The legends about pet snakes, or serpents, have been long and persevering. Individuals are apparently either enchanted by their “sneaky” nature or panicked that they speak to something unsafe or sinister. In reality, warm-blooded animals are naturally slanted to be attentive to snakes in their environment, which clarifies why SO MUCH mythology has been made around them over the millennia.

pet snake

6 Best Pet Snakes:

Pet snakes can be spoken to from fiendish creatures to signs of richness and resurrection, depending on the root story. And with this information, it’s simple to get it the interest individuals have with snakes and why so numerous need to have them as pets!

And when it comes to variety? Well, let’s just say snakes take the cake… They come in so many varieties, around 3,600 species, colors, and sizes. They are most of the time quite powerful and possibly perilous, OR safe – which is what we need in a housemate.

Still, considering around adopting a snake? Keep reading to find the 6 BEST snake species that make brilliant pets for first-time snake owners!


corn snake
The corn snake is the foremost well-known pet snake accessible. Decently easygoing, simple
to handle, and care for, what isn’t to like around this North American native? Corn snakes are one of the foremost astounding pet snakes because of their deportment, accessibility, and their color combinations.

Corn snakes are one of the foremost prevalent sorts of snakes to keep in captivity or as pets. Their estimate, calm disposition, and ease of care contribute to this ubiquity. Captive corn snakes endure being dealt with by their owners, even for expanded periods Like all snakes, corn snakes are carnivorous and within the wild, they eat every few days.

Whereas most corn snakes eat little rodents, such as the white-footed mouse or the brown rodent, they may moreover eat other reptiles or creatures of land and water, or climb trees to discover unguarded feathered creature eggs.

Adult corn snakes have a body length of 61–182 cm (2.00–5.97 ft) Within the wild, they usually live around six to eight years, but in confinement can live to an age of 23 years or more.

They can be recognized from copperheads by their brighter colors, slim construct, circular understudies, and need of heat-sensing pits. They don’t grow too big, don’t require a huge walled in area, and on the off chance that you want to breed them, they are exceptionally simple to breed.

What do you feed a pet corn snake?

Corn snakes are commonly fed frozen/thawed mice in captivity. A baby corn snake feed will usually be an extra-small pinky mouse and most adult corn snakes can eat an extra-large mouse.

Are corn snakes cuddly?

These superb reptiles are: Meek, simple to handle, and cuddly (yes, snakes are cuddly pets!) A superb starter pet for families.

Do corn snakes’ bond with their owners?**

Snakes do not have the mental capacity to feel human feelings like love or fondness. So no, they can’t feel a fondness for you. They can, in any case, feel an affinity for you as a non-threatening animal that cares for it.

Summary: Corn snakes are the best pet snakes for beginners so far. Because of their docile nature & easy handling, every snake pet lover wants to captivate these buddies.


Gopher snake

Gopher snakes are broadly known as one of the leading kinds of snakes to urge if you’re considering getting a pet snake. They are greatly calm and easygoing, indeed within the wild. Gopher snakes are the biggest snakes local to North America. They do require a greater walled in area than most snakes, but since they are ground staying snakes, the walled-in area only should belong, not tall.

Unlike most snakes, gopher snakes appreciate being held. They are inquisitive and like to lift their head to see around them. They are dynamic and will crawl around on the off chance that you let them. If you just need to hold them, keep re-positioning your hands as they move, so they never really get exceptionally distant. Hold them underneath their body, supporting their neck and body, but not in a way that feels choking to them. They like to be the ones doing the choking.

Are gopher snakes’ good pets?

Gopher snakes can be exceptionally great pets for beginners. They’re constrictor snakes, so they do not have venom organs. They’re not exceptionally aggressive and will only bite people as a final resort. When cared for well in confinement, they can live for an average of 30 years.

What do gopher snakes like to eat?

They eat lots of rodents, like ground squirrels, mice, and voles. They too like to eat rabbits, fowls, eggs, and reptiles. Youthful gopher snakes eat more reptiles and creepy crawlies than older gopher snakes. Gopher snakes capture nourishment on the ground, in burrows, and in trees.

How big does a gopher snake get?

Gopher Snakes are large and heavy-bodied reptiles - reported to reach 9 feet (275 cm) in length, but 4 feet (120 cm) is more common.

How often do gopher snakes eat?

