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How to get rid of skunks?


How to get rid of skunks? To get rid of skunks, a variety of strategies exist for eradicating them, none of which necessitate using harmful pesticides or setting up obnoxious traps yourself. Those stinky invaders can be a real nuisance. They leave a foul odour in their wake, and while they’re searching through your garbage or vegetable beds for food, they can leave a real mess in their wake as well. There are many diseases and viruses that can be spread by their saliva, such as rabies, which can be passed on by them.

Tips on How to Get Rid of Skunks Fast & Humanely

However, skunks’ reputation for stink is well-earned. Having one on your property may be helpful in controlling pests and grubs, but it’s not something you want to deal with.

Now that you know how to effectively and humanely get rid of skunks, keep reading.

1. Install a motion detection sprinkler

Skunks don’t take much of a scare to keep away. As soon as they hear or see something, they’re on the prowl for prey. In this case, motion detection sprinkler systems could be the answer to all of your questions.

A sprinkler that detects motion is a good choice because it uses a spray of water to deter skunks. The animal’s shuffle sets off the sensor, causing a whirring sound and a burst of water. Skunks can be driven away with the help of water and noise. This method is non-toxic, safe, and effective.

Drive the spike into the ground and connect the device to the nearest water source. Make sure that the sensor is set to detect the skunks at the correct height.

2. Install an ultrasonic skunk repellent

Despite their poor eyesight, skunks make up for it with an unmatched hearing ability. It’s used for both hearing mate calls and spotting danger.

It’s easy to use their sensitive ears as an excuse to scare off an unsuspecting skunk, so try it out next time you see one. Don’t forget that making your home uninhabitable is the best way to rid your home of skunks.

An intruder is less likely to return if he or she hears this obnoxious noise every time he or she enters your home or yard. In this situation, an ultra-sonic skunk repellent would be useful. Turn it on after it’s been set up on the ground.

Skunks will be frightened away by the high-pitched noise the device makes when activated by movement. The additional features of this ultrasonic skunk repellent are useful.

Skunks are deterred by LED lights that flash in time with the ultrasonic sound. To get the most out of this solar-powered device, place it where it will receive plenty of direct sunlight. Inclement weather isn’t an issue because the stake and casing are weather-resistant and can be driven securely into the ground, rain or shine.

3. Build a fence around your property

A fence around the yard’s perimeter may be an option if you’re at a loss as to how to get rid of skunks. To keep your house safe, use a PVC garden mesh with small holes. Smaller animals can be kept out of your yard by attaching this to an existing wood post fence.

Allow for a foot or two of mesh that can be embedded under the surface. Animals can’t get in by digging under the barrier. An electric fence charger and aluminium wire are all you need to make your own electric fence, which you can do at home.

Using this, you can give small animals that you’re trying to keep out of your property a quick but noticeable electric shock.

Ground rods can be purchased at a hardware store and placed around your home at regular intervals. Place these in areas with wet soil, which helps conduct electricity more efficiently. It is also possible to moisten the soil with water if this isn’t feasible.

A 6–12-inch distance from the ground is ideal for the aluminium wire. To keep skunks away, you need to make sure the wire is at the right height.

4. Install night lights in your yard

Skunks are nocturnal creatures, and they’re used to operating in the dark. As far as skunk removal is concerned, the answer is simple: just light it up.

Skunks will be frightened away by any flash of light, even if it’s just a few seconds long. They’re taken aback and start to wonder what’s going on because of the sudden change in their normally dark surroundings. They flee, terrified.

This means that skunk removal under your deck or under your house is as simple as positioning it in a light-filled dark area for a few days. They will eventually look for a better place to stay if their daytime sleep is disrupted.

Adding weather-resistant outdoor lights can help you get rid of pesky skunks in your yard. Skunks and other nocturnal pests will be deterred if these are left on all night. As a result, many people opt for solar-powered versions of this setup instead.

Outdoor pathway lights with low voltage but high brightness is another energy-saving option for skunk prevention. These are ideal for those who don’t want to deal with the hassle of a complicated installation. Make a trench for the lights, fill it with soil, then plug them in.

5. Use ammonia or mothballs to repel skunks

In addition to its excellent hearing, the nose of a skunk is much more sensitive than that of a human.

The pungent ingredients in many skunk deterrents are the reason for this. For pest control, product developers ask themselves, “What scent do skunks despise?” and use these scents.

Skunks can be deterred using the same principle and home remedies. Ammonia can be used as a DIY skunk repellent. It’s as simple as leaving a bowl of ammonia in areas where skunks congregate to create your own skunk deterrent.

Ammonia can also be used to get rid of skunks by soaking rags in the liquid and hanging them in strategic locations. If you make an ammonia spray, the smell will go away much faster, which means you’ll have to apply it more often.

