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Mechanical Energy Formula


Mechanical energy formula is “mechanical energy = kinetic energy + potential energy.” It is the total of an object’s kinetic and potential energy that is used to measure an object’s mechanical energy. The movement or position of an item generates mechanical energy formula.

Mechanical Energy as the Ability to Do Work

The ability to perform work is provided by an object’s mechanical energy. When it comes to defining mechanical energy, it is commonly used as a synonym for the capacity to perform tasks. Work may be done by anything with mechanical energy, whether it’s in the form of potential or kinetic. That is, the thing’s mechanical energy permits it to exert a force on another object in order to move it.

There are a plethora of examples of mechanical energy being used to propel one thing and remove it from its original position. A demolition machine’s huge wrecking ball is a classic example.

For the purpose of tearing down a building or other structure, a huge wrecking ball is used. It is swung backward to an elevated position and then allowed to swing forward. In order to dislodge a wall, the wrecking ball delivers a significant amount of force upon impact.

The mechanical energy of a hammer is used to do tasks. A hammer’s mechanical energy enables it to exert a force on a nail, causing it to be moved. To work on the nail, the hammer needs mechanical energy (in the form of kinetic energy). It is possible to perform work with mechanical energy.

A “wind farm” is a typical sight in rural areas. Wind farms employ high-speed winds to operate on the blades of wind turbines. The air particles’ mechanical energy allows them to exert force on the blades, which in turn causes them to move.

A non-mechanical source of energy, electrical energy, is generated by the spinning of the blades and provided to homes and businesses to drive electrical equipment. It is possible to do work on the blades because the flowing wind carries mechanical energy (in the form of kinetic energy). Again, mechanical energy refers to the capacity to do a specific task.


Mechanical energy is the source of an object’s ability to do work. Mechanical energy, whether potential or kinetic, may be used to do work. There are several examples of mechanical energy being employed to drive one object and remove it from its initial place.

The Total Mechanical Energy

Mechanical energy can be derived from an object’s motion (i.e., kinetic energy) or from its stored positional energy, as previously stated (i.e., potential energy). Just add up all the potential and kinetic energy in the system, and you get the total mechanical energy. The sum of all mechanical energy is called total mechanical energy.


Both elastic and gravitational potential energy are examples of this kind. The equation above can be reformulated in light of this fact:

TME = PEgrav + PEspring + KE

Potential and kinetic energy combine to form Lee Ben Fardest’s total mechanical energy. To put it another way, there are 50 000 joules in all. Keep in mind that Lee Ben Fardest’s total mechanical energy remains constant during his movement. The total mechanical energy might have a constant value or fluctuate depending on the circumstances.

The total mechanical energy of an item is the sum of its kinetic and kinetic energy, as well as its stored energy of position. The combination of these two types of energy is all that is needed to produce mechanical motion. Finally, mechanical energy may be used to do work on another item.


Mechanical energy is the sum of kinetic, potential, and positional energy. It is possible that the total mechanical energy is either constant or fluctuates with respect to the situation at hand.

Formula of Mechanical Energy

What is mechanical energy?

Potential and kinetic energy are commonly characterized as mechanical energy in an item. It is a result of doing a specific task. To put it another way, we may talk about an object’s energy in terms of its movement, position, or even both.

Because of its position, we know that the thing has potential energy. Putting an item at an appropriate height requires some effort. In addition, an object’s kinetic energy is derived from the effort it expends to move. Moving objects have zero potential energy. Although when it is at rest, its kinetic energy is zero, so it still has some energy.

Any time an object is in motion or has a certain position with respect to the surface, it has mechanical energy. A box hung vertically above the ground, for example, will only contain potential energy. The kinetic energy of a moving vehicle is the mechanical energy that is generated by the vehicle’s movement. This means that a baseball in motion has mechanical energy because of its velocity and the fact that it is suspended in the air.

energy (PE)mg^h
energy (KE)mv²/2 V:
mechanical energy (Etot)PE+I KE
energy Recovery (ER)(Ep + Ex) - Erar/(Ep+Ex)

The formula for Mechanical Energy

We can express the mechanical energy formula as:

M.E = K. E + P.E

Also, we know that

K.E. = 12×m×v2


P.E. =m×g×h


M.E. = 12×m×v2+m×g×h

In Short

When an item moves, kinetic energy is generated. Moving things have no kinetic energy, hence they have no potential. Because of its high speed and the fact that it is in the air, a baseball in motion contains mechanical energy.

Conservation of mechanical energy

As long as the system is devoid of friction and other non-conservative forces, the mechanical energy of an isolated system remains constant throughout time. The principle of conservation of mechanical energy may be utilized as a reasonable approximation in many real-world situations when frictional forces and other non-conservative forces are present. As long as energy exists in an isolated system, it cannot be generated or destroyed.

Swinging pendulum

When frictional forces such as air drag and friction at the pivot are small in a mechanical system like a swinging pendulum exposed to conservative gravity force, energy moves back and forth between kinetic and potential energy but never exits the system.

When the pendulum is vertical, it has the most kinetic energy and the least potential energy since it is moving at its fastest possible speed and is, therefore, closest to the Earth.

