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Short and sweet Friendship Quotes

Friendship is a gift sent to us by GOD. In the worst of times, friends have our back like no one. They see the best in us, when we fail to do so and they believe in us, when we lack it. Let’s celebrate friendship today. Every day is a friend 's day.

What is Friendship in simple words?

Friendship is a feeling; it is a pure connection that you share with a fellow human being where you develop a sense of trust that cannot be broken. Friendship builds a companionship that totally accept your weird and crazy sides-

That very well know how to handle your personality disorders and mood swings. “Giggles”. Apart from the fear of being judged you glow like a thousand suns when around your friends.

Friendship allow you to follow your dreams without giving them a second thought. It develops a complete trust in your decision-making power. Let’s go through some short and sweet friendship quotes that defines friendship in simple words.

You should always be thankful, if you find amazing friendship within a person. One of the best ways to present your gratitude towards a friend is to “make them aware of how blessed you feel due to their presence in life” and for that you must send them some sweet short friendship quotes as little reminders.

To your question – what are some good quotes and where to find them? – we bring our favorite collection of Short Friendship quotes.

Short and sweet Friendship Quotes:


  • Friendship is sweet because it solves the most complicated puzzle – Life! It adds flavor to it.

  • “I love that you are my person and I am yours, that whatever door we come to, we will open it together.” – A.r.asher

  • “I’ll take care of you. Like you take care of me.” – Kristin Halbrook

  • “The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart.” – Helen Keller

  • “Why is it, that whenever anything happens, it’s always you three.” – Harry Potter

  • “Whenever I think of you, I send a prayer your way.” – S.A

  • “Never lose hope, Tomorrow could be the day you’ve been waiting for.” – Unknown

  • “It’s never too late for a new beginning in your life.” – Joyce Meyers

  • “Sweet is the memory of distant friends! Like the mellow rays of the departing sun, it falls tenderly, yet sadly on the heart.” – Washington Irving

  • “If you live to be 100, I hope I live to be 100 minus 1 day, so I never have to live without you.” – Winnie the Pooh

  • “If I had a flower for every time, I thought of you, I could walk in my garden forever.” – Alfred Lord Tennyson

Short and sweet Good Friendship Quotes:

What is a good friendship quote? – A Good Friendship quote is a sweet and deep statement that describe your feelings to a good friend. Good friends are not best friends but they still hold a special place in your life. Here are some good friendship quotes;

  • “what makes a Good friendship? Support makes a friendship good.” –S.A

  • “Good friend are like stars you don’t always see them but you know they’re always there.” – old sayings

  • “Time and good friends are two things that become more valuable the older you get.” – Unknown.

  • “Friendship Transfer a stranger into a relative.” – Ali ibn e abi talib

  • “A friend is the one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become and still gently allows you to grow.” – Williams Shakespeare

  • “Anyone can show up when you’re happy but the one who stays by your side when your heart falls apart, they are your true friends.” – Winnie the pooh.

  • “A true friend encourages us, comfort us, support us like a big easy chair, offering us a safe refuge from the world.” – H. Jackson Brwon, Jr.

  • “Anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you.” – Misty Copeland

  • “Friends are like your backbone; they are always there when you need support.”– unknown

  • “A friend is someone who accepts your past, supports your present and encourage your future.” –unknown

Short and sweet True Friends Quotes:

What is True Friends Quote? – Quote that define the essence of having a true friend; The changes they bring in your life or their features and qualities.

  • “My two best friends are from secondary school. I don’t have to explain anything to them. I don’t have to apologize for anything. They know.” – Emma Watson

  • “I don’t know what I have done so many times in my life if I hadn’t had my girlfriends.” – Reese Witherspoon

  • “In life we never lose friends, we only learn who the true ones are.” – Anonymous

  • “It’s the friends you can call up at 4 am. That matter.” – Marlene Dietrich

  • “Life can be uncertain, work can be unpredictable but by having good friends around you, support is guaranteed.” –Kishan S Chauhan

  • “Things are never quite as scary, when you’ve got a best friend.” –Bill Watterson

  • “A friend is someone who knows all about you and still love you.” – Elbert Hubbard

  • “Making a million friends is not a Miracle. The miracle is to make a friend who will stand by you when million are against you.” – Anonymous

Short and sweet Cute Friendship Quotes:

Cutest are the relationships, where little things bring little fights and then quick catch ups; Friendship is one such relationship. Where best friends fight and cry together; they share the sweetest bond.

