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Wisdom Tooth Surgery


A wisdom tooth surgery is one of the most commonly availed of in the dental industry. It essentially is the surgical procedure of removing the third set of molar teeth. A wisdom tooth is normally seen to appear between the ages of 17 and 25. However, the majority of people have one impacted wisdom tooth. This means they do not have enough space for it to grow naturally.

There are mainly two reasons why you should consider getting your wisdom tooth removed. Firstly if there has been an impaction recognized or there are high chances of its growth causing some other dental issue. Dental care is a very important aspect of your life. And by removing the wisdom tooth, you can ensure to not damage the teeth and bones around it any further.

How To Prepare For A Wisdom Tooth Surgery?

Since this is an invasive surgery, there are some ways you can prepare for it for better results. Mentioned here are the most common tips patients are given before any wisdom tooth surgery.

  • Try to not eat or drink anything the night before your surgery. If you have a full stomach and administer anesthesia, there is a risk of regurgitation, which can subsequently obstruct your airway. This is a very serious complication, and you should risk it.

  • Do not hide any over-the-counter or prescribed medications you take. This will help the nurses understand your physical health better and treat you accordingly. The same goes for any recreational drug or alcohol usage.

  • If you are an avid smoker, try not to smoke anything 12 hours before your surgery.

  • If you wear contact lenses, skip them on the day of your surgery and wear glasses instead. You should also consider wearing comfortable clothes so that you do not have to change into anything else for the surgery.

How Is It Done?

In wisdom tooth surgery, a surgeon will typically cut into the gums of the patient and take out the teeth. Sometimes the tooth can come out as a whole or in pieces; however, the latter can give rise to some complications. That said, since the patient will be given anesthesia, there is no cause for worry, and the surgeon will make sure the procedure is complete with success.

It is recommended that you get your wisdom tooth removed before you are 20 years old if needed. While there is no restriction afterward, it can sometimes cause certain complications. This is mainly because, in young people, the tooth roots are not fully formed. This further makes it easier to remove, and the wound heals a lot faster. With age, the roots get longer and curved, making them a lot more difficult to extract.

With these tips and a reputable dental clinic, your surgery is going to be a breeze. However, make sure that you talk to your doctor before the surgery if you have any other questions or queries. Having a clear mind before the surgery really helps the process.

Impacted wisdom tooth surgery

If the affected wisdom tooth is causing symptoms or dental problems, your dentist may suggest that you remove it. Surgical removal of a wisdom tooth is usually an outpatient procedure. You can go home the same day. The dentist or ■■■■ surgeon performs the operation called a wisdom tooth extraction.

Wisdom tooth surgery pain

If you think about it, wisdom tooth extraction is a surgical procedure, and with the best intentions in the world, the gingiva and bone tissue that houses your wisdom tooth are likely to be extracted. Therefore, at least, the extraction area tends to be soft.

Results: When the anesthesia wears off, pain or discomfort at the withdrawal area is normal. Of course, how little or how much discomfort is involved in a simple or complex wisdom tooth extraction process.

So if the pain is normal after a wisdom tooth is extracted, the question is ‘What is normal’ and how bad should it be?

Usually, within the first 24 hours, you will start to feel something called back pain. This is an acute or minor discomfort caused by tissue or bone damage and is not the same pain you may feel like your finger being scalded. The good thing about these types of nasopharyngeal pain is that they are superficial, that is, they decrease with treatment.

Generally, any pain felt after molar extraction is a maximum of about 6 hours after the extraction process is complete. You may see bruising or swelling begin to appear and blood in your mouth.

The pain of pulling a wisdom tooth can often be controlled with over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen. Your dentist will likely prescribe them and you may be advised to take them one day. Two or more sessions to alleviate discomfort. The dentist may also periodically recommend ice packs to cause bruising and swelling in the extraction area.

If the wisdom tooth extraction process is more complex or intense, your dentist or ■■■■ surgeon may prescribe stronger pain relievers to help combat the possibility of further discomfort.

In both cases, the pain caused by wisdom tooth extraction that you may feel after tooth extraction or tooth extraction should be controlled with over-the-counter or stronger medications.

Wisdom tooth surgery recovery time

Most people recover completely within three to four days from wisdom dental surgery. If your teeth are affected or at an awkward angle, it may take a full week to heal.

