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Acne ( symptoms, causes, risk factors and prevention's


Acne has become a major problem for lots of young person from those just entering puberty to those within age 40, the numbers of persons getting serious scar as a result of acne is alarmingly increasing…it becomes important to know what causes acne, it’s risk factors and preventative measures we can take to prevent it.

What is acne

Acne is a skin condition that occurs when the hair follicles becomes plugged with oil and ■■■■ skin cells. Acne usually appears on the face, neck, chest, back and shoulders. Acne can be persistent , the pimples and bumps heal slowly, and when one begins to go away, others seems to crop up.
Acne How to get rid of acne scars. is most common among teenagers, with a reported prevalence of 70 to 87 percent.
Depending on it’s severity, acne can cause emotional distress and scar on the skin. Acnes are better treated early as this reduce the risk of lasting physical or emotional damage.

Acne is skin condition that results in pimples, blackheads, white heads and sometimes rashes.
It occurs when the hair follicles becomes plugged with oil and ■■■■ skin cells.
Acne is usually prevailant in high oil secreting areas of the skin such as; the face, neck, chest, shoulders and back.

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Acne signs and symptoms vary depending on it’s severity. The common symptoms;

  1. white heads (closed plugged pores)

  2. black heads (open plugged pores…the oil turns brown when it is exposed to air)

  3. small red tender bumps (papules)

  4. pustules with pus at their tips ( pimples).

  5. nodules (large, solid, painful lumps beneath the surface of the skin.

  6. cystic leisons ( painful pus- filled lumps beneath the surface of the skin).
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The common Symptoms of acne are : white heads, blackheads, papules, pimples, nodules, and cystic leisons.


Four main factors causes acne, these are;

  1. oil production
  2. ■■■■ skin cells
  3. clogged pores
  4. bacteria
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Acne normally appears on the face, neck, chest, back, and shoulders, because these areas have abundance of sebaceous glands which produces oils (sebum). Acne occurs when the hair follicles
14 Proven Tips on How to Get Rid of Dandruff. becomes plugged with oil and ■■■■ skin cells.
Hair follicles are connected to oil glands ( sebaceous glands). These glands secretes sebum which lubricate the hairs and skin. Sebum normally travels along hair shaft and through the opening of the follicles onto the surface of the skin.
When the body produces excess amount of sebum and ■■■■ skin cells, they can build up in the hair follicles . They form a soft plug creating an environment where bacteria can thrive. If the clogged pores becomes infected with bacteria, inflammation results, resulting in acne.

Acne usually occurs when the hair follicles becomes plugged with oil and ■■■■ skin cells thus creating an environment that is conducive for bacteria to thrive, these bacteria causes inflammation which results acne.

Other causes

When dirts and bacteria are occluded in the pores, secreted oil is unable to come out thus a pimple or zit is formed over the pores.

When an inflammatory pus filled cyst or blister ruptures, the fluid comes out and if it spread into the adjacent surface of skin, the bacteria and dirt in the pus cause the growth of another pimples adjacent to the existing pimples.
Weakened immune system also plays a major role in invasion of bacteria into the pores of the skin.

Acne also occurs when the sebaceous glands under hair follicles are stimulated during puberty due to hormonal charges.

Risk factors

Picking or squeezing an existing pimple.

Touching or pricking the pimples of other persons.

Fiction, stress or pressure on the skin.

Medications that contains high adrogen, barbiturates, corticosteroids and lithium.

Birth control pills.

Hormonal changes during ■■■■■■■■■■■■ in women.

Cosmetics that are too greasy.

Common risk factors of acne are; picking or squeezing an existing pimple, touching or pricking pimples of other persons, oily cosmetics, friction, stress or pressure on the skin, and birth control pills.

Complications of acne

  1. scarring
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  2. hyperpigmentation.


The goal of acne treatment is to reduce or to eliminate the outbreak and prevent scaring. Effective medications for acne includes;

  1. isotretinoin
  2. antibiotics ( ■■■■ and tropical)
  3. benzoyl peroxide
  4. retinoids
  5. aleo Vera
  6. green tea extract


Here is the gold because prevention is always better than cure.

  1. wash your face twice daily with an oil- free water based cleanser
    https ://

  2. don’t squeeze or pick pimples because that may cause skin scar, swelling or it may worsen acne.