  • “We may fight and we may cry, but out friendship will never die. I’ll care for you until the end, because you’re my best friend.”_ Anonymous

  • “When I count my blessings, I count you twice.” – Unknown

  • “As soon as I saw you, I knew an adventure is going to happen.” –Winnie the Pooh

  • “To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.” – Dr. Seuss

  • “I never let my best friend do stupid things alone.” – Anonymous

  • “Many people will walk in and out of your life but only true friends will leave footprints on your heart.” –Eleanor Roosevelt

  • “Some people are worth melting for.” – Olaf, Frozen

  • “I like you because you join in on my weirdness.” – Anonymous

  • “A good friend will come and bail you out of jail, but a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, “Man, that was fun!” –Untold

Short and sweet Birthday Wishes:

What should you write on WhatsApp status for a birthday wish, if it’s your friend’s birthday today? Do you want to write Instagram captions for your best friend birthday? If yes, choose those which gives glimpse of your heart.

  • “Birthdays come around every year, but friends like you only come once in a lifetime. I’m so glad you came into my life. Best wishes on your special day.”

  • “I may not always be there with you but you’ll always find me fighting for you, making ways for you, waiting for you and watching you fulfilling your dreams. Happy birthday Best friend.” - s.r.a

  • “I don’t know if not you, who’d have destined for me as a best friend in this lifetime, but I’m glad that I got to share and experience everything with you. You are special for me. Happy Birthday.”- s.r.a.

  • “Because of me please try to laugh a little ■■■■■■, cry a little less and smile a little more. Come one Smile. Happy birthday to my best friend from her best friend.” - s.r.a

  • “Another year and another challenge ahead of you. But you must remember to keep smiling and have a positive outlook on life, and everything is going to be fine.”

  • “It doesn’t matter where you’re, near or far, I’ll always be the first one to wish you HAPPY BIRTHDAY because you’re my best friend.”

  • “Please don’t be upset if I wish you late because I might be planning a big surprise for you.”

  • “Happy birthday to my bestie, my sister, my confidence, my soldier, you’re one but play a hundred more characters in my life. I am truy blessed to have you. Happy Birthday BFF.”

  • “If you think that I may compliment you today than you’re absolutely wrong, because when have I been giving them throughout the whole year?” - s.r.a

Short and sweet Friendship Messages:

How do you write a short message to a friend? What should you write in birthday cards and Friendship cards for a best friend? We bring you words that reflect your heart.

  • “We didn’t realize we were making memories we just knew we were having fun.”

  • “I am so grateful to share this friendship with you. You’re truly special for me.”

  • “When I am with you, I find comfort that I need. You’re truly my kind.”

  • “You were the one I didn’t choose but now that I’ve you and know you completely, I am forever grateful to God for sending me a gift from heaven made for heaven.” – s.r.a

  • “You and I are more than friends; we are like a really small gang.”

  • “Best friends make the good times better and the hard times easier.”

  • “Before I met you, I never knew what was like looking at someone and smile for no reason.”

  • “True friends aren’t the one who make your problems disappear but they are the one who won’t disappear when you’re facing problems.”

  • “When I often look at you, I start thinking how badly the world is missing to see a lunatic like you, but anyways I’ve got to experience that.”

  • “Have you ever been proud of being the way you’re?”

Short and sweet Funny Quotes:

There are some short funny friendship quotes. Do you need some to send to your best friend? There are cool quotes. Keep on reading.

  • “I want to be the reason you look down at your phone and smile- than walk into a pole.” –Anonymous

  • “Dear Bestfriend, if you feel sad then, call me. I’ll sing for you then you can decide, what’s worse.”

  • “Finding friends with the same mental disorder is Priceless!”

  • “We are best friends, if you fall, I’ll pick you up- after I stop laughing.” –Anonymous

  • “I’ll text you 50 times and still feel no shame. You’re my best friend, you’re literally signed up for that.”

  • “I miss you like an idiot miss the point.”

  • “I’d walk through fire for my best friend. WELL NOT FIRE, that would be a little dangerous. BUT A SUPER HUMID ROOM, but not too humid because you know. My hair!” –Anonymous

  • “Best friends know how crazy you’re and still chose to go in public with you.”

