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What does it mean when your right ear rings?


What does it mean when your right ear rings? Ringing in your ears, like a ringing bell, can be a signal to pay attention to your body. Tinnitus, or ringing in the ears, begins in the inner ear. It is most commonly caused by damage to or loss of sensory hair cells in the cochlea, or inner ear. In rare cases, it may be a symptom of an underlying medical condition that requires treatment.

What is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is defined as a ringing, swishing, or other noise in the ears or head when no external sound is present. It is usually more of a bother than a serious medical issue.

Tinnitus, or ringing in the ears, can be caused by a variety of factors, including ear infections, fluid in the ears, Meniere syndrome (a combination of tinnitus and deafness), certain medications such as aspirin and other no steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), ageing, and ear trauma (such as from the noise of planes, firearms, or loud music).

Tinnitus can also be caused by an aneurysm or an acoustic neuroma in rare cases (a benign tumor on the acoustic nerve). Woodwind players are more likely than other orchestral players to suffer from tinnitus, most likely because they sit directly in front of the brass. A hearing test (audiogram) should be performed if tinnitus persists or the cause is unknown. Tinnitus can be reduced or concealed using various techniques.

Body Voices

Most people are unaware of the normal noises that their bodies make because our surroundings obscure them. These sounds would be audible if a person entered a soundproof booth. Anything that reduces background noise, such as earwax, earplugs, or a foreign body in the ear, can make people more aware of the natural sounds our bodies make.

Tinnitus sufferers may hear anything from a quiet background noise to a noise that is audible over loud external sounds. Most tinnitus sounds have been described as being similar to cicadas, crickets, winds, falling tap water, grinding steel, escaping steam, fluorescent lights, running engines, and so on.

These types of perception are thought to be the result of abnormal neuronal activity at a subcortical level of the auditory pathway.

Symptoms of Tinnitus

Tinnitus symptoms include ringing, roaring, buzzing, hissing, or whistling in the ears; the noise may be intermittent or continuous. Tinnitus is classified into two types: objective and subjective. Many doctors use the term tinnitus to refer to subjective tinnitus and somatic sound to refer to objective tinnitus.

Subjective tinnitus

Subjective tinnitus is audible only to the patient and is usually considered to be devoid of an acoustic etiology and associated movements in the cochlear partition or cochlear fluids. Most of the time only the person suffering from tinnitus is able to hear it.

Objective tinnitus

Tinnitus that is audible to another person as a sound emanating from the ear canal is defined as objective tinnitus. However some types can be heard by the doctor if a stethoscope is placed in the patient’s ear (objective tinnitus).

If you have any tinnitus symptoms, it could be a sign of an underlying health problem, such as high blood pressure or an underactive thyroid, both of which are treatable, or it could be a side effect of any number of medications.

The noise is accompanied by ear pain or drainage, which could indicate an ear infection. The noise is accompanied by dizziness, which could indicate Meniere’s disease or a neurological issue. Seek medical attention right away.

Somatic tinnitus

Somatic tinnitus is a type of subjective tinnitus in which the frequency or intensity is changed by movements of the body, such as clenching the jaw, turning the eyes, or applying pressure to the head and neck. 15 Tinnitus is reported to be louder upon awakening, implying the involvement of somatic factors such as bruxism.

Tinnitus disappears during sleep but reappears within a few hours, implying that psychosomatic factors, such as neck muscle contractions in an upright position or jaw clenching, play etiological roles.

Causes of Ear Ringing /Tinnitus

The most common cause of tinnitus is prolonged exposure to loud sounds. Up to 90% of people who suffer from tinnitus have some degree of noise-induced hearing loss. The noise permanently damages the cochlea, a spiral-shaped structure in the inner ear, which contains sound-sensitive cells.

Carpenters, pilots, rock musicians, street-repair workers, and landscapers are among those whose jobs put them in danger, as are those who work with chainsaws, guns, or other loud devices or who listen to loud music on a regular basis. Tinnitus can also be caused by a single exposure to an extremely loud noise.

Tinnitus can be caused by a number of other conditions and illnesses, including:

  • Blockages in the ear caused by wax buildup, an ear infection, or, in rare cases, a benign tumour of the nerve that allows us to hear (auditory nerve)

  • Certain medications, most notably aspirin, antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, loop diuretics, and antidepressants, as well as quinine medications; tinnitus is listed as a potential side effect for approximately 200 prescription and nonprescription drugs.

  • The natural ageing process, which can lead to deterioration of the cochlea or other ear structures.

  • Meniere’s disease-Meniere’s disease is a condition that affects the inner ear.

