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How Much Does It Cost To Copy A Key?


How much does it cost to copy a key? The average cost to copy a key ranges from $1 to $5 per product. Some even require a one-of-a-kind key blank with an electronic chip for security reasons. You can go to local hardware shop to get duplicate key for your house or office.

What Is The Average Cost Of Copying A Key?

In most cases, a key copy should cost between $1 and $5 per piece. Recreating a basic key with a device at a hardware store or an experienced local locksmith will be included in this cost. The cost includes labour, a key blank, and a copy key.

Key Copy Cost:

A machine usually copies keys by tracing the contour of the original key and cutting that pattern into a key blank of the same manufacturer and serial number. On the other hand, copying some modern keys may either cut a whole new key based on recorded data (instead of retracing an old key) or a specific key blank implanted with an electronic/transponder chip.

$1.25-$2A simple door or house key may be copied for $1.25-$2 in many local hardware stores. The key copying is carried out by a retail worker who might or might not have received training in key copying.
$1.50 to $4A neighbourhood locksmith may charge $1.50 to $4 for a normal key, but they will have a considerably greater inventory of key blanks than chain or hardware stores, and their personnel will be well-trained in key copying.
$3-$6It costs $3-$6 to have a conventional key replicated onto a unique and colourful key blank with everything from wildflowers or rainbows to sports franchise emblems or action heroes. Both chain stores and locksmiths generally have these vividly printed key blanks.
$8-$20Copying a key for a high-security lock like a Medeco lock costs $8-$20 or more. However, it’s usually only possible with correct credentials at the authorized dealer who manufactured the lock. A
$30-$50Most new vehicles now include a key with an electronic or transponder chip inserted, making it more difficult to steal the car but raising the cost of copying the key. The cost of only the key blank for this sort of key ranges from $20 to $100 or more, based on the manufacturer.

The Best Ways to Save Costs When Duplicating Keys

While duplicating a key doesn’t have to break the bank, there are ways to save money on larger projects.

1 - Before you need it, make a spare key.

It is wise to duplicate keys before they are needed to save money. If you put off making a copy of a key until the original is unusable, you’ll have to pay for the locksmith’s time to inspect the lock and cut a new key.

2 - Get Yourself to the Local Hardware Store

There are numerous key duplication methods available. Similarly, a home improvement store might not be able to help you if you need a new key for a modern car, but a locksmith will usually be less expensive than a car dealership.

3 - Make Bulk Duplicate Purchases

If you’re looking to buy multiple copies of a key at once, you may be eligible for a discount from some businesses. Even though this discount is more likely to apply to conventional keys, you might also find a car lot that provides it for chipped keys.

4 - Obtain a Blank from a Third Party.

You can save money by buying your blank for a high-security or chipped key online through the manufacturer or a third party. Once you get your blank, you can have it cut and programmed at a locksmith or car dealership.


If you lose your only set of keys and find yourself locked out of your home or vehicle, you’ll need to call a locksmith. A hardware store is cheaper than a locksmith if you just need a spare key for your house or car.

Factors Affecting the Final Cost of Creating a Key Copy:

The price is heavily affected by the key’s shape, style, and size to be cloned. Copying a normal door or automobile key is the cheapest option, with prices ranging from $1 to $4. On the other hand, a baggage key will cost $5 to $8 to duplicate, and a safe key will cost around the same. There are, however, high-security locks that are much more expensive to copy.

  • The locksmith, to be precise. The professional you choose to copy the key will have their fee, which they can discuss with you over the phone.

  • Local hardware stores that offer basic door and vehicle key copies will be the most cost-effective venues to duplicate a key.

  • A basic key can be copied for roughly $1 to $2. Obtaining the same type of key from a local locksmith can increase the cost of the key copy by $1.50 to $4.

  • The location where you reside. Depending on the location, hardware stores and locksmith specialists charge differently.

  • Regional competitors may also significantly impact the cost of their key copying products.

Additional Costs:

Be prepared to pay between $3 and $6 for a regular key reproduced on a personalized key blank. You can choose from various prints, including animated characters, sports brand logos, wildflowers, and more.

The chip must be active when copying a vehicle key with an electronic chip. Setup is a $30 to $75 additional service charge.


The cost of copying these keys will range from $8 to $20 for each piece. Finally, many brand-new automobiles and trucks now have electronic chips integrated into their keys, reproducing them far more expensive. This can cost anywhere from $20 to $100 per key. The total number of keys required. The smaller the cost of a copy is per piece, the more copies of things you require.

