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Constipation is a disease in which a person has bowel movements that are too frequent or too difficult to pass. Changing one’s diet or habit can cause constipation, as can consuming insufficient amounts of fiber. If you are experiencing significant discomfort, have blood in your stools, or have been constipated for more than three weeks, you should see your doctor right once.

What is constipation?

Constipation is defined as having fewer than three bowels motions in a week according to medical terminology. However, the frequency with which people “go” varies greatly from person to person. Constipation occurs for some people multiple times per day whereas it occurs for others just once or twice per week. Whatever your bowel movement pattern is, know that it’s perfectly normal as long as you don’t deviate too far from it.

A truth remains regardless of your bowel pattern: the longer you wait before “going,” or passing stool/■■■■, the more difficult it will be. Constipation may also be characterized by the following additional symptoms:
• Your ■■■■■ are crumbly and hard.
• Your bowel movements are tough and uncomfortable.
• You have the impression that your bowels are still somewhat full.

Is Constipation a frequent ailment?

Constipation is common, so you’re not alone if you go through it. It’s no secret that constipation is a common gastrointestinal ailment among Americans. A total of 2.5 million people seek medical attention each year for constipation-related reasons. Constipation is a symptom, not a disease that occurs when bowel movements become less frequent. You feel difficulty in passing stool. Many things can cause it, including

• Poor diet
• Lack of exercise
• Changes in diet or routine
• Lack of fiber or water

Other factors involve irritable bowel syndrome, pregnancy, laxative abuse, travel, specific diseases, hormonal disturbances, loss of body salts, and nerve damage.
The person who poops less than 3 times per week may be facing the issue of constipation.


It is estimated that about 2.5 million people in the United States suffer from constipation. Count on this reliable source. It’s when you go less than three times a week and your bowel motions are firm and dry.

Symptoms of constipation:

  1. Feeling hard to pass stool
  2. Passing the less stool than regular
  3. Feeling pain and cramps in the abdomen
  4. Dry or hard stool
  5. Bloated feeling with a loss of appetite.

Constipation is common among people of all ages. It’s also true that certain people and circumstances are more prone to cause constipation to become persistent. Some examples are as follows:

A more advanced age group. Older individuals tend to be less active, have a slower metabolism, and have less strength in their digestive system muscular contractions than younger ones.

In particular when you’re pregnant or just out of the delivery room. Constipation is more common in women after menopause due to hormonal changes. The baby’s squishing of the intestines while in the womb slows ■■■■■ transit.

Eating a low-fiber diet. Foods that are high in fiber help digestion by allowing food to move more quickly through the system.

• the usage of specific prescription drugs.
• Having neurological (brain and spinal cord) and stomach problems.


The problem of constipation may solve by itself without the need for any medication. Change your daily life routine such as getting more exercise, eating more fiber, and drinking more water. It is best to solve it with home remedies and by taking different foods. If the symptoms are severe and worse and come on suddenly then you should speak to your doctor.

20 Foods that help you ■■■■:

The 20 foods that help you to pass the stool easily are as follows:

1. Prunes:

Prunes are famous because it is rich in fibers. It increases the bulk of the stool so it can move easily. One prune = I gram of fiber (pretty concentrated amount). It contains laxative-like fructans and sorbitol, which are fermentable sugars. Prune is also called a natural laxative. The small glass of juice made up of prune without sugar helps you in constipation. When prunes are eaten, water is drawn into the intestines, resulting in a bowel motion.

2. Apple:

Apple is an amazing fruit rich in fibers. One small apple gives you 3.6 grams of fiber. It includes several compounds that improve
• Including fiber
• Sorbitol
• Fructose

They also contain high levels of water that help you in digestion and prevent constipation. Eat the apple full with the skin intact in order to get more benefits. In one research, the 80 constipations affected by constipation took pectin supplements. A specific soluble fiber is known for its laxative effect. It helps to improve digestion.

3. Kiwi:

It helps to improve bowel movement and gives ease in constipation in a number of clinical studies. It is rich and high in two types of fiber both soluble and insoluble. They work together simultaneously. One medium kiwi consists of 2 grams of fiber (9). Eating a kiwi in your everyday routine is a very healthy habit. Kiwi helps to stimulate the movement in the digestive tract and help in induce bowel movements. It helps

• To speed up intestinal transit limit
• Decrease the laxative use
• Improve the symptoms of constipation

4. Sweet potato:

Sweet potato also contains a rich amount of fiber to help alleviate constipation. The regular baked potatoes with skin have about 3 grams of fiber. The insoluble fiber is present in sweet potatoes and involves a few particular kinds like cellulose, lignin, and pectin. They help to promote bowel movement. It is excellent for the digestive system, packed with nutrients.

