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When is National Best Friends Day?


National Best Friends Day celebrates on June 8, a day to honor that special someone you call “your best friend”. This day is a time to show them how much you value them, how important and special they are to you and how much you value their friendship.

History of National Best Friends Day

We have our country to thank for this little holiday. In 1935, the US Congress met to donate a day each year to pay for close friends. They have chosen June 8 for national best friend day, which is usually a day of peace in all regions of the country, ready for outdoor activities. Since then, many other countries have adopted the practice. Some even throw celebrations at their chosen family.

The holiday has provided a few days of friendly donations to celebrate, including Friendship Day, Women’s Day, and even a week-long Old Friends, New Friends Week. Ironically, almost all friendly celebrations take place in the summer.

While the holiday seems to have lost popularity over the years, it has seen an increase in recent engagement since the advent of social media. Now, on June 8 each year, people are quick to post their lovely photos with their trusted friends. The visual hashtag #nationalbestfriendsday allows users to see how many Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter users are celebrating with them.

National Best Frinds Day Celebrations

For spending the day together on this National Best Friends Day, there are many fun activities to do at home! Due to current events, staying home is vital but can still be fun and we’ve armed you with some amazing ideas to spend time together.

1. Plan a Bestie Backyard picnic

Historians make it clear; Best Friend’s Day is meant to be spent outside and, in the sun, but that doesn’t mean you have to leave home! Plan a back picnic that you will love your bestie the most. Add a theme to your picnic with cute decorations and great fun treats that are sure to create the perfect moment for Instagram. Take a large blanket and pack your food to spend in the sun. Don’t forget the music and bouquets of flowers to surprise them!

2. Make a Best Friend Movie

If you and your bestie go out together for a memorable occasion or have a mix of your favorite moments in a movie, make a best friend movie you will be watching together! Don’t forget the part of the bloopers to laugh at funny moments that you will never forget!

3. Throw them a ■■■■■■■■ Party

Everyone loves a DIY ■■■■■■■■ party, and this holiday you can surprise your bestie by making your own and naming it after them! Shop for ingredients ahead of time or make your own and have fun with their favorite flavor la ■■■■■■■■■ Don’t forget the dressing gowns and beautiful glassware for the perfect social media story!

3. Zen Out Together

Bring the spa to you by making a DIY home-zen-den with special treatments you can do at home! DIY face mask, grooming your spa with cucumber water and moisturizing clothes. Getting a live streaming yoga class on Youtube to share a moment of meditation together.

4. Cook for Their Special Feast

Everyone is happy when someone goes out of their way to cook for them. Whether they have a favorite meal or decide to do a well-prepared meal together (think about your recent trip to Spain) to make it a special treat just like them.

5. Love Them a Latte

Take a home art class by searching for classes online or use matching guide and flower arrangements. Steam milk with frother and grind the beans to get a strong kick to start National Best Friend’s Day! Add to their favorite flavors like vanilla, lavender or hazelnut!

6. DIY a Dance Party

A great friend knows their bestie songs. Make a DIY playlist that you know they will love and throw a perfect impromptu dance party with custom dance moves. Keep your playlists so they can appreciate the customized gift you compiled.

7. Wine and Dine

Everyone loves a wine tasting party! Treat your bestie with their favorite type of wine, flowers and more than top charcuterie spreads to make their day and fill their belly!

8. Tik-Tok Together

Learn new dance moves or create the next viral video by recording a fun Tik-Tok video together. Best Friend’s Day is about being silly and making memories together so why not get groovy and have a few laughs along the way.

9. Plan a gift for your best friend

Buy and send a gift to someone you love. After all those long calls, outdoor nights, and crazy exes, your man deserves treat! We recommend a gift certificate to the spa.

10. Remember the good times

Remind good memories. Look at your old photos, read that tattered magazine, and show what you found to your best friend. Remembering what you went through together will surely remind you of how grateful you are for your relationship.

Facts About America’s Best Friends

Following are mentioned some facts about America’s Best Friends

1. Some have paws

It’s true, 19% of Americans surveyed say that their most loyal pals are their dogs, while 9% agree that their cats mean the most. Time to get rid of the kibble and catnip! These furry friends deserve extra love this holiday.

