How fashion can change your life?

What is Fashion?

Fashion is a famous trend or an aesthetic expression at a time and particularly in a specific context like clothing, accessories, lifestyle, makeup, footwear, body styles. Fashion is kind of a manner of doing something according to present culture ways and styles.

How fashion can change your life? Fashion does not last longer. Fashion is changeable with time and with place, like if you are in public you will dress which will be reasonable but if you are in home, then you will use comfortable fashion.

Fashion products

How Fashion can change your life?

Change in life is necessary. Life changes automatically after some decades. According to some Sociologists, Way of life changes after every sixty years. As you see there is much advancement in living styles of people in present era, then people having 60 years ago. So, fashion has a deep effect on our lives and can change our life with time.

Effects of Fashion on life

  1. Clothing

Clothing comes on the top of fashion list. People wear attractive clothes and dress like heroes/heroines to look cool and beautiful. In this concern, they adopt different fashion with different places or gatherings.

Clothes as Fashion trends

For example: If your are in office, will drees like dress pant, plain ■■■■■ tie and casual shoes. But if your in in friends company, you will wear normal trousers and simple clothing.

  1. Cultural wearing

Culture of a place has main effect on the life styles and dressing of people. Different cultures have different traditions and separate rules of fashion.

If we talk about Pakistani culture, then we will say that in Pakistan people mostly wear Shalwar kameez because its comfortable for them and our cultural and national dress. But if we go to European culture, then we will observe that they adopt new fashion and like to wear Pant suits because they look and find theirselves good looking.

Cultural clothes

  1. Living Style

Beyond clothing, living style also matters a lot in adopting fashion. People in the past live in forests and in houses made of muddy stuff. They prefer village life and don’t want their houses and way of living to get changed.

But Today, theory is changed. Every person want to live in cities and specially in towns where local public is restricted. Mind levels are changed now. People want their houses to be made of bricks and cements and they invest on homes to look attractive, to have a modern standard of living. Everyone wants to built its own house for comfortable living. So, way of living is also a fashion and trendy.

Why is fashion so important in society?

Fashion is vital in society because it’s the potential to bring different people together to celebrate their own individuality. The simplest thanks to enjoy fashion is to wear what you’re keen on and be yourself. In modern society, we place fashion too high on the size. Fashion has become the parameter of the society to know about the behavior and statuses of people. We judge other people by seeing their fashion and living style.

What are the advantages of fashion?

Fashion in this world has many advantages because without fashion we will run out of the race of life. Today, life depends upon fashion and fashion leads to develop our personality and to look better. Fashion also helps people to cover their original identity and it leads to you harmonic life style. Fashion is itself a trend to which people follow and society trend changes after several years. Fashion is also important for change in society.

How the way you dress affect you?

According to science, Our dressing has major affect on our life and it can change the pattern of our life. Science now suggests that how we dress may be the difference between giving ourselves the additional edge up our professional and private lives. Science says that the garments we wear affect our behavior, attitudes, personality, mood, confidence, and even the way we interact with others.

What does fashion symbolize?

Fashion symbolizes the trend and the parameters of society. It also symbolizes the living styles of people in society. Fashion is about showing your identity. it’s the primary thing people check out to interpret who you’re. It shows what choices you create , what sort of person you’re , and shows the planet what you represent. It gives a glimpse into someone’s personality.

Frequently Asked Questions

People adopt fashion because fashion is necessary to survive in this society. Some questions regarding fashion and its importance are here;

Why do I like fashion?

Fashion is the reflection of the society. fashion reflects your behavior and when your behavior is good then people like you, so indirectly you will like to adopt fashion. As we said before, if you look good, you are feeling good. There’s such a lot choice, mixing, matching, updating, ways to be stand out & personally express yourself.

What is disadvantage of fashion?

Fashion of this modern world is too much fast and expensive. Many people are not in state to afford this expensive fashion. In this regard, people say bad words to each other when they can’t afford the thing which others have. Crimes also increase when people see other have high fashion things and they don’t have. Theft of precious things occurs more fast when people are not able to buy things.

Can we judge a person by their clothes?

Society judges people by their clothes. It has become a parameter to judge someone’s status behavior and family background. But this concept is wrong, we can judge only economic status and person’s wealth and the other qualities are not judged by clothes.


How fashion can change your life? It is concluded that fashion is important aspect of life because without fashion survival is difficult in this fast and modern world. Living styles, fashion and comfortable housing styles are the trends of the society to look fashionable and attractive.

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