Average Male Height

Average Male Height is 69.1 inches (175.4 centimeters), or around 5 feet 9 inches according to the National Center for Health Statistics. From 1999 to 2016, the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) gathered this information.

Average Male Height

Remember that half of the adult male population will be taller, and the other half will be shorter than the average height of the people. In the same way, that skin tone and eye color can’t be altered.

Crown can only be concealed. Learn more about men’s fashion and what to expect when a child grows up. The average height in the United States is a little about 5 feet, 9 inches. That’s about 176 centimeters in length.

The United States ranks 37th in the world in terms of male height, according to this criterion. The Netherlands takes the top spot. The average size of a male in that country is about 182.5 centimeters.

A lot may be gleaned about a place’s overall well-being from its population’s average height. Even a poor diet and illness throughout your childhood can stunt your growth, for example.

As a result, researchers can use height data from countries worldwide to learn more about a nation’s health and well-being.

Men’s Standard Height in the U.S

Men's Standard Height

Age-specific average heights for U.S. adult males, according to the most recent CDC stats:

  • Between the ages of 20 and 39: 176.1 centimeters, or 5 feet, 9 inches

  • 175.8 centimeters, or nearly 5 feet, 9 inches, for those aged 40 to 59

  • This is around 5 feet 8 inches tall for people over the age of 60

American Male Average Heights By Race:

American male average heights by race:

  • Just under 5 feet, 10 inches, or 177.4 centimeters, for non-Hispanic whites.

  • Just over 5 feet and 9 inches tall, the non-Hispanic black population stands at 175.5 centimeters.

  • Nearly 5 feet 7 inches tall, or 169.7 centimeters for non-Hispanic Asians

  • Just under 5 feet, 7 inches tall, or 169.5 centimeters.


In general, male and female heights have risen steadily over the last century, but regional variations and other considerations affect this growth in size. In the United States, the ideal weight of average height (69 inches) is between 128 and 169 pounds trusted Source (58 and 77 kilograms).

Height-Related Factors

Height-related factors

Sr No. Factors
2 Sex
3 Growth Hormones
4 Thyroid Hormones
5 Sex Hormones

Approximately 80% of a person’s height is inherited. In other words, this suggests that about 80% of the disparities in size between persons are related to genetics.

When it comes to the height disparity between those who live in healthy settings and those who don’t, genes may play a more significant role. These factors can have a substantial impact on height, though, in more demanding conditions.

Height can also be affected by variables such as:

1 - Birth Prematurely

Birth prematurely

■■■■■■■■■ newborns are more likely to be underweight at birth, and their height can also be affected by prematurity. Consequently, ■■■■■■■■■ babies may end up being smaller in stature than adults.

2 - Weight at Birth

Weight at Birth

In addition to genetics and nutrition while in the womb, birth weight is also influenced by the mother’s diet. It’s a good indicator of future height, too.

3 - Nutrition


Growth is influenced significantly by dietary intake. People who don’t receive enough calcium, vitamin D, or other essential vitamins and minerals may not grow as tall as those who eat a healthy diet.

4 - Growth Is Stifled

A person’s height might be affected by factors that inhibit growth. Eating disorders, severe illness, and medication exposure are all examples of risk factors.

5 - Geographical Area

Geographical location and ethnicity have a strong correlation with one’s height. It’s not just where you live that has an impact on vitamin D exposure; it’s also where you live.

Healthy food, poverty levels, and overall health can all be affected by a person’s place of residence, as well.

What is the correlation between height and weight?

In terms of health, height and weight have a close correlation. To achieve a healthy body mass index (BMI), one’s weight must rise according to size. This means two people of the same weight can be obese or underweight if their heights are significantly different.

An ideal body mass index (BMI) is between 18.5 and 24.9. Overweight is defined as a BMI of 25 to 29.9, while obesity is defined as a BMI of 30 or higher. Having a body mass index (BMI) of less than 18.5 indicates that you are underweight.

However, even though BMI is not a precise science, it does show a connection between height and weight. Cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and metabolic syndrome are just a few health issues that can affect overweight people or obese.


Human growth is influenced by hormones throughout life, particularly during puberty. In some cases, a person’s height or weight can be affected by hormonal imbalances. Exposure to sunshine, which is a source of vitamin D, depends on where you live.

Frequently Asked Question - FAQs

Following are the most common questions about male height :

1 - Is 6 feet an excellent height?

In general, men prefer a lady no taller than 6 feet, and women prefer a man no less than 5 feet 4 inches. Men and women, according to a new YouGov study, both like to be slightly above average in height, but they’re open-minded about it.

2 - Which race is the world’s tallest?

However, a study suggests that they are getting shorter. The Netherlands has long held the title of the tallest country in the world. However, a new study shows that Dutch people’s average height is decreasing.

3 - What height is considered short for a man?

It may be challenging to define what characterizes a “short person.” Males who are 5’7"/171 cm or shorter are considered short, according to statistics (1 standard deviation below average). 5′4′′/163 cm or less is regarded as “extremely short.” In contrast, 5′1′′/155cm or less is called “■■■■■■.”

4 - What is the typical height of a 12-year-old child?

If your child is shorter or taller than the average 12-year-old, it’s not out of the ordinary for them to be shorter or taller than that. Your child’s height and growth rate are influenced by factors such as puberty, family Appearance story, and medical conditions.

5 - How much may I grow after the age of 25?

After the growth plates have closed, an adult’s height cannot be increased. If you want to appear taller, there are numerous ways you could do so. As a person ages, it is possible to take steps to prevent the loss of height.

6 - What country has the shortest people?

East Timor, or Timor-Leste, is the world’s shortest country, located in Southeast Asia. 155.47 cm, the average height of persons on this island, is the norm. It is interesting to note that Iranian population growth has been the fastest in the last century.

7 - For a man, what is the ideal height?

As a result, taller people who have a lot of self-confidence tend to be taller than their actual height. IItwas also discovered that some guys are too tall for their excellence. For men, the ideal size is between 5’11" and 6’3".

8 - Is it feasible to reduce one’s height through exercise?

There is no way to shrink yourself consciously. Your arms and legs are made up of the same number of long bones throughout your entire life. Compression of the discs between your vertebrae is the primary cause of age-related height decrease.

9 - How can I increase my height?

You can stay healthy and maximize your body’s potential by eating correctly, exercising regularly, and getting plenty of sleep. There isn’t a miracle drug that will help you grow taller. Your genes are the primary factor in determining your height.

10 - How tall is the average white person?

TRacehas a significant impact on the average height of people in a given population. Compared to Asian and Hispanic males, white men (average size 5 feet 10 inches) and black men (average height 5 feet 9 inches) tend to be taller. It’s no surprise that Alabama is the most densely populated state in the U.S., with a population of 96% black or white.


There’s a good chance that men won’t continue to get taller as time goes on. According to archaeological data dating back to the Mesolithic era, a man’s height ranged from approximately 168 centimeters to about 5 feet 5 inches.

Over 10,000 years, the Earth has shifted just four inches. In terms of current height improvements, more excellent health and diet are significant factors. 67 Children’s health and well-being can be improved through a variety of methods nowadays.

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