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CPN Meaning


CPN meaning is a nine-digit number that looks much like a Social Security number (SSN). The term “credit profile number” or “credit protection number” is another name for this identifier.

What Is a CPN Number?

“CPN” or “CPN number” can mean “credit privacy number,” “credit profile number,” or “consumer protection number.” CPNs are 9-digit numbers sold as Social Security Number replacements (SSN). Some say celebrities and government leaders use CPNs to protect their privacy because SSNs contain personal information. No evidence exists for a documented source of CPNs.

Some firms believe CPNs allow clients with bad credit to apply for loans with a “clean slate.” Since the CPN isn’t your SSN, it doesn’t have your credit report. These organizations want you to assume you can buy a CPN and use it to apply for credit, obscuring your genuine credit history from creditors.

If you are concerned about your privacy or want to “start again” with your credit, a CPN can sound like a reasonable option. When purchasing a CPN, extreme vigilance is required on your part. Learn why we do not sell CPN numbers or tradelines and why our clients should not do so.

How Does CPNs Work?

Sellers of CPNs frequently argue that the 1974 U.S. Privacy Act makes it legal to deploy them. If a person’s Social Security number is not needed under federal law, they are not obligated to include it on any paperwork. You are within your rights to conceal your SSN while applying for private credit, but the creditor is equally within their rights to reject your application if you do not submit your SSN.

Despite what some credit repair organizations may tell you, the U.S. Privacy Act of 1974 does not allow CPNs to be used in place of an actual SSN on credit applications. Lenders may not always cross-verify applications properly to ensure that the name on the application matches the provided SSN, which is why some people might get away with using bogus SSNs marketed as CPNs instead of genuine ones SSNs on credit applications.

How Are CPNs Different from Items and Signs?

IRS accepts SSNs and ITINs as valid forms of identification for tax purposes (Social Security Numbers). An SSN issued by the Social Security Administration is required to file taxes with the Internal Revenue Service. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issues ITINs to non-residents and their wives and children if they cannot get a Social Security Number (SSN).

And while they may appear to be Social Security numbers at first glance, all ITINs begin with the same nine. On the other hand, CPNs also contain nine digits, often confused with ITINs and Social Security numbers. Furthermore, credit reporting firms issue them rather than the government.

Where Do CPN Numbers Come?

Social Security Administration issues SSNs while IRS issues EINs (EINs). No other government body issues CPNs. Many firms sell “clean” CPN numbers but won’t tell you where they come. They can’t give substantiation for these numbers. Some merchants say they have attorneys who can apply for a CPN number on your behalf. However, the government doesn’t issue CPNs. There are two unlawful means by which shady businesses get so-called CPNs:

  • They utilize legitimate Social Security numbers taken from other individuals, usually minors, the old, the deceased, the needy, or the jailed.

  • Scammers prey on the elderly and the young because they are less likely to report their Social Security numbers stolen.

  • If you are offered a CPN for sale with the promise of a specific credit score or credit report, this is a significant red flag that the CPN may be a stolen Social Security number.

  • Common Public Numbers (CPNs) and Child Identity Theft Common Public Numbers (CPNs) are typically genuine SSNs taken from vulnerable populations like children and the elderly.

Summary: They make up new, fictitious social security numbers that the U.S. government has not granted. They use algorithms to produce 9-digit numbers, then compare those numbers to those already in internet databases to determine which ones can pass as legitimate Social Security numbers. These CPNs are subsequently sold to consumers who are unaware of the scam.

CPN Victims

1. Children

Parents or guardians receive SSNs for children shortly after birth and forget about them until tax time. Most people can’t imagine using a child’s SSN to construct a credit history with thousands in debt. CPN programs have harmed millions of youngsters. Children’s SSNs aren’t examined for credit activity until they purchase a car, get a credit card, or apply for a school loan.

Identity thieves can use a child’s personal information to damage their finances and deny them credit, school loans, housing, or a job. Experts disagree on how to check a child’s SSN for fraud. Some suggest parents pull a free credit report for their children each year, but others disagree. Helpful. Frequent requests may drive credit bureaus to build a clean file, exposing the child to identity theft, warn critics.

