A.R.M.Y (아미) consists of people that adore BTS or likes BTS and considers them their favorite personalities. Bts came into the K-Pop world in 2013, and soon after the appearance of bts in the K-pop world the people following or adoring them also came up and BTS calls themselves ARMY.
BTS Army begins in 2013

If you what are different Bts names: then you surely are an “A.R.M.Y” means “Adorable Representative M.C. for Youth” and it conveys very some important message behind it, one can also understand that ARMY is used for protection of weak people and therefore in the same way army are always there to help bts and to lift them when in need.
Also given that “Military” is related with some type of body reinforcement, and this also tells that in every case army will be behind the bts and will always support bts in every time.
There are various occasions where the ARMY told the world that they are unique in their own way. BTS songs include in them some hope, life, self love and according to ARMY the biggest boy band is the reason of ARMY’s hope, there were occasions like BLACK LIVES MATTERS in which the BTS contributed 1 million dollars to the march not only this when western media told this news not only the army’s but all the world was astonished to hear this.
So being impressed by the KOREAN boyband activities, ARMY also decide to do something exceptional for the lives of black people and within 7 hours a donation of 2 million was made, now that is what we call the power of people.
BTS ARMY don’t consist of only the Korean army but they include people of different ethnicities and different religion, from MUSLIMS to CHRISTIANS and from White to Black.
BTS ARMY has no boundaries
The group leader of BTS , who is called RM(RAP MONSTER) and whose real name is Kim Namjoon told at various locations that the group members of all the BTS group don’t prefer any army based on their color and creed. When BTS was invited to United Nations to give a speech then RM told the world at that time ‘NO MATTER FROM WHERE YOU BELONG AND FROM WHICH RACE YOU ARE , ALWAYS SPEAK YOURSELF’. BTS also has released various albums that have self care and hop messages in them.
May be that is the reason that BTS has got the most big fan following than any other group in the world. Army are the only one group in the world that celebrate BTS Members Birthday
BTS Army Recruitment in 2013

BTS and A.R.M.Y are the negative versions of one another, and they have a relationship that is stronger than the Himalayan ranges. The A.R.M.Y is something that you can call yourself if you are starting adoring bts and you consider bts as your favorite personalities.
There were various times when bts army supported other groups and give donations to the people in help that is not only impressive but also the most generous acts by any group of people.
There are different enrollment done within army . The enrollment includes various titles that you can get and by those titles you can enjoy as many bts albums and as many bts concert as you want. Army’s know everything about bts from What is Bts Members Height? to Bts ages . Armys are also the one that does the streaimg of BTS albums to increase the streaming.
How to become a part of BTS ARMY ?
how can you become the part of BTS army? Well you are an excellent candidate to become a member of bts army
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Theis subsequent enlistment opened on December 9, 2013 to December 31, 2013. The advantages of being the part of this great group of fans called army included the following titles and incentives.
A.R.M.Y enrollment card.
A.R.M.Y unique products that was given to only one person , means only one entry on one enrollment card.
A.R.M.Y bulletin that consists of various latest news about the BTS (intended to be conveyed once per term).
A.R.M.Y occasions that were held 12 months in year
Free ticket to nay bts fan meeting , or bts concerts free tickets but in this also only one seat will be given
The incentives may be included and there is chance that you can become the president of the club.
Early bookings to BTS shows and concerts (with supports).
The free streaming opportunities and free listening opportunities to the last’s t released BTS songs.
There are just few of them, a lot more were given advantages and perks are there for an army.
Recruitment for BTS Army in 2015

Recruitment for BTS Army in 2015 was done in the second year of bts debut on December 19, 2014 to January 16, 2015.
The advantages of turning into an BTS ARMY are
A.R.M.Y enrollment card
A.R.M.Y products and BTS photos of different concerts
A.R.M.Y Lotto Show every month for two times and bts free tickets for different shows
There will be a video made for an army on their birthdays as well.
Free pass for bts fan meeting
There will be discount given on every item on the fist come first basis on BTS OFFICAL SHOP and 2% compassion will begiven on every bought item.
Official meetings of fan A.R.M.Y
You will be given the first seats in every BTS shows
You will be booking an online ticket with money in bts shows, no matter in which country you are
Various opportunities will be given to you when bts will release a new song
By taking part in this recruitment, you will be entered as an official fan in ‘SECOND ARMY’ board
Position to enter the “second A.R.M.Y TALK” board on Official fan network
Furthermore, there were more of these extraordinary perks you can enjoy if you will enter in this club of fan called as ‘ARMY’.

BTS ARMY THIRD RECRUITMENT (2016) opened on February 19, 2016, to March 4, 2016.
The advantages of being part of an 2016 BTS ARMY include
A.R.M.Y Term Membership Card
A book consisting of bts pictures
You can get an opportunity to fly to Korea and you can also get a chance to meet BTS
You can get a ticket to go to bts club events and fan meetings that allow only the selective people to attend
Pre-reservation to BTS’ official Fan-meeting
You can get an opportunity to buy the limited products that are short form ‘BTS OFFICIAL SHOP’
You have full opportunity to broad cast and record BTS songs for free
You can get an opportunity to modify the different event dates by yourself if you are entered into the recruitment.
Can watch A.R.M.Y Lotto Show for 31 days in a month and you can get and opportunity to get a ticket for different bts concerts as well.
** You can also get the following perks for being member of BTS ARMY**
Guide on how to become a pro ARMY.
Bts shows Book
Photograph Card of different members.

