, this girl is very clever. IMO, that boy is a flirt.

How can we give a tbh on Instagram?

You have to give an honest opinion about your friends and family. Some people argue that people use the same text for a different person for giving a tbh. They think that the people who give tbh are not honest because they do not want to be rude and unethical. So these types of tbh are not good. But some people say that if you don’t have to say anything nice, you should not give a tbh.

What are complimentary words?

Complimentary words are those that we use to feel someone good. These words are very helpful in starting a conversation. These are the words that describe the personality of a person. These words should be according to the traits that a person has. You can say that your smile is great. Your laugh is the best. Your sense of humor is great. I bet you make people smile. You are like sunshine.


In the past, TBH only stands for, To Be Honest. But now, the meaning of this phrase has been changed as this is the era of social media. On Instagram, people ask for a tbh, and you have to give them an honest tbh about their qualities and your relationship. Some people are not aware of the other meaning of TBH. The other meaning is To Be Heard. To Be Honest is more famous than To Be Heard. The people who know about this meaning also are confused that what meaning they should assume. To Be Honest (TBH) is closely related to IMO and TBF. Both of these stand for “In My Opinion” and “To Be Fair,” respectively. TBH is the phrase that we use in informal talk, so this phrase is not in our dictionary. In short, the tbh statement is the one that depends on the person’s honesty.

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