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Where is your stomach located?


Where is your stomach located?

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Stomach is located in abdominal cavity.<h4

class=answerHeader>Explanation: Stomach is located on the

left side of the upper part of abdominal cavity. Oesophagus can

enter stomach only after piercing through diaphragm which separates

thoracic cavity from abdominal cavity. Outlet of stomach is through

duodenum, a part of small intestine.Lower part of ribcage partially

protects the



The stomach is a sac like muscular ■■■■■ situated on the left half of the upper midsection. The stomach gets food from the throat. As food arrives at the finish of the throat, it enters the stomach through a strong valve called the lower esophageal sphincter. The stomach secretes corrosive and chemicals that digest food.
In basic terms, the stomach is a sort of stomach related sac. It is a continuation of the throat and gets our beaten food from it. Thusly, the stomach fills in as a sort of association between the throat and the small intestine, and is an unequivocal refueling break along our nutritious channel.

Four sub-divisions of stomach
The human stomach is subdivided into four regions

An extended territory bending up over the cardiovascular opening (the opening from the stomach into the throat)
Moderate locale, the focal and biggest part.
The lowermost, to some degree channel formed portion of the stomach.
A narrowing where the stomach joins the small intestine. Every openings, the cardiovascular and the pyloric, has a sphincter muscle that keeps the neighboring locale shut, aside from when food is going through. Thusly, food is encased by the stomach until prepared for processing.


  1. Food storage
  2. Acidic breakdown of swallowed food
  3. Sends mixture on to the next phase in the small intestine

In spite of the fact that we have quickly examined the area and actual qualities of the stomach, it is essential to detail the structure of the stomach, also. The stomach starts at the lower esophageal sphincter that observes the cut-off purpose of the throat. The stomach itself is extremely solid. When the musculars externa layers are dismembered, one can imagine three unmistakable layers instituted the longitudinal, round, and angled layers. The main district of the stomach is known as the cardia. It is the layer nearest to the throat and it contains heart organs that discharge bodily fluid. Bodily fluid ensures the fragile epithelial covering of numerous tissues in the human body. This district is trailed by the fundus, which is the unrivaled curve of the stomach. Critically, the fundus has the unique capacity of containing gastric organs that discharge a mixed drink of gastric juices. This locale is trailed by the body of the stomach, which is covered with rugae and is the biggest area. Rugae, thus, help encourage processing by expanding the site’s surface region. At last, this part is trailed by the pylorus district, which is nearest to the exit into the duodenum of the small digestive tract and is squeezed off by the pyloric sphincter.

The stomach partakes in for all intents and purposes all the stomach related exercises except for ingestion and ■■■■. Albeit practically all ingestion happens in the small intestine tract, the stomach assimilates some nonpolar substances, for example, ■■■■■■ and headache medicine.

The stomach takes an interest in all stomach related exercises aside from ingestion and ■■■■. It enthusiastically stirs food. It secretes gastric juices that separate food and ingests certain medications, including ibuprofen and some ■■■■■■. The stomach starts the assimilation of protein and proceeds with the processing of starches and fats. It stores food as an acidic fluid called chyme, and deliveries it step by step into the small digestive tract through the pyloric sphincter.

The stomach is a muscular ■■■■■ located on the left side of the upper abdomen. The stomach receives food from the esophagus. As food reaches the end of the esophagus, it enters the stomach through a muscular valve called the lower esophageal sphincter.
The stomach secretes acid and enzymes that digest food. Ridges of muscle tissue called reggae line the stomach. The stomach muscles contract periodically, churning food to enhance digestion. The pyloric sphincter is a muscular valve that opens to allow food to pass from the stomach to the small intestine.

The core function of the human stomach is and aid digestion. The four key components of gastric digestive function are its function as a reservoir, acid secretion, enzyme secretion, and its role in gastrointestinal motility. The reservoir capacity of the stomach allows it to increase its volume significantly while internal pressure increases only slightly. Secretion is a very important non-immunological defense against invading pathogens as well as being an important mechanism for vertebrates to have a more complex diet. Stimulation of acid secretion involves the translocation of H+/K±ATPases to the apical membrane of the parietal cell. The stomach is also an important endocrine ■■■■■ producing an array of peptide hormones important for both enteric and non-enteric physiology including ghrelin and leptin. In addition to the reservoir function, the stomach also plays an important motility role as a pump, which anatomically is provided by the distal two-thirds of the corpus, the antrum, and the pylorus.