  3. skin peeling and dryness associated with acne can be prevented by using moisturizer.

  4. wash your sheets once a week because sweat and dirt on sheets may cause acne development .

  5. wear loose clothes to prevent sweating that may cause acne to breakout on skin.

  6. use products that are water based or non adrogenic.

  7. use oily make-up and remove make-up
    https :// before going to bed.

Don’t squeeze or pick pimples, use skin moisturizers, wear loose clothes to prevent sweating and wash your sheets at least once a week and maintain good skin hygiene.

Frequently asked questions

Why is my acne not responding to treatment and why does it keeps reappearing?.

To be totally free from acne or to reduce acne…it is better to avoid the risk factors that leads to acne.


Acne is skin condition that usually results pimples, blackheads, Whiteheads, cystic leisons and sometimes rashes.
It occurs when the hair follicles on the skin becomes plugged with sebum ( oils) and ■■■■ skin cells thus creating an environment where bacteria can thrive and cause inflammation resulting in acne.
It is very prevailant in teenagers especially. Acne can easily results skin scar. Common Symptoms of acne are; blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, nodules, papules and cystic leisons.
The main causes of acne are; oil production, ■■■■ skin cells, bacteria and clogged pores.
Acnes are better treated early.
Common risk factors of acne are; picking or squeezing an existing pimple, touching or picking the pimples of other persons, oily cosmetics, friction, stress or pressure on the skin, medications high in barbiturates, corticosteroids and adrogen, and hormonal birth control pills. Acnes can results skin scarring.
Effective treatments for acne includes; ■■■■ and topical antibiotics, retinoids, green tea extracts, isotretinoin and benzoyl peroxide.
Preventing an acne is always better than trying to cure it, hence take heed of the preventative measures stated above.

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Acne is a chronic skin condition that causes pimples and spot, especially on the shoulders, face,back, chest, upper arms and neck. Blackheads, pimples, white heads , nodules and cyst are all types of acne.It is the general skin condition in the United States. It is affecting up to 50 million Americans yearly. Acne can occur at any age. But it generally occurs during puberty when the sebaceous glands activate,. It is not harmful, but it can leave skin scars that seems unpretty. 85 percent of people experience acne between the ages of 12 and 24 years in the United States.

Types of Acne
Now we will describe what are types of acne. We may hear the term “breakout” that is used to explain all types of acne, but this isn’t always a true explanation. Not all kinds of acne spread across the skin.

Closed pores cause acne itself. These may be refer to:

  • More production of oil

  • Hormones

  • Bacteria

  • Ingrown hairs

  • ■■■■ skin cells

Acne is usually related with hormonal changes experienced during teenage years, but adults also experience acne. About 17 million Americans have acne, making it one of the most general skin conditions among both adults and children.

Analyzing which kind of acne you’re experiencing is key to successful cure of acne. Acne may be inflammatory or noninflammatory. Subtypes of acne within these two types include:

  • Blackheads
  • Papules
  • Whiteheads
  • Cysts
  • Nodules
  • Pustules

It’s feasible to have multiple kinds of acne at once — few cases may even be extreme enough to warrant a visit to the doctor or dermatologist.

Non Inflammatory Acne
Noninflammatory acne includes whiteheads and blackheads. These acne don’t cause swelling. They respond well to over-the-counter (OTC) treatments.

Salicylic acid is marketed for acne in common, but it generally works good on noninflammatory acne. It naturally desquamate the skin, removing ■■■■ skin cells that can lead to whiteheads and blackheads. Look for it in moisturizers, toners, and cleansers.

Blackheads form when a pore is closed by a combination of ■■■■ skin cells and sebum. The top of the pore stays open, although the rest of it being closed. This results in the distinctive black color seen on the skin surface.

Whiteheads can also occur when a pore gets closed by ■■■■ skin cells and sebum. The top of the pore clogged up. It seems like a little bump protruding from the skin.

Whiteheads are more ■■■■■■ to treat because the pores are already clogged. Products having salicylic acid can be helpful. Topical retinoids give the good results for comedonal acne. Now adapalene is accessible over the counter as a retinoid. Stronger topical retinoids are available If retinoid does not work. Stronger topical retinoids are available by recommendation from dermatologist.

Inflammatory Acne
Acne that are swollen and red are attribute to as inflammatory acne.

