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O2 Molecule


O2 molecule is a two-atom molecule that is bound together by a covalent connection. Many creatures rely on molecular oxygen for breathing; therefore it is crucial for life. It’s also crucial for the burning of fossil fuels.

Oxygen Molecule

It is the covalent link between two oxygen atoms that gives O2 its unique properties. Many creatures rely on molecular oxygen for breathing, therefore it is crucial for life. It’s also crucial for the burning of fossil fuels.

Because of its high reactivity, molecular oxygen readily reacts with other elements and compounds to generate oxides. To renew the molecular oxygen content in the atmosphere, we depend on the photosynthesis of plants. If photosynthesis ceased, the oxygen level in the atmosphere would gradually plummet to near zero.

Medically, molecular oxygen is significant since it is necessary for the metabolism of all creatures, including humans. Hyperbaric chambers and breathing gas for space exploration and SCUBA diving use molecular oxygen as a medicinal aid.

Sulfur and carbon impurities are removed from metals during the smelting process using oxygen in the industry. As an oxidizer in rocket engines, oxygen (in the form of compressed gas) is also commonly employed in welding and metal cutting. Ethylene oxide, for example, is a chemical feedstock that relies heavily on oxygen.

Compound NameOxygen
Chemical FormulaO2
Molar Mass32 gm/mol
Boiling Point-183 C
Melting Point-219 C

Particularly in the combustible fuel combustion process, molecular oxygen is critical. Coupling a substance (fuel) with an oxidant (often molecular oxygen) results in the formation of oxides. Combustion also requires an “activation energy” to get the process started, which is the third component. Fuel, oxidant, and energy must be present for the combustion process to take place.

Carbon dioxide, water vapor, and energy are produced when fossil fuels like methane are burned. Around 95 percent of the world’s main energy comes from the burning of fossil fuels. Carbon dioxide emissions from hydrocarbon burning also contribute to climate change.

Oxygen is the most frequent oxidizer in combustion, however other chemicals (such as fluorine) may also play this role. By absorbing electrons from the fuel molecule, oxidizers aid in combustion by easing the breakdown of chemical bonds.

Fluorine is a greater electron acceptor than oxygen, but the oxidation it undergoes is too severe for most purposes. Oxygen is the most frequent oxidizer in these processes since it is more plentiful and simpler to get.


It’s a chemical element — one that has just one atom in it – and oxygen is one of them. In the nucleus of an oxygen atom are eight protons, which is why it has the chemical symbol O and an atomic number of 8. At normal temperature, oxygen is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas. The molecule of oxygen may be found in nature. Dioxygen, or O2, is formed when a covalent double bond joins two oxygen atoms.

Facts of Oxygen

Here you can get some important points about oxygen:

  • Third, in abundance in the cosmos after hydrogen and helium is carbon.

  • In the Earth’s crust, it is the most plentiful element in terms of mass. Minerals like quartz and sand are formed when oxygen combines with silicon and other atoms.

  • This gas is found in abundance in the atmosphere, making it the second most common gas. Oxygen makes up around two-thirds of the air’s total volume. Oxygen, on the other hand, is highly reactive. It may be used in a variety of ways. Plants and other photosynthetic creatures replenish it.

  • Oxygen also accounts for the bulk of Earth’s seas in terms of volume. Two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom make up a water molecule (H2O). However, even though water contains more atoms of hydrogen, hydrogen has less mass. Nearly 90% of water’s bulk is made up of oxygen.

  • Water accounts for 70 percent of the human body’s mass, making it the most plentiful element in the body.

History of Oxygen

It wasn’t until 1772 that Carl Wilhelm Scheele, a Swedish scientist, discovered oxygen via the heating of various compounds including potassium nitrate and mercuric oxide. Oxygen was first found in 1774 by an English scientist, Joseph Priestley, by the thermal breakdown of mercuric oxide, and his discoveries were published the same year, three years before Scheele.

He noted the element’s tendency to form acids when it combined with many different substances and named it oxygen (oxygène) after the Greek words for “acid former” during the years 1775–1780 when the French physicist Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier interpreted the role of oxygen in respiration and combustion with remarkable insight. He discarded the phlogiston theory, which had previously been accepted.

O2 Lewis Structure

There are twelve spots on the Lewis diagram of O2 for valence electrons. Each oxygen atom contains six valence electrons grouped around it in such a manner that one side possesses four.

As a result of these four valence electrons, the oxygen molecule has two shared pairs of covalent bonds. Because of the way certain elements in the periodic table prefer to connect, the valence shell of each atom needs to contain eight electrons.

It has the same electrical structure as a noble gas. During the lewis structure, these eight electrons in the outermost shell are drawn and counted.

Now we discussed some significance of lewis structure:

  • Depiction in the form of a diagrammatic representation of bond formation between molecules, the Lewis structure.

  • It is possible to predict how a bond will be formed by looking at the lone electrons that are present inside the molecule thanks to this structure.

  • This graphic depicts bonds using lines and dots of lone pairs of electrons as a visual representation.

  • Knowledge of the molecular geometry and electron density of an atom may be gained by studying the Lewis structure.

  • In addition, the lewis structure aids in identifying the molecule’s hybridization.

Geometrical Structure of O2

The electrical structure of a single oxygen atom must first be examined to better understand O2’s geometrical structure.

The octet rule provides the basis for the Lewis structure, which is based on the eight electrons. Only two electrons may be attached to an oxygen atom’s one side (so, two dots).

As a result, one oxygen atom has six valence electrons in its octet due to the absence of two valence electrons. One oxygen atom has six valence electrons, as seen in the first diagram.

