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How to improve the memory


Everyone has moments of forgetfulness from time to time, especially when life is busy.

While this is completely normal, having a poor memory can be frustrating.

Genetics plays a role in memory loss, especially in severe neurological conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease. However, research has shown that diet and lifestyle can also have a huge impact on memory.

Here are 14 evidence-based ways to improve your memory naturally.

1. Eat Less Sugar

Eating too much added sugar has been linked to many health problems and chronic illnesses, including cognitive decline.

Studies have shown that a sugar-laden diet can cause poor memory and reduced brain volume, especially in the brain region that stores short-term memory.

For example, a study of over 4,000 people found that those who consumed more sugary beverages like soda had lower brain volume and poorer memories on average compared to those who consumed less sugar.

Reducing sugar not only helps your memory but also improves your overall health.

SUMMARY Studies have shown that people who regularly consume large amounts of added sugar may have weaker memory and lower brain volume than those who consume less sugar.

2. Try a fish oil supplement

Fish oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

These fats have been shown to be important for overall health and have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease, reduce inflammation, relieve stress and anxiety, and slow mental decline.

Many studies have shown that consuming fish supplements and fish oil can improve memory, especially in older people.

A study of 36 older people with mild cognitive impairment found that short-term memory and working scores improved dramatically after taking concentrated fish oil supplements for 12 months.

Another recent review of 28 studies found that when adults with mild symptoms of memory loss took supplements high in DHA and EPA, like fish oil, they experienced an improvement in episodic memory.

DHA and EPA are both essential for the health and function of the brain and also help reduce inflammation in the body, which has been linked to cognitive decline.

SUMMARY Fish and fish oil supplements are rich in omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. Their consumption can help improve short-term, working, and episodic memory, especially in the elderly.

3. Take time to meditate

Meditation practice can have many positive effects on your health.

It has a relaxing and calming effect, and reduces stress and pain, lowers blood pressure, and even improves memory.

Truth be told, reflection has been appeared to expand dim issue in the cerebrum. Gray matter contains neuron cell bodies.

With age, the gray matter decreases, which negatively affects memory and cognition.

Meditation and relaxation techniques have been shown to improve short-term memory in people of all ages, from people aged 20 to the elderly.

For example, one study showed that Taiwanese students who practiced meditation practices such as mindfulness had significantly better spatial working memory than students who did not practice meditation.

Spatial working memory is the ability to store and process information in your head about the positions of objects in space.

** SUMMARY ** Meditation is not only good for your body but also good for your brain. Research suggests that meditation can increase gray matter in the brain and improve spatial working memory.

4. Maintain a healthy weight

Maintaining healthy body weight is essential for well-being and is one of the best ways to keep your body and mind in good shape.

A few investigations have set up corpulence as a danger factor for psychological decay.

Interestingly, obesity can actually cause changes to genes associated with memory in the brain, which negatively affects memory.

Heftiness can likewise prompt insulin obstruction and irritation, the two of which can contrarily affect the cerebrum.

A study of 50 people aged 18 to 35 found that a higher body mass index was associated with significantly poorer performance on memory tests.

Heftiness is likewise connected with a higher danger of building up Alzheimer’s illness, a reformist infection that decimates memory and intellectual capacity.

SUMMARY Obesity is a risk factor for cognitive decline. Maintaining a body mass index in the normal range can help you avoid a host of problems associated with obesity, including poorer memory.

5. Get Enough Sleep

Lack of proper sleep has been associated with a poor memory for some time.

Sleep plays an important role in memory consolidation, a process where short-term memories are strengthened and transformed into long-term memories.

Studies show that if you are sleep deprived, it can negatively affect your memory.

For example, one study looked at the effects of sleep in 40 children ages 10 to 14.

A group of children were trained for memory tests in the evening, then tested the next morning after a night’s sleep. The other group was trained and tested the same day, with no sleep between training and testing.

The group that slept between training and testing performed 20% better in memory tests.

Another study found that nurses working night shifts made more math mistakes and 68% scored lower on memory tests compared to nurses working day shifts.

Health professionals recommend that adults get seven to nine hours of sleep each night for optimal health.

SUMMARY Studies have consistently linked adequate sleep with better memory performance. Sleep helps consolidate memories. Also, if you are well-rested, you can probably perform better on memory tests compared to sleep deprivation.

6. Practice Mindfulness

Awareness is a mental state in which you focus on your current state by maintaining awareness of your surroundings and emotions.

Mindfulness is used in meditation, but the two are not one and the same. Meditation is a more formal practice, while mindfulness is a mental habit that you can use in any situation.

Studies have demonstrated that care is compelling in diminishing pressure and improving focus and memory.

A study of 293 psychology students showed that those who received mindfulness training improved recognition-memory performance when remembering objects compared to students who did not receive mindfulness training.

Mindfulness has also been associated with a lower risk of age-related cognitive decline and an overall improvement in psychological well-being.

Incorporate mindfulness techniques into your daily routine by paying more attention to your current state, focusing on your breathing, and gently rearranging your attention as your mind wanders.

SUMMARY Practicing mindfulness techniques have been associated with increased memory performance. Awareness is also linked to decreased age-related cognitive decline.

7. Drink less alcohol

Consuming too many alcoholic beverages can be harmful to your health in a number of ways and can negatively affect your memory.

Binge drinking is a drinking pattern that increases your blood alcohol level to 0.08 grams per ml or more. Studies have shown that it changes the brain and leads to memory deficits.

A study of 155 freshmen found that students who consumed six or more drinks in a short period of time, either weekly or monthly, had difficulty with immediate and delayed reminder tests, compared to students who had never drunk alcohol.

Alcohol has neurotoxic effects on the brain. Repeated episodes of binge drinking can damage the hippocampus, a part of the brain that plays an important role in memory.

While a drink or two is perfectly healthy every now and then, avoiding excessive drinking is a smart way to protect your memory.

SUMMARY Alcohol has neurotoxic effects on the brain, including a decrease in memory. Occasional moderate drinking is not a problem, but excessive drinking can damage your hippocampus, a key area of ​​your brain that is linked to memory.

8. Train your brain

Exercising your cognitive skills by playing brain games is a fun and effective way to strengthen your memory.

Crossword puzzles, word recall games, Tetris, and even memory training mobile apps are great ways to boost memory.

A study of 42 adults with mild cognitive impairment found that playing with a brain-training app for eight hours over a four-week period improved performance on memory tests.

Another study of 4,715 people found that short-term memory, working memory, focus, and problem-solving improved significantly when compared to a control group when they completed 15 minutes of an online brain training program at least five days a week.

Also, brain training games have been shown to help reduce the risk of dementia in older adults.

SUMMARY Games that challenge your brain can help you improve your memory and even reduce your risk of dementia.

9. Cut down on refined carbohydrates

Eating large amounts of refined carbohydrates like cakes, cereal, cookies, white rice, and white bread can damage your memory.

These foods have a high glycemic index, which means that the body digests these carbohydrates quickly, which leads to an increase in blood sugar levels

Studies have shown that the western diet, high in refined carbohydrates, is linked to dementia, cognitive decline, and decreased cognitive function.