■■■■ skin cells and sebum cells contribute to inflammatory acne, but bacteria can also play a role in closing up pores. Bacteria can cause an infection in the the skin’s surface an this may result in severe and distressing acne spots that are difficult to get rid of.

Products having benzoyl-peroxide may help decrease the swelling and also get rid of bacteria within the skin. These products can remove extra sebum. Doctor may recommend either topical antibiotic or an ■■■■ along with the benzoyl-peroxide to cure inflammatory pimples. Topical retionoids are also an essential part of coping inflammatory pustules and papules.

Papules form when the walls surrounding our pores break down from extreme inflammation. This results in difficult, closed pores that are delicate to the touch. The skin around these pores is generally pink.

Pustules form when the walls around our pores break down. Pustules are permeate with pus. These bumps come out from the skin and are generally red in color. They sometimes have white or yellow heads on top.

Nodules form when swollen, close pores abide further irritation. Nodules are underneath the skin.The nodules are so deep within the skin, we can’t cure them at home. Recommended medication is important to help cure these up.

Dermatologist and doctor will probably recommend the ■■■■ medication isotretinoin (Sotret). This is taken daily for some months and it is made from a form of vitamin A .It can prevent and cure nodules by reducing oil gland size.


Cysts can form when pores are closed by a combination of sebum, ■■■■ skin cells, and bacteria. The clogs form deep within the skin and are further beneath the surface than nodules.

These big white or red bumps are sometimes distressing and painful to the touch. Cysts are the biggest type of acne, and their development generally results from a extreme infection. This kind of acne is also the most probably to scar.

The recommended medication isotretinoin (Sotret) is generally used to cure cysts. In extreme cases, doctor or dermatologist may surgically eliminate a cyst.

There are some types of acne such as noninflammatory acne and inflammatory acne. Noninflammatory acne includes black heads and white heads and inflammatory acne includes papules, pustules, nodules and cyst.

How severe is each type of acne?
Whiteheads and blackheads are the mildest forms of pimples or acne. These can usually be treated up with OTC topical medications, such as benzoyl-peroxide spot treatments or salicylic acid-based toners. If they don’t react to OTC medications, comedones are cured with topical retinoids easily. There is one kind of retinoid, called as adapalene, which is now accessible over the counter. It’s very effective in treating whiteheads and blackheads.

Papules and postules are more abate forms of pimples. These may or may not cure up with OTC medication. The moderate acne may need an topical or ■■■■ recommendation from a doctor or dermatologist.

Cysts and nodules are the most extreme form of acne. There is a need to go to a dermatologist to clear up severe acne. Popping or picking cyst and nodules can cause scars on the skin.

Blackheads and whiteheads are the mildest form of acne, papules and pustules are the moderate forms of acne and the cyst and nodules are the extreme form of acne. There is a need to go to the dermatologist to clear up severe acne.

How much water should we drink a day to cure acne?
Water is beneficial for our health. Drinking a lot water make our skin healthy and glowing. Acne can be removed by drinking a lot water. There is a question arises how much water should we drink a day? We have to drink atleast 12 glass of water in a day to cure the acne completely.

Symptoms of Acne
Everyone wants to be look pretty but acne can be form almost anywhere on our body. It most generally forms on your back, face, chest, shoulders, and neck.If you are facing acne, you will commonly notice pimples that are black or white. Both whiteheads and blackheads are called comedones.

Blackheads open at the surface of our skin, and because of the oxygen in air imparting them a black appearance. Whiteheads are closed just below the surface of our skin, imparting them a white appearance.While blackheads and whiteheads are the most general lesions seen in acne, other types can also occur. Inflammatory lesions are more probably to form to cause scarring on skin. These include:

  • Papules are red, small, bumps caused by infected or inflammed hair follicles.

  • Pustules are red small pimples that have suppuration at their tips.

  • Nodules are hard and sometimes painful lumps under the surface of our skin.

  • Cysts are big lumps form beneath our skin that contain pus and are generally painful.

Acne can form anywhere on our body. Whiteheads and blackheads are the most general lesions seen in acne. The symptoms of acne is the formation of papules, pustules,cyst and nodules.