  • “Friends buy you food, best friends eat your food, so keep a super chicken burger in tomorrow’s lunch. Thanks - your best friend.” – s.r.a

  • “If you’ve some shame left in you, then you must give me your birthday treat tomorrow.” – s.r.a

  • “I never knew that i had the capacity to handle another abnormal being. The first is me.” -s.r.a

  • “Just remember if we get caught, you are deaf and I don’t speak English.”

  • “People think you’re crazy. They should see you with me.”

  • “They say if you ever find a weirdo then never let them go so basically that is why you’re here.” – s.r.a

  • “I think we ‘ll be friends forever because we’re too lazy to find new friends.”

  • “You don’t have to be crazy to be my best friend – I’ll train you.

  • “It’s hard to find a friend, who is genuine, kind, excellent, genius and smart; ok, so don’t lose me.”

  • “Admit it, Life would be so boring without me.”

  • “We’ll be old ladies, causing trouble in the nursing homes.”

  • “That’s a horrible idea! …What time?” –Unknown

Short and sweet Friendship Quotes for Girls:

Girls friendship is based on unconditional support. we often express our feelings to our girls bff’s daily without waiting for any specific event, but if you’ve had trouble writing something that you want to but cannot put in words then here our site is to help you find short and sweet friendship quotes that you can send in their whatsapp inbox or write in a card. so what are some deep quotes? keep on reading further.

  • “Be with people who feel like a thousand sunshine.”

  • “Here’s to the nights that turned into mornings and friends that turned into family.”

  • “Good friends help you find what you’ve lost like: your smile, your laugh and your courage.” –Unknown

  • “Sometimes you meet a person and you just click – you’re comfortable with them like you’ve known them your whole life and you don’t have to pretend like anyone or anything.”

  • “It’s so exciting when you find parts of you in someone else as I’ve found my parts of courage, strength and madness in you.”

  • “A best friend is the one who can tell what you’re thinking just by taking one quick glance at your face.” –Anonymous

  • “Closest friends are truly life’s greatest treasure. Sometimes they know us better than we know ourselves. With gentleness and honesty – they’re there to guide us and support us. To share our laughter and our tears. Their presence reminds us that we’re never really alone.” –Vincent van

  • “Friends are angles who lift us to our feet, when we realize we’ve trouble in flying.” –Anonymous

  • “There are some people in the world, who make it a better place just by being in it, and you are one of those people, My Best friend.”

  • “Believe in the goodness of your character. The world needs more positive souls like you. Keep on inspiring us all. Your best friend.” –s.r.a

  • “Friendship is not one big thing, it’s a million little things.”

  • “A friend is someone, who gives you a total freedom to be yourself.”

  • “I like you because you join in my weirdness.”

  • “True friends say good things behind your back and bad things on your face.”

  • “No one will be ever entertained by us than us.”

  • “We’ll always be friends because you match my level of craziness.”

  • “Friendship is the comfort of knowing that even if you feel alone. You aren’t.”

Short and sweet Friendship Quotes for Boys:

Guys friendship is unique. boys are not often expressive about their feelings but they need to tell their friends about the importance of friends and if you’ve been thinking that “what should i caption a photo with a friend?” or “what should you say to a boy best friend?” then unfortunately, internet is filled with bff quotes that relate with girls alone. but here, in this article, i’ve some captions and quotes that you can either send to your guy bff as a message, or make an instagram caption with it.

  • “One of my favorite feeling is laughing with someone and realizing, half way through that how much you enjoy them and their existence.” – Anonymous

  • “Friendship is not about whom have you known from the longest but who’ve come in your life and never left your side.”

  • “Happiness is meeting old friends after a long time and realizing that nothing has changed.”

  • “We boys are not friends, or best friends, or boys friends; we are brothers.” – Jahid Khan

  • “Your best friend is the one, who’ll tell you the truth that you don’t want to hear.”

  • “You’re my biological brother. Thank you for speaking to me on the first day of our school.”

  • “Friends are like tires of a car, your dream ride on the back of your friends. A wrong size tire
    can make the car wobble, a flat tire can leave you in stranded and could result in a fatal accident.”

