How to make money by Travelling

A lot of us do wish to make money by doing something fun. Especially when we as travel lovers see travel vlogs on YouTube or social media, we are often like “man, what a life he’s spending. Traveling all day, getting to visit the world and no care to earn, I wish I could be like him”. Luckily, it is possible but not that easy. What we see on the other side of the video is a traveler who appears happy and peaceful but what we don’t know is that behind the man, is a lot of struggle and hard work to reach such a level.

But worry not like today I would be discussing with you some best ways to make money through travel especially through dubai tours. But before we begin, there are a few things that you should keep in mind.

  • Earning through traveling requires a huge amount of experience and you should have value and popularity in the field of traveling, which obviously can only happen if you travel often.
  • This field is like a business, the more you invest, the more profit you gain.
  • It isn’t all about traveling, there are other things to handle as well which are directly related to your traveling.
  • It requires determination, motivation, strength, courage, and a lot of struggle.

So let’s start with our countdown of the top 5 ways that can help you earn through traveling:

Earn Through the Internet:

The very first step towards your career in traveling is to let people know you. But most importantly you should have years of travel experience before you start to popularize yourself. You can do that by making your travel page on social media and a channel on YouTube. Keep posting pictures of you at different destinations in the world. Make sure you post interesting stuff because people are not interested in you standing in front of the Eiffel tower. You need to make people engage with you by either showing the positive sides of a highly misunderstood country or by showing people the hidden wonders of the world which people are not aware of. For instance “Eva Zu Beck” is a travel blogger. She visited Pakistan and explored It and showed the world how Pakistan was so misunderstood as a terrorist state but when the audience saw what a beautiful country it is, Eva became popular and probably she is one of the most loved people by PakistanisBasically, you just have to make people interact with you because traveling has a very broad scope and there are thousands of ideas out there waiting for someone to grab. This journey is miles long, it depends on your imagination and creativity and how you manage to interact with the audience.
With a good amount of followers and traffic, you would get ads that will pay you and this is how you reach your first step towards a long journey. Remember, the first step is always the hardest and demands determination but it’s worth the effort.

Travel Blogs and Promotions

If you are a popular traveler, you can either create your blog or write for someone. For instance, your words would have worth, and any travel company that you would write for would pay you for every word you write. In the same way, if these blogs get popular, third parties would share their products with you so you could promote them in writing or your vlog. This would thus become a major source of your earning. There are many travel companies out there and they want someone to write blogs for them. These blogs are a way to promote the company, and similarly, product or website promotion or sponsorship with the help of a popular traveler is another major thing these companies would want to do.
You might be thinking that how you could become this popular. Well, it’s not a big deal. All you need is consistency and determination that would help you struggle for a long time. Also, you are in luck because people love to watch travel vlogs unlike education stuff on YouTube. So you won’t take a lot of time. Just keep your stuff entertaining and interesting that keeps the viewer engaged with you.

Conduct your tours

Another amazing way to earn through traveling is to promote yourself as a tour guide as well. If you are well recognized, foreigners would want you to help them travel across your country and in return they pay you a lot. Similarly, if you plan to travel abroad, you can make a team of new travelers who are not experienced. Take them with you and help them explore and learn the real meaning of exploration. These tourists would pay you back and you can charge them according to what you feel is suitable. Traveling is an expensive thing to do but with others with you, they might even pay your whole tour off. In that sense, you earn extra than you spend.

Publish your E-Books

All of your tour experiences can be compiled in a form of a book. People who are new to traveling or are somehow unable to travel would want to entertain themselves with some of the very interesting incidents you came across during your tours. For instance a funny incident of a traveler asking silly questions to a local or stuff. Because tours are filled with such incidents and they are very interesting to read. You can also write about different cultures and which countries you found to be the most interesting and why, or your thoughts about people in different countries. It’s a vast range of things you can write in your book.
There is a secret that I might want to share with you. Compile your book, adding pictures and a highly attractive name and cover picture. This creates a psychological effect and people would rush to buy your book. For each copy sold, you earn money.

Earn in that particular country

You can also earn in the country that you have visited. There are hundreds of ways for that but if I cut it short, you can do some voluntary work such as painting a children’s school and spending a day with the children, or you could, on longer tours, work part-time at restaurants or other places where you earn a lot. For instance, some countries would pay you $30 for an hour of work. Combining your total time spent on work, you can earn huge amounts of money. There are different opportunities in different countries and we cannot discuss all of them but if you struggle to find some, you can find a suitable job the could help you earn a lot more than you could imagine.


