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How to get bigger wrists?


How to get bigger wrists? It is somewhat very difficult to increase the size of wrists. It takes a lot of time and hard work, but results are minimal. By exercising your forearm, you will get slightly bigger wrist.


The word wrist taken from the ancient German word “wristiz”, from which the modern German word “rist” and modern Swedish word “vrist” are derived. In human anatomy, wrist can be defined three ways: (1) Wrist joint is the anatomical region which surrounds the carpus including the proximal parts of the metacarpus or five metacarpal bones and the distal parts of the bone of the forearm and the series of joints between these bones. (2) The carpal bones or carpus, the complex of eight bones forming the proximal skeletal segment of the hand. (3) The join between the radius and the carpus is referred as wrist joint, also known as “radiocarpal joint”. The wrist joint is an ellipsoid joint (condyloid joint) formed by the radius and the articular disc proximally and the proximal row of carpal bones distally. The joint is formed by the lower end of the radius and under surface of the articular disc above and the lunate, the scaphoid and triquetral bones below.
A total of 13 bones are present from the part of wrist which include eight carpal bones and five metacarpal bones.
These are the eight small bones that joins together to form wrist (or carpus); it connects the hand to the forearm. The carpus word is derived the Greek word “Karpos”, which means “wrist”. The eight bones of carpus are: lunate, scaphoid, triquetral, pisiform, trapezoid, trapezium, hamate, and capitate.
The metacarpus or metacarpal bones, in human anatomy, forms the intermediate part of skeletal hand present between the phalanges and the carpal bones of the wrist. The metacarpal bones are similar to the metatarsal bones in the foot. The five metacarpal bones are said as first, second, third, fourth and fifth metacarpal bones.


Every human being has different body type form others and these body types are good for different purposes. Similarly, each person has different wrist sizes ranging from very small to very big. Why do some people have smaller wrists? The reason is; we all have different body builds or sizes; we all are genetically different; i.e. transfer of genes or hereditary material from parents to their off springs. Like other body parts, wrists bone structure is somewhat similar to parents. Moreover, this wrists bone structure defines the size of wrist. Therefore, these small wrists are genetically inherited and you were born with it.
Another reason for smaller wrists is the unbalanced diet. Imbalance nutrition leads to the tiredness, stress, can develop the risk of illness, and some other health problems like overweight or underweight. Choosing the right food is the basic thing to improve your health. Sugars, excessive alcohols, lack of protein, and over consumption of omega-6 fatty acids lead to the muscle and joint weakness, and inflammation. The nutrition that can reduce pain include whole grain, vegetables, poultry, almonds and other nuts, legumes (pulses, beans, lentils, and chickpeas), spices (garlic, turmeric and cinnamon), olive oil, potatoes, turnips and green tea.
If you are having thin wrists that means your body frame is small as well. Due to this, the muscles will be smaller too. This is something obvious that thin wrists can have a negative impact on overall strength of the body. The champion bodybuilder Steve Reeves came up with the method of calculating the wrists arm proportions for bodybuilding. He said that the competitive arm size for bodybuilding should be at least 252% of the wrist size.


Some challenges for the people having skinnier wrists are mentioned below:
• You have smaller wrists, and when you wear leather strapped watches, you always have to use the hole nearest to the watch dial. When you wear bracelets or band on your wrist, but the tail appears so long because you will need to pull your wrist band so tightly that an extra portion is left out.
• The first thing people mostly notice about your build is your arms, or long thin legs. People place their thumb and index finger around your wrists, wrap it with their fingers, and make fun of your skinny wrists.
• Another worst situation for these people is that when they buy an expensive piece of jewelry for your thin wrists, but it never fits you. Therefore, sadly, you have to buy jewelry from kids section because that is the closest size to yours.
• You can never wear baggy sleeves styled shirt, because it will look oversized on you.
• Push-ups, yoga and any other exercise that depends that depends on your wrists holding you up is a BIG NO. This will only hurt your wrist and will only cause ache.
• And, when you want a wrist tattoo, you make sure that it must be smaller in size so that it actually fits on your wrist.