A study of 317 healthy children found that those who consumed more processed carbohydrates like white rice, pasta, and fast food had decreased cognitive capacity, including poorer short-term and working memories

Another study showed that adults who consumed ready-to-eat breakfast cereals on a daily basis had poorer cognitive function than those who consumed cereals less frequently.

SUMMARY Like added sugar, refined carbohydrates cause blood sugar levels to rise, which can damage your brain over time. Diets high in refined carbohydrates have been linked to dementia, cognitive decline, and decreased brain function.

10. Get your vitamin D levels tested

Vitamin D is an important nutrient that plays many important roles in the body.

Low vitamin D levels have been linked to a variety of health problems, including decreased cognitive function.

A study that followed 318 older adults for five years found that those with blood vitamin D levels less than 20 nanograms per ml lost their memory and other cognitive skills faster than those with normal vitamin D levels.

Low vitamin D levels have also been linked to a higher risk of dementia.

Vitamin D deficiency is very common, especially in colder climates and in people with darker skin. Talk to your doctor about a blood test to find out if you need a vitamin D supplement.

SUMMARY Nutrient D inadequacy is normal, particularly in colder environments, and has been related with age-related intellectual decrease and dementia. If you think you have low vitamin D levels, ask your doctor for a blood test.

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11. Exercise More

Exercise is significant for generally speaking physical and psychological well-being. Find solutions from an advisor in minutes, whenever

Research has established that it is beneficial for the brain and can help improve memory in people of all ages, from children to older adults.

For example, a study of 144 people aged 19 to 93 showed that a single 15-minute session of moderate exercise on a stationary bike resulted in improved cognitive performance, including memory, at all ages.

Numerous studies have shown that exercise can increase the secretion of neuroprotective proteins and improve the growth and development of neurons, leading to better brain health.

Regular exercise in your 40s is also associated with a lower risk of developing dementia later in life.

SUMMARY Exercise has incredible benefits for your whole body, including your brain. Even moderate exercise for short periods has been shown to improve cognitive performance, including memory, in all age groups.

12. Choose anti-inflammatory foods

Eating a diet high in anti-inflammatory foods can improve your memory.

Antioxidants help lower inflammation in the body by reducing the oxidative stress caused by free radicals. You can consume antioxidants in foods like fruits, vegetables, and tea.

A recent review of nine studies involving more than 31,000 people found that those who ate more fruits and vegetables were at lower risk of cognitive decline and dementia than the individuals who devoured less of these nutritious nourishments.

Berries are particularly rich in antioxidants such as flavonoids and anthocyanins. Eating can be an excellent way to prevent memory loss.

A study of more than 16,000 women showed that those who consumed the most blueberries and strawberries had a slower cognitive decline and memory loss than women who ate fewer berries.

SUMMARY Anti-inflammatory foods are great for your brain, especially berries and other foods that are high in antioxidants. To include more anti-inflammatory foods in your diet, you can’t go wrong by consuming a variety of fruits and vegetables.

13. Consider Curcumin

Curcumin is a compound found in high focuses in turmeric root. It is one of a category of compounds called polyphenols.

It is a powerful antioxidant and exerts powerful anti-inflammatory effects on the body.

Numerous animal studies have found that curcumin reduces oxidative damage and inflammation in the brain, and also reduces the amount of amyloid plaque. These accumulate in neurons and cause cell and tissue death, leading to memory loss.

In fact, amyloid plaque formation may play a role in the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.

Although more human studies are needed on the effects of curcumin on memory, animal studies suggest it may be effective in enhancing memory and preventing cognitive decline.

SUMMARY Curcumin is a powerful antioxidant. Animal studies have shown that it reduces inflammation and amyloid plaques in the brain. Notwithstanding, more exploration is required in people.

14. Add Some Cocoa To Your Diet

Cocoa is not only delicious but also nutritious and provides a powerful dose of antioxidants called flavonoids. Studies show that flavonoids are particularly beneficial to the brain.

They can help stimulate the growth of blood vessels and neurons and increase blood flow in memory-related parts of the brain.

A study of 30 healthy people found that those consuming dark chocolate containing 720 mg of cocoa flavonoids displayed better memory compared to those who consumed white chocolate without cocoa flavonoids.

To get the most out of chocolate, choose dark chocolate with a cocoa content of 70% cocoa or higher. This will help ensure that it contains greater amounts of antioxidants like flavonoids.

SUMMARY Cocoa is rich in antioxidants which can help improve memory performance. Make sure to choose dark chocolate with 70% cocoa or more for a concentrated dose of antioxidants.

The Bottom Line

There are lots of fun, simple, and even delicious ways to improve your memory. Exercising your mind and body, enjoying a quality piece of chocolate, and reducing the amount of added sugar in your diet are all great techniques. Try adding some of these science-based tips to your daily routine to improve your brain health and keep your memory in peak condition.

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Develop betterment in the factual of brain is known as improvement of memory. Improvement of memory is the process of strengthening one’s memory. Memory deficits, memory loss associated with age, and individuals trying to develop their own memory all contributed to studies into how best to help people improve their memory. Studies have also sought to decide what variables impact memory and comprehension.

Several various approaches have been used to boost memory, including cognitive preparation, psychopharmacology, diet, stress control, and exercise. Each approach has the potential to affect memory in that ways. Neuroimaging has also provided neurobiological data that confirms holistic ways in which memory can be enhanced.

Causes Of Memory Loss

Slips in recollection are aggravating, annoying, and worrisome at times. They will cause fears of looming dementia or Alzheimer’s disease if they appear more than they should. But certain treatable causes of forgetfulness do occur. There are popular causes of memory loss , including

1. Lack Of Sleep

The biggest unappreciated source of forgetfulness is maybe not having enough sleep. Very little restful sleep may also result in changes in mood and anxiety, which in turn lead to memory issues.

2. Medication

Memory may be affected by tranquillizers, opioids, some blood pressure pills, and other medications, usually by inducing sedation or uncertainty. That can make it hard to pay close attention to new content.

If you think a new drug is taking the pressure off your memory, speak to your doctor or pharmacist. There are typically alternatives available, as Cimetidine can be substituted by Lansoprazole or Esmoprazole.

3. Underactive Thyroid

Memory can be compromised by a faltering thyroid (as well as upsetting sleep and inducing depression, both of which can be sources of forgetfulness). If the thyroid is doing its job right, a quick blood test will say.

4. Alcohol Consumption

Drinking too much alcohol will, even after the effects of alcohol have worn off, mess with short-term memory. Though “too soon” differs from person to person, it is better to adhere to the recommendation of not more than two drinks for men per day and not more than one for women per day. 1.5 ounces (1 shot glass) of 80-proof spirits, 5 ounces of wine, or 12 ounces of beer is commonly described as one ■■■■■■■■■

5. Stress And Anxiety

Anything that makes it more difficult to focus and lock in new data and knowledge will lead to issues with memory. The bill is packed with tension and fear. Both can compete with concentration and block new memories or the retrieval of old ones from developing.

6. Depression

A stifling sadness, a lack of drive, and a reduction of pleasure in things that you usually enjoy are common signs of depression. Forgetfulness can also be a sign of, or a consequence of, depression.

