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Communism Vs Capitalism


Communism Vs Capitalism.Communism is a Social economic system in which country’s trade and industry are controlled by the community where the group of people owns the factors of production. Capitalism is an economic system in which private individual own and control property with their interest. Demand and and supply freely set prices in markets in a way to make profit.

Definition Of Communism

In Communism the community or society simply owns all the resources or the means of production. On the other hand in capitalism the resources or the means of production lies with a private owner to make their profit. Communism was first a French word that coined in the 1840s to describe a system of collective ownership in which individuals did not own there private property and worked together for the benefit of all community members.

This new French word described the ideals similar to the English concept of socialism and derived from the word common which means something is free or open to everyone. Communism Vs Capitalism is a Social economic system in which country’s trade and industry are controlled by the community where the group of people owns the factors of production. Capitalism is an economic system in which private individual own and control property with their interest. Demand and and supply freely set prices in markets in a way to make profit.

The word communism comes from french and was adopted by Frederick Engels and Karl Marx in the 1850s to describe their ideology of opposing industrial capitalism.

Communism is a social and economic system which is possible only in a Capitalist age. Due to the sharp conflict between social function and the social substance of capital it self. The social function and its institutional forms relations of production, state ,science etc. Also it can exist independently from the substance of capital or even be used against it as the means of its negation.

Communism is the result and the process of denial of capital as substance by means of capitalist functional forms state, party. That is why historical Communism is and can be only Anti capitalism. The connection between these two Communism and Capitalism is not exhausted by this genetic feature.

Definition of Capitalism

Capitalism first came in to use in the 1830s. Capitalism described as an economic system in which wealth or capital was owned by individuals for their personal profit. The British policy of government regulation of trade which is called mercantilism was being abandoned by the 1830s and the free market not the government set on the production and distribution of goods. Then the word capitalism was a product of the changing economy of Great Britain during the Industrial Revolution.

The term ‘capitalism’ indirect an economic system that advocates private owner ship of the means of distribution, production and exchange to earn profit. In this system the determination of production and price of the goods and services are done by the market. The demand and supply forces and plays an important role here. Individuals own their labor. The only exception is slavery where someone else owns a person’s labor. Although it is illegal throughout the entire world but slavery is still widely practiced.

Communism Verses Capitalism. Communism is a Social economic system in which country’s trade and industry are controlled by the community where the group of people owns the factors of production. Capitalism is an economic system in which private individual own and control property with their interest. Demand and and supply freely set prices in markets in a way to make profit.

Capitalism is an economic system in which private individuals or businesses owner owns capital goods. The production of goods and services is based on supply and demand in the general market which is also known as a market economy rather than through central planning known as a planned economy or command economy.

Communism Vs Capitalism Which is better

Capitalism vs Communism. This break out of the Cold War first began even before when the guns fell silent after World War II. The build up of tension between the US of America and the Russian Soviet Union was so intense that you could cut it with a knife.

The battle between democracy/Capitalism and communism/authoritarianism has had a ruling influence on today’s American culture and society. The story of the Cold War is about the two countries that possessed dominant world powers and this need for superiority led to global dispute.

The pleasure of walking you through a remarkable journey of the Cold War. This will be utilizing different visual representations to display how these things influences and have shaped our current economical cultural and social perspectives of the world.

Which one is better communism or capitalism?

When you think of modern day Liberals now this is what every body thinks. Not all but some are definitely starting to swing closer towards Socialism or Communism in their economic thought. It is all about wealth redistribution? The rich should pay more taxes than the poor because they hold ________% of the wealth that number jumps up and down depending on who says it and everyone else is struggling/poor.

But there in lies the rub. People who think raising taxes on the rich will help the economy or poor people are too sincere. People who think raising the minimum wage is something that will change society for the betterment are being innocent as well. These kinds of changes while useful in some ways ultimately falls short of the most important thing which is Culture.

Talking About China

Lets forget all the Communist countries that have fallen apart and look at the one that is still running strong relatively like China. When Mao Ze ■■■■ took over he promised to their citizens a new age of equality. But China ended up being a country by which there is no middle class.

