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How Often Do You Take a Cat to the Vet


How often do you take a cat to the vet? You should take your cat to the vet at least twice a year or every six months for a checkup. Dental cleanings, medical examinations, and immunizations are among the most common services provided at checkups.

How Often Should You Take a Cat to a Vet?

As a responsible pet owner, you understand that you have complete responsibility for your cat’s health and well-being. You’ve researched the greatest cuisines, methodically planned out and picked the best litter and litter box, and stocked your home with as many interactive toys and cat trees as your budget allows.

To keep your cat healthy and happy, the next step is to partner with a reputable veterinarian to monitor and care for their health on a consistent basis, not only during times of crisis.

The frequency with which you take your cat to the veterinarian will vary according to its age and lifestyle, but we’ve provided some general guidelines below to assist you in determining how often to take your cat to the veterinarian.

Vet Visits for Kitten

Kitten Veterinarian Consultations, As a result, you and your veterinarian may begin a long-term connection by monitoring your kitten’s health from an early stage in his life.

Wheeler recommends that kittens be vaccinated between the ages of 6 and 8 weeks, depending on their lifestyle, family history, and the prevalence of prevalent illnesses in your area. Vaccines for rhinotracheitis, calicivirus, and leukopenia will be given in this initial round.

Every three or four weeks until the kitten is around four months old, your kitten will receive a second round of these immunizations.

Wheeler explains that rabies shots begin around the three-month mark, with boosters at the one-year mark and then every three years after that (or whatever the manufacturer recommends).

First-time vet visits will include a physical checkup as well as a conversation about flea and tick prevention. You may also use this opportunity to discuss any concerns you have about your pet’s behaviour or training with your veterinarian.

Cats are ready to be spayed or neutered approximately six months after they’ve been born.

How Often Should I Take My kitten to the Vet?

When should a kitten be examined by a veterinarian? Adult cats need fewer veterinarian visits than small kittens, mostly because they require more vaccinations.

The first round of immunizations is given six to eight weeks apart from the second, which is given three to four weeks following the first. Three months later, the second round of immunizations is administered, followed by another six months later.

At six months of age, your cat is old enough to be spayed or neutered, and you may also microchip your pet at this time.

As a result, you will visit your kitten at the veterinarian often throughout the first year of his or her existence.

Vet Visits for Adult Cats

You’ll need to keep up with vaccinations for your cat as it transitions from kittenhood to adulthood (1 year old and onward, Wheeler says).

Your veterinarian will want to know if your cat is an indoor-only cat or if he occasionally goes outside. Outdoor or indoor-outdoor cats are more vulnerable to parasites, predators, and even becoming lost and having a hard time finding their way back to the farm if you’re an indoor-outdoor cat.

Feline leukaemia, which passes from cat to cat (but does not infect people or other pets), is another concern for cats who wander outside. As a kitten, your cat will receive this vaccination, and it will be given to your cat on a regular basis throughout its life.

In addition to doing routine physical exams and offering recommendations on preventive care, your cat’s veterinarian will be able to examine his or her teeth during routine checkups.

Wheeler says he “can’t say enough good things about dental treatment.” If you want to keep your cat from having difficulty eating or being in discomfort, you should have regular dental cleanings performed.

Rabies vaccines, for example, will be available for the foreseeable future. Wheeler predicts that your veterinarian will suggest them every one to three years.

How Often Should I Take My Adult Cat to a Vet?

Adult cats (that are aged one to seven) need fewer visits from their owners than kittens do. Even healthy cats, as a general rule, should see the veterinarian at least once a year.

Alternatively, if you see your cat acting abnormally, you may always seek the advice of a veterinarian online. Petcube Online Vet is a 24-hour service that connects pet owners with veterinarians at any hour of the day or night.

Regular visits to your cat’s veterinarian may aid in detecting any underlying health problems, as well as those indications that seem normal to the untrained eye but may indicate something more severe.

Annual wellness checks are critical to detect any problems early, obtain required immunisation boosters, and discuss any concerns you may have with the veterinarian. Annual examinations of your cat’s teeth and gums might help maintain them healthy.

If your cat is an outdoor cat, there are extra considerations, such as an increased parasite risk. Indoor cats, particularly those that have been spayed or neutered, are more prone to obesity and weight gain, and as a result, routine veterinarian visits are still required.

Taking your cat to the doctor on a regular basis might help build a routine for them and ultimately make the encounter less traumatic. There are several ways to alleviate your cat’s dread of the veterinarian.

