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Muscle Building Workouts for Beginners


Muscle-building workouts for beginners require 6 weeks and 4 days per week. Beginners can work for about an hour to build their muscles. In this article, you can see exercises to build muscle.

Beginner’s Muscle Building – Break-In Routine

Workout Summary

Main GoalMuscle Building
Workout TypeSplit
GenderMale & Female
Training LevelBeginner
Days Per Week4
Time Per Workout30-45 minutes
Program Duration6 weeks
Equipment RequiredBarbell, Bodyweight, Cables, Dumbbells, Machines

This program operates on the presumption that you are familiar with the fundamental exercises but have never committed to an exercise regimen or that a significant amount of time has passed since the last time you lifted weights.

Also, if you’ve read many old articles about Arnold or any of your favorite bodybuilders and think that to grow muscle, you need to spend six hours a day in the gym, you need to get that idea out of your brain. We will be taking a minimalist approach, which is significantly more helpful to the health of both the body and the mind.

There is no use in pushing where you cannot move after your first beginner muscle-building workout, regardless of how eager you may be to dive right in and give it you’re all. You may skip this break-in routine if you’ve already been working out and are searching for a solid program to follow as a newbie.

Cable or Machine Rows210-12
Calf Raises212-15
Bench Press210-12
Overhead Press210-12
Leg Curls112

Before your question, no direct arm movement is included on purpose. Improve your mind-muscle connection (the ability to feel the functioning muscles) and build a strong foundation for future training. For the next 1-2 weeks, you won’t need to do any direct work on your bicep curls.

Yes, we understand your goal for a large chest, so you want to start with bench presses. Again, this is a ‘break-in’ routine to provide the groundwork for the following step.

Use a weight that allows you to easily complete your reps at the upper end of the range during your first few workouts. Lift heavier weights once you’ve recovered from the initial pain, but don’t risk damaging your technique or failing to complete the prescribed number of reps.


However, if this is your first time going for it or if you have been absent from the gym for an extended period, you should do this basic warm-up for at least one week (two weeks is recommended). Pay attention to your physical sensations, but ignore the voice of your inner couch potato.

How to Grow Muscle at Home?

Fitness levelDays Per Week
newbie2–3 days
novice3–4 days
pro4–5 days

Starting with the fundamentals, let’s begin: A combination of aerobic and strength training is ideal for your fitness regimen. Using hand weights or just your body weight can enhance your muscular strength.

Do you have a routine for working out? Two days a week of strength exercise is recommended for muscular growth, according to a study published in 2016. So begin by doing two or three days of full-body weight training, cardio, and two days of recovery every week.

As your strength improves, you may add a fourth weight day and divide your exercises into upper- and lower-body workouts to maximize your results. In addition, set aside at least two days a week for relaxation and recovery. Alternatively, your strategy may look like this:

Keep in mind: Weights will become your closest buddy as you become stronger and require more of a challenge. However, don’t neglect cardiac exercise. It’s still a vital component of any fitness routine, but it may also be a nuisance. Focus on HIIT cardio workouts a couple of times a week for the best muscle-building results.

Beginner’s Bodybuilding – Nutrition

Nutrition has a vital part of fitness and muscle-building. Early on, balance is crucial. If you’re serious about bodybuilding, you should avoid junk food and create good eating habits to meet your nutritional demands and prevent overeating. Avoid fad diets.

30% of your calories should come from high-quality protein, 45% from complex carbs, and 25% from healthy fats. Total calorie count and precise % split vary by person. Thus this is simply a suggestion.

Fast food isn’t an excellent source of nourishment, but you can get by if you order off-menu. Eat anything rather than go hungry, but eat intelligently. Your best chance is to prepare your food, and while you don’t need supplements to start, a quality protein makes it easy to acquire what you need after workouts and adds protein to meals that may not be enough otherwise.


After you have decided to participate in a bodybuilding training program, you should immediately begin your training for it. It is far too convenient to keep asserting that you will get started the day after tomorrow, even while you are aware that this is highly unlikely to occur just as well as anybody else is.

