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10 Health Conditions That Are Linked To Depression


10 health conditions that are linked to depression affect the human body which leads to disturbance. First we will describe what depression is?


A Greek physician Hippocrates demonstrated that depression occurred by the four imbalanced body fluids called humors:

• Yellow bile

• Black bile

• Phlegm

• Blood

It is important to notice that feeling down sometimes is a normal part of life. Sadness and upset feelings occur to everyone. But, if you face this issue on a regular basis means you can deal with depression. Depression is a common and serious medical illness.

It negatively affects your feelings, thinking, and acts. It is also treatable. Depression can get worse without the proper treatment. It losses your interest in the different activities and causes feelings of sadness. It can also cause emotional and physical problems. It decreases your interest in different works.

1. Symptoms of depression:

Some symptoms of depression can affect your mood and the others affect your body. The symptoms are different among men, women, and children.

Men may experience a bad mood such as anger, aggressiveness, irritability, anxiousness, and restlessness. He feels empty, sad, and hopeless. He feels the behavior like loss of interest, feeling no interest in their favorite activities. He tired easily and thoughts of suicide prevailed on the mind. He loses the sexual desire, using drugs, engaging in high-risk activities. He is going through sleepless nights.

Women may experience irritability mood, feeling sad or empty, anxious or hopeless, loss of interest, thinking and talking more slowly. She may sleep too much or feeling difficulty throughout the night. She feels greater fatigue, weight changes, and headaches pains.

2. 10 health conditions that are linked to depression:

Some chronic illnesses that may lead to depression are


• Heart disease

• Arthritis

Kidney disease

• ■■■ and AIDS

• Lupus

• multiple sclerosis (MS).

When depressed people don’t get treatment at times, they often face more severe symptoms of both depression and other health problems linked with depression.

Heart problems:

Depressed people may experience anxiety, stress and even PTSD over a long period of time have a high risk of high blood pressure and heart problem. These affected patients also fare worse than others once they are diagnosed with it. Being depressed can increase the chance of dying in the months after a heart attack. It can directly increase heart rate and blood flow. Depressed can increase the risk of the cardiac event such as

• Heart attack

• Blood clots

Depressed people may have tiny cells mean uncommonly sticky platelets that cause blood clotting. It can harden the arteries and increase the chances of a heart attack.


Depression can hit asthma problems very hardly and your symptoms get worse if you feel continuously depressed. Stress, anxiety may be linked with poor asthma control. For example, stress or depression can release histamine means a chemical that causes allergies in excess amounts. It may lead to asthma. One study shows that the chronic stress of parents might even increase the risk of expanding asthma in their children. They have poor lung functions.


Depression may also lead to obesity. You may experience weight gain or weight loss in this condition. Depression can be linked with overeating, poor food selection, and a bad routine of lifestyle. Stress increase the high levels of the hormone cortisol means increasing the amount of fat that is deposited in the abdomen. Obesity can also lead to other physical health problems that include joint pain, diabetes, and hypertension.


Diabetes has two types

• Type 1

• Type 2

You have an increased risk of developing depression if you are a diabetes patient. Type 2 diabetes is more prevailed if you are depressed. People with depression, stress, and anxiety follow a poor lifestyle such as unhealthy eating, no exercise, smoking, and weight gain that can raise the risk for diabetes. Stress seems to raise the glucose levels of people with type 2 diabetes.


Depression may lead to chronic pains of migraines. One research said that the chemical called neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine are irregular in people who can experience depression and migraines. Depression and other mental health problems can be treated with talk therapy, medication, or a combination of both. The headache on the daily basis associated with muscle aches and the stress of the muscles.

Gastrointestinal problems:

Depression may lead to stomach issues. It can also lead to significant mental health problems. Stress can make the abdominal cramps and pain more worsen and you literally feel so much pain in your stomach. Depression is the main cause of many other GI conditions such as chronic heartburn and irritable bowel syndrome. Dysbiosis and inflammation of the gut have been associated with several mental illnesses. It also leads to anxiety and depression.


Osteoporosis may lead to stress. It is mostly found in older people and younger women. A broken bone may be the first and only symptom of osteoporosis because of the low bone mass in order to decrease the amount of calcium and other minerals that are redeposited in bones as you age.

Antidepressants are not healthy and good for your health. To obtain healthy levels of vitamin D from sun exposure or supplements. Exercising regularly can boost bone health.


Clinical depression is popular among cancer patients. The reason behind this is the changes in the immune system and genetics. Different symptoms are present in cancer that involves sleep problems, nausea, and loss of appetite which in turn lead to stress, depression, and anxiety. The depressed victims mostly like to switch on smoke and drink alcohol which has the chance to raise cancer.

Thyroid problems:

Depression may also lead to different thyroid problems. The whole body’s metabolism depends upon your thyroid gland. Both hyperthyroidism (an overactive thyroid) and hypothyroidism (an underactive thyroid) can be the reason for the depression. The medication of thyroid is usually very productive for good moods.