Things To Know Before Copying A Key:

Always get the key copying done by a professional locksmith. Keep in mind that some unskilled locksmiths may not be able to tell the difference between a good and a bad copy.

For your safety and comfort, you may need to copy a key. If you lose a key, you’ll know you have such a backup key to use, and if you have many main entrance door keys, you’ll have simple access for the entire extended family because you won’t have to rely on a single key to unlock the gates for everyone. Copying a key is efficient and can be obtained and thoughtless.

This will entail utilizing a device to copy the shape of the previous key and cutting a pattern out of the same substance onto a blank. However, some modern keys are more difficult to duplicate since they require creating an entirely new key based on digitally stored data.

This is because, nowadays, stealing is fairly common. This means that copying a key has become much more expensive as a result of this current approach to key copying.

Also, use Do Not Duplicate as a key. Please remember that locksmiths will not copy keys with the phrase “Do Not Duplicate” written on them. Test the duplicated key against the lock as soon as you have it. Because it’s an original, return the key if it doesn’t open the lock immediately.

If you’ve misplaced your vehicle keys, you can have them replicated even if you don’t have an old key to copy from. You only need to locate your vehicle’s Identification Number. You can receive a duplicate key by giving these details to a car dealer or a locksmith.


Check with a locksmith ahead of time to see whether they can copy your key. Inform the professional or shop employee of your type of key and the registered trademark. It will save you effort from visiting a shop just to discover that they don’t have blanks for your key or aren’t equipped to activate a transponder chip key.

What Happens When Copy Of A Key Is Poor?

Numerous persons will have to contend that after having a key copied, they will receive a substandard copy that is useless to them.

This typically wastes their money, but more importantly, their time because they attempt to repeat the key and then have to return it to the locksmith to have it remodelled. To avoid any delays, cash, and energy, here are a few things you should know about spotting a great key copy:

  1. When it does not match the notches and shoulders of your old key, there is a good probability you have a copy.

  2. Check your key’s front end or shoulder. You’ll notice a number there that corresponds to the key blank used for the copy.

  3. Standard locksmiths cannot duplicate certain keys. If a locksmith expert tries to copy these keys, there is a good chance that they will fail, as these keys are not designed to be copied generally.

  4. If the locksmith did not inquire about the brand and model of your car before copying your vehicle keys, it is conceivable that they replicated the key on an incorrect blank. As a result, the key copy will be useless.

  5. If the original key is excessively defective or broken, minor modifications in the original key can cause the copy to be defective as well. Bear in mind that the copy will suffer the same fate if the key is barely functional. Simultaneously, if the old key is a copy of another duplicated key, there is a slim chance that the copy will also fail to work.

Frequently Asked Questions - FAQs

People ask many questions about the cost of copying a key. We discussed a few of them below:

How much does it cost to copy a key at Hardware Store?

The cost of a key copy at Hardware Store is relatively low; each key copy costs around $1.5. To put it another way, Home Depot does not charge you for the service itself, but for the cost of the copy. Most clients are drawn to Hardware stores because of the low cost of key duplication.

Is it true that AutoZone provides spare keys?

Blank automobile keys are available at AutoZone for various vehicles, including Honda, Audi, Kia, BMW, Mercedes, Mazda, Suzuki, and Porsche. AutoZone can make and copy keys for any car, with rates ranging from $3 to $6 for blank keys. Key fob remotes and transponder fobs are also available from AutoZone, with values starting from $15 to $90.

Is it possible to tell if a key has been copied?

There’s no way to know for sure. It’s not even a “you can’t be sure” because there’s no way to make a reasonable guess. There will be no markings, damage, or other evidence on a copied key because the copying procedure is at least as delicate on the key as placing it into a lock.

Is it possible to clone Medeco keys?

Only Medeco-authorized locksmiths are equipped to replicate Medeco keys, and each transaction is recorded and verified. Each key cut is kept on file at the Locksmith and Medeco. There are many levels of protection, and certain keys are only cut at the factory.

What are the different types of keys that can be copied?

Most current automotive keys must be made from scratch and cannot be truly replicated by merely cutting a new key. House Keys - A locksmith can quickly replicate keys for locks on a home’s front door. Padlock Keys - Padlock keys are frequently Yale Keys; however, even those that aren’t can be replicated.