The wound left after surgery does not heal for a few months, so you may become infected a few weeks after surgery. Take care and watch out for signs of trouble.

You can continue your normal daily activities the day after the surgery. However, avoid activities that could cause stitches or blood clots in your wound, including but not limited to:

Strenuous exercise

To smoke


Drink from a straw

Swelling, pain, and partial bleeding are common after wisdom tooth extraction. If pain or bleeding becomes unbearable, call your dentist right away.

Your symptoms should improve significantly on the third day after surgery. All pain and bleeding should pass within a week after surgery.

Some complications may be signs of infection or nerve damage. Get help if you experience any of the following symptoms:

Difficulty swallowing or breathing


The medicine is not effective in reducing pain.

Swelling that gets worse over time


Blood or pus coming out of your nose

Bleeding that doesn’t stop when you hold the gauze

Pad and apply pressure

What to expect after wisdom tooth surgery?

The dentist said it was time to pull out the wisdom tooth. They can refer you to an ■■■■ surgeon who will perform the procedures in their practice. This only takes a few days to heal and returns to normal.

Why are you taking them out?

Wisdom teeth are the third molars at the back of your mouth. They are usually between the ages of 17-25 and can be seen on x-rays. Mostly, they are removed for one of the following reasons:

They Are Affected Wisdom teeth may not fit properly because wisdom teeth enter your mouth too much. It can get stuck in the jawbone or gums, which can be painful.

They got into the wrong corner. They can put pressure on your other teeth.
Your mouth isn’t big enough There’s no room for a special set of molars on your jaw.

You have tooth decay or gum disease. You may not be able to reach your wisdom teeth with a toothbrush or dental floss.

Before surgery

You will meet with an ■■■■ surgeon to talk about the process. At this appointment, be sure to:

Talk about the health problems you have.
Make a list of medications you take regularly.

Ask any questions about the surgery.

Discuss what type of anesthesia you will receive. You may feel dizzy or asleep during the surgery.

Plan your time off from work or school to have surgery and relax at home. Arrange a car for babysitting, pet sitter, or home if needed.

During surgery

Your surgery should take 45 minutes or less.

You will be offered one of the following types of anesthesia to avoid pain during withdrawal.

Local: Your doctor will numb your mouth with local anesthetics such as novocaine, lidocaine, or mepiviken. During the surgery, you can breathe in nitrous oxide or laughing gas to relax or fall asleep. You should feel awake again soon after.
IV sedation: The surgeon will give an intravenous medication into your arm to numb your mouth and make you drowsy. You can fall asleep during the whole process.

General: You will be given medication intravenously or gas to be inhaled in a mask. You will always be asleep, and you may not be able to wake up for an hour or more after surgery.
Your doctor may need to cut your gums or bones to remove your teeth. If so, they’ll stitch the wound up to heal faster. These stitches usually disappear after a few days. They may fill your mouth with a gauze pad to absorb blood.

How long is a wisdom tooth removal surgery?

Your surgery should take 45 minutes or less. You will be given one of these types of anesthetics so that you do not feel pain during removal: Local: Your doctor will numb your mouth with a local anesthetic such as novocaine lidocaine.

Wisdom tooth surgery healing time

Most people mature from ingrown exercise in three to four days. If your teeth are affected or come into an awkward angle, it may take a full week of medical leave after surgery to not heal. For several months, you can still develop the infection several weeks after treatment.

Impacted wisdom tooth surgery cost

The cost of extracting a wisdom tooth varies. However, traditional extraction typically ranges from $75-200 per tooth, with the cost of affected wisdom teeth ranging from $225-600 per tooth.

What can you eat after a wisdom tooth surgery?

3-5 days

You usually need to stick to soft and soft liquids and foods for 3 to 5 days, including:

Mixed soups (easy to eat, rich in nutrients and moisturizing)

Broth (full of essential vitamins and minerals to aid healing)




Potatoes (sweet or regular puree)


Seedless pure fruit

Vegetable Puree or Puree (Carrot, Zucchini)

Banana ice cream or regular ice cream


When you start to heal, eat more regular, semi-soft foods such as:


Macaroni and Cheese

Quickly prepared oatmeal


Before eating hot food, let it cool, keep it clean as directed by your dentist, and make sure you take your medication as directed.