  • “A strong friendship is not always a balanced equation. Friendship is not about giving and taking in equal shares. Instead, friendship is grounded in a feeling that you know exactly who’ll be there for you, when you need something. No matter what and when.” –Simon Sinek

  • “If you’ve two friends in your lifetime then you’re lucky, but if you’ve only one good friend then you’re more than lucky.” –Anonymous

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Short friendship quotes:

Friendship has always been a very different and unique relation than others. The relation friendship is actually difficult to explain. You cannot properly and complete explain it in words. More interesting thing is that this unique relation means different for everyone. Every person gives it a different meaning explains it in a way that is different from others. Everyone sees friendship from a different angle and so they give different meaning to it. For some people friends are like their family, for some they are the most special persons in their life, for some they are the joy of their life the reason of their happiness and smile, even some people can’t imagine a day without their friends.
Everyone has friends everyone has on some point experience it in their life but not everyone has experienced a true friendship that’s why you will also find many people conveying their negative views about friendship. That’s actually what they have experienced or what they have seen. That’s why you will find people saying that friendship gives you hard time in the end. The problem is that these days many people do not even know the true meaning of friend.

Meaning of a true friend:

Since many people are not aware of what friend a true friend means so they consider anyone their friend. Anyone who talks well with them behaves well whom they enjoy with who has same interests as them. Anyone with these qualities is not a true friend actually. A true friend is one who understands you, who wants good for you, who always encourages you to be better, who always helps you, the one who does not look at your appearance but looks at your heart, the one who never wants anything bad for you, the one who always stands with you, the one who never puts you in any danger, the one who is sincere to you. That’s called a true friend.

17 Short friendship quotes:

Quotations are liked by many people because they are small sentences that give deep meanings. So we have collected some unique and different friendship quotes for you to read and enjoy.

1 “Friends make good days great.”

2 “Any journey with a true friend becomes incredible, even the journey of life.”

3 “True friends can never be apart, their friendship grows in their hearts.”

4 “Feel blessed if you have the rare and precious treasure of true and good friendship.”

That is something that people do not realize. True friendship is a great blessing if you have true and sincere friends then you are very lucky. Many people try to find this rate treasure that you are given. So if you are a lucky person to have that feel blessed and be grateful for it do not take it for granted because many people do not get the chance to experience this true friendship in their entire life.

5 “A real friend protects you in front of people and corrects in solitary”

You can say that this quote is telling you a trait of a sincere friend that true friend never tells you your mistake in public he never insults you he always cover your mistakes in front of other but he tells you your mistake, tells you that you were wrong with a intention of making you a better person. He do not hesitate to tell you your bad habits, your weak points because he wants you to grow, he wants you to be a good and better person.

6 “ Distance only makes the true friendship stronger.”

7 “True friend is a person who asks you “ how are you?” even though he knew the answer.”

8 “Good friendship makes you a better version of yourself.”

9 “Every friendship is weird in it’s own way.”

That is also another amazing fact about friendship. Everyone group of friends laugh at those things that others do not understand. No one else finds it funny except the friends. You might have experienced it with your friends. This is the joy and beauty of this relationship that makes it different from others.

10 “Friendship is not only about having everything in common but it is about understanding and adopting.”

It is indeed a fact. You adopt from your friends you adopt their habits, their traits and qualities, you adopt a lot from them. That’s why it is important to choose friends wisely. U should choose good friends if you want to be a good person because the people that surrounds you certainly affects you and your character. If you surround yourself with negative people you will feel that negativity in you. If you surround yourself with positive people they will help you in your hard times they will help you see the positivity in that situation. That’s why people say that “A man is known by the company he keeps”.

11 “A loyal and good friend is a great blessing of God that people don’t appreciate much.”

12 “Your friends shape you and impact you so choose them wisely.”

13 “True friends may not be always physically with you but they are with you in your heart, mind and thoughts.”

14 “Friendship gives us beautiful memories to spend our lonely time with.”

15 “Friendship is a unique and amazing relationship with weird fun and stupidity.”

16 “Good friends are like flowers in a barren, deserted place.

17 “Memories made with friends often bring a smile on the face.”

Impact of friends on life:

As already discussed that friends and your gathering affects you. You should be careful in selecting people as your friends. Your future can be told by seeing your company, by seeing your friends. Yes it is a fact. I f you think that you know what is good and what is bad and you can take care of yourself and think that your bad company will not affect you then you are wrong. Sooner or later it will leave an effect on you. There are many stories in which people destroyed their life just because of their company just because of the habits that they adopted from their friends.


In conclusion we can say that friendship is an indescribable relationship because every person has a different view about it. Every person sees this fun relationship from different aspects. True friends are a gift, a blessing that should be appreciated and should not be taken for granted because many people are struggling to find this beautiful treasure. Many people are praying for it.

