Middle Lip Piercing

Middle Lip piercing is piercing through the center of the bottom lip and exiting out through the back of the lip into the mouth known as Ashley piercing. Technical name of middle lip piercing is inverse vertical labret piercing.

What is Lip piercing?

Lip piercing is a type of body piercing which involves the lips or area around the lips. Industrial Piercing involves the piercing of ear cartilage lip piercing is the piercing of lips in different ways. There are variety of ways through which lip can be pierced. Following are the types of Lip piercing:

Monroe lip piercing

This type of lip piercing is done on the right side of upper lip. The name Monroe is given because of the beauty mark on the lip of late Marilyn Monroe which was popular as Stretch Mark Tattoos. It will take 6 weeks to 2 months for healing. Labret stud is worn on this type of lip piercing.

Side labret lip piercing

This is the off-centered piercing of the upper or lower lip. Mostly captive bead rings or labret studs are used a jewelry. It will take 1 to 3 months for healing. Side labret piercing is the most common type of piercing.

Medusa lip piercing

This piercing is done on the above of the center of the upper lip. 16g or larger needle used for this piercing. It’s healing time is 6 to 12 weeks. Labret studs or captive bead rings are used as jewelry for medusa piercing.

Ashley lip piercing

In this type of piercing exit hole is made inside the mouth. Only entrance point is visible on this type of piercing. It’s healing time is 8 to 10 weeks. Captive bead rings or bent barbells of 14g or 18g size are used as a jewelry.

Labret lip piercing

In this type of piercing puncture is done below the center of the lower lip and above the chin. Hoops, captive bead rings and labret studs are used as a jewelry. It’s healing time is 3-6 weeks.

Vertical labret lip piercing

In this type of piercing, puncture is done vertically with one end coming out of the standard labret piercing area and the other penetrating the center of the lip itself. Captive bead rings or bent barbell usually worn as a jewelry. It may take 8-10 weeks to heal.

Labret piercing ring

  1. The labret is pierced with a large barbell because a ring would need to be very large to reduce the swelling, because of the location of the lip.

  2. Labret is usually pierced with a 16 gauge or a 14 gauge, but it can be done with 18 gauge for some peoples.

  3. The length of the labret is dependent on anatomy and that is something that piercer will determine before the piercing. Longer lengths work well because it give the piercing extra room to swell.

  4. After the 1-2 weeks the swelling should start to decrease and downsize the jewelry after 3-4 weeks.

Lip piercing History

  • The people of South America, and some tribes in Malawi had a practice of lip stretching through piercing and insertion of plates which is known as “pelele”.

  • Mali people pierce their lips to symbolize the creation of world through their ancestor spirit.

  • The people of Southern Africa made attractive themselves through insertion of plates in their upper lips. Husband of the girl inserted this plate six months before marriage.

  • This is a engagement rite and the bigger the plate, the more the dowry. People in central Mexico and Mayans in southern Mexico practiced a lip piercing as a ceremonial practice.

  • Males who were intended to join the military got their lips pierced at a tender age. An ornament is then placed and stretched as they brought more war prisoners. Labret piercing is for the males of the higher castes. They wore gold labrets with stones.

  • There was a spiritual and mythological histories behind the lip piercing. It is still practicing in the modern society of today mainly for aesthetic purposes.

Middle Lip piercing procedure

If you are ready for Ashley or middle lip piercing than first step is to meet with piercer and find a shop. In some places for Ashley piercing age restriction is 16. Piercer will give you a consultation and some instructions for middle lip piercing.

Sterilization of equipments and location of piercing is very important step. Piercer will chose the right location for piercing and mark with surgical pen. Piercer will pass a 14g needle through the middle of the lip and insert the jewelry.

In this type of piercing only the front side of the jewelry is visible because puncture is placed inside the mouth so backside of the jewelry is in mouth which is not visible.

Middle lip piercing pain

If you tolerate the pain of Lip Flip than you will easily tolerate the pain of middle lip piercing or Ashley piercing.

It is one of the most painful piercing because lip has lots of nerve endings so during the procedure needle comes in contact with these nerve endings which cause pain.

On the pain scale the level of pain is 4-5 out of 10. So middle Lip piercing is for those who can tolerate the pain. Painkiller ibuprofen is helpful in reducing the pain.

Middle lip piercing healing process

Middle lip piercing take 2 to 3 months for healing or healing time may vary from person to person. When swelling has gone down than piercing starts healing. Avoid changing jewelry before healing because it will extend the healing time.