Causes of Acne
Acne forms when the pores of our skin become clogged with ■■■■ skin, bacteria, or oil.Every pore of our skin is the opening to a follicle. The follicle is made up of a sebaceous oil gland.The oil gland produces sebum (oil), which travels out of the pore, and onto our skin. The sebum keeps our skin soft and lubricated. Dehydration can also causes acne.

One or more issues in this lubrication process can lead to acne. It can form when:

  • Bacteria form in the pores

  • ■■■■ skin cells grow in the pores

  • Our follicles produced too much oil

These issues causes the formation of pimples. A pimple emerge when bacteria grows in a closed pore and the oil is not able to escape.

Hormonal Factors
The various factors generate acne, but the major cause is thought to be a increase in androgen levels.

Androgen is a kind of hormone, the levels of which increases when adolescence starts. It gets converted into estrogen.

Increasing the androgen levels cause the oil glands beneath the skin to form. The enlarged gland releases more sebum. Enormous sebum can break down cellular walls in the pores, leading bacteria to form.

Other Possible Triggers

Few studies commend that genetic factors may enhance the risk.

Other causes are:

  • Smeared cosmetics

  • Some medications that contain lithium and androgen

  • ■■■■■■■■■■■■

  • Emotional stress

  • Changes in the hormone

Acne basically forms when the pores our skin become closed with the ■■■■ skin cells, oil and bacteria. The various factors generate acne but the major cause is thought to be increase in the androgen levels.

Diagnosis of Acne
If you are facing the symptoms of acne, then your doctor can make a diagnosis by checking your skin.Doctor will check the kinds of lesions and their hardness or severity to determine the best treatment.

Treatment Of Acne

Home Care
There are some self-care activities the person can try at home to cure pimples and cure up acne. . Other home remedies for acne include:

  • Not touching the face

  • Not picking pimples, which spreads excess oil and bacteria

  • Using makeup that is labeled “noncomedogenic”

  • Not picking pimples, which spreads excess oil and bacteria

  • Not wearing tight headbands

  • Cleaning the skin daily with a soap to remove extra dirt and oil.


If self-care doesn’t cure acne, a some over-the-counter acne medications are also available. Most of these medicines contain things that can help kill bacteria or remove oil from the skin. These include:

  • Resorcinol is a less general ingredient used to eradicate ■■■■ skin cells.

  • Salicylic acid is sometimes used in acne washes and soaps.

  • Benzoyl peroxide eradicate acne-causing bacteria. Benzoyl peroxide is present in most acne gels and creams. It’s used for drying out existing acne and curing new ones.

  • Sulfur is a natural ingredient with a natural smell that’s found in some cleansers, masks and lotion.

How we can get rid of acne scar naturally?
It is a general question that how we can get rid of acne scar. Acne scar makes our face unpretty. There are some remedies to remove the acne scar.

  • Apply green tea to your skin

  • Take a zinc supplement.

  • Moisturize with aloe vera

  • Apply apple cider vinegar

Some medicines are available to cure the acne if self-care does not work. Most of the medication contain ingredients that can help kill bacteria or remove oil from the skin.

Prevention and Management tips
Here are some preventive measures for looking after skin that has acne:

  • Wash the face with warm water no more than twice each day and use mild soap to wash the face.

  • Do not burst the pimples or scrub the skin.

  • Avoid picking pimples, as this makes scar on the face.

  • A dermatologist can cure a acne that needs rapid eradication for cosmetic reasons.

  • Avoid touching the face.

  • When talking hold the mobile away from the face, as it is probably to contain skin residue and sebum.

  • Wash hands especially before applying creams, makeup or lotion.

  • Clean spectacles daily as they collect skin residue and skin sebum.

  • If acne is on the shoulders, chest, or back, try wearing loose clothing to let the skin breathe. Avoid tight garments, such as caps, and scarves.

  • Avoid enormous sun exposure, as it can cause the skin to form more sebum. Various acne medications enhance the risk of sunburn.

  • Avoid stress and anxiety, as it can enhance formation of adernaline and cortisol, which form acne.

  • Try to keep dry and cool in humid and hot climates, to prevent the sweating.

Acne is a more general problem. It can cause extreme embarrassment, but treatment is available, and it is effective in most cases.

Some preventive measures to cure acne include washing the hands twice in a day, avoid picking pimples, avoid stress and anxiety etc.