5. Pear:

Pear is a tasty fruit full of fiber. It is also rich in sorbitol. It is a kind of carbohydrate that commonly exists in fruits. Sorbitol draws the water into the larger intestine that helps to improve bowel movement. One pear consists of six grams of fiber.

6. Spinach:

It makes the stool easy to pass through the gut. It helps to add bulk and weight to the stool. It consists of different vitamins and minerals. Raw spinach is very low in fiber, which in turn, means that your body will accumulate more gas when you eat it.

7. Beans:

Beans are very good and the best food to eat. They are rich in fiber, especially insoluble fiber. It helps to regulate blood sugar and can protect against heart diseases. It also contains the most economical protein you can buy. It consists of a good amount of soluble and insoluble fiber. Both help to ease constipation in different ways.

8. Beets:

The problem of constipation resolves by drinking beet juice or eating the boiled beets. It provides quick relief from constipation. They are good for digestion due to their rich source of folate, fiber. Cooked beets are high in vitamin C and are a good source of riboflavin. Beets are low in gas production.

9. Parsley:

Parsley is a common herb that helps in different digestive diseases. They help to relieve mild constipation. It is also called the great gut cleaner. It is very helpful to flush your GI tract. It has a diuretic effect. It consists of amazing enzyme content. It has superb digestive aid and is especially helpful in aiding the liver in processing protein. Beets also increase fat metabolism.

10. Figs:

Figs can also be helpful in relieving constipation. They have a rich source of vitamin B6 that means good for digestion. It helps to maintain healthy cholesterol levels. A good digestion process can prevent constipation. They are an excellent way to get more fiber that improves bowel movement.

11. Popcorns:

Popcorn is a fantastic high-fiber snack option. It can help provide relief from constipation. The 3 cups of air-popped popcorn contain 3.5 g fiber and less than 100 calories. The microwave popcorn has 30 percent less fiber and 80 percent more sodium than air-popped.

12. Flax seeds:

Flaxseed is a rich source of fiber and can help with constipation. One tablespoon of ground flax seeds is equal to 2 grams of fiber. It sounds that quantity is little but the flaxseeds are present in everyday eats for a fiber punch.

13. Artichoke:

Take the artichoke with tightly packed thick leaves and dark green color. It is very rich in
• Fiber
• Vitamin C
• Good source of folate.
Artichoke consists of 10.3 grams of fiber. It is an antioxidant and healthy whole food. It bulks your stool and can give you relief from your constipation.

14. Avocados:

They are a rich source of nutrients and can help with constipation. They are high in magnesium that helps to draw moisture into the digestive tract. When using this supplement, your ■■■■■ become softer and easier to pass… Avocado’s high soluble fiber help in bowel regularity, and its insoluble fiber content cleans out the colon. It can prevent colon cancer.

15. Lemons:

Lemons can help in our digestion process, in addition, to give flavor to our food and water. They are also credited with soothing inflammation and stimulating digestion. It can boost your immune system.

16. Ginger:

Ginger is one of the healthy spices on the earth and the natural remedy for constipation. It consists of the natural laxative properties that help to promote the movement of the bowel.

17. Yogurt:

Yogurt is good for your digestion system contains microorganisms known as probiotics. Probiotics are often known as “good” bacteria, and they may help to improve gut health. It softens the stools.

18. Rhubarb:

Rhubarb helps in diarrhea treatment, constipation, and stomach pain. It is also rich in fiber. It consists of a compound called sennoside A, which acts as a natural laxative

19. Oat bran:

It is also fiber-rich. One-third cup of oat bran consists of 7 grams of fiber. It maintains your body weight and decreased their laxative use by 59 percent. It is a safe home remedy for constipation.

20. Lentils:

Lentils are rich in nutrients, protein, fiber, magnesium, and vitamins C and B (including folate).

Food/VegetableGram of fiber
Apple with skin(medium)3.5
Pear with skin4.6
Peach with layer2.1
Carrots (1 cup)4.6

Frequently Asked Questions:

There are some frequently asked questions by the people about the topic of constipation are as follows:

Q1: What should I do for constipation?

Maintain a healthy weight by following a diet rich in fiber.
It’s recommended that you drink 1.5 to 2 quarts of water and other liquids every day (unless your doctor tells you otherwise).
Refrain from consuming any caffeine.
Reduce the consumption of milk.
Take frequent exercise to keep your body in shape.
Take care of your personal hygiene needs as soon as they arise.