Vet Visits for Senior Cats

You should expect to begin seeing the vet more frequently when your cat reaches the “senior” part of its lifespan of 8–10 years old.

The longer your cat ages, the more vital it becomes to notify your veterinarian of any behavioural changes you see. Wheeler notes that if a cat is consuming more water than normal, it might be an indication of more serious health issues like renal disease or diabetes.

The more often you take your cat to the vet, the less stressful these trips will be for both of you. Wheeler believes having a reputable veterinarian you feel comfortable with might be beneficial. They’ll be familiar with your cat and be able to identify if anything is wrong.

If your cat is suffering from additional health conditions, a vaccine-only clinic or a low-cost spay and neuter facility may not be able to detect them. The best approach to ensure that your cat’s health is properly monitored is to have frequent contact with your veterinarian.

How Often Should I Take My Senior Cat to the Vet?

At the age of seven, your cat enters its senior phase, during which you should bring it to the veterinarian a bit more often. A checkup every six months, rather than once a year, is the optimal frequency.

To preserve your cat’s health and well-being as they age, cats may need further medical care. Now is the ideal time to concentrate on your cat’s health and be vigilant for any changes that may cause you concern.

While this is a good habit to develop at any age, it becomes crucial as your cat ages. If you see anything out of the ordinary that makes you anxious, do not hesitate to contact your veterinarian immediately.

This may be a less traumatic experience for you and your cat if you’ve been taking him or her to the veterinarian on a regular basis throughout his or her early years.

In Short
The regularity with which you take your cat to the vet will depend on its age and lifestyle. We’ve provided some general guidelines below to help you decide how frequently to take your cats to the vet.

Should I Take My Cat to the Vet?

Is it important to take my cat to the vet if I see something unusual? Yes, this is a legitimate question. Make an appointment with a veterinarian if your cat exhibits any unusual behaviour.

There are a few things to keep an eye out for if you see any of the following:

  • Coughing, sneezing, and running nose.

  • Diet, hydration, and excretion modifications.

Among the most prevalent are changes in physical activity, grooming, and sleeping habits.

  • Nausea or weight loss.

  • A lot of wailing or licking.

  • Evasion or hiding of litter-boxes.

  • Temperature-related shivering or other hypothermic symptoms.

  • It’s conceivable that your cat is dealing with an underlying health issue or is stressed out.

Is Your Cat Overdue?

In general, you should take your cat to the vet for a checkup at least once a year. Of course, a one-time visit for a persistent cold or limp is not covered.

These things happen, and your best option is to keep your yearly or biannual appointment while also reacting quickly to any medical emergency.

When to Take a Cat to the Vet Immediately

The more often your cat sees the vet for health checkups, the more probable it is that any abnormalities will be detected early on. Consultation with a skilled online veterinarian is one of the best methods to ensure your pet receives stress-free preventive care.

If you see any of these symptoms in your cat, take action immediately once. The following are red flags that need an urgent visit to the veterinarian:

  • As a consequence, consumption habits may shift.

  • Lethargy is characterized by a stumbling or awkward method of movement.

  • Changes in urine

  • avoiding interpersonal contact

Why it is Necessary to Take Your Cat to the Vet?

The need of routine veterinary care for your cat cannot be emphasised. Physical exams are part of every vet visit, and they help your doctor detect concerns such as skin illnesses, dental disease, and even tumours in or on your pet.

If your pet has a flea or ear mite infestation that needs to be treated, your veterinarian may be able to assist you.

Even if your cat is solely an inside pet, you must keep up with their immunizations and health tests on an annual basis (which includes a physical exam, blood work and a faecal test).

Preventative diagnostics like this one help your veterinarian spot any abnormalities as soon as possible, enabling them to start treatment as soon as feasible.

With frequent vaccinations, your cat will be protected and immunised against potentially fatal infections such as rabies. Monthly flea, tick, heartworm, and other parasite preventives should also be used.

Changes in Lifestyle of Cats

Cat owners who are changing their cat’s routine should contact with their veterinarian. This is a very important step to take if your indoor cat will soon have access to the outdoors! Your cat may need further vaccines if you don’t keep him or her inside at all times.

Having a pre-move checkup for your cat will help you distinguish between unusual behaviour that may be linked to the move and indicators of illness. Don’t hesitate to approach your veterinarian if you have any questions regarding your cat’s major changes.

Be sure to create a long-term relationship with your veterinarian. Having a veterinarian who is acquainted with your cat may help you develop an examination schedule that is tailored to your pet’s unique needs.