Aftercare rules for middle lip piercing

  • Avoid moving and touching of the jewelry, although it is difficult in this type of piercing but it will cause complications like scarring.

  • Avoid jewelry which is tight, if your jewelry is tight talk to your piercer and change it because it will cause swelling.

  • Try to eat soft and cold food like ice cream, yogurt as it is helpful in decreasing pain and swelling.

  • Be careful when brushing teeth and always use soft teeth brush.

  • Avoid lipstick until complete healing of piercing because it will cause infection.

  • To avoid infection don’t touch piercing area without proper washing of hand.

  • To clean the outside part of the piercing area use saline solution two to three times a day.

  • As everyone knows How Mouthwash Rinse Become a Necessary Step in ■■■■ Hygiene? so rinse the mouth twice a day to clean inside area of the piercing.

Cons of middle lip piercing

  1. Due to the location of piercing so many risks associated with middle lip piercing:

  2. Middle lip piercing cause gum erosion and swelling.

  3. Due to the wearing of large jewelry like labret stud which will result in widening of skin and scar appearance.

  4. Due to the infection there is a chance of getting yellow pus in piercing area.

  5. Always try to use labrets which are made-up of surgical steel because body can’t accept other metals.

Middle lip piercing jewelry

The most common and popular jewelry style for middle lip piercing is labret stud because it doesn’t contact with gum and teeth. Some people also chose 14k gold, opals, pearls, or diamonds. Persons with sensitive skin or prone to irritation are advised to use Titanium jewelry. Middle lip piercing looks minimalistic when pairs with other lip piercing or nose piercing.


Middle Lip piercing is piercing through the center of the bottom lip and exiting out through the back of the lip into the mouth known as Ashley piercing. Sterilization of equipments and location of piercing is very important step in middle lip piercing. Lip has lots of nerve endings so during the procedure needle comes in contact with these nerve endings which cause pain. Middle lip piercing take 2 to 3 months for healing. Avoid changing jewelry before healing because it will extend the healing time.

Middle lip piercing

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are a few important points to know:

1) Do lip piercing infected easily?

Due to the regular contact of lips with saliva, food, makeup, and other bacteria lip piercing is more prone to infections specially during healing time**. An infected lip look red, swollen with pus and warm to touch.**

2) Does lip piercing damage teeth?

Lip piercings comes into direct contact with gums which leads to gum recession that are exposing more of the tooth’s root, which is easier for bacteria to damage tooth and gums. Damage gums cause the damage to tooth.

3) A plastic lip ring better than metal?

Bacteria found in higher levels on steel jewelry, steel jewelry promote the growth of a biofilm, while plastic piercings may be inert to bacterial colonization concluded by studies.

4) When swelling has gone down than piercing starts healing?

Avoid changing jewelry before healing because it will extend the healing time.
The most common and popular jewelry style for middle lip piercing is labret stud because it doesn’t contact with gums and teeth. Some people also chose 14k gold, opals, pearls, or diamonds.

5) What is Lip piercing?

Lip piercing is a type of body piercing which involves the lips or area around the lips. Industrial Piercing involves the piercing of ear cartilage lip piercing is the piercing of lips in different ways.


Middle Lip piercing is piercing through the center of the bottom lip and exiting out through the back of the lip into the mouth known as Ashley piercing. Sterilization of equipments and location of piercing is very important step in middle lip piercing. Piercer will chose the right location for piercing and mark with surgical pen. Middle lip piercing is one of the most painful piercing because lip has lots of nerve endings so during the procedure needle comes in contact with these nerve endings which cause pain.

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Middle Lip Piercing

Body piercings are the becoming more popular or accepted. What once seemed the realm of the alternative lifestyles now appears in the executive boardrooms or corporate offices. There’s no easy answer to the this question. Everyone feels the little (or the lot of) pain if they take the piercing. Everyone’s pain tolerance is the different.

Even yours perception of the pain may affect how much this hurts. If you’re excited about getting yours piercing, or if you actually like the little bit of the pain, then yours experience may be totally different from the someone who’s anxious. But there’s few evidence this certain areas of the yours body are the more prone to the pain than others. And, of the course, plenty of the stories from the people who have tried these piercings. Here’s the general rule of the thumb: The fewer nerves in the area, the less pain you’ll feel.