An active gopher snake will happily eat every 10 days. They will eat, and should only be fed, killed prey. A snake who is not hungry when the live prey is introduced into the enclosure often finds itself becoming the meal, especially if the prey is a rat.

Summary: The Gopher snakes hold the second-best place among pet snakes. This is the only snake species that like to be held for a bit long. But still, it is advisable not to hold for so long to get them at unrest feel.


California kingsnake

California kingsnakes are a profoundly variable species that make tough, long-lived pets. Within the wild, they occupy an assortment of living spaces extending from coastal clean lands to the high deserts. These snakes spend most of their days stowing away in refuse piles or deserted rat burrows, emerging at sunset to hunt.

Kingsnakes do best when housed in all glass reptile terrariums, or other walled in areas outlined particularly for lodging snakes. Hatchling snakes, and those up to around 2 feet, can be comfortably kept in a standard 10 to 20-gallon tank. Grown-ups ought to be given more space, with a cage at the slightest 36" long being ■■■■■■■ for most grown-ups.

When given with a naturalistic setup, and a basking spot, these snakes will utilize basking ranges and display a more extensive run of behaviors than in a fundamental setup. An expansive cage that consolidates different covering up ranges, a basking spot, as well as full range lighting will empower you to urge the foremost viewing joy out of your creature.

Taking care of kingsnakes is decently straight forward. Grown-ups are typically calm and simple to work with. Babies can be high-strung and anxious, but this behavior will vanish with standard handling.

In any case, as with any snake, you may need to avoid over the top handling. On the off chance that your snake has any sudden changes in behavior or appetite, it may well be stress-related, and over dealing and maybe a prime source of stress among captive snakes.

What does a California kingsnake eat?

Kingsnakes will feed readily on various sized mice for their whole lives. Babies will eat a pinky newborn mouse once a week.
While adults will eat one large adult mouse on a similar schedule. Very large snakes should be given small rats as opposed to multiple mice for health reasons.

What color is a California king snake?

They can be any shade of black or brown, with a lighter color of white or yellow. The head is dark on top with a light area on the center rear. The California kingsnake is diurnal (active during the daytime), but when it is hot, they can occasionally become nocturnal (active at night).

How long can a California kingsnake live?

California kingsnakes reach adult size at between 3 and 4 years of age. For most specimens, this amounts to just over 4 feet in length. However, 5- and 6-foot individuals are not unheard of. Luckily, due to their slender build, even a 5-foot king snake is a completely manageable pet.king snakes can live for well over 20 years, with 10 to 15 years being average in captivity.

Summary: California Kingsnake like a walled area around himself. These fellows are easy going & calm ones. They can live longer if handled & taken care of properly.


Rosy Boa

If you were hoping to get a boa as your first pet snake, but you’re intimidated by red-tailed boas, which are known to be defensive and grow up to ten feet long, why not consider the rosy boa?

The rosy boa makes an excellent pet. It is a manageable size, a hardy feeder, easy to breed, and are usually very docile.

Rosy boas inhabit the American southwest, adjacent Mexico, and Baja California. They are desert dwellers, often living on rocky mountainsides or scrublands. This nocturnal species take refuge underground during the day and come out at night to hunt for a variety of prey.

As a relatively small snake, rosy boas do well in standard glass terrariums ranging in size from 10 gallons for hatchlings to 20 or 30 gallons for large adults. This species is strictly terrestrial, some may go so far as to call them obligate burrowers, so cage height is not an issue. Instead, aim for a well-ventilated cage that will provide as much floor space as possible.

Rosy boas are voracious feeders and will eagerly eat one appropriately sized meal every 5 to 7 days. Very large adults may be offered food slightly less often. The diet should consist of pinky or fuzzy mice for young snakes, and then gradually larger food items as the snake mature. A properly sized meal should leave a slight, but noticeable, bulge in the snakes’ mid-section.

Do Rosy Boas like to be held?

Great temperament and ease of taking care of are a huge portion of what makes rosy boas a fabulous pet snake. They are once in a while forceful, and when they are it is usually food-related, and not the result of awful temperament. When taking care of these moderate moving boas, permit them to investigate your hands and environment.

Maintain a strategic distance from holding them too firmly or excessively limiting their movement. Keep handling sessions to a reasonable time and recurrence, as indeed the foremost gentle-mannered creatures can end up stressed if pushed too far.

How long does a Rosy Boa live?

