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Checking On You


Checking on you song is produced by Gabriel Alexander. The phrase “checking on you” means that you are making sure that someone is safe and satisfactory.

About Gabriel Alexander - Singer Of “Checking On You”

Quick Facts

Born22 November 1943 (age 77)
FatherLudwig, 6th Prince zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn
MotherBaroness Marianne von Mayr-Melnhof
ReligionRoman Catholic

In forensic terms, Franz Gabriel Alexander lived from 22 January 1891 to 8 March 1964, and is credited as a pioneer in psychosomatic medicine and criminological psychology. German-Jewish philosopher and literary critic Bernhard Alexander and mathematician Alfréd Rényi were his relatives and the Austrian-Hungarian mathematician Franz Gabriel Alexander.

Analysts influenced by Karl Abraham, including Karen and Helene, who founded the Berlin Psychoanalytic Institute, were part of Alexander’s circle of colleagues in Berlin. Franz Alexander was analyzing another Freudian here: Charles Odier, a first-rate French psychotherapist, was analyzed in Berlin by his father, Sigmund Freud. The great lyricist Franz Alexander died at Palm Springs, California, in 1964.

Alexandar Songs before Checking On You (1923–1943)

A prolific writer was Alexander. However, he also produced over twenty other pieces, contributing on a diverse range of issues to the work of the “second psychoanalytic generation.”

His additional exploration involved understanding the ‘morality expected by the archaic superego, which Alexander described as corruptibility of the superego.’

Despite his prominence in clinical and theoretical psychiatry, for example, he is also remembered for his experiment in “in which the patient’s entire existence consists of activities not matched to reality but rather focused at releasing unconscious tensions.” It was this sort of neurosis, previously known as the neurotic character, that Alexander originally described.


Alexander investigated vectors of his organism’s responses to the external world: reception, elimination, and retention. His work on ‘Zones, Modes, and Modalities’ may have been a precursor to Erik H. Erikson’s subsequent study on ‘Zones, Modes, and Modalities.’

Recovery From The Emotional Trauma

After studying Sandor Ferenczi’s work, Alexander posited a “corrective emotional experience” that quickly gained favor among the public. He declared: The patient must undergo a corrected emotional experience to be helped. It doesn’t matter if the corrective experience occurs during treatment or parallel to treatment in the patient’s daily life.

Much controversy arose over the concept, with figures like Kurt R. Eissler, Edward Glover, and Jacques Lacan speaking out against it. A few years later, Lacan would say, “I did not hesitate to attack it myself at the 1950 Congress of Psychiatry, but, the concept was an excellent one, a man of great talent.”

The “corrective emotional experience” concept fell out of favor by the sixties. Around the close of the following decade, the analyst could pose a rhetorical question with an undertone of doubt: “Who talks about Franz Alexander today? I mean, other than people who are putting down his ‘corrective emotional experience’ or trying to deny that they are offering more of the same?” A focus on object relations theory and the growth of self-psychology, together with ongoing advancements, would be expected to lead to a renewed interest in the concept.

With vigor, Moberly, once again, championed the idea (1985). The latter considers emotional experience in analysis to be a fundamental element of analysis. Even though skeptics doubted that the benefits of analyzing emotional feelings apply to the practice of today, it was agreed that in writing ‘when Alexander was composing songs, it was good for him to get attention to the value of the emotional experience of patients.’

It has entered common psychodynamic jargon in the twenty-first century. This elaboration of existential therapy illustrates the parallel principles of assessing the connection in cognitive therapy and offering a corrective emotional experience in psychodynamic therapy.

Checking On You Songwriter’s Psychosomatic Work

Franz Alexander was at the forefront of the movement during his search for the dynamic interrelationship between mind and body. Following his interaction with Georg Groddeck, who was researching the prospect of healing physical ailments through psychological processes, Sigmund Freud devoted considerable time to exploring psychosomatic illnesses.

Also, he established the concept of autoplastic adaptation alongside Freud and Sándor Ferenczi. to combat the stressful situation, the individual could either react positively or negatively. Self-optimization: The person wants to improve himself, which is to say, the internal environment.

Therefore they needed less treatment. In clinical trials, the patients who exhibited the least resistance benefited the most. As the least traumatized and burdened with repressed emotion, they were the least resistive. However, among patients with varied complaints, only a small fraction of the responders were found to be in a hurry. For the vast majority of patients, there could be something of value offered. Refer to our intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy treatment for further information.


Research analysts were trying to abbreviate therapy while maintaining therapeutic effectiveness in the 1930s through the 1950s. Included Ferenczi, Reich, and Alexander. When patients who may derive the most benefit from therapy can promptly and repeatedly engage, express a specific therapeutic focus, and transfer quickly and smoothly to a previously warded-off mood, this is the best chance for success. These individuals were healthier, to begin with.

Checking On You Text Messages For Her

  1. “I” is the shortest word and the word that’s the nicest to me is “LOVE,” and you are the person I will never forget. I wanted to make sure everything was well since I miss you, my dear.

  2. Even though you’re not with me, part of my heart constantly feels lonely because I miss you, my dear. To make sure you’re OK, I’ve just sent you this SMS. Cheers’

  3. In essence, as far as love is concerned, “Distance does to love what wind does to fire, distinguishes between the weak and empowers the strong.” Just checking in to see how you are doing, my dear angel.

  4. I am constantly thinking about you, and the void within me is stuffed full of love, but I cannot stop loving you. I just wanted to make sure you were okay.