Gastroesophageal reflux: Stomach contents, including acid, can travel backward up the esophagus. There may be no symptoms or reflux may cause heartburn or coughing.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GRED): When symptoms of reflux become bothersome or occur frequently, they’re called GERD. Infrequently, GRED can cause serious problems in the esophagus.
Dyspepsia: Another name for stomach upset or indigestion. Dyspepsia may be caused by almost any benign or serious condition that affects the stomach.
Gastric ulcer (stomach ulcer): An erosion in the lining of the stomach, often causing pain and/or bleeding. Gastric ulcers are most often caused by NSAIDs or Pylori infection.
Peptic ulcer disease: Doctors consider ulcers in either the stomach or the duodenum (the first part of the small intestine) peptic ulcer disease.
Gastritis: inflammation of the stomach, often causing nausea and/or pain. Gastritis can be caused by alcohol, certain medications, Pylori infection, or other factors.
Stomach Cancer: Gastric cancer is an uncommon form of cancer in the U.S. Adenocarcinoma and lymphoma make up most of the cases of stomach cancer.
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome (ZES): One or more tumors that secrete hormones that lead to increased acid production. Severe GERD and peptic ulcer disease result from this rare disorder.
Gastric Varices: In people with severe liver disease, veins in the stomach may swell and bulge under increased pressure. Called varices, this veins are at high risk for bleeding, although less so than esophageal varices are.
Stomach Bleeding: Gastritis, ulcers, or gastric cancers may bleed. Seeing blood or black material in vomit or stool is usually a medical emergency.
Gastroparesis(delayed gastric emptying): Never damage from diabetes or other conditions may impair the stomach’s muscle contractions. Nausea and vomiting are the usual SYMPTOMS.


Cardia: The first part is closest to the esophagus.
Fundus: The upper part of the stomach next to the cardia.
Body (corpus): The main part of the stomach, between the upper and lower parts.
Antrum: The lower portion (near the intestine), where the food mixes with gastric juice.
Pylorus: The last part of the stomach, which acts as a valve to control the emptying of the stomach contains into the small intestine.

The first 3 parts of the stomach (cardia, fundus, and body) are sometimes called the proximal stomach. Some cells in these parts of the stomach make acid and pepsin (a digestive enzyme), the parts of the gastric juice that help digest food. They also make a protein called intrinsic factor, which the body needs to absorb vitamin B12.

The lower 2 parts (antrum and pylorus) are called the Distal Stomach. The stomach has 2 curves, which form its inner and outer borders. They are called Lesser Curvature and Greater Curvature, respectively.
Other organs next to the Stomach include the colon, liver, spleen, small intestine, and pancreas.

Development of stomach cancer:

Stomach cancer tends to develop slowly over many years. Before true cancer develops, pre-cancerous changes often occur in the inner (mucosa) of the stomach. These early changes rarely cause symptoms and therefore often go undetected.

Cancer starting in different sections of the stomach may cause different symptoms and tend to have different outcomes. Cancer’s location can also affect treatment options. For Example, cancers that start at the GE junction are staged and treated the same as cancers of the esophagus. Cancer that starts in the cardia of the stomach but then grows into the GE junction is also staged and treated like a cancer of the esophagus.

Types of stomach cancers:

• Adenocarcinoma:

Most (about 90% to 95%) cancers of the stomach are adenocarcinomas. Stomach cancer or gastric cancer almost always is an adenocarcinoma. These cancers develop from the cells that form the innermost lining of the stomach (the mucosa).


These are the cancer of the immune system tissue that is sometimes found in the wall of the stomach. The treatment and outlook depend on the type of lymphoma.

Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST):

These rare tumors start in very early forms of cells in the wall of the stomach called Interstitial Cells of Cajal. Some of these tumors are non-cancerous (benign); others are cancerous. Although GISTs can be found anywhere in the digestive tract, most are found in the stomach.

Carcinoid Tumor:

These tumors start in hormone-making cells of the stomach. Most of these tumors do not spread to other organs.

Other cancer:

Other types of cancer, such as squamous cell carcinoma, small cell carcinoma, and leiomyosarcoma, can also start in the stomach, but these cancers are very rare.

The stomach is a hollow and muscular ■■■■■ that is situated between oesophagus and the small intestine with the primary role of secreting enzymes and gastric acid beneficial for the second phase of digestion. It is present anterior to the abdominal cavity. The top of the stomach lies against diaphragm. The stomach is lined by Rugae i.e. a muscle tissue. Stomach enhances the digestion of the food by the periodic contraction of its muscles.