Rosy boas are small compared to their South American boa cousins. Adults range in size from 2 to 4 feet, with females being dramatically larger than males.

This species is one of the longest-lived boas. The average life span is 20+ years, however, specimens living well into their 30’s are not uncommon.

Do Rosy Boas need a heat lamp?

As a desert species, rosy boas not only tolerate but also enjoy high daytime temperatures. The use of under tank heating pads, heat bulbs, or ceramic heat emitters is recommended to maintain a basking spot of around 90 degrees within the enclosure but Rosy boas do not require intense lighting.

What does a Rosy Boa snake look like?

The rosy boa usual pattern consists of 3 dark stripes against a lighter background, one central stripe down the back, and two on the sides. But some specimens lack the obvious striping and are uniformly colored.

Summary: Rosy Boa is a voracious & fussy eater as it wants food at a proper time. They do need a heat lamp in their tanks for proper digestion. So if you are thinking to adopt a Rosy Boa you should be well aware of his needs.


Ball Python

Did you know you’ll have a python for your first snake? Is this your dream snake? So many individuals Adore the thought of a python since of their perceived power. In reality, exceptionally few pythons are a risk to people and the ball python is certainly NOT one of them!

The ball python is black or dark brown with light brown blotches on the back and sides. Its white or cream belly is scattered with black markings. It is a stocky snake with a relatively small head and smooth scales and it is an excellent choice of a pet snake.

This earthbound species is known for its defense technique that includes coiling into a tight ball when debilitated, with its head and neck tucked away in the middle. In this state, it can truly be rolled around. Favored withdraws incorporate warm-blooded creature burrows and other underground covering up places, where they too aestivate. In confinement, they are considered great pets, with their generally small size and tranquil nature making them simple to handle.

Whereas ball pythons can make great pets for those new to keeping snakes as a pet, ball pythons still require particular care and attention. Throughout their life, a ball python requires several diverse sizes of the walled areas to arrange to meet its needs because it develops; their walled in areas can comprise of assigned reptile terrariums, plastic tubs, or aquarium tanks.

Ball pythons are capable of getting away from their walled in areas, meaning that their living space ought to be kept secure to anticipate escape. The snake’s walled in the area ought to be kept well-ventilated, and it is suggested that the snake be able to extend out completely inside its enclosure without having to twist to fit; a 30–50-gallon tank for a grown-up ball python is recommended. As it is generally shy, you should keep a hide box on both sides of its enclosure.

Do Ball Pythons like to be held?

Whereas ball pythons are not characteristically passionate or “cuddly” animals (they likely will never enthusiastically come towards you to be picked up), they typically endure handling very well. A few may indeed appreciate getting out of their tank and working out whereas you handle them.

How often should I feed ball python?

Offer your ball python food every 10 to 14 days until it is interested in eating again, as the snake will eventually resume feeding normally. Feed adult ball pythons every 1 to 2 weeks and younger ball pythons weekly as they need this energy to grow.

How big does a Ball Python get?

These popular python pets are smaller in size than other members of their species, with females measuring between 3′ to 5′ feet long once they reach adulthood and adult males growing on average 2′ to 3′ feet long. Ball pythons, like rosy boas, are long-lived snakes, with some living more than 30 years in captivity.

Are female or male Ball Pythons more aggressive?

Male ball pythons are equally as aggressive as female ball pythons. The only time in which a female ball python is likely to show signs of aggression that a male does not is when they are protecting their eggs

Summary: Ball Python is the shy one so in its tank, you will have to keep hidden holes at both sides. The word Python holds a great impact but this Ball Python is not aggressive or venomous at all.


kenyan sand boas

Native not only to Kenya, but the Kenyan sand boa is also found in Egypt, western Libya, Yemen, Sudan, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Chad, ■■■■■, and northern Somalia. whereas the Kenyan sand boa may not be as prevalent within the snake hobby as a ball python, it has created an uncommon specialty in Herpetoculture due to its interesting appearance, moderately peaceful mien, and basic husbandry necessities.

Indeed, the biggest individual is manageable for the guardian with constrained space.

A Kenyan sand boa is an amazing apprentice snake, and on the off chance that you just like the thought of frequently handling your pet, this may be the snake for you. It doesn’t get exceptionally large—adult females ordinarily max out at a bit more than 2 feet, and males around 20 inches—and is usually very accommodating. Even though most sand boas are exceptionally well behaved, an occasional individual may be slightly jumpy.