6. Seal your trash bins

Skunks are omnivores, which means they can eat both plant and animal matter. People’s garbage is full of food for these animals, so they can get it all the time.

To keep them coming back, provide them with a steady supply of free-flowing food. A skunk has been digging through your garbage, so what should you do?

When it comes to getting rid of skunks, the most important thing to remember is that they’re always looking for a way into your garbage.

Keep your garbage in the house until the morning of the collection. Keep in mind that skunks are nocturnal animals, and as a result, they will be sleeping when your garbage is picked up.

If this isn’t an option, you can use a bungee cord and trash bags to keep your outdoor garbage cans safe.

A strong trash bag will help keep out skunks and other pests attracted to rotting food. The garbage can’s handles should then be secured with a bungee cord to prevent them from being opened.

7. DIY citrus repellent

You don’t need to go far to find out how to get rid of skunks with home remedies. Humans enjoy the aroma of citrus fruits like lemons and oranges. Animals, like skunks, hate the acidic and pungent smell it gives off.

A homemade skunk repellent can be made from these fruits. Skunks tend to frequent areas where citrus peels and rinds are spread. Note that as they dry out, the smell disappears, so you’ll have to replace them on a regular basis.

Citrus fruit trees are also effective deterrents to skunks. There are a lot of fruits from lime, lemon, and orange trees. Skunks are scared off by the smell, so they don’t come into your yard (and make your home smell amazing).

It’s a smart move to plant these trees along the fence. However, the smell and the anti-skunk effect will be worth it when they finally bear fruit.

8. DIY natural home repellent mix

Skunk repellent sprays contain substances that are offensive to human noses, so you can fight fire with fire by making your own skunk repellent mixture.

Their sense of smell is very sensitive, and putting together scents that deter them will help keep these little creatures at a safe distance from you. Spices are the best natural skunk repellent ingredients. They don’t just dislike the smell. It also causes irritation to the noses of those who breathe it in.

Mix chopped onions, a few jalapeno peppers, and a tablespoon of cayenne pepper in a bowl of water to make your own skunk repellent. Soak for at least 20 minutes before serving.

Pour the liquid into a spray bottle after straining out the solids. Spray this skunk deterrent on everything from your fence to your plants to keep the critters away. Because it is made from natural ingredients and does not contain any harmful chemicals, it is safe for humans and the environment to use.

Reapply this every three to five days, or when it rains and your garden or fence is hosed clean. Because this natural skunk deterrent is based on the presence of an overpowering smell, it loses its effectiveness if the smell fades or is otherwise taken away from the area.


Skunks can be driven away with the help of water and noise. Motion-activated sprinkler systems could be the answer to all of your prayers. Making your home uninhabitable is the best way to rid yourself of skunks. A fence around the yard’s perimeter may be an option if you’re at a loss as to how to get rid of skunks.

How Do You Know If You Have Skunks in Your Backyard?

A good place to start is by making sure that the skunks you’re dealing with are, in fact, skunks. This is what you should be on the lookout for:

  • The smell of a skunk’s spray is the most obvious clue. In order to protect themselves, they emit these rotten-egg-like fumes whenever they are startled by a person, a pet, or another potential predator.

  • You’re unlikely to see a skunk during the day because they are nocturnal. However, at night, you may be able to catch a glimpse of them prowling around your plot. They are about the size of domestic cats and have black fur with white stripes running down their backs. These skunks are smaller and less common than normal skunks. They have white spots that aren’t always in the same place and broken stripes on their fur that aren’t always straight.

  • Tracks left by skunks and racoons can be found in your backyard ideas, as both animals have five toes.

  • Carpenter bees, for example, can wreak havoc on wooden structures. Keep an eye out for signs like holes in your lawn and trash strewn from your trash cans as a possible sign of a skunk infestation.

In Short

When skunk spray is in the air, the most obvious clue is the scent. Skunks are approximately the size of domestic cats and are covered in black fur with white stripes running down their backs. A smaller subspecies of skunk, they are rarer.

How Do You Get Rid of Skunks Under a Shed, Deck, or Porch?

  • Skunks can sometimes make a home under your shed, decking ideas, or front porch ideas, which obviously is not ideal.

  • In order to prevent animals from digging under the wire, dig a trench and extend the bottom length of the wire outward at an angle before refilling. This is a good method for keeping rabbits out of your garden as well.

  • There are a few things you can do if you’ve already had a skunk or two move in. To begin with, you could simply sit tight and wait for it to pass. Usually, by the end of the summer, your resident skunk will have given birth to a litter of cubs, and these cubs will soon be able to fend for themselves. To put it another way, as the Toronto Wildlife Centre puts it, “Skunk dens tend to be short-lived.”