Consumer reports only include matching SSNs, names, and other facts. Three main credit bureaus typically ignore accounts started with a different SSN. These two views have a medium ground, thankfully. Should not seek Credit reports until a youngster is 15 or 16, or roughly a year before the child needs credit. It gives time to fix any issues and prevents a blank credit file.

2. Incarcerated Individuals

Long-term inmates usually have clean credit. As with youngsters, these people seldom check their credit, making them ideal targets for identity fraudsters. This fake credit history hinders their ability to get work, housing, or credit after jail. Inmates should check their credit report two to three years after release. A reliable family member who handles the person’s finances might watch the credit report.

3. Elderly

The elderly may have longer, cleaner credit records than children and inmates. People over 60 are less likely to have regular bank account activity and transactions; thus, they don’t monitor them as often. Credit repair companies that want to clean up SSNs go after them.

Most people dream of quiet retirement, but that shouldn’t mean letting down their guard against identity theft and fraud. SSNs are used for Medicare and other purposes. Aging may mean more paid help with daily tasks, not from family. Seniors should safeguard their personal information and pull a credit report yearly to avoid identity theft.

Are CPNs Legal?

Obtaining a CPN number to hide credit history may be fraudulent and illegal. In recent years, credit repair businesses have increased, each offering a CPN for a fee. Most CPNs are fraudulent. The 9-digit numbers are frequently random or come from juveniles or the recently deceased. A fake SSN is unlawful.

Social Security provides free CPNs to everyone who needs them. Legal credit repair services aren’t online. You’re duped! Businesses and websites that say they can supply a CPN to reset your credit are lying. If you need a CPN, it’s free. Because your new CPN will be linked to your Social Security Number, the Social Security Administration will handle the procedure.

Why Would Anyone Want to Use a CPN?

A CPN number has several uses. If someone acquires your Social Security number, they may create bank accounts, apply for credit cards and loans in your name, and utilize your medical and job benefits. If your Social Security number is not used frequently, you have less chance of becoming a victim of identity theft.

If someone acquires your Social Security number, they may find out where you live, what you possess, and what’s happening in your life. Due to the problems with using your genuine Social Security number, fraudsters suggest you may use a CPN instead. They claim that many authorities and celebrities use CPNs to secure their information.

What can I do to avoid CPN scams?

Knowing CPNs don’t exist and that anyone using them is a fraudster is the best way to avoid them. But it’s also helpful to know how scammers work. You may be informed a CPN number can help you fix your credit. Fraudulent firms can also claim it’s acceptable to use a CPN instead of your Social Security number when it’s a fraud. You can be prosecuted for identity theft since your CPN number is typically a deceased person’s SSN.

Scammers will encourage you to falsify credit applications to avoid using your current credit history or being linked to an EIN. Fraudulent firms that offer CPNs will assure you that purchasing one will erase your negative credit. These promises are untrue; you should never pay such firms or individuals for services and use just your Social Security number on credit applications.

Should I Buy a CPN Number?

You should not purchase a CPN number unless you have a valid and permissible cause. First, using a CPN to fill out a credit application is prohibited because neither the federal nor state agencies recognize nor identify them. Two federal offenses are committed when a CPN is used in place of a Social Security Number (SSN) in a credit or loan application.

One of them is fibbing on a resume or application for work. The other is giving a false Social Security number. These actions are illegal and will result in jail time. Furthermore, CPNs are inefficient. May use Other ways of identifying you to get your credit report and Social Security number.

Summary: You may find your official name, locations, and a plethora of additional information online. Creditors will find out eventually, even if you believe you’ve done an excellent job hiding them. A CPN may cost hundreds of dollars or more. Illegal and inefficient spending is a bad bet.

Frequently Asked Question - FAQs

1 - What occurs if a CPN is used?

If you fill out a form asking for your Social Security number while using a CPN, you might unknowingly become implicated in identity theft and face criminal penalties. You could be requested to accomplish stuff like the following: Change your email address, phone number, and mailing address on all of your electronic accounts, and acquire a new driver’s license.