It’s worth talking to the doctor if memory lapses are bugging you, to see if any reversible triggers are at the root of the problem. Something like having more sleep, modifying a prescription, or a programme to relieve stress might get your memory back on track.


Your brain is a huge deal, kind of. It’s in charge of keeping your heart racing and lungs breathing as the control core of your body and helping you to shift, feel and remember. That’s why maintaining the brain in optimum operating condition is a smart thing.

In maintaining the brain balanced, the foods you consume play a role and can strengthen particular mental functions, such as memory and attention.

1. Fatty Fish

Fatty fish is always at the top of the list as individuals speak about brain foods. Salmon, trout and sardines, both of which are rich sources of omega-3 fatty are included in this category of food.

Around 60 percent of your brain is composed of fat, and the omega-3 form is half that fat. In order to produce brain and nerve cells, the brain uses omega-3s and these fats are important for learning and memory. Omega 3-s also offers the brain a few extra advantages.

i. They can, for one thing, delay mental deterioration associated with age and help avoid Alzheimer’s disease.

ii. Not having enough omega-3s is correlated with learning impairments, as well as depression, on the flip side.

iii. Fish feeding appears to have positive health effects in general.

iv. One research showed that individuals who frequently ate fried or broiled fish had more grey matter in their brains. Much of the nerve cells that regulate decision making, memory and empathy are found in grey matter.

v. Overall, for brain wellbeing, fatty fish is an outstanding alternative.

2. Coffee

If the highlight of your morning is coffee, you’ll be delighted to know that it’s healthy for you. The brain is supported by two key ingredients of coffee: caffeine and antioxidants. A variety of beneficial effects on the brain are caused by caffeine in coffee, including:

i. Increased Alertness

By blocking adenosine, a chemical messenger that makes you tired, caffeine keeps the brain alert.

ii. Improved Mood

Some of the “feel-good” neurotransmitters, such as serotoninin, may even raise caffeine.

iii. Sharpened Concentration

One research showed that when participants consumed one big coffee in the morning or smaller amounts during the day, they were more effective in tasks involving attention.

In the long run, consuming coffee is often associated with a decreased risk of neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.
This may be at least partially due to the high concentration of antioxidants in coffee.

3. Blueberries

Blueberries, including those that are exclusively for your brain, have various health benefits.

i. Anthocyanins, a category of plant compounds with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, are provided by blueberries and other intensely coloured berries .

ii. Antioxidants, factors which can lead to brain ageing and neurodegenerative disorders work against both oxidative stress and inflammation.

iii. Any of the antioxidants have been shown to accumulate in the brain in blueberries and help enhance brain cell connectivity.

iv. Animal testing has found that blueberries help boost memory and can also delay the deterioration of short-term memory.

v. Try spraying them or applying them to a smoothie on your breakfast cereal.

4. Turmeric

Turmeric has recently created a lot of buzz. A main ingredient in curry powder, this deep-yellow spice has a range of benefits for the brain. It has been shown that curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, crosses the blood-brain barrier, meaning it can ■■■■■■■■■ the brain directly and help the cells there. It is an effective antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound consistent with the following brain advantages.

i. May Benefit Memory

In individuals with Alzheimer’s, curcumin can help improve memory. The amyloid plaques that are a characteristic of this disorder may also help remove them.

ii. Eases Depression

It increases serotonin and dopamine, both of which improve the mood. For six weeks, one study showed curcumin strengthened signs of depression almost as well as an antidepressant.

iii. Helps new brain cells grow

Curcumin enhances the neurotrophic factor derived from the brain, a form of growth hormone that helps expand brain cells. This can help slow age-related mental deterioration, but further research is needed.

5. Broccoli

Broccoli is filled with strong plant compounds, including antioxidants.

i. It is also very rich in vitamin K, offering in a 1-cup (91-gram) serving (27) more than 100% of the Recommended Daily Intake (RDI).

ii. To shape sphingolipids, a type of fat that is tightly packed into brain cells, this fat-soluble vitamin is essential.

iii. In older adults, a few studies have related a higher intake of vitamin K to improved memory.

iv. In addition to vitamin K, broccoli contains a variety of compounds that provide it with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can help protect the brain from harm.

6. Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds contain powerful antioxidants which protect the body and brain from free radical damage. They are a perfect source of magnesium, iron, zinc and copper as well. For brain wellbeing, each of these nutrients is significant:

i. Zinc

For nerve signalling, this aspect is essential. Many neurological disorders have been related to zinc deficiency, including Alzheimer’s disease, depression and Parkinson’s disease.

ii. Magnesium

For learning and memory, magnesium is important. Many psychiatric disorders, including migraines, depression and seizures, are associated with low magnesium levels.

iii. Copper

To better regulate nerve impulses, the brain utilises copper. And there’s a greater chance of neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s, when copper levels are out of whack.

iv. Iron

Brain fog and reduced brain control are also characterised by iron deficiency.

7. Green Tea

The caffeine in green tea, as is the case for coffee, improves brain activity. In reality, alertness, efficiency, memory and concentration have been found to be improved. Yet green tea also has other features that make it a drink that is brain-healthy.

One of them is L-theanine, an amino acid that can pass the blood-brain barrier and improve GABA neurotransmitter function, which helps to decrease fear and make you feel more comfortable.

i. The strength of alpha waves in the brain also increases with L-theanine, which makes you relax without getting sleepy.

ii. One study found that by counteracting the calming effects of caffeine, the L-theanine in green tea will help you relax.

iii. It is also high in polyphenols and antioxidants that can inhibit mental deterioration in the brain and decrease the likelihood of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

iv. Green tea has also been shown to boost memory.


There are some simple real-world exercises to sharpen your brain and improve memory, including

1. Drive a new route home

As basic as this exercise can seem, it activates the brain by taking a different route home. To navigate your way around, you are compelled to use more senses, which keeps your brain vigilant instead of driving around mindlessly or operating on common roads.

2. Repeat it loud

It’s important to resist ruts and boredom to keep the brain sharp, says Eagleman. Simple crossword puzzles and other word games such as scrabble, rearranging letters and creating as many words as possible, relaxing the brain and improving memory.

3. Play chess

Other brain-boosting, strategy games such as chess and checkers, don’t forget to play. Logic-based games with numbers like Sudoku will keep the brain fit as well.

4. Learn a Musical instrument

Begin to play a musical instrument. Studies suggest that it is helpful for the ageing mind to experience something fresh and complex over a longer period of time.

5. Learn a foreign language

Online or at the nearest education centre, engage in a foreign language course. It will help sharpen the brain and rejuvenate it.

6. Do chores with eyes closed

With your eyes closed, try to wash the dishes, arrange the laundry or take a shower. To get the job completed, this would cause the brain to use other neuronal pathways. Obviously, with your eyes closed, do not do something that will put anyone or yourself at risk.


There are some games of brain on application or websites to sharpen the brain and improve the memory, including:

1. Lumosity

One of the most developed brain conditioning and behavioural fitness services is Lumosity. To play three games a day, you can sign up for a free account, or select the premium programme for further deals. Any way , you can keep track of your performances and development.

