How far is Heaven from Earth? From the Holy Book ok Muslims; Quran, we came to know that Heaven is 3 billion light-years away from Earth, and no one from this Earth could ever see Heaven before death.
It is not possible for a human being who lives on this planet Earth could have a glance at Heaven, which is far away from our world. No one could ever measure a distance from Earth as it is impossible to see it. Although we get to know from the Quran that Heaven exists and is very far from every one, no one could ever watch it being alive.
Concept of Heaven
To define Heaven, we can say that:
“The permanent location of God, where he stays forever with his angels and other spirits of his good and beloved persons who live with him after death”
Or, to quote it, we can say that;
"The Habitat of God and also a state of existence for his righteous people who obey him throughout their lives after they are gone."
Heaven is usually considered a place where people go from this Earth after they die. But not all of the people surrounding us will go to Heaven. The holy book of Muslims, also known as the Quran, claims that the ones who worship Allah and his prophets will get a chance to go to Heaven where they can live forever, and death will never come near them.
It is generally thought of as some life that comes after death. However, other than Muslims who genuinely believe their Allah and Heaven, people who are not Muslims often find the concept of Heaven as a lie or some of their hopes that they would also go to Heaven after they die.
But here lies scepticism that comes into the mind of every person who came to know the theory of Heaven. Not everyone who knows about Heaven and life after death believes it. They are often called a liar who tells them the meaning of Heaven because the true notion of Heaven is beyond the wisdom of the human mind.
The conceptualization of one God and his prophets and his Quran is difficult to understand for non-Muslims. Everyone is spiritually connected to his particular religion in which he was born and got taught. Undoubtedly, it is almost impossible for anyone to abandon their belief and convert to others, but everyone should search for the truth.
Concept of ■■■■
In many religions, ■■■■ it is generally considered where the deceased one goes after his death. It is the place that lies beneath the Earth. It came into place for the damned spirits.
In other terms, ■■■■ it is the place that is the underworld, which consists of deep pits or distant land of shadows and ghosts where all of the spirits of cursed people gather around. That is the world designed especially for the sinners who have committed a great crime in their life or for the people who constantly sin whenever they get a chance.
According to some scholars, sinners go ■■■■ soon after die and live there forever and will never get a chance to get out of there. They have to live there eternally in return for the crimes. That is going to be the penalty for sinners.
But the concept ■■■■ is much more diversified and vast. This is a place of punishment rather than merely of darkness and decomposition. Some say it is a place covered with Fire from top to bottom, and the souls of the cursed persons have to live there.
Heaven ■■■■ is the natural place for the one who believes, and after the stage of belief, the life of the proper believer changes. He tries to live according to the instructions so that he would go to Heaven after he dies and would be able to avoid it ■■■■.
Day of Judgement
Muslims believe that on a day determined by Allah, and known only by Allah, life on Earth will end, and Allah will destroy everything. On this day, all people who have ever lived will be resurrected and face Allah’s judgment. Muslims believe that they will remain in their graves to this day. It has several names like:
- The day of Resurrection
- The day of judgment
- The last hour
According to the Quran, it is stated that everyone will earn the fruit of the deeds that they have done in their Earthly life. Therefore, those who have done good works will enter Janna or Paradise. Janna is a place described as a ‘garden of eternal happiness’ and a ‘home of peace’. Janna will be free from sickness, pain, and sorrow.
Those who have done worse than goodwill go to ■■■■ Jahannam. This is a place of physical and spiritual suffering. Muslims believe that Allah is forgiving, merciful, and kind, so not all evil deeds will be punished. Allah will forgive those who repent of their sins and those who have done well in their lives, for example, showing kindness to others.
There are, however, other sins that many Muslims believe are unforgivable. This includes the vice of shirk.
Heaven and ■■■■ according to Islam
Every Muslim has faith in Heaven ■■■■ because they are well guided about their religion through their Holy Book, Quran. They know that every deed done here will be questioned on the Day of Judgement.