What are the Risk Factors for developing Acne?
Some people believe that foods such as French fries or chocolate will form acne. But there’s no scientific confirmation for these claims, there are some general risk factors for developing acne. These include:

  • Having parents who had acne

  • Some medications, such as corticosteroids birth control pills.

  • A diet high in carbohydrates or refined sugars such as chips and bread

  • Changes in the hormones caused by pregnancy or puberty

During puberty people are most at risk for developing acne During the puberty our body undergoes hormonal changes. These changes can generate oil production, leading to an enhanced risk of acne. Hormonal acne linked to puberty generally subsides, or at least improves when we reach adulthood.

Some believe foods can also cause acne but there is no scientific confirmation for these claims. During puberty there are chances to develop acne.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why acne comes again and again?
    Acne comes again and again due to the hormonal imbalance. Hormones play a big part in the formation of acne. When someone have a hormonal imbalance the skin response by the occurrence of acne on the face, chest and back.

  • What questions should I ask my doctor about acne?

  • What is acne?

  • What causes acne?

  • What is the best treatment for acne?

  • How should I take care of my skin?

  • What should I do if my symptoms worsen?

  • What age acne stops?
    Acne is the most general in girls at the of 14 to 17 and in boys at the age of 16 to 19. Acne sometimes cured when a person is in their mid-20’s. In few cases pimples can continue into adult life.

  • Can drinking water clear acne?
    Acne can be cleared by drinking water. Water helped immensely in improving skin texture and tone. By drinking sufficient water acne can be removed. Water makes our skin smooth and soft. Water is also beneficial for our health.

  • Is milk good for acne?
    Milk is good for acne. Milk contain components that can remove acne. Milk contain ingredients related to the hormone testosterone that may generate oil glands in the skin,setting the stage for acne.

Acne is a chronic skin condition that causes pimples and spot, especially on the shoulders, face,back, chest, upper arms and neck. Blackheads, pimples, white heads , nodules and cyst are all types of acne. Acne is usually related with hormonal changes experienced during teenage years, but adults also experience acne. Noninflammatory acne includes whiteheads and blackheads. Acne that are swollen and red are attribute to as inflammatory acne. Water is beneficial for our health. Drinking a lot water make our skin healthy and glowing. Acne can be removed by drinking a lot water. Acne can form anywhere on our body. Whiteheads and blackheads are the most general lesions seen in acne. The symptoms of acne is the formation of papules, pustules,cyst and nodules. Acne can be cured by some home remedies. If you are facing the symptoms of acne, then your doctor can make a diagnosis by checking your skin. Doctor will check the kinds of lesions and their hardness or severity to determine the best treatment.

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Acne is the disease associated with skin that involves oil glands that are present within the base of hair follicles. Acne is caused due to mutation in genetics, the menstrual cycle, anxiety and stress, hot and humid climates, using oil-based makeup, and squeezing pimples. It affects 3 in every 4 people aged 11 to 30 is not dangerous if taken proper treatment, otherwise it creates scars, emotional distress, and the spread of acne in the whole area.



Inflamed acne consists of swelling, redness, and pores that are deeply clogged with bacteria, oil, and ■■■■ skin cells. Sometimes, bacteria called Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes) can cause inflamed acne, too. Non-inflammatory acne, also called comedonal acne, is closer to the surface of the skin and doesn’t have a bacterial basis.

Types of acne caused by inflammation:

The treatment of acne involves the correct identification of inflammatory acne. Following are the main types of inflammatory acne

Inflamed comedones.:

These recognized by swollen blackheads or whiteheads that appear on the skin surface


They are small(usually less than 5mm) and are red in color and are not filled with pus inside, if they are filled with pus then they convert to pustules. They appear on your skin’s surface. They appear on the skin surface due to clogged pores.


Pustules are like papules red in color and with pus inside just like papules but are large in size. Pustules are also referred to as pimples


They emerged as small, pus-filled bumps that are lying lie below the skin’s surface.


Cysts are the most severe type of inflamed acne. Like nodules, they sit below the surface of your skin. They are filled with pus and are usually large and painful when touched.


