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How Many Times Is Love Mentioned In The Bible?


How many times is love mentioned in the Bible, depends on the Bible’s translation edition. In New American Standard Version of Bible love is mentioned 541 times. The word love inside the Bible can take on several different meanings since the Bible was not originally written in English. For example, within the Bible, the Greek word Phillia, Eros, Philautia, and Mania are used as forms of love.

Quick Answer: Here is the chart representing how many times love is mentioned in Bible.

King James VersionNew International VersionNew American StandardNew Revised Standard Version

How did the Bible define love?

It turns out that defining a biblical view of love is not an easy matter. First of all, in both Hebrew and Greek, the Bible was written, and each of these languages has several terms that we interpret as ‘love.’

"Love has patience, love has goodness. They do not envy, they do not boast, they are not proud. It doesn’t dishonor anyone, it isn’t self-seeking, it doesn’t rage quickly, it doesn’t hold a record of wrongs. Love delights not in evil but rejoices in the facts. It always protects, always trusts, always hope, always endures (1 Corinthians 13:4-8).

Where in the Bible is love listed for the first time?

When we search for where in the Bible is love listed for the first time, we come across the following answer.

In Genesis 22:2, the word love is first mentioned. The verse of the Bible says, "Then God said, "Take your son, your only son, whom you love, Isaac, and go to the Moriah area. Sacrifice him there on a mountain as a burnt offering, which I will show you.’

This verse illustrates the emotional love of God as a sacrifice for our sins by sending His only begotten son Jesus. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have life eternal." John 3:16."

While we search to find the answer of how many times is love mentioned in the Bible, we came to know this beautiful piece of information that in John 3:16 , the word love was mentioned first time.

What is perfect love according to the Bible?

Jesus is the perfect love according to the Bible.

Jesus, Deity wrapped in human flesh, is the ultimate love. Perfect Love goes to any length to be saved and to hit any height. Perfect Love calls his brother a ■■■■■■■, rescues him, and sets him free. Perfect Love is complete, all-consuming, in the power of the Holy One, with no trace of doubt.

We gain assurance of our trust in His promises as we accept God’s grace, as we love Him in return, and as we love each other. John tells us in today’s passage of one very critical experience that flows from abiding in love.

Verse 17 begins, “This is the perfection of love with us.” This relates to verse 16 and clearly tells us that the love of God achieves its full effect in us by loving Him, enjoying His love for us, and loving others, while we rest in His love. This happens as we submit to the frequent guidance and regeneration of the Spirit in our sanctification (Gal. 5:16).

How does Jesus define love?

Love has been mentioned 541 times in the Bible & at every point, love is defined so beautifully & with deepest meanings. The reason we even know what love is, through Jesus. Jesus has defined & taught us everything we need to know about true love by laying down his life for us. Love, not a fleeting feeling or desire, is self-sacrificing, generous, unending. We know love is often undeserving and sometimes unreciprocated because of God’s love for the world.

What are the qualities of love in the Bible?

Let’s dig out what are the qualities of love explained in the Bible. The sort of love mentioned by Paul in 1 Cor 13 is love given by God, and the perfect example is Jesus. From Bible verses, here are some attributes of love.

  • Love has patience.
  • Love has kindness.
  • In every facet of life, love infuses meaning.
  • It doesn’t envy love.
  • Love’s not bragging.
  • Love doesn’t get angry easily.
  • With the reality, love rejoices.
  • Love holds no record of errors.
  • Love doesn’t ever fail.
  • Trusts in Love.
  • Protects passion.

Is love the most used word in the Bible?

No. love is not the most used word in Bible. The most used words are Lord. God, Man, ■■■■■■ & people in the holy bible. We are curious to know how many times love is mentioned in the bible, the highest number is just 541.

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What are the 4 types of love in the Bible?

So let’s look at the four types of love found in the Bible. How many times love is mentioned in the bible in various forms, we will read about it now in this section.

We may not actively differentiate one use of love from another, in part because our expression is becoming more and more casual, but it’s important to be intentional about the differences. Scripture teaches us, as we know, that love is the highest attribute.

Eros Love (love & Romantic):

The word Eros love doesn’t appear in Scripture. And yet, as the Bible makes clear, the concept of romantic, sexual love is a positive gift from God to human beings. In Scripture, one of the most pleasing marriage stories never discusses passion. This is Boaz and Ruth’s story.

We might think that in some places we see romantic love, such as in the choice of Ruth to follow Boaz rather than younger men, or in the kind offer of Boaz to let her glean in his field. But the text is silent about their feelings towards each other, except that they express the character of each other in their approval.

There is a reason why Scripture says this bond between man and woman, from Genesis onwards, is the picture of God’s love for the earth, Christ for his bride, the church. It is an image, a foretaste, of what we would become to all if Love Himself rules in us without a competitor.

When we newly discover that romance is more profoundly set than the drive served by our society, we will keep our partner more rightly in the unconditional love model.