5 Best Exercises to Build Muscle

1 - Squats

This move might appear easy, but it’s one of the most effective ways to build strength in your lower body. In addition, because they work some of the biggest muscles in the body, squats are considered one of the most effective workouts for growing muscles currently available.

What you need to know:

  • Your feet should be shoulder-width apart, and you should have both hands on each side of you as you begin.

  • Keep your chest and chin up and press your hips backward to get into sitting on a chair.

  • Make sure your thighs are parallel and your arms are out in front of you in a comfortable posture before you begin.

  • Return to the original position

  • Make sure to complete three sets of 20 repetitions each.

2- Burpees

One of the best ways to build endurance and muscular strength is a full-body exercise.

This is how you do it:

  • Arms should be down, and your feet should be shoulder-width apart.

  • In a squatting position, place your hands on the floor in front of your body. Put your legs back in a push-up posture when your hands touch the ground.

  • Your feet should be palms-up high. Bring your hands and feet as near as possible.

  • Jump while standing up straight with your arms up above your head.

  • As a novice, perform three sets of 10 repetitions.

3 - Lunges

This muscle-building exercise is essential for functional mobility and leg and glute strength.

This is how you do it:

  • Put your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms down by your sides when you first get up to your feet-standing position.

  • Bend your right knee as you step forward with your right leg, keeping your thigh parallel to the ground.

  • All the while, keep your right knee from going past your right foot.

  • Get a return to the beginning position by pushing yourself up off your right foot.

  • Do three sets of 10 repetitions each.

4 - Standing overhead, dumbbell presses.

This is a great workout for people with hectic schedules since it exercises many muscles at once. It’s not simply a shoulder workout but also targets the upper back and core.

Here’s how to do it.

  • You’ll need 5 kilograms of dumbbells for this exercise.

  • To begin, stand with your feet together or shoulder-width apart. Keeping your upper arms parallel to the floor, lift the weights above.

  • When your arms are stretched above your head, begin to push yourself up.

  • Drop the weight down once you’ve got your triceps parallel to the floor by bending your elbows. Perform three sets of 12 repetitions.

5 - Push-ups

Push-ups are something you’ve probably seen a lot of people perform. That’s because it uses a variety of muscles at once. Isn’t that incredible?

This is how you do it:

  • A plank stance is a good starting point. Your abdominals, shoulders, and neck should all be neutral.

  • Lower your body to the floor.

  • Lift it gradually and slowly.

  • During the action, pay attention to how near your elbows are to your torso.

Tips to Build Muscles:

Here are some tips you need to follow to build muscles:

Be Consistent

I am a beginner, and I don’t even know how to train? How do I build my muscles? I want muscles toned and sculpted, and I don’t want to go bulky!

The trainer does not care about my training, and I do not know the proper performance of the exercises? My coach tempts me with the results of nutritional supplements. Should I buy them now, or is this not the right time?

First, you have to know that we have all gone through this stage so that I now remember my start in this game when I was training under the hands of a neglected coach and his first and last concern was selling supplements after he tempted me with them even if they were of little use.

Today I am not asking you for money, as a beginner, all you need is only 5 minutes to read the next lines, and I assure you that you will not need to run after a trainer to explain how to exercise.

Set your goal at the beginning

You must define your goal precisely before you begin your journey into fitness and bodybuilding.

Always ask yourself: Do you need to lose a great deal of fat, or are you the thinnest type who needs to build muscle and not worry about fat, or are you the third type who has some annoying fats and wants to get rid of them while dividing his body muscles, especially stomach muscles!!

Well, let’s agree that if you are a high-fat person, you must focus on losing fat first and then start the process of building muscle, so you will focus on following a weight-loss diet for the time being, and then go to build muscle, so fat is not It can turn into muscles, as some claim.

If you’re the skinny type, welcome, your first and last goal is building muscle, and I don’t think you are in the dark. What if you are the third type?! Suppose you are the third type, and you only have an acceptable fat percentage and are not large. In that case, you can start to inflate the muscles and not worry about some fat accumulated around your waist as it is little.