BTS ARMY FOURTH RECRUITMENT (2017) opened on May 8, 2017, to May 22, 2017. This membership includes much more perks in it than the previous enlistment of army done in 2016 .
So if you know How many BTS members are there? are there then I am sure you are the fan of BTS albums and you need to get the following membership immediately.
A.R.M.Y Membership Card
Pre-reservation to BTS show in Korea , due to various visitors that came to Korea to attend concerts , Korea is now included in Best Countries To Visit
Pre-reservation to BTS’ official meetings done in Korea.
You can have an opportunity to enter into Fan Club Event Booth at BTS show and can attend various Fan-gatherings in Korea.
You can buy different things from BTS OFFICIAL SHOP
You can have an opportunity do recording of the whole bts transmission.
You can also be a part of bts fan café.
You can view A.R.M.Y Lotto Show 30 days in a whole week.
You can also view the bts shows offline
A notebook for army’s
Photographs of different bts members

BTS ARMY FIFTH RECRUITMENT (2018) KO begins on April 9, 2018 to April 22, 2018 brings many new army into the bst world. Not only bts becomes so much famous in 2017 but also the popularity of bts became evident to the western world as well.
The perks and advantages of becoming an army includes the following things:
Army Membership Card
You can once again attend the bts concert as your reservation will be made in advance
You will also gain an opportunity to attend the fan club event booth at bst shows in Korea
You can have an advantage over other people because e you can made amended in the official fan club events also
You can connect the bts shows on live on other devices
Levels of legitimate Fan Cafe will be altered
Monthly ARMY Lotto Show
Apart from all this you will also receive a book pad if you are a member of this club and
Post Card
Paper File
Guidebook (J-HOPE ver.)

The 6th enrollment categories of army’s opened on July 15, 2019. So, what are you waiting for ? join this club and become the part of the biggest boy group in the world.
Membership Card specially for army’s
You will a kit of bts photos
You can also avail the opportunity to get the merchandise of bts
You can get your ticket at first come basis at your doorsteps and also you can have an opportunity to view the bts concert live
You can also get to see some television shows in which bts performed
You will also be able to get to see various shows and pictures and videos that are available on WEVERSE only(WEVERSE is the only app that is used by bts and army both for communication)
You can also have and opportunity to attend one of the bts concerts no matter if they are online or are not online.
Apart from all the above thins you can also get some other things if you are a member of army club including bts polarise photo cards , bts banners, bts tickets, guide in which the guider is KIMSEOKJIN of bts , you will also get an id card.
May be you can also receive some Life Changing Books as a gift from BTS.
Summary: So , instead of thinking How Many Levels Are There In Candy Crush? , and playing Play Stupid Games Win Stupid Prizes you should do something productive like taking the memberships of world biggest boy group BTS.
The seventh enrollment opened on August 14, 2020. Two kinds of participation are allowed in this requirement and are available that are ARMY Membership and ARMY Membership: Merch Pack.
You will first of all get a membership card
You will have access to buy all the ebts related stuff
You can attend all the television shows that broadcast any bts concert
You can have your bts concert shows
You will get to see the bts members including Kim Seokjin, Kim Namjoon, Min Yoongi, Park Jimin, Jeon Jungkook pictures and videos that are available on WEVERESE app that bts use
You will be able to attend bts concerts that are done in Korea
You will be able to have a kit of bts
You will be able to buy different shirts and goodies available on WEvesre by big Hit Entertainment
You will be able to hear all the bts songs on WEVERSE as well
You will get a box where there are the related stuff and you will be getting that box for free , you have top ay just for the delivery . That box includes bts photos, notebook, a bts pouch, poster made of fabric material, lamp of bts
So, what are you waiting for ? Go and grab the membership of ARMY and enjoy all the perks of being an BTS army.

There are various events at which the army have made the whole world surprise starting from hope that donated 1 million won for cancer patients to BTS all together doing charity in black lives matter marches.
BTS ARMY accomplishments
The bts are popular in all of the world and that is the reason that army all around the world are destined to make world a better place.
Malaysian army took the next step by contributing some money to help the blind people in their country , not only this they also help the organizations working for the elderly people like mercy Malaysia and organizations that are working to save the sea habitant.
Mexican armys help bts arrive safely on the airport
Us army raised money for the children that are malnutrition
Turkish army donated $500to UNICEF to help support the poor children all around the world
Army belonging to Philippine also make a hug effort in making world a better place by giving 100kg of rice to poor people o their country
Army’s around the world also donated blood to the patients in hospitals
Army’s started a campaign in 2018 when bts Jungkook turned 21 by donating 200 dollars to a hospital that were working for leukemia patients
Army’s of Nepal started making donations for flood victims when Nepal were in flood
Peru army stared a campaign that talks about the importance of animal in human life
Russian army donated 15,000 dollars to the patients of cancer and other deadly disease
Korean army contributed to the organization that aims to protect the children that are on streets
Army of Spain and Madrid make a donation for refugees that were migrating to Europe
Korean amry save two blue whales in RM birthday and give those whales to worldwide fund for nature(WWF)
Last but not the least , Pakistani army send dentist to school to check the teeth of little angels

There are a lot of things you need to know About who are BTS Army and if you are new to K-Pop world or if you have recently entered the BTS ARMY world.
Is there possibility to meet any BTS member as an army?
Yes , ofcourse you can also meet any BTS member. There are various fan meetings being held by BTS company from where you can get an opportunity to meet BTS
What is the total count of BTS Army?
BTS Army total count in the world is approximately in millions roughly.
Is there any country in the world that don’t contain BTS army?
There is no country in the world that don’t contains any BTS ARMY

Whether you are from America or you are from Pakistan, if you are a music lover then you will also like the taste of K-Pop and most probably the taste of BTS music.
Every BTS members have certain qualities in him like RM is the fan of Best Historical Fiction Books , Jungkook is the fan of Brain Exercise Games and suga is the fan of photography so you should also follow the BTS members different habits and be a better version of yourself everyday.