3. Can a virus cause depression?

This question is still in confusion as it is not confirmed yet that bacteria, virus and parasites can cause depression. While there are some pathogens named as Borna disease virus and these viruses may cause some neuropsychiatric disorders which might lead to depression. But in general viruses cannot cause depressions because they just affect our body health not mental health.

What are 4 risk factors for depression?

Here we will discuss risk factors which leads to depression and they are;

  • Genetics: Family history matters a lot, if your family has depression then you are more likely to develop depression than others.

  • Loss or Death: Sadness and grief due to loss or death is a normal reaction but if its affected your mental health, then you can cause depression for sometime.

  • Conflict: Disagreement on some matters with family and personal turmoil with friends causes conflicts and it also disturbs your mental condition. Your mind remain stick to that matter and it results in depression.

  • Abuse: It is one of the leading cause of depression. Abuses like past physical, sexual and emotional abuse bring depression on its peak. You cannot face the world after those abuses. You become afraid of every person you meet and your mental health leads you to depression after abuse.

Who is at greatest risk for depression?

The people between the ages of 45 and 65 are more likely to get depression. Because those people in the middle ages are at the top of bell curve for depression. Those people have weak immune systems mostly and they became easy prey for depression. According to Walch; people at each end of the curve, means they very young and very old, may be at higher risk for depression because the don’t have body power.


10 health conditions that are linked to depression as we know depression is itself a serious illness but sometimes it is linked to other chronic and severe diseases like Cancer, heart problems, diabetes, thyroid problems and with many other medical disorders. Depression affects your overall health and that’s why depression is a leading cause of disability worldwide. Depression is also a major contributor to the overall burden of diseases because depression can causes headaches, body aches and pain that may not respond to medication.

Frequently Asked Questions

10 health conditions that are linked to depression are thyroid problems, cancer, osteoporosis, gastrointestinal problems, headaches, diabetes, obesity, asthma and last heart problems. These 10 diseases lead us to depression but people don’t want this depression and that’s why they ask question about what kind of these diseases are and how can we avoid them? Some people asked different questions about depression are as follows:

Q1: what medical condition can trigger major depressive disorder?

The serious chronic illness that includes cancer, stroke, chronic pain, or heart diseases can trigger major depressive disorders. Diabetes, heart diseases, arthritis, kidney disease, ■■■ and AIDS, lupus, and multiple sclerosis (MS) are the reason for depression. If you take some high medications like medication of high blood pressure and sleeping pills, those medicines might trigger depression.

But the root cause of major depressive disorder is multifactorial, as it includes biological, genetic, psychosocial, and environmental factors.

Q2: What are the levels of depression?

The nine different levels of depression are Major depression, Persistent depression, Manic depression, or bipolar disorder, Depressive psychosis, Perinatal depression., Premenstrual dysphoric disorder, Seasonal depression, and Situational depression.

According to another report, there are three levels of depression severity. 1) Low level of depression contains 850 participants and they are least affected. 2) Moderate level of depression contains 911 participants and these people are affected half in health like sometimes they feel good but sometime depressed. 3) Third level is severe and extreme one and it has more participants 5656 and they are totally overcame by depression as they might reach mental illness.

Q3: Which gender is more likely to be depressed?

Women are nearly twice as affected by depression as men. It can occur at any age. The depressed feelings and mood changes happen due to normal hormonal changes. In the case of puberty, females suffer more depression than males. Boys at teen age discover several things and they can share their feelings with friends. But girls are shy to ask and discuss their body matter. Another factor is that girls reach puberty before boys. That’s why they are more exposed to depression at an earlier age.

But it does not mean that males can not be depressed. Depression in males also very common and most people have lost their life charm because of this depression. Boy have more will power than girls and because of this boys overcome the depression symptoms and they show to world that they are good. But sometimes internally they are depressed too.

Q4: Does depression lower your immune system?

Depression can affect your immune system. It is tough for the body to fight against infections. As we know, depression is also linked to heart diseases and they increased the risk for substance abuse. No doubt, depression weakens the immune system but it also increases susceptibility to illness. Mood disorders such as depression is caused often by Major and long term illness. Sometimes due to depression, illness and other problems are caused just because of depression.

Q5. Does depression make you more susceptible to Covid?

According to doctors research, there’s are more chances to developing COVID in those people who are preexisting with psychiatric disorders. Covid is the recent disease spread worldwide. Many people are died because of Covid and half of the world is suffering with the disease. Those people who are affected with bipolar disorders, schizophrenia disorders, and those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are more exposed and have full chances to get coronavirus.


10 health conditions that are linked to depression as Depression is a mood disorder. The person feels sad, unhappy, lost, and anger in their life. It affects the person’s life in a different way. The conditions like arthritis, asthma, cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and obesity. Depressed people may experience the mood changes like anger, aggressiveness, irritability, anxiousness, and restlessness. Their behavior changes, reduce the sexual desire, feel difficulty in completing tasks.

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Yes, depression is a severe issue, and the stigma about a mental health problem is not usually discussed. Thank you for stating depression and how other health problems are associated with it. Mental and physical health is interdependent, and both should be taken care of. (edited)

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