Our hands perform variety of tasks every day, from writing on a paper to gripping a steering wheel. These repetitive motions can create weakness and slight pain in wrists and fingers. Doing simple exercises can help prevent injury. This can make your wrists stronger, fingers, and hands more flexible. Stretching is one of those exercises; it eases slight pain in wrists. Wrists stretching is very simple exercise that you can even do at your desk at work.


• While seating at chair, place your palms face up under your desk.
• Press upwards against the bottom of the desk.
Hold for a few seconds.


• Extend your arm along with your palm facing up towards the ceiling.
• With your free hand, gently press your fingers down toward the floor.
• Pull your fingers back toward your body.
• Hold for 10 to 20 seconds.


• Stand and place your palms together in a praying position: such that your hands should be in front of your face and your elbows touch each other.
• Slowly spread your elbows apart, while your palms are still pressed together. Lower your hands to waist height.
• Stop when your hands are in the level of your belly button and your feel the stretch.
• Hold on this position for 10 to 30 seconds, than repeat this exercise.


• Make a fist and point your thumb up, just like a thumbs-up sign.
• Create resistance with your thumb and hand muscles to keep your thumb from moving.
• Gently pull back on your thumb with your free hand.
• Hold for few seconds and repeat.


Measuring your wrist size is not a big task; you can even do it at your home. By taking the following steps, you can measure you wrist size:
• Wrap a tape around your wrist.
• When it completes a circle around your wrist, then mark the tape where it overlaps.
• Check the reading of the marked section of the tape.
• Compare your reading (measurement) with size chart to determine your wrist size.
If your do not have the tape and size chart then you can go through another easy method to measure your bracelet size:
• Wrap a string around your wrist.
• Run around until it covers full circumference of your wrist.
• Mark where it meets the other end of the string.
• Remove the string from your wrist and you can now straighten out the string.
• Measure the length by placing it against a ruler. This length is actually the size of your wrists.
If you are thin ■■■■■ person, than your measurement readings would not go beyond 6.6 inches.


Having thin wrist is may be something a male athlete hate about himself. When you have smaller wrists, most probably you will also have thin forearms, and smaller hands. It is quite difficult to bigger your wrists size, but it is not impossible. You can do wrists and forearm exercises at the gym or at home. Some people use exercise tools or weights, but it is also possible to increase your wrist size without weights.


Here are the wrists strengthening exercise tools that helps to make your wrists stronger and larger.

  1. Dumbbells or kettlebells
  2. Hand grips
  3. Pull-up bar
  4. Resistant bands
  5. Sand bag

Dumbbell is an equipment used for weight training. It consists of two metal balls connected by a short bar or rod, which serves as a handle. It is used for joint isolation exercise. While kettlebell is a cast steel or cast iron ball with a handle attached to the top. This resembles a cannon ball with a handle. Kettlebell exercises build strength and increase grip. Both, the dumbbells and kettlebells have a big range of different weights, which people use in gyms to build up their muscles.

Handgrips, or hand grippers, are used for increasing the strength of wrists. It is a torsion spring attached with two handles. The spring is made of various kinds of steel, depending upon different brands, and handles are made from plastic, steel, wood or aluminum. Hand grippers come in a range of strengths, suitable for everyone, from beginner to the strongest person. It is held in one hand and squeezed the two handles together until they touch. Then, these handles are released and the movement is repeated. This makes the forearms look bigger and impressive.

Hang yourself onto a pull-up bar with your palms, and then pull yourself up until your chin is above the bar. It not only strengthen the muscles of wrists but also it strengthen arm, shoulders and back muscles. It improves the grip strength. This is one of the simplest exercises for the beginners. Just start by hanging from pull-up bar 20 to 30 seconds, and then increase this time after few days. This exercise has a variety of types. It can be standard, weighted, one arm, commando pull-up, behind-the-neck pull-up, one hand, kipping, sternum chin, extended-leg pull-up, muscle-up, and inclined pull-up.