You are either rolling in dough or living in Shanghai, Beijing or another large city or you are destitute or even living in third world conditions. The so called middle class in China is a tiny fragmented line between rich and poor. Even in Communist countries Capitalism is the only sustainable method of progress because people run on inducement.

In China where that inducement was removed then you saw people in governmental positions or corporate management doing a whole lot of stealing. Why? Because it was the only way to have more. If you want to live lavish you have to rob and become a thief . When tax collectors came knocking on the front door then you know what they did Bribe them. Paying one tax collector $50,000 is better than paying $2M for taxes in that year.

With the ever growing population in China it became impossible to regulate the businesses and officials. The rich still became rich and the poor still stayed poor because restrictions and laws only hold back on innocent people.

That is the cruel nature and culture of people in the society. People who want to be rich badly then they will become rich even if they have to step on you to do it. Inducement is the only thing that drives people whether it will be social status money, or something else. If you take away the incentive then you take away the motivation.

So in a very practical sense Communism does not exist. People are naturally motivated, driven and ambitious. People will proclaim to be fair while munching up caviar in their private jets. You cannot change that unless you change the culture of society. But the question remains the same. How do you change the culture of greed? You cannot It is in our genes.

EDIT: I don’t think it was clear enough in my answer and caused some misunderstandings. Not against progressive tax rate. But there should be a more balanced progression with fewer write offs for the rich. If someone can afford a freaking yacht then it should not be getting a write off for purchasing it too. At the same time people should not be paying literally more than double the ratio of taxes because
someone worked a lot ■■■■■■.

Also when people say “wealth redistribution,” then it does not just mean taxes. They don’t think our tax money should be used to foot the bill for consistently unambitious, unmotivated and useless people. Adding a time limit by which people can receive unemployment money or be on welfare.

Our taxes should be spent on things everyone benefits from not the things that only poor people can benefit from. Let’s provide a solid funding base for the police departments and then take away the inducement for them to fine people for victimless crimes.

Re gain the trust of the people to police by making police officers who abuse their power pay their own settlements out of pocket or get police insurance instead of pulling tax money.
Spend more tax money on training officers more thoroughly before sending them out with a badge and a ■■■.

Our laws are piled up so ridiculously against poor people it is no wonder people join gangs instead of getting jobs. Do taxes like other countries where they do not even have to fill out all that confusing tax paper work. Our employers paid you the money. It is your job to keep track of whether they gave you enough. Companies like TurboTax should not be able to lobbying to keep our current system which is awfully set up and horrifically inefficient which costs tax dollars.

It’s not working. We have spent god knows how much tax money on it. There are probably government officials that are in on this crap. We could have saved a whopping 1 TRILLION DOLLARS as stated by both Fox news and CNN, who usually hate each other. Need to see it in numbers? That’s 1,000,000,000,000 DOLLARS. These things are a social, counseling, and psychological issue not a legal one.

But that fact of the matter is getting back to the original question Communism does not work because it promotes laziness. It removes any incentive there is to work hard by way of making everyone equal which is important. Those who are not satisfied with this then inevitably turn to more sneaky or greedy means to get more. Communism takes responsibility out of the hands of the self and places it in to the hands of the government.

Everyone should be responsible for their own lives. Handouts and heavily taxing those who worked hard in order to contribution those who did not will never solve problems.

Capitalism is way better then Communism. Just look at China. Not too long ago they were communist though more totalitarian and now with their half baked capitalism they have uplifted hundreds of millions out of poverty. But still a long way to go this is so impressive nonetheless. Look at South Korea. Some 70 years ago it was just as poor as North Korea. Now it is an economic power house all thanks to capitalism.

Short and simple question who is better at determining prices of a good? A free market of many individuals who shop around for prices? Or a bureaucracy who decides what price of something should be?

A free market economy

It is always more effective than a command economy without any problem they process together. Communism despite all their claim about being a moneyless society and what not is a command economy.

Capitalism let all the individual people pursue their own interests and in order to get ahead in a capitalist society free market then you must offer goods and services to your fellow man. Currency is a certificate saying you helped out your fellow man. You cannot gain wealth yourself if you do not decide to be productive or innovative.

Not only does capitalism force altruism but it also incentives it. If you want to be wealthier and richer then what you offer needs to be objectively better than the other person. Communism on the other hand is a command economy. Everything is controlled by the state and despite how proponents of communism say the ideology is stateless.

