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Why Does my Jaw Hurt?


Why Does My Jaw Hurt? Things like a cavity, a damaged tooth, an infection, and gum disease can all cause jaw pain. If your jaw is suffering, don’t wait to see your doctor if you feel you have a dental condition. This means that if you are experiencing any kind of pain, you should know something is wrong. Your jaw can be a source of concern. The pain in your jaw can be caused by a variety of things, but one of the most common is a dental problem that has to be addressed by a dentist.

Why Does My Jaw Hurt?

Bones and muscles aren’t something you think about when you’re eating a sandwich or conversing with a buddy. However, when you suffer from jaw discomfort, you realize just how important your jaw is to your overall health.

Some of the most important actions in life are made possible because of the close relationship between your teeth and the jaw. The best place to start if you’re experiencing jaw pain is with your dentist.

She can assist you in identifying and treating any vocal health conditions that are causing you discomfort, and she can also send you to a physician if that is necessary.

With the help of Divine Smiles, our patients can enjoy a pain-free life. Set an interview with our Woburn TMJ dentist to find out why your jaws hurt and finally get the relief you’ve been looking for.

Causes of Jaw Pain

A sore jaw is a common ailment that affects nearly everyone at some point in their lives. When it comes to jaw discomfort, it can be caused by anything from something as straightforward as a sore tooth to something as complicated as a tumour. Here are five reasons for jaw pain.

1Tension in the jaw
2Mouth pains


Do you feel overwhelmed by the demands of your job and personal responsibilities? A stiff jaw is one of the many ways that life’s burdens are revealed. In the long run, excessive clenching and grinding of the teeth will lead to an unpleasant mouth.


Sinus discomfort and pressure can sometimes appear as jaw pain, especially if you suffer from them. Symptoms like dizziness, post-nasal drip, and pressure in the forehead can indicate a sinus problem. A sinus infection may be to blame for your jaw pain.


A painful jaw is often caused by migraines or cluster headaches. A migraine occurs when blood vessels and nerves work together to cause severe pain.

You may have migraine headaches if you notice a decrease in your jaw discomfort as the situation gets better. If your headaches continue to become worse, see your doctor.


When it comes to jaw pain, TMJ is a common culprit. The lower jaw to skull connection is made by the temporomandibular join. TMJ can cause intense pain every time you raise your voice for a variety of causes. Among the symptoms are:

  1. Tension in the jaw

  2. Mouth pains

  3. Opening the jaw is difficult.

  4. Open-jaw makes a clicking sound.

  5. Pain in the ear canals

  6. Orthodontic support is frequently a part of a successful TMJ treatment. Braces are an excellent treatment for jaw join disorders caused by misaligned teeth and bites. When it comes to treating TMJ conditions, Smiles for Life Orthodontics has a unique focus.


Stress, anxiety, inflammation, and injury are all possible causes of jaw tightening. Muscle stiffness can also be caused by overusing the jaw, such as by chewing too much. The temporomandibular join (TMJ) is a ball-and-socket join like that in the shoulder, which allows the jaw to move freely.


Depending on the underlying reason, the jaw and facial pain symptoms can vary widely.

These are only a few examples, however:

  1. An ache in the face that gets worse as the jaw is used

  2. Discomfort in joints and muscles

  3. With a small swivel range

  4. Problems with the alignment of the jaws

  5. Opening and closing the jaw makes a popping or clicking sound.

  6. Symptoms of hearing loss

  7. Earaches

  8. Or without ear pain and a sensation of pressure behind the eyes, headaches

  9. Dizziness

  10. Clenching of the teeth

  11. Mild discomfort to excruciating stabbing or burning

  12. Vertigo

  13. Toothache

  14. Headaches caused by stress or other factors

  15. Searing or stinging discomfort in the nerves

  16. Fever

  17. Swelling of the face

  18. A dentist, orthodontist, or vocal surgeon should be consulted by anyone who is experiencing jaw pain.

Connection Between Teeth and Jaws

The alveolar bone, which houses your tooth sockets, serves as a foundation for your teeth. The mandible is the only bone in your skull that moves, and your maxilla is the top jawbone. It is the largest and most powerful bone in your face.

What Can I Do to Prevent Jaw Pain?

One of the easiest methods to avoid jaw pain is to reduce your stress levels. It is possible to alleviate stress by engaging in physical activity, meditating, and talking to a mental health professional. Additionally, there are several other ways to keep yourself safe.