Q2: Why do people get constipated?

Constipation can occur when waste or stool travels too slowly through the digestive tract or cannot be removed properly from the rectum, causing the stool to become hard and dry.

Q3: what does it feel like constipation?

Struggling to empty the bowels. Feeling the urge to go after a bowel movement (as if your bowels aren’t empty) Feeling as if the intestines or rectum are blocked. abdominal discomfort or bloating.

Q4: What is the fastest medicine for constipation?

Dulcolax® Liquid Laxative provides gentle and quick relief from constipation in as little as 30 minutes*. Works in between 30 minutes and 6 hours.
Magnesium hydroxide is the main active component, which helps ■■■■■ move by drawing water into the colon.
Utilizes the water that already resides in your body to get results.

Q5: What drinks give you relief?

Juice of the prunes. Prune juice is a common laxative… Apple juice is another popular option. Pear juice has a mild laxative effect, as does apple juice. A fantastic alternative to apple juice is pear juice, which has four times the sorbitol content.

Q6: What are the home remedies for constipation?

To stay hydrated, try drinking extra water.
Consume more fiber, particularly soluble, non-fermentable fiber.
Increase your level of physical activity.
Drink coffee, particularly caffeinated coffee.
An example of a herbal laxative is Senna.
Consume probiotic foods or supplements to help your digestive health.
Laxatives, whether over-the-counter or prescribed.

Q7: Should you eat when you are constipated?

Increase your intake of high-fiber foods including whole-grain loaves of bread and cereals, beans, fresh raw vegetables, fresh raw fruits (or cooked fruits with the skin on), dried fruits, dates, apricots, prunes, popcorn, seeds, and nuts. Because fiber isn’t digested by the body, it passes through and is expelled.

Q8: Is Coca-Cola good for bowel obstruction?

Scientists at the Athens University Medical School found that of the 46 patients who were given Coca-Cola to alleviate the blockage, just half of them needed extra non-invasive therapy and four needed complete surgery as a result.

Q9: What is the main cause of constipation?

Constipation can be caused by a variety of different things, including:

Eating a diet low in complex carbohydrates and fiber. Not getting enough fluids in the diet (dehydration). Lack of physical activity. Traveling, eating, or going to bed at a different hour, or changing your normal schedule.

Q10: Which fruit has the most fiber?

The fiber content of fruits and vegetables varies widely depending on the variety. (Consume the apple skins — they contain the greatest fiber!) With 8 grams of fiber per cup, raspberries are the clear winner in the race for fiber. Besides being delicious, exotic fruits are also high in fiber. grams per mango, 6 grams per persimmon, and 9 grams every one-cup serving of guava.


Different fruits, vegetables, pulses, and seeds help to resolve constipation issues. The food containing high fiber help to soften the stool and improve bowel movements. If the condition goes worse then talk to your doctor. Regular exercise is also one essential factor in improving the symptoms of constipation. The amount of fiber in fruits and vegetables varies greatly depending on the variety. (Eat the apple peels; they’re loaded with fiber.) Raspberries, with 8 grams of dietary fiber per cup, are the undisputed fiber champions.

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Home Remedies for Constipation

Constipation is an issue that affects a large number of people. Constipation affects around 20% of adults in the United States, resulting in 8 million annual doctor visits. This article on Home Remedies to avoid Constipation tell you all the remedies that you can use to avoid constipation without going to doctor.

Constipation can occur as a result of the foods people consume or avoid, their lifestyle choices, medications they take, or medical disorders they have. The cause of severe constipation is unknown to many people. It is called Chronic idiopath constipation.

Constipation has a damaging effect on one’s quality of life as well as one’s physical and mental health. There are many natural methods to get relieved from constipation. These can be done in the privacy of one’s own home, and the most of them are backed by science.

Following are some of the Home Remedies to avoid Constipation:

1. Drink more water

Constipation might result from being dehydrated on a regular basis.Make sure you drink enough of water and stay hydrated to avoid this. If you’re constipated, you might discover that drinking carbonated (sparkling) water helps. This can help them in rehydrating and resuming normal activities.

Sparkling water reduces constipation better than tap water, according to multiple studies.This includes those suffering from indigestion (dyspepsia) and persistent idiopathic constipation.

Carbonated drinks, such as sweet soda, are not recommended since they might have negative health consequences and exacerbate constipation.
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) sufferers may find that carbonated drinks aggravate their symptoms, thus they should avoid sparkling water and other carbonated drinks.