The resistant bands are elastic bands, used for strength exercises. They are also used in physiotherapy, mostly for muscular injuries. The bands are colored coded, which show different levels of resistant, people select an appropriate level according to their strength. The bands are very light weighted and are easily portable. Types of resistant bands are compact resistance band, therapy band, ring resistance band, fit loop band, lateral resistance band and figure-8 band.

With a sandbag, the centre of gravity always shifts, because the sand moves back and forth, this builds the stability. The plus point for this exercise is that, sandbags are affordable; you always have an option for a homemade sandbag. It can be done anywhere in the gym, home, garage or outdoor.


Wrists can also be strengthen without using tools or weights. Wrists can get bigger by the exercises like:

  1. Knuckle push-ups
  2. Yoga poses
  3. Stretches

Knuckle push-up is a great way to make your wrists stronger and bigger at home. A knuckle push-up is a type of push-up that you do with your fists closed, while simple push-up is where your hands are open and your palms rest on the floor. Take the position with your knuckles resting on the ground and bring your chest closer to the ground. You will feel the force that will work your forearm. Keep this position for few seconds and repeat the exercise.

Start with the basic yoga poses such as “downward facing dog”, “upward-facing dog”, “plank pose” and “side-plank pose”. All these poses place approximately half of your body weight on your wrists and hands. Advanced yoga poses, such as “side crane”, “crow”, “crane”, and “peacock”, put your entire body weight on your wrists. These exercises help in making the wrists stronger and bigger.

Stretches ease the pain in muscles of wrists. Doing simple stretches strengthen the wrist bone. Well, stretching exercises are discussed above.


Can wrists get smaller?

By losing weight, our wrists, thumb and fingers get smaller. Eat a little fats and do more exercise will help to shrink down your wrists and fingers fats. Typing can be one of such exercises; it burn calories. Another exercise is, make a fist, squeeze it tightly, and slowly release one finger at a time. Repeat the action for 5 to 10 minutes.

How can you hide your thin wrists?

Well, not everyone notice your small wrists. To hide your thin wrists you can wear long sleeves shirt.


How to get bigger wrist? Well, it is difficult to bigger your wrist bone, it takes many efforts, but the result is minimal. Your smaller wrists are inherited genetically from your parents. There are some exercises using tools or without using them that make your wrist bone stronger and increase your wrist size.


Is yoga exercise? 0
Arm exercises with bands

While there’s no way to the make the bones in the yours wrists bigger, most bodybuilders think it’s actually an advantage to the have skinnier wrists, because this helps to the emphasize the forearm muscles, making them look bigger. Building strength or thickness in the yours wrists is the matter of the finding the right exercises this would build strength or flexibility, then committing to the training regimen this works for the you.

Warm up yours wrists. Before working yours wrist muscles, warm them up by performing unweighted wrist movements. These could include hand circles or wrist flexions or extensions. This helps gradually loosen the wrist area or prepares you for the training yours wrists.

how to get bigger wrist

Michele Dolan, the certified personal trainer, recommends: “Push-ups, ■■■■-ups, or pull-ups are the good wrist strengtheners. Climbing or carrying heavy dumbbells at the yours sides also build wrist strength.”

Practice wrist extensions. Wrist extensions are the an easy exercise this you may start doing at the home to the increase flexibility in the forearm muscles this power yours wrist. Doing wrist extensions is the best way to the gradually start getting bigger wrists. Rest the back of the yours forearm on the table or on the yours leg. yours palm should be facing up, or yours hand should be aligned with the yours arm.