This acne occurs when there is an increase in androgen levels in your hormones. When adolescence level increase in the body, then androgen also increases causing acne. In women, androgen gets converted to estrogen. When the androgen level increases then the oil glands inside the skin surface also increase. the increase in gland causes more production of sebum. Due to the overproduction of sebum, the cell wall present in cells broke, causing bacteria to grow. Progesterone is the cause of hormones imbalance. These hormones are present in the female body that helps in conception and pregnancy. Androgens are called male sex hormones and are present in the female body as well, but in high amount than androgen. Hormones in male stabilize, mostly women are victims of acne caused by hormones.
Acne caused by hormonal imbalance is called hormonal acne. This acne has mostly occurred during puberty

Causes of hormonal acne:

Women usually experience acne before ■■■■■■■■■■■■. Estrogen and pestrogen levels decrease but Testosterone level remains constant that causes sebum production causing the breakout of skin.

An increase in androgens and a decrease in estrogens also causes the cell wall of the skin to breakout-causing acne.
In this, androgens excess in the body reduces the estrogen level and progesterone. This contributes to oily skin and results in hormonal acne symptoms.
In this stage, the androgen level increase in both men and women causing the overproduction of sebum increasing the acne.
3- DIET:
The foods having an excess amount of sugar increases the level of hormone that is called insulin. The increase in insulin level in blood causes cause an increase in oil production by glands, producing acne.

Foods that causes acne:


Skim milk is most likely to produce acne. According to recent research, it is the hormones in cows when they are pregnant and are more likely to produce acne. People that have a high level of this cow hormone are more prone to acne problems.

Sugar and carbs:

Sugar, white bread, white rice, soda, and cake cause acne, because they are high in the glycemic index that is a measure of how foods affect blood sugar.

Studies found that people eating chocolate having 10 times more coca are less prone to acne. Instead, people who eat chocolates with more sugars are at risk. Dark chocolates reduce the risk of acne.

Fast food:

Teenagers consuming fast food on a daily basis are more likely to have acne, because of high quantity of oil used in preparing the ingredients.

Whey protein powder:

This protein helps in increasing the skin cells and increases the insulin level in the blood thus causing acne.


At -home care:

The following tips can help in preventing pimples :
• cleaning skin every day using soap to reduce oil and dust.
• Washing hair every day with a shampoo and do not let the hair fall on your face.
• Using ‘non-comedogenic; makeup or waterproof makeup
• By not touching and pinching the pimples and help in preventing the spread of bacteria.
• Avoid using hats and headbands
• Don’t touch your face.

■■■■ antibiotics:

■■■■ antibiotics are to be taken up to 6 months for patients having acne. The dosage of these antibiotics depends upon the levels of severity. These aim to reduce the production of P. Acnes. The dosage increase when you have severe acne and decrease as the acne clears. P. acnes can become resistant to the antibiotic in time, and another antibiotic is needed. Acne is more likely to become resistant to topical rather than ■■■■ antibiotics. Antibiotics can combat the growth of bacteria and reduce inflammation. Erythromycin and tetracycline are commonly prescribed for acne.

Salicylic acid:

This acid help in eradicating ■■■■ skin cells that are present inside your pores. It breaks down acne lesions and also stop them from coming back. It is recommended by doctors that moisturizer must be used before applying creams containing this acid

This is the most important ingredient in creams that treat acne, it is best suitable for light or less sever and non-inflamed acne. Sulfur-containing creams are more likely used to stop the spread of acne.

Hormonal treatments.:

Some cases of inflamed acne are caused by hormonal imbalances. In these cases, your dermatologist may prescribe hormone-reducing medications. In addition, birth control pills work for some women who experience more inflamed acne before and during their menstrual cycles. Spironolactone, an anti-androgen medication, may also help with nodules and cystic acne caused by unusually high androgen levels.



Teenagers are more likely to get acne problems

Family history:

If both your biological parents have acne, then there is more chance for you to get acne

Greasy or oily substances:

You can be more prone to acne if you consume a large amount of oily foods. You may develop acne where your skin comes into contact with oil or oily lotions and creams

Pressure on skin:

Putting a mobile phone on your skin while on-call can increase the risk of you having acne. Recent studies found that telephones, cellphones, helmets, tight collars, and backpacks can cause acne on your skin surface.

In the last, we should know what acne is and how it can be treated. But having acne doesn’t mean that there is no treatment for this disease, there are various treatments that help you in treating the acne in a better way, without causing any harm to the skin. A simple tip to get yourself from your acne is to take extra care of your skin, when applying makeup and being careful of what you eat because an unhealthy diet is also one of the factors for you to have acne.

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