The enjoyable brain conditioning and mental health sports, assessments, and exercises at Lumosity are validated by research. On the website, you can play them or download the free iOS and Android applications. Lumosity now has an app called Lumosity Mind for sleep and mindfulness.

2. Crosswords

Crosswords are a classic brain teacher, accessing from several levels of information not only spoken language but memory. There are several ways, both online and off, to ■■■■■■■ crossword puzzles.

If you have a local newspaper, there’s almost always a crossword for you. Or pick up a crossword book that is precisely suitable for your ability level and desires. Online or through free or cheap software, you can also find several choices for crossword puzzles. A Dial is available on the AARP website.

3. Elevate

To play Elevate 's 35 (and counting) different brain training games, which have a highly educational atmosphere, you’ll need to download an app. It is free (with in-app purchases) and there are tens of thousands of five-star ratings available on both iOS and Android models.

Reading , writing, listening, and math are the focus of Elevate 's play, and you can tailor your training to focus on whatever areas you want. You can chart your progress, as in most other brain games, and see if your abilities are improving.

4. Peak

Peak is another app-only option that offers brain games to help you concentrate on concentration , memory, problem-solving, mental endurance, and more cognitive functions (available for iOS and Android).

You may be inspired by watching how you do against other users if you are a competitive individual. The software is free to download, but more features are unlocked with an affordable membership.

5. Braingle

Braingle 's free website offers over 15,000 puzzles, challenges, and other brain teasers, as well as an online community of gamers, claiming to have the world’s largest selection of brain teasers.

To give your brain a super workout, you can also make your own puzzles. Braingle has a wide range of offerings, from optical illusions, cyphers and passwords, and quizzes for trivia.


Memory is the sum total of what we are remember and gives us the ability to learn and adopt from previous experiences as well as to build relationship. It is the ability to remember past experiences and the power of process of recalling to mind previously learnt facts, impression skills and habits. It can be sharpened with diet, exercises and treatment. But medication can have negative impacts on health so, natural ways should be adopt.

Find out how to improve memory and understand how to use this instrument to make the work flow better. Also, use the tips to make the agency more productive, innovative and with lean processes. Work your memory and stimulate creativity, even when working under pressure.

For those working in the creative field, understanding how to improve memory can be an interesting skill to maintain high performance. In the case of an agency, this quality contributes not only to management and better productivity in monitoring processes, but it is also important for those who work in the creative area, favouring inspiration and the emergence of ideas.

In this article, we have put together 8 tips that you can apply to have better memorization. Take the opportunity to implement these habits, understanding how to extend the exercises to the entire agency. Thus, you benefit the professionals’ daily lives and ensure a more efficient workflow.

1. Have a good diet regularly

Although the work in an agency is intellectual, food will affect or favour the functioning of the brain. Of course, it is not the place to propose fasts or force everyone to drink green juice and eat bamboo shoots for lunch.

However, it is possible to offer lectures with different perspectives on the effects of food on the performance of employees.

The most interesting thing is that most of the items on the good list for memorization also stimulate creativity. That’s because they are foods that nourish the brain. We find in this list:

  1. blueberry;
  2. nut;
  3. cauliflower;
  4. broccoli;
  5. bitter chocolate;
  6. green tea.

It is also good to avoid excess sugar, as it produces an energy pump that generates a high level of disposition, however, for a short period of time.

This type of food is also known as an energy thief. In addition to hindering the memorization process, it will leave the brain running more slowly.

2. Create a rhythm to improve memory

To understand the importance of rhythm, you first need to know how the memorization process takes place. We can say that memorization happens in 3 different stages.

At first, known as the acquisition period, we are exposed to information or the fact for the first time. It is when experiences happen and from it, you absorb all the learning about a certain situation.

Then, we go through an assimilation process. With the high number of stimuli to which the brain is constantly subjected, it is not possible to store everything that happens. Therefore, there is a sort of screening at that moment that defines whether the memory will be short or long term.

Thinking in this way, we can understand why people carry certain childhood memories, but they usually cannot remember what they had lunch with the previous week.

Finally, there is a process known as recovery, which consists of activating memory. For example, when you can remember the name of the customer or, more impressive, the CNPJ number of his company.

The relationship between rhythm and the memorization process happens in several ways. The creation of routines favours the brain to understand (and remember) what comes next. So, if the team meeting takes place every Thursday at the end of the working day, everyone will be ready for it.

It is important to understand which rhythms (or routines) favour memorization and to implement them. Conversely, lengthy meetings every week can generate a negative memory in the group.

3. Learn how to improve sleeping memory

Our brain is immersed in liquids that are responsible for the exchange of substances with the body. It is through this path that the necessary nutrients are taken for the functioning of the mind, as well as the release of toxins. While you are awake, it is as if the brain mass swells, preventing fluids from flowing freely.

When sleeping, a detoxification process takes place, as this mass deflates and allows exchanges to happen in the proper way. In addition, during sleep, there is also a neuronal reorganization process. The formation of the neuronal network (the connection between neurons) is responsible for being able to process certain types of information.

That is why sleep is so important for the memorization process. What’s more, this relationship is so linked to the productivity of creative tasks that great artists and inventors, like Thomas Edison or Salvador Dalí, used to nap after lunch. The painter was dozing on a chair with a bunch of keys in his hand. Thus, the keys fell when he slept, making noise and awakening him with productive ideas.

We also realized the importance of sleep and its relationship to the memory and performance of employees by watching startups like Google. In these work environments, there is a space reserved for employees to take a nap.

4. Practice physical activities regularly

The more intellectual a job is, the more the person should move. Perhaps you know the famous verse of the Roman poet Juvenal “healthy mind, healthy body”. After all, physical exercises contribute to the proper functioning of the brain and the preservation of memory. Some benefits of exercising frequently are:

  1. increased blood circulation, which favours brain oxygenation and nutrition;
  2. cell renewal, including neurons (a process known as neurogenesis);
  3. production of hormones or neurotransmitters, such as endorphins, dopamine and serotonin, responsible for generating a sense of well-being, in addition to being linked to the ability to pay attention and also to learn (or to memorize).

So creating programs to encourage exercise at the agency can be a good idea. They don’t have to be time-consuming activities like gym workouts, which last around an hour. There are work gymnastics that last from 15 to 20 minutes and can already contribute to the memory and good mood of the team.

5. Adjust your posture and strengthen your memory

From good memory to the perception of improvements in executive management, a good posture can help a lot in work environments like in a communication agency.

For ancient Chinese science, there are energy channels that flow in our body and their main path is through the spine. Therefore, to ensure that the energy flows, allowing for good memorization and awareness, it is necessary to have good posture.

As for traditional science, the correct posture also favours adequate breathing. This allows for greater oxygenation of the brain and, consequently, better memory and ability to concentrate. In this case, good posture also contributes to an improvement in reasoning. So, if you decide to implement workplace gymnastics at the agency, take the opportunity and offer exercises that improve posture.

6. Do brain exercises

When you exercise the body, activating certain muscles, they develop and become more strengthened. The same thing happens with the mind: the more activities for the brain, the more efficient it becomes and the greater the resolving capacity in trained exercise.