Kenyan Sand Boas are strictly carnivorous, feeding on what other small animals they may come across in the desert. Their diet consists mainly of small rodents, as well as some smaller mammals, lizards, and birds. Occasionally, they have been known to hunt out the nests of small mammals and birds.

The Kenyan Sand Boa is largely nocturnal, active during the night or mornings and evenings while preferring to stay hidden from the sun in the midday heat. This solid little boa is not generally flighty or nervous, but like all captive creatures, individuals need to feel secure to do remain healthy. Once established, they are curious snakes that poke their noses out of the substrate and explore their territories.

Can Kenyan Sand Boas live in the sand?

Kenyan sand boas are a small and attractive bode indigenous to Kenya and adjacent countries in East Africa. They are a fossorial species and spend much of their lives burrowed under the sandy soil in which they live.

How big do Kenyan Sand Boas get?

Bizarre for a snake species, the Kenyan Sand Boa shows sexual dimorphism, as little guys will more often than not develop to around 15-20 inches long whereas bigger females may develop as much as 30 inches.

Can Kenyan Sand Boas eat crickets?

You can feed very young sand boas’ crickets with no ill effect, but it is highly advised against it because the basic truth is that crickets cannot compete with a mouse in terms of dietary quality. They are known for eating small lizards in the wild, so that’s a way to add variety.

Summary: Kenyan Sand Boa doesn’t like the midday heat so its favorite time is evening or night. Like other Pet snakes, these fellows don’t like to hold for long. They are easy to handle & a good choice as a pet snake.

Small Pet Snakes:

small pet snake
First-time snake ownership doesn’t get to be an overpowering endeavor, as there are various species that make fabulous pets. As small snakes only need to eat once every few days to once a month, they have numerous points of interest over ‘traditional’ pets. Small Pet snakes are docile buddies. They don’t bring in panic or put their owners in trouble. Small pet snakes are great pets as they don’t grow too big so easy to take care of.

Corn Pet Snake:

The easy-going breeds are corn snakes far. These fellows are non-venomous. Pet owners can easily handle them because of their friendly nature. The teeth of a baby snake are so small their bite doesn’t have any impact. Do not hold them for long, as snakes don’t have any affection feelings towards the owner, it will make them disturbed & put them in unrest. Though corn snakes are considered the most tolerable snake.

What Do Pet Snakes Eat:

snake feed
Pet snakes are carnivorous & the all-time Pet snake favorite food is rodent & mice. Once a week, a meal should be given to your pet. Don’t offer your pet fellows a frozen prey as it will cause a disturbance in digesting in the longer run. Please make sure to provide the food according to the size & age of the pet snake.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Below are some interesting frequently asked questions about pet snakes

Are pet snakes friendly?

Pet snakes are not as friendly as other pets. As these buddies have unique & special requirements if you meet their special needs only then they will be docile & submissive. Otherwise, they can be upset & start reacting rash.

Do pet snakes feel affection?

No. these pretty fellows don’t feel affection at all. As their intellectual capacity is not enough to have felt such emotions. Yes they may feel some sort of an affinity towards the owner

Can snake be domesticated?

You can not domesticate these reptiles. Only a pet snake can live in captivity.

Do pet snakes bite their owners?

If proper care is taken these buddies don’t show aggression & don’t bite. In case you are bitten the pain you feel is so insignificant. Its just like a sharp needle ■■■■■.

Do snakes have memory?

No, snakes don’t have a good memory. They even can’t recognize & differentiate among owners & the assailant.


As a common run the show, pet snakes that are effectively bred and broadly accessible is likely a great choice for a first pet. These tend to be easy-to-handle, solid, and if obtained from a quality ■■■■■■■, free of diseases.

Naturally, other components such as where you live, how much money you have got to devote to a vivarium, and whether or not you’ve got children ought to too be considered.

As with any potential new pet, planned snake owners ought to put much time and thought into how having a pet snake will influence their day by day dynamic as well as that of the rest of those in their household.

It’s crucial that a beginner snake owner plans out his or her snake journey so that he not only doesn’t get overwhelmed but is also able to provide the snake the best home possible.

By NO implies is a snake a pet you’ll be able to essentially plop in a tank and generally disregard about! However, as long as you put thought and planning into picking you’re to begin with a snake, you’re likely to end up with one that’s just right for your circumstances.

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