Piercing pain scale

Here is the how much each type of the piercing may hurt in the order of the most painful to the least painful. yours ■■■■■■■■ are the among the most nerve-dense areas on the yours body. The ■■■■■ contains about 4,000 nerve endings this branch off from the the pudendal nerve. Expect this one to the hurt quite the bit. the ■■■■■ may be pierced in the the variety of the ways, from the Prince Albert to the deep shaft. Pain would vary based on the piercing location.

The ■■■■■■■■ is the also quite sensitive or contains thousands of the nerve endings. Even if you’re pretty tolerant to the pain, the ■■■■■■■■ piercing may hurt many times worse than any other piercing pain. The ■■■■■■ is the another commonly pierced area that’s pretty sensitive.

In fact, the ■■■■■■ nervesTrusted Source communicate directly with the the brain, similarly to the how the ■■■■■■■■ do. They’re both erogenous zones, which means they actually overstimulate yours brain for the more intense pleasure. But this means the pain may also be more intense. The pain of the the nose piercing varies based on the the part of the the nose that’s pierced.

A septum piercing (the tissue between yours nostrils) may hurt the lot for the the short time but heals quickly because the septum is the so thin. or if you have the deviated septum or similar condition, this kind of the piercing may hurt even more because yours septum nerves may be overactiveTrusted Source. High nostril piercings, like those up nearer to the the top of the yours nose, may hurt less but may take longer to the heal. The pain during recovery might be worse than this of the the septum piercing.

Dermal piercings are the piercings this go directly into yours skin or don’t come out another end. They may be done all over yours body, but many people take them on the the face, chest, or lower back.

The pain for the the dermal piercing depends on the where it’s done. Having the piece of the jewelry thrust downward through several layers of the skin may be pretty painful. Be ready for the few discomfort. few piercings aren’t known to the hurt much at the all. Here are the few you might want to the try if you have the low pain tolerance. Ear piercings are the popular for the reason: They don’t hurt much, or the tissue of the yours ear tends to the heal quickly.

Some less common ear piercings hurt more because the cartilage is the thicker or more nerve dense, such as:

• daith piercing

• rook piercing

• conch piercing

Some ear piercings may fully heal in the less than the month if you take care of the them properly. This reduces the chance they’ll take infected or have painful complications, too. Belly button piercings are the considered the second least painful piercings after ear piercings. That’s because the thick tissue left behind from the if yours umbilical cord was removed is the flesh or not very nerve dense.

You may feel the lot of the pressure if the needle goes through because the tissue is the hard to the poke through, but the pain goes away quickly. They take several months to the 1 year to the heal. Tongue piercings are the actually on the the lower end of the the pain spectrum. But they’re exposed to the lots of the bacteria if you eat or drink. They’re more likelyTrusted Source to the take infected or experience other complications if you don’t take care of the them properly.

Brushing, flossing, or rinsing yours mouth with the the saline solution may make the big difference on the how fast yours tongue piercing heals or how painful this is. Eyebrow piercings are the right on the the boundary between painful or not.

There are the quite the few major eyebrow nervesTrusted Source in the this area, so the location of the the piercing makes the huge difference. for the example, the supraorbital nerve makes piercings near the middle of the yours eyebrows much more painful.


Will you take vaccinated?

We ask Lesley Stahl, Alyssa Milano, Brian Stokes Mitchell, or more in the our Live Town Hall: COVID-19 One Year Retrospective on the Thursday, March 11. Most piercings, regardless of the how painful they are, are the most intense for the the split second as the needle goes through or the jewelry is the inserted.

Many people describe this as the sting this quickly subsides. few piercings might feel sore or raw for the few weeks or months afterward. This may depend on the how well you take care of the piercing. the good piercer may use techniques to the calm you or reduce yours pain. This may affect how painful you perceive yours piercing to the be.

Here are the few questions to the ask to the find the good piercer:

• Are they licensed or certified? True professional piercers are the licensed by yours state, or by health administrations at the the local level. This should be the minimum requirement for the any piercer you visit.

• Do they specialize in the the piercing you want? few piercings, such as ■■■■■■■ piercings, require special training or experience. Going to the the piercer who’s known for the doing the piercing you want may reduce the risk of the the painful, botched piercing, or the piercing this doesn’t look the way you want this to.

• What do their reviews say? Play this safe! Don’t visit the piercer with the less than stellar reviews, especially if any customers have complained of the long-term pain, infections, or other medical issues after getting their piercings there.