Today there are several activities and games that can be used for this, such as:

  1. Memrise- an app aimed at training or learning a new language with a focus on memorization;
  2. Fit-brain- gathers several activities focused on logical reasoning, speed, concentration and also memory capacity;
  3. Lumosity- similar to the previous app, it has a paid version and a free version that releases 3 different games every day. It counts with scores and compares the player’s performance with the age group and the person’s own evolution.

7. Use acronyms to remember

Sometimes time management has not been very well done and the deadline is almost over. To reinforce the urgency of the request, you ask for ASAP. However, contrary to what it seems, this is not just millennial slang, it is an English acronym that means As Soon As Possible, or “as soon as possible”, in free translation.

Acronyms consist of the use of words or phrases that help to memorize other things. In the courses for Enem it is very common for teachers to create acronyms for students to memorize the most diverse contents, from physics formulas, historical facts to the periodic table.

8. Bet on the mind maps

You may be familiar with mind maps and how much they contribute to organization, planning and studies. They can also be an excellent action to help with memorization. After all, if you are able to transform large blocks of information into some topics, you will assimilate the subject dealt with more easily, just like in the scheme of acronyms.

Did you see how improving memory can be simple and even fun? You can create habits and develop this personal skill, but there are also several actions that can be implemented at the agency to transform the mindset of employees and optimize the performance of the teams. For this, it is important to make everyone aware of the purpose and importance of changes.

Exercises for memory at the time of reading

Concentration: when we are reading a text, we often have to go back to the paragraph, because we realize that we are reading, but we are not understanding. At this moment, we can analyze if we are not with excess interfering stimuli around, as these can impair reading concentration.

Quiet environment: to read an important document, go to an environment where there is no interference (there is no television on, the phone does not ring incessantly and without people talking around). Maintain the correct posture in the chair, so that the discomfort caused by the bad posture does not make you restless and disturb the comprehension of the text.

Absorbing the most important information: use a blank sheet of paper to cover the lines you are not yet reading, that is, visualize one line at a time and try to mark, with a highlighter pen, at least two important words from each paragraph and then reread the underlined words to better absorb the information.

What to eat to improve memory?

Food is also important for improving memory, and foods rich in omega-3s, such as salmon, sardines and flax seeds, for example, and antioxidants present in fruits and vegetables, contribute to maintaining the brain. functional.

What to avoid?

In addition, one should avoid foods rich in simple sugars, such as cakes, cookies and chocolate, and choose to eat whole carbohydrates, such as bread, pasta and brown rice and / or oats, for example.

What are the best techniques for exercising memory?

According to experts, the best techniques for exercising memory are those that stimulate the brain to function differently than usual. Just make small changes in daily activities, so that they become a challenge for your memory. You can:

  1. wear clothes in the dark;
  2. walking back and forth inside the house;
  3. take different routes to move around the city;
  4. use your left hand if you are right-handed (and your right if left-handed) to brush your teeth or comb your hair;
  5. read a magazine upside down.

In addition to stimulating the brain to get out of the routine, maintaining healthy eating habits, practising physical activities and taking good care of the emotional also contribute to keeping memory up to date.

How to improve memory in old age?

With aging, it is common to experience episodes of forgetfulness or disorientation, which can compromise the quality of life of the elderly. To get around these problems, the elderly need to have an organized routine, in order to perform their activities one at a time. Doing hobbies, such as crossword puzzles or game of seven mistakes is extremely valid, and the beneficial effects of these activities for memory have been scientifically proven. Reading is also an activity that exercises memory and can be optimized, for example, if the elderly person is encouraged to tell family members about the events in the history read.

And memory during pregnancy, how is it?

During pregnancy, lack of attention and memory lapses are common and happen due to hormonal changes during this period, especially the increase in progesterone.To better cope with the situation, the pregnant woman can do hobbies to stimulate memory, create lists with the activities of the day and even use the cell phone alarm to remember the most important tasks. In addition, avoiding stress and taking good care of sleep are also tips that help improve memory throughout the gestational period.

Is it normal for us to be a little more forgetful with age?

Losing memory should never be considered normal, but it is natural that a decline will occur throughout life, as we no longer have some neurons as the years go by. By the age of 40 or 45, we lose a little mental agility and quick thinking. But losing memory is not part of aging.

Because of this drop in mental alertness, we start to have more attention problems and our reasoning is a little slower, which is quite confused with memory failures.

How to differentiate between normal memory failures and those that may be due to some disease?

The main difference lies in how the problem affects your routine. The natural reduction in mental alertness does not cause major problems. Usually, the complaint is done by the person himself, not by others.

Can you avoid the loss of mental alertness that comes with age?

The recommendation, therefore, is to focus on the good old combination of healthy eating and physical exercise.
In addition, it is also important to keep your brain always active: study new languages, learn a musical instrument, read a lot, do group activities, socialize and talk frequently with your friends and family.

Do new technologies make our brain lazier?

It is too early to say anything on this subject - if we think in evolutionary terms, the arrival of technologies is absolutely recent and there is no way of saying whether or not it is affecting the brain.
But the experts suspect not: what happens is that we fail to develop some skills to take better care of others. We are able to handle several types of information at the same time, for example. It is a multifunctional aspect that is unusual and we have not developed it recently.
It is worth paying attention to the self-demand that we end up creating in keeping all the information we receive throughout the day. It is not you who have been forgotten, it is the volume of information that has surpassed your retention capacity.
It is quite a common thing to complain about the memory itself. I myself think mine is not as good as it was when I was young. But, when you start having problems at work, you forget important commitments and other people start to notice it, it is recommended to seek a medical evaluation.
Another important difference is the speed with which these failures happen: the natural loss of age is slow and gradual. Pathological signs evolve rapidly.

Can young adults also have memory failures?

The recommendations are the same for all ages: if forgetfulness starts to disrupt your routine and performance, see a doctor.


What Is Memory Improvement

Memory improvement is the demonstration of upgrading one’s memory. Memory deficiencies, age-related cognitive decline, and individuals’ need to improve their own personal memory have prompted research on the most proficient method to best assistance individuals to improve their memory. Exploration has likewise attempted to figure out what variables impact memory and cognizance.

Many different techniques to improve memory have been found, including cognitive training, psychopharmacology, diet, stress management, and exercise. Each technique has the ability to influence memory in different ways. Neuroimaging has also provided neurobiological evidence supporting, holistic ways in which one can improve memory.


Never Skip Exercise
While mental exercise is significant for brain wellbeing, that doesn’t mean you never need to start to perspire. Actual exercise enables your brain to remain sharp. It expands oxygen to your cerebrum and diminishes the danger for messes that lead to cognitive decline, for example, diabetes and cardiovascular infection. Exercise additionally improves the impacts of supportive mind synthetic substances and diminishes pressure hormones. Maybe above all, activity assumes a significant part in neuroplasticity by boosting development factors and animating new neuronal associations.

Sleep Well
Get a good night’s sleep or take a power nap after learning something new. One research study found that people who slept for 8 hours after learning new faces and names were better able to remember them compared to those who didn’t get the sleep opportunity. Not only does sleep protect our brains from forgetting memories, it also helps us retrieve memories better.

