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I am so Bored


Why I am so bored? Boredom is common in all ages, and some boredom is unavoidable. However, learning how to deal with boredom at a young age will develop problem-solving skills that will help in the future. Researchers have classified “high-risk” areas of boredom as those with insufficient or low motivation, accompanied by high anxiety, frustration, and feeling “stuck” in a less stimulating environment. Everyday life in our current pandemic of COVID-19 share many factors associated with high risk of boredom.

How do you get bored?

Boredom is a common response in some situations. And while there are no tests to diagnose boredom, chronic boredom, or recurring symptoms, it can be a sign of depression- a silent killer.

Boredom in children

Symptoms of boredom and depression are sometimes the same. A bored child may want to get married, and it can easily get involved if you give him something “fun” to do, and a depressed child can avoid it.

Some children cannot fully express their feelings. Working with a mental health professional and asking questions can give you clues as to what your child might be dealing with.

Boredom for adults

If boredom interferes with your ability to complete the necessary tasks, or interferes with the quality of your health, talk to your doctor. Your boredom may be linked to depression if you experience the following symptoms:

  • feel hopeless

  • feeling sad

  • to avoid opportunities for encouragement

  • you blame yourself for your boredom

Your doctor will be able to help you differentiate between boredom and depression and will provide you with the necessary treatment.

The Research of Boredom

While complaining about boredom may seem trivial, it is not an inconsequential experience. In fact, boredom can produce grief and is associated with negative emotions. In an effort to reduce boredom, some people may engage in emotional behaviors, such as excessive drinking, drug abuse (for example, stimulants), overeating, or the use of social media.

Researchers studying boredom find the following:

1. Boredom is a common experience

According to research three percent of the sample of 3,867 US adults reported experiencing boredom at least once during the 10-day sample period (Chin et al., 2017). Given that this is a pre-epidemic discovery, the level and extent of boredom may be significantly higher during the closure of Coronavirus (COVID-19) 0.

2. Young people, especially men, are the ones who can get bored

Research found that boredom was prevalent among young people, men, single people, and those in low-income groups, but who were not racially different. COVID-19 precautionary measures have led to reduced access to recreational activities (e.g., sporting events) and social isolation that severely hinders social cohesion. Perhaps young people more than older people would be bored, especially in places with such encouragement.

3. Negative emotions are associated with boredom

Research found that boredom is associated with negative emotions and predicts loneliness, anger, stress and anxiety. Low motivation due to overcrowding and segregation among people can promote negative feelings associated with boredom, such as concern for personal and friends’ health and well-being, financial problems, the absence of a recurrent epidemic, reports peaks of infection, and a lack of effective vaccines.

4. Boredom breeds when we feel trapped

Boredom grows when we have no control and feel trapped in a state of low (boring) recovery (Bench & Lench, 2019; Chin et al., 2017). The COVID-19 epidemic is beyond our control if given to many uncertain workers who claim to stop the spread of the virus and to find effective vaccines.

In some cases, boredom may result from this: inadequate rest or malnutrition. low levels of mental rehabilitation. not choosing or controlling your daily activities.

How to get rid of boredom?

Given our current situation and the need to reduce the negative effects of boredom, what can we do? Chin et al., Suggest that the “sense of choice” or control of one’s state contrasts with boredom.

1. Add fun to your daily activities.

Areas with low motivation and lack of control create boredom. Therefore, the solution is to add motivation and increase the number of satisfying activities on a daily basis. It is important to find ways to increase fun and to get rid of depression. Since beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, what is considered obscure or pleasing is also related to your vision. Therefore, it may be necessary to reset your mind to looking at normal routine tasks, such as washing dishes, putting on laundry, or picking up groceries, as an opportunity to transform and thus view these activities as fun and productive activities.

2. Connect with others.

Social isolation leads to disconnection and is associated with loneliness. Social networking reduces social isolation. If you spend a day working at home remotely and feel isolated, the solution may be to reach out to friends to see if you can get a decent coffee break or a real dinner a few times a week. If you’re a “travel bug” and you feel crazy at home, try a virtual vacation, or a virtual visit with the person who lives where you want to visit. Start a book club, a cooking club, or a club that learns the art of antiquity - anything that attacks your desire to help you connect well with others.