Place the light weight in the this hand, then slowly lower the weight toward the floor. The movement should take you five seconds, then bring the wrist back up to the starting position. Do two sets of the 10 or 15 reps with the each wrist four or five times the week. Do radial training. Radial training works much like wrist extensions, except you’re emphasizing the different muscle motion by changing the direction of the exercise. This type of the exercise is the very common in the physical rehabilitation routines after wrist injuries, or you may do radial wrist exercises at the home.

Grab the dumbbell, then stand with the yours arms at the yours side. Tilt the dumbbell toward the ceiling or slowly lower this down. Do two sets of the 10 or 15 reps with the each wrist four or five times the week. Do wrist releases. This is the an excellent way of the stretching yours wrists out at the end of the work out, decreasing the possibility of the injury or soreness. Do this at the end of the each exercise routine.

Place one hand on the back of the other with the hand flexed towards the wrist. Hold the hand in the place by applying few pressure on the this or move the forearm lower to the increase the angle. Hold for the six to the ten seconds, then work the opposite arm.

Stretch out yours wrists. Doing wrist stretches is the an important part of the working up to the any strength training routine this you want to the integrate into yours overall fitness. Especially if you’ve got small or “weak” wrists, it’s the good idea to the stretch things out before you take started.

Get on the yours hands or knees or place yours hands flat on the ground with the yours fingers pointing back toward yours body. Keep yours arms straight or locked or stretch yours wrists gently. Don’t force them. Count to the fifteen.

When you take comfortable with the this stretch, try to the extend yours legs out behind you or bring yours hips down to the ground while pushing yours torso up by fully extending yours arms with the yours palms flat on the floor. in the yoga, this is the called the “cobra pose” or this may be very effective at the stretching yours wrists.

Be patient. Building strength takes time, which means you need to the be patient. You’re not going to the do the couple exercises or wake up tomorrow to the few big meat-claws at the end of the yours arms. The name of the game is the consistency, not speed. Commit to the training routine or start doing this consistently, without taking the day off because you just don’t feel like it. Have patience or work for the stronger wrists.

Do curls with the straight bar or the fat bar. Bicep curls obviously target the biceps, primarily, but you may also use curls as the chance to the strengthen yours forearms as well. Basic bicep curls require you to the keep yours wrists straight, which helps to the build strength while you’re doing the exercise, but you may also mix this up or do few wrist curls with the both the fat bar or the straight bar to the increase hand strength or wrist strength.

smaller wrists

Grip the bar over hand, with the less weight than you’d use for the bicep curl. at the curl station, instead of the bringing the bar all the way up as you would in the bicep curl, flex yours wrists to the bring the bar up. Do the same number of the sets or reps you use for the bicep curls. Repeat the exercise with the an under-hand grip as well.

Keep in the mind this you need to the work the muscles around yours wrist, rather than the ■■■■■ itself. You can’t actually strengthen the ■■■■■, however, the bones of the ■■■■■ become denser or you may certainly strengthen the muscles around it. for the instance, try holding the 5-7 pound dumbbell with the yours palm facing downward, then lift yours wrist 20-50 times. for the variation, have yours palms facing upward, then move yours wrist.

Do plate pinches. Plate pinches are the one of the most common forearm strength training exercises, commonly used by bodybuilders to the bulk up the forearms or the grip. this couldn’t be an easier exercise, provided you’ve got few heavy stuff to the lift.

Line up one or two plates from the weight machine on the ground, perpendicular with the ground. Squat down, gripping them with the yours hands, then stand up, holding this securely. That’s it. Alternate hands, doing three sets of the five-ten reps, or whatever is the comfortable for the you.

You could also use the stack of the few heavy books, something this would stretch out yours grip or force you to the spread yours fingers relatively wide as you lift. It’s mostly about the strength required to the grip the objects together.

Do wrist rollers. Wrist rollers require the special device called the wrist roller, but this is the commonly available at the most gyms, or you could also bootleg one in the pinch. The exercise itself is the simple, but challenging, extremely effective at the building forearm strength or bigger wrists. the wrist roller bar is the basically the short bar with the rope in the center, from the which the weight hangs. If you don’t have one, you could also use the bar from the barbell, hanging one of the weights from the this with the length of the rope, about 24 inches (61.0 cm) long.