Drink Coffee
Regardless of whether caffeine can improve memory whenever taken prior to discovering some new information is easily proven wrong. Most examination has discovered practically zero impact from ingesting caffeine before making new recollections. One late examination, nonetheless, found that taking a caffeine pill after a learning task really improved memory review as long as after 24 hours.

Chew Gum
Another simple technique to attempt that could improve your memory is chewing gum while you learn new things. There’s been some conflicting examination around this point, so it is anything but a strong wager, yet an investigation distributed a year ago demonstrated that members who finished a memory review task were more exact and had higher response times in the event that they chew gum during the examination.

Reduce Sugar In Take
Sweet nourishments can taste heavenly and feel remunerating from the start, yet they may assume a function in cognitive decline. Examination from 2017 in creature models noticed that an eating regimen high in sweet beverages has a connect to Alzheimer’s infection.

The analysts likewise found that drinking an excessive number of sweet beverages, including natural product juice, may have an association a lower complete mind volume, which is an early indication of Alzheimer’s infection.

Brain Games
Taking part in mind games, for example, crosswords, chess, and extension, just as inventive outlets like canvas, playing an instrument, or learning a language, have not been demonstrated to ensure against cognitive decline. However, these interests can help with ordinary reasoning abilities and, when collaborated with normal exercise, can build an individual’s psychological hold.

Avoid Memory Enhance Supplements
About 25% of adults over age 50 take a supplement to improve their brain health. While these products promise benefits like enhanced memory and greater attention and focus, research has not found solid proof they work. People can get more brain benefits from doing regular aerobic exercise and adopting a plant-based diet.

Avoid Alcohol
Burning-through such a large number of alcohol can be unfavorable to your wellbeing from various perspectives and can contrarily affect your memory.

Hard-core boozing is an example of drinking that raises your blood ■■■■■■ levels to 0.08 grams per ml or above. Studies have demonstrated it changes the mind and results in memory deficiencies.

Take Healthy Diet
Diets such as the Mediterranean diet, which consists mostly of vegetables and fruit, olive oil, seafood, and nuts—rich in healthy unsaturated fats—have been linked in numerous studies) to improvements in memory and lower rates of memory decline.

There are numerous fun, basic and even heavenly approaches to improve your memory.

Practicing your psyche and body, appreciating a quality bit of chocolate and diminishing the measure of added sugar in your eating routine are on the whole incredible procedures.

Take a stab at adding a couple of these science-sponsored tips to your every day schedule to support your mind wellbeing and keep your memory in top condition.

A great many people have periodic slips in memory, So how to improve your memory, as overlooking another colleague’s name or losing the vehicle keys.

Step by step instructions to Improve Memory

More often than not, this is just a sign that an individual is altogether too occupied or is distracted. Then again, having a reliably helpless memory can be risky for somebody.

Numerous components assume a part in cognitive decline, including hereditary qualities, age, and ailments that influence the cerebrum. There are additionally some reasonable danger factors for cognitive decline, for example, diet and way of life.

While not all cognitive decline is preventable, individuals might have the option to take measures to ensure the mind against intellectual decay as they age.

Strategies To Improve Memory

find out around eight strategies to attempt to help improve your memory.In numerous ways, our recollections shape what our identity is. They make up our inward accounts

1.The stories we inform ourselves regarding what we’ve finished with our lives. They disclose to us who we’re associated with, who we’ve contacted during our lives, and who has contacted us. To put it plainly, our recollections are essential to the substance of who we are as people.

2.The standards of judgment, dynamic, and punctuation are put away in memory.

Articles and functions are emblematically spoken to by words, and this psychological dictionary is additionally put away in memory.

At long last, memory gives the premise to certain feelings and intentions.

Some enthusiastic reactions include the correlation between the present and the past. This is unimaginable without mental portrayals of the past put away in memory.

A few thought processes include portrayals of long haul objectives, not promptly introduced by the climate. This, additionally, is unimaginable without mental portrayals of things to come put away in, or possibly created by, memory.

That implies age-related cognitive decline can speak to lost self. It likewise influences the down to earth side of life, such as getting around the area or recalling how to contact a friend or family member. It’s to be expected, at that point, that worries about declining thinking and memory abilities rank among the top feelings of dread individuals have as they age.

Hereditary Problem

What makes a few people lose their memory while others remain sharp as a tack? Qualities assume a job, however do as well decisions. Demonstrated approaches to ensure memory incorporate after a solid eating routine, practicing consistently, not smoking, and keeping pulse, cholesterol, and glucose under tight restraints. Carrying on with an intellectually dynamic life is significant, as well. Similarly as muscles develop further with use, mental exercise helps keep mental aptitudes and memory in tone.

More established individuals will in general have more trouble centering than youngsters. This is on the grounds that age-related cerebrum changes make it ■■■■■■ to sift through upgrades that are not pertinent to the main job. Tips to attempt to help fixation incorporate rehearsing care; taking part in psychological preparing; and carrying on with a solid way of life that incorporates overseeing basic conditions, eating a Mediterranean eating regimen, and getting the suggested measures of activity (150 minutes of the week) and rest (seven to eight hours for each night).Rereading

On the off chance that you go box a snippet of data just once almost certainly, you overlook it. So it is essential to go box it in any event two or multiple times separated in expanding time spans. For instance you may peruse a talk, than read it again a few hours after the fact and afterward a couple of days after the fact.


I particularly accept that the main thing to recall something is to have the option to tell it with your own words. To manufacture a working idea of the thing. So snatch an elastic ducky, or a teddy bear, or the neighbors detestable canine and clarify them what you’ve quite recently perused. The parts that are not satisfactory are the parts on which you should center somewhat more.


attempt to realte all that you figure out how to something you definitely know, to associate it to your present information.


Having a rest after you attempt to pick up something is truly important.I feel compelled to pressure this as much as possible. In the event that you were occupied with learning a rest does ponders. All in all having solid rest does ponders for the memory. Also, keep hydrated as well.

Have A Good Diet

The nourishments we eat can bigly affect the structure and soundness of our minds. Eating a mind boosting diet can uphold both short-and long haul cerebrum work.

Dim chocolate

Dim chocolate contains cocoa, otherwise called cacao. Cacao contains flavonoids, a kind of cell reinforcement.

Cell reinforcements are particularly significant for cerebrum wellbeing, as the mind is exceptionally defenseless to oxidative pressure, which adds to age-related psychological decay and mind sicknesses.


berries contain flavonoid cancer prevention agents. Examination recommends that these may make the berries great nourishment for the cerebrum.

Nuts And Seeds

1.sunflower seeds


  1. hazelnuts


The scientists found that caffeine causes an expansion in mind entropy, which alludes to intricate and variable cerebrum action. At the point when entropy is high, the mind can handle more data.

Fatty Fish

At the point when individuals talk about cerebrum nourishments, greasy fish is frequently at the first spot on the list.

This sort of fish incorporates salmon, trout and sardines, which are for the most part rich wellsprings of omega 3.

Pumpkin Seeds

contain ground-breaking cancer prevention agents that shield the body and cerebrum from free extreme harm. Every one of these supplements is significant for mind wellbeing.