  1. Chewing gum and other hard items should be avoided.

  2. You should abstain from using tobacco or drinking alcohol at all costs.

  3. You should use a mouthguard while participating in sports. The finest protection is provided by dental mouthguards that are specifically made for you.

  4. Preventing jaw pain is easy if you keep up with regular dental examinations. TMJ or grinding symptoms, as well as medical conditions that necessitate a referral to a physician, can all be detected by your dentist.

  5. vocal health at Greenhill Family Dental Care is more than just preventing cavities and maintaining a healthy smile. We look at the whole picture, including the teeth, gums, and jaw, which all work together to form the foundation.

  6. We can catch problems early and avoid uncomfortable diseases by maintaining regular checkups. Call the dentist if you are experiencing jaw pain. It’s the first step toward finding the answers and solutions you’re looking for.

In what ways might jaw pain be relieved?

An ice pack and over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen can help relieve jaw pain temporarily. When discomfort persists, you should see your dentist as soon as possible to get the problem checked out.

A custom-suited mouthguard/night guard is one of the most effective treatments for a variety of jaw discomfort. Teeth grinding and TMJ disorders can both be helped by wearing a mouthguard. Various other approaches are also possible,

such as:

  1. The use of ultrasonography and massage in physical therapy.

  2. Regular workouts to loosen the muscles in your jaw.

  3. Stress and TMJ symptoms can be alleviated by antidepressants or anti-anxiety drugs.

  4. A diagnosis of sinus infection necessitates the administration of antibiotics.

  5. Trigeminal neuralgia can be treated with prescription medicines or surgery.

  6. Go to the dentist for minor pain or dental difficulties following an injury to the jaw. Dislocations are typically treated by a dentist. In the event of more severe symptoms, your dentist will refer you to a medical professional for further evaluation.


The disorder known as trismus is characterised by difficulty opening and shutting the mouth, as well as a feeling of a frozen jaw (lockjaw). If you’re getting dental injections for your lower teeth, you run the risk of causing a muscular injury, which is why this happens.

Tips for Relief

Medical attention is not necessary if the discomfort in your jaw is minimal or short-lived. Pain is usually alleviated when the underlying condition is resolved.

In the interim, you can make use of the following methods to deal with it:

  1. Make use of the heat source. Relaxing your muscles and relieving pains and stiffness can be aided by the use of heat.

  2. To relieve inflammation, apply an ice pack or cold rubs to the area. If you’re having pain and swelling, they may be a good option.

  3. Try non-prescription painkillers. Temporary pain relief can be provided by acetaminophen (Tylenol), ibuprofen (Advil), and other over-the-counter pain drugs. Be sure to take the medication exactly as directed by the manufacturer.

  4. Consult your doctor if the prescribed dose doesn’t work or if you need to use pain killers for more than a few days. When possible, allow your jaw to relax. You can avoid overworking your jaw muscles by eating foods that don’t require a lot of chewing.

  5. Have a go at massage therapy. Massage therapy can be used by a healthcare physician, physical therapist, or massage therapist to alleviate jaw pain and stress.You don’t need a teacher to learn how to do some things. TMJ issues may benefit the most from them.

  6. Try to calm down. Relaxation techniques can help you avoid grinding or clenching your teeth as a stress response if this is the cause of your jaw pain. Muscle relaxation can also aid in the reduction of pain. Change the position in which you sleep.

  7. A habit of sleeping on the same side or with your hand under your jaw may put a strain on your muscles. Your pain may be alleviated by sleeping on a different side. Even if you suffer from a different type of pain, switching sides as you sleep may help you sleep better at night.

When should I see a doctor?

Even though jaw discomfort isn’t necessarily life-threatening, it can be a sign of something more serious that necessitates medical attention. Pain lasting more than a few days may warrant a trip to the doctor or dentist, especially if it clears up and then returns.

If you’re experiencing any of the following symptoms, it may be time to see a doctor:

  1. You find it difficult to eat, drink, swallow, or breathe.

  2. To speak normally, you have to deal with pain.

  3. Inflammation or a fever that won’t go away is a sign of an infection.

  4. When a salty liquid is squirted into your mouth, the pain subsides almost immediately.

  5. Severe symptoms such as high fever, severe discomfort, or swelling that impairs your capacity to breathe or swallow necessitate immediate medical attention.

  6. So rather than waiting for an examination with your doctor if you have these symptoms and discomfort in your jaw, you should go to the emergency room. Our Healthline FindCare service can help you find a dentist if you don’t already have one.