  • The team at the Toronto Wildife Centre says you can humanely harass the skunks out of your yard if you don’t want to host them this summer. If you use the repelling methods, the mother skunk will most likely take her young with her when she leaves your property.

  • When they’re gone, stuff the doorway with newspaper and wait a few days to see if it’s still there. You should seal up the area as soon as you’re sure the previous occupants have left.


In some cases, you may find yourself dealing with skunks living under your shed, deck, or front porch. According to the Toronto Wildlife Centre, skunk dens don’t last very long. If you don’t want skunks in your yard, you can humanely chase them away.

How Do You Get Rid of Skunk Smell?

  • The oily, yellow substance that gives off the skunk smell can travel up to a height of three feet when released. It’s imperative that you and your pets take action as soon as possible if you or your pets have been sprayed.

  • Deodorant soap and grease-cutting dish detergent should be used immediately after you’ve been sprayed.

  • Use an oily hair shampoo.

  • Take a 15- to 20-minute baking-soda bath, just mix two to four cups of baking soda into a tub of warm water. Cleanse your skin afterwards by rinsing it thoroughly.

What to do if your pet gets sprayed by a skunk

  • You’ll need one teaspoon of baby shampoo (or grease-cutting dish detergent), 1/4 cup of baking soda, and one gallon of 3.5% hydrogen peroxide to make this solution.

  • Apply the solution to your pet’s coat, being careful not to get it in their eyes, and leave it on for five minutes (no longer, as it may start to lighten the color).

  • You can then wash your pet with a normal pet shampoo.

  • You don’t want to keep any leftover mixture in the fridge, so don’t do that

  • Store-bought products can be used.

Frequently Asked Questions

Following are some frequently asked questions related to how to get rid of skunks.

1. How do you get skunks to leave?

Use a flashlight to scare a skunk away from you. The skunk won’t come any closer if you shine a bright light at it. You can frighten it away by yelling or stomping your feet. Spray the skunk with water if you have a hose nearby and it runs away.

2. What home remedy will get rid of skunks?

Boil 2 quarts of water with a chopped onion, a jalapeno, and 1 tablespoon of cayenne pepper until the onion is translucent. To keep skunks at bay, fill a spray bottle with the solution and squirt it on nearby plants. Each dose should last a maximum of five days. Squirrels are afraid of bright lights because they are nocturnal and prefer to forage at night.

3. How do you keep skunks out of your yard at night?

Skunks are nocturnal creatures with highly sensitive eyes. They are active at night. Skunks will flee if they see a bright light or a motion-activated flood light. Citrus fruits are repulsive to most animals, including skunks. In order to keep skunks away from your yard, scatter orange or lemon peels throughout it.

4. What do skunks hate the most?

Skunks detest certain odours, which may seem paradoxical. Predator urine (such as dog or coyote) is one of the most potent deterrents for skunks. Mothballs and ammonia-soaked cotton balls should be kept away from children if they are used.

5. Do coffee grounds repel skunks?

Like black pepper and capsaicin (or chilli peppers), coffee grounds’ bitter scent doesn’t bother skunks’ sinuses, but it still deters them. To keep skunks out of your garden and to nourish it while keeping other rodent-like creatures at bay, spread coffee grounds over your soil.

6. Where do skunks go during the day?

Even though skunks are most active at night, they are also active throughout the day. However, skunks will spend the majority of the day hiding. Despite the fact that they will emerge from their dens, they will remain hidden.

7. How long do skunks stay in one place?

Skunks typically have one litter of four to six babies. This is typical for skunks, which typically den in hollow logs, hollow logs, or under buildings and stone walls in the spring. About eight weeks are spent in the den by the young.

8. Why is a skunk digging in my yard?

It is common to find food or shelter by digging in the ground. Grub-eating critters may be to blame for large grass pieces that appear to have been pulled from the ground. Grass is pulled by these animals in an attempt to reach the grubs on the surface of the dirt.

9. What attracts skunks to my yard?

Low-hanging fruit like garbage and pet food that is left out at night, as well as convenient denning sites such as wood and rock piles, elevated sheds and openings under concrete slabs, porches, and crawl spaces, are the primary sources of food for these opportunistic animals.

10. Does Irish Spring soap keep skunks away?

Their main source of food is low-hanging fruit like garbage and pet food that is left out at night, as well a place to hide like wood piles, elevated sheds with holes in the concrete and crawl spaces under the porches where they can hide.


When skunks decide to set up camp in your yard, they can be a nuisance. Many people who own chickens are worried about their chickens and eggs because ground-dwelling animals like groundhogs can hurt them. They may also damage your home’s wiring and foundation by digging beneath it.

Because of this, their spray is extremely pungent and difficult to remove. To avoid being sprayed by a skunk, you must first understand the risk and make preparations for its removal. You’ll need to confirm that skunks are, in fact, the source of your garden’s woes before taking any action.

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