Fibroblast skin tightening is a treatment that is considered an alternative treatment to traditional skin surgeries. This revolutionary treatment helps to reduce excessive tissue that is the cause of wrinkles, sagging skin, stretch marks, or scarring.
Metabolic changes according to the age
The normal mechanism that is built inside of every human being just continues whatever the case is. When we are young, it changes according to the needs of that time and as time passes, several changes are made inside as well as outside of the body. These are essential changes and must be done at every age and in every circumstance.
When we notice someone who is not growing or whose body is not making changes according to its demands of the body which varies with age, then we begin to worry about that individual and eventually we take him or her to any doctor who will examine the person and diagnose the problem so that he or she could have a normal body metabolism and a healthy life.
When the individual enters their puberty phase from his childhood, several changes are visible to everyone that is considered as positive changes. For instance, the voice of a boy who enters his teenage changes to some extent, and several hairs on his face start to pop up. His muscles get stronger and many other positive changes are shown.
But, when we age, changes are there too in that age but those changes are not considered as positive changes. We all have noticed that an old person is way weaker and fragile than a young individual. The aged person needs more care and attention than others because of their metabolism working in a way that is not helping them anymore.
Introduction to Fibroblast Plasma Skin Tightening
When a person enters his age above 40, then there are always some changes inside and outside of their body. For example, if we talk about skin and facial features then we all had noticed that a person starts to have wrinkles, loosen skin along with other things. This is because of several reasons.
As we grow older, the skin layer shrinks, our bodies produce less collagen, and lose elasticity. This is, unfortunately, a natural aging process that causes wrinkles and thinning skin. Our certified plasma pen specialists use fibroblast plasma to eliminate the signs of aging by tightening and lifting loose skin. And one of their technique is known as Fibroblast skin tightening.
Plasma fibroblast therapy targets fibroblasts. These cells produce collagen and proteins in the dermis, a layer of skin just below the outer layer of skin. Fibroblasts play an important role in helping skin wounds heal and maintaining skin firmness and tight.
Plasma fibroblast therapy uses a pen-shaped device that emits high-frequency energy in small areas of the skin. The plasma tip does not directly affect the skin, but rather releases the target wave over the skin. The hot stream creates small holes, or minor damage, to the skin layer.
Effects of this procedure
This procedure is getting popular because of the after-effects that are being liked by most people. According to the journal published in PMFA in 2019, the effects after getting this procedure done were there in detail. Its thermal disruption, damage due to heat all was written in that journal.
Some of the after-effects of getting fibroblast skin tightening are as follows:
It breaks down proteins that are present in the skin
It helps or encourages regeneration of several tissues
It helps to stimulate the activity of fibroblast
It causes contraction of tissues which helps in tightening of the skin
Plasma fibroblast skin tightening treatment is a novel and slow-growing skin beauty process. The treatment is said to rejuvenate the skin by improving facial lines, wrinkles, and skin color associated with aging pictures.
How it is done?
The first and most important thing that you consider before having this treatment is to consult your dermatologist. Because you don’t know your skin type better than any doctor, so, it is a must to do step before even thinking about this procedure on your face. If your doctor has prescribed it to you, then you can go for it but if he or she isn’t in the favor of this, they should definitely not do it.
Small plasma energy charges are applied to the skin in a non-stick manner. This results in very thin muscle mass, thinning of excess tissue, and reduction or in some cases eliminating wrinkles and soft tissues.
Steps included in this procedure
Although the procedure may vary slightly depending on where you are being treated, the basic steps usually include:
To clean the skin and apply a numbing cream. You may need to wait about 30 minutes for the whipped cream to work.
Treat the selected skin area with a plasma pen. The pen will form small arcs of micro currents that form tiny dots similar to the crust on the skin.
The technician will remove the creamy thing and apply a cooling gel to reduce itching and burning sensation whenever possible.
The procedure usually takes about 30 to 60 minutes to perform.
Aftercare of fibroblast technique
The Fibroblast Skin Tightening procedure produces side effects. The severity and duration of your side effects depend on the month of treatment, the place of treatment, and your individual healing features. Often, patients who receive intensive care have serious, long-term side effects. Let your specialist know if your side effects are a problem for you.
Following are some of the effects after getting this procedure done:
You will notice a lot of swelling in the morning after your treatment, especially near the eyes. Inflammation usually lasts 2-3 days, however, if it can take up to 3 weeks, depending on the severity of the treatment and the patient’s ability to heal.