Sooner or later, it will disappear with continuous exercise, but on the condition that you follow a clean diet and stay away from fast food. I would like to give some attention to fat-burning exercises such as cardio and HIIT.

Muscle building rules for beginners

Before you build your body muscles, you should build the mind and appropriate thinking for this task. Bodybuilding or fitness is nothing but a thought.

If you think that you will go to the gym day after day and lift weights randomly and without sound thinking, know that you will inevitably fail and may be injured. Frustrated and retires from this game.

Let me help you form a sound mind in bodybuilding and fitness by answering some of the questions in your head.

What building blocks of bodybuilding must you adhere to get positive results? Proper nutrition, adequate sleep (8-10) hours, proper exercise, and regular exercise.

Are there bodies that do not respond to bodybuilding?

I deliberately mentioned this topic because there may be among you who exercised for long periods but did not find any response, and he admitted with certainty that genes play a big role in our game, and indeed the degree of our bodies’ response differs from each other, but you cannot sit down and blame genes.

What I want to tell you, my friend is that whatever the nature of your body, it certainly and inevitably responds; you may suffer from a slow muscle growth process, but you still have the opportunity to develop your body even if it seems somewhat slow, and all I ask of you is to change the style.

Your exercise and follow the proper building blocks in terms of nutrition and sleep, and the most important thing is to stop comparing results with your friends in the gym and stop hearing those frustrated.

How long do you need to see exercise results?

The normal period for watching some changes in your body is (3-6) months. This period still varies from person to person, depending on how he adheres to the building rules and his body type and the degree of his response.

Some people may find it difficult to show results at first, but as more time passes, you get better and better results, so don’t rush things.

I think these previous lines will change your thinking about bodybuilding. Let me now talk about building rules and how you can apply them properly to get results as quickly as possible.

Proper exercise plan

Your schedule as a beginner in bodybuilding or fitness should contain 3 or 4 days of exercise, and for you as a beginner, there is no need for more than 4 days to be able to provide your body with adequate rest.

Do not go to the gym for more than two days in a row, meaning that if you exercise on Saturday and Sunday, do not exercise on Monday, but make it a day of rest.

The duration of the weights exercise does not exceed an hour and a half, after which you can do some cardio or HIIT activities to burn fat for (10-20) minutes only.

Never neglect the essential motions known for gaining muscle mass (compound exercise). Depend on this type of exercise in all of your body’s muscles, especially when you are a beginner, and you must adhere to the proper performance of these exercises.

Here are some basic types of compound exercises that will help you build the largest possible muscle mass at the start of your workout:

  • Flat Barbell Bench Press

  • Flat Dumbbell Bench Press

  • Incline Barbell Bench Press

  • Incline Barbell Bench Press

  • Shoulder press

  • Dumbbell press shoulder press

  • Barbell Squat Man Exercise

  • Leg Press push leg exercise

  • Barbell Row barbell pull-up

  • Barbell Lift

Assuming today is Chest Day, let me show you a suitable model for the exercise.

  • Level Bar Exercise 4 (10-8)

  • High Bar Workout 3 (10-8)

  • High Gathering Exercise With Dumbbells 3 (10-8)

  • Lighten exercise with dumbbells 3 (8-12)

  • Parallel Exercise 3 (10-8)


Now, what do you notice? I focused on the basic movements that we talked about that target more than one muscle, and I also chose the number of groups between (3-4) and the number of repetitions between (8-12), which is a very suitable number for muscle growth, and I was satisfied with five exercises with (21) Group).

Your 30-Day Muscle-Building Workout Plan

To get your monthly muscle-building workout plan for beginners off the ground, take these 18 workouts into your weekly routine. The following is a routine that will assist you in gaining muscle while also improving your cardiovascular fitness and maintaining your flexibility.

MondayUpper body
TuesdayLower body
WednesdayRest or cardio
ThursdayUpper body
FridayLower body
SaturdayRest or cardio
SundayRest or cardio

Frequently Asked Questions - FAQs

People asked many questions about muscle-building workouts for beginners. We discussed a few of them below:

1 - Do beginners build muscle fast?