Dodds Dental recommends that you wear a nightguard to protect your teeth from wear and tear

Teeth grinding can be lessened by following the procedures outlined above. A night guard from Drs. Emily and Dustin Dodds may be necessary if your pain and suffering aren’t alleviated after trying our suggestions.

Plastic night guards are often designed to cover only the top teeth. Plastic is used in both the outside and inner layers of the night guard; the inner layer is softer and more pleasant than the outer layer.

Your night guard will fit snugly over your teeth, preventing any direct contact between your teeth while you sleep. As a result of this, the wear and tear on your teeth will be minimised.

If you wake up with pain in your jaw, you may be grinding your teeth

The most prevalent cause of jaw pain is teeth grinding (bruxism). If your mouth only hurts when you wake up in the morning, and the pain subsides as the day progresses, overnight teeth crushing is the most obvious suspect.

The muscles in your jaw can become overworked if you grind your teeth a lot. A “parafunctional” activity, in which your teeth are put to work for something they weren’t designed to do, is to blame.

Only after we bite or chew do our teeth come into contact with each other. Our teeth are normally not clamped together when our lips are relaxed. So, if you grind your teeth twice, this can place a lot of stress on your jaw joints and facial muscles, causing pain in the jaw.


Tetanus is characterised by a headache, muscle stiffness in the jaw (locked jaw), neck stiffness, difficulties swallowing and spasms, as well as a fever and a rash.

Frequently Asked Questions - FAQs

Following are the most Frequently Asked Questions.

What’s causing the pain in one side of my jaw?

Suffering on one side of your jaw is almost often caused by a dental issue, such as a cavity, an abscess, teeth, periodontitis, missing or misplaced teeth, or gripping and grinding.

Whenever should I be bothered about the ache in my jaw?

Severe or worsening jaw discomfort should be taken care of as soon as possible by a doctor or dentist. When a person uses their jaw, they experience increasing amounts of facial or jaw pain (pain could range from a dull ache to a sharp, stabbing sensation).

Is the ache in my jaw due to stress?

Stress can cause jaw pain and soreness in many people. Stress is the body’s response to and handling of detrimental conditions, but long-term stress can present itself in several physical ways. Additional strain is placed on the jaw muscles by clenching teeth, which puts additional pressure on the jaw join.

What is the best way to relax a stiff jaw?

Warm-up by repeatedly opening and closing your mouth. Slowly lower your jaw till you experience pain while holding your bottom teeth with one hand. Then, after 30 seconds of holding, let your mouth close again.

Why do my teeth hurt so much?

Flare-ups might persist from a few days to a few weeks on average. One or more of the following could be signs of a TMJ flare-up: Constant or intermittent pain in and around the jaw join.

Is there relief from jaw pain?

Fortunately, most persons who suffer from a TMJ condition will experience a reduction in jaw pain over time. In part, this may be due to lifestyle modifications and a reduction in stress levels.

Why am I clenching my jaw without realising it?

Stress and anxiety are two of the most prominent causes of muscle tension and jaw clenching. A person may clench their jaw or grind their teeth (bruxism) without even realising it when they’re stressed out.

Is Lockjaw a crisis?

The only exception to this rule is when tetanus is the culprit. An infection that has been present in the body for some time might lead to lockjaw, which may suggest a medical emergency. If you’re unable to open your mouth, it could be a sign of an urgent dental problem.

Is it possible to break your jaw?

A jaw sprain occurs when the jaw’s ligaments are stretched beyond their normal range. Ligament fibres are torn as a result of the stretching. The number of ruptured ligament fibres determines the severity of a ligament sprain.

How do you tell if the discomfort in your jaw is caused by a tooth?

Any tooth that suddenly becomes abnormally sensitive to heat, cold, or sweetness is most likely suffering from decay. Finally, rest your face for a while and/or massage the temporomandibular join to help alleviate pain. TMJ pain may reduce or disappear if this happens.


Suffering on one side of your jaw is almost often caused by a dental issue, such as a cavity, an abscess, teeth, gingivitis, missing or misplaced teeth, or clench and grinding. Bad breath, sensitivity to teeth, sore mouths, tooth discomfort, weeping and painful gums or pain when swallowing and chewing are all signs that you may have a dental condition.

It’s possible that a misplaced disc is to blame for the popping feeling in the jaw. As a result of excessive clenching, pounding, or chewing gum, the face muscles might become irritated and inflamed.

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