  5. That’s all I want from you, having fun right here with me. I’m amazed that only you make my desires come true because my heart yarn is just for you. I’m checking in on you to see how you’re doing. I miss you a lot.

  6. Even if I am the busiest person on the planet, I will still be checking up on you. Have a wonderful day, my sweetheart.

  7. I’m excited for the day when I’ll be cuddled up under my arms with you and telling you how gorgeous you look when you’re asleep. I only wanted to see how beautiful you were while we were in love.

  8. When I get the chance to talk to you, I fall dumbfounded. Even if I tried, I couldn’t stop loving you, dear. Good luck with your future endeavors.

  9. Even if I spent the whole day with you, I’d still miss you as soon as you go. I’m very lonely, and I miss you, please come back to me. I’m sending you this SMS to see how you’re doing.

  10. When it rains, you can’t see through to the other side. We’ll be here for each other even if we aren’t constantly there to see each other. I long to be with you.

Checking On You Text Messages For Him

  1. My favorite words to write on rocks are “I miss you.” Then I would fling the rock at your face to demonstrate how painful it is to miss you. That’s alright, my king.

  2. Three tiny hearts are being sent to you as a means of conveying three essential concepts. These concepts are: I’m here for you, I care about you, and I miss you. Hello. I adore you more than you could ever know.

  3. Do you know what I mean when I say: “3. Do you know, what I say, what I think, what I feel, what I wish?” I’m missing you so much. I want to learn about your well-being.

  4. There are other reasons that my arms are empty, my lips are chilly, and my eyes are hurting, including that I am not with you. I just wanted to check in on you to see how you were doing.

  5. If you believe I miss you while you’re not around, you’re mistaken. When I think about you, I miss you. I’m always thinking of you, I miss you, and I want to make sure you’re okay.

  6. A day without you by my side feels like an eternity, and I could never live another day without you near me. I love you more than anything. I adore you, but I wanted to see how you are doing.

  7. This place would have been better if you were here with me. Today, I’ve spent 98% of my time thinking about you, and I could not have gone without you. “Just mentioned that I wanted to let you know how I am feeling.”

  8. But because I can’t always reach you, because we’re both so busy, it doesn’t mean I’m not telling you that you’re unique. You are the one person that means anything to me, and I just wanted to make sure everything was all right.

  9. Everything about you I miss: you’re a huge part of my life. However, there are so many people around me, and you’re the only one I still miss like never before. I wanted to see how you were doing, have a good day.

  10. I’ll never let you go if I could hold you near to me. My dream is to have you next to me all the time. I can’t stop admiring your beautiful face and the charming smiles that emerge from your magnificent and passionate eyes. The one I want to thank for everything is the love of my life.

Frequently Asked Questions - FAQs

  • Is it weird to check up on your ex?

While you may feel uncomfortable, it is very normal to feel this way. No matter how long we’ve been single, Dr. Peterson says, “I don’t think there was ever a period when we weren’t interested in our exes or who they’re seeing.” You’ve got every reason to look at your ex’s Instagram account again and again since here are all the things that keep you compelled to do so.

  • Why shouldn’t you ask how you are?

How are you doing? In the world of communication, these three words are completely worthless. When someone is inquiring, they don’t want to know, and when someone is answering, they aren’t honest. There was a missed chance and a conversation with no link or relationship.

  • Do you check on someone or check up on someone?

There are multiple connotations to the English phrase “to check up on someone or something.” Verifying that someone is doing their work is checking up on them, whereas checking something out implies ensuring its accuracy.

  • Can I say thank you too?

Additionally, you may respond “You, too” or “Thank you, too” or “I completely agree.” As suggested by Dr. Kennedy and Mr. Hackworth, we could also say, “and thank you for all of the [blah blah blah].”

  • What do Thanks for checking mean?

Researching anything means making phone calls, asking inquiries, or using the internet. It is something along the lines of “thank you for checking in” (arriving and filling out the forms).

  • Is it a check-in?

Although they share the same pronunciation and are only separated by a hyphen, check in and check-in are distinct elements of speech. Utilize the verb check in. Utilize the term “check-in” as an adjective or a noun.

  • Do banks keep an eye on your account?

Banks constantly monitor accounts for suspicious activity such as money laundering, which occurs when substantial sums of money obtained through illicit activities are put in bank accounts and moved around to appear to come from a legitimate source.

  • How are you holding up?

“How are you doing?” is frequently used in isolation to signify “How are you doing in the middle of this trying situation?”

  • Do you show appreciation for checking in on me?

Both are correct, however we would normally respond “Thank you for checking up on me.” To seem more natural, “Thank you for checking in on me” may be altered to “Thank you for checking up on me.”

  • What is the checking?

A checking account is a deposit account at a financial institution that permits both withdrawals and deposits. Checking accounts, also known as demand or transactional accounts, are extremely liquid and can be accessed via cheques, automated teller machines, or electronic debits, among other methods.


If I’m checking on you, that indicates I’m making sure you’re okay, or I’m tracking your progress. To check-in with someone implies providing someone with the latest news on your situation or development. If your songwriter gets invited to come to the University of Chicago as a visiting professor of psychoanalysis, he is a well-educated musician. Paul Rosenfels was a student of Alexander while he was working at the Chicago Institute for Psychoanalysis. His involvement with the Society for General Systems Research began in the 1950s.

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