Grip the bar with the both hands, palms facing down or extend yours arms straight out in the front of the you. As the weight hangs, twist the bar up or backward with the yours wrists, one at the time, as if you were activating the gas on the motorcycle. Try 10 or 15 reps at the three sets.

Do knuckle push-ups. If you want to the work on the stability or strength in the yours forearms, doing push-ups is the great way of the exercising. Traditional, flat-handed pushups, though, may actually stress yours wrists, causing soreness or stiffness in the ■■■■■. Instead, use push-ups as an opportunity to the build strength in the yours wrists by doing them on the yours knuckles instead of the yours flat palms.

Focus on the keeping yours wrists very straight or solid while you do push-ups, however many you’re comfortable doing. If you’re just getting started, try doing three sets of the ten. Avoid the use of the wrist straps. Lots of the beginners who are the trying to the build strength in the their forearms over-use wrist-straps, which is the counter-productive. yours wrists won’t take stronger if you’re relying on the wrist-straps to the bear few of the burden of the weight. If you feel like you need wrist-straps, lower the weight you’re lifting.

To take bigger or strong wrists, you may do curls or extensions, knuckle pushups, any exercise asking to the squeeze yours wrist hard (pull ups, ■■■■ ups or deadlifts) also helps or using hand grips available in the market. or make sure you Don’t overtrain, as this may damage yours bones or muscles or set you back weeks in the yours progress or may cause an injury.

To start the wrist strengthening exercises, sit in the chair with the yours forearm resting on the table. Hang yours wrist or hand over the edge of the table. Hold the two- or three-pound dumbbell in the yours hand with the yours palm facing down or slowly lift yours hand so the back of the yours hand moves towards the ceiling or upwards or downwards.

Do basic yoga poses, such as Downward-Facing Dog, Upward-Facing Dog, Plank Pose or Side-Plank Pose etc. Practice more advanced yoga poses this include arm balances, such as Crow, Crane, Side-Crane or Peacock. Do pushups. Knuckle pushups are the most effective one. Here are the few pictures which would help you understand few good variations.

This picture would explain few easy wrist exercises variations:

So now back to the forearms so in the order to the build the good wrist you must do forearm exercises. or here are the few of the most common or effective forearm exercises this would help you grow better wrist or forearms.


Can wrists get smaller?

By losing weight, our wrists, thumb and fingers get smaller. Eat a little fats and do more exercise will help to shrink down your wrists and fingers fats. Typing can be one of such exercises; it burn calories. Another exercise is, make a fist, squeeze it tightly, and slowly release one finger at a time. Repeat the action for 5 to 10 minutes.

How can you hide your thin wrists?

Well, not everyone notice your small wrists. To hide your thin wrists you can wear long sleeves shirt.

Maybe you don’t feel confident about your skinny wrists. Maybe some people noticed them and made fun of you (sad people, really). Or you have an average wrist size, but you would rather have thicker wrists anyway. Whatever the case, welcome. I tried a lot of methods and exercises, in this is what I learned over the years. To get bigger wrists, you can do curls and extensions, knuckle pushups, any exercise asking to squeeze your wrist hard (pull ups, ■■■■ ups and, deadlifts) or using hand grips. Don’t overtrain, as it will impair your everyday life and set you back weeks in your progress. And beware that your wrists can’t actually grow much in size. In the rest of this article, I’ll go more in depth about these exercises, and why you have small wrists in the first place. you have small wrists when pretty much every modern watch you try on seems huge or out of place on you.

Most men watches are 40mm in size or above, and a big part of them are 42mm and above – especially in fashion brands.