So finally I would erase all the extra or thorough discussion and let you clearly understand the crux of the entire situation. You would have to spend years, perhaps 3-4, struggling and making vlogs and promoting yourself without earning anything and all of what on your expenses. If and only if your promotion of yourself is interesting and makes people engage with you, only then would you find yourself at ease, and automatically you would start to gain followers and your never-ending entertainment would officially begin. All these travelers who earn through traveling have spent a history of struggles that helped them reach such an interesting part of their lives. This journey is broad, complex, exhausting but healthy, entertaining, and peaceful providing all sort of aesthetic satisfaction. Nothing would work if you give up too early. Start today by making your plan and an excellent strategy that would let you travel and earn without causing you to lose more money instead of gaining.

Well, good luck and happy traveling!


Raise your hand when traveling the world is your goal but you are afraid for less money and this fear comes to your goal. Today I’m going to tell you how to make money on the go and no need to worry about that. Most travelers rely on a single source of revenue. Money comes from many services and this money helps maintain a way of life as a traveler. If you are very serious about this, you only need to have a little money. Here are some suggestions on how to look or get an appointment for antique items. I also included ideas for saving money while traveling.

How you make money with your stuff

The first way to make money while traveling is to use what you have. This is not just about the inheritance or the possessions you have in mind about all the things that will be far away from you when you leave.

1. Rent your car

If you want to go on a road trip, you can go in your car but if you don’t want to, then what is the purpose of leaving the car unused while traveling. It is the easiest way to collect money and do nothing.

How do you rent your car?

Turo is the best service that will rent your car and keep it safe, there is a penalty of 1M dollar for any damage.

2. Rent your home

If you are traveling, then your house will be comfortable and you do not need it. So it is better to keep your house rent than to keep it out of use. For both these cars and renting at home, you just need a friend or relative who will provide the keys for the presenter.

How do you rent your home?

If you have a friend or relative looking for a house then there is no problem finding people to take you. Apart from that, there is a service called Airbnb platform that will lend your home at a lower price. The good thing about this is that it comes with $ 1M insurance on any damage and theft.

3. Sell your photos and videos

There is a good chance that if you are on a trip you will do a documentary for it. So to earn money why not sell your photos and videos. Do not use iPhone and android to take pictures as the quality of the pictures will look good but you really will not, always use the camera to take a picture as the quality will be good. On the Internet, you can find the basics of videography and photography.

Where can you sell your videos and photos?

There are many websites where you can earn money by giving them a document for your trip. Adobe Stock, Foap, or Shutter stocks are great places to pay for your great photos. 500px is a great reference for the best photographers. The photo competition is very high so I will not make any effort to assure you that you should take pictures until then unless you want to improve your skills. If you don’t have a good camera you can submit your photos to the Go Go awards. If you are not an artist, it does not matter that you can continue to post your photos and videos on this website.

4. Be influential

An influencer is a marker for one to have the following social media. This is a person who is listened to and followed by people. They can influence people’s thinking. You can also be one of them as difficult but possible. During your travels, you will need all the clothes, essentials and where you will be influential there will be sponsored clothes and everything you need, will be available to you. If you have a lot of social media following where the process will be much easier, you can contact their promotional products as well. Always choose a smaller product as it will be easier to convince them.

How can you be an influence?

It is a very difficult process as first of all, you have to grow your social media by following Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram across all social media platforms and you have to make sure the product is capable of cooperating with it.

Strategies for making money on the road

There is another way to make money

5. Deliver packages

On a road trip, you can also be a delivery person as tourists are always in need of something they may not have.

How can you deliver?

For expatriates, there is a website called the worldcraze is amazing. You can contact them, they will tell you which product you want and you should send them.

6. Buy and sell online

You can buy anything and sell it online. If you travel to countries where prices are low and you think it will be profitable to sell then you can always buy it and consider handmade markets first because there are almost always lower prices. Place these items for sale. Handmade items are always in demand.

Where can you sell these items?

EBay and Craigslist are both great options, especially if you are in America. Create your website and start a business there. At first it will be difficult for you but with a tie it will be an easy process.

7. Publish an EBook

Income, when we do nothing, is everyone’s dream. So with the publication of the EBook, this is easily done. Write down something you are very familiar with. Create your maximum sales value by writing a non-competitive article. Once you have written the full EBook and published it, get some good reviews and relax. The money will be given to you automatically. You don’t even have to pay attention.

8. Get paid for living a healthy lifestyle

If you are like me, then you should know that my decision for the new year was to eat a healthy diet and live a healthier life. Now, what if I tell you that you will be paid for healthy eating on the go?

A pact is a website that determines what should be eaten and what should not be eaten. The community makes sure you make a pledge and then work accordingly. You get paid if you work according to the agreement. It’s very simple. If you go for a walk, then your steps are counted. then count your steps and it is a good opportunity to complete 10,000 steps. So a great app to make money while traveling.

Work for your salary

9. Picking flowers, vegetables and fruits

Picking vegetables and fruits is a yearly activity and is very popular with travelers. In Australia, there is a fruit harvest without hand pollution. Many farmers rely on travelers for their fruit picking work. With their temporary accommodation, the farmers also provided guests with accommodation. Payment is different from person to person and it is up to you how you deal with it.