Friendship quotes are lovely words like beads of a precious necklace that touch the deep feelings of your hearts regarding friendship. To find a true friend looks like a gift that keeps on giving generously, even if they are thousands of miles far away. During the course of hectic classes, shaping out one’s career, and sorrowful losses or deprivation, your best friends have been there to help you out. And obviously, when you got those smashes you should not have tried in the first place, they calm you.

Why friendship matters

They have been there for you during the good times as well as the hard times, and during everything in between. They raised your spirits when you were feeling down and picked you up even higher when you were on top of the world. They were the first person to like and comment on your Instagram captions or send you a birthday wish for best friends and these best friend quotes will tell you again just how special your attachment truly is. Whether you have known your best friend for years your link is rather new, these friendship quotes will reverberate with both of you. Possibly you are lucky enough to see your best friend every day, or maybe you do not see them almost as frequently as you would like in this season of social distancing but not any of this matters when it comes to a true friend. We sometimes forget to tell people specially those who are closest to us, just how vital they really mean to our lives. As you scroll through these quotes, think about sending one few of them to your best friend. He or she will feel so cherished to know how much you value your friendship. The kind gesture will bring in minds of both of you very soon that why you are best friends forever!

Some beautiful friendship quotes

  1. Silence of a true friend hurts more than rough words of an enemy.
  2. Best friends share your joys, but they always try to remove your pain!
  3. My dear Best Friend, thanks to you for standing by my side when times get harsh, thanks to you for to make me laugh when I didn’t even want to smile.
  4. False friends are similar to shadows; they chase you in the sun but disappear in the dark.
  5. Best friends are the people who make your problems their problems, only for that you don’t have to suffer them alone.
  6. True friendship is not about being always together, it is being separated and not anything changes.
  7. Sometimes we are in need of someone to be near. Not just to fix something, but just agree us to feel that we are bothered and supported.
  8. Best friends turn the good times even better and the hard times easier.
  9. Friendship is similar to stand on soaked cement. The longer you settle, the ■■■■■■ it is to leave, and you can never go without leaving your footprints behind you.
  10. Never love a friend who ‘hurts’ you, and never hurt a friend who loves you!! Sacrifice your everything for a friend, but never sacrifice a friend for something.
  11. Cling to your best friend. Because I promise that in your whole life, you will not find anyone else like him/ her.
  12. It is miserable when people you know turn into people you knew.
  13. Friendship is for understanding, not for agreement. It is for forgiveness, not forgetting. It means the memories persist, even if contact is vanished.
  14. Friendship is a one heart living in two bodies.
  15. A broken down friendship may mean to you as a comma or a full stop you decide.
  16. False friends are only there when they want something from you.
  17. It is hard to get going on after a broken heart but it is even hard to move ahead after a broken friendship.
  18. Friends are like medicine for an injured heart; moreover they are like vitamins for a hopeful heart.
  19. You are the strongest person in the world if friendship is your weakest point.
  20. Friends are the persons in your life that make you to laugh a bit louder, smile a bit brighter and live a bit healthier.
  21. Nevertheless miles could lie between us, we are never seperated, given that friendship does not count the miles, it is measured with the heart.
  22. Sadness is…Unable to meet your best friend for a long time.
  23. You are my pivot, my safe anchorage in a storm. When you are there…not anything else truly matters!!
  24. Friendship is not a big thing; it is a million tiny things.
  25. The awful moment when your heart crashes is the one when you recognize the friendship has made fun of itself out.
  26. The richest man is the one who owns the strongest FRIENDS.
  27. We are not so near any longer, but I will be there whenever you need me.
  28. No man can suffer with failure that has good friends.
  29. Sometimes to be with your best friend is the entire therapy you must have.
  30. Only those who feel about you can listen to you when you are silent.
  31. Good friends resemble stars. You do not see them all the time, but you believe they are always there.
  32. True friendship is a medicine for life.
  33. Life without friends will be pointless just like a broken pencil…
  34. I do not feel alone as long as I have my friends. Regardless of where they belong to.
  35. Friendship lifts you up when the people let you down.
  36. Friendship is a candle that gives light to your heart every time it is dark out there.
  37. Everyone can make you smile or cry, but it is someone special who makes you smile when you already have tears in your eyes.
  38. A best friend is a person who understands you a little more than you understand yourself.
  39. Those who were once best friends are now strangers with memories.
  40. Your false friends can cause you to lose your real friends. Therefore you cannot have the real ones when the false ones dump you.
  41. Making new friends not necessarily mean losing old ones.
  42. I have met several “best friends” in the course of years. The only problem with those friendships was, they didn’t endure.
  43. In good times our friends are many; but if time falls short, we will not have friends any more.
  44. Real friends are forever going to be thereof you, even if sometimes you say them to go away.
  45. FRIENDSHIP resembles a paper that once crumpled can’t be just right again.
  46. People may change and friends become strangers in your life, but the memories will never change.
  47. Sometimes in friendship you have to accept the truth that things will never revert back to how they were once…!!
  48. My best friend is the only single person in this world who never gets bored to listen in my own stupid dramas again and again.
  49. Friendship is as fragile as a glass, once broken it can be set back again but there will always be cracks.
  50. Distance is only a test to witness how far away our FRIENDSHIP can travel.
  51. Life happens to easier, when a woman becomes her own best friend.
  52. Best friends recognize you better than you recognize yourself, and never stop to understand you.
  53. True friends are never separated, possibly in distance but by no means in heart.
  54. There are no farewells for us. Anywhere you go, you will be always in my heart.
  55. There is not any distance too far away between friends, since friendship grants wings to the heart.