Those watches appear very big, or the lugs of the watch case may overhang your wrist or forearm. Same goes when you’re trying men bracelets (like beads, rope and leather bracelets): they are too loose. The easiest way to measure your wrist circumference is to take a soft ruler and wrap it around your wrist, just above your wrist bone. You will have a reading in inches or centimeters, depending on where you’re from. Most men with wrists smaller than 7 inches (17.8cm) consider having small wrists. I certainly can relate: mine are 5.9 inches or 15 cm. Check out the in-depth guide that I wrote on how to measure your wrist size, with uses cases and gotchas. Anyway, the actual measurement of your wrists doesn’t matter that much. It’s all about perception. If you feel your wrists are too small or skinny and want to have bigger wrists, here is what I learned. But first and foremost. Because your body is the way it is: your bone structure defines the size of your wrists.

If you were active before adulthood and practiced a physical activity involving an average or heavy use of your arms, then chances are you have average or big wrists. If you didn’t, then your radius and cubitus bones and ends solidified closer together, resulting in smaller-than-average wrists. Now, having small wrists is not a bad thing. It’s not unhealthy. It doesn’t mean you’re in a bad shape. It doesn’t mean you’re a lesser man. It’s just the way things are. We’re all different. I actually like mine. I never thought of them really until I became a watch enthusiast and noticed that most watches are just too big for me. It’s very hard to get thicker wrists. It takes time and effort, and the results are minimal. Your wrist is a ■■■■■ where some muscles are attached to. But unlike your arm – where you can train your biceps and triceps – no actual muscle is present in your wrist. This is why its almost impossible for your wrists to grow in size. To get really bigger wrists**, you would need to have thicker bones** or change the structure of your forearm and hand. Which, of course, is not an option. So, what can you do? You could gain weight, since fat is stored all around your body, including in your wrists. But since it’s not very healthy, and probably not what you’re after anyway, I really wouldn’t advise you to go that route. . What you can do is to get thicker forearms. By training your forearms, you will get thicker wrists (to a small extent, though). This is it, really. Just bear in mind that your forearms will actually grow quite a lot if you train them properly, so the actual size ratio between for your forearms and your wrists will get bigger! This might give the impression that your wrists are smaller than they actually are. At some point, I trained my forearms and wrists to wear bigger watches. I went from 5.9 inches to 6.1 inches – a 0.2 inch or 5mm increase. It’s not much of a difference on the paper by any means, but they felt a bit thicker. Your mileage may vary, depending on where you start. There are many ways to get bigger forearms, and therefore wrists. These are your typical exercises to grow any part of your body; your forearms and wrists are no exception.

Since we are looking for hypertrophy, aim for 3 to 5 sets of 8 to 12 reps. I like to do 3×12, but 5×8 works as well. Check for 4 to 6 weeks with one and then try the other and see if there are any changes in your gains.

Wrists extensions exercises work well since they work the outer part of the forearm.

You can grab any weight and rest your forearms flat on a surface, with your hands hanging and your palms facing down. I like to rest my forearms on my thighs.

From that position, you lift your hands towards the ceiling without moving anything else. A bit like you would turn a bike’s throttle handle.

Wrist curls are kind of the opposite of that.

The position is the same as the extensions, but now your palms face up. Grab a weight and lift those hands towards the ceiling without moving any other part of your arm.

It’s a bit like a mini version of your typical biceps curls.

To do those curls and extensions, you can work with dumbbells, kettlebells or barbells, they all serve the same purpose: asking your arms and wrist to grab something heavy and lift it. Even if it’s totally possible to increase your wrist size without weights, they will always get you there quicker. And probably better, since it very hard to match the kind of mass you can gain with weights. That being said, I really like to work with resistance bands. They are small, which makes it easy to put them away when you’re done. They are cheap, so you can have many of them for different “weights” (you will use the lighter ones though, there is not much strength in forearms of most people). You can train at home, anytime: a real no-brainer in my book. No gym membership hassle. And they work your forearms just as hard as regular weights.

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