  • Otosclerosis is a disease that causes the small bones in the middle ear to stiffen.

  • High blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, circulatory problems, anaemia, allergies, an underactive thyroid gland, autoimmune disease, and diabetes are examples of other medical conditions.

  • Problems with the neck or jaw

  • Trauma to the head and neck

  • Tinnitus in some people can worsen if they drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes, consume caffeinated beverages, or eat certain foods. Stress and fatigue appear to aggravate tinnitus for reasons that researchers are still trying to figure out.

  • Damage to the microscopic endings of the hearing nerve in the inner ear, which can also occur as people get older.

  • Fluid, infection, or disease of the eardrum or middle ear bones (tympanic membrane).

In short

Tinnitus is not a disease in and of itself, but rather a symptom of a number of underlying conditions. Noise-induced hearing loss, presbycusis, otosclerosis, otitis, impacted cerumen, sudden deafness, Meniere’s disease, and other causes of hearing loss are all otologic. Head injury, whiplash, multiple sclerosis, vestibular schwannoma are all neurological causes.

Diagnosis of Tinnitus

A doctor will perform a physical examination and ask you about your history to determine whether your tinnitus is constant, intermittent, or pulsating (like the heartbeat, known as pulsatile tinnitus), as well as whether it is associated with hearing loss or loss of balance (vertigo or vestibular balance disorders).

In cases of unexplained tinnitus, a doctor will usually order a hearing test (audiogram). Other tests may include an auditory brain stem response (ABR), a computerised test of the hearing nerves and brain pathways, a computer tomography (CT) scan, or a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan to rule out a rare tumour.

Treatment for Tinnitus

Tinnitus treatment is dependent on the underlying cause and may include medications as well as home remedies. It all depends on what’s causing the ringing. If a medication is the trigger, your doctor may advise you to discontinue it or switch to a different medication. Never discontinue a medication without first consulting your doctor.

If a medical condition, such as high blood pressure, is to blame, your doctor can help you treat it. When you get the condition under control, the ringing usually goes away. If the problem is excessive earwax, the doctor can gently remove the buildup. Don’t try to do it yourself with cotton swabs.

Other possible treatment options include:

Aids to hearing

These devices can aid in the treatment of age-related hearing loss and tinnitus. They make the sounds you need to hear louder and the ringing less noticeable.

Sound mufflers

Wear them in or behind your ear to generate continuous, low-level white noise. This helps to muffle the ringing. You could also try sleeping with a white noise machine near your bed.

Therapy for retraining

You receive counselling and wear a device that muffles the ringing with tonal music.

Techniques for relaxation

When you are stressed, your tinnitus can worsen. You could try exercises, deep breathing, or biofeedback to help you relax.


Tinnitus may go away with time or the individual may need to learn to live with it. In some cases, medications may be prescribed, but for the majority of people, there is no clear solution. Medications are frequently used to treat the psychological effects of tinnitus, such as anxiety or depression.

In these cases, antidepressants such as sertraline (Zoloft) and paroxetine (Paxil), as well as benzodiazepines such as alprazolam (Xanax), may be prescribed. Previously, the supplement niacin or the drug gabapentin (Neurontin, Gabarone) were recommended, but both have been shown to have no effect on resolving tinnitus.

Home Remedies

Some people may benefit from the following home remedies:

  • Caffeine and salt should be limited or avoided.

  • Stop smoking.

  • Zinc supplementation in people with low zinc levels may be beneficial in some cases – more research is needed.

  • Melatonin may benefit those who suffer from tinnitus, especially those who have disturbed sleep due to tinnitus.

  • Retraining therapy, masking, and behavioral therapy are examples of effective behavioral and cognitive therapies.

Prevention for Tinnitus

Some cases of tinnitus may be avoided by avoiding hearing damage. The slides that follow go over how to protect you from noise-induced tinnitus.

1. Consider cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)

CBT sessions will teach you how to change your reaction to tinnitus by reframing the situation. CBT can also help with tinnitus-related depression and anxiety, as well as teach you breathing and muscle relaxation techniques.

2. Be evaluated for hearing aids

Hearing aids can increase the volume of outside noises to mask tinnitus. If an audiogram reveals that you have significant hearing loss, you may benefit from hearing aids as well.

3. Avoid Cotton Swabs

To clean the inside of the ear, never use cotton swabs (Q-tips). When a swab is inserted into the ear, the wax in the ear canal can become impacted against the eardrum, resulting in tinnitus.