The linear geometric structure of O2 is maintained in place by a double bond, which is a diatomic molecule. Oxygen atoms make a 180-degree connection when they come together.

O2 Hybridizations & Polarity

To generate O2, the O2 molecule intermixes one s and two p orbitals. A single electron is moved from the s orbital to a 2p orbital as a result of this process. Three new, equally energetic hybrid orbitals are created as a result of this motion.

The oxygen molecule is protected by the diatomic molecule’s umbrella. As a result, it has a linear geometric structure and the electronegativity and other characteristics of both oxygen atoms are equivalent.

This results in a nonpolar molecule with an equal number of shared electrons between the atoms.

Valence Electron of O2

The electrical configuration is used to determine the number of valence electrons in an oxygen (O) molecule.

In its electronic state, the 2p shell reveals a deficit of two electrons in the oxygen atom with an atomic number of eight. To maintain a stable state, oxygen requires two electrons.

It’s known as the octet rule, and it states that elements prefer to form bonds in which their valence shells have a maximum of eight electrons. Oxygen easily takes two electrons because of its lack of two valence electrons.

Oxygen has an octet of six electrons, hence it possesses six electrons per molecule. We’ll find O2 if we search for it: 6+6 Equals 12. Four electrons are needed to complete an O2 mole’s octahedron and produce a stable state.

To maintain a stable state, an atom quickly takes or gives up valence electrons. The more valence electrons are required, the more likely it is that the electrons will be donated.

The oxygen atom can share its two valence electrons with another oxygen atom since it only needs two. A covalent bond is established when two electrons share a pair of electrons.

The creation of a covalent bond is difficult to break because of the steady equilibrium between the attractive and repulsive forces that are provided by the sharing of electrons.

Because four valence electrons on the O2 atom form two covalent bonds, it is very stable and difficult to bind with it without a catalyst present.

Liquid Oxygen & Solid Oxygen

As it cools to -183°C, oxygen becomes a liquid. As a propellant, rockets such as Rocket Lab’s Electron utilize liquid oxygen, including the company’s rocket. Temperatures below -218.79°C solidify oxygen. The chemicals are both transparent and sky-blue in both their liquid and solid phases. Oxygen in the form of liquid is a physical form of gas. It is used in a variety of industries, including medicine and manufacturing.

Why does O2 have a Strong Covalent Bond?

When two valence electrons overlap head-on, they form the strongest covalent link, known as a sigma () bond, in a single covalent bond.

Later on, the Pi () bond is formed due to lateral electron overlapping, and it is weaker than the bond. Valence electrons in O2 overlap head-on and laterally because it has one and one link.

O2 is a stable molecule because of this. The graphic below shows the overlap between sigma and pi in the oxygen molecule.

The overlapping of the two partly filled p-orbits in each of the oxygen atoms results in the formation of an oxygen molecule (consult the electronic configuration of the O2 molecule here again).

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some FAQs related to the O2 molecule:

1. What is O2 made of?

It is the covalent link between two oxygen atoms that gives O2 its unique properties. Many creatures rely on molecular oxygen for breathing, therefore it is crucial for life. It’s also crucial for the burning of fossil fuels.

2. What is the difference between O2 and O in terms of oxygen’s atomic structure?

Oxygen (O) is an atom of O, whereas oxygen (O2) has two Os attached to create what’s also called an oxygen molecule (O2). Diatomic oxygen is the most common form of oxygen. As a result, it’s abbreviated as O2.

3. Is oxygen a molecule or a compound?

However, it is not a compound, since oxygen O2 is regarded as a molecule instead. Because O2 is composed of two atoms, this is why.

4. O2 is not a molecule, so what gives?

There are molecular linkages in oxygen in the atmosphere. There are no other elements in it, hence it is not a compound. Diatomic molecules are molecules made up of two atoms of the same kind. This sort of molecule is termed diatomic.

5. What is the CO2 molecule?

One carbon atom and two oxygen atoms make up a carbon dioxide molecule (CO2). Carbon dioxide is a key greenhouse gas that serves to keep our environment warm and breathable.

6. What is the process by which the O2 molecule is created?

Two atoms share electrons in a covalent link. When two oxygen atoms join to create an oxygen molecule, they share four electrons: two from each oxygen atom.

7. Where do the electrons go in O2?

The O2molecule’s energy diagram looks like this: In 2Px and 2Py, the electrons remain unpaired. This means that O2 has a total of two unpaired electrons. Thus, it has two unpaired electrons, making it paramagnetic.

8. Which is more stable, O, or O2?

Despite its neutrality, the O– ion may be more stable than the atom due to oxygen’s exothermic electron affinity. While O2– is the most frequent kind of oxide, the anion, O–, will resist another electron, making the anion more stable.

9. What exactly is the chemical formula for O4?

O4 stands for TETRAOXYGEN (OXOZONE) First predicted by Gilbert N. Lewis in 1924 to explain why liquid oxygen didn’t adhere to Curie’s rule, the tetraoxygen molecule (O4), commonly known as oxozone, was discovered.

10. Does O2 exist as an ion?

The molecule of oxygen may be found in nature. Dioxygen, or O2, is formed when a covalent double bond joins two oxygen atoms. Oxygen is most often found as a molecule. Dioxygen is the name given to it.


A double covalent bond is formed between two pairs of electrons in the O2 molecule. Furthermore, the covalent link in the O2 molecule is responsible for sp2 hybridization. It is possible to detect the number of lone valence electrons present and missing in an atom using the Lewis structure. This picture also makes it easier to see which atoms of a molecule have created bonds with each other.

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