2. We meet them young

Most close friendships are formed in childhood. When asked, 70% of our respondents said they found their partners all their lives in elementary, middle, or high school.

3. They keep us healthy

Studies show that having a trusted friend in our lives can reduce stress and improve the immune system. Sharing our responsibilities with a stable friend seems to greatly improve our quality of life.

4. It is common to have more than one

As we go through life’s stages, it is quite common for us to take on more than one close bond. From children’s friends to college party partners, many Americans look to their best friend’s circle to extend one person’s past.

5. They stand the test of time

More relationships with friends who pass weddings, international travel, and even our parents. The magic of Plato’s love can withstand even the most difficult of challenges.

Why People Love the National Best Friends Day

They are the families we choose

Inevitably, the expectations and judgments of our relatives will wear us down. Fortunately, close friends are always there to lighten the mood. Since we have to choose who our best friends are, it often depends on our personality and interests. They understand us, they respect us and, above all, they know when to give us space.

They understand us

Naturally, our close friends have something in common with us. Whether they are roaming the same walks of life, working in the same field of work, or are passionate about the same hobby, great friends simply understand us better than anyone else.

They are Fun!

When it is time to let go, great friends are always looking for fun. They are the ones we go with, dance with, and relax with. Like human spa days, our best friends always know how to bring us zen.

Fun Things to do on Best Friends Day

There is no better way to start a week than National Best Friends Day! Did you know that you are a combination of 5 people around you often? We can bet that at least one of those people is your best friend. As today is a day to celebrate being on each other’s side, there is a list of fun things to do with Best Friends Day!

Make Friendship Bracelets

All dynamic duo needs an arm candy! We love these Confetti Bracelets from the best friends of the fall because they are so unique and you can put special messages inside. (Fun Idea: make each other’s bracelets with your favorite colors and swap!)

Have Some Fun in the Sun

No summer day should pass without having fun in the sun or without your bestie! We love packing a picnic and cycling on the beach. Make sure you pack SPF, your water bottle and towel!

Get Artistic and Paint Each Other’s Nails

It’s always fun to go to a salon to get some pampering, but sometimes we just love to make art! With so many beautiful nail designs, you can completely fill the afternoon to put your toes in the bathtub on the best foot and nail each other.

Go on an Adventure

We think ‘Best Friends Day’ is a good reason to look at a place you and your bestie have never been before! Take the drive to the next town and bite off food at a local restaurant or visit a nature reserve and hike in the mountains.

Frequently Asked Questions

Following are some frequently asked questions asked by people related to when is national best friend day.

1. Is August 2 National Friendship Day?

National Friendship Day was originally a marketing strategy for Hallmark Cards in the 1930s. Founder Joyce Hall chose this day as August 2 and decided it would be a day to celebrate the people closest to you and send them a card or two for that.

2. What day is National Internet Best Friend Day?

On Internet Friends Day ordinary friends will be honored on February 13, 2021. Many Internet friends greet each other on this day, especially on social media. The hashtags #InternetFriendsDay and #InternetFriendDay are used to mark such messages.

3. What is couple day?

The couple means two. But the phrase can be used as an expression sometimes meaning a few days, from 2 to 5 days. The speaker is not very accurate in how many days it will have, but it is sure to fall within the given range of days.

4. What do we celebrate on June 8th?

World Oceans Day is celebrated on the 8th of June every year to empower people of all ages to be their leaders and stop polluting marine, aquatic bodies.


Whether friends are near or far, old or young, great friends help guide us through our lives. On June 8, National Best Friends Day, it’s time to tell them how much we value their company. As the Mayo Clinic reports: “Friends help you to cope with grief, such as divorce, serious illness, loss of employment, or the death of a loved one. They also encourage you to change or avoid bad habits, such as overindulgence in alcohol or physical inactivity.” National Best Friend Day is a day to enjoy one moment and face with people who will never fail to catch us when we fall.

Life would not be the same without best friends. They are friends who can be counted as being there for a while. Those who love, laugh, support, and appreciate in both good and bad times.

Friendship is a lifelong commitment that brings many people together in wholesome ways. Celebrating best friends day is one way you can acknowledge your awesome side and show them how much you love them.

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