To Summarize
Every vet appointment includes a physical exam, which assists your doctor in detecting issues such as skin infections, dental problems, and even tumours in or on your pet. If you don’t keep your cat indoors at all times, he or she may need further vaccinations.

Common Reasons Why Cats Need to Visit the Vet

After we’ve discussed how often cats should see the vet, here are a few common reasons for them to do so.

Examinations by Medical Professionals

Vaccine boosters, physical exams, flea/tick treatments, and other services are all included in your cat’s annual checkup at the vet’s office. It’s entirely OK to take your cat to the vet more than once a year if you notice any strange behaviour or symptoms that hint to a health problem.

Issues with the Litter Box

Apart from routine health exams, one of the most common reasons for taking your cat to the vet is litter box troubles. If you detect any of the following symptoms, take your cat to the veterinarian straight away: urinating outside the litter box, frequent trips to the litter box without using it, or constipation.

The WiFi-enabled, self-cleaning litter box may allow you to monitor your cat’s behaviour. Litter-Robot 3 is now operational! Using the app, you can check how often your cat uses the litter box and compare it to recent use data.

Irregular Bowel Motions

Cat vomiting is not a regular occurrence among pet owners. If your cat vomits more than 1-2 times a month, see your veterinarian to rule out a medical problem. Similarly, if moving your cat to a new kind of cat food does not relieve their diarrhoea, it’s time to see a veterinarian.

Weight Loss or Food Abstinence

A pound or two here and there will not make a significant impact on your life. Cats who lose a pound should be brought to the veterinarian. There might be a number of causes for your cat’s weight loss, some of which are easily corrected.

Others, though, are less enthusiastic. Visit your veterinarian as soon as possible since the sooner you are detected, the sooner you may start treatment! Make an appointment with your veterinarian soon away if you notice your cat hasn’t fed in a few days.

The reason for this is that cats can only go for a few days without food before their livers begin to degrade. This is known as hepatic lipidosis, and if left untreated, it may be deadly.


Obesity is a common concern in household cats, but it is preventable. Look for indicators of obesity in your cats, such as ribs that can be plainly felt with your fingertips, an obviously detectable waistline from above, or a stomach tuck seen from the side.

Obesity is related to so many health conditions, such as diabetes, and musculoskeletal ailments, that it is difficult to know where to begin. Consult your veterinarian for advice on how to get your cat back on track to a healthy weight.

Excessive Urination

Schedule an appointment with your veterinarian as soon as you see your cat spending a lot of time at the water bowl, appears thirsty, or urinating in huge clumps in the litter box. These symptoms might indicate renal disease, hyperthyroidism, and other conditions.

Physical Activity or Mobility Reductions

As previously stated, osteoarthritis is a prevalent disease in senior cats. It’s probable that your non-senior cat is also affected by this issue. Changes in mobility, gait, leaping time, stiffness, and activity level should be observed. If you see any of these signs in your cat, please contact your veterinarian.

Problems with Personal Behaviour

Seeing your doctor isn’t usually for physical problems. Consult your veterinarian if your cat has been more aggressive, afraid, or has been acting strangely in any way. This might be due to a new family member (four-legged or two-legged), a medical condition, or other factors.

Why Does My Cat Not Like the Vet?

Veterinary visits are distressing for the majority of cats. Can you really blame them for the car ride, strange dogs and cats, and the veterinarian’s prods and prods?

Dr. Justine Lee, a veterinarian, provides some tips for cat owners on how to best prepare their kitties for a trip to the vet:

Allow the carrier to be out for a few days or a week before the appointment to allow them to become accustomed to it. Place some catnip and treats in the carrier once a day to encourage your cat to enter on its own.

Drugs are an excellent approach for them to relieve their stress! Dr. Lee advises a variety of products to help soothe your cat, including Feliway and gabapentin, a safe medicine.

Why Do Indoor Cats Need to Go to the Vet?

Regular veterinary visits are critical for indoor cats since they are susceptible to a wide range of diseases and ailments that aren’t caused by exposure to the elements. These include, but are not limited to, weight problems, hormonal imbalances, genetic abnormalities, cancers, and more.

Furthermore, even if they never leave the home, indoor cats may be impacted by the outside world, especially if they are exposed to any other pets that go outdoors, such as your dog; someone else’s pet that visits; the rare stray who wanders into the backyard; or a foster pet.

You may not even be aware that rodents are living in your home. Your family members may also bring outside risks into your home.

Pets, of all, are unable to communicate with us verbally, and cats in particular are masters at masking their suffering. To avoid falling prey to predators and rivals, they have a built-in urge to cover up any evidence of weakness.