2 - Why would you need a CPN?

Credit privacy numbers (CPNs) are nine-digit identification numbers that mimic the structure of Social Security Numbers (SSN). You may have heard it referred to as a credit PIN or credit profile number. Businesses that provide CPNs advertise them to customers to cover up negative information, such as bankruptcy or low credit score.

3 - Is a CPN acceptable for a loan application?

This number is substituted for the Social Security number for many credit-related transactions. But you can’t use your CPN for anything the government requires, such as tax forms filed by your work, vehicle registration, or applications for government-backed mortgages or student loans.

4 - Can a CPN be used to open a bank account?

Learn where to go for the whole book list and biographical details about the author. Any time you would have previously used your SSN for credit reporting purposes, you may now use your new CPN or SCN Number instead.

5 - How long to obtain CPN?

Obtaining a CPN is an instantaneous process. You don’t have to wait an inexcusable amount of time to obtain your nine-digit CPN number since this CPN Program is immediately accessible and will guide you through earning your CPN number within just 15 minutes.

6 - How do CPNs become created?

Synthetic identity fraud (in which information that does not exist is created and used to impersonate someone else) and identity theft are the two most common methods for generating a CPN (where you use information that belongs to someone else).

7 - What’s a credit profile number?

8 - Do legitimate CPNs exist?

Possessing a credit privacy number is not unlawful, but it is used when applying for credit. Convenience stores typically advertise CPNs to people who are victims of credit repair fraud. However, as there are no such things as lawful CPNs, any company advertising one participates in fraudulent behavior.

9 - What exactly is a CPN package?

If you’re concerned about the privacy of your social security number appearing on financial papers, you may want to consider getting a credit privacy number, or CPN, instead. These nine-digit numbers are designed to be used in place of your SSN.

10 - What is tri-merge CPN?

A Tri-Merge Credit Report Explained. The word “tri merge,” which may alternatively be spelled as “tri-merge” or “trimerge,” is essentially a fancy way of saying “three in one.” The reality is that there are three credit reports and three credit scores for every customer. Each credit agency will provide you with a separate report and score.

11 - How exactly does one get caught using CPN?

No government agency issues or recognizes a CPN. In reality, buying a stolen or false Social Security number is the only method to obtain a CPN. For this reason, you should be wary of any company, no matter how respectable it appears.

12 - How much does a CPN cost?

Some websites that offer CPNs charge consumers as much as $3,000 for the pleasure of assisting them in establishing a new credit history with no previous negative information.

13 - Can you get loans with a CPN?

This number is substituted for the Social Security number for many credit-related transactions. But you can’t use your CPN for anything the government requires, such as tax forms filed by your work, vehicle registration, or applications for government-backed mortgages or student loans.

14 - What is the CPN tradeline?

Credit privacy number, credit profile number, and consumer protection number are all synonyms for “CPN” or “CPN number.” You might know that a CPN is an alternative 9-digit number to an SSN.

15 - Do you have to use a CPN number to file taxes?

If the CPN is used to process credit or file taxes, it could result in legal action. Anyone who utilizes CPN is accountable, and con artists frequently go unpunished. Do not buy CPNs if you want to prevent becoming a victim. You may find some of the stores that offer them on social media platforms.


A Social Security number is the most significant U.S. identifier. These numbers are issued by the government and cannot be sold. Misrepresenting your SSN is a federal offense; thus, employing a CPN might also be illegal. CPNs are linked to synthetic identity fraud. The government is swiftly catching up to unlawful firms that sell CPNs, which help people create new identities for financial advantage. Court judgments from September 2020 illustrate that fraudsters might face significant penalties and prison sentences. While many companies advertise that CPNs are legal, the governing federal agencies have clearly stated this is not the case. Synthetic identity fraud is a national security priority. Federal agencies, including DHS, FBI, Postal Inspection Service, Secret Service, State, Social Security Administration, and FTC, are developing new task teams to investigate and prosecute fraud.

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