Weight loss after wisdom tooth surgery

Please note that even if you lose some weight after tooth extraction, you will not completely change your body. If your goal is to lose weight, eating healthy, and exercising regularly are your best options. Tooth extraction can improve your ■■■■ health. But it’s not a way to lose weight. Therefore, you shouldn’t rely on him to lose weight. Additionally, losing too much weight in a short time is unhealthy, so consult your dentist if you experience it.

Abscess after wisdom tooth surgery

You can become infected after the wisdom tooth is pulled out. It is more likely if you have a dry or empty nest and the area is full of food debris and bacteria. This can cause infection, pain, and swelling.

Sometimes an infection can occur after the wisdom tooth is removed. After the initial swelling period (2 to 3 days), persistent swelling, pain, and discomfort may be signs of an infection. You may also have a fever or feel sick. The pus may come out of the infected duct and have a bad taste in your mouth.

Antibiotics after wisdom tooth surgery

Antibiotics (or both) given before or after surgery can reduce the risk of infection and dry pit after wisdom tooth extraction by an ■■■■ surgeon. However, antibiotics may cause more undesirable effects. (Usually briefly and mildly) for these patients.

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Wisdom tooth surgery

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

Q: How long does wisdom tooth surgery take?

Your surgery takes 45 minutes or less. You will be given one of these types of anesthetics so that you do not feel pain during removal: Local: Your doctor will numb your mouth with a local anesthetic such as novocaine lidocaine.

Q: Do they let you sleep to pull your wisdom teeth?

Do I have to go to bed to pull out wisdom teeth? You don’t need to sleep to pull out your wisdom teeth. Under local anesthesia, 20 years old tooth extraction can be performed while the patient is fully awake.

Q: Will the removal of a wisdom tooth cause a change in the shape of the face?

Your wisdom teeth are at the back of your mouth where the bone is heavily compressed … so the extraction of wisdom teeth does not affect your jawbone or jaw shape. For this reason, the extraction of wisdom teeth will not affect your jawbone or jaw shape.

Q: How to remove a wisdom tooth?

Although the general procedure involves pain and what many people fear. However, wisdom tooth extraction can be safe with most painless ones. (Except back pain) and may cause less pain after the procedure.

Q: What are the benefits of wisdom tooth extraction?

Top five benefits of pulling your wisdom teeth

Less clogging means fewer orthodontic problems

Prevents nearby tooth damage …

Reduce the risk of ■■■■ diseases and inflammation

Reduce pain in the facial area …

It prevents cysts, tumors, and jaw damage.

Q: What if you don’t remove your wisdom tooth?

If it cannot come out normally, the wisdom tooth will be stuck. Sometimes it can cause an infection or cause a cyst in your (affected) jaw that can damage other tooth roots or support bones. Partially protruding from the gum.

Q: Should all 4 wisdom teeth be extracted at the same time?

Better to pull all wisdom teeth at the same time.

While these teeth come out of your gums smoothly, they can force the surrounding teeth to misalign, which can make them uncomfortable and difficult to keep clean as they enter the mouth again.

Q: Is lower wisdom tooth extraction more difficult?

It all depends on the location and shape of the roots. Your dentist will tell you how easy or difficult it is to extract each tooth after having an x-ray. Upper wisdom teeth are usually easier to remove than lower teeth that are more likely to be affected.

Q: Why does God give us a wisdom tooth?

Why do we have a third molar tooth? Evolutionists believe that people developed wisdom teeth because we wanted them to chew raw meat, nuts, roots, fruits, and leaves. But now there is no need for wisdom teeth thanks to our food preparation methods. Our third molars are useless because of evolution.

Q: What problems can a wisdom tooth cause?

An affected wisdom tooth can cause pain, damage to other teeth, and other dental problems. In some cases, an affected wisdom tooth may not cause any obvious problems. However, because they are difficult to clean, they are more vulnerable to tooth decay and gum disease than other teeth.


Wisdom tooth surgery is a surgery in which your back teeth called molars are removed if they are affected. the process is very painful. It can have side effects like nausea, sleepiness, etc. After the surgery, you can take liquid like juices, water, etc for some time until the surgery sets.

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