Philia Love (Friendship):

Philia is the type of love that is taken for friendship in the bible. Friendship with humans; we merely communicate with and are drawn to certain individuals, and become friends with them quickly. This is not affection from kinship or long touch that comes from.

This is the kind of love that is freely acted upon; your family is not chosen, but your friends are chosen.

Friendship is love that has been rejected. Friendship appeared to the Ancients to be the happiest and most human of all loves," Lewis says, "the crown of life and the school of virtue. “By comparison, the modern world ignores it.”

Why? Perhaps we know that this is the most time-consuming, the least celebrated, the one without which we will survive.

Lewis claims that a mutual interest or experience or behavior encourages the development of friendship in most instances.

Lovers stand face to face in Eros, wrapped up in each other, while friends stand side by side, wrapped up in the same third thing, the word of God, politics, literature, sport.

This is a great honor granted to friendship by Jesus; in it we are worthy of the greatest kind of love, shown in self-sacrifice.

This is exactly what was done by Jesus. He said to His disciples (and even today to those who believe in Him) “I do not call you servants anymore… but I have called you friends” (John 15:15).

Storage Love ( Effection):

The kind that comes from kinship or close touch is love for Storge. For a pet, as well as for a family member or daily acquaintance is all type of Storage love. This Greek word describes family love, the affectionate relationship between parents and children, and brothers and sisters that develops naturally.

It can be felt. For friends, we can feel it too, but friendship is its own thing that I’m going to discuss below. As He is our father and we are His adopted children, God feels this for us.

There are many examples of family love in Scripture, such as the shared security of Noah and his daughters, the love of Jacob for his sons, and the deep love of Martha and Mary’s sisters for Lazarus, their child. In Romans 12:10, an odd compound word uses storge, “philostorgos,” which orders believers to “be devoted” to each other with fraternal affection.

Agape Love (Charity):

In the Bible, Agape is the best of the four forms of love. This word describes the immeasurable, unparalleled love of God for mankind. It is God’s divine love that comes from him. Agape love is beautiful, sweet, sacrificial, and unconditional.

In the way that he lived and died, Jesus Christ expressed this kind of divine love for his Father and for all humanity: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16)

Throughout Scripture, we find Agape. It’s all over the Love Chapter, of course. The sacrificial love of parents for children, such as Jochebed’s for Moses or Jairus’s for his daughter, clearly shows this. It’s evident in the concern displayed elsewhere by the Macedonian churches for their wounded brothers.

Rundown: C.S. Lewis wrote a book that deals with the four classical loves, generally referred to by their Greek names, Eros, Storge, Philia, and Agape, called The Four Loves. Many of us who grew up in evangelical churches are likely to have heard of at least two of them. Eros is Love &Romantic, agape is a charity, philia is friendship & storage is for affection.

How many times in the Bible did Jesus mention the word love?

13 times, Jesus listed & mentioned the word love. The value of the words does not alter, however, because he only directly said love 13 times. On love, the Bible is everything. Love has several elements: love is inspired by forgiveness, empathy, patience, gentleness, repentance, grace, inspiration, church, spiritual warfare.

Love from the Kingdom of Heaven is telling people about His goodness. When people feel this, they are inspired to repent and to receive Jesus’ blood.

"Love has patience, love has goodness. They do not envy, they do not boast, they are not proud. It doesn’t dishonor anyone, it isn’t self-seeking, it doesn’t rage quickly, it doesn’t hold a record of wrongs.

Love delights not in evil but rejoices in the facts. It is always safeguarding, always trusting, always optimistic, always persevering.

Love doesn’t ever fail. But where prophecies are, they shall cease; where languages are, they shall be silenced; and where knowledge is, it shall pass away. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Frequently Asked Questions. (FAQs):

Here are the frequently asked questions regarding this topic. Hope you are enjoying this topic of how many times is love mentioned in the Bible.

Does God love everyone?

Yes, he does, of course! Indeed, many Christians would agree that God so loved the whole world that he gave his Son to make salvation available to every single person, the very heart of the gospel.

what is the most mentioned word in the bible?

The most used word in the Bible is the word “Lord”. It is 6781 times mentioned in the holy book.

What word is used 365 times in the Bible?

“‘Fear not,’ is 365 times in the Bible,” she said. The wise words of my friend inspired me to read my Bible. I learned that the Bible demands that we “in all circumstances give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thessalonians 5:18).


By concluding this topic of how many times is love mentioned in the Bible, we came to the point, love in every religion is the main theme on which religion based upon.

Even in Bible 541 times the word love has been mentioned.

Love is the word we have been searching for in terms of meaning since the eve of human civilization. The concept of love, which varies widely from person to human, from relationship to relationship, and from generation to generation, is the most sought-after human emotion.

There are various levels of human feelings, and in a single phrase or sentence, love in itself can not be described. This notion is backed by the Holy Bible and describes four kinds of love:

Storge – the feeling of empathy that runs down genetically or family-oriented love.

Philia-the relationship with a friend or brotherly love.

Eros, the deep feeling of romance with your partner.

Agape-the absolute loyalty to one ultimate authority, Heaven.

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