Heaven in Holy Quran
Throughout our lives, we compete to believe in and serve Allah Almighty so that we can achieve Jannah in the future. We can only imagine what paradise will look like. Only Allah Almighty knows it, but He explains it in the Holy Quran.
Allah’s Pleasure
The great reward in Jannah is the joy and mercy of Allah Almighty. This great reward is for those who believe in Allah and work hard to please Allah (SWT). Allah Almighty says in the Holy Quran:
“Have I given you good news of something better than that? For the righteous are the Gardens near to their Lord and the joy of Allah? Because in the sight of Allah they are His servants.”
The most critical or convincing description of paradise is a beautiful garden with lush greenery and flowing water. Allah (SWT) said in the Holy Quran:
“But give good news to those who believe and work righteousness, that part they will have in paradise is the gardens, beneath which rivers flow.”
In Jannah, gardens will reunite many families. This is because Allah Almighty says in the Holy Quran:
“And whoever obeys God and the Messenger, those will be with those whom God has bestowed favor, on the prophets, the truth-bearers, the martyrs and the righteous. And those who are his friends are beautiful.”
Food and drink
The description of Heaven in the Quran includes unlimited food and drink without feelings of intoxication. In the Holy Quran, Allah Almighty has described these words:
“Eat and drink freely for what you have sent (good deeds) in the past.”
Eternal home
Heaven is an eternal place of Islamic life where believers will live forever in peace and happiness. The Holy Quran describes the eternal home in these words:
“As for those who have faith and work righteousness, they are friends of the garden. They will live on it forever.”
■■■■ in Holy Quran
Those who do evil and unbelievers will surely go to ■■■■. We should also know ■■■■ where people will go to ■■■■. Those who do not believe in Allah Almighty and the religion of Islam will surely go ■■■■ but also those who do not believe in Islam and Allah Almighty but do evil deeds will also be punished for their acts. Allah Almighty says in the Holy Quran:
"Our Lord! Certainly, the one who lets him go into the Fire disgraced him; and the evildoers will have no helper."
Acceptance of the authenticity of Jannah and Jahannam is one of the six fundamental beliefs of Islam. ■■■■ It is the place of sinners after death on Judgment Day. In the Holy Quran, “Jahannam” and “Al-Naar” are frequently mentioned. Allah (SWT) says in the Holy Quran these words:
“The blazing fire of God, which reaches to the hearts: is closed in over them in long columns.”
The Holy Quran also mentions who will go ■■■■. Indeed, atheists, especially when they die in that state, are hypocrites, idolaters, arrogant, those who treat religion as a hobby, break the covenant, ridicule the Messengers of Allah or the truth of the Day Judgment.
Also, murderers, those who abuse the inheritance, especially the orphans, who slander innocent women or claim divinity for themselves, will indeed have a place ■■■■.
In many places where ■■■■ it is talked about, the beauty and peace of Heaven are talked about to show the difference between them. Muslims are therefore obliged to pray five times a day and ask for forgiveness and protection from hellfire in each prayer from Allah Almighty.
Frequently asked questions:
Following are the questions often asked about that How far Heaven from Earth is ;
1. How can you get to Heaven?
There is a whole set of instructions in the Quran on how could anyone go to Jannah. It is simply by obeying Almighty Allah.
2. Has anyone ever seen Heaven in his life?
He might see any delusions in his dreams but not in real life. The one who will see Heaven will be after his death.
3. Is Heaven real?
There are many concepts regarding Heaven, but in the Quran, Allah has shown what ■■■■ will look like and who will be punished ■■■■.
4. What does ■■■■ it look like?
You can see the Quran if you are interested in ■■■■ Heaven. However, Muslims are told that ■■■■ it is the place that is fully covered with Fire.
5. Will everyone go ■■■■?
No, not everyone will go ■■■■. The ones who have followed the right path, which Allah and his prophets told, will never go ■■■■.
How far is Heaven from Earth? Heaven is a very sacred place and specially made for those who obeyed the Almighty Allah in their whole life and never sinned. But as human beings, everyone commits sins, but the good ones are those who search for forgiveness from their God after doing it. So Heaven ■■■■ is accurate, and everyone will have their fruit