Communism Vs Capitalism. It is a Social economic system in which country’s trade and industry are controlled by the community where the group of people owns the factors of production. Capitalism is an economic system in which private individual own and control property with their interest. Demand and and supply freely set prices in markets in a way to make profit.

Communism Vs Capitalism Vs Socialism

Communism is a Social economic system in which country’s trade and industry are controlled by the community where the group of people owns the factors of production. Capitalism is an economic system in which private individual own and control property with their interest. Demand and and supply freely set prices in markets in a way to make profit.

Differentiating FactorsCapitalismCommunismSocialism
IdeologyMaximize of profit by any means necessary. It also believes in Laissez Faire. A philosophy which emphasizes on leaving circumstance to run their natural course without any external interventionFrom each according to his ability, to each according to his needsFrom each according to his ability, to each according to his contribution
Economy PlanningIn capitalist societies, the economy is planned as per the functioning of the free-marketsThe economy is planned by the Central GovernmentThe economy is planned by the central government
Ownership of Economic ResourcesPrivate ownership of economic resources and property is actively encouraged with little to no government interventionAll economic resources are publicly owned and controlled by the government. Individuals hold no personal property or assetsIndividuals can own personal property but all industrial and production capacity is communally owned and managed by a democratically elected government
Class distinctionThere exists a distinct class whose standing in society is measured by the material wealth in their possessionClass is abolished. The chances of one worker earning more than the other are nonexistentClasses exist but the differences between them are greatly reduced. It is possible for some people to earn more than others
ReligionAs per the ideology, it is indifferent towards religion, but bias thus exist towards religious groups who are well-off or as rich as another religious groupReligion is effectively abolishedFreedom of religion is allowed
WelfareThe welfare system is available only to those who have the wealth to pay for their servicesSupports widespread universal social welfare with an emphasis on public health and educationThe state will be for the welfare of everyone in the society without any discrimination
OriginsThe modern form of capitalism can be traced to the early Renaissance period in the 15th -16th Centuries. The wealthy merchants of Italian city-states engaged in small industry and wage-labour practices at the timeAlthough the concept of egalitarian societies existed since the time of Ancient Greece, the foundations of modern-day communism were established in 1848 by the German Philosopher, Karl Marx (May 5th, 1818 – 14 March 1883)The economy of the 3rd century BC Mauryan Empire was described by economists as “a socialized monarchy” and “a sort of state socialism”. It became more prominent towards the end of the 18th century and after 1848

Communism Vs Capitalism Similarities

Capitalism and communism are similar in both being economic systems which offers a vision of a heaven material future for all if they are allowed to be realized in pure form. Neither system has ever made. however that delivered this utopian vision.

While it is more common to set capitalism and communism in opposition but with communism it is demonized in capitalist society both are economic systems that offer a vision of a material ideal telos or end an end which each system claims could be realized if it could be realized in pure form. Neither it has come close to delivering the promised new Eden.

Capitalism rests its vision of an ideal future on individual ownership and competition. Where all the Individuals are allowed to own land and goods for their own profit. If we say in pure the capitalism state does not own any property or interfere with markets. In contrast under the communism all the assets first pass in to the hands of the state a transitional period that precedes the withering of the state and which will end in communal ownership of all property for the good of all.

Communism is Social economic system in which country’s trade and industry are controlled by the community where the group of people owns the factors of production. Capitalism is an economic system in which private individual own and control property with their interest. Demand and and supply freely set prices in markets in a way to make profit.

Communism Vs Democracy

Communist and Democratic political systems are based on different ideologies and principles. Although these are super different but they seem to share the power to the people in practice the two systems of government structure the economic and political fabric of society in markedly different ways. Also free access to the articles of consumption is made possible by advances in technology that allow for super abundance.

In a democracy the community of people are considered to hold power over how they are governed. Kings are seen as threats to the natural rights of the people. All the eligible citizens get equal say in every fair decisions.

In the economic sphere where communism calls for the government to take control of all the capital and industry in the country in an effort to get rid of economic in equality. On the other hand a democracy respects all the individuals right to own property and means of production.