To reduce swelling, do the following:
Apply cold compresses 4 times in the first hour after treatment. This will relieve inflammation and excess heat.
Please consult your physician about taking Aspirin or anti-inflammatory to help with residual pain or inflammation in the area being treated.
Sleep more the first night.
Redness on the skin
Most redness is resolved within 7-10 days after treatment. The “glowing” light can last a few weeks after treatment, too, depending on your ability to heal, age, medication, metabolism,, etc.
Drying of the skin
Your skin may feel dry, flaky, or cracked. You may notice the texture of the “sandpaper” a few days after treatment. This is the healing tissue that comes out of your body like newly regenerated skin.
Bronzing or crusting on skin
Fibroblast treatment causes the destruction of small skin cylinders and leaks out during the cooling process. Fibroblast can make the skin look bronze or thin, and there will be round carbon crusts.
Scratching or scraping any carbon deposits may result in skin reactions that may be irreversible, as well as scars. Please avoid all areas of scratching, itching, and treated areas after the procedure.
Tips regarding fibroblast tightening
Aftercare is very important to get the results you want. A back care kit will be provided. It is very important to follow this back care. Following are some of the tips that you can follow for best results or avoid getting any side effects on your skin:
We recommend that there is no makeup during the healing process over carbon crusts. If you have to wear makeup, a new container of mineral makeup is best.
When you leave your appointment, you should protect the treatment area from the sun. A large hat, sunglasses, or umbrella may be used. No solar screen can be used until carbon crusts have collapsed.
When you get home, apply cold pressure if necessary. Phytol + green ointment but do not rub on the skin, push slightly, spray with Colloidal Silver and apply a thin film of Aquaporin. You can do this 4 times a day.
The day after your procedure, use the cleanser provided. Rub the face to moisturize, create suits on the tips of your finger but make sure to your hands before using it, with a cleaner and apply the cleanser on a clean surface. Spray the area to wash and moisturize the skin to dry, carefully, without removing any carbon crusts. Use Phytol, spray Colloidal, dab Aquaporin.
Follow this up for the first 3 full days after the procedure. On day 4 and until the carbon crusts collapse, apply a filter, colloidal, and very light at Aquaporin.
Once the carbon crusts have fallen off, you can start using your daily cleanser and moisturizer; nothing heavy and no scrubs for 2 weeks. Continue to use colloidal silver spray 2 times a day and combine with Vitamin C given 1-2 times a day. Only 1-2 drops of Vitamin C should be used per application depending on the size of the treatment area.
The solar screen of SPF 50 is very important at this time in the healing process. You should wear sunscreen when you are outdoors. Apply every 2 hours. Be diligent in your sunscreen and protect the treatment area. Use sunscreen for at least 6 weeks after the procedure and avoid excessive sleeping.
You should be aware of the results immediately after your appointment. As cell turnover occurs and collagen production increases, you will notice additional changes in your skin. You should expect to see full results of your treatment after three months. The effects of the Fibroblast procedure usually last for three years.
Frequently asked questions:
Following are some of the questions asked by people about fibroblast skin tightening:
1. Does fibroblast tighten skin?
It strengthens and lifts skin, face, and various body parts with instant results. And it is an amazing, highly effective method that combines traditional laser techniques with standard cosmetic surgery.
2. What should be done after the fibroblast technique?
You should avoid extreme exercises as sweating and the generation of heat can cause results that are undesirable such as inflammation and it could also disturb the purpose of the whole procedure.
3. How many times you should get fibroblast?
After getting 2-3 treatments depending upon your body will show you results but appointments must be spaced out by at least 12-13 weeks.
4. Is bleeding possible after the fibroblast technique?
This type of reaction can be permanent. Bleeding; Oozing; Crusting- Treatment may cause a pinch of bleeding and flow. The crust may form after drying a clear liquid or blood.
5. How long do fibroblasts last?
Generally, most men and women can enjoy the effects of fibro blasting for up to two years before repeated treatment may be needed. Some helpful tips for maintaining and stretching your fibroblast effects include: Avoid sun exposure
To simply put, Fibroblast skin tightening is a process that most dermatologists recommend. Your esthetician uses a handheld device called a plasma Fibroblast pen for the procedure. This pen uses a metal probe to ionize the atmospheric gas between its head and the gases the skin releases naturally. This creates a plasma charge. Then an electric arc is formed, reducing the target skin.