Not all piercings are the created equal. few hurt much more than others, or few may have longer healing times this may be uncomfortable for the months. Still really want this certain piercing but concerned this might be painful? Being prepared may help, as well as the piercer you trust to the guide you through the process. This may make all the difference.

Nose piercings have become increasingly popular in the recent years, so much so this it’s often compared to the simply getting yours ears pierced. But there are the the few additional things to the consider if getting yours nose pierced. for the one, this hurts. Not the ton, but most people find it’s the bit more painful than getting yours ears pierced. Like any other piercing, there’s few discomfort or mild pain with the the nose piercing. However, if the professional performs the nostril piercing, the pain is the minimal.

1. How much does this hurt?

Jef Saunders, president of the the Association of the Professional Piercers (APP), says this piercers often compare the pain to the having an eyebrow wax procedure done or the getting the shot. “The pain itself is the the combination of the mild sharpness or pressure, but this is the over extremely quickly,” he explains.

2. How long does the pain last?

When done by the professional piercer, Saunders says most piercings are the less than one second for the the actual piercing procedure.

In the days afterward, Saunders says you may have few mild soreness, but typically, it’s so mild this you won’t notice this unless you bump yours nose doing day-to-day activities.

3. Do few nose piercings hurt more than others?

In general, says Saunders, there are the three types of the nose piercings:

• traditional nostril piercing

• center placement septum piercings

• high nostril piercings

“The traditional nostril or septum piercings tend to the be very easy piercings to the receive or heal,” he explains.

High nostril piercings, on the other hand, may be the bit more uncomfortable or tend to the swell for the week to the month. That’s why they’re typically just recommended for the people who have experience with the receiving or caring for the body piercings.

4. are the there any tips for the minimizing pain?

No matter how you slice it, piercings typically involve few pain. But there are the things you may do to the make sure yours experience is the as painless as possible. for the starters, Saunders advises against showing up on the an empty stomach or after drinking the lot of the caffeine. It’s also best to the avoid drinking any alcohol beforehand.

5. What about numbing agents?

The APP advises against using things like numbing gels, ointments, or sprays since they aren’t very effective. in the addition, Saunders says many shops have policies against piercing people who have used the numbing agent for the fear of the an allergic reaction to the the chemical they didn’t apply. “Nearly all reputable professional piercers advise against the use of the topical anesthetics for the piercing,” he adds.

6. What kind of the metal should I choose?

For an initial piercing, the APP recommends jewelry made from the any of the the following metals:

• implant-grade steel

• implant-grade titanium

• niobium

• 14- or 18-karat gold

• platinum

Beware of the misleading terms like “surgical steel,” which isn’t the same as implant-grade steel. The lower price point might be tempting, but the fresh piercing is the an investment. Take care to the invest in the high-quality, safe materials.

7. if may I change out the jewelry?

There’s no definitive answer if this comes to the changing out yours initial jewelry. According to the Saunders, piercers usually recommend their clients visit for the the consultation appointment at the the certain point in the the healing process, generally at the four to the eight weeks. Depending on the how things look, you may usually swap out yours jewelry at the this time.

8. What if I need to the hide my piercing for the work?

The two most common options for the hiding jewelry, Saunders says, are the retainers or textured discs. “Retainers are the clear jewelry, typically made of the glass, silicone, or biocompatible plastic,” he says. “The other option, textured discs, are the usually made out of the anodized titanium this has been sandblasted. This makes the jewelry look like the facial feature, like the freckle.”

While these two options may help, Saunders does point out they may not be sufficient to the comply with the work or school dress codes. That’s why it’s best to the learn what types of the jewelry would be compliant before getting pierced. Consult with the professional piercer to the determine how soon yours fresh piercing may be changed to the one of the these styles.


Do lip piercing infected easily?

Due to the regular contact of lips with saliva, food, makeup, and other bacteria lip piercing is more prone to infections specially during healing time. An infected lip look red, swollen with pus and warm to touch.

Does lip piercing damage teeth?

Lip piercings comes into direct contact with gums which leads to gum recession that are exposing more of the tooth’s root, which is easier for bacteria to damage tooth and gums. Damage gums cause the damage to tooth.

A plastic lip ring better than metal?

Bacteria found in higher levels on steel jewelry, steel jewelry promote the growth of a biofilm, while plastic piercings may be inert to bacterial colonization concluded by studies.