Zinc: This component is essential for nerve flagging. Zinc lack has been connected to numerous neurological conditions, including Alzheimer’s sickness, discouragement and Parkinson’s infection.

IronIron lack is regularly portrayed by cerebrum haze and hindered mind work.


Numerous individuals talk carelessly about having a ‘great’ or, all the more regularly, an awful memory as though it’s anything, something clear, a belonging that you may be fortunate enough to have or not. Yet, when you begin considering memory, inspecting your own encounters, perusing the exploration and trying different things with some groundbreaking thoughts, you understand that memory is definitely not obvious. It can’t be as basic as saying yours may be ‘acceptable’ or ‘terrible’ in light of the fact that it includes an assortment of frameworks, a perplexing arrangement of abilities, a scope of evolving encounters. It’s definitely not direct – which implies it very well may be befuddling and baffling, and we may be quick to excuse it. All the above things are truly useful to improve memory.

People face a lot of problems in their lives. Some are going through some sort of stress, someone is facing financial crises, one is stressed out because of studies, many people can’t find a job, many are stuck in their worst relationships issues, some people are worried about their fitness, someone hates to study, others are depressed because of their medical aptitude etc. etc…

However the biggest problem of my life and many others including most of the old age and depressed people is the issue of short term memory. Yes people usually forget things which are very important to them. They forget their documents, they forget their keys, they forget the names of people they occasionally met, they forget the address of someone’s house, they forget their own cell numbers and munch more.

I found few techniques which help in retaining the things in mind. I worked out on those techniques and they proved to be useful.

Daily dairy

One technique that works great in my case. It is to keep a small mini pocket size notebook with a pen and whenever you come across something just pen it down with the date and time. it makes your life easy and worth living.

Listening to music

I practiced this technique on a daily basis and gradually I found that yes!! It works. According to the Harvard Health research, adding music in your daily routine alters your mood and strengthens your memory. When you give music to your brain, different parts of the brain work together simultaneously, hence improves your memory.

Faster blood circulation

Last but not the least, my grandma used to say to lay down on the bed for a few minutes and hang your head down from the side and let your hairs to move freely in the downward direction. This improves blood circulation towards your brain and helps different parts of the brain to work more efficiently. Because when we are in a normal posture the blood circulation towards the brain is against gravity which is not so efficient.

So these techniques helped me to improve my memory and retain some very important things. Hope article will help you guys also.

How to improve memory is a worrisome question every adult and the ones progressing towards their old age asks.

There are a plethora of ways we can improve our memory. From the routines to our eating habits, memory highly depends on how is our lifestyle. Improving memory is an act of strengthening or enhancing your mind by keeping a healthy lifestyle.


The word “Memory” has been derived from the Anglo-French word “Memoire” which means “record” and from Latin “Memoria” which means “an act of remembrance”.

Memory is a mental capacity of storing the unconscious or conscious events of the past and recalling it when needed.


Memory loss is one of the most common problems in the world due to the following reasons:

  1. Age

  2. Role of genes

  3. Unhealthy lifestyle

  4. Disturbance in sleeping patterns (Not getting enough sleep)

  5. Long term use of alcohol, drugs and smoking

  6. Emotional Trauma or tragedy

  7. Unhealthy diet

  8. Constant stress and pressure.

  9. Brain injury


When we hear the term “fitness” or “health”, the first thing that comes is a physically fit person who is eating healthy and working out at the gym religiously. In this modern world, where our priorities revolve around becoming slim and smart, building abs and muscles, making an impeccable career and being successful in the professional platforms, we don’t usually pay heed towards one of the most integral part of our life which is also connected to the priorities mentioned above. Yes, that’s the mind. When we start to focus on our mental strength, eventually it will maintain memory functions. There are many ways to improve memory which are as follows:

1. Cardio exercises:

MRI studies show that regular aerobic exercises like running improves memory by increasing the blood flow.

After such high-intensity exercises, having a good meal has shown to promote the learning of new information. Glucose and Insulin is also key to consolidation, the conversion of short term memory to long term memory storage.

2. Working in a social environment:

Many types of research have shown that people working in groups or a socially interactive environment tend to learn things much more quickly than people with zero interactions. Working in such environments helps you to learn and memorize things more quickly and for a long period of time because of the ongoing feedback from peers and short challenges in the task.

Hanging out with people can protect against memory loss and mental disorders common in dementia. People who stay in touch with their friends and family show better memory function and maintains other cognitive abilities.

3. Meditation

Meditation can greatly enhance your memorizing ability. Trying different breathing exercises especially box-breathing, which is a sort of mindfulness used by Navy SEALs, helps to engage in future tasks much more efficiently. Meditation allows blood flow in the brain which improves memory, Researchers did a study on participants who practiced meditation every day and they found an improvement in learning and memorizing things just after eight weeks.

Meditation and breathing techniques have been shown to improve short term memory consolidation in people of all ages.

4. Food

The foods we eat are directly proportional to the structure and health of our brains. Our brain works on the fuel we take in the form of in taking food. So, it needs 20 percent of the body’s calories to maintain and improve brain functions.

The diet which helps in improving memory are as follow:

  1. Foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids help build and repair brain cells,

  2. Green tea can also help to refresh our brains as it contains antioxidants that help to reduce cellular stress and inflammation, which are linked to memorizing and learning.

  3. Berries such as strawberries, blackberries, blackcurrants, mulberries contain flavonoid antioxidants. A 2014 review notes that the antioxidant compounds in berries have many positive effects on the brain such as improving communication between brain cells and prevent from neurodegenerative diseases.


5. Sleep

Sleep plays a vital role in the consolidation of memory from short term holding to long term storage. It aids in building a strong connection between brain cells and triggers storing memories. Researchers have done a long study and they have concluded that the people who have learned skills and take good care of their sleeping patterns resulted in an impeccable remembrance than the ones who sleep less.

The reason behind this is that the sleep-deprived person loses focus and attention which further allows him to less store information. Other than that, when a person is sleeping, it prevents the brain to struck by external stimuli that causes diversion from the focus and interference with memory storage.

According to psychologists, when a person is asleep it reduces the secretion of dopamine which accelerates forgetfulness and in return, it enhances the working of the hippocampus which allows preserving memories.

6. Be Organized:

As we know, memory has a certain capacity to store information. When a huge bulk of the information is stored in it, it creates chaos which causes difficulty in maintaining attention and remembering things. So, the best way to keep your information organized is:

  1. Making notes of what you’re studying and grouping similar concepts helps in remembering things.

  2. Make a to-do list every day

  3. Keep a calendar on your table to remember deadlines and tasks. You can also use google calendar to set reminders.

  4. Keep an alarm in your phone to remember tasks.

7. Playing brainstorming games:

Brainstorming is a critical approach to build up your memory and think creatively or out of the box. According to neurobiologists, playing brainstorming games aids in boosting memory power and improves performance by up to 12%. The suggested brainstorming games are as follows:

  1. Playing chess

  2. Checkers

  3. Rubik’s cube

  4. Scrabble

  5. Crossword puzzles

  6. Sudoku

  7. Jigsaw Puzzles

  8. Riddles and quizzes

8. Use of Caffeine:

According to the study, intake of caffeine such as coffee or green tea helps in boosting memory power and attain focus for the long term. It is being suggested that taking 200 milligrams of caffeine allows remembering things faster and for a long time. This method is highly useful for students who can recall their tests by having coffee in the morning.