While it will have the most kinetic and potential energy at the ends of its swing, it will have the least kinetic energy and largest potential energy at the center of its swing.

As a result of the non-conservative forces acting on the pendulum, the system loses mechanical energy with each swing when friction is taken into consideration.


Layman physicist James Prescott Joule first demonstrated how work against friction results in a definite amount of heat, which should be thought of like the random motions of the particles that comprise matter.

In the case of colliding objects, this equivalence between mechanical energy and heat is particularly relevant. During an elastic collision, all mechanical energy is conserved; before and after the impact, there is no difference in mechanical energy.

The mechanical energy of the system will, nevertheless, have altered after an inelastic collision has taken place. Pre-impact mechanical energy is often more than post-impact mechanical energy.

Collisions with inelastic collisions cause kinetic energy to be derived from mechanical energy that has been transferred. As the component particles’ kinetic energy rises, the temperature is thought to arise in conjunction with it. Mechanical energy from the colliding items has been turned into heat in order to characterize the collision. As a result, even if the mechanical energy of the system has decreased, the overall system energy has not changed.


Using a variety of technical equipment, mechanical energy may be transformed into a different kind of energy or vice versa. These gadgets fall into the following classifications:

  • Electrical energy may be transformed into mechanical energy using an electric motor.

  • Electricity may be generated from mechanical energy using a generator.

  • A hydroelectric power plant utilizes the mechanical energy of water stored in a dam to generate electricity.

  • Fuel is burned in an internal combustion engine to convert chemical energy into mechanical energy. The internal combustion engine typically creates electricity from this mechanical energy.

  • This mechanical energy can then be used for other purposes.

  • The kinetic energy of a gas or liquid stream is converted into mechanical energy via a turbine.

Distinction from other types

  • In the natural sciences, the division of energy into various kinds frequently follows the limits of particular disciplines of research.

  • In chemistry, chemical energy is the potential energy “stored” in chemical bonds.

  • Nuclear physics investigates the energy held in the interactions of atomic nuclei’s particles as nuclear energy.

  • Electric charges, magnetic fields, and photons are all types of electromagnetic energy. Electromagnetism deals with it.

  • In quantum physics, there are many different types of energy, such as the energy levels of electrons within an atom.

Frequently Asked Questions

Following are some frequently asked questions related to mechanical energy formulas.

1. How do you calculate mechanical energy?

Mechanical energy, or the total of an object’s kinetic and potential energy, is used to assess an object’s ability to do work. An object’s position or movement generates mechanical energy. There are two types of mechanical energy: kinetic and potential.

2. What are the 3 types of mechanical energy?

Potential energy, kinetic energy, and spring energy are all subclasses of mechanical energy that may be further categorized. Additionally, there are many other types of energy, including sound and light. Kinetic energy, potential energy, and so on.

3. What is mechanical energy for kids?

The sum of an object’s kinetic energy and its stored energy is referred to as mechanical energy (potential energy). Pendulum toy mechanical energy encompasses the kinetic and potential energies of the balls in motion and those that remain motionless in the pendulum.

4. What is the formula for the conservation of mechanical energy?

“KE + PE = Const” can be used to express the conservation of mechanical energy. In an isolated system, energy cannot be generated or destroyed, but it can be internally transformed into any other type of energy.

5. How do you calculate the energy in joules?

The energy consumption formula or the power consumption formula is given as E = P*(t/1000); where E = energy measured in Joules or kilowatt-hours (kWh), P = power units in watts, and t = time over which the power or energy was consumed.

6. How do you find Ke without velocity?

Kinetic energy equals 1/2 mass x velocity squared, again in kgm2/s2 or Joule units, is the amount of energy an item as if it is also moving. To get the quantity of kinetic energy, all you need to know is the total energy, which is the sum of PE and KE.

7. How do you calculate energy kWh?

The amount of kWh is calculated by multiplying the kW by the number of hours the appliance is in operation. Example: 1500 W for 2.5 hours means 1.5 = 1000 * 1.5 = 1.5 h. This is 1.5 kW.

8. How do you find kinetic energy from mass and height?

Mass * acceleration due to gravity * height, measured in Joules) is the kinetic energy of anything falling from a height of h right before it touches the earth.

9. Is wind mechanical energy?

As the name suggests, wind power or wind energy illustrates how the wind may be harnessed to provide mechanical or electrical power. Power generated by mechanical means (such as grinding grain or pumping water) can be utilized for specific activities (such as grinding grain or pumping water) or turned into electricity by a generator.

10. What type of energy is the sun?

The term “solar energy” refers to any form of energy derived from the sun. It is through nuclear fusion in the sun that solar energy is generated. In the sun’s core, protons from hydrogen atoms smash furiously, fusing to form a helium atom.


The mechanical energy formula is: M.E. = K.E. + P.E. Work is considered to be completed when a force displaces an item. An object may be moved by exerting a certain amount of force. If you put effort into anything, it will grow more energetically.

Mechanical energy refers to the amount of energy that a thing acquires as a result of doing labor. Using the mechanical energy formula and illustrative examples, we’ve gone through the fundamentals and components of mechanical energy in this article.

The mechanical energy created by the movement of a moving vehicle is referred to as kinetic energy.

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