These beautiful, lovely and sweet quotes will bring a smile to your face, as you think of your best friends and your times in their company.

  • Friendship is born the moment when a person says to the other: ‘what did you say?! You too? I felt I was the only one.”
  • Things are never somewhat as awful when you have found a best friend.
  • True friends resembles the diamond, brilliant, beautiful, precious, and always in fashion.
  • A friend is the person who comes in when the entire world has departed.
  • Always keep this in mind that the most precious antiques are beloved old friends.
  • In your present lifetime, if there is anything you need, is a best friend.
  • A friend can be supposed as the magnum opus of nature.
  • What a friend is? A single soul living in two bodies.
  • The best thing regarding new friends is that they supply new energy to your soul.
  • The truthful friends of this world are like ship lights in the stormy nights.
  • Neither love, nor friendship can follow the path of our fortune without leaving behind a few marks on it everlastingly.
  • Deeds and not the words are the correct measure of the affection of friends.
  • No path is long having a good company.
  • A friend is a reward you grant to yourself.
  • Every gift from your friend is a desire for your happiness.
  • Nevertheless time and miles may take us apart; I have constructed a bridge of beautiful memories to cross the distance.
  • No possession is more precious than a good and trustworthy friend.
  • Friends are individuals who understand you really well and like you at any rate.
  • Friends do not allow friends do stupid stuff… Alone.


To sum the whole thing up, getting through this life is a journey that will constantly be made easier, joyful, and pleasant having your best friends around.