Men and women should expect to acquire roughly 1% to 1% of their body weight every month throughout the first year of lifting, with somewhat quicker muscle growth occurring in the first six months of proper training than in the following six months.

2 - Do planks build muscle?

The plank is a tried-and-true exercise that works every muscle in your body. The plank is very beneficial when it comes to strengthening your core muscles. Strong core muscles have been shown to decrease lower back discomfort, improve everyday chores, and boost sports performance.

3 - Should a beginner workout every day to gain muscle?

In the beginning, you should just exercise 1-3 days per week. Taking time to let your body acclimate to the new habit is critical. Concentrate on strength training for the entire body built up gradually over time.

4 - Do I still gain muscle if I’m not sore?

It’s possible, but not necessary, that muscular discomfort results from muscle injury. Unless you aim to be sore after every workout, you don’t need to be uncomfortable.

5 - What’s the best time of day to exercise?

The best time to work out is in the morning to maximize fat burning and weight loss. However, working out in the afternoon after having a meal or two may improve your performance at the gym.

6 - Should you exercise on an empty stomach?

Working out on an empty stomach isn’t going to harm you, and depending on your aim, it may even be beneficial. However, let’s start with the cons. “Bonking” is a phrase used in athletics to describe feeling weak or dizzy because of a lack of blood sugar.

7 - How much muscle can a beginner gain in a month?

Muscle gain of 2 to 4 pounds per month is a reasonable target for most beginning lifters. Lifters who are more proficient should add 1-2 pounds of muscle each month since research shows that muscle-building slows down as a lifter’s skill level increases.

8 - How many reps should I do to gain muscle?

Generally, between six and twelve repetitions for three to six sets will increase total muscle growth. You can lift a weight in one go is your 1-repetition maximum (1RM). It’s a tool for figuring out how much weight to lift for a certain workout.

9 - Do push-ups build muscle?

Strengthening the upper body with traditional push-ups is a good idea. Triceps, pectoral muscles, and shoulders are all targeted in this workout routine. By activating (drawing in) the abdominal muscles, they can help strengthen the lower back and core when performed correctly. Push-ups are an efficient and quick way to gain muscle.

10 - How many times a week should I work out for muscle gain?

You should be lifting weights 3 times each week. According to studies, at the absolute least, two days of exercise each week are required to enhance muscle growth.

11 - How long will it take to build muscle?

It takes time to build muscle. It may take three to four weeks before you notice a difference. “It all depends on your goals and strength training,” adds Haroldsdottir. After 12 weeks, you’ll begin to notice genuine improvements.

12 - How many push-ups should you do in one day?

In many cases, people perform more than 300 push-ups every day. However, if done correctly, 50 to 100 push-ups should be plenty for the typical individual to maintain a strong upper body. Start with 20 push-ups, but don’t limit yourself to that many repetitions. To keep your body guessing, you need to continue increasing the number of exercises you do.

13 - How heavy should I lift to build muscle?

According to the study’s authors, “Our model provides a physiological basis for assuming that muscle development occurs primarily at 70 percent of the maximal load.” The researchers concluded that lifting at least 70% of your maximal weight is optimum for gaining muscle.

14 - Do you think one workout for each muscle is sufficient?

Even one exercise per muscle group can yield effects if you stick to the recommended range of one to three sets. The greatest way to build strength is to focus on a few key exercises and perform many repetitions and sets.

15 - Should you lift heavy weights to grow muscle?

Researchers in the Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research says that you don’t need to lift big weights to build strength and muscle. No matter how much weight you lift, your workout will be successful as long as you push yourself to failure.


As with the break-in workout programs, the strategy for this routine will be simple. You should still aim for a rep pace of two seconds on each exercise’s negative and positive strokes.

To grow muscle and connective tissue, you should focus on longer tension durations rather than power exercises. In addition, you will be able to feel the target muscles more clearly, which might lead to increased muscular growth.

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