4. Muffle noise at work

Protect your hearing in the workplace if you work in a noisy environment. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations include recommendations for hearing protection, such as wearing earplugs or earmuffs. Your employer’s hearing protection policies must be followed.

5. Beware at outdoor events

Many recreational activities, such as concerts, sports, or hunting, can produce loud noises that can irritate the ears. In these loud environments, use earplugs or earmuffs. Tissue or cotton should not be used in the ears because they not only do not provide adequate protection against certain loud or high-pitched noises, but they can also become lodged in the ear canal.

6. Be cautious with headphones

Maintain a reasonable level of volume in your music headphones. The volume is too high if others can hear your music or if you can’t hear the noise around you.

7. Everyday Noise Hazards

Many commonplace noises can irritate your ears. Even drying your hair or mowing the lawn may necessitate the use of earplugs or earmuffs.

8. Watch, nicotine and caffeine

Avoid or limit your consumption of alcoholic or caffeinated beverages. Don’t smoke and stay away from secondhand smoke. Nicotine in tobacco products can reduce blood flow to the ear structures, resulting in tinnitus.

9. Watch your weight

Keep a healthy weight. High blood pressure can be caused by being overweight. Noise sensitivity and tinnitus can be caused by high blood pressure. Exercise on a regular basis and eat a well-balanced diet.

10. Remove wax from your ears

Doctors can remove ear wax with a microscope and a small tool, Jagasia says. Do not attempt to remove it on your own, either for yourself or for your child. Using a cotton swab to remove it tends to push the wax deeper into the ear canal and aggravate the situation.

Best time for seeking help

If the ringing continues for more than a few weeks, consult your primary care physician. You may be referred to an ENT specialist, who will order a hearing test known as an audiogram.

“It gives us a sense of whether there is nerve-related hearing loss associated with the tinnitus,” Jagasia says. “We usually find some hearing loss with the ringing in patients over the age of 60.”

Consult a doctor right away if you are dizzy, have complete hearing loss in one ear, or have vertigo symptoms in addition to the ringing — a combination of symptoms that could indicate Meniere’s disease.

Another potentially serious red flag, pulsatile tinnitus, or hearing your heartbeat whooshing. More serious problems, such as a benign tumour, middle ear infections, high blood pressure, blocked arteries, or stroke, can cause this sensation. If this happens to you, Jagasia advises you to contact your doctor as soon as possible.

“It’s common for us to experience ringing in our ears as we get older,” he says. “Tinnitus is usually not serious, but it can interfere with your daily life. The good news is that it is possible to train our bodies to ignore it.”

Living with Tinnitus

Tinnitus, or ringing, hissing, or buzzing sounds in your ears that no one else hears, can be made easier to live with by making changes to your daily life and surroundings. These methods should be used in conjunction with any treatments or hearing aids recommended by your doctor.

Among the strategies that may be useful are:

  • Find out what causes your tinnitus to worsen. Some people claim that certain foods, drinks, or drugs aggravate their symptoms. Because not everyone is affected in the same way, avoid triggers one at a time and keep a written log.

  • It is possible that you do not need to avoid every possible trigger. Instead, pay attention to what triggers your symptoms. Among the possible triggers are: Caffeine-containing beverages such as cola, coffee, tea, and energy drinks, Alcohol, Aspirin, Salt, If you smoke, you should quit.

  • Tinnitus can be exacerbated by smoking in two ways. It interferes with blood flow to the sensitive nerve cells that control your hearing. It also serves as a stimulant in the body. This can amplify the ringing in your ears.

  • To silence, add soothing sounds. Tinnitus may bother you more when there is silence.

  • In the background, play soft music. Tune in to the radio. Turn on the fan.

  • You could also use a white-noise generator. These devices produce the sounds of ocean waves, rain, or a flowing stream.

  • Make time to unwind every day. When you first develop tinnitus or when it flares up, it’s normal to feel anxious and annoyed. However, stress and worry can exacerbate your symptoms.

  • Experiment with various relaxation techniques until you find what works best for you. Even 15 minutes of deep relaxation can alleviate stress and boost your mood.

Try the following relaxation techniques:

  • Yoga

  • Tai-chi

  • Meditation

  • Muscle relaxation that is progressive

  • Imagery that is guided

  • Self-hypnosis

A quiet background noise may help mask tinnitus symptoms and improve concentration when performing methods that are normally done in silence, such as meditation.

Get enough rest. Fatigue frequently exacerbates symptoms, turning a soft hum into a deafening roar. Tinnitus can create a vicious cycle if it prevents you from sleeping well.