Friendship is a bond of mutual affection between two or more persons.
It is a next-level interpersonal bond than a simple association as it goes beyond just sharing your memories, your time.
It concludes every emotional thing we need in our lives. It concludes loyalty, affection, love, respect, and trust.
A recent study has concluded that friendship promotes brain health.
We need friends to help us make better life decisions, handle stress, keep us strong, and solve every kind of problem in our lives.
It is also important to our brain health as spending time with our friends make our brain to feel good and stay motivated.
It is also concluded that friendship lowers the chances of cardiovascular diseases.
There are bad as well as true friends. There are some fake or hypocrite friends that exist but good and true friends also exist. There are some qualities of a good or loyal friend listed below:
• They never judge you.
• They are always honest even at your back.
• You need not talk for telling your problems. True friends know your problems before you tell them.
• They tell your bad thing in private. They never insult you and try to hurt you, so they keep such conversations private.
• Your brain refreshes after meeting them. And you take positive vibes from them.
“The only way to have a friend is to be one.” (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
“The holy passion of friendship is of so sweet and steady and loyal and enduring a nature that it will last through a whole lifetime, if not asked to lend money.”
(Ralph Waldo Emerson)
“Laughter is not at all a bad beginning for a friendship, and it is for the best ending for one.” (Oscar Wilde)
“What is thine is mine, and all mine is thine.”
“A man knows his companion on a long journey and a little inn.”
(Thomas Fuller)
“Friends are thieves of time.”
(Francis Bacon)
“Friendship is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.”
(Titus Maccius Plautus)
“Friendship is almost always the union of a part of one mind with the part of another; people are friends in spots.”
(George Santayana)
“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”
(John ) - Bible
“A man cannot be said to succeed in this life who does not satisfy one friend.”
(Henry David Thoreau)
“Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend.”
(Jr. Martin Luther King)
“One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood.”
(Lucius Annaeus Seneca)
“My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me.”
(Henry Ford)
“There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship.”
(Thomas Aquinas)
“Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.”
(Helen Keller)
“A friend is one who has the same enemies as you have.”
(Abraham Lincoln)
“Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, never an opportunity.”
(Khalil Gibran)
“Let there be no purpose in friendship save the deepening of the spirit.”
(Khalil Gibran)
“Be careful the environment you choose for it will shape you; be careful the friends you choose for you will become like them.”
(W. Clement Stone)
“Friendship that insists upon agreement on all things isn’t worth the name.”
(Mahatma Gandhi)
“I believe that GOD above, created u for me to love, He picked u out from all the rest because He knows I Love u the best.”
“Friends don’t let friends do silly things alone.”
“No friendship is an accident.”
“I don’t know what I did to deserve a best friend like you.”
“You are my best friend because I wouldn’t dare be this weird with anyone else.”
“When I say I won’t tell anyone, my best friend doesn’t count.”
“Only trust someone who can see these three things: the sorrow behind your smile, the love behind your anger, and the reason behind your silence.”
“Fake friends believe in rumors real friends believe in you.”
“A friend is someone who can see the truth and pain in you, even when you’re fooling everyone else.”
“Real friends don’t tell you pretty lies. They tell you the ugly truth.”
“Nothing makes the earth seem so spacious as to have friends at a distance; they make the latitudes and longitudes.”
“The most memorable people in life will be the friends who loved you when you weren’t very lovable.”
“Strangers think I’m quiet, my friends think I’m outgoing, but my best friends know that I’m completely insane.”
“Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one.”
“To all my friends who listen when I’m mad, lift me up when I’m sad, and laugh with me whenever possible, thank you for being so wonderful.”
“Diamonds are precious but you are my gold that holds the diamond perfectly.”
“Friends are like pieces of heaven that have fallen to Earth.”
“A true friend cares like a mom, scolds like a dad, teases like a sister, irritates like a brother, and loves more than a lover.”
“Behind every successful person is a best friend giving him/her crazy ideas.”
“Friends pick us up when we fall down, and if they can’t pick us up they lie down and listen for a while.”
“Real friends get respected, treated, and loved like family.”
“Best friend: one million memories, ten thousand inside jokes, one hundred shared secrets.”
“True friends are like stars - they shine best when your world is in darkness.”
“True friendship is just like a universe, it has no end.”
“True friends will stand by your decisions and not make you feel guilty for it no matter what your decision is. Remember that next you have to make a hard choice.”
“Life is really mysterious. You really can’t tell who your real friends are unless something adventurous happens.”
“Friends are angels following you through life.”
“Friends are the most important thing in the world when everything else is lost.”
“Best friends know how crazy you are and still choose to be seen with you in public.”
“You’re not best friends if you didn’t hate each other when you first met.”
“Good friends will share the umbrella. Best friends will steal it and yell, run loser run”
“Love is blind. Friendship tries not to notice.”
“Friends pick us up when we fall down and if they can’t, they lie down with us and listen for a while.”
“True friends don’t judge each other. They judge other people together.”
“Friends never ask for food. Best friends are the reason you have no food.”
“Never let your friends feel lonely, disturb them all the time.”
“Side by side or miles apart, real friends are always close to the heart.”
“Friends don’t leave their friends for other people.”
“I love my phone because all my friends live inside it.”
Good Times + Crazy Friends = Great Memories!
“Life was meant for best friends and good adventures.”
“Happiness is a selfie with friends.”
“Our craziness made us best friends.”
“Nothing compares to the stomach ache you get from laughing with your best friends.”
“Friends are the chocolate chips in the cookie of life.”
“If you have crazy friends, you have everything.”
“Our friendship is like a cup of tea a special blend of you and me.”
“Happiness is having friends who are idiots”
“Don’t give up on friendship, it is one of God’s greatest gifts to us.”
“Happiness is having weird and wonderful friends.”
“Friendship is being equally annoying.”
Having true friends is the greatest blessing of God. Give your precious time and be loyal to them. Express your love for them.

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