2. Eat more fiber

Doctors frequently advise people to increase their dietary fibre intake to cure constipation. This is because increasing fibre consumption makes bowel movements more bulky and consistent, making them easier to pass.It also helps them travel through the digestive tract more quickly.

In fact, a 2016 study indicated that supplementing with fibre helped 77 percent of persons with chronic constipation.

Increasing fibre consumption, on the other hand, has been shown in certain studies to exacerbate the condition. Others claim that dietary fibre helps with stool frequency but not with other constipation signs such stool consistency, discomfort, bloating, or gas. This is due to the fact that different forms of dietary fibre have distinct digestive effects. Dietary fibres come in a variety of forms, but they can be divided into two types: insoluble fibres and soluble fibres.

Insoluble fibres, which can be found in wheat bran, vegetables, and whole grains, give weight to ■■■■■■ and may aid in their passage through the digestive system.

Soluble fibres absorb water and produce a gel-like substance, softening and improving the consistency of ■■■■■■. They can be found in oat bran, barley, nuts, seeds, beans, lentils, and peas, as well as various fruits and vegetables.
Constipation is best treated with non-fermentable soluble fibres such as psyllium.

The effects of insoluble fibre as a constipation therapy have shown inconsistent results in studies. People should ingest a mixture of soluble and insoluble fibre to avoid constipation. Females should consume 25 grammes of fibre per day, while guys should consume 38 grammes.

3. Exercise more

A lot of studies have indicated that exercise can help relieve constipation symptoms. As a result, some healthcare professionals advise increasing exercise to help the stool move.

However, not all research agree that exercise is effective in treating constipation. Therefore a proper investigation is always necessary before choosing some remedy for constipation. Other research has found that while exercise did not always reduce the number of times people went to the bathroom, it did lower some symptoms and enhance people’s quality of life scores.

Moderate exercise (brisk walking) can help persons with IBS improve their digestive symptoms and quality of life. However, excessive exercise (such as running) may aggravate symptoms in some people. To check if it helps, try light exercise like going for regular walks, swimming, cycling, or jogging.

4. Drink coffee, especially caffeinated coffee

Constipation can be relieved by drinking coffee.

Some people may feel more eager to use the restroom after drinking coffee. This is due to the fact that coffee stimulates the digestive system’s muscles. Caffeinated coffee, in fact, can stimulate the gut in the same manner as a meal can, according to a 1998 study. This effect was 60% stronger than that of drinking water and 23% stronger than that of regular coffee with less ceffeine. Small levels of soluble fibre in coffee may assist to avoid constipation by improving the balance of gut bacteria.

Caffeine’s bowel-stimulating properties, however, may be increased in those with IBS. It may also aggravate stomach problems. Caffeine can be removed from the diet to test if it helps people with IBS.

5. Take Senna, an herbal laxative

Senna is a common herbal laxative that is both safe and helpful in the treatment of constipation. It comes in both ■■■■ and rectal versions and is available over the counter and online.

Senna includes plant components known as glycosides, which stimulate gut nerves and aid in bowel movement speed.

For short periods of time, doctors consider Senna to be safe for adults, but people should see a doctor if their symptoms do not go away after a few days.
Senna is generally not recommended for pregnant women, lactating mothers, or persons with certain health issues like inflammatory bowel disease.

6. Eat probiotic foods

Probiotics could aid in the prevention of persistent constipation. Probiotics are helpful microorganisms that exist in the gut naturally. Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus are among them.

People can increase their probiotic levels by eating probiotic meals.
A bacterial imbalance in the intestines can cause chronic constipation in certain people. Increased probiotic food consumption may aid in the restoration of this balance and the prevention of constipation. According to a 2019 study, consuming probiotics for two weeks can aid with constipation by boosting stool frequency and consistency.

By generating short-chain fatty acids, they may also help in the treatment of constipation. These could help with bowel motions and make it simpler to pass ■■■■■■.

7. Over-the-counter or prescription laxatives

A person can seek advice from a doctor or pharmacist when selecting a laxative. Different varieties have different mechanisms of action, but they all work to relieve constipation.

One of the following types may be suggested by a doctor:

  • Bulking agents: These are fiber-based laxatives that help to make stools more watery.
  • Stool softeners: These contain oils that soften ■■■■■■ and make them easier to move through the digestive tract.

However, most of these laxatives should not be used on a regular basis without first consulting a doctor.

8. Try a low FODMAP diet

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can cause constipation. The low FODMAP diet is an elimination diet that can help treat IBS and reduce constipation caused by the condition.

High FODMAP meals are restricted for a period of time before being reintroduced to see which ones the body can handle. The low FODMAP diet alone is typically insufficient for those with constipation-predominant IBS.