3. Move

This will stimulate your mind and body. Too many of us avoid exercise as it seems very difficult. Really, exercise is a lifeline. Even if you are not “enthusiastic for exercise,” a little walking around the neighborhood a few times a day will do just fine.

4. Be curious.

Add to the idea of ​​testing: What can you find out about your neighbor? Flowers? Animals? People? Get up early and follow the rising of the sun each day.

5. Give yourself treats.

Add to your daily routine at least one “guilty entertainment” (good and balanced). Just set aside each day where you can indulge yourself and add interest to your daily routine. It can be as simple as watching a comedy.

6. Listen to music.

Music is powerful. It can foster positive feelings. Listen to music that energizes and motivates you.

7. Don’t be a new ■■■■■■

Frankly, it is very easy these days to be overwhelmed by news reports and broadcasts. We are bombarded with news from our cell phones; have access to cable news or news online 24/7. Because bad news sells, most of the stories may be the ones that enhance our feelings of inadequacy. Constantly focusing on bad news threatens a sense of powerlessness. Stay informed but limit your use of news.

8. Be kind to others.

Be thankful. Boredom occurs when it is cut off from others. Artistic research based on constructive psychology is clear: kindness and gratitude lift our spirits and are the essence of happiness. Therefore, contact a person in need (e.g., food delivery to an older person in your area) and appreciate the resources you have.

In Short
To get rid of boredom you should think of an exciting moment in your life. This can put you in a trance, making you forget that you were once bored. This method works best if you have been through a life-changing situation. You can also think about your goals for the future and how you plan to achieve them.

Why is this important to get rid of boredom?

It lets you know what you can do in a given day. If you know that it takes you an hour or more to do your whole morning routine, you will know very well how to get through that process.

In addition, if you know what activities you will be doing the next day, you can better manage your time because you know how long it will take to do it all.

Preventing Boredom

To help prevent boredom:

  • Keep a record of situations in which you or your child feels bored. Be aware of the time of day, place, and activities that precede boredom, to avoid those situations or prepare for future boredom in the future.

  • Make regular activities more attractive by adding something different. For example, start a time job to see how fast you can do it.

  • Combine multiple repetitive tasks to be done together.

  • Divide large tasks into smaller ones, and organize breaks or rewards for important events.

  • Create a list of tasks to try when boredom strikes. If your child feels lonely, create this list together.

  • Establish a special place where you or your child will be able to keep the tasks set to combat boredom.

  • Be prepared to take time to work with your child to set a task when you are bored.

Frequently Asked Questions

Following are the frequently asked questions related to this article

1. Why getting bored is important?

Boredom helps to promote wisdom. As our minds wander, we have more opportunities to come up with new ideas and new ways of problems and tasks. Boredom can make us feel charitable. When we are bored, our lives and activities can feel insignificant, which can lead us to altruistic actions.

2. Is boredom a sign of mental illness?

James Danckert, PhD, professor of cognitive neuroscience at the University of Waterloo, found that people who are more prone to boredom misbehave in activities that require ongoing care, and are more likely to show increasing symptoms of both ADHD and depression (Experimental Brain Study, 2012).

3. What are the negative effects of boredom?

Boredom has a dark side: Bored people are at greater risk of depression, anxiety, drug addiction, alcoholism, depressive gambling, food disorders, hostility, anger, potential social skills, poor grades and poor job performance.

4. Is getting bored easily a sign of intelligence?

A study, conducted by scientists at Florida Gulf Coast University, found that people with high IQ are less likely to be bored, leading to more time lost in thought. It has suggested that less intelligent people are more prone to anxiety, which in turn leads to more physical activity as a result.


When you realize ‘I am so bored’ it means that you have been thinking for yourself for too long. When all your attention and efforts are focused on your desires, you will “use the space” in your pen. It’s like staying in trouble, and looking at every corner long enough to know that there are no surprises left. You’re tired.

But why is this maze so small? Because it’s all about you, your needs, your worries, your fears, your desires - that’s not enough to keep life meaningful. You have to start worrying about something of greater value than you and your needs, and then discover a lot of new problems and opportunities.

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