Why wouldn’t a copy key work?

The most prevalent issue is when a key is cloned by someone who hasn’t cleaned or adjusted their equipment in years or both. As a result, many brass particles will be deposited under the key blank in the clamps, pushing it up 5-ten thousandths of an inch.

How do I make a key copy at home?

As with most house keys, a regular-sized transparent tape should suffice. To avoid creases, carefully place them on top of the key. To transmit the char, press the tape firmly against the blacked side of the key. The key’s pattern will adhere to the sticky side of the tape.

Is it possible to copy the best keys?

Duplicating some keys is against the law. Locksmiths describe these keys as “restricted”, implying that copying rights are limited to the key’s original maker. Restricted key copying is restricted to licenced manufacturers and locksmiths, and it necessitates the use of specific tools.

What can I do to prevent a key from being copied?

Key copy machines ignore the DND Stamp. This is the cheapest approach for preventing unauthorized key copying, and it involves labelling a regular key as DND (do not duplicate). The DND stamp was added to remind locksmiths that these are no-copy keys and that they should not copy them without permission.

What is the definition of a high-security key?

High-security keys are unfeasible to replicate without authorization and work with [resistant] locks to being chosen, knocked, or beaten in other ways.


If you came away from reading believing that copying automobile keys is far less expensive than you expected, you are probably correct. This is because many people lump various comparable services together under the umbrella term of “auto key copying,” which isn’t totally accurate. Knowing the distinctions between car key copying, car key replacement, and transponder key programming is critical.

You’ll be able to obtain a better idea of your overall cost once you’ve determined which service you require. The cost of copying a car key is less than a house key. Hopefully, the charges and points covered above have given you a better knowledge of the service you require and some insight into what to plan when you need to copy your car keys.

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What Types Of Keys Can You Copy?

1 - Basic Door or Car Key

Key duplication costs range from $1 to $4, with the cheapest and most basic keys (such as those used for doors or cars) costing less. Key blanks may be found at almost any hardware shop or home improvement centre.

2 - Decorative Basic Door or Car Key

The shapes, colours, and/or designs of decorative keys are meant to be whimsical and eye-catching. These keys can be duplicated just as easily as standard keys. Still, they often cost extra because of the addition of paint, machining, or the licencing of trademarked characters or logos. You should anticipate paying $3 to $10 for this key.

3 - Key to the Safe or Luggage

Since luggage and safe keys aren’t as regularly sought as home and automobile keys, you may have restricted access to the hardware stores that can help you. In such circumstances, you may have no alternative except to see a more-expensive locksmith. The good news is that if you locate a reliable duplication provider, these keys won’t set you back more than $5 or $7.

4 - High-Security Lock

High-security keys are developed with safety and security in mind, so they’re not simple to copy. Some lock manufacturers, such as Medeco and Schlage, may only allow authorised dealers or locksmiths to replicate their keys.

You’ll usually need to register your lock upon purchase and provide evidence of ownership before a locksmith creates a key duplicate. Duplicating a high-security key will cost you between $8 and $20.

5 - Key with a Chip or a Transponder

To start your automobile, you must program the transponder or computer chip embedded in today’s car keys. While most locksmiths will have the means to cut keys, not all will have the knowledge or equipment to program them. However, some high-end automobiles require key fobs that cost $1,000 or more to repair.

What is Required in Copying A Key?

Materials and experience are the primary determinants of the cost of reproducing a key.


Key blanks are uncut keys. Local stores are unlikely to carry all 7,000 key blanks. Most basic keys may be produced from affordable Kwikset, Schlage, or Titan blanks.

Find a locksmith if you need an unusual key blank. Locksmiths maintain up to 1,000 blanks in stock to reproduce even rare keys. If your locksmith doesn’t have the right blank, they’ll order it.

Local hardware stores may replicate automobile keys. Modern vehicles with chipped keys require a key blank from a locksmith, internet source, or auto dealership. Due to key fob technology, these key blanks are pricey.


A key duplicator cuts a new key using your old key as a template. Hardware and home improvement businesses have easy-to-use key-copying equipment, so nearly any staff can help you. Self-serve devices are economical and user-friendly, so you may not require staff.

Note: Locksmiths may utilise complex key-duplicating equipment. Sometimes a locksmith must hand-carve a new key. When replicating a key, you’ll pay more for the locksmith’s quality equipment and skills.

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