How can I earn money by picking fruits and vegetables?

Use the website itself and type the season or fruit with keywords wherever you go. You will find many offers there. You can also search for picking fruit and vegetable activities, you will find a local website that offers a different. And you probably don’t need to search, while on the move you find a farmer who needs your services.

10. Bars / restaurants

You can also take a taste job and a dishwasher during your trip. Doing work at Bars and Restaurants is a very popular seasonal activity. In this work, you have the benefit of not having to work all day, just in the evening and during the day. So all day long you can enjoy your destination.

How can you get the job done?

If you have a working visa you can enjoy the jobs legally. If you do not have one, you can find someone who will pay you under the table. First, you have to learn the home language and then you have to look for jobs.

11. Resort or summer camp

In beautiful places, people come to enjoy themselves and there are refreshing resorts. If you do not go there as a client, then you can apply for cleaning the kitchen and the area. So you can easily find a job there.

12. Seller

I think putting your communication skills to someone else is a great way to express your thoughts. What do you think of being a salesperson? You need to find a place or a store that you can offer your work to if they are going to be comfortable with your speaking skills and they will give you a job. Those tourist-based stores can easily give you a job, so first find that type of store.

How can you do this in the future?

Try talking to them about the commission for everyone you bring to their store. Show them by your wisdom that you can do it right. Do not be ashamed, if they are not satisfied; bring a customer to them to prove your ingenuity.

13. Construction work

For construction work, you should first provide assistance to the construction worker and then get a good job because of your experience. The construction site usually needs workers but only temporarily.

How can you make money as a construction worker?

If you look physically fit, there is a good chance they will offer you a job. Since you know that you will be paid illegally like that, do not expect the large number of jobs that they promise you. You should go directly to the owner of that site if he needs an employee or not.

14. Travel guide

If you have a good reputation in the past, put your knowledge into practice and it will be a great help in making money. Your first priority should be to apply for a job at the tourism office, but if you can see tourists near you, you can meet them and direct them to your destinations. This way your payment will not be divided for the purposes of the agency commission. For guests, you should guide them about your favorite places and warn them not to be cheated like other tourists.

How can you improve your financial management as a tour guide?

Show visitors that you have been staying here for a long time and you can show them places that visitors usually do not visit. Tell them you are not a local citizen so that people can understand you as they are also immigrants. You should also adjust your price at a lower rate than other local guidelines so that people will attract you because of the lower rate.

15. Hostels

I know some of the places where I can stay for free at no cost. In hostels, there are also kitchen and cleaning activities. They will let you stay there and offer you a job where you can make money.

How can you be hired by a manager?

Explore hostel jobs by searching and going to that hostel. Tell them about your driving license if you have one. Tell them in all the languages ​​you can speak.

Travel as part of your job

16. Travel blogger

This task may seem simple, but it is very difficult. Before you leave when you want to go, you have to put in a lot of hard work. Writing about something is good, but it won’t make money if only your friends and relatives can read it. You need to have more following to publish your content.

How can you become a travel blogger?

If you are serious about becoming a travel blogger and want to make money you will have to go where you are going.

• The flight attendant is also a type of ‘travel as part of the job’.


Worried about money while traveling? There is no need for that because you can make money while traveling by renting your car, house, selling things online, selling your photos and videos, publishing EBook, contributing, delivering packages, being paid for healthy living, flower, picking vegetables and fruits, bars/restaurants, location swimming or summer camp work, vendor, construction work, tour guide, and hostels, etc.

Frequently Asked Questions

1.How can I make a living by attending secular work?

There are many travel services that give you the right amount of money. Those people who don’t have degrees can make a career move. Activities in travel tourism blogging, travel guide, influence, publishing EBook, etc.

2. How much money is needed for travel?

You do not need much money. You just need a ticket to where you want to go and after you leave you can earn money for your needs after doing the work.

3. How anyone can earn money by renting your home?

If you are traveling, then your house will be comfortable and you do not need it. So it is better to keep your house rent than to keep it out of use. For both these cars and renting at home, you just need a friend or relative who will provide the keys for the presenter.

4. Where can you sell your videos and photos?

There are many websites where you can earn money by giving them a document for your trip. Adobe Stock, Foap, or Shutter stocks are great places to pay for your great photos. 500px is a great reference for the best photographers. The photo competition is very high so I will not make any effort to assure you that you should take pictures until then unless you want to improve your skills. If you don’t have a good camera you can submit your photos to the Go-Go awards. If you are not an artist, it does not matter that you can continue to post your photos and videos on this website.

5. How can you become a travel blogger?

If you are serious about becoming a travel blogger and want to make money you will have to go where you are going.