Superstitions busted: Ringing of the ears

Is it possible to tell whether or not someone is talking about you? Is it possible for your psychic sense of hearing to detect gossip about you? Yes, according to one of the most popular superstitions of all time.

Superstitions are common cultural elements shared by groups of people regardless of their nationality or religion, and the majority of these superstitions date back to more ancient times when science was unable to answer questions.

The sensation of ringing in the ear is one example. When your ears ring or burn, it is assumed that someone is gossiping about you behind your back. It’s also important to know which of your ears is ringing, because it’s widely assumed that if your right ear itches, someone is speaking well of you, and if your left ear itches, someone is speaking ill of you.

The belief that ringing ears indicate that someone is talking about you was first mentioned in Roman philosopher Pliny’s “Natural History” encyclopedia written more than 2,000 years ago. In the Middle Ages, people believed that if their ears were ringing, angels were speaking to them. Some, on the other hand, believe the ringing is the sound of their chakras.

In fact, the entire situation can be explained by a single word: tinnitus. Tinnitus is the sensation of hearing sounds such as buzzing, whistling, ringing, or other noises. They can be high or low in pitch, produce different types of sounds, and affect one or both ears. It can be caused by high blood pressure, ear blockages, head trauma, or even stress.

Although it is inconvenient, tinnitus is not a disease, and there is no cure for it. The majority of people grows accustomed to it and learns to tune it out. Ignoring it rather than focusing on it can help. It is also said to be beneficial to try treating tinnitus-related symptoms such as insomnia, anxiety, and hearing difficulties.


If your tinnitus is a symptom of a medical condition, the first step is to treat the underlying condition. However, if the tinnitus persists after treatment or is caused by exposure to loud noise, health professionals recommend a variety of non-medical options to help reduce or mask the unwanted noise.

Frequently Asked questions

1. How do I stop my ears from ringing?

There are several ways to alleviate ringing in the ears, including:

  • Reduce your exposure to loud noises. Pin it to Pinterest Listening to soft music through over-ear headphones may help to distract you from the ringing in your ears.

  • White noise

  • Head thumping

  • Caffeine and alcohol are being reduced

2. What do frequent ear ringing say?

Tinnitus is a condition in which you hear ringing or other noises in one or both of your ears. The noise you hear when you have tinnitus is not caused by an external sound, and it is usually not audible to others. Tinnitus is a common issue. It affects 15% to 20% of the population, with older adults being the most affected.

3. What deficiency causes ringing in the ears?

A lack of vitamin B12 may result in the demyelination of neurons in the cochlear nerve, resulting in hearing loss and tinnitus.

4. What medications cause ringing in the ears?

Anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen (NSAIDS) can cause tinnitus. When taking higher doses of NSAIDS, the ringing can become more severe. Anti-anxiety medications, such as Xanax, Valium, and Klonopin, can occasionally cause tinnitus.

5. Is tinnitus caused by stress?

Tinnitus can be caused by high amounts of stress. Tinnitus can cause a lot of stress. When a person suffering from tinnitus begins to consider how much the ringing in their ears negatively impacts them, they will begin to obsess on and worry about future occurrences of tinnitus.

6. Is ringing in one ear serious?

While tinnitus can be caused by medical conditions, it is often caused by conditions that are not medically serious. However, the distress and anxiety it causes can often cause people’s lives to be disrupted.

7. How long can ear ringing last?

Tinnitus usually lasts between 16 and 48 hours. Tinnitus will return if you are exposed to loud noises again. It is generally recommended that you see a specialist if your tinnitus persists, especially if it is affecting your quality of life.

8. What is a tinnitus test?

You’ll sit in a soundproof room wearing earphones that transmit specific sounds into one ear at a time during the test. You’ll be asked to indicate when you hear the sound, and your results will be compared to those considered normal for your age. This can aid in ruling out or identifying potential causes of tinnitus.

9. Can you be successful with tinnitus?

Tinnitus is a difficult medical condition to manage, but it is not impossible. Many patients, including many with extremely severe cases, have found relief from tinnitus management treatments.

10. What exercises help tinnitus?

Though physical exercise is frequently beneficial, certain relaxation techniques may be equally so. Exercises ranging from deep breathing to progressive muscle relaxation to guided imagery, according to Widex, can help with tinnitus symptoms and manifestations.


Ear ringing or tinnitus is defined as a phantom auditory perception, which is a sound perception that lacks corresponding acoustic or mechanical correlates in the cochlea. Tinnitus is one of the most common and distressing otology problems, causing a variety of somatic and psychological disorders that impair quality of life.

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