Two sphincters keep the contents of the stomach composed. These are:

1-Lower Oseophagal Sphincter: It is present at the junction of oesophagus and stomach
2-Pyloric Sphincter: It is present at the junction of stomach with duodenum

The word “Stomach” is derived from a Latin word “Stomachus” that has a Greek origin meaning “mouth”. The stomach can additionally hold upto a litre of food as it is a stretchable ■■■■■. The maximum capacity of stomach to hold food is between 2 and 4 litres.

Sections of Stomach:

There are four major sections that a stomach is divided into. These are:

1-Cardia: The regions that gets food contents from oesophagus
2-Fundus: It is the upper curved part of the stomach
3-Body: It is the main and central region of stomach
4-Pylorus: The lower region that empties its food contents into the duodenum

Functions of Stomach:

It plays important roles in:


The stomach secretes some enzymes and gastric acid to process the bolus by a process known as Peristalsis (periodic muscular contractions). The processed food is then called as Chyme.


The lining of stomach plays key role in the absorption of molecules such as water and amino acids. Vitamin B12 is absorbed by the production of intrinsic factor that in turn is produced by parietal cells of stomach.

3-Nutrition Sensor:

The stomach has the capability of acting as a nutritional sensor linking nutritional value to food to their tastes.

Stomach Tests:

These are performed to detect the disorders of stomach. These include:

1-CT scan:

CT stands for Computed Tomography. This test produces images of stomach and abdomen using a CT scanner.

2-Stomach Biopsy:

This involves taking a tissue from the patient’s stomach and examining it for bacterial infection, cancer or any other disorder.


It is the high-resolution Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the stomach and abdomen.

Stomach Treatments:

Since the technology has advanced, various treatments for the disorders of stomach have been described and have proven to be effective. These include:


There are the medicines that don’t actually kill bacteria or stop the acid production but can effectively control it to minimize its hazardous effects.

2-Motility Agents:

These medicines tend to increase the contractions of stomach.

3-Stomach Surgery:

The extremes of stomach disorders such as ulcers and bleeding need to be cured by surgery.

Where is your stomach located?

Stomach is located on the left side of upper abdomen which is a muscular ■■■■■. Stomach is the main ■■■■■ of digestive system. Digestion is the process, of which organism break down the complex molecules of ingested solid food into smaller ones, capable of absorption into the tissues of organism.

What is chemical digestion?

Chemical digestion involves the break down of food mainly by the action of enzymes which break down the insoluble into soluble ones.
In the mouth food is mixed with saliva, which contains salivary enzyme called “salivary amylase” which break down starch and glycogen into “Maltose”.
Food then goes to “stomach” after passing through oesophagus, as a result of peristalsis wave like contractions and expansions, occuring alternatively. A muscular tissue epiglottis, closes the widepipe trachea while food is being swallowed.

What enzymes are in gastric juice?

Stomach wall secretes gastric juice which contains water, hydrochloric acid and enzymes including ‘pepsin’ and ‘renin’.
Bacteria destroy by HCl and has a PH value about 2, which is effective for the working of enzymes.

What is the purpose of pepsin and Renin enzymes?

Pepsin helps in break down of protein into peptides.
Renin curdles milk by converting milk protein “caseinogens” (soluble) into insoluble casein for the action of pepsin.
Eventually, food passes into small intestine in the form of semisolid mass called chyme. The chyme moves into duodenum which is first part of small intestine.

What is Bile?

Bile is a green liquid produced by liver and stored in gall bladder. During digestion, bile is added to the food in the intestine. Bile doesn’t contain enzymes.

What enzymes are pancreatic juice contains?

Pancreatic juice is produced by pancreas and is passed into the duodenum. It contains enzymes Trypsin, Amylase and Lipases.
Which breakdown protein into peptides, starch into amylase and fats into fatty acid and glycerol respectively.

What enzyme intestinal juice contain?

Intestinal juice is secreted by small intestine contains enzymes protease.

What is the process of absorption of food?

Absorption of digested food takes place in second part of small intestine called “Ileum”. End products are absorbed through the cells of small intestine.
Food substances that not be digested, such as fibre, is passed to the large intestine which is the final part of gut. Water and salts which are reabsorbed from the final waste that is passed out of the body.

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