9. Use of Chocolate:

We’ve heard many times that if you’re feeling down, have a bar of chocolate. Study shows that having dark chocolate not only helps to relieve stress but also boosts brain functions. The cacao allows rejuvenating memory and improves blood flow to the brain. So, it is suggested to have a bar of chocolate which has 85% cacao in it. The darker the chocolate is, the better is for brain performance.

10. Take time out for hobbies:

According to psychologists, our brain works best in the '20s but what really effects the brainpower is our lifestyle. It is being suggested to learn new skills or spend some time with your hobbies allows relaxing your mind and enhance brain functions.

Artistic hobbies which include learning musical instruments, painting, sketching and photography plays an integral role in boosting communication between brain cells.

The biggest personalities who are known for their intelligence are:

  1. Einstein was a famous physicist who was also an impeccable violinist.
  2. Leonard Da Vinci was a scientist and a mathematician who had a great interest in painting.
  3. Billionaire Warren Buffett plays ukulele every day in his spare time to keep his mind sharp.


Mental health is something which is really important in order to live a happy and healthy life. We take care of our bodies, our skin and trying numerous methods to keep it healthy. But when it comes to the brain, we ignore it as it doesn’t really matter. We need to take it really seriously because memory problem is something really dangerous and painful when it gets out of hands. Long-term ignorance of it can cause mental diseases such as Alzheimer’s and dementia which is so common nowadays. Statistical study shows that fifty million people are suffering from this disease and every year, eight to ten million cases derive, ranging from age 40-70.

How to improve memory is the perplexing question often asked by many people especially by, youngsters and young adults. Their need for answers is important because of today’s growing competition whether it is related to education or other life perspectives. Consciousness is the main thing in a person and having a weak one isn’t going to help today’s generation. Focusing on attention, taking less stress and visualizing concepts can improve the memory.

Healthy diet connected to better brainpower

The nourishments we eat can bigly affect the structure and soundness of our brain. Eating a brain-boosting diet can uphold both short-and long haul mind work.

Regardless of whether you need to improve your sustenance during test season or remain sharp in your next work meeting, focusing on your eating regimen can truly pay off. Despite the fact that there’s no single ‘cerebrum food’ to secure against age-related problems, for example Alzheimer’s or dementia. Contemplating what you eat gives you the most obvious opportunity with regards to getting the supplements your requirement for
better memory.

Similarly, as there is no enchantment pill to forestall intellectual decay, no single omnipotent mind food can guarantee a sharp brain memory as you age. Nutritionists stress that the main system is to follow a solid dietary example that incorporates a ton of organic products, vegetables, fruits and entire grains.
Attempt to get protein from plant sources and fish and pick solid fats, for example, olive oil or canola, as opposed to immersed fats.

Like everything else in your body, the mind can’t work without energy. The capacity to think and center originates from a sufficient, consistent gracefully of energy (as glucose) in our blood, to the brain. Accomplish this by picking whole grains which have a low-GI, which implies they discharge their energy gradually into the circulatory system, keeping you intellectually alert for the duration of the day. Eating too not many solid carbs, like whole grains, may prompt cerebrum mist and fractiousness. Settle on ‘earthy colored’ wholegrain grains, storage facility bread, rice and pasta.
All things considered, certain nourishments in this general plan are especially wealthy in fortifying parts like omega-3 unsaturated fats, B nutrients and cancer prevention agents. These things are known to help brain wellbeing and frequently alluded to as food sources.

Examination shows that the best brain nourishments are similar ones that ensure your heart and veins, including the accompanying:

1) Green, verdant vegetables:

Verdant greens, for instance, kale, spinach, collards and broccoli are plentiful in cerebrum. Solid supplements like nutrient K, lutein, folate and beta carotene. Examination recommends these plant-based nourishments may treat mild mental decay.

2) Greasy fish:

Greasy fish are bountiful wellsprings of omega-3 unsaturated fats, solid unsaturated fats that have been connected to bring down blood levels of beta-amyloid—the protein that structures harming bunches in the cerebrums of individuals with Alzheimer’s infection. Attempt to eat fish at any rate twice hebdomadally. Besides picking varieties that are low in mercury, for example, salmon, cod, canned light fish and pollack. In case you’re not a fanatic of fish, get some information about taking an omega-3 enhancement, or pick earthly omega-3 sources, for example, flaxseeds, avocados and pecans.

3) Berries:

Flavonoids, the individual plant pigments that provide berries their imposing tones, additionally assist enhance consciousness, study shows. In a recent report issued in Annals of Neurology, experts at Harvard’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital found that ladies who burned-through at least two servings of strawberries and blueberries each week prolonged memory decay by up to above two years.

4) Tea and espresso:

The caffeine in your morning mug of espresso or tea may offer something beyond a transient fixation help. In a recent report distributed in The Journal of Nutrition, members with higher caffeine utilization scored better on the trial of mental capacity. Caffeine may moreover help bond new memories, as shown by other investigations. Agents at Johns Hopkins University solicited members to contemplate an arrangement from pictures and afterward take either a fake treatment or a 200-milligram caffeine tablet. More individuals from the caffeine bunch had the option to accurately distinguish the pictures on the next day.

5) Pecans:

Nuts are astounding wellsprings of protein and solid fats and one sort of nut specifically may likewise improve memory. A recent report from UCLA connected higher pecan utilization to improved intellectual grades. Pecans are high in a kind of omega-3 unsaturated fat called alpha-linolenic corrosive (ALA), which assists lower with blooding pressure and secures conduits. That is beneficial concerning both the heart and brain.

6) Dark Chocolate:

Dark chocolate contains cocoa, otherwise called cacao. Cacao contains flavonoids which is a sort of cell reinforcement.

Cell reinforcements are particularly significant for mental wellbeing, as the cerebrum is exceptionally helpless to oxidative pressure, which adds to age-related intellectual decrease and brain illnesses.
Cacao flavonoids seem to be beneficial for the brain. As per a 2013 survey, they may empower neuron and vein development in parts of the mind associated with memory and learning. They may likewise animate the bloodstream in the mind.

Some examination additionally proposes that the flavonoid segment of chocolate may invert memory issues in snails. Researchers still can’t appear to examine this in people.

The specialists reasoned that eating this sort of dark chocolate may improve mind pliancy, which is pivotal for learning and may likewise give other brain-related advantages.

Other Brain Boosters

Notwithstanding a solid eating routine, practice additionally assists with keeping our minds sharp. The study recommends that standard exercise improves intellectual capacity, hinders the psychological maturing cycle and causes us to measure data all the more viably. Specialists suggest at any rate 150 minutes of activity for each week to help the brain and body.


The key point is not only in-take of a healthy diet or exercise but one’s mind should also be optimistic and shouldn’t stress or overthink things. We should learn the value of patience and positive thinking, both combined have a very vital role in increasing our brain health. A simple motto in our life should be “go with the flow” rest, will be okay.

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