But since they are so excellent at concealing their issues, they are likely to display signs only after the problem has already progressed.

When it comes to health concerns, prevention is typically simpler, less costly, and more successful than treatment, which is why yearly vet appointments are so important.

How Much Does a Vet Visit Cost?

Adopting a pet is an exciting time, and it’s easy to forget about the future expenditures of veterinary care. However, while planning your budget for your pet’s care over the next several years, don’t forget to account for vet bills.

You’ll also need to take your pet to the vet at least once a year for a checkup and vaccinations. If your pet is injured or becomes ill, you may have to pay for extra emergency services, which may put a further burden on your finances.

To go to the veterinarian, however, costs money. “It depends” is the only response that can be given. Some operations and treatments may cost hundreds of dollars, whereas most routine veterinary care cost less than $100.

Pet rescue and fostering for a Brooklyn-based nonprofit organisation has given me firsthand experience with a wide range of vet fees, from the modest “mom and pop” clinics to the extravagant ones that use the latest in diagnostics and surgery.

The Basic Cost of a Vet Visit

There has been an increase in the cost of veterinary services since 2000 according to the American Veterinary Medical Association. Veterinarian services outpaced the Consumer Price Index by more than a quarter of a point in 2016.

For one thing, pet owners are treating their animals differently, which has led to an increase in the need for veterinary treatment. In recent research, 95% of pet owners said that their dogs were part of the family.

There is a growing willingness among pet owners to spend more money on their animals and to take them to the veterinarian on a more frequent basis.

According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, the cost of veterinary services has risen since 2000. According to research, 95 percent of pet owners consider their dogs to be members of the family.

Frequently Asked Questions

People usually asked many questions about how often do you take a cat to the vet. A few of them are discussed below:

Should you take the cat to the vet regularly?

Your veterinarian will want to carefully examine your cat at least once a year, and more often as they become older or if they have unique medical requirements. Even if it’s only for a flea check, it’s a good idea to go to the vet at least once a month.

How often do cats need to get shots?

Most adult cats should be vaccinated every one to three years, depending on their lifestyle risk assessment. Every one to three years, most adult cats who had the entire booster series of immunizations as kittens should be re-vaccinated.

Do indoor cats need vaccines?

Cats who are confined inside never go outdoors. For cats that will never go outdoors, just vaccinations against cat flu and feline enteritis need to be given to ensure that they are protected.

Why won’t my cat put weight on her paw?

In some cases, you may observe your cat jumping on three legs or holding up one of its feet, while in other cases, you may witness your cat not placing any weight on his or her foot at all. Severe lameness should be treated as soon as possible by a veterinarian since your cat is likely to be in pain and in need of medicine to alleviate the discomfort.

Is it too late for my cat to get vaccinated?..

Dogs and cats who have not been vaccinated for at least three years are deemed overdue for a core vaccine re-vaccination. This suggestion applies to all core vaccinations regardless of manufacturer, except for the 1-year rabies vaccine.

Do cats limp for attention?

In comparison to humans, cats have an additional two legs. However, despite this numerical advantage, cats still limp when one of their legs is injured. The majority of limps need veterinarian assistance, however, there are a few things you can do at home if your cat starts limping.

Is it true that kittens sleep a lot?

When a kitten is only a few days old, it spends about two-thirds of its day napping. The number of time kittens spends sleeping decreases as they get older, but even at six months, they are still sleeping 16 to 20 hours a day.

Should I take my limping cat to the vet?

If your cat has a limp, you should take him to the doctor as soon as possible to prevent infection and deterioration of his health. Cats may limp for a variety of reasons, some of which are easy to diagnose and others of which need very little veterinary intervention.

Can I give Tylenol to my cat?

Several popular medications used by humans may cause severe illness in animals. This category includes common NSAIDs like ibuprofen. Acetaminophen, which is not an NSAID but is used in common drugs such as Tylenol, may kill cats. Their bodies are unable to safely break it down.

How long does it take for a cat sprain to heal?

Providing the wounded leg of the cat is allowed to rest in a limited area of the home, it should be able to recover on its own. As long as the rest regimen is rigorously adhered to at home, recovery might take as long as two weeks.


Vet appointments aren’t only for when there’s a problem, an emergency, or you’re worried about something. If you consult a qualified expert on a regular basis, you will be able to detect issues early and prevent them from worsening.

Establish a solid working connection with your vet to benefit your cat and to offer yourself a trusted resource to consult when you’re concerned about your cat. Veterinarians get acquainted with your cat’s medical history and habits over time, giving them an edge in detecting changes in behaviour or health.

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