The political landscape is also very different in a democracy vs under communism. In a very democratic society where people are free to create their own political parties and contest in elections which are free of everything and fair to all contestants. In a communist society therefore the government is controlled by one political party and political dissent is not tolerated.

Summary Communism Vs Capitalism. Communism is a type of Social economic system in which country’s trade and industry are controlled by the community where the group of people owns the factors of production. Capitalism is an economic system in which private individual own and control property with their interest. Demand and and supply freely set prices in markets in a way to make profit.Capitalism is way better then Communism. Just look at China. Not too long ago they were communist though more totalitarian and now with their half baked capitalism they have uplifted hundreds of millions out of poverty. But still a long way to go this is so impressive nonetheless.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

There are some questions which are related Communism Vs Capitalism are as follows :

Q1. Which is good communism or capitalism?

Communism is a Social system in which country’s trade and industry are controlled by the community where the group of people owns the factors of production. Capitalism is an economic system in which private individual own and control property with their interest. Demand and and supply freely set prices in markets in a way to make profit.

Q2. What is the difference between communism socialism and capitalism?

Communism is an economic system in which country’s trade and industry are controlled by the community where the group of people owns the factors of production. The word socialism also came in to being in 1830s to describe a system it is different from capitalism. Socialism held when groups of people should own and regulate the economy for the benefit of all the members.

Capitalism is an economic system in which private individual own and control property with their interest. Demand and and supply freely set prices in markets in a way to make profit.

Q3. Is the US communism or capitalism?

The British policy of government regulation of trade which is called mercantilism was being abandoned by the 1830s and the free market not the government set on the production and distribution of goods. Then the word capitalism was a product of the changing economy of Great Britain during the Industrial Revolution.

Q4. What is communism pros and cons?

Communism ProsCommunism Cons*
Equal chances for anyoneFree market forces no longer work
Assurance of food supplyMay destroy working inducement of people
Supply with medical equipmentPeople are not allowed to depreciate wealth

Q5. What are 3 differences between capitalism and communism?

There is a democratic system of government in capitalism which is fierce competition exists between the firms where as in Communism is a Social economic system in which the country’s trade and industry are controlled by the community where the group of people owns the factors of production.

Q6. What’s bad about socialism?

Socialism have many disadvantages like Socialism creates distorted or absent price signals that results in reduced inducement and causes reduced prosperity.

Q7. Is the US socialist or capitalist?

The United States is referred as a mixed market economy. Where socialism and capitalism varies meaning that it has characteristics of capitalism and socialism. The United States is a society of capitalist where means of production are based on private ownership and operation for profit.

Q8. Which is better socialism or capitalism?

Capitalism is way better then socialism. It’s first came in to use in the 1830s. Capitalism described as an economic system in which wealth or capital was owned by individuals for their personal profit. The British policy of government regulation of trade which is called mercantilism was being abandoned by the 1830s and the free market not the government set on the production and distribution of goods.

Q9. How is capitalism bad?

Capitalism is an economic system in which private individual own and control property with their interest. Demand and and supply freely set prices in markets in a way to make profit. Capitalism is way better then Communism. Just look at China. Not too long ago they were communist though more totalitarian and now with their half baked capitalism they have uplifted hundreds of millions out of poverty.

Q10. What do Communist mean?

Communism is a Social economic system which country’s trade industry are controlled by the community people where the group of people owns the factors of production.


Communism Vs Capitalism. Communism is Social economic system in which country’s trade and industry are controlled by the community where the group of people owns the factors of production.

Capitalism is an economic system in which private individual own and control property with their interest. Demand and and supply freely set prices in markets in a way to make profit. Capitalism is way better then Communism. Just look at China. Not too long ago they were communist though more totalitarian and now with their half baked capitalism they have uplifted hundreds of millions out of poverty. But still a long way to go this is so impressive nonetheless.

The battle between democracy/Capitalism and communism/authoritarianism has had a ruling influence on today’s American culture and society. The story of the Cold War is about the two countries that possessed dominant world powers and this need for superiority led to global dispute. In the economic sphere where communism calls for the government to take control of all the capital and industry in the country in an effort to get rid of economic in equality.

On the other hand a democracy respects all the individuals right to own property and means of production

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