To receive relief from their symptoms, such people will likely need to pay attention to other areas of their diet, such as eating enough water and fibre.

9. Eat shirataki noodles or take a glucomannan

The soluble fibre glucomannan comes from the roots of the konjac plant. According to certain studies, it can help with constipation.

Glucomannan may serve as a prebiotic to enhance the balance of healthy bacteria in the gut, in addition to improving bowel motions. In one trial of youngsters, 45 percent of those who took glucomannan reported alleviation from severe constipation, compared to only 13 percent of those who took a placebo.

Another controlled investigation, on the other hand, revealed no significant impacts. Supplements and shirataki, or konjac, noodles are both good sources of glucomannan.

10. Eat prebiotic foods

Prebiotics are a type of carbohydrate fibre that is indigestible. Oligosaccharide and inulin are examples of prebiotics.

Prebiotics have their benefits via increasing digestive health, while dietary fibre reduce constipation by improving the consistency and weight of stool.
Prebiotic fibres promote digestive health by feeding the gut’s beneficial bacteria, which boosts probiotics and improves gut bacterial balance.
Indeed, some prebiotics may aid in the frequency of bowel movements as well as the softening of stools.

Prebiotics include:

11. Try magnesium citrate

Constipation is commonly treated with magnesium citrate, which is a common home treatment. It’s an osmotic laxative that can be purchased over-the-counter or online.

Magnesium supplements in modest doses can help ease constipation. To prepare and clean out the colon before surgery or other medical operations, doctors utilise greater dosages.

12. Eat prunes

Prunes and prune juice are frequently promoted as nature’s medicine for constipation, and with good cause. Prunes may be the most readily available natural remedy.

Prunes contain sorbitol in addition to fibre. This is a sugar alcohol with laxative properties. Prunes have been demonstrated in some trials to be more effective than fibres like psyllium.

The recommended daily intake is roughly 50 g, or seven medium prunes.
Prunes, on the other hand, may be best avoided by those with IBS because sugar alcohols are high in FODMAPs.

13. Try avoiding dairy

Due to its effect on the gut’s motions, dairy can cause constipation in persons who have an intolerance to it. This includes children who are allergic to dairy and adults who are lactose allergic.

If someone feels they have a dairy intolerance, they should seek medical advice. To evaluate if the symptoms improve, the doctor may propose temporarily eliminating dairy from the diet while adding other calcium-rich foods.


Constipation can be caused by dehydration, so drink plenty of water. Constipation may be relieved even more effectively with sparkling water. Increase your intake of high-fiber foods. Adding soluble non-fermentable fibre to the diet, such as psyllium, can also helpful. In some people, exercise can help with constipation problems. Constipation can be relieved with coffee because it stimulates the muscles in the gut. Small levels of soluble fibre may also be present. The laxative herb Senna is a common constipation treatment. It stimulates the nerves in the colon, causing bowel movements to speed up. Probiotics may be useful in the treatment of chronic constipation. Take a probiotic supplement or eat probiotic foods.

Constipation can be relieved using laxatives. Consult a doctor or pharmacist for the best options. Constipation caused by IBS can be relieved by following a low FODMAP diet. However, this may not be enough to bring relief. Some people may benefit from glucomannan as a treatment for constipation. Supplements and shirataki noodles are both good sources. Prebiotic fiber-rich foods can help to promote digestive health and the balance of beneficial gut flora. Prebiotics may aid with constipation relief. Constipation can be relieved by using magnesium citrate, an over-the-counter vitamin. Prunes contain sorbitol, a sugar alcohol that has a laxative effect. Prunes are a great way to relieve constipation. Constipation can be caused by dairy or lactose intolerance in some persons. Taking dairy out of the diet can help these folks feel better.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

1- Why do people get constipated?

Constipation is caused by waste or stool moving too slowly through the digestive tract or being unable to be adequately removed from the rectum, causing the stool to become hard and dry.

2- What does it feel like constipation?

I’m squeezing my intestines to pass stool. Feeling as though you still need to go after having a bowel movement (as if your intestines haven’t been entirely emptied) Feeling as if your intestines or rectum are blocked. In the abdomen, there is pain or bloating.

3- What drinks make you ■■■■?

  • Prune Juice
  • Apple Juice
  • Pear Juice

4- What should I eat to avoid constipation?

When you’re constipated, it’s recommended to stay away from foods that are high in fat and low in fibre. Cheese, ice cream, potato chips, frozen dinners, red meat, and hamburgers and hot dogs are all examples. Many processed foods are low in fibre, which causes food to stall in the intestine.

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